VecIdy Every Frid- At .'ortford, North '.X CAMPBELL 2d! tor Entered as second class mat r Vovember 16, 1934, a Post tfice at Hertford, North Caro .ia under Act of March, 1879. SUBSCEIET10N RATES ' 12.00 PES YEAR. 'Advertising Rates Furnished ' By Request ' FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1956 Irarrlcsnes and i find ways to track the path of hurricanes ac curately. It la thought that westerlies, high winds blowing in a westerly direc tion across 1 the Atlantic Ocean, cause hurricanes when they suddey ly dip downward, or change their attitude. That is, it is thought that they set up rotation patterns which can cause hurricanes through a mixture of moisture and tempera ture changes( and velocity. ' It is known, of course, that hur ricanes are low pressure . areas, huge counter-clockwise movements of rotating winds and squalls and rain. To get an idea of what is meant by a low pressure area, one has to visualize the earth with a layer of gas (the atmosphere) sur rounding it. The higher the layer of gas Is over a certain point on the earth's surface that is, if it is relatively a mountain over that point the higher pressure is at that surface paint. If, on the other hand, at a cer-i MEW 9W i ' v ? -r-$ -r-Tvijr s ' i U-.M - .'. ..f- Vt . Ui,f W'i .r Increases Power, Guts Operating Costs as You Drive Drag Race Takes Toll .Tvfo carloads of young people re cently left an outdoor party in T.mna VlnriHo A. the f&Tn drOVP away, their departure became an Impromptu: drag race. A drag race is a race in which two or more automobiles start from (he same position and test accelera tion, . I Drag" races, of course, have be come a very controversial issue in many commupities and have, Wn frequently discussed in this com munity. In the recent impromptu ' drag- race in Tampa, the results were' serious. One of the two cars racing away from the party went out of control, hit a; telephone pole and overturn ed. Helen Cook, 20, was killed. An innocent bystander, who was hit j by the car, was also killed; "Sc-1 era! others in the car were criti cally injured. The other racer, . with whom the death-bound car j had been competing, sped off-ac-cording to reports--and had ', not been identified when the story of the accident reached the newspa pers, v, ' " ;.. It seems pretty obvious that drag racing 'in towns, especially in con gested areas,, is' becoming a criti cal problem and is highly danger ous. . The merits of drag racing on 'supervised strips, which some peo ple advocate, is also a highly ques tionable proposition.; ' . It seems that the time is about ' at hand where authorities will have to -crack down on young offenders, if -.fcey persist in, drag racing af ter .adequate warning.'; -i 1 ' Weather Mysteries Despite all science knows on so many subjects, the weather Is still ama tYin flrvaofaot mivvloa faoirtrr them. In spite of all detection - equipment used, and all the knowl edge of the modern times, weather forecasters often cannot accurately nrHiir. tha went.hpr. Experiments are now being con ducted, of course, to find out some thing about tornadoes, and, what ;forms them, and1'. also to explore tain ' point " ;the' " earth's ' surface there ' is a comparative valley of the layer of gas, (ben that area is in a low pressure area. Winds occur in this low pressure area because the layer of gas which surrounds the earth which we will call weather--flows from the moun tains down into- the valleys and sets up a counter, clockwise motion. It is always a counter clockwise motion, just as the rotation of wai ter in the sink in this hemispHere, is always constant.; The individual -can create for himself a most interesting hobby by studying weather and by closely observing signs in the sky. :If he will obtain, a barometer, a wind ve locity- measuring instrument, a hy drometer and use a temperature in dicator along ' with these instru ments he can ' learn much about weather pattens . by , studying the reaction of these instruments over a period of time. . In factt if he lives some distance from a weather bureau station, he (Continued on Page Five) . tie S - - 'J: 4... v !' '.7 t. '! .-- See Your Sinclair Dealer Today . SOKJeiLAOR JOE S BP SERVICE STATION RAY WHITE, PROP. HERTFORD. N. C. !' Remember, this fellow is plenty - smarthe's get an OK Used Car." - I HWlhQ) Well advised buyers know where to find knockout values! That's why your Chevy dealer's OK Used Cars enjoy a ready market It's here that volume . . trading oilers wide selection at constantly com -petitive prices. OK Used Cars are inspected and reconditioned before being dealer-warranted in writing for your protection. ; ' i' 5 OnJy tamchifd Chevrolet kahn display tht famous trademarks! Hollovell Chevrofet Co, Y'',,:;Yv.'.:,:Yi:'-Y; HONE215i DEALER'S FRANCHISE NO. 1675 HERTFORD, N, C IHMMIIMII(l(t(tlHWtMtHtWllltllllltlllllUttllej THE CREATION STORY Y Internatiostal Sunday School Lesson For October, 7,. 1956. . Memory election;:- fAni i3d saw everything that he bad made, and behold, it' wag vary good,",-1 Y'W , "'' '-"Ganesia1-1:31.- teaaoji Taxtj.?'YYi.;Y ' - Pr-'-Genaaui 1:1-5, l-J,.M,J r For this, the last quarter of 1956. we. ar to have the privilege of studying thirteen . of ,th ."Great Passages of the Bible." Recogniz ing that the Bible is the world's greatot book, it should be a pleas ure and real Opportunity ti make a full study. of these passages as Ihey relate themselves to jour in dividual lives. Y i, Jthi first of these pasag?. MThe Creation Story," is fundamehtal It is taken from the account of he Book of Genesis, which means lit erally te book of beginning-. ; '' The name may be taken to mean he "beginning" of the world and also the beginning of the recorded Word of Godj the Bible. l There are three great thoughts in tht first chapter of Genesis, which we would do well to ponder, "T.hc f irstYof these is stated in tho first verse of the chapter, "In the be ginning" before anything was, there was the creator, God, who 'created the heavens and the earth," The second thought Is that God had a purpose in creating the world; and, third, that the crown ing act in all of creation was man, made in the "image of God." It is true that the story of, crea tion, as contained in Genesis, has caused much argument. The critics ignore entirely the spirit and pur nAOA AT th storv and arbitrarily pick upon this passage, or thaf, In terpreting it literaly, in an effort o disprove its assertions. - t ! However, there is no occasion for '.elievers to be worried about .this attack. , The Book of Genesis was pot intenfled as a scientific docu ment: it 'was written in spiritual terms, for religious purposes.., i In attempting to write the recordof creation in a few words ts lik (re ducing the map of a continent into a single square inch. Neitier should the time of creation prove a problem., 'Some authorities place the' time at about six thousand years ago, or in the year 4004 B.C. However, the Bible gives no time but states "in tha beginning" God mi MrSi. and science cimwu - t . . nlnces that beginning at an almost inconceivably distant period. Verv early in the book, the su preme fact of an active Creator is nt forth, a Creator whose intern srence and planning was responsible for the world in which man was to live; , No thoughtful student, con te'mDiatitiK th'e universe today ,,Wf hnnestlv believe that it was the product of mere chance. The order and regularity of creation denies an nria-iti ornwmed entirely bv Acci dent ; As well might the make of a watch, a typewriter, or any;th er intricate, modern maoiine placed the numerous parts in box and shake them, with-the expecta tion that thev would assemble themselves properly, as to believe that the world was a mass, flung into nace. to create itself. The wonders of astronomy, pr ot rhemistrv. or of any . other phase of creation, reveal to the intelligent application of the human mind the intelligence, beneficient planning of an all-wise creator. Dr. J. Fatter son-Smyth says, "The Bible .says that God created the heavens and the earth and then created man Exactly what the scientist says, but he loves to find out how God did it And God Is helping him to find out That is all. The Bible does, not VUfllllvb wiuft hum. - mw nv-o v.u. creation would be just as divine and miraculous if it .were sW and .J1 ' TLa Rihl. otnmt d!I)i marvelous surely with inspired- reserve, lays; down no theory to hamper scientific study, Sojence can newt have any quarrel with its simple pronouncement, "In thl be ginning God created the heavens and the earth,". . 1 1 ' The first chapter of Genesii, pic tures the creation of the universe and its occupants. Two parallel sets of throe periods (cal'ed days) are givap u.i The ftrst duy gives us ; the sphete of light and the fourth day tenants it with, ssun, moon and stars. , The second day oresents the realm of air and wa ter and the fifth inhabits it With birds and fishes.' The third day produces habitable, dry land and . Ll 4 ' ,...w.-. 0""""""iC ....4 L . L 'if 1 t -. i ' - r.- ok;s?:;-ji?.-.'-' " Y He probably doean't look much like the man next door. Hi does his arithmetic with the aid of '- centuries-old gadget Called the abacus, and he wrfcee the reeults in, eharacters that would be quite undecipheraWe. to you . , . yet ypu probably have far more in common with him than youd 'l':ever,4reanut :-f;''Y.:'" ' '.' lake you, he wants peace. Like you, he wants v. a good future for hia chUdren, and he wants them to have, more than (he;, has had. Like you, be has experienced happiness and sorrow, love and dis illusionment. Like you, he prays. . ' " .'On World Wide Cqmrnunion Sunday, he will be going to Church and, though this may seem a bit odd to you, he will be praying for you. Yes . for you, and for everyone else in the world, friend or enemy. . ,,,.. Why not join him? Why not, on World Wide. Communion Sunday, go to your own church and include him . . . him and everyone else . . , in your Pray for peace, too. Remember! the power of prayer is a wonderful tning ... . espeauy ws w is given many yoices. THE CHURCH FOB ALL . . AU FOR THE CHUBCH Jt Chureh.1. Ih. g,.a1. iac ter on Mrth tot the buUdino at ehoroctw an goed citlinhlp. I Without a itrang Chiueh, iMithw dosioeiaor nor clviUntioa. . vnri. Thr en lour iDitad nucn hy erory puma ihouU attend ! iwrleM regularly andTup. port Iht Church. Th.y ,U For hit own sat m F kl Tor Ih. Mk. ol tho Church trhch Md hi. moral and nia: "iai iupport Han u, ,0 to pr Book . Cluour Vm LTnH?.'-"nk ' , n Mondijr... John . , . Tutidar. . . .1 CoriMMu. it-li WdMd ICor thin U U4i ThurU,.. .f Corlnthlaa, 1J l-l Friday ... II Timothy 4 nf HERTFORD BAPTIST CHURCH James O. Mattox, Paster . ! Sunday School, 9:45 At M. -Morning Worship, 11:00 o'clock. Evenine Worshio. 8 o'clock, ; Services.'' Wednesds; evening at 8 o'clock; ' : jj ' -v ; ; . ' , EHTELE"VM CHUBCH OF i - c yis? Joe Br(ckhouse, Pastor ' ; v ' Sunday School 10:0O A. M. . ' . PIrst Sundajr: w't , UA.Mand8p,.M,,-, BURGESS BAPTIST' CHURCH Phil H. Quldley. Vastor " 1 Church services second Sunday at H A. n., lourtn Huno Sunday School Sundiy at 8 P. M. I at 1,0:00 A. M. i -O ; " ''.'Yvi'.afef PERQUIMANS CHARGE CHUROFIES E. R. Meekig.s, Pastor 1 First ' Sunday. New, Hope .ChurVjhll:00 A. M. Oak Grove'Chw.h, 7:00 P. M. . Second Sunday: " Winfall Churc'n, 11:00 A. M. Cedar Grove, Church, 10 A. M. ; Woodland Church, 7:00 P. M. ' Thi' Sunday: Oak GroveChurch, 11:00 A. M. ' New Hope Church, 7:00 P. M. . . Fc,urth Sunday: ' Cedar Grove Church, 11:00 A. M. Woodlawd Church, 10 A. M. Winf al V Church, 7 :00 P. M. '' Fifth Sunday: Woodbind Church. 11:00 A. M. PrayaiY- Meeting each Wednesday! at Wintall Church, 7:00 P. M. V ANDERSON'S METHODIST , i CHLRCH 1 P. M. Porter, VTsJr V Church School. 10:0b n. M. horning Worshi. 11:00 A. sewAd and fourth Sundays. H. THIS PAGE Coit iu, umv A4y. stiw siiiiwe. v7 y- 2 POSSIBLKBY THK FOLLOWING FIRMiss W OODVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH . Charles Sinclair, Pastor Church Services on second : and I fourth Sundays at 11 A. M II First and Third Sundays at 7: 1r. ax. . Sunday School at 9:45 A. K. . UP RIVER FRIENDS CHURCH ! Orval Dillmi, Pastor : ; . Sundav School. 9:45 A. M. J Church services, 11 A. M. and 18 P.M. I Youth Fellowship, 7 P. M, 5 Chappell Brothers 1 GENERAL'' CONTRACTORS Phone Elisabeth City C667 ; IV ft Hertford Banking Oonipw :'iy;t Lynch Funeral nume PHONE 2811 HERTFORD, N. C. Milton Dail & Son FERTILIZER FARM PRODUCE Day Phone 1466. Nieht Phones 3011-4571 Cannon Cleaners PHONE 2511 . . . Dependable Service W. M; Morgan Furniture Co. Horn FnrnUI&ingi . . Hot Point ApplUnm Reed Oil Company Y : Y Y'Y'YY Y---- :: 'YY? ESSO PRODUCTS r' Winslow-Blanchard Motor Co.' ' ' TOUR FORD DEALER i Towe-Webb Motor Company CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH . , , Sale ft Service Robertson's Cleaners ' PHONE 5731 HERTFORD,. N. C, J. C. Blahchard & Co., Inc. ' "BLANCHARD'S' Since 1832 ' Baker OU Company. Sinclair, Producta Goodyear Tire H-t ITcrtfcrd Livetitk C& Supply Compdny PHONE 2501 fY HERTFORD, N.C Jordan's Bsrl rr ' , ,' f BILL JORDAN,. Prop." 1 Prayer P. M. service, Wednesday' 8 ' bethel baptist church ' Rev. Philip .Quldley, Paste Morning worship 11 A. M. '--ii I CHURCH ' . Virgil Pikfc Psstor f Church School 10 A. M. '.Morning worship; 11 A. M. -' Young People's meeting 7 P S. WHITEVILLE grove baptist CHURCH . Rev. J. Paul Holoman, Pastor Sunday School 10:00 A. K every Sunday. . , s Church service first and third Sundays at 11:00 A. M. HERTFORD METHODIST CHURCH YY J. A. Auman, Pastor : Church School 9:45 A. M. Morning Worship 11:00 o'clock. Youth Fellowship; 6:45 P. M. Evenine worshm. 7:30 P. M. Mid-week Fellowship. Wednesday at 7:30 r. i. BAGLEY SWAMP PILGRIM .' Coy S. Saunders, Pastor v Sunday School, 10:00 A. Jf. Morning Worship 11 o'clock. Young People's meeting at 6:1 p. M. ' Evenine worshiD. 7:30 o'clock. Mid-week Services Thursday at 7:80 r. Jav HOLY TRINITY EPISCOPAL CKURCfl' Rev. Paul E. Sliult. Paster ': Church Schofll weekly at 9:46i A.,M. Morning Worship weekly : at 11:00 A. M. ' Holy Communion first; Supday at 11 A. M.- - . - ' Fifth Sunday Services and Holy Uays as announced. BEREA CHURCH OF CHRIST Neal Puckett, Minister Bible School Sunday 10 o'clock. ' Church Services First and Third Sunday mornings at 11 o'clock; evening services, first ; and. third Sundays at 7 o'clock. Communion is served each Lord's Day morning. . t " Hertford Building & Lean ; Associate . ; - "Own Your Own EVe Through Eui:.. tri Ir-u" Tv,'L"crd Funeral IIcr-3 rilCNE 6111 , , ESSTFOnO, IT. C." CHAPPELL HILL BAPTIST CEUECH Rev. J. Paul Koloman, Paster Sunday Scho. ' every first and third Sunday at 1 :00 A. M. Sunday i.:hoo! rvery second andj fourth Sunday &t i.:00 P. U. I Wors' Sxt servica every second ansY fourth i -'"y p P ''0 P. M. t t ;zly cf ccb-"' I ...!- r. r t-ir 'L .--It i A. 1 f.; r -ship i c II A. 11.; CV.-7.' P. 1..; iv "s r -1 1 8 r. t CI jmuugm'im: