"THE PERQUlMANSr WEEKLY, -ESJltjWftft, ftoftTS CA46tDfA-, fSffiA?,- Jtfl.-S2rl955. v.- - 1 .Washington .Ob Thursday' erf 1pj Week-ther fenate passed ifflt version jf the tesmt bill. ': This"! vefelorj altered, the"; House "bill' In , several material aspects; ".. fujis KeSef i till i,.,'t Ar, a member 9f the; Senate Anq d Services Committee," I spent the major portion of f ow days hear ing witnesses Jive ' their", opinions iu respect to the Reserve training the-.Senat wg apparently well r'efcsed, with ,te ?proiioin of the reserve Ml as jt was reported, by ( ihtf'ArnW SeJrices Committee. ' It adiipted the biU '.fcy a tote of 80 to 1 trfter cmly six hours of-debate, ' I attribute" tfij eeellent pravis lor of the Wit and (he prompt ac tion, upon -it in large , measure to the wisdom W geirat6r ftlclianlB fiuftsell? Ceotgiaehe Chairman' i ttej, Armed Services Committor Stator Russell, has served op fh'al fM-xtklL-ti- M'Jt- ' r. y vHHiiuteq lor many years ana an ' dtstbteflly j knows more aWut all phase of 'national defense than ant other person. After, Senator En sett had piloted the bill threw? th Senate, Senator Dennis Chave tt;Jfew Ifexfca arose 'and sakl that it is high time to do away with the notion that no man from below: the Mason-Dixon Line can be elected Pi ekient of the United . States. , Senator Chaves suggested, that Senator Russell would be a most admirable selection for that office. No UMT ; ': I want to'assure those who look x disfavor apon the idea of tin'- vcrtel military training that , the reserve bill is in no sense a uni .Veiaal military traini lit bill. It merely contemplates the limit jd niilitarv training of onlv a norlion : !i cur youth arriving t , military age, Moreover, it does not put, anV compulsion on teen-agers to enter t e new reserve program, .' . Thefbill is designed to give the the real sense of the term for the f rst thne in history. ' It "provides that boys between 17 and 20 may volunteer for ''(he1 reserve and 're ceive (tot to oxceed 6 months of 1 (.sic jniUtary training m the Arm ed Services..' After this basic train- ljiV U completed, they aref auto nwiicauyvtrangnma i t the re solves for an additional period ci years : v. Jy; yl The reserve will be composed of ! two basic groups; (1) the ready rertrves, which will take part in 8 drills annually and attend camp tvo weeks each sommerj and.;!;') the standby jreserves.rwhich w!M ncV be given ' further training. Ttcn-agers Volunteering for tr tn inff fender the reserve bill will be exempt from tlte'draft. ' " ;i ; The reserve is to consist ef per s.mbt discharged from the regular Aimed. Services as well as tho xlunteering for service under lie eserve bill. The bill p'rovkls, cw ever, that those whtt entered the cgulat Armed Services before the ractment ef the reserve bill will bn transferred to t'i. standby t i;;rvs upon their discharge fr"om the service unless thiy volunteer to .entei' the ready reserves. Sfnc nd requirement qf further training x: ittd at the time these' persons en tered tile regular service', we felt that any other course wo"' bltakhig faith with, them TV, changes made in th reserve : .airi ing plan by the Senate "will not b , crme etfeetrve nnlesi they are (it, f roved by the House. The reserve frain'.ag "plan ' wT ' ' summer, if teen ..! Y 1 '-t to uie die ttV : ' : . f d t "" , rt'' t -r T . J, ': 1 ' irvA. - - a 'dintribute mush jW the itibnaj s- ctmty,! .It win hffoTd us fof the fi.-St time in our bistort a fese'fVe wlieh can be fpetdiSy. Jirepared fc dcrabat ' in ease of AeV-sity, -i-r-t i Onatuda'Ju!y'!?3 jhi cured ibaeco' farmers arid1 fleaAo er4( wlll jpartlcrpatei jn" referenda. Ih the' tobacco referendum, flue cured tobacco growers will have an opportunity (o vote 'of or against Bucketing quotas for their tobao and a 10c per acre assessment to assist Tobacco ' Associates, Ine., m promoting export sale of flui curnd trbacco. .If the flae qured tobic ce farmers vote against marketing (jtartas, they wilj lose the benefit tf price supports. . ' f . ' In the peanut referenaum, peanut fanners jWill decide vl.ether , thsy favor fl 2c per hundred pounds a sestment te promote ult phases 'of peanut, product ion matitetlAg, f cessing and other activ' ties of tfon cerr. to the pesftnul ift!stfy, , ' v I believe that the best' it-e'st o' flH cured tobaceo f SifirtetS 4nd peanut farmers will, be promoted ff the farmers concerned: cast their votes in fator of these assessments ant the marketing' quotas for flue cured tobacco. 'Trice sttpporU hare been a great booh to tobacco farm er) and have operated for in;my years without loss to the Aiovirn Irene,' ' ' Over 2; In Writing Contest More than 200 veterans in Vet erans ' Administration hospitals bave beert awarded 5,000 worth of, prizes in the ninth annual nation Wide writing contest sponsored by the Hospitalized Veterans Writing Project, a volunteer organization, in cooperation with VA's Special Services. . .' . A record-breaKing 1,500 entries were submitted by veteran-patients, Those too severely disabled to do their own.wrmng or.typnit ed help from educational therapists TAYIOH lEEMff EDENTON. N. C. Week Day Shows Centlnnoas From S:S0 , Saturday Continuous trom 1:S0 Sunday, I. '15, and HjU Wednesday, Thursday and ' Friday, July 20-21-22 Pess Parker and v - Buddy Ebsen fat "DAVT CROCKETT KING V OF THE "WILD FRONTIER" Admission: Children Under 13 Yean 25c - Adults Regular Price - Saturday, July 23 Dane rsrk in "PORT OF HELL" Sunday and Menday, -Jaly 14 15 ' " Betty Grable and " The Champions in "TEKEE FOR THE SHOW, :: CinemaScope With : StereophenK Sound Tuesday and Wednesday Jaly 20-27 ; Double feature :", Sterling Hayden ' . . ? "TIMBERJACK" ' Elroy Hirach in i , "UNCHAINED" i....J 17 Drhs-ln Theatre EEr::TON, N.C. y In j j j Sunday, Jdy - , iji ' J nl iek in r -' ':-.h Scott in , " - !a:.-3 l:.3T" ' . 0 ' " ' ''" 1 ' i r ,1 .,Ub. M i f :fe"l Mitl America offers a .timely tip on. where to go (or help if the bomb start falling. Shown pasting the civil defense sign in a UoWil town iTshvltfe, tenn.V arug store is tee Aim Meriwether, Miss AnMricn M 195ti ,...!'. , i (' at the. hospitals, as well a,s those uesigiuiKiu ; j i(v ci tinif. ' Atuesrr. mostly alumnfte , members of, Theta Sigma FhV jexlialjsn!soroirity.ii I ; Twenty-four 1 different contest eategdries offere6,trietytd begin ners to try ereattve writing for ther lowijrehablUtatioit. jfresh 'i I """n! 1 iT i. .1." '. 1 ." I l! iP nn ri n h nnAi x 1 'WFZT':: iiw 4 in any loading mickj '. " ...i ::::.::::;: . u ' S - .1- :''; f 111 I SSj M M VV? II I , 3 . M i-' ' ' -a. . ..... I 7 I I ;;;' . ' Vrr II y': " ''s1 ;:'' I i ' ,; -' I . .. f:"s - , 'Y r - i': 1, 6 I ideas counted me than literary I form Categories rangsd : frcmi short glinrl: fitnripd in, nlnfc nnl:tiTiAB far novels; from gags for cartoons ro serious poetry; from factual ar- tides to cont-'ibutions on spiritual thinking. ' .-'4 f . , r ' ' . stroke, smaller fhort the bore! I TWe in4ewS" JidgeeT bym 1 of AmeriCh's feading" writers, edf tors, and publishers, Half the pri2 erne edt- es were' cash: the rest were items useful to wrjiters,.such as typewrit ers, subscriptions to writers' mag azines and tile Uker . . - Plans now are under way for the tenth annual writing contest far hospitalized' veterans,' to be held next spring. In the meantime, vet. erSn-patients are encouraged te keep, in practief through; quarterly writing contests and through cor respondence with volunteer Writ' ing Aides. , . - . , . CARD. OF THANKS; ; I wish to thank my friends and neighbors for the beautiful cards, flowers and other gifts and every act of kindness shown me while patient in the hospital and since my return home.' Thanks again. :' MRS.' DAN REED '( " in 1 t 1 I ' f One long year ,a go you left us;. ' Just how nrachVwe miss you. It is so hard' to".do without you; ' We place the 'ftowfs upon your grave .with care. The shock Was so severe; we never v thought death was so near. Only those',whd!'hav. lost can tell the pain of, parting., ' ".Loving'. Mother, : LIZZIE HOLLOWELL , u( , , CARD Or THANKS i , We wish to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation ttf friends snd neighbors for the many acts of .Si"',- kindness-. : shown us and for ,thefb mvrmwred aa . they glided lovely flowers sent at the death of eur father, Charlie R. Lane. 'THE FAMILY. " '. Little Co4 "l wouM like to Meet tail again,' I Beat The Heat ICE CREAM FREEZERS 2-quart 4-quart 6-quarf and electric GET YOURS TODAY AT Hertford Hardware & Supply Co. , PHONE 3461 . . HERTFORD, N. C. t Here ore more dollar-saving reasons why new Chevrolet trucks offer you the most modern V8's your money can buy! MOMRN 13-VOLT ElECTMCM SYSflM ADVANCIO AIRCtAFT-TYPI VALVES You get double the punch lor quicker start- Valves function independently, as in mod ing (up to 30 percent fastef cranking speed) era aircraft engines. Valve action is mor aiiu a noner, iairer sparK lor more ignition. G AS-SAVING HIGH-COMPRESSION RATIO FLOATING OIL INTAKE With a high 7.5 to 1 . compression ratio, LUBRICATION Chevrolet's new V8 truck engines squeeze New floating oil intake Aua iwwci anu ivcrft uui ui every uuuL- uu lur vngmc niDncauon. r un-pressuro f . - . 1..U-: i! r . EXTRA-HIGH POWER PER POUND Since these V8's deliver high power per pound of engine weight, more of the power is actually available for hauling. Tear after year. . . Anwka't b$t . "V . -i r through the waltsl "What about letting me have . yovr telephone number?" , "It's in the book," she told him. "Good! .What's your name? - Get Yourself An Electric Fan from our large stock ALL STYLES AND SIZES Budget Priced I Here's the measure of a truly modern ,V8 engine Chevrolet's 1 advanced over square design. It means less friction ... longer. engine life! emcient positive at all speeds performance. lubrication system provides positive protec tion for vital engine gine uie. V8 standard in the newlL.C.F. models, an extra. , cost option In all olRtlttxcept Forward-Control moaels. telling trucks ftl I 1 ; i IIEITTOUD, N. C "You 11 find that in' the boi too." k - - 1 TBlX WEKRLT CLASSiril. FRANK LESLIE "We may choose our time to think out a problem but moments of decision are forced upon us. To be in readiness is a prime vif' tuc" WE are equipped to serve with credit facilities of mod ern creation experience that fits us for our profession -a' courtesy that makes for peaceful charm. for finer, smoother ... FULL-PRESSURI selects the cleanest parts . . . extends en 1 t I ''Si. JlUitfMU i ?. 'It i 'iii : i. t is . . ' . 1 ) . iy,i:: l '1' i ' I

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