THIS PERQUIMANS WEEXLY, HEBTFORD, N. C, FRTOAYJULY 11, 1951. PAG3 SEVEN SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSOR ARE WE GROWING AS CHRISTIANS? International Sunday School Lesson for July 11th, 1954. ! - . Memory Selection: "Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ." II Peter 3:18. Lesson Text: I Cor. 5:1-3; Eph. 4:11-16; II Peter 1:5.8; 3:18. While every mother regrets to see ' her children grow into maturity and leave the old home, every mother would agree that there, is nothing more pitiful than a child who fails to develop into full maturity. There are those who, though they grow old in years and sometimes in bodily stature, fail to develop mentally and remain as children mentally. Ad it is a ter rible sight to behold! " ; This lesson for toiday bids us take a look at ourselves which is a good thing to do from time to time. Just how mature are we, spiritually? We have been blessed with bodies which matured perfectly and with minds which developed, but how about our .' spirits? . , . In our scripture reference from I Corinthians, the Apostle Paul is writ ing to the Christians in the church at Corinth. These Christians, Paul says, had been acting childishly. They had Knan tnanulinir mnntf tfiAmsplvAfl And WW. o had divided themselves into groups- some were following raui, some were following Appollos and others, Cephas. Paul, in his letter, tells them to for get Paul, and Appollos, and Cephas, nd to follow Jesus Christ These early Christians were also 'jealous of each other. They were squabbling over who should hold the highest offices in the churches, which reminds us of some of our . churches today. The majority of. the difficul ties in churches today, as it has been in the past, is over the desire for po sition by one individual, or a group of individuals, over another. Paul very frankly told the Corin thians they were acting like "babies." For this reason, he declared, he could not feed them as adults should be fed on meat but would have to con tinue to feed them on milk. What he was trying to get them to see was that they needed to grow up and act like adults. What they needed to feed on was the plain, simple Goppel of Christ to study it and understand it ! and live bv it. This-theme i3"Cjtmthnwd in his letter to tne Denevers in the church at Eph esus. He warned them to become so grounded in the Gospel of Jesus Christ that they would no longer be driven ; about by every wind of doctrine. Have you ever stopped to think how many ' denominations there are of Christian J people in the world today? Thous ands upon thousands of them most i of -which were brought about by some ' slight shading of some doctrine of the ;; church. While we, presumably, do not believe there will ever be just one big church, we do think that Christians v everywhere should get their feet more s solidly on the ground of Christian doc- trine, so that one .man, or a group I of men, cannot sway them hither and yon. . ; 1 . :. While Paul, in I Corinthians gives , us his formula for Christian growth, . and in Ephesians he stresses the character of Jesus Christ's gospel as the goal of growth in Christian unitv and love, Peter, in his second gospel, v stresses the vital importance of that f growth, and "givei a distinct pattern for that growth. The fifth, sixth and seventh verses y contain an ascending ladder of virtues which every Christian , should develop in' his life. Beginning 'on a founda tion of faith the starting point cf our life with Christ, we .are to Work with continuous and persevering ef ., fort and careful attention to supple- Hunt f.IiL Jjil ' . .., ..... who iaiui wnn virtue moral ex cellence or just plain goodness. To faith, plus goodness, we must add Knowledge not just the accumulation of facts but the ability , to enhance lacis wren insignt. -, ' :' i To faith. t)lus cnnrineaa nlna Irnnntl - edge, Peter would have us add temper ance, or self-control. No life can be a success without self-control. Then, j Peter advises -that the Christian should Cultivate thn r)mnKtol. v . VI ' patience the ability to wait calmly . wiuioui wavering, Delievmg that God knows all. To patience should be added godliness God-likenean. if please. This God-likeness would not 5 De uKe uoa, at all ; if it did not in ' elude brotherftr kinrinaoa' k.ii ' ly kindness is impossible without the cumaxing virtue or love. In the ideal life, these attributes - are linked one to the other,, and each succeeding ; element enriches and ' makes more perfect the preceding vir . tues. ' Faith, virtue, knowledge, sel control, patience, godliness,, brotherly 4.un.nq ouu luve--u west are pos- ssed, says the great Apostle Paul, , your life will not be idle nor unfruit ful in thft cause of the kingdom; but - you will "grow in the grace and knowl !. edge of our Lord and iavjour -Jesus (These comments aresed on. copy righted outlines produced by the Di- . vision of Chri8tiai)rI dation, Nitloft al Council of the Churches of Christ; . U.S.A., p- v-1 v T ) t SIIOTArJ ARROl... In the flight of an arrow this young lady glimpses something of the question mark ' that is life. She compared herself to the arrow, trembling and plunging toward the earth . . . falling at some distant, unknown point. She thinks of the childhood poem she once learned, "I shot an arrow into the air ... it fell to earth, I know not where." Until she discovered the Church, thoughts like these troubled her. But in the Church she found the answer, a secure knowledge that her flight of life will be guided by a higher power to a perfect destination. Like this girl, everyone has flights of fancy. We dream of, plan for, and have misgivings about the future. That is why we must discover the Church and its teach ings, for under its influence, our destiny will uetuiuo iur, ana our luture will take on new meaning. MB rnswr. AIL Vrr -Wit1!? i "tofthouMVi" .""""'P. It Witfca... Plrual i. ----- wrrlc,, - .ula , daUf. d your ... I Booh if? I : " i I? i 2 iff? OlIlllOttMl tSmt - THIS PAGE MADE POSSIBLE BY THE FOLLOWING FIRMS: Lynch Funeral Home PHONE 1811 HERTFORD, N. C. CANNON PHONE 251 J CLEANERS DEPENDABLE SERVICE Simon's OUTFITTERS FOR THE FAMILI Hertford Livestock & Supply Co. PHONE 2501 HERTFORD, N. C Robertson's Cleaners PHONE 5731 HERTFORD, N. C Hertford Bldg. & Loan Association "Own Tour Own Home Through Building ft Loan' DOZIER'S FLORIST FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS PHONE 4606 TOWE OIL COMPANY SINCLAIR PRODUCTS U.S. TIRES W. M. Morgan Furniture Company HOME FURNISHINGS . HOT POINT APPLIANCES Jordan's Barber Shop BILL JORDAN, Prop. Winslow-Blanchard Motor Co. TOUR FORD DEALER Hertford Banking Company MEMBER F. D. L C Reed Oil Company ESSO PRODUCTS : I?ertford Hardware & Supply Co. PAINTS HARDWARE . BUILDING MATERIALS .. Towe-Webb Motor Company , CKRTSLER-PLTMOUTH SALES AND SERVICE Hertford Furniture Company MOVED IN TOWN, ITS TRUE, BUT STILL . RETAIN LOW PRICES, TOO" J. C Blanchard & Company, Inc. " - "ELANCHARD'S" SINCE 1832 ; ' . " ; 1 & The Southern Cotton Oil Company 1 ''"r HERTFORD. N. C. Go To Church Your Church Any Church But Do Go Perquimans Church Services HERTFORD BAPTIST CHURCH James 0. Mattox, Pastor Sunday School, 9:45 A. M. Morning Worship, ll.-OC o'clock. Evening Worship, 8 o'clock. Mid-week Services, Wednesday at BETHLEHEK CHURCH OF CHRIST Joe Brickhonse, Pastor First Sunday 11. A. M. and 8 P.M. BURGESS BAPTIST CHURCH W. E. Thompson, Pastor Church services second and fourth Sundays at 11 A. M. Sunday School at 10:00 A. M. .' . 0 ' ' PERQUIMANS CHARGE CHURCHES H. M. Jamieson, Pastor M First Sunday: New Hope Church, 11:00 A. M. Oak Grove Church, 7:00 P. M. Second Sunday Winfall Church, 11:00 A. M. Cedar Grove Church, 10 A. M. Woodland Church, 7:00 P. M. Third Sunday Oak Grove Church, 11:00 A. M. New Hope Church, 7:00 P. M. Fourth Sunday Cedar Grove Church, 11:00 A. M Woodland Church, 10 A. M. Winfall Church, 7:00 P. M. m . Fifth Sunday Woodland Church,, 11:00 A. M. Prayer Meeting each Wednesday a. Winfall Church, 7:00 P. M. ANDERSON'S METHODIST CHURCH C H. Beale, Putor Church School, 1000 A. M. Morning Worship, 11:00 A. M., sec ond and fourth Sundays. ' ' . - o WOODVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH Hugh Ross Williams, Pastor Church Services on second and fourth Sundays at 11 A. M. First and Third Sundays at 7.45 r. M. Sunday School 9:45 A. M. UP RIVER FRIENDS CHURCH James Rahenkamp, Pastor Sunday School, 9:45 A. M. Church Services 11 A. M., - 7:30 P. M. Christian Endeavor, 6:30 P. M. Prayer Service, Wednesday 7:30 P. M. BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. D. Stoner, Pastor Sunday School 10 A. M. . Morning Worship 11 A. M. Evening service 8 P. M. PINEY WOODS FRIENDS CHURCH D. Virgil Pike, Pastor Church School 10 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. Young People's Meeting 7 P. M. WHITEVILLE GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH Caleb Goodwin. Jr, Pastor Sunday School, 10:30 A. M., every Sunday except third Sunday. Church sevices every third Sunday at 8 P. M. ' HERTFORD METHODIST CHURCH A. L. Chaplin, Pastor Church School, 9:45 A. M. Morning Wonship, 11:00 o'clock. Youth Fellowship, 6:46 P. M. Evening Worship, 7:80 P. M. Mid-week Fellowship, Wednesday BAGLEY SWAMP PIXGRIM Coy S. Saunders, Putor Sunday School, 10:00 A. M. Morning Worship, 11:00 o'clock. Young People's Meeting, 6:80 P. M. Evening Worship, 7:80 o'clock. JJ1!'? Service Thursday it 4 HOLY TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH Re. Charles F. Wulf, Rector. v 9:45 A. M., Church School, every Sunday. 9:00 A. M., Holy Communion, 1st Sun. day. 8:30 A. M., Holy Communion, 2nd, 4th, 6th Sundays. 11:00 A. M., Holy Communion, 3rd Sunday. 11:00 A. M., Morning Prayer, 2nd, 4th, 6th Sundays. . 10:00 A. M., Holy Communion, Fri days and Saints' Days. BEREA CHURCH OF CHRIST Walker Perry, Pastor 2nd and 4th Sunday at 10:80 A. M. Morning worship on first and third Sundays at 11 A. M. Evening worship first and third Sundays at 7:80 P. M. CHAPPELL HILL BAPTIST CHURCH . Rev. Vivian Evans, Pastor Sunday School every first and third Sunday at 10:30 A. M. Preaching ser vice at 11:15 A. M. Sunday School every second and fourth Sunday at 11:00 A. M.