."A7C3 VIS ' 1 J; .1 . - .A ..A if,,. - , - .Turing the past few days I have - 1 the opportunity to attend meet rf.twa fraternal organisations in Tori 'Carolina, the State Con ve":pvof. the Junior Order, Unit' ed American Mechanics, in Ashe- ' vilU, and the annual Masonic Pic nicftt Mqcksville. ' Ties trips gave me a chance to eeveral counties since being in irrth Carolina.' " I have" been im pressed -with the' bountiful crops this' year,' and I'revall that at the Barh .time last year We were work ing 'with -the Department of Agri culture to 'secure drought relief. . '''t . What T See -My 'Office in Washington advises n that a number of visitors to th" Capitol are making inquiries about the things to see and do in Washington. Many constitutente write for information about things to include in a trip here. ' . fW. National Park Service has lifted information for tourists The ' following ist included and is grouped in accordance with the g- r ographic locations of places of in terest: lancoln Museum, Wash ington - Monument, jee Mansion, Arlington National Cemetery, Lin coln Memorial, Thomas- Jefferson Memorial Smithsonian- Institution group, National Gallery of Art, National " Archives,-, FBI, United States Capitol; library' of . Con- ' ffresa. IT. S. Sunreme Court. Folger Shaksspeare Library, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Pepart nient of interior Museum, Corcor- . an Gallery of Art, PAJt Museum, Pap American JJnion, White House. Washington. .-' Cathedral, " National Zoological Park, Mount Vernon, to mention ' some' of, the interesting places.' " ma pest uiie vi travel uruuiiu Washington is. after 9;00 A. M., ! and before1 4:30' PM. You will avoid the heavy traffic ' which is certainly a headache during' the rush hours.' - ' On The Mend t I was glad to hear that Majori ty Leader Lyndpn Johnson has re - covered sufficiently from his heart attack to leaye the tiogpita. Sena tor Johnson has a knack for the im portant job-w Senate Leader. It is a killing Job'.tall of us hope that Kennfn Jnhnfenti will nnr Ipnn- ardize his health by resuming al) of hiatavy duties in January with the new session, it will be neces sary for him to delegate some of his responsibility. f " VUXm Wkt I: . ,-ne of the hard tasks of a Senar . tor or Congressman is deciding whom to appoint to the service academies. ; It requires reading 'lengthy files, scholastic achieve ments, and all the points which - have to be considered. Recently, I received a letter from a fine young man in North Carolina whb : wishes to be appointed to West Point in 1958. He said that he had heard ft was only necessary to catch a train and report and that ha wnnlH like tn lrnnw the date and place to catch the train. While ' my appointments are not consider ed that far in advance, I was im pressed with the direct manner - with which the youth approached the problem. -" Many of those bright-faced ,,; youngsters you see on the college campuses today are there because ' - ttieir parents wisely invested in '. United States Savings Bonds. AUTO REPAIR SERVICE Used Parts For All Makes and' Models i' ' - - ; A I J'. ' Al PICTURE-NUTTY - "Chip per" is squirrely afcput haying; bis- picture, takenjust can't get closer enough to that Jeris. The pet of GaryBeaurrianj of Claremont, N.H.. the little or phan is being raised on a doll-nippfe-WBpiied, fcspirfo bottle JT'S TEA-TIME IN THE ARMY FOR 15 OUT OF EVERY 100 Fort Carson, Colo. Coffee time in the Army these days can mean also a spot "of tea. It's a revolution in the Army'? drinking habits,-"yet the" new cus tom appears here to, stay. " Col onel Curtis Miller of (548 East' St.) Salem, Ore.; reports that Fort Car son,, during the past' two months alone has .used some 260,000 tea bags a month. This, he says, is apt to increase as time goes on and the tea-craze RDreads. He noted' that since Janu ary 1 mess haft?) have converted one of three cofferctfe ta hot water container for tea drinkers. Army Quartermaster Corps experts, he added, have determined that 15 qf every 1Q0 men prefer tea to coffee, Last year's v spiralling v coffee prices, Miller believes, led many, .to switch to tea. But one young tea convert at Camp Carson has an other notion. ; "The tea is cool, dad," he as. serts. ' "But who can ruin boiling water?"' 1 Life Insurance Sales xOere in 1954! Sales of ordinary life Insurance In North Carolina during 1954 exceeded half a billion dollars! This total represents an Increase of 2 over 1953 $ae when the amount was $492 million. Insurance means future security, and people who feel secure are people who will continue to contribute their share in helping to make North Carolina a better place in which to work, play and live. . h'iik' r,(S";;;"' " M"'' " V.- - ' ' Another contribution to more- pleasant living for North Carolinians is the brewing industry's self regulation program where, brewers, whotesalersafld retailers-in counties where malt beverages ai per? mitted under State control - cooperate to maintain wholesome conditions for the legal sale of beer and cile. 4 , ;, ! ...1, .-t t ;i " Announcement,- was. made early this week that, revival services will begin at the"ChappeU's HUL Bap tist Church on Monday night, Aug ust 22, " and ' will continue each night pf the week through Satur day night, August 27. Services will begin at 8 o'clock and the pub lie is cordially invited to attend. , ,The Rev. G. M. Singletary, mis sionary for the 'Chowan Baptist Association, will -, bring the mes sages each evening and the Rev. Ralph j W. , Knight, pastor, of the Ballard's Bridge. Baptist . Church, will lead the singing. - - Purebred Swine The Albemarle , Purebred Swine Breeders Association will hold a purebred swine sale at the Hert ford . Livestock yards n Friday, September 2. The sale will start at 1 P. M. ' ' There will be one bred Poland China gilt, nine Duroc bred gilts, two Hampshire bred gilts, two Yorkshire bred gilts, one Poland China open 'gilt, two Duroc open, gilts, two Hampshire open gilts, one Poland China boar, four Duroc boars and four Hampshire boars. : '. ,11 hogs Offered in the sale are guarantee to" ber' eligible for reg istration in the buyer's name. All bred gilts are guaranteed to far row a. little if properly cared for, and boars are guaranteed to breed if properly handled. "This sale offers farmers of the For Sale Registered Duroc & Hampshire Boars ::-tWT0-: CHAMPION BLOODLINE . "ALSO BRED GILTS Phone or See Clarence Chappell, Jr. t PHONE 4978 Belvidere, N. C. (!i:m7iiniuii; Sale September 2 r j. u irJir"-. i ... "ALIVE A;?e vrie a: , a pod o-H): vunity buy ex",",.H$ ', hogi' for herd n'res Qf sov s for replacement in a farmer's swine program, 'according to Assistant County Agent Robert S. JJarsh,' x? .' , " At the sale there 111 be a weight easing contest . with, free prizes oifered Terms of the ? aale are cash. All hogs offered for sale have been yacpjnated V"ith, modified live 'Virus. " . . ; ReyvsU7fl V?$n At BethdfchpwhAu: ? A week of revival services will be held at the Bethel Baptist Church' beginning Monday, August 29, and continuing through Sep tember 4. The pev. p. C. Chand ler, pastor of the Center Hill and Great Hope Baptist Churches, will be the guest preacher. The sing ing will be led by the' Kev. D. J. Stoner, pastor of the Bethel Bap tist Church. The son sc service will begin at 7:45 l IJ., featuring choruses by the Junior Choir. . The public is cordially invited. A week of nightly prayer ser vices are scheduled for the week of August 28-87 in preparation for the revival. ' Gii could not be everywhere, so He made mothers. . .".,... .-rYjddish Proverb,. CJoynroissjoners August 1, 955 At a regular meeting held at the Court House Monday, August 1, 1955. ' Present' and Itresidingll A!r. tane, Chairman, with Commission ers yjf. & happe?!, .'Ttofio well, R. p. Spivey and Warner O ti leadtr fn looks Oily Ford brings famous Thunderbird.'N thg I9W rQofV smoother with Ford's Angle-Poiwd fHiv, we iw poay, joe fut pear opcji 4 . hjp Iresh ctean beauty of Foxd'sr years ahead design. - . O Got th loodor In Y-l You. get V-8 power from the. V4 leadr Now's tije tjme to ljuy a brand-new rwusii jvu, ouj fprgue W e emergencies . . . and confidence for anmA In Iak lhn-Ho rl uAlls - a"w.... awmw '. iwi. iiiiv wvwi mi 1 wwi. t,,dre. ' Reports received from Agricul tural Extension Service and Wel fare Dupartments. t ' ?On motion duly made, seconded and passed, the petition of Ernest fJVhit requesting the State High way ana piDiic moms vuiiuiudsiuu to take over and maintain approxi mately .8 mile road in Hertford Township, known as the Madre Lane, wai approve4 ty t)e Board. On motion duly made, seconded and passed', the Board approved the beer license application submitted by Clarence Bijrke. -vV pn motion duly made and sec onded, the Board approved direct aid grant to Sarah Barnes, for the month of August in the amount of I2f00.. . , ' On motion duly made and second ed, the Board accepted the resigna tion of JCimsey Perry, County Home Agent, effective September 30, 1955 ' - i ' i , . On motion duly made, seconded and passed, the' Board approved and accepted the bid submitted by Oloop, pipy in ifORivore Without Natreine Backache Naffeins backache. men, beads laehci Or muscular aches And pains may come on with over-exer- .tion . emotional npaeta or day to day atteaa and traln. And folks who eat and drink onwlselr aometimea suffer mild bladder Irriaation ...with that restless, uncomfortable leeiinc. ' If you an miserable and worn out because of these discomforts. Doan's Pills of tea belo by thftr pain relieving action, by their sooth- " pin enect to ease DUiaoer irriuiiiuii. muu their mild diuretic action through the kidney -tndina; to increaae the hutnut of the If miles of kidney tubes. Kn if fisfrirlnsr hackaeha makefl' yon . feel dragged-out, (nisei-able. . with restless, sleet f St the same happy relief milliona have en. yed for over 60 eui. Qet Doan'd fills todayl Doah's Pills you te styKng of hj rura.iou mi nigger - buiu. quick: response in hew feeling of security ' i ijWyip f Ad No. Ui-il Une IITTC 7 " j;,uefc- : jr...r--7 ' (J If yPM Pro ir.tsrastod In a v. .;iow imp--y r. h mj&xy.vi, s ' .. j fi ". kerosene . tcr t:a Cour'y 4"jr fivalj I The Trea' : was ti J to year 1955-J956. " . ,jay'tM fojlowiri bi::;j ' ! On motion duly made, seconded) 'Farm Bureau UututJ, Fire-insur and passed, the Board proved and accepted the bid submitted by Sin clair p.ef jning Company to virniah fuel oil to the pounty fof i icVl year 1955-J956. , , '; ' . On motion duly made and second, ed, th Board approved an' addi tional allocation to the1 H" 'th Pe partment of four cents (ic) ber capita', for fiscal year'f -'WliaVaaVataaVtUitat m MYIWS Firestone CyiPons-T-6.7045 size u Firestone per-Chanpioris.OQ-l)? size friBstpnf S)pr;phPwn,f04 siie , , J flusjax. pgjTj VPHr Pd Tire ?s : Wiiiall Siirvic; THOMAS Si MORGAN, J -ii. ... . wm , y y yg.';1; You'll find evn the uaootb ro4f front springs, are uitea qck 19 aDQro - fiooui out. umg-iem payment pian. ) bump? frpnf the front as WeP jja 'ut and can tailor your payments tiow? fowl If! . downjwcushiQypuirlge. ' fasy ;.; convenient, tool ' , O 6ot a ton fJoKar trod ; - : O Ct tsa rtr.' y6"v.; .5 !:'.. ".. T1-" yui IrJOTVJV" rWfcFf"! frf Vv;l!r? or ether III ' raar'l . fiSIW na iiirf .v.Me a- j mbt. jh.fft-... a ..... v. e v. . ance. Cq.JS5.12; Pr, fi. A, Payert port, " $19.50; Dr. T." P." "Brinij, 39.10: Darden Prog., $35.23; El liott " Laydenj J li&O : The . Office Supply Store, $15.00; The Eastenj- fJertli Carolina Bfniwuni, 65.ga; Wwshipgtbo Cwj-ty H o s.j,i t tj', $112.00; J. C. Blanchard & Co., Inc., $17.44; Hertford Hardware & Sutf ply ;,"'r;2.78j T le'rt A. ALL SIZES ; Owner , ' ill '-fr 1 J sffm Hfeh trade-in is t?nly . Pit poly rjde. , yhpn -it comji S9 Puyjng Ford, A?i: '5 For years. Ford k-s rctned more of its py3f y'H'f woj. bi, p ;v njd -ccrl; rrtfj " v:o - J cr,r - ' - e r" -- s --. . ko,.m.ri,.--5-i y L mm-cial 'Printing Co., $16.27; 4nniA fe: Parker, $42.00; The PerJ.V . "mans Weekly," $13.40; Julian O. . j ' Powell (Frt. on tax receipt books), f?.i)0; Edwards 4 Broughton Co ' $184.95;' C. Edgar White, $11J!0; -grocery,' SaOes "Co., 4.60; "W. 'C, ; -Strowd,,-. $3.36;' " Eastern , Offe, I Equipment Cp., -' V , '" Np further business the r$oarjf 's adjourned!' ; '" w.' V ' , .'A. T.LANE, Chairman ,, TtTT taxi r unuiTT t r"iT.b- ' A. $10.95 $312.5 $12.95 .$14.95 lecpPJf . Station i ?rONjE mi ! v r '.. k -,. 1. ,." I .!( ' -1 prt ff-w part cf pur rdeal" :i y vuw r -. " , .-.- a : '1 M p;:.ili.i;ixp garage; WJNFALt, to. C. , . North Carolina Division ' , VNITED STATES REWSRS FOONDATIOM, Jfta' ' : ' zzzznun 'ICJ2 LC y Phone 49S0' ' - -A . s-i .

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