' THE Perquimans Weekly Published every Friday t Herfr lord, North Carolina. . MAX CAMPB Editor Entered as second class matter November 15, 1934, at Post Office it Hertford, North Carolina, un der the Act of March, 1879. ; X'Horlli Carolina i HU! ASJQCIATK SUBSCRIPTION RATES $2.00 Per Year Advertising rates famished by request. FRIDAY, J1AINUARY 2, 1953. Holidays Here Miss Elizabeth Tucker of Raleigh, Miss Betsy Brinkley of Plymouth, and Alfred Williams, Jr., of Greensboro1 spent part of the holidays with Mrs. Isa Tucker. From Virginia Beach Mr. and Mrs. William Perry and son, Bill, of Virginia Beach spent the holidays with J. P. Perry. At Rocky Mount Mrs. Olivia Hobbg spent Sunday in Rocky Mount with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hobbs, Jr. From Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Richard Payne and two children of Charlotte visited Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Payne during the holi days. From Norfolk Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Broughton and children, Jackie and Susan, visited Mr. and Mrs. Nate Relfe during the holidays. Christmas Here Miss Louise Chalk of Charlotte spent Christmas with her mother, Mrs. Annie Chalk. Holidays Here Mrs. A. E. Hendley and son of Co lumbia, S. C, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Newby,-Jr., and son of Charleston, W. Va., Mrs. Roy Reid and children of Coving ton, Va., and Miss Frances Newby of Ahoskie spent the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. .Newby. Holiday Guests . Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chalk and family of Greensboro, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chalk and family of Goldsboro and George Hendley of Greenville spent the holidays with Mrs. Annie Chalk and Miss Louise Chalk. and for the appointment of a receive for the purpose of collecting' rents due the parties in this action and for other matters connected thereto, and the said defendants are required to be and ap pear' before the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court at his office m Perquimans County, North Carolina within thirty days after the last day of publication of said notice to answer or demur to the .complaint of these plaintiffs which have been deposited or filed in the office of the under signed Clerk of the Superior Court and the said defendants will take no tice that if they fail to appear and answer the complaint of these plain tiffs within said, time, the relief de manded by the said plaintiffs will be granted. ' ' W. H. PITT, Clerk Superior Court. This 5bh day of December, 1952, Robert B. Lowry, Attorney. Decl2,19,26,Jan2 Highway No. 17 n the northwest, and beginning at an Iron stake at the northwest corner , o the Catherine Davis lot on the ttwifceast side of TTS 1 '. ! T . m j 1 .xl. xugnway 40. n, maa running uouui- westwardly along said Highway 105 feet to an iron stake; the land of Archie .. Bembery; thence . running southeastward! y along said Bembery line 210 feet to an iron stake; thence northeastwardly .108 feet to an iron stake in the southwest corner of the Catherine Davis lot; thence northwest wardly 210 feet to the northwest corn er of the Catherine Davis let, at the above u. is. Highwaylo. 17, the point North Carolina Perquimans County NOTICE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by Laster Bowser and his wife, Berner Mae Bowser, dated September 30, 1947, and recorded in Book 25 at page 494 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Perquimans County, North Carolina, default hav ing been made m the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and said deed of trust being by the terms there of subject to foreclosure, the under signed Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door jn Hertford, North Carolina, at noon, on the twenty-first day of January,. 1953. the property conveyed in said deed of trust, the same lying and being in Perquimans County, North Carolina, in Bethel Township, and more particular ly describe! as follows: Adjoining the lands of Catherine Davis on the northeast, Archie Bem bery 'on the southeast and Archie Bembery on the southwest and U. S. CARD OF THANKS We wish to take this method to thank our friends for the many sym pathy cards and messages ,)of condol ence received since the 'death of our son and brdther, Lieut. Morris T. Grif fin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Morris T. Griffin, Mrs. Jayne Griffin Keeter. Classified and Legals NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the state of J. Herbert Layden, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this da to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Route 2, Hertford, N. C, on or before the 2nd day of December, 1953 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. ' This 2nd day of December 1952. THOMAS K. MORGAN, Administrator of J. Herbert Layden Dec5,12,19,26,Jan2,9 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Charlie Major Wig gins, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to noti y all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at P. 0. Box 64, Winfall, N. C. on or before the 29th day of November, 1953, or this recovery. All persons indebted to notice will be pleaded in bar of their said estate will please make immedi ate payment. This 29th day of November, 1962. ESTHER PERRY WIGGINS, Administratrix of Charlie Major , Wiggins. ' Dec5,12,196Jan2,9 North Carolina ' Perquimans County Frank Simons, Edna Zachery and Ella H. Simons vs. . ;- - HughueF. Simons, Eugene Simons, Viola Pope and . Pauline Adams i NOTICE OF PUBLICATION The defendants, Eugene Simons, Vi ola Pope and Pauline Adams above named will take notice that an action as entitled above has been, instituted in the Superior Court of Perquimans County, the purpose of. the action be ing for an accounting to be made by Hughue F. Simons. of rents collected tiways at tend The doctor, the druggist, the gro cer . . . are always at your hand . when you telephone. It's as if everyone you wanted to reach were dangling from your wrist, waiting for you to talk to them. To measure the true value of your telephone, compare its high convenience with the low cost of service. Theu you'll fully realize that nothing else gives you so much for so little. THE NORFOLK , CAROLINA TELEPHONE ft TELEGRAPH ' COMPANY Elisabeth City . Edenton - Manteo TAYLOR THEATRE EDENTON, N. C. Week Day Shows Continuous From 8:30 Saturday Continuous From 1:30 Sunday 2:15. 4:15 and 9:15 Thursday and Friday, ' January 1-2 ; Doris Day and V. : Rajr Bolger in "APRIL IN PARIS" Saturday, January 3 Vaughan Monroe and Joan Leslie in "THE TOUGHEST MAN IN ARIZONA" Sunday and Monday, January 4-5 V John Wayne and " Maureen O'Hara in "THE QUIET MAN" . 0 . . Tuesday and Wednesday, January 6-7 Double Feature Judy Canova in "A WAC FROM WALLA WALLA" "BELA LUGOSI MEETS A BROOKLYN GORILLA" EDEN THEATRE Friday and Saturday, January 2-3 Double Feature . Roy Rogers in "HELDORADO" . also " Lum & Abner in PARTNER. IN TIME" 1 -o- - Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, January 4-6 Cornel iWilde and Maureen O'Hara in "AT SWORDS POINT" :; . O Wednesday and Thursday, January 7.8 1 Double Feature "WHITE VIRGIN" of beginning, containing one-half acre, and being the same property convened to the said Laster Bowser by J: S. McNider and others. , - This sale is subject to all outatand ing and unpaid taxes. This 19th day of December, 1952. MARVIN WILSON, . Trustee. Dec26JanJ2,9,16 .. . , . : IF YOU HAVE A HOME OR FARM of "any type or size, timber land or : cut-over acreage that you want to sell, see us for a quick sale. We have buyers for all types of proper- Jom,, TWIFORD'S Mutual Burial ASSOCIATION ToReliax - ( ty. Come in or write Haskett Real ty Company, WCNC Building, Elisa beth City, N. C -Phone 2794.-Decl2,19,26,Jan2 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATRIX Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of M. T. Griffin; Jr., de ceased,' late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all Nagging Bccfecha persons . having claims agal. . 1 estate 01 saia aeceasea to exruDit to the undnmiimerf t JLnnt. 2. 1 camber, 1953, or this notice will 1 pleaded in bar of 'their recovery. A persons indebted to said estate wiii please make immediate payment. . imt loin uay 01 mecemner, wz. MRS. JEAN C'lGIRIFOTN,- Administratrix of ' M.T. Griffin, Jr. , Jan2,9,163,30JFeb6 When Wdney function slows down, many folks complain of nagging backache, loss of pep and energy, headaches and dissiness. 'Don't suffer longer with the, discomforts It reduced kidney function la getting ytxr' down due to such common causes as stress and strain, overexertion or exposure to cold. Minor bladder Irritations due to cold, dampness or wrong diet may causa getting up nights or frequent passages. Don't neglect your kidneys if these condl- tloas bother you. Try Doan'a Pills a mild diuretic. Used successfully by millions for over 60 years. While often otherwise caused, ifs amazing how many times Doan'a give happy relief from these discomforts help the 15 miles of kidney tubes and niters flush out waste. Get Doan'a Fills today! Doalts Pills 4 WE ARE DISTRIBUTORS FOR THE FAMOUS DUNLOP TIRES AND TUBES WE ALSO SELL GOODYEAR AND U. S. ROYAL TIRES Batteries and Other Accessories JOE & BILL'S SERVICE. STATION RAY WHITE, Prop. PHONE 8601 DEPENDABILITY A SAVTOM-UI. to J Mighty bads and shoulder (winging at a lulling pace, cojhV twain rapping oui .orders . . .' : speeding up the strolte . faster, faster . . . and ever the line to victory! How much de- v pends on the courage and ' , stamina of the stroltM-oarl : What a relief it is to be able to" leave all cares to our depend able staff. Thoughtful con- sideration of individual needs end requirements is an inljor ent part of our service. Sv flNCERE .YMPATMmCISM 1 '-''i ti misessl EVERY YEAR. ..FUEL SYSTEM gefsti caring "I MARRIED A SAVAGE" IT'S WHITER THAN WHITE!" SAYS ATHEY'S FAMOUS LITTLE PAINTER On coat covert and goes farther Brushes on easily-smooths itself out J w ui eusn us 1110 ' li Sk Staws will ka( ,, .iulu V w - - w v.... ivi iviii jviiwvr ': Intitl on ATHiY'S IS Ifoa can't hurt an A they, surf act! ,' Manufatlurad by ' TKE C M. ATIIEY PATC0. Ifertford Ibtoo & SL'ly Ccx?:.iy . "Trade Eat and Bank the Difference1. PHONE 3461 HERfFORD. K C. ." STO?RUSTCY0U.1CAR Every year, 1 CAR IN 4,. using ordinary wline, costy'hs owner up to $ 1 8 for fuel fsystem repain caused by rust and corro sion. Don-t take a chance on rust knocking out your carburetor or fuel pump. Save repairs, save money and inconvenience by : using Sinclair Anti-Rust Gasoline regu larly - so different Its patented. Only Sinclair contains RIM 19. This : amazing rust inhibitor forms a protective ' coating inside your car's fuel system-stops the formation of rust and corrosion when, you use Sinclair Gasoline regularly. With Sinclair, you get fuU power, high anti-knock, long mileage PLUS Anti-Rust protection at wextra cost Tot top per formance, ask your Sinclair Dealer for Sinclair Anti-Rust EthyL ONLY AT "X- SINCIAIR Df Alliyf l . pnc L AWMNCS - .TOWS DISTRIBUTOR OF SINCLAIR PRODUCTS 1 PHONE 3641 in:r.Tro?vD, N. c.