FAf-1! TWO fc (i i t'i.f " 1 r "'' Jr-lVJ V 3 1 ltJ i From Lawrencevllle Retu&ed Horn . Week-end At Pulaski . , . . era! days, this weel Mfc'shd Mrs. F. T. Johnson te: . Mr. and Mrs.f, J. E. Morns and Mfg j R; Wej turned home Tuesday night after John Morris spent Christmas Day In Wilmington i Mrs. Vera S. fatten js spending : Mr. and Mrs.. A.' D. Matthews this week with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney from Lawrehcevflle, Va., spent the Broughtoii at Wilmington, Del. . .week-end with Mrs. Pete. Mathews. Sunday Guests .:. ., .... -; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hines and Mr. arid Mrs. J. H. Booths of Suffolk, Va., spent Sunday with C. G. Ste phens and Mrs. Tom Skipsey. From Fayetteville Mr. and Mrs. Wirfh Chory and j children of Fayetteville spent sev eral days, this week with Mr. ana Christmas With Relatives Mr. and Mrs". T. J. Howard sperit Sunday with relatives at Tarboro and left Monday for Salisbury, Md., where they visited other relatives. spending the ' holidays with rela tives in Sanford. v . InNewVort . .. MSi "$elene tffixon left "Monday frvNewvYork City, where, h was tijf t $ ffrt an3 Mrs. Earl Sykes Sundaj: ElUabeth City 1 JMSvfcha Mnl Trim Wilson spent Cnristmaa Day with Mrs. Wilson's in$lher, Mrs. A: F. Toxey in Elisa beth City. !, . RetUrnei ttoSic , Mr. 'and Mrs. Vi N. Darden have returned, home, after spending sev eral, days with Mr, and. Mrs. II. R. Christensen in Charlotte. From Raleigh , ,t r- ' Lindsay Reed from Raleigk spent the ho)idqyweek-ena with Mr. and : Mrs. D. F. Reed, jiiiv From CreeivTafe . (. , , f)tt. and Mrs; Jack Edwarts, from Greenville spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs Walter Edwards and Mrs. H. A." Whitley. Fora Georgi. . . T ( . .fflfr. and Mrs. Doward, Jones and cifildren frbniWfst Poiht, Ga., sjnt. the ..holidays witK Mr. and s: Pat K eegan. Rturnej Home . ..IMrs. Lpui Nachman spent the Christmas Holidays witfi. JWr. and Mrs, Henry Nachraari in Richmond, Va. Mvil4'Mrs. Johnny Brouehton ahd ' chilareii" from Norfolk." Va.i scent Chfisimas Day with Mr: arid i Mrs. . NatKaii Relfe ahd John BrdUghtoH. ReWrhrfTIflme . ; Mrs.' . W. H. Barber returned home Monday after spending Christmas Day with Mr.' and Mrs. Ca-rrbn .Hili in Norfolk, VaT, arid Mr. and Mrs. Muldrow SSwyer in Elizabeth City. Froni Camila , ' Mr. and Mrs. John Richard Hof lor and daiiihter from Columbia S. C' seni the' holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cot. and Monday with Mr. and - Mrs. George Clark at Pulaski, Va. ,They were accompanied there by Roger Clark, who has been visiting them. Holidays In, Winteryille i ,. Mr! iank Mrs. W, F. Edwards spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J, O.' Edwards at Winterville. Holidays WitK Relatives . Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Biggers and Miss Patricia .Biggers left Satur day to spend the holidays with rel atives at Pinehurst and in Char lotte. .... Dinner Guests Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wright and children from Elizabeth City, Mrs. J, E. Everett and Bill Everett and Mrs. W. J. Kanoy, Sr., from Biscoe were the dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kanoy. Visiting Relatives ' MK and Mrs. E. C. Woodard and children are spending several days this week with relatives at New Bern and Princeton. Christmas Here Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Burleson and children from. Williamsburg, Va., and Mr, and Mrs. J. D. George and children of Raleigh .spent, Christ mas Day and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Darden. Week-elvo! Guests Mr. and Mrs. Philip Arena from Camp Lejuene spent , the week-end witK Mr. and Mrs. William Leices Ur and Mrs. H. S. Davenport. From Bdenlon Mr.; and Mrs. Charlie Crowder from Edentori spent Chrisbnas Day wun jhi;. una airs, 10m vox. TVaim I'AvlafnAiiflfe ftr.' and, Mrs J". Bt Hofler and cfiildrti of portsmbUtiyV Vd.J visit ed relatives here Monday. Monday Ih Durham . Dr. alid Mrs. t. P. firinn spent Monday in Durham visiting Jtfrs. firinn's mother; Mrs. W. H. Glas son. Frbm-feiiS Airman Second Clhqg Tommy Jbhes from1 Del Rio, Texas spent the Christmas holidays with Mr, and Mrs., Pt Keegan; He will leave Friday, accompanied bv Mr. and Mrs. Keegari for West Point, Ga., where they wit all spend a few dajrs w'ffli Mr. ahd Mrs. Dow ard Jbhet. Holiday Guesti Mrs. Elizabeth Parish of Wash ington, H. C, V. C, D. find Mrs. J. P. Zallskt nd Bqn aHd Miss 6iii Lee Elliott of Norfolk aria MW and Mrs. J. T. Lane and children were guestrf on Christmas of Mr. and Mrs. R. b. Fitch. , From Rpfity Mount V Mr,' ahiMrt..Robert Gloverahd daughter from Rocky Mount spent Christmas week-end with Mrs. Anse White and Bilty White. iiindiy' Ai Avaert . , :Mr:and Mrs. J. R..Fuirell and itjt aVd. Mm. W. E. Wnits Spent ChriitmSs. Day with Dr. and Mrs. d. G. Dixorf at Ayd'en. In Florida . . " Mk find Mrs. William Ferry fiom Virifnla Beach; Vai aHd Mfc. Per- week" for Fiorida where they spent Monday K Norfolk Mr. and .Mrs. L. B. . Sitterson spent " Monday in Norfolk, Va., with relatives. . lioihlay Giiests . Those visiting in the home, of Mrs. T. W. Nixon on Christmas Day were their children and grand children,' nunibcring 46 in all. Monday Giiests . , , Mrs, Stewart Wilson, Mrs., W. T. HolWell of Norfolk, Va., Mr. and Mrs. H. t. Hbbbs of Edenton and Dr. Ralpn Hobbs of Birmingham, Ala., spent Monday with Mrs. E. A. Byrurri. Visiting Relatives "The Rev. and Mrs. James Mat tox 'a'rid son left..Mondky. to spend several" days w'th relatives in Rocky (fount and Raletgh. From Fentress ; Mr. and Mrs. Tim Gregory and son of Fentress, Va., spent Mon day with Mr. and Mrs. Noah Greg ory. ." '., : Christmas In Durham Mrs. Riddick Chappell spent the From Florida : Zack Hsiris from Daytona Beach, Fla., spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Z. A. Harris. ' . In Winston-Salem Mrs. D. F. Reed, Jr., and chil dren left Monday to spend several days, in Winston-Salem with Mrs. H. B. Payne and other relatives. Visiting Here Lt. Commander and Mrs. Gordon Walker and children arrived Tues day to visit Mrs. R. L. Knowles and Miss Dorcas Knowles. Returned Home Mr. and Mrs. Fenton Britt and Dean Britt hava returned home af ter, spending several days in Bal timore, Md., with Mrs. Britt's sis ter, Mrs. C. R. Hodge and family. At Boonville . , Mrs. J. W. Zachary and Miss Nancy Zachary left Monday to visit relatives at Boonville. Week-end In Richmond Mrs. Carroll Transou spent the week-end in Richmond, Va., visit ing her husband and friends. x . From Texas : Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Winterringer and children from Texas spent the holidays with Mrs. William Tuck er. From Maiden , Mrs. George Pierce from Maiden, Mass., is spending a few weeks with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr; and Mrs. Francis Nixon. Monday Guests -. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones and chil dren Of Franklin, Va., spent Mon day with C. G. Stephens and Mrs. Tom Skipsey. From Fayetteville .Mr. and Mrs. William Murphy Moore and daughter, Patsy of Fay etteville spent the holidays with Mrs. John Moore. Sunday Here . Mr. and Mrs. James Byrum and sons of Charlotte and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Byrum and daughter from Norfolk, Va., spent Christmas Day with Mrs. E. A. Byrum. Holidays In Raleigh Mr.jind Mrs. J. R. Jarvis spent the holidays in Raleigh with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jarvis. From Kinston Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hoskins and son of Kinston are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Winslow. Christmas Here Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Hill and children of Portsmouth, Va., spent Christmas Day with Mrs. George Fields and Mrs. Cooke Winslow, Visited Relatives . ' Mr. and Mrs. Joe Caravello spent several days this week with rela tives in Philadelphia, Pa. AtTXILtART TO MEET. terhooh. of December il it "her;; titia; "Anne McGoogah, Ruth" Jones, Studio., r,v , . . r ' Following ihe serving of a sweet course gifts- were exchanged by the following: Aldyne Winslow, Kay Howell, Kay Matthews, Le- Warner' toa&!e'and' Whftey ifat- mews,.. ,: TRT A WEEKfcT t'LASSIFIED "." '. ill t . . rrom niaine - , , , Mr. antt-MW.'fcharLiA. .i., d hi ' ortland, Maine ?spent t" J CI.. mas holidays with Mrs. J. L. Doz-' The St. Catherine Auxiliary will meet next ' Monday night at : 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Corhin Dozier. .. v -. . . MUSIC CLASSES FETED Miss Kate Blanchard gave a par ty Friday night, December J6th, for her junior group of pupils. Car ols were sung, each pupil played t one or more piano numbers and Mrs. George Barbec told of the ori-1 gin of some of the Christmas leg ends. . . i After the program, given by Nuto Brinn, Vick Roach,. Betsy i Barbce, Sandra Hudson, Sarah Dail j and Judy Winslow, refreshments cairying out the Christmas colors of red and green, were served and gifts were exchanged. Also present were Mrs. George Barbee, Mrs. Jack Brinn and Mrs A.W.Hudson. A carol contest and sing featur ed the tea given by Miss Kate Blanchard for her high school groups of piano pupils on the af- fEr ir.:hth r-y if yca're sick lerhart... IJ 1.. I I I I Here s an accident and health plan that pays enough for hospital, medi cal and surgery expense PLUS important dollars to ..l.i r I. f . -I . mime vtJ ilu juas ui tiiuuiiic I Amazing low net premium J. . . can be paid monthly. I . Ask about the Invincible Pplicy. CLYDE C. LANE PHONE 4196 Hertford, N. C. I lATIONVilDE u WIHNWM MV1VM MtUMMCt CO. fUftOMWIM MUtVM MM IN1UUNCI CO. ...: NA1MNWM UN MHMAMCI Ca Aftei" Clirfstmas Salo Take idvaiitage of these values and save . . . we are off ermg y'W- i-ii.-'.., r'.i:..i;.i.rf Dresses S!tift: fclu Roli3Suiil Unit Suits at Ia nff Ladies' Hats Stretch Hose : ? now $2.00 , now $i'.0( ; Ladies' Sutits .. --.$15 $20' $25 Ladies' Coats . -. . ....... . . .'.$22 arid $25 Woodland Dress hdp: PHONE 2831 HERTFORD -ftp ' . ;- ft'1 Wrf ' oi Christmas At Roanoke Mrs. Matt Matthews and son, Paul spent the .Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Montgom ery at Roanoke, Va. Holidays Here ' " Earl Dunsmoor, a student at Sev ern School at Severna Park, Md., sjient the holidays with his. par ents; Major ahd Mrs. E. W. Duns moor. From Louisbiirg .. . ; Mrs. Osmond YarboroUgh of Louisburg was the guest over the Qhristmas week-end of Miss Kate Blanchard and W. P. Blanchard at their home on Market Street. Sunday Here Mr. &nd Mrs. Harvey Norfleet and children of Holland, Va., spent Sunday with Mrs. Baker Wood and haliday3r.withfriends jri Durhani. r Miss.Hulda Wood.,, TODAV: FRifaAY- SATURbAT f , : Show Start l:3d.P. M... Shows Stl5-7-9 P. M. n.;: i ' " i.j.m w.r JENNIFER JONES I fX, .WlLLiAM HOLDEN 'yfZJ&ftJ .... .- . lss "Love Is A Many Splendoired T hihg" L n, u , ,'jllr. and,Mk E RRayhe and ifj. ixnperjjynespenfc several dnS in. Charlotte duriri(f the hpli: d s with Mr. and Mrs. Richard ' iJaaierineAnttoteiM froht'w Tork gpent several days daring the holidays with her par s, Ux. tx4 Mrs. C. S. Holmes. ,. TEE FULL TIDE OF LOVE, CONQUEST y ADilW , it . : COLOR ty Otttfxi -".r a . .... -,,-, - - ---M - ....... itlCHAR& t6 AH' MA MORENO JEFFREY HUNTER MdNDAt-ttesriAy-- RAY MH4-AND JOAN COLLINS irlMheRed Velvet Swing" WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY Shows 3ilS-7-9 P. M. to catch A t:::if jn pius TSlt sAstm PRfeMiUM's;;..' mm ri) ; V"";i v. tfrH-.N. -W GDI IITmriTAI I'-'i 1 - M. I I 'lllll I III It 1 " . . : V.. . V 1 COLONIAL STORES ppri At - i hw PDirPf frf;h tropical GOODNESS CS BRANDi ; to? a v or-maai sw tt ivifP : p owwo j , COLONIAL STORES WILL BE OPEN MONDAY JANUARY 1 SPciAL WW,, PRICE TENDER & FINE, FLAVORED,;. T NY L MAS : Ji- special LOW price! Vitamin packed sunswIet PRUNE JUICE;. A AS!' 20 303 Coo ' n. i i1 .: jM i Qoorf Bottle v. w -v. NATUR TENDER U. .X CHOICE FUIX CUT iONEUSi H ff- 2 & $5i DOWHYFUKE FROZEN WAFFLES . SMBROOK FARMS , STIV BERRIES . RICH'S DELICIOUS i v . YHIPTOPPING SEAbROOK FARMS . B'EYE PEAS . . bULANY CANDIED SWEET POTATOES . A HdLIDAY, TREAT MORTOl4'S : ' PUMPKIN PIE. 53c il - ' n" .. . . 25 27c f1 :l5 A BEST BUYI NATUR-TENDER U.S. CHOICE FULLY TRlMMtb VA t SIRLOIN STEAK -j,.75g A BEST BUY! NAWR-TENDER U.S. CHOICE BONELESS SHOULDER ROASTs?raC A BEST BUYL NATUR-TENDER U.S. CHOICE SQUARE CUT : f CHUCK KCJAS 'I tb: of . oy o . m . -o m o .. .' .W! .Kiji- ft lli t Lb. TRIANGLE PURE CREAMERY BUTTER FICK-OF-THE-NEST .GRADE A , ; - LGE. EGGS . . . ? 75c CENTRAL WiSCOSlM MEDiUfct SHARP , CHEDPAR , dnw' u 59c BORDEN'S BAKS N EAT , - - ' ' BISCUITS . . 2 23c NU-TREXT COLORED - . TRIANGLE SLICED, AMERICAN, SWIS Cft - i PIMENTO 29c 'I l WMF fuLLy TrimMeB CLUB, sirLoin or T-BONE STEAK. ;-49c TENDER oV FINE FLAVORED 7INCH RIB ROAST .00. M5c A BEST BUY! FLAVQ'RfUl BUDGET BEEF , . , CHUCK ROAST . Lb 29c BEST, BUYI TASTY BONELESS . l SHOULDER ROAST 49c C 4T If ,-at sit, A .BEST BUYr cfLICIOUS JFRESH ' ' - GROUND BEEF . ." i ;r A.bESt BUY! PLATE DONE-IN ' " STEVING BEEF, .tb 1j A BEST..BUYMK TO 3 4.B,, AVG. SMOKED JOWLS . A BEST BUY Tobyfc VlAfiftSHi: ' bacon squa:ig - V. f t, AS ADVEHTISEO ON COLbNIAt'S TV SHOW "THE GREAT GlLDEksLEEVE" GORTON'S FROZEN PERCIIIES UUU ,1'rtv'fMn MW" LARGE CRISP GREEN PASCAL " - 7 CELERY- 1. GREEN DEANS- ' 2 ii III.' 5 . ' Ls. 1 1

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