"if EKLY WE 4 ;0 -me XX. Number 1.,. y Ycr Cccordad lailijnjfliiniy . .By F. A. McGoogan , J' Seventeen Initial and fifty-itwo Bas i . Conservation plans were prepared with Perquimans County farmers dur ing the year ending December 81, 1952. This makes a total of 630 conservation plans prepared einoe the Soil Conser vation office was opened here in (Feb ruary 1944. The idea of soil conserva .tion has .come to mean proper land " ' use, protecting the land from all forms --"""' ,t9f-.k9oil depletion,, conserving moisture , ' i or crbpvuse,, proper drainage, building up soil fertility, and increasing yields - and farm incomes all at the same k time. The Soil Conservation Service has -developed ft system called land capa bility classification. This simply means that different itypes of tend are clas sified to show the principal problems and then the results of research and ; farmers experience are 'assembled to show the best methods of treatment - for different crops. !As a first step in preparing a Basic 'Conservation plan a map is prepared for each farm to show -the different types of soils and the owner is given information on the best methods of treatment, Iiie son Scientist working with the Albemarle Soil Conservation (District prepared .land capability maps for 61 Perquim ans County farms during 1952. - During 1952, Perquimans County farmers cooperating with the iAlbe- , marie Soil Conservation District seed ed 1,000 acres of , cover crop, improv ed 360 acres of pasture, seeded 187 . acres V of " Sew 1 permanent ' pasture, -planted 5 acres of wildlife borders, .and improved the drainage on 1,900 acres of farm land. , K;- Two group drainage projects were completed during 1952." This makes a total of 18 group drainage projects ' that have completed in Perquimans v County leince 1944. On jobs of this ?.. J - ' X. . . -1 1 i i tuna large rnmount oi lecnnitai worn I . v required no maxe vne surveys, pre t - pare the plans and supervise construe- ' , tion. : 'l v"-"-;'- : : ' I . . Seven-hundred samples were taken covering approximately 8,000 acres of 4 ci-8-JwL gwtwtu, bwwiitotingfiasz. I - '.These samples were sent to. the Soil i 1 Testinjr. Division, N.C. Department of : Agriculture, Baleigh, N. C. The sam ' ' j plea were anaylzed and recommenda tions made as to the lime and fertiliz er resuirements for specific crops. ; Increased Over '51 Daily attendance in Perquimans ; County white schools is somewhat bet ter this year .than last, according to , a report released this -week by E. C Woodardn' principal at Perquimans High School. . Enrollment at the school is up id . students over 1951, despite the fact that 24 undergraduates failed to re turn to school for the .present term. Of these 24 students 16 quit school , entirely i and eight moved to other ' school . districts."' ' 'w,. X ' Records on tardiness and absentee ism i also better this year, Mr. Wood ard stated. ' There were 195 students tardy for classes during the first ' three months of school in 1951 and t only. 144 for the same period this ' year..' K:'C ' A slight decrease in the number of absentees during this year, is also ' noted as compared to 1961. In 1951 a . total of 1,210 absentees were record y ed during the first four months of the school term while this year the . total amounts to 1,093. In reporting on activities of mem- - bers . of the 1951 .graduating class, - the' ' principal reported of 4he S3 tu- dents 15 enrolled in colleges for ad- - vaneed studies, 11 of the girls have been married and three of the boys are now in the armed forces. x yn Activity in the school' lunchroom revealed that an average of 187 meals are being served each day during the month. During September the aver age daily .meals were 198, October 188, and November 174, During Sep tember the lunchroom lost $357.34 in its operation, and lost $177.53, m op ; eration during October. : During the monli of November . the project show ed a profit of $217.88, leaving a net lc fjr the first three, months of -t'x 'I ' . ' I -. !hn Capers To ",' ::::5Pby. Jrn.6 , 1 h Cni Fearing's boya and 'fHtal) teams, of.,, Perqnim . Hool will : resume nt r -1 .le of games ext ii v liifetttJanuary 7, after a vaca- Hng the Christmas holidays., o first game for the Indiana and .-r, which will be an A'beirrle nee contest, will be agaa.at i and girls of Camden, Kch game will be fLjed at j From Raleigh . ' 9 next home rme for Mr. and Urs. Bob Lnyden'of Ra v;,l b f i here-h sr"t ,C.r!mas with, their, par iicx on ;uuy 1J. ents 'n Perquimans County. , ...Hertford, Perquimans County, North - !yf tyy, i .n.jiii ...i jmmw. - . ..irjt."..J...i lu.n i. .1 i ' L cf Mr Ji?-;- V mm f r Mil" m - I A b-?4 . .... 4: Mrs. John Diggers Masons To Install County Tax Listers Polio Fund Drive Mrs. John T. Biggera has again ac cepted the chairmanship of the Per quimans County March of Dimes cam paign, which will get underway here about the middle of January, it was announced today by James E. Newby, chairman of the county Polio Commit tee. ' Mrs. Biggers, wfto directed a very successfd : drive for the March of Dimes last year, is now formulating plans for this year's drive and these w,ill be announced shortly, along with the names of volunteer- workers who will conduct a house to house can vass for contributions to this worthy cause. f. .Vv:- ThJjarch,ofi?Di,wes will be con ducted' 4hrotjghKiBJe Schools 5 of the county under;, BctSrii ;rom jthe of fice of Superinteft4en.t;!oi Schijols. ' .. iWhile, plans o iei funot raising campaign are in the preliminary stage, it is' expected the . drive;-will sjfpllow the set pattern used here in the past. Each solicitor will be riven a district to canvass during the period of the drive, which is scheduled to, close the, last day of January. .- . ,-Thev-1953 quota for ... Perquimans County, as yet, has not,been, an nounced but -tiie county committee be lieves the local goal may be slightly higher than last year due to increas ed' expenditures of Polio funds, due to epidemics of tfce part two years. Stlte Corn Crop Smallest Since '45 " Corn production in North Carolina totaled 66476,000 bushels this, year, it iws estimated today by the State- Pederal Crop Reporting Service; This as the smallest crop recorded since 194& V; V;-otdr!4; i . The short crop, which compares with 67.611,000 bushels produced in 1951 and 59,560,000 bushels produced on the 10-year (1941-50) average, was at tributed chiefly to extensive dry and hot weather last .summer . wWch was particularly damagu in nedmont andllettntain Counties. , ; . NTe np Eerortfc i; Serice (esti- 1 jflie ayerjf yiid re ,at 25.5 bushels compared with 91 bushels in 1951. There were 2,203,000 har vested acres of com this year as com pared with '2,181,000 acres harvested in 1951 When the bells ring out at the stroke of midnight, may they ring in one of the best years of your life . . . with good health and abiding happiness for you and your family . . . with success for your highest ambitions and fullfillment of your most cherished desires. THE PUBLISHERS New Officers At Officers recently elected to head the Perquimans Lodge, No. 106, A. F. & A. M., for the year, 1953, will be in stalled at services to be held in the lodge rooms on Tuesday night, Janu ary 6, it was announced here today. The officers to be installed are Jim Bass, Master; Jack Kanoy, Senior Warden; Charles F. Murray, Junior Warden; R. Ralph White, Treasurer, and Cecil C. Winslow, Secretary. 'Appointive officers, named by Mr. Bass, will be installed at tile same services; These are Elijah White, Senior Deacon; Cecil Edward Wins low, Junta Deacon; R. C. Baker, Senior Steward; J. H. Decker, Junior Steward; C. T. Eley, Chaplain, and J. S. Vick Tyler. Members of the lodge are urged to attend the installation services and visiiting Masons are welcome. Holidays Terminated W ednesday . (Perquimans County schools resumed regular classroom schedules last wed' i v-itx -J? Ji u J J.f T, iWgsferfc Superintendent of .Schools. -Attendance at classes was jfobd. MjBkgerssaid, despite the schedule heing resumed prior to New Year's. ? . By resuming' classes December 31, the authorities point out the annual school schedule will .be completed next summer several days .earlier thae would have been tfie case if the holi days had been extended beyond New Year's.- 'f ;. v ..yi ';::' ': jSmme District Supervisor Emmett Long was elected Boil Con servation District Supervisor in the election which was held the week of December X.through 6. vMr. JLpng will succeed .Milton Dadt jr. whose term expires this year, ' other two su pervisors in Perquimans County are Clarence C' Chappell and Frank B. Skinner.. . v . . . . ;,'' i ';- .4 The PerqnhiCounlty Supervis ors will meet soon to select a chair nan and also to plan the work they will 1q during W53, . The supervis ors ihave 'been studying the over-all drainage situation in the county and are considering how some of the main drainage ways through the swamps can be improved. ; They hope to as- sen-jf. f- rx:"anon this subject and to d;. -op plan for the county. Meeting On Tuesday Carolina, Friday, January 1 Start Job This Week; Tax listers for Perquimans County will s.tart this week the task of list ing county property for 1953 taxation, it was announced today by Julian C. Powell, County Tax Supervisor. County tax listers for the various townships are Julian Long, Bethel; Percy Rogerson, Hertford; Ray El liott, Parksville; Mrs. T. C. Perry, Bel videre, and Carson D. Spivey, New Hope. The tax listers will carry out the duties of their office under instruc tions issued them by the Board of County Commissioners in a special meeting held here on December 15. The tax lister's job will run through' the month of January and all property owners must list their property prior to January 31, otherwise there is a penalty of one dollar for the late list ing. ' Schedules for tax listers will be published next week and property owners are urged to list early in order to avoid the usual last mmute rush. There are few changes in the list- ng regulations and the tax rate for set y the Board at :ts meeting, m if'; In addition to taking the property list, the workers will also take a farm census. 'Farmers are urged to pre pare lists in advance and to assist list takers in the taking of the census. ii ReunuiiCdtnrated The. annual reunion of the family of the late, Mr. and Mrs. T, F. Wins low of; Hertford, wag held Sunday at the Hotel Hertford, with, the follow ing present: -' : -i ':' i .-". Miss Mae Wood Winslow and Mrs. W. H .Hudson, of .Hertford, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wilcox and Miss Katherine Wilcox. Dr and Mrs. John C. Craw ford and. Mr. and Mrs. T. .H. Wilcox, Jr., all of Norfolk, Vs.; Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Winslow, Francis Winslow, Mr. and Mrs. Julian Bobbitt and their daughter, Mary Wood, all of Rocky Mount; , Mr., and Mrs. .Robert Wiley of Charlotte, and Mr. and Mrs. J.. K. Wilson, Jr., and Tudor and Johnnie Wilson of Elizabeth City. " In Norfolk " : , Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hunter spent Christine-in -Norfolk with Mr. and Mrs. David Sawyer.. Taxpayers Must List Faiiiny 35" z ii Of Year Given By BY I. C. YAGEL Taken as a whole, it can safely be said the year 1952 was one of the best Perquimans County farmers have experienced in some tfme. Even though the dry weather at one time caused some to fear crop failure, most crops produced above average yields. Corn was probably affected most by the dry weather. Yields of cotton, peanuts and soybeans this year were well above average. The average yield of peanuts for the county will probably run around twenty bags per acre. The quality of peanuts has not been as goo 1 as some other years but the high yield has somewhat made up for quality. 'Pr'ces have averaged around 10c per pound. Cotton sold well as did com and soybeans. The weather for harvest this fall was ideal and no crops have suffered any amount of weather damage. Therefore-, so far as crops are concerned, this has been a good year for the farmers. Cattle and hogs present a different picture. The steady decline in prices has caused many .farmers to dispose of hogs be fore they were finished and caused others to allow hogs to get too heavy wa'ting for the market to rise, Short age of pasture caused many farmers to market cattle on a declining mar ket. This drop in the value of beef cattle has also caused those who have cattle to change their plans about expanding operations. A few Per quimans County farmers have taken this condition as an opportunity to buy purebred and high grade breeding stock. J. A. Bray purchased four purebred shorthorn cows, R. T. Brinn, three purebred Angus cows and a purebred Angus bull, also four pure bred Hereford cows and a purebred Hereford bull. A. H. Edwards pur chased a purebred Shorthorn heifer and bull, also ten- good grade Here ford cows. Robert Harrell also has recently purchased five good grade Angus cows. All of the twenty-six cows are bred to drop calves this spring. The purebred swine breeders of .the Albemarle met recently and formed a Swine Breeders"Association. This in cluds breeders ot ail breeds in the count'es of Washington, Tyrrell, Cho wan, Perquimans, Gates, Pasquotank, Camden and Currituck. The officers of the Association are: President, C. C. Chappell, Sr., of Per quimans; Vice President, L. L. Daven port of Washington; Secretary-Treasurer, R. C. Ward of Chowan. This association was formed to aid in the marketing of purebred swine in the area. Busy Session Of It turned out to be a pretty expen sive suit of clothes which was exhibit ed' in Recorder's Court Tuesday morn ing, exhibited on the person of James Lee Collins, Negro, charged with lar ceny of the suit. Clinton Riddick, Negro, familiarly known as "Slim", had, according to (he testimony, recognized the suit as his own when he saw Collins wearing it during the holidays, and had gone to the police. OUins, who has a court record, was arrested and placed in jail. The defendant pleaded not guil ty. He testified that he bought the suit "in Jersey" about three years ago and had been wearing it ever since. "iSlim" appears to be about six feet tall. On Collins, Who is short, the suit was a poor fit. Judge Charles E. Johnson had the prosecuting wit ness try on the coat. It fitted pretty welt and, too, he had been able to point out the spots which had been darned by cleaners. He bought it, he stated, from Blanchard's last. Easter. Guilty, was the verdict, and the judgment was 60 days, Suspended upon payment of a 50 fine and costs, and the return of the suit. After the trial a hitherto overlooked cleaner's tab in the' lining of the suit was dis covered, bearing the name Slim." , Wadie Winslow, Negro, entered a plea of guilty, of assault upon a fe male. The prosecuting witness, Eliza beth Winskyw, also a Negro, but no relation to the defendant except by marriage, testified that Winslow slap ped her on Christmas eve night and knocked her down and broke her ear drum. She couldn't hear in that ear, and she testified that the doctor had told her the blow had burst the ear drum. The defendant drew a 30-day sentence, suspended upon , payment of a $25.00 fine and the court costs, plus Dr. Ward's bill for services to. the prosecuting witness. Pleas of guilty in the following cases were entered: Paul Giulietis, 'Negro, speeding at 70 miles, who was fined ten dollars and taxed with the cost. Frank Jayner Wood ard, over-axle limit, who was taxed with the cost. Arnutta Austin, Negro, drunk on the streets of Hertford, who wai fined two dollars and taxed with the cost. 2, 1953 L Hints County Agent 5 Cents Per Copy Famous Basketball Team To Play Here Next Tuesday Night One of the nation's most famous girl basketball teams, Olson's Red heads, will play in Hertford next Tuesday night, meeting a men's team sponsored by the 'Hertford Junior Chamber of Commerce. Came time is eight o'clock at the Perquimans High School gym. Much interest in this benefit ball game is being manifested among local Sport fans and one of the largest crowds ever to witness a local basket ball game is expected to turn out to watch this famous girls' team in action. Highly skilled players, Olson's Red heads have played in all parts of the country against many college and in dependent teams, and have a long string of victories over their oppon ents. Playing against the Redheads will be a team sponsored by the local Jay cees, made up of former Perquimans High School players. Neppie Rountree WedsCS. Winslow The wedding of Miss Neppie Marie Rountree, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude N. Rountree, to Clifford Stan ley Winslow, son of Mr. and Mrs. C B. Winslow, all of Perquimans iCounlty, took place on Friday, Decem ber 26, at 4:30 in the afternoon, at 'Up River Friends Church, with the . Rev. C. E. Winslow of Roanoke, Va., I uncle of the bride, performing the I double ring ceremony. The church was decorated with White gladioli in tall baskets, against a background of palms and fern, and was lighted by cathedral candles. Mrs. Ralph White, organist, and Miss Thelma White and Leslie Wins low, soloists, presented a program of wedding music. The bride, who -was given in mar riage by her tincle, J. V. Rountree, wore a gown of white satin, made with a fitted bodice which closed with self-cove9ed buttons down the front, featuring a scalloped lace yoke with, high neckline, and long sleeves taper ing into wedding peaks over the hands. The full gathered skirt formed a chap el train. Her fingertip-length veil of French illusion, bordered with ap pliques ariy scrolls, was attached to a tiara of seod pearls and she carried a wedding bell bouquet of white tulle with a white orchid cascade with pom poms. Mrs. Elton Harrell, cousin of the bride, was matron of honor. She wore a dusty rose taffeta dress fashioned s:milar to that of the bride, with matching mitts. Her headdress was a bandeau of tulle, bordered with pom poms, and she earned a wedding bell of chartreuse tulle cascaded with pom poms. Miss Dorothy Jean Winslow, sister of the bridegroom, and Mrs. Bailey Temple were bridesmaids. They wore blue taffeta dresses made identically to that of the matron of honor, witb matching , mitts. They wore head dresses of tulle bandeau, bordered with pom poms, and carried wedding bells of pink tulle cascaded with pink pom poms. Larry Stallings, cousin of the bride, was ring bearer. Charlie E. Winslow, uncle of the bridegroom, was best man, and ushers were Carlton Rountree and Selden Rountree, cousins of -the bride, and Leslie Hobbs and Elsberry Lane, cou sins of the bridegroom. . Mrs. Rountree, mother of the bride, wore a plum colored crepe dress, with black accessories and an orchid cor- M;ss Minnie Lee Winslow and Mrs. Leslie Winslow were mistresses of ceremony. For traveling the bride wore a navy suit with, matching accessories and an orchid corsage. After a short wedding trip, the cou ple will be at home in the White ston community. The bride is a graduate of Perquim ans High School and Cornett School of Business, Roanoke, Va., and is at present employed at the Hertford Banking Company. The bridegroom is a graduate of Perquimans High School and is a prominent young farmer in the coun ty.': After the rehearsal on Thursday night, the bridal party and a few friends and relatives were enter tained at a cake cutting at the home of the bride's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen J. Winslow. IA color scheme of green and white was fea tured. ,. Christmas Guests Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hines of Suf folk, ; Va., and Mr and Mrs. W. T. Jones and family of Franklin, Va., spent Christmas with Mrs. G. T. Skip sey and her father, C G. Stephens. mi

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