PAG2 grcm "lt, nrr.TFom N. c r" TUB Perquiniar.3 T7eekly Publiihad twi Friday at H foid, North Carolina . , . , MAX CAMPBELL. -Editor Enteral mm aeeood data matt 'November 15, 1964, at Poet Vtace tt Hertford, Nona unrauna, va in the Act of Iarch, wra. SUBSCRIPTION RATES 12.00 Par Tau Advertising rates furiiehed request. by FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1954. Coffee At $1.50 A Pound A major coffee roaster recently pre dicted that the day was not far off when housewives will be paying $1.60 for a pound of coffee. This prediction came after a new increase was an nounced by several major coffee pro ducers, the increase ranging from five to six cents a pound. That increase pushed coffee prices well over the (1-mark and the price of some brands rose to just under S1.20. The new increase indicates that thel investitration by a Senate Banking' sub-committee has done little to check the steady rise in coffee prices, and that the consumer is going to continue to feel the pinch of higher pnces, Testimony in the subcommittee has in dicated that coffee consumption in general has already decreased as the remit of hisrher nrices. ; If prices of coffee continue to go up. no doubt consumption will con tinue to go down. At some point along the line, the market will be stabilized and nrices will halt their advance. Evidently, there are not enough cof fee drinkers who prefer to curtail con sumption rather than pay higher pri ces, and, as long as this is the case, coffee prices will probably continue to rise. and perhaps one of the greatest of all time. i - The birthday anniversary of James Monroe, the man who gave this hemis phere the Monroe Doctrine, also falls in April. Monroe took part in the Revolutionary War, was later elected to the Virginia Legislature,, and then to Congress. He was elected to the U. 8. Senate in 1790 and opposed the administration of President George Washington. Nevertheless Washinir- ton appointed him minister to France in 1794. Thomas Jefferson, who had become President by 1801, sent him to France and with Robert Livingston he ne gotiated the Louisiana Purchase. Re turning to the United States, he was elected Governor of Virginia, resign ed that position to become Secretary oi state in the cabinet of President Madison, and succeeded Madison as President in 1817. He was reelected to a second term without serious op position, receiving every electoral vote but one. There are many other famous birth day anniversaries in April, such as that of John J. Aububon, the famous naturalist, who was born at Mande- ville, Louisiana, in 1780. . The month is also . the birthday anniversarv of James Buchanan, the fifteenth Presi dent of the United States, who was born at Mercersburg, Pennsylvania. A much misunderstood man, Bu chanan is finally getting recognition he deserves, xnougn his position on secession was unpopular, many consti tutional lawyers today maintain it was completely sound. Buchanan up held the right of opponents of slavery to petition for its abolition. However, he also believed Congress had no con trol over slavery policies in the states. to 144 ; million, pounds. This amount sets another record for the month of March. Production during March of 1953 was placed at 130 million pounds and at 122 million during March of Average monthly production per cow in North Carolina herds was estimated at 368 pounds or 3 per cent above the average production rate of 342 pounds during March of 1953. 13 MILLION ACRES FOR, . TOUR VACATION Looking for an ideal vacation spot this Summer f Then youll enjoy the illustrated catalog of America's 26 National Parks, offering spectacular scenery, excellent accommodations and prices to fit most any family's bud get Look for this feature in the May 2nd issue of l! ; THE AMERICAN WEEKLY , . Magazine in Colorgravure with the BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN . Order From Your,;:.' . Local Newsdealer 4 Loomis Company, a corporation 0f )to set my hand and aCxei ay osIal thin State, whnm nrlnclmt nf fa'aaal f Plt1. r v J . Classified c J Legr's FOR SALE 1952 PLYMOUTH 4- door sedan; blue; new nylon seat covers. 5 new Goodyear nylon tires Price $1,200. See after 5 P. M., at No. 2 Woodland Circle, Hertford, N. C. 1 Aprill6,23 NATO U.S. Ace In Hole The fifth anniversary of the found ing of the North Atlantic Treaty Or ganization occurred early this month. President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Secretary of State John Foster Dulles took occasion to comment on the unity of the free nations represented in NATO. This was not merely a perfunctory recognition. In the discussion and planning for the European Defense Community, which has filled the head lines recently, some forget that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is the United States' ace in the hole in its battle against Communism in Eur ope.' ' This was clearly evident when Rus sia recently suggested that she would consider joining the organization. NATO is still a solid alliance against Russian attack and includes more na tions than the European Defense Com munity will ever include. Even though " more publicity is currently being giv en EDC proposals, NATO remains the cornerstone of the United States poli cy in Europe and the Middle East It includes such nations as Greece and Turkey, and stretches all the way to the Arctic, since Norway is also a .member. General Alfred M. Gruenther, the President's Chief of Staff for many years, is the international commander of NATO. As his command is a con siderable array of armed forces, in cluding thousands of aircraft, many of which are jet models. It is this defen sive arrangement which is the ma jor achievement of U. S. foreign poli cy in the last five or six years. Whether or not EDC is consummated (and we believe Europe's best interests will be served if the EDC Treaty is ratified by, the six nations involved). NATO remains a bulwark against Communist aggression, and an alliance between the United States and thir- teen allies who are pledged to fight if any one or the treaty-countries is In vaded. This, and not EDC, is the foundation-stone of U. S. policy in Jfiurope and the Middle East State Accepts Four National 4-H Awards Programs For 1954 The State Club office has accepted four national 4-H Awards programs for participation nf members in 1954, the National Committee on Boys and Girls Club Work has announced. The programs are Garden, Clothing Achievement, i Poultry, and Tractor Maintenance, in the last three of which awards have been changed. In the 4-H Clothing program, four (formerly one) gold-filled medals of honor will be provided for winners in qualifying counties by the awards don or, Coats & Clark, Inc. As in the past, the state winner will receive an all-expense trip to the National 4-H Club Congress in Chicago. Also, 12 state winners selected for national awards will each receive a $300.00 college scholarship. Instead of five sterling silver medal awards to county winners in the 4-H Poultry program, four gold-filled med-1 als will be provided this year by the Tractor and Implement Division, Ford Motor Co. Awards of an all-expense trip to the National 4-H Club Con gress in Chicago for state winners, and $3000.00 college scholarships to ten national winners remain unchang ed. In the 4-H Tractor Maintenance program, the American Oil Co., will provide four gold-filled instead of sterling silver medals of honor as county awards. The state winner will receive an all-expense trip to the Nat ional 4-H Club Congress, as hereto fore. The national awards, however. MALE HELP WANTED WANT-A $75 a week commission or better full time job, calling on farmers and families in small towns? Farm and household supplies. Just the part time job, too, for persons on pension or social security. Write Dept. D-l, P. O. Box 83, Aulander, North Carolina. April23,30,May7 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of James N. Byrum, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Route 2, Hert ford,' N. C, on or before the 13th day of March, 1955, or this notice will be pleaded in' bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This 13th day of March, 1954. - SALLIE B. SCAFF, Administrator of James N. Byrum March79,26,April2,9,16,23 NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Perquimans County made in the special proceed; ings entitled Claudie Skinner, et al, EX Parte, the undersigned commis sioner will on the 30th day of April, 1954, at 11:30 o'clock A. M., at the Court House door in Hertford, N. C, offer for sale to the highest bidder for "ash that certain tract of land in Parkville Township, Perquimans Court, ty, described as follows: Beginning at an iron pipe on Right of way N. S. Railroad, thence N. 6 E. 18 chs. thence S. 67 E. to Morgan's corner, thence N. 52 E. 6 chs. and 15 links, thence N. 82 E. short distance to corner, thence S. 5 W. 17 chs. to Right of Way of N. S. R. R. thence along said right of way S. 72 W. 11-610 chs. to point of beginning containing 20 acres, and being the 20 acre tract in the Plat of the said Thomas L. Felton land. A 10 per cent cash deposit will bit have been increased from eight to 12 iuired of the successful bidder, Famous Men And April April, like February, is the month in which, birthdays and anniversaries of great men and historic events fall in great numbers. This is the month in which the United States entered World War I and the month in which the British burned both the Capitol and tr)e White House, back m 1814. The towering, figure among those who have birthday anniversaries in April is that, of , Thomas' Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson was elected Presi dent of the United States in 1800 and remained in office for eight years. His ideas, hid Inventions and his words on philosophy, are all eagerly studied to day and there is a good iifuntent inr lavor of the view that Jefferson was! $300,000 college scholarships, Awards in the 4-H Garden program, which are provided by Allis-Chalm-ers, remain the same as last year four gold-filled medals of honor, an all-expense trip to the National 4-H Club Congress, and eight $300.00 col lege scholarships, to county, state and national winners, respectively. All these national 4-H programs are supervised by the Cooperative Exten sion Service. It Takes Care To Raise Pullets In Confinement Every poultryman wants strong, vigorous, healthy birds to place in the laying house this autumn. He knows next year's profit is directly related to the condition of his birds when they begin to lay. But what if a range is not available? Can the birds be raised in confinement? R. S. Dears tyne. head of the depart-' ment of poultry science, N. C. State 1 ("!aI1ao- nn Vaa T J- ' 0F vo A, UU1 MJ UUlWf if great care is exercised." Dears tyne says that poultrymen must realize that during the three months or so from brooding to laying "a very sub stantial growth should occur in the birds." ' Points of special importance in am. finement rearing include sanitation, a large amount of feeding, watering and uoor space, and especially important, an abundance of fresh air. . Thla im plies "very careful management,", says vearstyne. as Uie birds begin to ma ture, the feeding and watering space needs to expand, just as does the floor space requirement Three square feet of floor space per bird is not too much for confinement rearing.' wnen ample, clean range with a good grazing crop is available, it should be used. However, if thia fa not exist confinement rearintr fu, uccessiuuy , done tt the poultryman "i""y pay attention to the detail of the job. This 80th day of March. 1954. WALTER G. EDWARDS, Commissioner.-' April2,9,ie,23 NOTICE OF.ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of, the estate of Sidney P. Jessup, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before the 3rd day of April, 1955 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment This 3rd day of April 1954. ' WILLIS L. JESSUP, Administrator of Sidney P. Jessup. April 9,ie,23,30,May7,14 r - . PRELIMINARY CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION To All to Whom These Preaenta May vome oreeung: Whereas, it appears to n s.Hof no tion, by duly authenticated record of tne proceedings for the, voluntary dis- wnuuon uiereoi ny the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, de- P"eq m my office, that the Major ANOTEn Kaa crccsD Milk produe" the greatest philosopher of LU era, 1 farms durlrjL. a on North Carolina -rch of IZZi amc;r.-i I have been wonderfullv blecaeJ in Wag restored to activa Ufa aer be. mg ertPPled in marly every joint In my body and with nmscular soianeat from head to foot I had Etazmatoid Arthritis and other 1 orma of Uheo matism, hands deformed and- any ankles were set . " T- 7 Lifted, spec prehita tsT youl uion jrero vac u you wl write me i wui reply at once aad ta ym fcew I received this wonderful rO . ..r. Lc!3 S. Qr; p.o. r-rfj. this State, whose principal situated in the Town of Hertford, County of Perquimans State of North Carolina (Augustine ' Wayne Hefren being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has complied with the re quirements of Chapter 55, General Statutes, entitled "Corporations," pre liminary to the issuing of this Certi ficate of Dissolution: . . ' Now Therefore,. I, Thad Euro, Sec retary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 26th dav of March, 1954, 'file in my office a duly executed and attested consent In writ ing to the dissolution of said corpora tion, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as' provided by law. '-. ; In, Testimony Whereof, I have here- Join TWIFORD'S - Mutual Burial ASSOCIATION is, seal at Raleigh, this IZJi der of xuarcn, a. u, ivbi. , - . s THADEURE, Secretary of State. April 9,16,23,80 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having Qualified as. Adminiatmtn,. u me estate ox usma Kay race, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North .Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at 45 Eifonfan Road Street; Hertford, N. C, on or Deiore the 14th day of April, 1955, of this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. ' All persona indebted yyynrnrwesttsitlwjjUl MPMBILITY SLOW and plodding though they were, at plough the oxen of the early pioneer preyed memteives truly de pendable. This patient, hard working, hard-dying helped win the Wettl We are always ready to help time of need. AiUWtteff elded by modern, scientific equipment, permits ut to rea der a service of dependebl fty in which no dotal it over looked. to said estate wQI please make imm. diate payment""' ' V '( , This 14th day of April, 1954. DAVID V. PIKE, Administrator of David Ray Pike. - Aprfll630JSIay7,14,21 p.Q1,p f C:3l!::3 Ept . Whn kidney fraction darn down, mtny folia oamplain of nagging bukacho, hanoV acnes, atuineat and low of pep and anervy. i with the dia- HOW TO RELIEVE SKIN ITCH. UN 15 WLWfES, If not Pleased, vonr 40e baric a.t mr drug store. ITCH-ME-NOT has mad anesthetic to ease itch in minutes; has keratolytic, antiseptic action that sloughs off outer skin to KILL GERMS AND FUNGUS ON CON TACT. Fine for eczema, ringworm, foot itch, other surface rashes. Today at S & M. advl Don't suffer mIh niha comforts II nduesd kidney function is get. tint yon down due to such common muses as trees and train, overexertion or ex posure to cold. Minor bladder Irritations duo to cold, dampness or wrong diet may causa getting up nights or frequent passages. Don't neglect your kidneys if these coadi Hons bother you. Try Dosn's PiUa a mild diuretic. Used eueeessfully by millions for over 60 years. While often otherwise caused. It's amazing how many times Doan's give happy relief from these dlreomforts help the 15 miles of Iddney tubes and filters flush out waste. Get Doan's Pills today! Donrs Pills WANT TO BUY; YOUR CORN AND HOGS WE PAY TOP PRICES... See Us For Your Needs For Certified Beans and Corn We have one-of the best bean cleaners 1 'available anywhere. 1 J. F. Hollowell &Son WDTFALL.N.C, . .. ' rrfm- i - . '. I yjf TiMaor H V tmmty tf 7T I III RAY WHITE, Prop I OF SCIENCE B j1 J The management of a farm is a science . . . just as precise, in its j L ?j WQUaaQmrftrnol. ; rhAlflnrimonriAmnrinmAiiAniiAhiAfmnhiuMinik 1 I PHONE 2841 SfflVICE WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF OIL FILTER CARTRIDGES TO FIT ALMOST EVERY TYPE OF CAR, TRUCK OK TRACTOR Save Costly Repair Bills by Seeing US For NEW OIL FILTER CARTRIDGES TODAY! JOE & BILL'S SERVICE STATION PHONE 8601 ( the wonders of chemical agriculture . . by the selection of proper: I fertilizers needed to restore the elements to the soil. ,f x . Another planting is at hand . and to be sure of greater yields from, your fields . . . you can make no mistake m selecting SCO-CO Fertilizers to prepare your soil for more productivity.. ',' , SOQ-00 Fertilizer is made and sold by a home concern, which has: spent years studying the needs of the soil of this section. . As a re sult, we have arrived at a formula of, the' right ingredients, which when used, will "bpostf ' the yields of your soil . ORDEH YOUR FTIRTILIZER TTOD A Y ! ; FKO:.I YOUR SCO-CO DEALER ' ! r:i321Clcr.a21il .-co. I'O C

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