TEE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY. ESKTTtJm NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1956. ' i 1 i - i fcM ' in ii r- ' 1 PAGE TKSIJ ( rs JLi Civil Defence Pircctor ilb For More Local Activity . North Carolina Civil -Defense of ficials are suffering no delusions about the fact that a great many communities in, the state are not prepared !to cope with disaster, either enemy caused or from the forces of nature, State Director Edward F. Griffin says in disclos ing that renewed, intensive effort to change the, situation is under- ' way; ;ry. J-y - i--:-v.-!i.M V ' 7r.7' , Under a. cover letter from Gov ernor Hodges, Council chairman, effpieg W .a'ne '. "Guide to Lncal Civil Defense Planning and Devel North Carolina Council of Civil De- tense have been sent to governing officials of every county, city and town and to local Civil Defense di rectors.'' ,.'. . "Communities share an equal re sponsibility with the Federal and State ; governments in survival planning and planning for natural disaster. It, is impossible for eith er the Federal government or the State government to go into your community with adequate facili ties and personnel to establish your Civjl Defense organization,'; Gov ernor Hdtlges said. "I strongly opmerit", recently published, by the urge all communities which are not ' -1 REPORT OF CONDITION OF IIERTFOUD BAfMKG COMPANY of Hertford; in the State pf North Carolina at the close of business on September 26, 1966. ' ' ';,;,; ' ' ' ASSETS ; 1. Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve bal ; -J ances, and cash items in process of collection '$ 611,745.83 2.- U. S. Govt, oblin'ations, direct and guaranteed ;.. 1,071,722.60 1 3.. Obligations of Spates and political subdivisions , 410,220.21 " 4. ., Other bonds, notes and debentures 8,000.00 ,"6.,- Loans and discounts. i ... 1,197,123.67 H 7..; Bank premises owned, $16,667.89; furniture and fix- ! :, " tures, $10,426.37 . . . 27,094.26 , 11. Other, assets --i-ili - : -11,911.80 ; 2. TOTAL 'ASSETS 'liiL.---! - -- i.; $3,337,818.17 ;7V7''i;777" 7 :r LIABILITIES . , 13. ' Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and cor ; .porations : ; : $1,632,262.11 14. ..'Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corpor . -'"; ations .. , 839,662.98 15. Deposits f TJnited Statist Government (including pos- ' ' ya, v c tat Kavinewi til oil-.J., -AlQSMM 16. ' Deposits ef States and ipputickl feubdivisionsUi'.-..t- 7 220,603.60 i8. Other depdsits (certified and officers' checks, etc)L4ii MJji.Tl9,05 1 TOTAl". nF.POSITS -Zi-J SiSf'T'lRSfWfifi ..' "i ;';, 19. 20. - i . 24.; 28. 26. TOTAL DEPOSITS 2JL&ii S2.718.687.68 Bill payable, redjscomits, janf) othr '.liabilities for,,, :'. borrtwed money l.X.-l.-i--- Other liabilities ,-, TOTA LtABJLITIES CAPITAL' ACCOUNTS - r.. '4 , I'll 'i 800,060.00 11,938.86 Capital Surplus .$ 27. ; Undivided profits -$3,030,626.42- .1$ 7 25,600.00 .. 150,000.00 7 102,291.75 al '' . 1 30,000.00 307.291.7 29. V TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS - 30. TOTAL LIABILITIES & CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $3,337,818.17 This bank'gcapital consists of: Common stock with total par value nt ifi IWMI !' - v. . Is HI., si llMORAtfDA!,, " . II. . Assets pledfftd or assigned to secure1 liabili - , , !,fbr rotherihirpofles Aili-iJl -$ 432,018.70 ,,.v... vii.vr. j 5; -K . .- rvt'i.:'t-"1: I)-' Ii I, Ry L; iStQyen;!h,:.kihfer';Of. jUi; above-named bank, do solemnly affirm that the abavSttemenl;s tjruej and that it fully and correctly represents uie true suiie or iiw several .mguerr nerem coniaineq tuiq let fortn, iiities and RL. STEVENSON. jijlO)rrecittest:; cooperating at present with; the State and Federal Civil' Defense -effort, to establish such organita tions without furthe delay. It should be done for the best securi ty of your community, our State and our Nation." ; -7 ,:; ; . The booklet, described as con taining : step-by-step :i instruction pertinent to local Civil Defense or ganization, defines facts, plans end areas of responsibility in the sim plest terms possible. It has been published, Griffin stated, for -general information of local governing officials and to guide the course of action pf those to whom the offi iials delegate ' CivUDeieiise': 'fit' sponsibijity. 7 U'f j f q 'V; i "We i feel that ileaf governing authorities, once aware of their re sponsibility1 ; to ' their! J:itij6es to take precautions community survival, will initiate the necessary actio,n" the state director explain ed. "This new r publication, we hope, will serve that purpose. "In North Carolina there " are many" city and county directors who are doing an outstanding job.' But every county and every town must have a well established prepared ness prtgram coordinated within that of the state before we can consider that the state has fulfilled its obligation to its citizens or to the nation." . V TT1 .SENATOR, SAMERVIN CBTAS. E. JOHNSON. J J. W.WARD,, ; : '''i7'77'7;'7'7-)''' : 1 '' Directors. State of North Carolina Count)f Wrquimans ss: '.' . Sworn to and subscribed before me this-3rd day of October, 1956, f nd I hereby certify that I am not an officer or director of this bank. My commission expires October 11, 1957. (Seal) L. C. "WINSLOW, Notary Pu.'Iic mmma OIL CIOLIG UEnTGClQ m9m EAST. TERMS Kr.7 v.i:;:ssa f' XT"- "r . , Lay-u tto Flan Most beautiful ell fcoin hmutor ln Awrkal . 7 More heat, cleaner heat, from every drop of oil, 7 with Duo-Therm's ezclutive Dual Chamber Burner. ? c Fioe furniture styling, beautiful mahogany finish. , Forced-heat circulation and fuel saviags up to 23 ; . with Duo-Therm's exclusive Automatic POWER-AIR ' ' Elower. , ji 4 wi;iW..alni doors for rtdiadl heat. Healthful fcnr " " x. t A Waste Stopper. Handy waist-high coutruL ' . ' . Washington-rIn the field of -coh,- sumer' products ,f e .place ' consjderr able emphasis on so-called "brand" names.: The established brands are supposed to and they do ring a bell when the consumer decides at. the. point of purchase what to take htme in the grocery bag. Names Count In our democracy we place rignt ful emphasis on party labels, chief ly Democratic and Republican. ' Be ginning with the emergence of the twoprincipal political parties there has ' been' a' constant 'selling' cam paign to get the American citizen to identify himself with ope or the other parties as a registered voter and worker. In other words, there is an effort to make the party name count with the individual voter. Andrew Jackson' is credited with promoting the .name Democratic party and "selling",it to the people. Thomas Jefferson was a Democratic-Republican party member, ' the word "Reptibltcarf' of that , era standing as a symbol against the "Federalist", party. There was no Republican party until the 1850's, and its organizers were first term. ed "radicals" until that party was able to elect . Lincoln and firmly establish its name with the peo ple. -They picked up the "Republi can" word whicH. the Democratic party Had dropped. : And until now the names have stuck in the politi cal system of our country. Whigs . The Whig party emerged to chal lenge the' Democrats during and af ter the Jackson era. It became a powerful party, lasted until the "Uncivil" War, and - then rapidly passed from the Scene. .:. Many of the former Whigs joined the newly fdrmed Republican party. . - Attempts At Change "For the first time, then, in over a hundred years, we are witnessing an effort by some of the Republi can leaders of today to change the name "Democratic" party to "Dem ocrat" party! . In the 1850's when the leaders of the ' new or "radical": movement were organizing a party, they were shopping around for a label. One of them wrote that a good name is a. tower , of strength: admitting that "Democracy" (or "Democrat ic") 1b a word which charms. They picked up the label "Republican" as a word of supposedly equal charm and magic, --j- , Proud rf-Laber ' Our parties are proud of their labels. Our -citizens, are' born to publicly v proclaim' -tieir -identity with the party. 6f their choice (and more likely the party of their an cestral heritage). J Independents slate that j they "vote for the man no he party." While I would under ho" dicum stances be 'critical of a person's decision to be an independent in his political beliefs, I do want to point out that there is great satis faction in being a member of a great political party, a rewarding feeling of belonging to an essential bit of . democracy,,, i p,: i:,V; There is a religion in all deep love of a mother is the' veil, of a softer light between the heart and l.r.jy rili.aL.j This week , has been -proclaimed again this year , by President Eisen hower as "National Employ ' the Physically - Handicapped Week." During this week much publicity is given to the year-round efforts to secure employment for persons who are physically impaired. 1 This : ex plains those red and black window posters you've been seeing in store windows this week, picturing an important-looking industrialist say ing "Hire the Handicapped I know it's good, business," explains' Mil ton Bass; ' manager of the State Employment Office in Edenton. i' Many studies - have been ; made throughout the United States com paring the work of handicapped persons with those who have no physical impairment - Statistically the physically handicapped persons compare favorably, with those hav ing no handicap on alt. phases, and even surpass on some points. - Even such items as absenteeism and in juries are no higher for the handi capped..'':. ';.v7.;- ' . ;' It is also . in keeping with .the American spirit of fair play that employers give 'the; handicapped a fair chance to work for their liveli hood. This has "been a growing concern in the United States,' but there is sjtill a large segment of the handicapped work force that is not being utilized and who are be ing needlessly carried- on relief rolls or who' must rely on rela tives. In addition to being a waste of 'manpower this ' also results 4n broken 'spirits and :i. resentful at titude whidh is - quite j Understand able. ' f 'v hl-t-' 7u-'' i ('- lair 111 1 f :i y If : mil mi GUZZLING GROUNDHOG Hitting the bottle at a tender age is a montb-old groundhog, pet of the Harold Moon family of Cleveland, O.- Holding that bottle of milk with the poise of a veteran, the adopted wood chuck is keeping a wary eye out for Iree-ioaders. xne moons w dug the animal out ot the ground before its eyes were enetied. and is rearing it along with her kittens. . ' ctoriaIeviewackT' entertainment punch! Cartoons, comics, columnists in the Pictorial Review section of the Baltimore Sunday American pack a man-size entertainment punch for every member of the family. Don't miss such top-notch features as "Here's Howe", "Mirror of Your Mind", E. V. Durling, Louella Par sons and many more articles ap pearing regularly in the Pictorial Review with SUNDAY'S BALTIMORE AMERICAN On Sale At Your Local Newsdealer ASC EI ECTION SET FOR OCTOBER 23rd IN COUNTY..,, ASC Community Elections dropped off sharply. "This is your chance to help elect the best ASC Com munity Committeeman you can find. : Don't" let your neighbors down by passing up the election when it is held in your community," Lane urged. f4t Better Plan for a Telephone too In today's modern home and offices, telephone outlets should be planned and installed in advance to provide the maximum convenience and service. If you're building or buying, call pur business office for information on this special telephone planning. , THE NORFOLK & CAROLINA TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY E. City . Edenton . Manteo tilTir iifiiiTrn ruin iniiiTrtu II j VVniltrc mAN Wnllt! SAYS ATKEY'S FAMOUS LITTLE PAINTER . T I !! I ' One eoo covert and goes farther Brushes on easily-smooths itself out Washes as 1 Stays whil tntisl on ATHBY'S on eainy-smoorns itseit ouf J ' as easily as til . kft riite will not turn yefloy V(r toa can't hurt an Atiey surfact! kl M IB W a: Manufactured by ' THE C M. ATHEY PAINT CO. BALTIMORE 30, MD. HERTFORD HARDWARE & SUPPLYCO. Hertford, N. C. :-: Dial 3461 Try A Weekly Classified Ad ... . Get Results! Here Today! L. ....... . , . '""Ij FROM A NEW INNER CAR PROVED IN ACTION tame the magic that made possible so wonder fully different a Ford. In the toughest on-the-oad tests ever given to a car, this "Inner Ford" demonstrated that a '57 Ford rivlcs you sweet and low . . . that it takes the bumps without a bobble, She curves without the pitcli . . . and. tnat in power, it "takes nothing from nobodyl" Nothing on wheels hurries, handles or holdi up like a Ford! 4i..'''.-!Sv IS mldnd of MMDidth tile mar kof to bwestAmllyesr ..etitfitioed eight- betes tell morroTf CvrwKe( yo(4 took rr has ffie'T&iicIi of TdiviOitcvA CVorV-8 fhe going is gieaf The Fairlane 500. finest Ford series, features five of the 19 longer, lower, beefier Fords for '57. ,1 .niri-nti liiiiiinimiiiniiilllli..fri -41 Vjl. ii'wiiiiiiri)iijijiijiujiitm.ijiiiiji nj jiiiTi-iniinniiiirniOWiXMlf.'iniyi 'Iflroow Si' -s i You're In for a thrill when you see this new knock - .'jout named Fordl But save your superlatives till , Vou drive itl That's where the fan really starts. It's fun ''just knowing that others who see you 1 . wish they were you. For yk're commanding the " " 'rIonges(,' lowest; heaviest, biggest car ever to sport sucn a low price tag.. There's head room to spare .for new fall bonnet stretch-out space tor a -. "Daddy Longlegs."! - You'll find that the tough and ready new "Inner i -, , Fold" is built to take tli6 Roughest road you'll care f i J-i -to travel. New outboard rear springs and ball-joint - front suspension let Ford take the tirrns without. .itJlM tilt- New swept-bkek. control arms help -take 7CT " jounce out of bumps. j. r ' , ' ir.'? Best of all, Fordi library like quiet is built in. (nd the itew "Inher Fordf! ifr why . For never be- Gd&stifitli fore in Ford's held has there been a body with so much extra bracing so firmly anchored to its foun dation. And you can choose from three big Silver Anniversary V-8's with; up to 245 horsepower. There's also a new Mileage Milker Six with Hi horsepower, the most modern Six in the industry. You can pick your Ford tailored to your de sires and your budget too! Choose from nine Fairlane or Fairlane 500 models or from five Cus tom or Custom 300 models. Or take yonx pick from Ford's five longer, lower, new station wagons. Whichever model you select, you'll get a car that's been re-invented from the wheels up! So there's the new kind of Ford. Big! Gracious! Spacious! A luxury car true but one that any new car buyer can easily afford Come in! See what - wonder-cars you can buy now at low Ford prices. . The Fairlane Fords for "57, like the . j, . Fairlane 500 models, have no equal .. . no counterpart, in the low-price field. IN TWO NEW SUPER 8IZE3 oven rr. tONG On a New 116' WhMlMM 0VEK 17 FT. 10NG On New ' HI- WKMIbltt 3 Custom Moduls 2 Custom 300 Models 4 Fairlani Models S furlant 500 Models PLUS B NEW MODELS IN THB STATION WAGON 8ETUE8 , mm) fail 57 sspfe m t i J V (, YOUR LOCAL FORD DEALER ths hivenly Fathf. --' ' t I 1 -Col "'"': N. ' G. REGISTRATION NO, 120

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