" v tnnlW'(MMIlrHMM;'';;;,.,?',."J?!,,,,?l, TSS PEBQTCtANS WEEI1Y, SERTT0S3?.T.I CtEtLL'JflSPAV PECE5T8BR " ,r-r ... - vED ACCIDENT 1 Ty Jordan, 5-year-old Negro 4 a brofeeiv leg and euta and g to hia heaS when he was k by a car Sunday at about j P. M. ; Patrolman B. R.' In , who investigated the accident, .d Elton Dallas Layden of te 2, driving from Whiteston to darted f ro- beHm a- parked . : to cross ;iye nugnway. o ?gn wem filled as a result of accident.," ,$t CARD OF THANKS fye wish to, take this means of jipessing o.r sincere appreciation & W many friends and neighbors iio. were so faithful and rendered v-ring service during the illness coat husband ana ratner, m.tu. jjj;lMws. We also want to thank yu for the visits, cards, beautiful I'floWenr the food sent and cars aned" at his' death. Your many a'ota of kindness will never be for-i'gvJtten. yjHIs- Wife, Mrs. E. D. Mathews 1 and Children. A WEEKLY CLASSIFIED v.. . . i Girishnas One Stop Service Station BILL COX, Prop. 1 fCt like to feel that you have joined the group around our hearth at this season of good cheer. Merry Christmas, indeed! Cannon's Cleaners X; BillJordan "He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the High est and the Lord God shall give unto J0 . t 0:Jaim . Our Friends HERTFORD CAFE 'Tfffi KING, QUEEN AND PRINCE OF THE RIVER" r . I 1 1 1 Hertford Livestock & Supply Co. Hertford, N.C. Season Though Christmas comes but once a year, we wish that we could extend the gay Holiday spirit throughout all our years . . . so that the feeling of friendship which has characterized our associations through recent months can-be made even more frj&pdly . . . more cordial ... more heartfelt ft " ; . . than ever before. Good wishes to all. i;hitfo!id baixs cg:,w Member P.D.I.C m a on fm ffbere fe a peaal uwmntb of feelmg and a deep sense of1 fnendlmecs m tbfe greetuig at (bristmae time and m all tbe good luiebes ft brings TOWE - WEBB MOTOR CO., INC. Hertford, N.C PHONE 3431 As we celebrate Christ's Day, let us keep strong in our hearts a regard ' for" the.feelings .'. . the problems of others and treat the stranger as a brother Such kind consideration can start a reaction of love which can link heart-to-hearf, nation-to-nation and make all of God's children brothers. Merry Christmas to all. The iSouthern Cotton Oil Company 1 , Hertford, N. C. 6:REE As warm as a Yule log on an embered hearth, ' as radiant as the lights on a Christmas tree;, that is the kind of a Christmas we hope will be yours this season. ' Ancf may our friendship and association t ' ; ; , w. v - continue through many more .-"happy yeto v Hertford Hcrchv-are Cz Frrrly f!c r - ' r -w . i