II THE tEKO'A-N TTKLY, KITrCT NORTH CAKOmAIDAY, AT'OUST 12. 5 -.'.. f . 1 ITS-1'" AA . " 7 ' i" -' . -': .' '. I 'TA ait.' " i -A J AT pv .WeMttA Sere . Mr. and Mi. Broughton Dai! and Miss Susanna towe from Chapct chfldren and Hi. and Talma ire Rose and son are spending this week al Nag StAJ. I CharJatt U Miss Louise Chalk spent several Hill pt the' week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Towe William.. Xntuamroctt jnoi i . .' . n is spending . few days and hildrea are spending wis wee ' - . . I J . . Tl ..J i I at nags xieau. ,, .. ; t , .. From Alabama j :', ; ,.r Mr. , and ..Mrs. Stinley Uimbwll and .family of Trinity, Aa aro spending their vacation with Mrs. At Nagi Head ' Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Henry fend r miss uomse viuub. suem bbvcibij . ... . -. t days this Week with, friends to lldn 8Pen(5'n th'8 welt,at nags xienu. . ... Hr. and Mrs. T. N. Darden, Horn ' j V, N. Dardn was ..tailed ?,e of the illness of ber. sister, .s jA.rten Porter,) who is a pa nt jit the Afbemarte Hospital. wknd AfW'a head Elmo Cannon, Sr. At Nags Head - , 7 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Winslow. and Ilr.land Mrs. Jack Kanoy, Jr.. n and their Quests, h Rev .'and ent fche week-end al iwgs neaa ., ,vu. w lift., are sueiiuiiJic uu wee . Nags Head. .!...- . lt'r ..J if WJI 3 the guests OI J". una iuio. w i fbIjday-satubdat Sfcbws Friday 1:15, 7-9 P. M. Show SUrts Saturday 1:30 Raymond Massey Debra Paget PANTHtR GIKL NO. S SUNDAY , Shw :9-4rf-:15 P. M. Coi-net Wilde 1 Jean Wallace TbCfistfaT I WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY Shows 3:15, 7-9 P. M. TrTMi 1 "1 flwmnl tilt MONDAY-TUESDAY Shows 4:15, 7-9 P. M. teWattGi'anger ' Viveca Lindf ors .Tafer CINEMASCOPE Maine 1 1 1 Charles tamjteft of PorfMnfl, Maine; Spent sevewrt ays thfs wee with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Payne. ll'Reeky fcU" " " , ;Mrs: Ralph Sassef UtA soft are spending this week! in Rocky Mount with rtlatives. - s ' . ' From PrincWoh ' ' " Beepy Woodard, r of Pnnce ton is the gnest ttf M. and Mrs. E. C. Woodard and faniiiy. Returned Home . Mrs. Marshal Owens and chil dren t have returned home after spending ' last week at Texao Beacn and Nags Head with relatives. Operated Upon v Jimmv Dorie. who underwent an appendectomy at Franklin Mo- niarial Hospital at ; Farmington, itfi&nA last week has left the hos pital fot camp and is getting' along niceiy. 1 Front Wilmington CorWn Dozier, ' Jr.; aim miss! Jefth IJIewsome of Wilmington spent several days this week with Mr. and Mrs. Corbm Dozier and Wed nesday Mr. and Mrs. Dozier and, euesta left for Nags Head to spend the remainder of the week. , , , Tn ftreemifcor ; Mi Bitlie Carol Divers, Mis3 Barbara Edwards, Mrs. Huston Ed- wtds. D. A: Csrver and Paul Mat thews spent several days this week at Greensboro. - ' 'i Retnrned Home A ' ldr, H C. Stakm returned home ! Friday after spending several days . ....... !-.. :. fat St. r'auis witn ner sisier, jw Gtadys Felton. She was accom pfenied home y he? daughter, Clay Who has been visiting Miss FeVton. At Nags Heat -- Mw- i. 1 , Harris and children ar: spending, this week at Nags Head.. . . . . Wei-en4 AtfNags Head l ; ' ' ! Mass Beck'v 'Nixon' spent the weeU-end with Miss Mabte Mar tin Whedbee at Nags Head. , . u . Front Florida Ms itosa Futrell fron) Florida spent several days last week with her brother and sister-m-law, Mr. and Mrs. J.' R. Futrell. , - Returned Hot. ' : Mb; George Fields -has returned home afljer spending BeveralweeHs with her . son-in-law and ' daughter, Mr. md Ullrs. Guy -Pitts at J ones boro, Ark.'' ' , ' 1 i. 1 1 TT .. .'-. ,.- , Mr. and r Mrs.'- Preston ; Dfversf Fields. have relumed Jiomft aftet Bpeftding last week at Nags Head; ISTra" E H.' Willapxl of; William ston spent the week-efd wifh Mr. Rt -rued From Hospital 1 - . , JiiSs Ethel Nikon has retartied to her home from ' the Albemarle', Hospital where she spent several days for observation and ..treat men . On kick List in. M Divert a confiwfed to hi home for two-weeks becau of sickness. tfetted Parent ' , Mm. Jamfes Mattox wJ 8 pttit several days test week in Ratagh with Mrs. Mattel's parents. Vtttted Here Miss Ethel Sutton of Durants Keck spent last week with' Hiss Beck Gregory. ' Fro Newuort News - A Mr and Mlrs;' Dosiier Sutton and daughter, Tommie i of Newport News, Ml, spent the .weeK-enawrai Mr. and Mrs. T.'E. Rapter.v. Tom: mi remained to vfsit Mr. and Mrs; Raper and Lpe returned home with his parents after visiting here. v Monday 'wifli-Mr.and.HrsGeorfi .j. Commander and Mrs. ! R. Brmh amthildiren have returned totheif home at Brunswick, Ga. - Mrs. Briiih and children have' spent the Mr'. d Mi's. H. AT JIure. rs. I. Ia Lassiter nd fcisA II Lee Lassiter of Corapeake, Krs. 'W. C. JactSon and Miss Kalnkttt Jaclsbh of Eliabeth City tfnA Ers.X.' T. Dimrhtie I JeMm e. ert Twesuly w4th Dt. fthd ilfs. I. A. aid. Comih tfd A. t.J- Ji tortt-d le t?r noMe .r.J.Ta, WaHave reed ' to Vi8it'ef gVandpareVita. ', 1 ki.ftlller- - - ' 1 Totfimy ,Snner fwM $Mtfc6, V . dAMt th itrekftd: with lis parefcfe,. Mr. Mid MrS.-T.' B. laW We.' , ' tf -i'Mr. and ,rs.v Percy -Bywin ahfl. weekndth M.4 A. 'ywrn-' M.' W'MrsW.feHkinsf Notfolk, ' Va. sbent Sunday . Witll Mr.and Mrs. DrSl-DarainA y Gdc'ui. I- I . and Mrs, Efne.t Jef ' iys afei d- ..-ier of Po.lamo-h, sp4t Sunday with' Mr. and Mrs, vaek Eovei To EekToiil ' . tl j- t,i i 1 i.. .k . number t $eTrs lias livid ft York CiVy, MS mired and (niV ihg his, home in Hertford. -.-:, Mtes Kate tnchard has return, ed ' home after" Ifteftding ' several weeks-w4th4tM: .-.YYartorwli at ItoalsBur.L'- i t C 5 -. - ) --. . Ottteare -", , . -A' '. v Jsjtnes E. Laymen ih speiidihg. a 18-day furtotigh ith.his wife-ahd, mother, Mrs. Sidney Lay cTen, Sr. - Home From.Tour j, y.-iv MsndJ Mrs. ? Julian vLohgand children ,hSvJ,retuftied''irpmia .tpUr of ,f tegtern Notth Cardll'na I ad It t', k M '1 " Mr.nd .Mrs fhrtrf Suttm aaughter spent the wf eK-end i at Powells ( foint ,wn - meiras. , U Ml Proii.FsrmvilU ?te"is thfr"e8J et 'Mrttim uatimourg, xcnn.,i wnere veney wii irt.M' HWc ,a AaW "'Unto ' ThesV 4ti lOfnempnia., if-v l ' After, a twei- V)Sit-witn rs.j k I ilCVIl W.U Hill HIIU IUI ."". "Ilr.land1 daughter,1 Rebecca )CaolbI phis,' ' f ehess?!e, , eh tKy ' Ml Me WIT nome, , ' . Cii ' , ..Tf pA siifv and Mrs. aek-Btfrbage. " 'sjrtiher herb witfrMrs.-Tini Bnnh. . , . U.;..;;.J..;.' A' -cv ' ."-- 1 1 - - - fr f r V mat - oil will b My for CatataBtsBm whs tck m n A wid. vrfatr , fruit Men. uad ollur iMnrl fr4 ndacd prfeM ai wWk t U CaTmM Stent. . ' And for wunnatr parties and ficnic, : hommUn al find tUr nfci4 Kmy vf bMtiHMi, x4 iWrnliBi kwft t pha- MknA tnMAfcb. Ill Mim Mil Wl f .Mm . Bfl1t Wt IWVwbl f ri . 1 1 " . . t m A ktek t thto tin of rr, tt-i !. shcuU U tptatSt CMrvvntmt M cconemKn nr wmm mwimii inav. n ttA remwacr ointodl out. r. i; . ' '-: m Tbr nn qalck to .tfipUiai, fciiwtvrr, Unft Ctfenbd'i Say- W tv-dsr 1V arin. r all Biwhior,' tdMt T froory itn TB rMuin in efffct and that the feature on Uevmfai casttitata 9 . Expat buyinf In trtmendou. Quantities rnabltr Colonial i wfHct Mvtnf oa A torckiia of eumd (oacb a well M ail that food items, and thrs. savings ars. csad s9om to tut tustemr In the ions of lowtr pricos 6t tfak storss, officials A 1 Day ana BISO lmmws msaern mc:wii.7 Ul warcuuowua and irtotw!opMfii wafc Wrthsr tonabiot tha tsai chain to r mar lowwr ,a ilos" io.sov cstwiuuar. ' .'. . t . "That's what wk thsaa wSh n Ws 'ToW TMal Food Ml la Lsss Wlwi You Shop At Co", it s slqipl ft . s 'SSan.j i 7 'i?"rj: ?&vp'ir& a Blond Oalt tiMwIih tclf-tising Irsyind St drswer. Alio ailabl in Sealoam Mahoftny and Pttrl Mshoswr. . If i ?ra lowboy with drawer In liatf. Aim ivuiintrte WMoVrW Cfft ff AshrtHnr,. (irfkdbytv VaWf. OnintiM 4 thmdMmi, frtttktt SHrtg fmitM . ' . ' OM OASMtNt tAWD 0 0tHl CAW . rxtrotAiAM - Rieturned floma ' iCfcnt. and Mrs.' Elmo. Cannon Jr.. and family spent last week at Nagfe Head. Mrs. Elmo Cannon, Sr.,-and Jimmy Gilliam spent sevr eral daysihere. ,4 "Hf, Saturday Guests i Hi- mil Mr V.. B. Moore of Ben nattsville, S. C, visited Mrs. Elmo Cannon Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Winslo of Greensboro spent the week-end With Mr. and Mrs. J. . Jams. frMlt.nd Here Shelton White of Raleigh spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. R. T. White. fl Vacation ,-.:.'.;. -jl Mr. nd Mrs. J. T. Biggers and daaehter left Friday to visit rela tives at Pmehurst Tind Lhartotte and on to Mars Hill to attend a rhool meeting. They were accpm panied to Pineharst by Mrs. W. H. Cole, trho has been visiting here. Returned Home Mr and Mrs. Dewey Perry, Jr and children have returned home of tin- n tmir to the western oart of North Carolina and GatUnbiwg, Tetm,, during which they saw the pageant "Unto These Hills" at Cherokee. From Jarvisbttrg Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wright and daughter, Miss Caroline Wright of Jarvisbarg spent Sunday wren m. and Mrs. J. R. Jarvis. Returned Home Mrs. V. N. Darden returned home fhufsday after spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. H. K Christensen at Charlotte. ' Vkttied Relatives ' ' Mrs. H. C. Sullivan and children Spent Beveral days this week in Charlotte with Dr. and Mrs. A. D. Taylor. lit Raffolk .!:,-f Mr. ami Mrs. CHnto Ely Aid rhfldren attended a fartiily reahfem at Suffolk, Va., Sunday. . Chariesf Elev remained in Suffolk to visit his grandparent, Mr. Ind M. Walter Eley. j M Wrida - - Mr. tnd Mrs. Edward Barber And Ebfter Banks of New Hope are spending) this week rYnstiCom Fla. At NKgsftead . . Mrs. Ftawls Nio and dairgh w Iknoan an1 Mra n. F. Reed. I t . 1 f ' "1 A L . 'aadr ' L . Ifl I Ml caiGHTFULtV coca TAsliNatRmdUS ;H.C,OniAGEApE ; iUaiai BREAST ... . VHIIfiS y;.-AA; . LEGS BACKS-& CEGKS A u. 19c For OlAHiaUaSahdwicheExtelsior Frozen - ?r ; " - .An ,7 BEEFSTEAKS 3 $1,00 U.S.N?I NEW WHITE law . - - . . I m 2 & 97c 1 Wisconsin mil s ciizicDAacs;:::: i t i - sr ar if ... ;..-.j. ijM-A - a.-....-. .- I Viriwi4 1 nnal V . a,w .a-fc.. 1 -" : SWEET REDTO-THE-RlNt WATERMELONS Eh 59C Half 30C - LARGE CRISP CRf EN PASCAL CELEIlV v;.,rrr3i.23 Ct' , n K:" if r 1 a r 7- i f f-' - . -A. ' a4i ' I I'M I'aaUrfU.;! .t ; i ' ' fcUrr e:uxi a..'.:cam I t w f i ' . . A' .. ; 1 sli2:d c:::::2 Wa afeM .ia 4 11 F ' T t t i f-f it 1 a a . J f.'lIitjlU it "I'll ISr.LSSURYS f k ' 5 el kjW DRINKING WATER' ,--.. ..... .1 .!-:, I ; woRr; , - ,.;WMiIWi,ji.w1wHMT-.ti.-"17'J CUlOIVt NmovM 94 or more f ... Aaaim tfl. J. .JJ AuvM - 1 - f.-.s(-" " .!;". , r ; v v titfi t avv:W ty io- S arid M "0 We fioyftV' - A ; 7 1 : II. T , ' ' t - t J.. , j ,L 5 . , 17; 11 CciELT kn!: G:r;::;y Jr.f snd" children' r spending this NE 2621 IIEHTT02.D '"3 week at Nags Head. - . '

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