3 itilnll2 '-1 iVolume XX Number 18. Hertford, Perquimans County, North CaroIina,Friday, May 1, 195 5 Cents Per Copy ml ICy Ccity Toabrs' List Reeomin:n-!: Committc3s Approved By, County Ccd Few Changes Made InTguUding & Loan T6 Faculty Of Various County Schools Members wf ithe Perquimans Ooun ; ty Board Of Education met last Tues day nighj and passed upon recom mendations of the various school com mittees regarding the election of teachers in the county schools for the 1953-54 (term. The Board received and accepted : the resignation of Mrs. Annie P. As bell as teacher ui the fourth grade alt Cenitfal Grammar School 1J. T Biggers reported the poasibilSfcy of ' this school gaining an additional teacher Dot the next term 'which, if granted, means two vacancies exist in the faculty of this school. 1 Upon the reoommendaKions of the , school committees the following teach ers were approved for re-election too their present positions: - , Perquimans County High School . E. C. Woodard, principal, (Miss Heilig Harney, Mrs, Joanne StalHngs, Mrs. Anne E Jeasup, Mrs. Hannah F. Holmes, J. P. Perry, Herman H. Gur kin, Mrs. Lois A. IStokes, Mrs. Aftme belle Whitley Mrs. Anne A. Nowell, Miss Patsy B. Olive, Ab Williams, Joe It Tunnell. Perquimans Central Grammar School Thomas Melton, principal, Mrs. Ber. tha C. Lane, Mrs. Lucille L. White, . Miss Margaret White, Mis Johnnie White, Mrs.'Lessie L. WSnelow, Miss Pearle Whilte, ' Mrs. Lula B. Lamb, lira. Ruth H. IBurden, Mrs. Eugenia Beck, Mrs. Myrtle 0. Wood. Hertford Grammar School Miss Thelma Elliott, (principal, Mrs. Grace M. Coetton, Mins Mary Sumner, Mrs. Mary E. Walters, Mrs. Inez 0: White. Miss Mildred W. Reedr Mrs. Ruth E. Winslow, Miss Louise Chalk, Miaa Dorcas 'Knowles. 4. Perammans Training School Richard L. Kingsbury, principal, Jessica H.,Winskw, Johnnie IL. Priv- & Walter R. Privoit,. Dwrothy N. j.Thomas,, Maple W. Strowd, James E. ' Woods, Lena G. Wilson, King A (Wil liam. VHvian J. -HarriBL ileimi B. 's TThompsoiit, Addle M. HofTler" Ajyvi 8, Winslow, Martha E. Blanchard, Rosa E. Newby, Mary E. James, Idonia Rogerson, George N. Read, Edna 8. 7achary, Henry E. Daughtery, Myrtle S. Felton, Penelope E. Bpmbry, Wll lie H. Williams, Nolle M. Mitchell. , Hertford Colored School , Legrande Summersett, principal, Hazel 0. Beam an, Geraldine B. Lowe, Cleo Z. Felton, Eliza S. W. Perry, Alma N. Kingsbury, Minnie li. Felton, Wealthia C. Mardre, IWallter J. . Thompson, Dorothy H. Newby, Annie F. Nixon, .Dewey Newby, Neiue hoi- ley. Offer Savings Hertford Building and lan Asso ciation will dffer for sale its 66th series of savings stock, beginning Sat urday, May 2, Hk was repotte eoaay by Max Campbell, vecretstf of the Association. Individuals desiring ts pUTchase Utock in the local Building and Loan tare urgeu ,w wnic m w the number of shares desired. The stock is sold on the basis of payments of 25 cents weekly on each share pur chased and the shares malrare at $100 value. Based upon present earnings of the in 352 weeks, paying simple, interest in excess of three per cent. Dog Vaccination Camnaien Begins In District Mav 4 . ; ... m BoySotsTollold District Gaiprce $pnSun 400 Scouts Expected To Participate In All Week-end Outing border Orders v; a :3ssesllc!d0n Ccmpt Charges Ten Cases Listed On Court Docket Last Tuesday Morning Annual Meeting Of Albemarle Electric Co op Planned For Saturday, May 2nd Navy Announces Ate ' Navy authorities of the Fifth NaT ' al District have requested enlarge ment of .the present restricted area in the Albemarle Bound, which is used iv as a target and bombing area, 3t was reported today by Coll. R, C Brown, .Army Corps of (Engineers. In a statement released this week Col. Brown said the , Navy- desires ; that a proposed area beginning on the ' north shore of Albemarle, Sound at the eastermost Point i Harvey Point: thence soutiheasterly to Perquimans ' Bluff Plata Buoy: thence southeaster. ly to latitude 80 degrees 08 feet 06 inches, longitude 76 degrees 16 feet 43 Inches: thence : soutiiwesteiiy to latitude 36 degrees 02 feet 18 inches, The District Board of Health on April 14h passed a resolution declar ing a vaccination campaign of all dogs to this (heaWh district tegaSnst rabies. State law iquiires WW au dogs be vaccinated and shall wear a vaccination tag. All dog owners are requited to present ttteir dogs m itne desianttted rabies inspector at the ap pointed .time and " restrain the dog while being vaccmatea. r;. Dr. G. L. Gilchrist of Ederibon Is Idie . inspector for Chowan County; Plrof. G. C. Buck !for erauiimans County, and for fPalsqaoltisink and Cam den North of 117. 17A and 158 Dr. Viator Finck; for Who above itw$ coun ties South of 17, ITAand 158 JOT. x V.Dahl. ; . The dampajign wit start May 4th and end June 1st. The Board further ordered that s two week quartoWne on All dogs be started June 'list, during which Hme iaH doga wmstjbs f)ua-l. on Miadowai, er's premises. Doga found straying during 'Uiis period will be subject to being destroyed, as well as all dogs not wearing vaocinawon tags. It is generally recognized that the (vmt.iv nf rabies goes hand in hand with the control of !une stray dog. While no rabies in our HeaWh DWttnc") has recently been reported, we all know that the time 4s ripe for Its oc curence. ne away aog oan spreau it out of a clear sky. Have your dogs vaccinated and help prevent rabies. B. J. Buck, Rabies Inspector for Perauimans County, .today released a dbg vaccination schedule which goes into effect next Monday, May 4. xne schedule is published elsewhere in this issue of The Weekly, and .dog owners are requested Do clip the schenule and keep it for reference. Stokes Elected As Jaycea President The camping activities . com: of the Boy Scouts of America under the leadership tof T. F. Jowry win con duct a joint District camporee tnis week-end f May 2 and 3) at Camp Per ry. All Boy Scout IToops Ml Viawss, Chowan, Perquimans, jrasquowiK, Camden, Currituck and Dare Coun ties will participate. This is the annual week-end camp in which patrols in all troops exhibit their camping skills to see if they come up to national standards. Judges for the camporee will be John Bag gers, Hertford; W. T. Harry, Horace White and C. W. Overman, Edenton; Norman Shannonihouse, Ray Collier, Raymond Sheely, ISamford Aydlett and J. A. Ward, Elizabeth Uity, and J. W. Tucker. Currituck. Troop leaders will check in their troops at one o'clock on ISaturday. After passing an examination and registering, troops will divide into patrols and hike to the camp grounds where they will put up tents, build the proper camping furniture, con struct a kitchen, and prepare for a comfortable night in the open. Special instruction in the new methoo of ar tificial respiration will be part of the afternoon's program. y; A special campfire program will start at 8 o'clock Saturday evening. Parents and mends are invited to 1 watch the Scouts puD oh skits and songs. A Court of Honor conducted by Raymond Sheely will conclude the evening's program. Services will be conducted in the camp chapel ISunday morning at 9 o'clock. (Scouts will participate in Scout craft events for a three hour period Sunday morning. They will be graded on their ability to build fires quickly, the use of a compass in lay ing ouD courses, administering first aid, measuring distances, signaling by Morse code, and knot tying. The morning's activities will be closed with a chariot race. ' Four hundred Scouts from 20 troops are expected to participate in the camporee. This will be the first time Scouts from Gates, Mamteo, EdenDon, New Hope and Currituck have been (together for over tw years. AH troops will be under the supervision of their Scoutmasters or an adult. Following a presentation of awards I at 3 o'clock on ISunday 'afternoon I troops will be dismissed. Terming malicious prosecution ais contempt of court, Recorder Judge Chas. E. Johnson on Tuesday ordered Annie Goodwin, Negro, to produce .a doctor's certificaDe that she was ill or pay a fine Of $10 or spend 10 days in jail for failing to appear im court to give evidence after having a warrant sworn out for a defendant, charging assault. Joshua Lilly, Negro, was al so ordered placed dm jail in contempt of court for failing to appear in the case in which he had a warrant drawn against Garland Harris, charging him with aissault with a deadly weapon. Ten cases were listed on the docket of the Recorder's Court, in session here: last Tuesday morning, in addi tion b the above. Junior Vick, Negiro, entered a plea of guilty to a charge of assault and was ordered to pay the costts of court. A fine Of l$25 and cosis were taxed against Curtis Ames, Negro, who sub mitted to a charge of reckless driv ing. Prayer for judgment was continued in the case of David Jones, Negro, charged with driving a truck lotded over the weight limit Costs of court were assessed against Iinwood Spen cer, Bright Garrett, James Bullock and Ira Pledger, each of whom sub- mftted to charges of driving trucks loaded over .the weight limit. Efanon Yohn was ordered to pay a fine' of $25 and costs after pleading guilty to a charge of transporting non tax paid liquor, Costs of court were taxed against Kobett uiover who submitted to a charge of failing to observe a ssop sign. 1 Wallace White, Negro, paid the costs of court after pleading guilty to a charge of dnvmg a vehicle on the left side of a highway, James Riddick,' Negro, eMbered a plea of guilty to a charge of failing Cancer Crusade To Close Next Monday Perquimans County's annual Can cer Crusade will come to an official close on Monday, May 4, it was re ported today by MK9. Elton Hurdle, chairman of the drive, who reported contributions made to the fund (today amount Ho $280. Mrs. Hurdle urged all solicitors in the campaign to complete their can vass and make reports to her or Mrs. Anna Lee McGoogan not later than next Monday. Individuals who have not been con tacted and who desire to contribute So the fund are requested to mail W. E. Debnam To Ad dress Gathering; Di rectors To Be Selected (Arrangements are mearing comple tion for the annual meeting of the Albemarle Electric Membership Cor poration at Perquimans High (School on Saturday afternoon, May 9, it was reported today by John Costen, mana ger of the local oonop. W. E. Debnam, well known radio commentator, has been secured as the principal speaker for the annual event. Mr. Debnam has been in the reporting business since he was a boy, first working on his father's weekly their contributions to Mns. Hurdle or newspaper at Snow Hill. For the pa.st Mrs. McBoogan. Perquimans Indians To Play Gatesville Here Friday P. M. to observe a istop sign. He paid the costs of 5urt. Health Building Sought For County lonrfeude .76 degrees 19 feet 30 in ches; tihemee northwesterly to laWdtude SB degrees 04 feet 18 inches, kwvsri- tude 76 degrees 20 ee (20 ftiches; , the American Red Cross. thMiAa henrinp : 29 . riMmlM lis fl. I School Honor Roll Lists 62 Students Henry C. IStokes, Jfc, was elected nresidaiD of the Hertford . Junior Chamber of Commerce, at a meeting of the organization held on Thursday night of last week. Other officers selected to serve during the coming vear were Francis Nixon, vice presi dent; Jarvis Henry, secretary, and John Beers, treasurer. 1 D. F Reed, Jr, and Marion Swindell were named as directors. ' The Jaycees, organized in August of 1950, now have 23 members as the group begins Its fourth year of op eration. They have sponsored num erous projerts during this period of time, and recently voted to accept sponsorship of the blood program for true, to the ehore; and thence north. Board Members In easterly along the shore Do the point1 J nrl- r of beginning be added to una ten. Meeting Wednesday tory, witihjn the 'Sound, already re-: , ' . stricted, and now used as a target Board members of lh District Tu and bombing area.' y ' tberculoeis Association met in (their VDjeauons to amendment or Danger, first meeting wetmesaay, apm z Zone Regulations establishing "jhe area as outlined above, will be received at lOobnel Buown's office, at Wiflming , ton, N. C, until MaygS, 1953, Store Observing 3Cth Anniversary , , ' The month of May will be anniver HiarSmonth at the W.v M. Morgan ' Furniture Store; according to W. M: Morgan who stated the business is observing fts B9!th anniversary atart- . . ing (today. . . ::&" As haa,been the custom for years, ' the store is holding an anniversary , sale during Ithe entire morith In cele- atk '1-M P. M.. in the cafeteria of the Hertford Grammer 'School ion Martin and Grubb Streets. After the bust noes the members , n loved a dutch coffee hour sponsored by Mrs. W. A Cherry, praaidem of the PTA in Hert ford. " INJURED IN COLLISION , A collision of car driven by Mrs, Matt Mathews and a truck driven by Robert Smith Tuesday evening at abouD 6:40 resulted in slight injuries Do Mns, Matthews, and Smith was hos- pitalized by unormined injuries to cheet and' back. ' The fiollisWn occur red on Grubb Street psar tits home The honor roll for Perquimans High School for the tfifth grading period, which closed last Friday, was released ithits week by E. C. Woodard, principal of the school. A total of 62 attaidenrta were listed as winning schol astic honors during the period. Honor students by classes were: Eighth Grade: Joanne Matthews, Mable Frances Keel, Charlie Johnson, Earl Dunsmoor, Murray Elliott), Ed ward Lee Madre, Mazda Stallingss, Sylvia Copeland, Jeanette Williams, Marian Kirk, Shelby Jean Overton, C. B. Chappell, Ann (Sawyer, Ibla Jane Winslow, Joyce Kirby. Lillian Ann Bottler, Ann Jordan, Arnold Winslow. Edgar Fields, Sandy Divers, Charles Whedbee, '. Ninth Grade: Ladaire Winslow. Judy Winslow, Nancy Bagley, CMff xowe, Wallace (Baker, Annie Keed Otwkely, Pauline Wood, Janice Stal- Ungs, Lois VSolet Wmslow. Sarah JSutton, Jo . Pat Stokes, Jean Long, AmNe Lou Lane, (Mary Dow Chappell, Bobby Matthews. Tenth Grade: Emily White. Billy Elliott), Julia Stokes, Joseph Layden, Ray Lane, Billie C. Divers, Mary France Eure, Joseph Butt, Patricia Biggens, Joanna Williford, Peggy J. Harrell, Joan Madre. , Eleventh Grde: Tilson Chappell. Ann Stalljbgs, Leo Dail, Linda Berg. eron, jean ism, Margaret Harrell. Twelfth Grade: Nan (Ella IWhite, Marilyn Baker, Nina Jane Chappell, Glenda Lane. Nonnie Lou Lane. Hazel Trueblood, Mable Martin Whedbee. Worothy , Winslow. - A new Public Health Building, Do house the local Health Department, to be constructed wilth federal and local funds, has been adopted as a goal of a group of interested citizens who met at the Court House in Hertford' Tuesday nighD to discuss possibilities of securing such a project for Per quimans County. The idea grew from a local Rotary program, when a Public Health of ficial told of a federal program for construction of public health build ings, pointing out the Federal Gov ernment pays 80 per cent of construc tion costs on such approved projects. Dr. B. B. McGufoe, District Health Officer, and Miss Audrey Umphlett, County Health Nurse, met with the group Tuesday night, and Dr. Mc Guire reported on the work of the local Health Department, and ex plained the building program Arrangements were made for the local comcniytee to meet with (State Public Health officials at a future date, at which time the committee hopes to secure details as to plans and estimated costs of a buildinsr for this county, the fatfis and ngures to be presented to the Board of County Commissioners for approval and ap propriaitaan of local funds needed m the event (Federal aid: is granted for the project. It was estimated during the meet ing Tuesday nigh, such a project for Perquimans County might cost in the neighborhood of $40,000, which would mean the county government could secure the project by an expenditure of approximately ($10,000. Perquimans High School's baseball team will play the strong Gatesville team on Memorial Field in Hertford Friday afternoon, beginning at two o'clock in a contest which will decide the championship of the isub-district Group I, in the IState elimination play-offs, it was reported tfoday by Ab Williams, Indian coach. The Indians and Gatesville are presently tied for Ithe top spot for the district, each team having lost only one game. Vernon White is scheduled to do the pitching for Per quimans, while (Harrell is expected tfo start as hurler for Batesville. The two-hit pitching of Paul Math ews featured a 10-0 victory for Per quimans High an Hertford over Ply mouth Tuesday in a Class A game. Jack Phillips (relieved Mathews on the mound for the final inning. ' This was the eighth victory in nine game,a for Perquimans whose pitchers have thrown shutouts in five Of the games. . Richard Mathews batted in five runs for Perquimans. He had two for three, including a double. "Hugh Nash and Ken .Trowbridge each had a single for Plymouth. On last Friday afternoon Khe In dians handed Ahoskie a one-nothing defeat when Cliff Towe broke up a 0-0 ball game with a smashing double re sulting in the scoring of Chappell. Towe's hb came in the last half of the seventh inning, and while Towe actually scored a home run on his smash, the game ended at 1-0 when Chappell crossed the plate. iPaul Mathewis, pitching for Per quimans, gave up four hits, walked five; Newsome, pitching for Ahoskie, had a no-hitter until the seventh when Towe's hit won the game. Newsome allowed one hfb, and walked five. 12 years he has been doing daily broadcasts over a network of 19 sta tions in ithe Carolinas and Virginia. He spent four months in the Pacific as a war correspondent in 1945. His appearance on the program for she Oo-op meeting is expected to draw a larger than usual attendance for this meeting. Principal business to be conducted during the meeting will be the elec tion of a board of directors for the Oo-op during the coming year. Nomi nations already made for the board are: Perquimans IQounty, A. T. Lane, Charles E. White, Floyd Mathews, Delvin Eure; Camden County, J. A. Whitehurst, J. W. Hastings, W. E. Sawyer; Chowan County, J. A. Wig gins, John N. Bunch, W. J. Privott; Pasquotank County, W. R. Lowry, Tommie Temple,- Marshall Meads and Howard Banks. A. T. Lane, Chairman of Ithe Board of Directors, will be Ithe presiding officer for the annual gathering of the members of the corporation. A large number of consumers, ser. ved by the Albemarle Electsric Cor poration, who make up the member ship 'of the local Co-op, are expected to attend the meeting this year. A number of valuable prizes, donat ed by merchants of the Albemarle area, will be awarded at the close of the meeting. A large number of ex hibits, by appliance dealers, will also be displayed alt the event. Following the election of ithe 'Board bf Directors, this group is expected to meet and elect officens fee the year. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT , Mt. and Mrs. Robert G. Brewer an. pounce .the birth of a daughter, Kath ryn Ann, April, 19, at ..Tallahassee, fla., Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Brew er .before her marriage was Miss Janet Quincy, , .' ,' MASONS TO MEET . The Perouimanat Masonic lodspe. No. 106, A. F A A. M., will meet Tuesday oirfhtt aT eight o'clock. All members American Legion Meets Friday Night The Wm. Paul Stallings Post of the American Legion will meat Friday night at 8 o'clock at the Agriculture Building. : Commander F.: T. Johnson requests all Legionnaires to note the change in the date of the meeting and to 'make plans to attend.... DRAFT OFFICE CLOSED The office of the Perquimans Draftl Board will be closed all this week, k wan rerouted Monday by Mrs. Chas. ICampen,. Clerk - of the Board, who also announced the inaucaon . can, scheduled for April k 29. has been cancelled. Belvidere Ruritans Hold Ladies' Night Ladies' Night was observed by the Belvidere Ruritan Club at a party held at the Belvidere Community House on Tuesday night, April 21. Elsberry Lane gave the devotional and E. Q. Whit served as chairman of the program committee. The Ruritans and their guests en joyed a fine dinner served by the members of the Whiteston Home Demonstration Club. Miss Ruth Tucker sang a number of musical selections during the pro gram and Thomas Maston acted as master vt ceremonies during a spell ing bee, which fea'Sured the entertain ment. The men contested the ladies in the spelling bee with Elwood White being declared the winner. The club welcomed three new mem bers, Walter Dale. Paul J. White and timer Lassiter during the meeting, which closed wifth the entire group joining in me song uaroiijna Moon Training School Jo Present Musical The faculty and students of Per quimans .Training School will present their annual Sunday musical at four m, M., on May 3, in the auditorium of the school at Winfall. Patiota and friends of the school are cordially in- vu do atienu. County Board Meets Next Monday Morning Commissioners for Perquimans Cowfty will hold their regular month ly meeting next Monday morning, be ginning with reports from various departments at nine A. M.. The reg ular business session of the Board will start at 10 o'clock. Work Progressing On New Buildings Of Local Auto Agency (Construction work on two new buildings, which will house the opera tions of Hollowell Chevrolet Com pany new location just north of the causeway ton Route 17, it was report ed Monday by Robert L. Hollowell. Present construction work is being done on a building which will be 75 feet by 100 feet, when completed, and this building will house the paint, body and washing and greasing facilities of the company, and will alsio contain the boiler room for the entire plant. inis building is elpeoted to be com pleted in about 9 days. .The second building, expected to be ready for occupancy about the first of next year, will house the offices, sales department, parts department and mechanical service department of the company. This building will be constructed immediately in front of the building now under construction and will be 75 feet by 75 feet in size. The company will maintain all of its facilities, including its used car department, at its new location after construction has been completed on the new buildings. Tour To Feature National HDC Week National Home Demonstration Club Week is being observed during the week of May 4-7. Among the special observances, the Perquimans County club women are having a tour of homes in the county and a radio broadcast over WGAI. The tour will .be held on the after noon of May 7 and will start at 1:30. They will visit four homes during the afternoon. They will meet at the home of Mrs. Paul White in Whites ton at 1 :30. The next stop will be the Edwin White home fin Belvidere. Af ter touring these homes they will dome to the Emmett Landing home in Hertford. The Landings have recent ly completely remodeled their home. The last house will be Mrs. M. T. Griffin's home on the Edenton highway.- The tour will be concluded with a tea in .the Griffin home. A radio broadcast from Perquimans County will be presented at 12:45 on Tuesday of that week. The County Chorus will have a part of this broadcast. ; . , (Any interested persons are invited to attend the tour of homes. k bratlon of its founding. of Hit Matthews. srs urged to attend. '-mix .v .(WC.

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