THE - - - - . Volume XXITL Number 10. TOW rTCD TO TIM A RTS :W liMoU 11 1V11 1M Q W . EEICLY IT ILi 1776 Raised For Grammar By Benefit Project ' More than 700 people gathered Tuesday night at the Perquimans High School gym to witness a bas ketball game which climaxed one of the most successful projects under taken here in a number of years. ; The project, co-sponsored by the Perquimans VFW Post and the Hertford Junior Chamber of Com merce, was an effort to raise funds to provide the Hertford Grammar ; School with supplies, used in extra curricular activities, to replace sim- . ilar ones lost in the school fire last January. The success of the pro ject is realized with the report of the sponsors that $1,776.75 was contributed to this cause by in dividuals from Perquimans County and surrounding areas. All of the funds will be turned over to Miss Thelma Elliott, prin cipal of the Hertford Grammar School, who in turn will supervise the purchase of the equipment. Two "hours of entertainment was provided those attending the ball game between what might be term ed the "old men of the VFW" and the youngsters of the Jaycees. Of course youth, as it usually does, prevailed and the Jaycees won the game by an undisputed score of 27 to 16, although the Jaycees claimed they didn't recall the VFW play ers scoring that many points. . Players taking part in the game were Harry Hollowell, Broughton Dail, Ben Thach, Hank Christgau, Willie Ainsley, Joe Tunhell, Char lie Skinner and Claude Brinn for the VFW. Joe Nowell, Pete Mat- ' thews, James Divers, Billy White, Ike Perry, Francis Nixon, Bobby Elliott and John Beers for the Jay cees. ' .. . .Jn addition to the .'basketball gaifee- entertainment-,. wag jitrevided by j a'tvarding ()f 57 dooij 'pr'iSes which had beeii Contributed to the cause by local merchants and busi ness houses. ; ; ',, ' , , . .The sponsors ft the' project ex pressed their appreciation for the very fine cooperation they receiv ed from the public in promoting this event for the benefit of the Hertford Grammar School. President Eisenhower has urged Soviet Premier Bulganin' to join him in an effort to end the atomic arms race by freezing stockpiles'' df atomic weapons. The proposal was made this week in a letter. 4,0 J&e 'Soviet official in answer to one. re ceived by the President several weeks ago.' Russian reaction to the proposal was reported s favorable. .- ?.''' .:: ". '? i k Governor Luther Hodges report ed last Saturday recommendations expected to be received from his Advisory Committee on Education will very likely bring about a spe cial session of the General Assem bly sometime during the coming summer. It is believed the Ad visory Committee will make spe cific! proposals concerning school segregation which will require ac tion by the Legislature. Reports from the Middle East de clare the danger of war between Israel and Arab States continues to grow. , Meanwhile, British and U. S. officials are working to relieve the tension in the area which has been increasing for months. ... ' ,-: The national farm income; drop ' ped one billion dollars during 1955, . according tot figures' released this week by the Department of Agri culture. Total farm income amount ed to $19,045,000,000, pr an aver age of $860 per farmer. . This was compared to the national average income of $1,922 for non farmers. ' The 'Virginia Legislature acted this week to clear the way for con struction of a bridge-tunnel link ing the mainland with the Eastern Shore. ' The project, it is report ed, will require five year for com-: pietion in building the Link auross i" - peake Bay4 t ' THIS WEEK'S HEADLINES School Registration Books Will Close Saturday t Registration books for the spe cial bond election to be held in Perquimans County on March 24 will close Saturday, it was an nounced today .by R. C. Murray, chairman of the board of elections. Mr. Murray stated eligible voters who wish to participate in the elec tion, and who are not listed in the registration books must register by tomorrow in order to be permitted to vote. The: special election has been called to determine, whether or not Perquimans County will be author ized to issue $125,000 in school bonds for use in construction of a new school building. Balloting in the election will be conducted between the hours of 6:30 A. M., and 6:30 P. M., on Sat urday, March 24, at the usual poll ing precincts within , the county. 'A list of jurors, selected for ser vice at the April term of Perquim ans Superior Court, which opens here on April 16, were drawn dur ing the regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners on last Monday. Drawn for jury service were: Harrison Baker, Lawrence Cor prew, 'Charlie L. Copeland, J. W. Ward, Mrs. Edgar A. Chappell, Lewis H. Stallings, Clyde Russell, John A. Bray, H.-J; McKee) Mrs. Ii-maiorseyil.Sidney: Stallings, Ce4 cjl , E, ; Wntaif, i 'NaOjai .Hurdle, . Clarence Cjl Chapjiell, E. AhSpivey, Elmer Ward, .Cornelius Lamb, Alvah Madrey, Thomas; D. Nixon, W. E. Lane Mrs. W. M. Barber, Oliver C. Elliott, Clarence Pierce, Mrs. Amalea Smith, Floyd Long, Elsberry R. Whedbee, Jr., Kelly Spear, James L. Lane, Mrs. Wilma Powers, Crafton Winslow, C. C. Banks, J. S. Bass, Louis Taylor, Robert J. Roberts, Oliver D. Lay den, Jr., L. R. Sasser, Henry L. Riddick, Mary T. Reed, Lucious Winslow, Hilton M. White, George W. Nowell, J, Elmer Lamb, Sidney Curtis, Rollo P, White, William P. Chappell, George A. White, Lin wood Trueblood, Melvin Chappell, Elmer P. Roberson, and Jack W. Harrelh ' ": " The term of court, scheduled as a mixed term for both criminal and civil action, is expected to be con sumed in 'hearing only criminal cases. Riddick Rites Held Last Thursday Mrs. Sally Thomas Riddick, 86, died Wednesday morning at 6:40 o'clock at her home in Belvidere af ter a long illness. ; She was the daughter of the late Thomas T. and Sarah White Riddick, a member of Whiteville Grove Baptist Church.; : Surviving are one sister, Mrs. Herbert Winslow of Belvidere, two nieces and two nephews. The body was taken from the Lynch Funeral Home to the Up River Friends Church for services Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, conducted by the Rev. J. Paul Holo man, pastor of the Whiievflle Grove Baptist Chuch, assisted by the Rev. Oral. Dillon, pastor of Up-River Friends Church and the Rev. Eliza beth White, pastor of Piney Woods Church. Burial was in the Up-River Church Cemetery. Large Crowd At " Annual FFA Banquet ' The 'Perquimans Chapter of the Future Farmers of America held its annual father-son banquet at the high school last Friday night. Approximately ?00 persons includ ing members and guests attended the event. ' Following a barbecue chicken dinner a program was pre sented in the school auditorium by member-of the chapter and a farm film was shown under sponsorship of the Baker Oil Company. - - Jury List Drawn For April Term Superior Court Hertford, '" ' J " JlU.Jili illU. ..rmmmmmW.! ' '-.:.. ...v.-.,-.:. :.:::.:: -"- -'a I' "BATTLESHIPS" OF TRUE COLD WAR Tugs maintain a ceaseless twin patrol of the Elbe River estuary at Hamburg. Germany, as all of Europe battles the wnrst-in-a-century winter. Tugs Seek to keep a channel open to the vital Nor,th Sea port in the face of the series of blizzards and cold waves which have claimed hundreds of lives during the last few months. Aydlett Candidate For Reelection To State Senate Seat N. Elton Aydlett, prominent and popular attorney of Elizabeth City, today announced his candidacy for re-election to the office of State Senator for the First District, sub ject to the Democratic primary on May 26. In announcing his intentions to seek re-election Mr. Aydlett said: "I wish to express my sincere appreciation to the people of the First Senatorial District for the very fine support and vote which they gave me for the State Senate two years ago. "With the experience gained through serving in one Session of the General Assembly, I feel that I am now better fitted to repre sent and serve the people of the First District in the next Session of the Legislature. "It will be my purpose at all times j to protect and promote the interests' of the people of this sec tioh of rJbith Carolina, as well as thje entire State, to the best of my ability. I earnestly solicit their vote and support of my candidacy for the State Senate in the com ing primary." , ! Extension Office The Board of County Commis sioners, in its meeting on Monday, acted to fill two vacancies existing in the Agriculture Extension Of fice, by approving appointment of Miss Nancy Henderson as assistant county home agent and Richard Bryant as assistant county agent. : Miss Henderson, a native of On slow County, is a graduate of East Carolina College, and comes to the job highly recommended. She will be assistant to Mrs. Joe Webb, home agent, and direct activity in 4-H Club work. Mr. Bryant is a graduate of State College, class of 1952, and has served two years in the U. S. Army. At the present time he is working out of the State Exten sion Office in Raleigh. He will be assistant to R. M. Thompson, Coun ty Agent, and also handle 4-H Club work. : Miss Henderson will begin her duties here oh March 16, and Mr. Bryant is expected to start work sometime after April 1. Deadline Given For Candidates Interest in the Democratic pri mary, scheduded for May 26, for the election and Btate and bounty officials, practically non-existent up to now, 1 is expected to pick up between now and April 14 which is the final day candidates may file ' for county offices. R. C. Murray, Chairman of the Perquimans Board of Elections, reported that noon, Saturday, April 14, is the last date persons may file as candidates for off ice. ' Local offices to be filled by the primary on May 26 include those of Representative, Register of Deeds, Board of Commissioners, Judge of Recorder's Court and treasurer. County Board Fills Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, Annual Red Gross Camp Early Next Week BPW Club Holds At Mrs. Bonner's The Perquimans Business and Professional Women's Club met Thursday night, March 1, at the home of Mrs. Sally J. Bonner with Mrs. Atha E. Tunnell co-hostess, for its regular monthly business meeting with Mrs. Emily T. Har rell, president, presiding. In the absence of the Recording Secretary, Mrs. Mary Dale S. Lane read the minutes and Mrs.' Minnie W. Hurdle, treasurer, gave.-heryrei-pott!. 'lAmong the. items of expendi ture whs a contribution to'thfe Po lio Fund, coffee for the workers of the Ground Observer Corps, and prizes for the TB packages. At the suggestion ' of Miss Au drey Umphlett, health chairman, arrangements are being made for each member to know her blood type and notify Billy White, who is in charge of the Blood Bank. Mrs. Essie H. Burbage, chairman for the Local Loan Closet, announc ed that contributions have been re ceived toward repairs of a wheel chair. Mrs. Harrell announced that the Elizabeth City BPW Club will be host to the Eighth District Meet ing March 18, and the National Federation Biennial Convention will meet in Miami Beach July 1-6. She urged each member tb make reservations' as soon as possible. Miss Dillwyn Denton,' Safety Committee Chairman, announced a film would be shown at the din ner meeting March 15, at Hotel Hertford. ; At the conclusion of the meet ing, a fellowship hour was enjoy ed when the hostess served a re freshment course, buffet style, car rying a color scheme of green and white to the following members in addition to those mentioned above: Dora T. Riddick, Miss Thelma El liott, Miss Kate Blanchard, Betty T. Swindell, Mary D. Robertson, Grace M. Costen, Alice M. Towe, Sallie McN. Lane and Roxanna C. Jackson. Rotarians Endorse Moore For Of f ice Members of the Hertford Rotary Club went on record at their meet ing Tuesday night endorsing John Moore of Elizabeth City for the of fice of District Governor for Ro tary International. The office will be filled at the Rotary Conference to be held in Raleigh on, Maiyh, 18 and 19. ' W. J. Davis, president-elect of the lo cal club was designated as official delegate at the conference for the Hertford Rotary Club. ; BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Lt (jg) and Mrs. Robert Brodie III, of Newcastle, New Hampshire announce the birth of a son, Rob ert Brodie IV, born Thursday. March L Mrs. Brodie was former ly Miss Molly Oukij . ' aign To Start Thins are being perfected for the annual Red Cross Roll Call to get underway throughout Perquimans County next week, it was reported this week by R. C. Elliott Chair man of the Perquimans Chapter of the Red Cross. Mrs. Jack Burbage has accepted the chairmanship of the campaign and will direct the fund raising drive, Mr. Elliott said. Work is now in progress secur ing volunteer solicitors for the membership campaign and Mrs. Burbage reports the drive will be conducted along the same pattern as in the past, with solicitors mak ing a house to house canvass for funds for the Red Cross. She will announce the co-chairmen for the drive within the coming week. Perquimans County has been as signed a slightly higher quqta for the 1956 Red Cross,' ianipVifen' ac: cor.dihg'i U.tofi Elliott, Who has bejen notified tne county goal is $1,400. It is the hope of the National Red Cross, and the local chapter that the 1956 campaign can be suc cessfully concluded within 10 days, and local solicitors will be urged to begin canvassing immediately and complete the task by March 24. Supplies and information con cerning the Roll Call are now be ing distributed by Mrs. Burbage, and will be in the hands of all so licitors by the kick-off date. Funeral Services Held Thursday For Mrs.BakerVood Mrs. Baker Boyce Wood, age 74, died Tuesday afternoon at 5:50 o'clock at her home in Hertford following a lingering illness. She was a native of Chowan County and had lived in Hertford for the past 60 years. Mrs. Wood was the daughter of the late Baker and Harriette Fore hand Boyce; the wife of the late Benjamin T. Wood and a member of the Hertford Baptist Church. She is survived by four daugh ters, Miss Hulda Wood of Hert ford, Miss Elizabeth Wood of Ply mouth and Hertford, Mrs. Fred Chalk of Goldsboro, and Mrs. Har vey E. Norfleet, Jr., of Holland, Va.; five grandchildren. Funeral services were conducted Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the chapel of the Twiford Funeral Home by the Rev. J. O. Mattox, pastor of the Hertford Baptist J Church, assisted by the Rev. C. W. Duhng, pastor of the Windsor Bap tist Church. Interment was made in Cedar Cemetery, v Local Students On Quiz Program Perquimans High School will send its top current-event-quiz team to Virginia Beach High School on March 8 to compete in another round of "Quiz-'Em-on-the-Air" programs. Edgar Fields, Charlie Johnson, Charles Whedbee and Judy Winslow are the members of the team with Bobby Matthews as alternate, which won over Mau ry High School in its earlier con tent in Norf Jkr March 9, 1956. I Legion Groups In Last Thursday The William Paul Stallings Post 126 of the American Legion and the Legion Auxiliary met in joint session on Thursday, March 1, at 8 o'clock in the Municipal Building. Commander John Decker presid ed. After the presentation of the flags, followed by the preamble, prayer was offered hy the chap lain. The roll was called and min utes read by the secretary, Julian Powell. Reports were made by Mrs. Sar ah White and Mrs. Madge Towe, president of the Auixliary, who gave the treasurer's report in the absence of the treasurer. A report was made by W. F. Ainsley on "Facts About Russia in Connection with the United States." Mr. Ainsley presented the Past Commander's pin to Cliff Banks. Mrs. Madge Towe announced the District Auxiliary nipeting to he held in Edenton on April 3 and asked that any member who can attend contact Mrs. Towe. The Auxiliary reported three new members, thus reaching the requir ed total of 51 members. After the adjournment and the retirement of the colors, a social hour was enjoyed. The meetinc marked the 3fith anniversary of the American Legion, and the Auxili ary presented the Legion with a birthday cake decorated in gold and hlue. Drinks and nuts were serv ed with the cake. Commission Gives Report Road Work Completed In Feb. The State Highway Commission completed 6.9, miles of resurfacing in !the first' Highway Division dur ing February; Commissioner J. Em mett Winslow of Hertford has an nounced.. In Gates County, a 16-foot wide sand asphalt wearing surface was placed for 1.1 mile from intersec tion of a county sand road 0.9 mile south of Hobhsville, east to the Gates-Chowan County line. In Perquimans, a sand asphalt wearing surface was placed on the following three county roads and their lengths: From intersection of a county road, 2.0 miles south of Whiteston northeast to intessec tion of county road, 0.8 mile east of Whiteston, 2.5 miles; from Whiteston southeast to intersec tion of county road, 0.8 mile; and from intersection of county road, 3.0 miles northeast of Bethel, northeast to a Creek Bridge near US 17, 2.5 miles. The roads var ied in width from 16 to 18 feet. State forces did the work. Perquimans and Gates are in the First Highway Division along with Camden, Currituck, Dare, Pasquo tank," Bertie, Hertford, Northamp ton, Chowan, Hyde, Martin, Tyr rell, and Washington Counties. W. J N. Spruill is Division Engineer. Division headquarters are in Alios- kie. Perry Funeral Conducted Thursday Timothy Clair Perry. 82, died Wednesday of this week at 2:30 P. M., in Albemarle Hospital after a short illness. He was a son of the late Law rence and Mrs. Elmira Baker Per ry. Surviving are his wife. Pearl Duncan Perry; one son, Timothy J C. Perry, Jr., of New York; one daughter, Mrs. William Winslow, of Belvidere; two sisters, Mrs. Annie Baker, of El Paso, Tex., and Delia Harrell, of Edenton and two grand children. Funeral services were conduct ed Thursday at 11 A. M., at Lynch Funeral Home in Hertford by the Rev. P. M. Porter, pastor of Ander son Methodist Church, assisted by the Rev. Orval Dillon and the Rev. E. R. Meekins, of Winfall. Burial was in the Up River Friends Ceme tery. MASONS TO MEET The Perquimans Masonic Lodge No. 106, A. F., & A. M., will meet Tueudiy n'fchc tt 7.3o o'eV.cfc. ' JointftieetingOn Local Board Refers Complaint Action Until Next Meeting Cast Selected For Senior Play The senior class of Perquimans High School recently completed try-outs for the play, "The Able Miss Cain." The players and their parts are: Judy Winslow will play the part of Elinor Prescott, and Jesse Mans field, Leaper Prescott; Peggy Har rell, Cheryl; Corbin Cherry, Petey; Ann White, Mary Jo; Ruth Ayscue, Mamie; Marjorie Byrum, Gussie; Wallace Baker, Jed; Sara Sutton, Orpha; William Byrum, Alvie; An nie Reed Stokely, Mrs. Livermore; LaClaire Winslow, Aunt Mollie Cain; Charlie Umphlett, Izzy; La Rue Chappell, Kifi. Rehearsals forf the play started February 15 under the direction of Mrs. Barbee and Mrs. Holmes. 60 Candidates Out For School Baseball Coach Ike Perry reported Tues day that some 60 candidates are trying out for the 1956 Perquimans High School baseball team, which will open the season with a game in Hertford on March 16. The Indians, a powerhouse in State baseball activities for the past several years, will need some revamping this season according to Coach Perry. Three first stringers from last year's varsity are miss ing this season due to graduation. Perry stated he will rely-on Ted Chappell and Jesse Rountree to handle the pitching assignments this year and Belmont Perry and Johnny Miller .will likely handle the catching" ausinmenlnt. Both Chifp pell and Rountree''are,il'efth4nders. The Indians will compete in the Albemarle Conference against Tar horo, Edenton, Ahoskie, William ston and Plymouth for advance ment in the State elimination play offs. Fish Fry Held Thursday Night Some 250 people attended a fish fry at J. F. Hollowell & Son in Winfall Thursday evening follow ing a demonstration conducted on the use of liquid nitrogen. Guests at the event included associates and customers of the firm. Two Receive Road Sentences After Conviction of Theft Two defendants, Russell East arid Jasper Robertson, convicted on charges of the theft of a boat, own ed by Charlie Matthews, were each given a 60-day road sentence in Perquimans Recorder's Court here last Tuesday. The road sentences were ordered suspended by Judge Chas. E. Johnson upon condition each of the defendants pay a fine of $50 and costs of court. Johnny Stokely, Negro, was found guilty on a charge of issuing a worthless check in the amount of $50, in making a down payment on an automobile. Stokely was sentenced to the roads for 30 days, sentence to be suspended upon pay ment of the costs of court and the sum of $50 to Towe-Webb Motor Company. Perival Hartley and David Butler submitted to charges of speeding and each of the defendants paid the costs of court. N ' rA fine of $2 and court costs were taxed against Joseph Goodwin, Ne gro, who . entered a plea of guilty of being drunk on the streets of Hertford. John Chappell, charged with failing to observe a stop sign, sub mitted to the charges and paid the costs of court. Wflliam Cayton submitted to a charge of reckless driving and paid a fine of $25 and costs of court "'Ciuu'fc efficialfi announced the 5 Cents Per Copy The Perquimans Board of Coun ty Commissioners will meet Mon day, March 19, as a Board of Equa lization to hear complaints on tax- able property and adjust valuation, it was announced during the meet ing of the Board last Monday. The proposed to the Board by Claude tion will continue until the work is completed. The Commissioners deferred ac tion until its next regular meet ing on a request filed by the Hert ford Fire Department for a public hearing over a controversy which arose during a fire which destroy ed the home of Tim Matthews two weeks ago. Representatives of the Fire Department complained to the Board concerning action taken by Patrolman Mack Rogerson, which resulted in the Edenton Fire Department failing to answer a call for assistance in fighting the firs. Sgt. Logan Lane, of the High way Patrol, reported to the Board that he had heard complaints on the matter and had conducted an investigation, the results of which he gave the Board during the meeting. The Board voiced approval of a proposal the county secure a water-tank truck, through govern ment surplus, for use by the Boai; of Education and to serve as au xiliary for the fire department " fighting rural fires. Authorization was made for securing one of these trucks if and when one becomes available. Approval was voted by tb". Board for an application for a beer license submitted by P. E. Keegun and T. E. Nixon. An application for a beer license, submitted by Clinton Riddick and William Lowe, Negroes, us also approved. Members of the Board reported meeting for. County official! to be held in Elizabeth City on Wednes day, March 14. The meeting is ons of several sponsored by the Insti tute of Government. A matter of a county-wide law regulating construction of sub-divisions and a zoning ordinance,, session of the Board of Equaliza Brinn.'was referred to the county attorney for further study. J. T. Biggers, School Superinten dent, appeared before the Board and advised the Board of Educa tion is proceeding with the pur chase of 14.2 acres of land as a site for the new Hertford Gram mar School. regular term will be in recess next Tuesday, because of the special term of Superior Court, which will convene on Monday. The next Re corder's Court term will he held on Tuesday, March 20. Another Appeal On Heart Fund Drive James O. Mattox, Perquimans County Chairman of the Heart Fund drive, stated this week that all persons who have not yet re sponded to the appeal and who de sire to do so should make check payable to T. P. Byrum, Hertford, N. C. Mr. Mattox points out that heart disease is the nation's No. 1 killer, according to recent statistics, and that everyone has the opportunity to help in the constant search for ways to effectively combat this . menace to health and life. The county chairman said a large number of letters were mailed out to county citizens recently and that some have responded with dona tions. It is hoped that others who would like to contribute to the worthy cause will do so t once, Mr, Mattcx addpl. f V

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