HE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY JL. Volume XXII.Number 52. Hertford; Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, December 30, 1955. 5 Cents Per Copy ! 0p3rations Of New Fertilizer Plant To Siart By February 1 : a new piant ior tne proaucuon jot liquid fertilizer, the first of its Mype to be built m North Carolina, r .. opposite Perquimans Centra Gram - maw Qnlinnl An II Q 17 A fuurnafi ir irnw liTinoi Af,Qr.mi,rmn a Biro i mar School nn TT. fl. 17-A. between (I Hertford and-Winfall. r ' a? The new plant is owned and will be operated by a local concern, the , Albemarle Chemical Company, whose offices are W. R. Harrell, '" president; P. B. Thach, vice presi dent, and J; E. Winslow, secretary . ' treasurer. ;.:.' .' Construction of the plant is ex pected to be completed about Feb v ruary 1, and production of liquid fertilizer will be started immedi ' ately'. thereafter, it was reported 1.M '. .1.in"jiiiAlr TliA'Alnn will .... UIID WCCAi AliG .11111 : TV.l. .' . manufactured a Jiquid fertilizer of j V. complete anlysis consisting of nit-- .. rogeri, phosphate and potash. . . v -Production capacity of the new ' plant will be 200-tons per day of the i new liquid type fertilizer, which has been tested and proven in several areas of the United States. The plant is expected to use a number of semi-skilled lab :.. orers. ' 1 . ' ,.-;''' "'". ' : . -' ' ' In addition to manufacturing its ".'.liquid fertilizer. -the company will v -also be agent for liquid nitrogen 'side dressing. . ' i-t;;;s WEEirs iiT' - - - - ' " ""...r , .tf . w "-v"v- , on'Education has recommended ai ' suspension of Activities ott tlrti part , .:'. Af tAimfv n.viHorv nomir.itt;eea. Rett ; nf-fountv advisory committees, set ; ; (dp during the jas year for .the .j purpose of studying problems con cerning local schools. . J. he taie group stated conditions had chang ed ta such extent local commit tee action at the present time is inadvisable. . . More than 740 persons died from from accidents caused during the long Christmas holiday, setting a ' new high record for the nation, the National Safety Council ' reported Tuesday. Traffic accidents 'ac counted for 579 deaths while 64 persons died in fires and 105 died ' from other miscellaneous accidents. j , Many communities in California Ij -were hard hit by floods during the S past week-end when rivers flooded " by heavy rains inundated thousands i, . of acres of .land. At least half- i dbzeli towns were evacuated and I the homeless were numbered in the "thousands. Property damage is es timated in millions of dollars and ' 1 scores of lives were lost in the , - disaster.' . , , President Eisenhower,' following advice of his doctors., left Wash ; ington Wednesday for a two-week ; , visit at Key .West, Fla. : A report ( eald weather conditions in Wash . Ington hampered the President's reef; oration program and he was advibod to visit a warmer climate ' n order to continue this program. i Capers To :a Play Jan. 3 a firls'-and boys' basketball i f f Perquimans High, School , T!. to"- v-.li on 1 t i ne their schedule of games lay, January B, when the fi'om Gatesvillfe come to 1 to meet the Indiana, and . : - '-g these i contests 1 the 8 teams will begin 'play. Albemarle Conference op I -ginning with William n Friday, January 0 ?Jr, e Perry's teams gained erience playing a num- tnference contests be as with the local girls a record of five con- ries while the Indian lost two contests. vwuiuj wu v Meet NextTliesday, I 1 n . . n .... . n me uoara 01 uouniy wraims- 1 g1oner8 for perquiro8ns County will 1 ' , hold its regular January meeting in the Court House on Tuesday, January, 3. beginning at 10 A. M The meeting- was postponed from the first Monday because of the legal holiday. Persons desiring to confer with the Commissioners at this meeting are requested to note the change in the date of the meeting.. 'A fire loss estimated at several thousand dollars occurred here on Monday , night when flames con sumed a two-story farm house, known as the Cox home adjacent to Perquimans High School. The fire,' believed to have start ed from faulty wiring in a vacant second story room, gained cnsider able headway before being discov ered. ; Hertford firemen were called, to the scene at about 8:35 P. M., and fought the blaze for some time at tempting t bring.it under control but "Were unsuccessful. Spectators hampered the firemeh'g;e"orts by I nMVJtJHIA" IKM-' TTH1 1WHT IIWUJIIB LU the scene, thus delaying tne lire-. i ft heaaM heceMary t0 drive 'incki'to'Wnnta . n. for refilling of water tanks on the trucks. Louis Billups, Negro, and his family resided in the house, and it was reported the fire destroyed most of the personal effects of the family. "WIS? Marketing Cards ih Local ASC Office Tobacco and peanut fanners are required -by law to return their marketing cards to the local ASC office at the close of the market ing season. - H. D. Godfrey, administrative of ficer for the ASC State Commit tee, says that farmers who neglect to return their marketing cards will have their .1955 allotments reduced. Last year, according to Godfrey, 295 producers in the state had their 1955 allotments reduced for fail ure to return marketing cards and other violations. These negligent farmers compar-S ed with the 163,679 tobacco and' peanut farmers in the state are, "just a drop in the bucket," he said.' However, failure to return these cards definitely hurts the farmers; ... ' ' . a whose allotments are reauceo ana it also-slows up the work in the county ASC office considerably. : Godfrey, says that regulations provide that the producer must re turn to the county ASC office eaeh tobacco or peanut marketing card issued for the farm within SO days after the close of the markets in the general locality. Many farm ers he said are still putting off re-' turning the tobacco and peanut marketing cards. , h-i;l" r "': " Flue-cured tobacco farmer, with a 5 per cent acreage cut last year, and, another cut in acreage next year, should not , take a chance on losing more areage for mer care lessness. "'X' X-:. M x: ROTARY TO MEET. The Hertford Rotary Club will meet Tuesday evening at 6:15 J o'clock at the JBotel Hertford. . Fire Destroys Farm Home un nionoayr.pi N MustBeFilerJAt li I ;w . -J 1 1 ... im , i . , . ; 4 - 4 , t J, t - ' . vv tit' BUKli qi miii j. mi ii i.iniTi.riiiim.1 iim niniiiii i '""' '"" i.i''iim ImUmumi . ,.-,- ?flM(r f T"r i 1 1 . " "': CQgy -i'lti i WV . ..'.. .... - vx-w . A ty-i-lffiwtsjW 7'x The store front of M. Divers Negro, crashed into the building. investigated the accident. Masons To Install New Officers At Meeting Tuesday - Officers elected earlier this month? :ioi head the Perquimans Lodge No. 106, A. F., & A. M., theyear 1956, wilj he, install at services in" the lodge rooms on Tuesday night, January 3, it was reported. here today. Elective officers to be insttillcd. are Elijah White, Master; , John Decker, senior warden; R. C. Bak er, junior warden; J. S. Bass, sec retary, and C. F. Murray, treas urer.' ' Appointive officers to be metall ed are C. E. Winslow, senior dea con Jack Symons, junior deacon; W. F. Ainsley, senior steward; R. R. White, junior steward, and R. C, Murray, tyler. All members of the lodge are urged to attend the installation ser vice, and visiting Masons are invit ed to attend. Banks Rites Held Friday Afternoon Funeral services for Tarlie Tool Banks, 83, who died Wednesday of last week at Tiis home near New Hope in Perquimans County, were conducted last Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock' at the Lynch Funeral Home by the Rev. Charles D. Sin clair, pastor of the Woodville Bap tist Church, and the Rev. Walker Perry, pastor of :- Berea Disciples Church. Burial was in Cedarwood Cemetery. Mr, Banks was the Bon of Thad eous P. and Mary Ann Barcliff Banks; husband of Mrs. Sadie Bo gue Banks;, and a member of the Woodville Baptist Church. Sur viving are three sons, W, R., C. C, and T. P. Banks, of New Hope; five daughters, 'Mrs, Mattie Bar cliff and Wilma Banks, New Hope and Mrs. H. B, Armstead, Mrs. W. H. Jackson and Mrs. J. R. Hancock all of Greensboro; 14 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Good Report Made On Lee Soybean ; With only a couple of exceptions, the new Lee;' soybean has been showing up Its older rival, Ogden, in per acre yield, according to County Agent R. M. Thompson. Vance Baker, of Hertford, Route I, is a typical example. Thompson says that Baker planted 4H acres each to Lee and Ogden. The Lee yielded 110 bushels while the Og den yielded only 45 bushels, j & Son was damaged in an unusual The extent of the damage can be seen Local Store Front Demolished By Gar Christmas Morning The store front of . W. M.Djyers & Sirh Jewelers, "was "demolished early Christmas morning when a 1!50 Cadillac driven by George Edward Reid, Negro of Rochester, (New York, crashed into the right I hand plate glass window at about 2:40 o'clock. The window and brick foundation of the store was completely smashed as was the doorway. Three showcases in the store were slightly damaged. Merr rhundise in the window and show cases was also damaged. Police Officer M. G. Owens, who investigated the accident, reported Reid claimed the left front wheel of his car locked about 75 feet from j the store, and caused the car to veer into the window. The cat- was traveling north and veered diag onally across the street, knocking down a state road sign and a park ing meter before striking the store window. Reid Was placed in jail, awaiting bond, on charges of reckless driv ing and destroying real and person al property. Divers & Son and Simon Ruten berg, owner of the building, carry insurance, but it was reported that Reid carried no liability, insurance for his car. . The store is open for business as usual while contractors repair the damage. Funeral Sunday irUNUIIIIrtSUrjJI John Nathan Asbell, 79, a native and lifetime resident of Perquimans County; died at the home of his ' sister-in-law, , Mrs. "Jesse Asbell, UltU IICJIICW,. 4IIIU1SUII AOIJCI1 1UOK Friday at 2:30 P. M., after a long illness. ? . : He was the son of the late Hen derson and Martha Whitehead' As bell. He was A member of Beth any Methodist Church. -;. He; is survived by one- sister, Mrs. E. J. Layden of Elizabeth City. ' The body was taken from the Lynch Funeral Home to the Beth any Methodist Church where, fun eral, services were conducted at 8:30 P. M., Sunday by the Rev. P. M. Porter. Burial was In the family cemetery in Perquimans County, accident here Christmas morning from the above picture. Also shown is Patrolman M. G. Owens, who irvcy Shows Only 39.6 Of Students Extend Education Less than a third (31.3'-) of North Carolina's high school grad uates, class of 1054, entered col- lege, according. to u recent survey by the State-Department of Public Instruction. This survey, made by Nile F. Hunt, Coordinator of Teacher Edu cation, was an attempt to find out what becomes of our high school graduates. Although the survey did not cover the entire number (35,938) of high school graduates, it did include a sufficient number (24,673) to reveal certain signifi cant data. These data in terms of percent ages applied to the whole are as follows: 39.G continued formal education; 31.3 entered college; 26.6 senior college; 4.7 junior college; 8.3 entered business and trade schools, and nurses training; 7.1 entered military service; 53.3 terminated their formal edu cation. A racial comparison shows that 40.8 white and 32.6 Negro stu dents continued formal education; 19.9 white and .3 Negro enter ed military service; 54.2 white and 59.4 Negro terminated form al education.; A comparison oi' white boys from county units with white boys from city unita shows that 31.9 from the county and 60.8 from the cities continued formal education; 87.7 county and 48.2 city enter ed college; 22.3 county and 42.6 tity entered senior college; 5.4 Ipunty and 5.6 city entered junior College; 4.2 county and 2.6 city entered business, trade and nurses training; 16.7 county and 11.4 city entered military service; 51.4 county and 37.8 city ter minated formal education. A comparison of white girls from county units with white girls from city units shows that 36.8 from county units continued formal edu cation as compared , with 51.6 from city units; 23.6 county unit students entered college compared with 35 from city units; 18.8 county and 35 city units entered senior college and 5.3 county and 6.8 city students entered junior r (Continued on Page Six) when a car driven by George Reid, Mrs. Chas. To Direct Annual March Of Dimes Mrs. Charles Willifoni has ac cepted tho' chairmanship ant! will direct the annual March of Dimes 'cHiripitign m. PerqnrnlKWsCounty,'it has been announced by Mrs. Cor bin Dozier, county chairman for the committee on Infantile Paralysis. Plans for the March of Dimes drive, which will get underway throughout the county the latter part of January are now being made by Mrs. Dozier and Mrs. Wil liford. These will be announced in the near future, As has been the custom in the past, no quota, is exported for the county but tho public is urged to con tri I in to generously to this cause, with funds collected going to help fight tho battle against Infantile Paralysis. Tho Perquimans drive is expect ed to follow the pattern of past years with a house to house can vass being conducted throughout the county by volunteer solicitors in Hertford and members of the various Home Demonstration Clubs soliciting the rural areas. Rites Held Friday For Roscoe White Roscoe Miller White, 44, diedXat his home in Norfolk at 8:30 A. M., Wednesday of last week. He was the husband of Mrs. Sara Maie Winslow White nnd son of Clarence B. and Sarah Miller White. Also surviving are a son, Jay Winslow White of the U. .S. 'Air Force; a daughter, Miss Sara Lynn White; two brothers, Lee E. White of Avalon Terrace and C. Benton White of Portsmouth and a sister, Mrs. J. E. Perry, Jr., of Avalon Terrace. He was a native of Perquimans County and had been a resident of Princess Anne County and Nor folk for 21 years. He was a mem ber of the Fairmount Park Metho dist Church and IOOF. Funeral services were conduct ed at the Hollomon-Brown Funeral Home at 11 A. M., last Friday. Burial was in the family ceme tery at Hertford. SCHOOL HOLIDAYS END ; Perquimans County schools will resume regular class, schedules, on next Monday. January 2, following tho 11-day Christmas vacation, It was announced today by J. T. Big gers, Superintendent of Schools. Property Required To Be Listed During January For Taxes Hertford Stores Open On Monday Hertford stores and business houses, with the exception of the bank and post office, will be open for business as usual next Monday, January 2, it was reported today. Tho stores closed for Christmas last Monday and, Tuesday giving employees the usual New Year's holiday at that time. Tom Banks Named Outstanding Young Farmer OfCounty Tom Banks of Hertford, Route 2, has been awarded a plaque as the county's outstanding young farmer of 1955 by the Hertford Junior Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with the Petroleum In stitute of America. Presentation of the award was made by Eldon Win slow, president of the local Jaacee organization. The selection for the award is based upon achievement in agricul ture and participation in civic com munity projects. The winner must be between the ages of 21 and 36. Hanks, 32, is married to the for mer Ola Bogue Whedbee. They have two children, Joyce Ola, age 9 and Allen, age 5. Bunks is own er of 999 acres of land of which 400 acres are" cleared and wnich he works. His chief crops are corn, soybeans, potatoes, wheat and oats. During the past year he al so raised 200 hogs. Tho presentation of the plaque was the second made in an annual event sponsored by the Jaycees. Farmers Advised To Secure Social Security Cards "The time is fast drawing near when it will be necessary for the farmers to have their Social Se curity cards," states It. M. Thomp son, Terquimans County Farm Agent. "It will be necessary for farmers to have their cards when they file their inrome tax for 1955. If you have not secured your card as yet you should apply for this immediately as it takes several (lays for the card to be returned to you after you make application. "This card is necessary because of a new law that went into effect January 1, 1955. It covers all farmers and farm employees if the farmer makes $400 net profit in a year or the farm employee draws $100 in salary from one single farm during a period of one year. This law requires you to pay 3 on your net earnings or if you arc employing farm hands it requires you to pay a total of 4, of which 2 is withheld from the employ ee's salary. "The benefits from this Social Security law are such that I think they should be of special interest to bur farm families as there are survivor's benefits for your wife and children and. retirement bene fits when you reach the age of 65. "Make certain that you have your social security card when you file your income tax as it will save you a great deal of confusion and trouble, as this card is absolutely necessary." HOLY TRINITY SERVICES The Rev. Paul E. Shultz, rector nf Wntv Tinniftf TCnictnnal fTinwW I announces the following services for the church for January 1: Holy Communion, 8:30 A. M.; Church School, 9:45 A. M.; Holy Commun ion and sermon at 11 A. M. A cor dial welcome is extended the pub- v- , ...... itjcifrm '' '' 'V -"': Tax listers for Perquimans County will start next, week the task of listing county property for 1956 taxation, it was announced to day by Julian C. Powell, County Tax Supervisor. County tax listers for the vari ous townships are Julian liong, Bethel; Percy Rogerson, Hertford; Ernest Long, Parkville; Mrs. T. ('. Perry, Belvidere, and J. A. Sutton, New Hope. The tax listers will carry out the duties of their office under instruc tions issued them by the Board of County Commissioners in a speuial meeting held here on Decembeil'.). The tax lister's job will run through the month of January and all property owners must list then property prior to January 'iJ. oth erwise there is a uenully r,l one dollar for the late listing. Schedules for tax listers are be ing published this week and prop erty owners are urged to list early in order to avoid the usual last min pte rush. There are few changes in the listing regulations and the (a: rate for. the property listed ne.vf month will be set by the Board at its meeting in July. In addition to taking the nroier ty list, the workers will also take a farm census. Farmers are urged to prepare lists in advance- and to assist list takers In the takinc the census. County Seal Sa Reaches $932.89 rts The Christmas Seal .Sale for Per quimans County has reached $932.80, according to the Seal Sale chairman, Jarvis Ward. The goal for Terquimans is $l-'!00.00. Ward said, "money raised for seals will be needed more than ever uilli chest X-rays soon to be made in the new Perquimans Health De partment." Ward said, '"that while Tulieivu losis strikes all age groups it hits hard at young adults, and takes the lives of more young people bet ween 15 and 25 than any other disease known to he preventable, that, chest X-rays are one of the best means of detecting tuberculosis in an early stage." Mr. Ward 'stressed, the import ance of everyone mailing in their rontrihution for without funds the Association would not be able to carry on its year-round program on tuberculosis control, and preven tion. Mrs. M. B. Taylor, representative reported $5.05 received-from - llm First Colored Baptist Church in Perquimans County. Current Auto Tags Good 'til Feb. 16th Current license plates will be valid until mid-February, 1956, the Motor Vehicles Department re minded Tar Heel car owners today. Under a revised registration schedule, new tags will go on sale throughout the State January 3 and extend through February 15. Col. James R. Smith, command er of the State Highway Patrol, said that enforcement measures against delinquent motorists would become effective' promptly on Feb ruary 16. He urged owners to se cure their new tags without delay following the opening of sales. New license plates will be sold by branch offices of the Carolina Motor Club, the Winston-Salmrt Auto Club, and by Motor Vehirle Headquarters in Raleigh. , Renewal cards will go into the mail around December 27, Depait ment officials said. . t Chairman Reno