ivffi(SllIMMS; WEEKLY chime XXL Number 39. Hertford, Perquimans County, North CarolinaTFriday, September 24, 1954. 5 Cents Per Copy i j CI J I. Till it's CcniJ Over :ment Over Auto icults In Death of J mes Randolph Wayland Cooper, 17-year-old Negro c f the Whiteston community, , charg d with the murder of James Ran 'jlph waived, preliminary hearing in Perquimans Recorder's r Court last Tuesday and was bound over for trial at the October term of Superior Court Bond was set for the youth at $1,000. Randolph . died" Friday, morning of last week iri Albemarle Hospital of gunshot wounds allegedly received at the Cooper home the night before. & According to Sheriff M. .6." Owens. "who investigated the shooting and ' made the arrests in the case, Randolph was shot with a shotgun by Wayland Cooper following an argument be- fmm WottIqti anil liia tiwrtii. Char1. J He Cooper, ' over- the use of a car , During thet argument, it was testi fied to during court Tuesday Charlie Cooper fired a .22 calibre pistol at his brother, Wftyland "to scare him." x Wayland then secured a shotgun, fol lowing Charlie from the home, fired at a figure he believed to have been his brother. The shot struck Ran dolph whq was taken to the hospital for treatment . .;........ Sheriff Owens testified the brothers first told him that , Charlie Cooper V..J .1.... T lIL Ui. rx il. jr ii -. -1 , 3 - i- j " cnangea weir nones ana eacn admit ted Wayland had fired the shot which struck Randolph. Following his investigation Sheriff Owens arrested Wayland Cooper on charge of murder and Charlie Cooper , on a charge of carrying a concealed . weapon - and assault with a deadly weapon, - Charlie entered a plea of ..guilty to the charge of carrying the . weapon and was found guilty of as sault , He was given a 60 day jail sentence to be suspended upon . pay ment of a fine of $75 and costs. - It was testified to in court Tues day that Wayland Cooper secured the t shotgun and followed after his broth r because he. believed his: brother might injure his mother. Following tha avidencgiven by the 'Sheriff, bond was set Tor Wayland ' ,t Cooper, bv Jndtre-ChaE.; Johnson, nt 1,000. Cooper, is represented by-W. Hit v been approved for Permolman. mSSSV under the 1954 Agricultural Conserva tion Program the establishment of a -vegetative cover in the fall .of 1954 for winter protection from erosion an nounced Heiene w. JNixon, rerquim ans County ASC Office Manager. The practice was approved to help meet the emergency needs for gras- Ing, hay and soil protection created by the extreme draught of 1954. ' A good stand and good growth must 1 be obtained in sufficient time to pro tect the area from late fall and win ter rain in 1954 and mijst be maintain ed on the land until April 1, 1955. The land must be uniformly covered in the fall of 1954 with a vegetative growth of one or more of the following crop$ alone or in combination: wheat, oats, barley, rye, crimson clover, hairy vetch and annual ryegrass. .. . ' If the vegetative Cover seeded this fall will be. followed by a row crop, it is not necessary that an application of limestone be made or a soil-sample be taken and submitted to the" Soil Testing Division. If this practice does not follow a crop which had an appli cation of fertilizer in 1954, 400 pounds per acre of 2-12-12 must be applied. Request for Federal cost-sharing in performing this practice should be fil ed in the County ASC office at once. J: I;nson Named To ' ! strict Committee 'jt-'f" tmmmah ' :' l ' '-" '"-i-''"'i' John D. Larkins, Jr4 chairman of State Democratic Executive Com ' e 'has named chairmen- and sc .les for Nthe Democratic party's sessional, Judicial. Solicitorial senatorial District Committees, r . t s. E. Johnson of Hertford was i '?& chairman, and MrS." "Jo., v i Carr of Edenton secret? ry of t" r Z .orial committee, toi Ce I"' r. u. - Cl' r appointments were CoT"v sio. .1 comnttpe, Dr. J. II. .V. , -, chaiiTi "i, I'rs. G. W. 1' Ai sscrci; Senttoi' 1 comn.iLe, r.;m.Cii -r chairs- I";rtln Eel'.rrri se:re tary; Ju.' '1 comr..' ' , . :"'a G. Cochrane! ".Tnan and R. L. Li-y secretary. L"Il VlIVGS To :fc;ir tert r Revival Speaker Oruest minister at the revival ser vices scheduled next week at the Hert ford Baptist Church will berths Rev Clarence E. Godwin, of Winston-Sal em. Mr. Godwin is a traduate of Wake Forest College and former tT. S Navy Chaplain. ScnPastcrTo AtDgtistCliurch ; The revival which will begin at the Bantist Church September:. 27 will bring to. Hertford one of the outstand-J ing young Baptist preacners or. worm Carolina. He is the Rev. Clarence E. klodwin, pastor of the Southside Bap tist Church of Winston-Salem. ? . The 86-year61d preacher is a na tive of Hertford County, his home be ing near AhoskJe. He graduated from Powellsville High School and then went to Wake Forest College where he finished in 1940.-His theological train ing was done at the P-rptist Seminary in Louisville, Ky. It was here .that he" received hi m.M-, degree In 1943. t or the next tnree years tne wer. Mr: Godwin served as a Chaplain in the United States Navy, which, in cluded eighteen months duty in the Pacific during World War II. ;Mr. Godwin distinguished himself . as a Chaplain through serving the spirit ual needs of his men under all con ditions. . - : ;;';.:; ; ''"i.. ;: - K , Upon his release from the Navy, the young pastor went to Rocky Mount to become the Associate to the well John W. Kindheloe, then pastor of the First Baptist Church, After spending three years iri Rocky Mount, Mr. Godwin ac cepted a call to the pastorate of the Baptist Church in Cary, where ht was again to distinguish himself aftong young pastors in the State for his tine leadership and accomplishments in this Wake County town. From Gary, the revival speaker went tq Southside Baptist Church in Winston-Salem, where he is now serv ing as pastor. , , . Much preparation has been made for Rev. Godwin's coming and fdr the revival itself. It should prove to be an outstanding week. 3.:;,.( .L -; : The services will begin promptly it 7:30 each evening. : Special : musical renditions will be given by the choirs of, the church and other, groups from tne surrounding county. . -it- The , public is cordially invited to sha,re with the Baptist in this week of spiritual emphasis and evangelism. V " -: ASG . , f armer-comitteemen will be nominated. Tuesday night September 28, at the Agricultural Building in Hertford at a meeting of farmers of Perquimans County, announced Heiene W. Nixon, , Perquimans County ASC umee Manager. - , ; , At ' thisi meeting-, farmers will be asked to nominate from among their friends and neighbors at least, ten eli gible persons to serve as Community Committeemen and alternates. The five .receiving the majority of votes will begin serving as committeemen ow fioveniber 1. 1Su4. Community Com r " 'men cannot be clectei this year 7 f-rvel dail. j t-e last three' 3. ' . ' 'i. ' ' 1 is a election will be held by mail t ' h tullots mailed to' el'-T-t'e. voters iii the county on October 7, A; farm .'" ) us r, cA ..iUr, t-:ant or sar;Tcrrpr, is participatlnj or is eli t'l.la to ..rt!-j" '3 in ary rsram tared by ti;a County AL J com- , is t. 3 a 1 to vele tr.i slim.'d b 4 . I 1 5i 1 Pcn;u!mLnslnLTs Grcp Grid 0p3H3r . ToCliovoGtoO Locals Tlo Play Ahoskie Friday In First Of Conference Games The v Perquimans Indians, opening their 1954 football season here last Friday night, dropped the opener to the junior varsity of Chowan College by a score of 6 to nothing. ' Playing before a large number of fans, the Indians displayed a fine de fensive game but snowed a lack of experience in developing offensive play. The teams battled on even terms through three quarters, then Chowan gained a break by recovering a Perquimans fumble on the Perquim ans 26 yard line. The visitors scored on the next play, passing for the touchdown. Perquimans won the toss, opening the game, and elected to receive the kickoff. During the first half, the Indians held a definite edge, rolling up three first downs, while the Per- jqulmans line stopped the Chowan of fense in its tracks. Chowan showed an improved brand of play in the third quarter, retaining possession of the ball most of the time and chalking up four first downs while the Indians had none. After Chowan scored in the open ing minutes of the final period, the Indians turned on the pressure and it appeared they were headed for a TD but a fumble on Chowan's 21-yard line cost possession of the ball. - , ' D. A. Carver, Bruce Lowe, Arnold Chappell and Eddie Overton were standouts on defense for the Indians while Paul and Tommy Mathews and Billia Baker were best on offense. -The "Indians will face a -tough op pohent on Friday night When they travel to Ahoskie to play tiie Ahoskie Indians in the first Albemarle Confer ence game of the season.: Ahoskie has won two games thus far and 'will be the favorite against Perquimans, OldConyOfllorald i FGiiiidDyDlKixon A 36-year-old copy of the Hertford Herald, a predecessor to The Perquim ans Weekly, was found last week by Mrs. Thomas Nixon, whuVshe was searching through some old papers at her home on Church Street, v The pa per, volume one, ncmber one, is the first edition and carries the dateline of September 27, 1918. It lists Jack Wells as its editor and proprietor. The publication, similar in size to The Weekly, carries a number of in teresting local stories, and several items about World War I, and the Fourth Liberty Loan bond campaign then in progress. One article . reported schools were to .open September 30 and Prof. O. Vernon Hicks was listed , as superin tendent.; An appeal was carried urg ing school children to help pick cot ton, and another item reported retail prices had not climbed as high as had been predicted due to war shortages.' L. W. Norman was listed as chair man of the Liberty Bond drive and the county , was asked to subscribe for $100,000 worth of bonds. Another article reported The Rad cliffe Chautauqua, which had been playing at the . Broughton Opera House, had completed a successful three-day program. The paper carried a large number of advertisements and listed local business firms as,. Mrs. Jake White, Southern Drug.Co.;; D. M. Fjelds prop., Webster's Service '-Station, Hertford Banking Co., Hassen Brothers. Brinn ! Brothers, W.I.S. .Blanchard &. Son, Farmers Bank !& -Trust Co., Major Loomis Co., Stokes and Darden Bro thers,. Winslow & White, dealers in horses, mules, butrgies. wasrons and carts, White & Company, Davenport et tJiancnara, w. M. Morgan and Div ers & Raper, dealers in Ford cars and trucks. -. Only prices -carried in the Ads to give comparison with today were those of Divers and Raper which list ed. Ford Touring cars at $525, road-' sters at $500 and a chasis for $475. Beard Names Lloyd Rileg As Policeman 1 : The Board of CommissinTwrB for tTi Town ojf Hertford, meeting in special sessiop on Friday afternoon of 'last week, appointed Lloyd E. Riddick to fill thi vacancy", otk thft jocal .police force. . V '. 1 Kiddick will succeed' A. E. Puck L who resigned te post 6; accept ap pointment to the State Highway Patrol- The new police officer, who will be assigned to nijht duty, is a veteran. TT. . . . . I is "larriea ana wsiaes in Hett- unce 1 5 ,j 1 PTA Groups To Sell Rcn3vlsToVc3k(y For r'3Xt Four 7ee!(s Plan To Provide Funds For PTA Toward An-' nual Activities Plans have been completed between the ;' Parent-Teacher Association of Perquimar.s. County Schools and The Perquimans; Weekly for the PTA members, and school representatives, to serve as subscription agents for The Weekly, seeking renewals and new subscriptions to your home coun- Ity newspaper for the next four weeks. The plan was worked out to provide fVia PTA 'ffflminfl roifli an nnnnrhinit.v to acquire ;extra funds for use in oelinnl octivitipq Hiirinfr th rnminer . . .. .-.., year. i -Most of the subscriptions for The Perquimans Weekly expire during the j months, of -September through Decern- j ber and a high commission will be! renewal Subscriptions and reporting i them to The Weekly office. The pub- lie can participate in this plan by re newing subscriptions to The Weekly through any member of the PTA or ganizations. Subscriptions given to PTA members will be added to the present subscription of the subscriber and will run for one year. Thus, if the subscription of an individual ex pires next December and that person gives a renewal to a PTA member the subscription will be marked up to De cember, 1955. The Weekly, planning this event- has not sent out notices of expiration during the months of August, Septenv ber and October, but all expired sub scriptions will be discontinued unless renewed through the PTA members during the fcext three weeks. ; Members of the Parent-Teacher As sociations plan to make a house to house1 canvass of the town and county during the next three weeks, giving every subscriber an opportunity to re new his on Tier subscription through the PTA, subscribers are requested to give ' their support in -this drive ?nd aid thn in their effort to raise undo. to'ovide extra and needed equipment for the school children. - II I ' If lit By Rep. C.R. Holmes The Legislation Committee of the Perquimans Business and Professional Women's Club had charge of the pro gram when It. met Thursday night, September 16, at Hotel Hertford for its regular dinner meeting. Mrs. Rox anna C. Jackson, chairman, introduced Rep. Carroll F. Holmes, the speaker, who chose for his subject, "Constitu tional Government and Laws." He gave the history of the Constitutional Conventions in an interesting manner, and his discussion of the Five Amend ments to the Constitution was most informative. Mr. Holmes reminded the ffroup that with the growth ex ransion and to the interest of the peo- s. it has become imperative that cer tain changes and amendments be made to the constitution from time to time. After having had these Amendments explained, the members feel they can go to the Polls this November election and vote intelligently. - . . Mrs. Grace -M. Coston. vice presi dent, presided and opened the meeting with the Uub collect read m unison and singing "The Old North State." She recognized Mr. and Mrs. Holmes and Mrs. Carolyn R. Barker, guests and the two new members, Mrs. Atha E. Tunnell and Miss Dillwyn Denton. Mrs. Tunnell is a member of the Grammar School Faculty at Winfall and Miss Denton is a member of the High School.Faxnilty. ; ; , rr . Mrs. Dora T, Riddick gave a report on the Eighth District meeting of BPW Clubs held in Scotland-Neck. ; Using an impressive ceremony, Mrs. Betty T. SwindelL past president; in stalled the following officers: Presi dent, Mrs. Emily T. Harrell; vice.pres ident, ,Mrs. Grace? M.- Coston; record ing secretary Miss Hulda Wood; cor responding secretary, Mrs. Essie H. Burbage, and , treasurer, Mrs.' Minnie Wilma W. Hurdle. The meeting clos ed with the Qub Pledm and the Em blem Benediction. 1 . BislionYri-htTo Hold Services Here , i Announcement is made that the Rt Rev; Thomas H. Wright, D.D., Bishop of the Diocese of East Carolina, of Wilmington, will be in Hertford next Sunday, September 26, and will con duct services at Holy Trinity Episco pal Chnwh at" v o'clock" in "the .even ing. . Bishop Wright will be assisted by V a Rev, C -;s V. V,V.f. of Wash jjton. N. .C, the former rector, of Ay Trinity. i 1' s pnV.:c is eord:ally invited to ftfc - Piney Woods Friends Church Planning 1E9th Anniversary Observance Oct 3rd Charlie Ford Reed Passes Wednesday Charlie Ford Reed, 77, died Wed nesday night at 9 o'clock at his home near Hertford after a long illness., He was -the son of the late Corporal and Mrs. Mannie Sumner Reed, of Per quimans County, and husband of Mrs. Addie White Reed. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Ad die White Reed; three sons, William Reed, of Cisina Park, 111.', Dan S. Reed of Detroit, Mich., and Charles F. Reed of Fort Bragg; three daughters, Miss Addie Reed of Hertford, Mrs. A. P. Barbieur of Paxton, 111., and Mrs. Hazel B. Matthews of Hertford; four brothers, Wilson C. Reed, E. L. K?ed, Dan Reed and C W. Reed, all OI Hertford. Funeral services will be held Friday at 2:30 P. M., at the Lynch Funeral Home here with burial in Cedarwood Cemetery, Pictures Of County Children To Be Taken Free; Run In Weekly : It is an undisputed fact that the responsibilities of tomorrow's world our Nation, and Community will rest upon the shoulders of the children of today. Since this is true, the pub lishers of this newspaper would like to give you a good look at these fu ture "World Builders". The only way we can do this is by publishing pictures of them in a fea ture series. To assure the latest and best reproduction pictures ... they must all be of uniform size and quali ty ... we have invited the Allen Stu dios, a nationally known portrait stu dio, to take these special pictures for us. An expert children's photographer for the Studios, with all the neces sary 'i- equipment for this specialized WorkV-'will be here Friday, October 8. PictufeVwilk be taken at the Hotel Hertford from 1 P. M., to 8 P. M. To add to the interest and fun in this exciting event, the Studios will award $250.00 in CASH prizes $125.00 to the t cutest girl; $125.00 to the cutest boy. Each child photo graphed in this community will auto matically be ; entered in the contest. The contest 'covers the states east of the Mississippi River only. Beauty alone does not count , . . The Studio judges will base their selections upon the personality and charm as portray ed in the pictures. Every child is eli gible. There is no charge to the parents. There are absolutely no strings to this invitation. It is bonafide in ev ery "sensd of the word. Parents do not have to be subscribers, nor even readers of this newspaper to take ad-, vantage of this feature. Neither are they obligated to purchase pictures after they are taken. Those who want additional prints may obtain them byi , ! . arrangement with the Studio repre-L The of the Perquimans County sentative when they select the pose -Central Grammar School, held its first thev want printed in the paner andimeetlm? of the year- in the school entered in .the contest. It is entirelv up to them. The Weekly simply wants pictures of all the youngsters and the more, the better. So the Mothers and Fa fhora'nf tlio onmmiiniHr ? iiU two paper circulates should remember the1'!.1'' wh, had charge of the program, date Friday, October 8, at the Hert !Mr?- Umphlett presented Mrs. - Earl ford Hotel, and not fail to bring their children to the photographer. , You ' will Jbe mighty glad, after wards if you did, and very, very sor ry if you do not permit your children to participate in this event. The kid dies will have much fun and both Mo ther and Dad and the youngsters, who will be very proud to see their pictures in print later. And remember, your child may win one of those won derful prizes to be awarded. Stallings Funeral Conducted Tuesday Charles Beecher Stallings, 64, diedl last. Sunday at 12:15 P. M., follow ing a heart attack.- He1 was the son of the late Henry E. and Sarah Eliza beth Stallings. Surviving are his wife, Edna Cope land Stallings; one son, Thurston Stal lings of Ednton; a daughter, Mrs. Joe Bousult of Norfolk;, a brother, Archie Stallings of Hertford, and four grand children, ":,-; '; .'"' Funeral services were conducted at the Lynch Funeral Home Tuesday af ternoon at 2 o'clock by the Rev, A. L. Chaplin, pastor of the Hertford Meth odist Church. During the services the church choir sang "Will, the Circle Be Unbroken" and "Jesus, " Saviour, Pi lot He." The choir was accompanied at the organ by Miss Kate Blanchard. F&llbearers were Harry Winslow, ; John N. Winslow, Howard Winslow, Wendell Benton. Lofton Stallings and ;,C:"p''l S'-'Mnss. Interment was in Guilford President To Deliver Message At Homecoming " Plans have been completed for the observance of the 160th anniversary of Piney Woods Monthly Meeting of Friends on October 3, at the Meeting in Belvidere, it was reported today by the pastor, D. Virgil Pike. The program will open with Bible School at 10 A. M., followed by ser vices at 11 A. M. Harold White will sing a solo and Clyde A. Milner, pres ident of Guilford College, who will deliver the anniversary message will be introduced by Mr. Pike. A fellowship lunch will be served on the grounds at 12:30 and an af ternoon meeting will start at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Grace C. Ward will give a history of Piney Woods. A cordial welcome to all Friends and visitors is extended for this anniver sary celebration and best wishes irivSn to all homecomers. According to old records, meetings for worship were held at Piney Woods as early as 1754, and probably earlier. The four acres of land where the meeting house now stands were ob tained by a donation of one acre by Joseph Newby in 1794 and the pur chase, for $20 of three acres from Thomas Newby in 1832. In 1788 Yearly Meetinir was held at Wells, which stood between Winfall and Belvidere. Wells meeting was dis continued and Piney Woods Monthly meeting was set up in 1794. Belvidere Academy was established in 1833 by Little River Quarterly Meeting, and this school was conduct-! ed at Piney Woods Meeting House un til the building was completed. In 1899 this property was conveyed to Piney Woods Monthly Meeting. The corner stone for the new building was laid November 20, 1903. In 1914 the building was sold to the County and it was destroyed by fire in 1935. The old building forms the frame work of the Timothy Perry home. The old meeting house was replaced by a new one about 1854. In that year ajpiffiaf .the-, old building wasjld. and today forms the foundation "for tne Rubin Phthisic home. The present meeting house was remodeled in 1927. The Pastoral system was adopted at Piney Woods in 1915. Adelbert Wood was the first minister and he served for three years. Other pastors, in or der were' Absalom Knight, Herman Parker, Bertha V. Smith (White) Howard Yow, John Trivette, J. Waldo Woody, Ben Millikan, Claude Bullock, Carl Yow, and the present pastor, D. Virgil Pike. Central PTA Plans Yearly Program At Meeting On Monday : caf eteria Monday night, September 20, with the president, Mrs, B. F. Bray, presiding. The PTA Song was used as the opening number. Mrs. Bray welcomed the parents and teach- ers and recognized Mrs. Charlie Umph Hpllowell, who gave an interesting de votional, " using as her subject "The Set of the PTA Sails". This was fol lowed by a trio, composed of Raymond Stanton, Marvin White, Wayne White, accompanied by Mrs. Durwood Barber. They gave a beautiful rendition of "A Beautiful Life." During the business session the min utes were read and approved and the treasurer's report was given. Mrs. W. H. Keel, vice president, gave a report of the Executive Committee meeting. Mrs. Keel stated that the two main objectives of the year would be playground equipment and books and materials for the new library. The membership drive was launched by Mrs. Joseph Winslow, membership cnairman. ane urged each parent and teacher to become a member of the PTA. Mrs. Ralph Harrell, magazine chairman, presented the PTA maga zine to the group and stated that the goal this year is 50 subscriptions. It was voted to sponsor a drive for sub scriptions to The Perquimans Weekly. Mrs. Bray recognized Mr. Biggers who spoke briefly on . the building i pro gram. S,i . '' v.-ve-vVi-'-''" Mrs. Charlie Umphlett, program chairman, announced that the Cumber land Community, - with Mrs.; Bryant Miller as chairman, would have Charge of the October program; the subject being "Anchors Away." JThe attendance award was won by Mrs. Abner Williams third grade with 30 per cent of the parents pres ent.;' .;,c - , A deghtful rc-?t:a was i J ' by all who attenf. L ., . ' f ' Cc'.r..:i Cisry,

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