r -44 ' ., iTHE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, HERTFORD, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, " SSPTr::iZ2 8, 1SCS, : M , EDWARDS . PERRY On Sunday, September1 11 At 4:30 ' !IisS;.Mary Kimsey Perry will De cimal th bride of Noah' Elbert Ed ward? . fat tft Rivertid Baptist C:,uifh, Merry Hill, . Cc-Friewja are iivited to attend. , ' " EXSAGEMENT ANNOUNCED ' K2 , aM tfrS. I. C. Butt of Dur .nts Neck announce the engage ment of their -daughter. Miss Shir ley J tarie Butt to Nathan Carlton Spiyjy, son of Mr. and1 Mrs. Nathan C Spivey. Route 3, Hertford. : The I wedding will take place in Decern-! ber. . ' ' Kefunked Home . ,". Mis Susie .Webb Thrift has returned-to her 'home in Durham af ter visiting Mrs. .Mark Hathaway. Returned Home- . Mrs. J., M. Connelly returned to her. home in, Washington,. D,. C, Saturday after, visiting, her par entsff Mr. aiu Mrs. Dan Reed. ' At" ifrags Head" ... . Mrs. Noah Felton, Jr., and chil dren Mr. and Mrs. Dan Reed and Mrsj J. M. Cannelly spent several day$ last week at the .Fred Wins low cottage at Nags Head. Recent Guest : MVs. L. E. Whitehead of Suffolk, Va.jwas a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs) R. 6. FitcH. . ' Thursday Gne( ' 1 Mrs. R. G.-Fitch and Mrs. J. T. Lane spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs; : Roland Gbpelandf in Belvi 1dere. Returned Home Mr, and Mrs,. Mark Gregory and grandson, Frank Ainsley. have re turned home after spending two weeks with .Mrs. I. N. Thomas in Asheville,r . , Weefcn At Alexandria Mrs. C, ; 6, White and Travers White spent last! Week-end in Alex andria, .Va. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie White.' f '.v. Sulfa &Wttk' ' Mr. and Mrs. D, Sf, Darcta spent 1 Sunday far felelgh with Mr. and Mrs: J. D.: George and family." Fronr FayeftevilJe Mr. and1 Mrs. William Murphy Moore and Mr. and Mrs. P. Barnhill of Fayetteville- spent the week-end ' : with Mrs; Johrt Moore. They were accompanied home by Miss Patsy . Moore, who1 has been visiting her -yandmotter. From Raleigh Edward Meekins' of Raleigh - tfpenf the week-end and several days this week with the Rev. and Mrs. James MaftwS. ' Friday ii Saturday Shows Friday 3:1S, 1, 9 P. M. Saturday Show Starts 1:39 17 -A . ; . -.- W ka3 .Mb1,,,)1, ! - 1 rMrin, Chirrs 1 IhHUjIlllllMVXHalKaltl KarinlSSTH - I ' J 4 lJLl From BotHtrille . -t Mr and Mrs.' Carroll Traneoi of Boonville spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T. S. WKite. ' ' . W . ini,-, . : ..' I'i From L angler Field- : Mrs. Marion Riddick and children of Langley Fie!, Va., -spent the week-end with Henry Stokes. From Norfolk Mrs. Beatrice H. Harris of Nor folk, ,Va., is visiting her sister, Mrs. J.E.Jones.' . :w. Sunday In Norfolk Mr. and Mrs. Noah- Gregory and children spent Sunday in Norfolk, Va., and Portsmouth, Va. Moved To Port Lock Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lewis and children, Carolyn and Gary moved Saturday to Port Lock, Va. ' From Norfolk Binky and Jimmy Inman- of Nor. folk, Va., spent the week-end" with C. G. Stephens and Mrs. Tom Skip- sey. Mrs. Inman spent Sunday and I returned home Monday accompan-1 ied by Bea Skipsey, who spent sev- eral days. . From Chapel Hill Miss Susanne Towe, who has been attending summer school at the University of North Carolina, is spending a vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Towe. From Ralergh Mrs. Shelton- White of Raleigh spent several days last week with her mother, Mrs. R. L Knowfles. Returned Home R. C. Murray and Charles Mur ray attended the funeral of Mrs. R. C. Murray's sister at Greenville, ' S. C, over the week-end. They were accompanied- home by Mrs, Murray, who had been visiting her sister. : Week-end Here' . Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Yearns and family of Wake Forest spent tha week-end With Dr. and Mrs. I. A. Ward. . t ,4u '" .. i Returned From Vacation Mr; and " Mrs. L. B. Sitterson spent-last week at Nags Head and in Norf61k, Va., with relatives and friends. . From Richrrronrf Mr. and Mrs. Pete Mathews and daughter are spending this week with relatives. Returned Home Mrs.- J. L, Leggett returned to her home Saturday after spending the summer with her sister, Mrs. Arthur Jones at Batesburg, S.1 C, and friends- and relatives in Nor folk, Va. SUNDAY Shows 2:15-4:15 A 9:15 P. M. MONDAY TUESDAY Shows 3:15-7-9 P. M. CHARLES BOYER RICHARD WIDMARK "Th Cobweb" WEDNESDAY -.1 Double Fetttttre -' Snewa 3:15-7.9 p. M. aluo .. GENE AUTRT "Trail of San Anton" - THURSDAY-FRIDAY-"-- Show. 8:15-7-9 P. W. from Durlnm '. Bant are MendtnS hi week with I Mrs. G. E. Newby. Mrs. Archie has- been- visiting he mother for the "past week., From. Durham', . , . t , T. S. White, Jr., o Darhanv spent the1 week-end with his mother, Mrs. T. S., White- and-Tommy White i spending this wek with his ftaixr mother, lira, T. Sv White, v ' Visiting Here ' .,- Carlyte White of Durham is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pitt. From- Williamsburg ;, Edith- Darden Burleson and Carl Burleson of Williamsburg, Va., are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Darden. .From Florida Mr.' and Mrs, Stanley Perrow and daughter, Becky of Inderoess, Fla., spent several-.days last week wih Mr. and Mrs. D. S, Darden. Attend Wedding Richard Futrell - and Julian E. Winslow will attend the Berry-Le- vie wedding at Jackson, Mich., on Saturday, September- 3. Monday In Wilson . Mrs. T. J. Nixon, Jr., Miss He lene Nixon and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sykes spent Monday in Wilson visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Nixon III, and family. From Gotdsboror Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chalk and children- of Goldsboro spent the week-end with Mrs. Baker Wood and Mrs. Annie' Chalk. Front HoHand , Mary E.-Norfleet of Holland, Va., returned to her home Wednesday after visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Baker Wood. From Tarboro Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Edmund- son and daughter, Betty of Tarboro spent the week-end with Mr.- and Mrs. T. G. Howard. At Nags Head Mr, and Mrs. Charles Williforcf and Miss Joanna Williford spent several days this week at Nags Head. ' From Wanhmgton Mrs. Annie Laurie White and daughter, ShirJey of Washington, D. C, are spending a few days this week With Mrs. I. A. White. ! Returned From Nags Head Mrs. Thomas Nixon and Mrs; W. 1 H. Oakey returned home Thursday of this week after spending some time at their cottage at Nag Head. USED CARS 1953 Chevrolet ; " 2-DOOR SEDAN . 1953Plymotith 4-DOOR SEDAN1 . 1953 Plymouth BELVIDERE 2-DOOR . 1952 Plymouth 4-DOOR SEDAN . 1952 Plymouth BELVIDERE 2-DOOR 1952 Chrysler , 4-DOOR 1951Ford 4-DOOR' SEDAN i , 1951Buick 4-DOOR SEDAN 1950Buick 4-DOOR SEDAN ! 1950OM88 ' '4-DOOB 1950 Mercury '4-DOOR SEDAN 1954 Chevrolet - '" -TON PICKUP. , 1949 Chevrolet . 4-DOOR SEDAft ' : 1950Pord ;, ton pickup: . see us for better buys in. used cars! Aen Wwfdinf "vno"1'' va V vsrftiwi Airliner yr tfacnwu, uikii to attend the wedding of their son, Carrolt Berry,- Jr.', to Kiss Jewme Levie which will takei place Sar urday evening' in- the First tfetho dist. Church at jtcksoru. A.. . Returned Home 1 ' " 1 " : " Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bass haV re turned' om- a-f ter spendinf svral days 6 Waitohese. Ret4ned Bern . Mr. aict Mr. Henry Stokes, Jr., spent th weJk-eikf m Durhm-. CcrJaoial pfffers Food., Menus for Long Wcrkciidi ElMMMtv jntmrmttmr km htt ntwM bp CahaMt Stnmr km Mkin carv o ttM Mb.: af UtuunHU- wH ar plmiHitf OMtriaor hmI n jict M riw Labor Day wcakniA : ' A Hmataa) Akvor(ti aa-ilaintir If, "Mor anf mora paoakf ara anjbymf the ptnaora of mtw ratinf. RaeoanMnf thia, v haw t4wt prlctfv on many itaaar uamny lw duaW of outoW mmn". - SnaT hoHiamrt(A wflff flnil awtrftan ftawa-' for waak-antf manna1 hr th Coloniaf Sforev , nawaaaiwn aoWthamanf thl waelr. Thaa iiiviiui Hmmf bcviy . aiMiJnily prapaffla br Cofcnial'f wair-known horn aconomfcl', Nancy Cariar, an J featun many of tba faodV ColdS'cd' 'A i Uvidson .. . . Tir POf UM MBCHHTCS BO-IT. YOURSELF ENCYCLOPEDIA rontunt bun 4rtd of KkM thai maka Uvin airirr lor iha avatar whowr Jab it li ta cook taw and karp ttw Horrta runrlfng imoottily and Monomlratly. T1wrrarrasklralmarWOKnMKiri... ram about Tit) l decoration, arwmf. drapartai. ahp ravns, dyrUiti kiKhan modrritlntion, tt. Any wroaian aitaranae) in bnm hvlnt lor hrr fanuJy wilt warn to own ttut rrhryttoprdia. 1 " .iaJMr .: . 5 Bek.ii m Bked Ham ' ' I '-. ! f '' Ouf Popples " V V IVHHfM - v Ca.-fv t r.".-;: . --r sets '.-- 'Vi .Mr.' Md - Mrs. H. M. -Riddick rspent : several days', last Week atjly sfent several; days this week, at Nag' Head. !-.- w. mw Wai WovirtaA ; spet the Week-end with relatives ir' Norfolk.-1 , From Roanoke ftiplds ' ' ' Mrs. M. Tickel of Roanoke Jtj)Kte spent tost weett Wiflt 3rrin-law ad daiighter,. Mr. . Mf M ferry Goleittaiv. She Watf a- dompaitied homer Sunday by. tfttf Golemansv who will visif relates ifrVirglma, aLMBiianlaaJ from nl mi am ' "Nancy Cartn- TV Proaraaa". - . - ' . . . - "Wr fry n prka any fsr, naf aril h Holiday but tarouy bout tht yaar, a kw aav' -ar tonr tbanj, Mr comyaWorav" KM Mr. Aihwortti. "At th ami thrnr, w UnaW A-onr tha hn-t nambar of pyii!lallv ttf. tan ana com man ti wa rwaiva tmrf caaliniB. ara want mar- than' knr prfeca. TKay Hmy tha Wmf ;o bsnwrnakw bahja- f (rr thrnt throirj-b; Nancy CartrrVtaMM rcaa- aatf "If low arkaa aha balbfof aarvM ncplaiiuf ffia popularity of our aforaa". SALAD DflESSHIG T 41c Trk Ufr YW Mah wrtrV WdtK'S RELISH SPREAD .. Qmctrf to 0 NANCY CAKTR riATUftlS BttLMunr wwrrt CAKE MIX . w - - -Mucrovs roil! eM Mf HORMltr it AM . J .-tT rimotiAM ; r GORTW$ NMr-Vt; roTATocirrw, - JOIST MAT Aff SimMvff STARK4ST LIGHT MEAT CHUNK TUMA . ; i lAMCS- KOSHtR STYW DILL PICKLES. . RICHARD!ON'$ PARTY MINTS ; v SPECIAL LOW fRICE I, 20 CENTS OFFf ' ALL AMERICAN Aco jjg Football ': ( DKVV-IVlJ Riular $1.35 , V-.v. pjijcj'.:''-' '' ..- ....... J., r II, I . -. ..-- ":'1 . HCtW TQ U AN I1!: -Urf UT6ltir c SmaMt ARC VfElO . 4 f It K - T H V T' PI MAKING rl' TftfVIV , ta .- . a Vrt . IH -'" igA nrf1i Rill Ketnrnea ueme ; ? - Miss uary Ann uarni is spend- ing a short- vacation at her home after' atMWciWig swhiW seheol t East CaroKhaConet'e,invAi'eHvm. lUfttf Ne W ' : " ' t Kr. Vr;v tuoKrff Mi WCwffli M to y fern' ifi&r vunAg im n-MfehiW audi dUu rJS, tt. Mi tifS. 3. RV lUmW.t ' FoM ilu , V V f f. 41c iy. If Jar H am. ? a . - a ptfrf. at."- . it 'f if - r - J improved i Mrs. Guy NeWby, wtm has been .confinea to Iter Home- for; several weens uciareav BinwrcsB, ay iui proved. " ' . ' ' ' . In Norfolk - - . Miss- Evelyn- An Staton and Miss Mary Frances Eure left this weic-nd- t0 enter -, the' Nurses' Tning Softool t trie Norfolk Gen eral Hospital irl Norfolk, Va. Wek-nd Here ' ' '' ;,' Juiiarf White, Jr.,, spent the weett nd with his parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Julian White, before' shipping: out io KoVe-. . -i. 1;; or BVTT l& S3 r t;V' 1 fjrrtVrr s is ttmz.W& - J" -! " LaW i4" r:.j '..., f j" r. i 'r$ , Rj." E l t.aae Returned HI : Pauf Thcker leturne tf his home j this' week fjrom the Albemarle Hos- . pifel following a leg operation. ) , ; , . 1 - : ' -i ; WS.CA MEETING . , the. Fall Seminar of the W.S.C.S . irV 0 Eriiabefh" Cify Disftict Will . be field Thursday, September's; at Cit. Road Methodist Chucch- i !EliabetH. City, with the meeting Degmning ar iu a. ,ai. - Aai mea- ; -n ,berg o the W.S.C.S.' are urged to1"' attend.' i ir-rtid i When your neighbor's housi)' iif;' afire -.your owii property: - is i-tn-j, mh. , j. Doji'f Forget! Your FrKndryCoroniaf Store Wift 6 CLOSED LA COR DAY MONDAY Y 5EPTa 5 v-4 . It. 'III I . . ' I 1 i I IW v . 'w -IIOTOT'DCWS": . . each J9c SWEET POTATOES 4 Ibt. 29c - , !.- ... v f : v 'i'CaUlllrSl ATiAf-:: ". LNYt?;f CA.f Ar.a n.' iWA3 e: W Jt. " -P. r w ; SdT "rP k. ' 7 J ' r .- heif . 'm"I:" r ftp WrmtV ' . 2 t .'raHet r f . . t r "1 'tt. i J1 if aOtVMIunCTVKf ,

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