r.2 i C; r IL-J FO1. TO DfrccPrii3C:::y Clarence Chappell. Jr., of Belviderc has climbed toward new fame In the purebred Durco world when 12 of his litters qualified in the national Duroc Ton Litter contest One litter was lt heaviest in the contest, weighing 8,715 pounds. His 12 Httera averaged 2,448 pounds. ; . . . The 8,715-pound utter iwnBoj Yavemaster's Pride .This boar rank ed 6th as a ton litter sire, having 4 litters that averaged. 2,27 pounds a 180 days of age, while Model Blend, Chappell's 7th place 'ton litter sire had 4 litters which averaged 2,100 pounds t 180 davs of acre. : IPsrmcra sell hoft br the DOUnd SO breeding hogs that produce pounds entered the national contest with his spring utters. ' -y ' The United Duroc (Record Associa tion at Peoria, 111., is offering $3,000 in prize money this year for win ners in the contest Anyone raising purebred Durocs was eligible to enter fho Anntest last sminfr. ChaDDell'B litters that qualified are now eligible Aihey's SEMI-GLOSS FINISHES MMWm : ADD BEAUTY AND LIFE TO YOUR ROOMS I Well soft wo glaring Wt washable! , Dries qukkiyi ' Easy to apply -Now available fa 50 oV tightfut colon Jmfcf on A7HEV5 yOU CAN! HURT AN A1KEY SUKFACEI rffUnrafacIMd bf - i " . Iirii for some of this prize money. The contest is . sponsored each year hv the United Duroc Kecord Associa tion to promote the kind of hog that . 7 J - .. 1. A.1 maKea tne oreeu. iumwia, mo uug v gains faster on less leed. toeverai hundred official ton litters qualify In the breed each year. Last year a lit ter in Kansas weighed more than z tons at 180 daysof age. Petracek and Kraft of Jennings, Kan., raised that litter. More important than a high weight though Secretary B. R Evans said, is a large number of litters that beat the ton mark at 180 days. MAKE THIS CHRISTMAS BRIGHT, MERRY DAT Tun Anlorful Dares crammed , with helpful decoration, tips for the home. Make your rooms brighter than ever for the Yuletide. (Look for this time ly feature in the December 14th is sue 'of ''.''-. y- THE AMERICAN WEEKLY ' Magazine in Colorgravure with The BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN frAa fmn Ynnr f Ail Newsdealer V .WH. Classified aid Lcgais IP YOU HAVE A HOME OB FARM of any type or size, timber! and or cutover acreae that vou want to sell, see us for a quick sale. We have buyers for all types of proper ty Cnme in orwrite. Hasketit Real ty Co., , WCNC Building, ElTzabeth Citv. N C. Phone 2794. Novl4,21,28,Dec5 SELL TO FARMERS A PROFIT, able business, paa$ or full tome. No investment, can be yours now. Take orders for - America's largest sell ing nationally -advertised LIQUID FRTCfTTTjIZIEIRi (Make S50 and UP per week. Write 'NaJChurs" Plant Food Co., 90 A Monroe St, Marion, Ohio. Nov28,Dec71,4 Hertford Iferiivrere & Supply Company YTRADE HERE AND BANK THE DIFFERENCE" PHONE i6i .- i - HERTFORD, N C. N0TIC3 CF A: ... ; . - . Having qualified as Adini. ' . of the estate of C.arhe I : r . ' gins, deceased, Jate or, re .J' i County, Norm trouna, wis is v fy & persons having cUms i;- . the estate of said deceased to ex! "jit them to the undersigned t P. O. Box 54. Wmfall, N. on or btiore tne t29th day of November, 1S3, or this notice will be pleaded m par oi wwv recovery, All persons , indebted to said estate will please mane imnieui ate payment : This 29th day of Novemner, ivot. ESTHER PERRY WIQGTNIS, Administratrix of ,harlie Major Wiggins. Dec6,12,19,26JJan2 . . .nents !. iTownsiap, . Counties, isi 1 tt 1. ' Beginndrj in le AlLon li at a htthtwood po-t on a running a west course down said tA an Aid flat f,r d ':jrh. f!. Pe. line; thence northward along the saiu old flat or ditcn, js. V, Perry s line o Ned Holly's line, the Allen Perry lane: thence east alonir said lane to the lAllen Ferry Gate; thence south olnnar aaid Isiia if th nfrtrMwid Hrht- 3 ( 7 ! fi r.i.v - ck f , ,)r C Cf t 1 ' 7 t 1 1 cjiju nans Cow. . -A 10 i er cent cat,;j.- c" euired wf the successfi . This 10th day cf Nov v WALTER G. L " . ' Commi Novl4,21,28jDec5 - SALE OF TIMBERLAND tt nj itt trfi4.nB of the aUthori- ty of the owner, Mary E. Sumner, tfcej undersigned attorney wm on we ilnv , of December. 1952, alt 11:80 viv a . M: at the Court House door In Hertford, North Cstrohna, of fer for sale to the highest ftiaaer oi cash that certain tract of timberland dn Shipyard Boad in Wew Mope iowd shlp, Perquimans County, bounded and described as louows: . . . Bounded ' on the morm &y o. Benton tod; on the east ly Ulric C. Caddy land; on the soutn oy Marvin Benton .land; and on the west by Suttons Creek. Containing w acres more or less. Being ipart of the FKtcher land owned by the laxe Ford Sumner. ; : ' ':: 1 -4 in Tier cent cash deposit will be required f tiie successful bidder, bal ance to De paid upon aeiivery oi ueu. The seller reserves the right to re fuse any or all bids. . This 12th ay oi JNovemner, ivo&. WALTER G. EDWARDS, Attorney. KTvirll 91 9R TWK . Intelligent conservation is best sav ed when some people we Know are en countered. of &a Avtanesn fo; fSRifVW YOUR OWN. FRUIT COM- plete line Fruit Trees, Berry Plants, Grace Vines. Nut rTrees ana urna mental Plant (Material offered by Vinrinia'H Larsrest Growers. Write for. Free Conv S6-IPaK Planting r.iiMo iCatalnir in color. ISalesneoiDle wanted. Waynesboro Nurseres, Wavneaboro. lYinrtrna. ltc FOR SALE UTVE OB DRESSED turkeys. At r farm ; or delivered. Mrs. Idarence 'S. Channell. KPD 2. Hertford, in Hurdletown section or nhone J. W. Ward. Hertford for information. Dec5,12,19pd FOR iSALE 'FARM TWO MILES from Hertford onEdenton High wv. 53 acres. Write J. C, Murphy, 1152 National Press build ing, Washington, JJ. KhS .. w T r v :k,. "zJ-., North Carolina ". Perquimans County Under and by virtue of an order of (the Superior Cpurt of Perquimans "Vimtv made in the sDecial proceed ings entitled Annie J. Hunter, et al, vs. Alvin Olunter, the , nnaersignea commissioner wih on the 10th day or December, 1952, at 11:00 o'clock A. iff.. o rf-tio Court House door in Hert ford, Norft Carolina; offer for sate to the highest bidder for casn tnat certain tract of land and improve- T5?5 - 8-CUBIC-FOCT , J "; 1 tFOOD FREEZER rtSr " With famed O-E sealcd-in refrigerating system. f " , ' More than 2,700,000 G:E refrigerating systems , ""Mmb . . . v have been in use 10 years or longed ' ' ' ' Convenient ' ll Terikis iModel NA-8 lllutlrated " .:,'' ' """ '' lAlionvflilablainU-cu-fttiza EVERY YEAR....FUEL SYSTEM ;i )1 IIMIK' l"-lsf III J S v ;; V- .'...-'V!.'-rJ.r .'i,,f -'...;''. '' A''- irS : ' L i I SAVi $120 A YAR C.Y fOGD BlUSI ' There's nothing to it, with General Electric Food Freezerl ( : T7 . ... Vinr Awwt In nnanHtv wlttM rw jw v - -, aaa '.i. . lA j ui . xm. sm at buy frozen foods by th case. Yon can freezo foods from your own gardeol And that iceani GenenCastrlBl Han arc i tust a few &lnsi tob pU ;! ! fulisiHsl UmI mmsmHm IMss M J A tMSS SEE CHARLIE miPllLETT AT V1-r it. A HERTFORD, U'C .(4 .t? Every year, 1 CAR IN 4j.sing ordinary , prbtectioii wno-extr cost. For top pet jasoline,costf'iUwracropto$18forfucI 'fofmance asi your Sinclair Dealer fcr system repairs caused try rust and corro- wnqaa Aua-Ka sion. Don't take a chance on rust knocking - ' , - ; l out your carbnretor or fuel pump. Save. , ONIV AT , . repairs, save money and Inconvenience by . SINCIAI DEAIEIS 4is2 Sinclair Anti-Rust Uasoline regu- 3X so different if s patented. Ozly Sinclair contains RD-119. THs , !ar mat inhibitor forms a rrcfcfve cc-Jn nsiip your car's facley:' i-c" 7s 11 ' fonnstica cf rust and crar: "ca Lia," , V ; .yi s SIsKLiir CsdoSoe t?" V p'ai SisllI, you rpt fuU r. .:r, .'.V . X . : - a to m . a mi en. 7 'V' t 1

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