raS PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, HERTFORD. NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1 - 1 I ' i I ' 1 j County' Doctors .:orcd By Society Two doctors from Perquimans jnty were honored by the North I rolina Medical Society for hav. I J practiced within the state; for tJ years. Dr. William A. Hoggard tad Dr. lvie A. Ward wee among Cje 22 members of the society so honored at a meeting of the group held last week in Asheville. Z ii niji iiy ' T ii ii AIXEMARLE LEAGUE TO OPEN JUNE 3rd ' Continued from Page One team, headed by ; Cliff Banks, asj president, are ; now : formulating j plans for organizing the Indians. A meeting was held Tuesday night at which time the directors discuss ed methods for developing a strong team to represent this county.' 1 It was announced following the meet ing i Tuesday a manager will be named sometime next week. Season tickets for home games to be played by the Indians went on sale at the meeting and may be purchased from any director or Mr. Banks. The season tickets are be. tag offered, in advance, at a' dis count, and fans are urged to buy tickets t6 help support the local team. , . ' . ''ii I - REPORT GIVEN ON ' . SCflQOL EXPENDITURES . . 1 ? fConlinuni From P 1 tot an accredited school, Miss El liott reported. These items include maps and globes,' $488.16r?each-and Mnj and Mrs; Willis Proctor ing aids, $131.40; music equipment, 'and son were the other children USED CARS DEALER NO. 1690 1954 Ford . 4-DOOR 1956DeSoto Conv. FULLY EQUIPPED 1953 Chevrolet 4-DOOR 1953Pontiac 2-DOOR 1953 Chevrolet CLUB COUPE 1953 Plymouth 4-DOOR SEDAN , . 1952 Chrysler WINDSOR 4-DOOR 1952 Dodge 2-DOOR 1951 Chevrolet 2-DOOR , 1951 Plymouth ; 4-DOOR : 1951DeSoto 4-DOOR 1951Buick 4-DOOR 1951 Studebaker 1950 Ford, 4-DOOR . Vl950Oldsmobile , o . "88" 4-DOOR f 1950 Mercury 4-DOOR SEDAN SEE US FOR BETTER BUYS IN USED CARS $92.39; projector and scree n, $468.76; film strip machine, 'strips and cabinet, $326.23 ; art -prints, $38.84;, insurance on .equipment, $18.06; library books and supplies, $482.71. - ' This leaves a balance in the fund amounting to $332.29 and Miss El liott stated this sum will be used to buy additional equipment needl ed when the new school is placed in operation j-;, l---..Jl. " BURGESS WMU MEETS The Burgess WMU met Monday night at 8 oVloock at the church with Mrs.; Jv B. Basnight. Mrs. Josiah Proctor presented an inter esting program on "Broken Cis terns." ' " ' Special Mother's Day music was furnished by Mrs. Winston Bine, Sr., Mrs. J. P. Sawyer, Mrs. Frank Ward, Mrs. Sidney Copeland, MrsJ Winston Lane, Jr., Mrs. Earl Rid dick and Mrs. Irvin Whidbee. The hostess served cheese twists nuts, mints and cookies with fruit punch. 4-H MEETING The 5th, 6th and 7th grade 4-H Clubs met on May 1, 1957. The president, Linda Tynch, called the meeting to order. The pledge to the flag and. the .-4-H, pledge were, repeated by. all. - The devotional was given after which songs were sung by all. The minutes of the 7th grade were read and approv ed. Miss Nancy Henderson, As sistant Hoive Agent, reminded ythe members of a few important date? coming up concerning 4-H. ' - ..Miss Henderson introduced Jean Edwards who explained about lone I. time records. A total of 170 members attended. WKTTESTON NFIWF Floyd Winslow and Lee Tootin of Norfolk, Va., were dinner guests on Sunday of Floyd's, mother, Mrs. Mercer Winslow. : Mr. and Mrs. Elihu Winslow and son of Norfolk, Va., visited his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Winslow, who called, Miss Mattie Saunders, Lynwood and .Sylvia Winslow and their daughter, LaClaire, visited their aunt, Mary Peele, at the rest home at Potecasi on Saturday. Mrs. Archie White, Mrs. Faye Lassiter, Mrs. Paul White and Mrs. -William Winslow motored to Norfolk, Va., on Monday. ' ' Mrs. Leaha Riddick Winslow re cently fell and injured her wrist. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Myers and son, Gary 'of ' Wilmington spent Mother's J)ay 'witlr her mothert Mrs. John T. Lane. . . A The Rev. Orval-Dillon gave are port and showed slides, of his 're cent visit to the United Nations Conference in New York on Sun day evening, at Up River Church. The report was very interesting and informative. Mrs. Earl Winslow, Mrs. Let Winslow. Mrs. Ida Winslow and Mrs. Ira S. Winslow are still on the sick list, but are improving slowly. , ' , Winf all News Howard C. Baker of Arlington, Va., spent. the week-end with his mother, Mrs. J. H. Baker.. Mr. and Mrs. George Daughtrey of Greensboro spent' the week-end with his brother, Woodrow W.i Daughtrey. ! Mr. ani Mrs. T. S. Morgan and. sons spent the week-end "at Nags Head. , ., T. H. White spent Sunday at Nags Head. . Mr. and Mrs. Selby Stokes and family of Raleigh spent the week end with Mrs. J. W. Nowell, Sr, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Munden and daughter of Suffolk, Va., spent Sunday with Mrs. Nowell. .' Miss Geraldine Gregory of Hampton, Va., spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ti S. Gregory. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Miller and son, Tom of Norfolk, Va.. visited his sister, Mrs.. W. G. Hollowell, Friday afternoon. . Mrs. Johnnie Lane spent the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lee Winslow heek-end with herso A-1 Used Gars feTrucks 1953 MERCURY 4-door 1953 FORD Custom 2-door 1952 FORD Custom 2-doqr 1952 FORD Convertible 1952 CHEVROLET 4-door Deluxe 1951 MERCURY 4-door 1951 FORD Victoria 1951 FORD Custom 2-door 1951 KAISER 4-door 1950 FORD Custom 4-door 1950 CHEVROLET 4-door 1950 OLDSMOBILE 2-door "88" 1950 FORD 2-door 1955 FORD F100 Pickup " 1952 FORD F100 Truck 1952 CHEVROLET Pickup WINSLOVZ-BLAKCilARD MOTOR CO. - DEALER'S NO. 1741 PHONE 3531 -:- ' WERTFCD, N. C. uperation Kcmember Harry's Super Market Specials May 16 - 17 - 18 Phone 5091 FREE! JAR KRAFTS MUSTARD WITH EVERY POUND OF LITTER'S FRANKS -both for 43c BRISKET STO BEEF . ..... ...... ...31iis.59c SUGAR...... ..:-v.i:;:;:,.54'teiac Northern Luncheon 2 boxes Philadelphia 8-o.pkg. NAPKINS 21c CREAM CHEESE 16c White Blossom 25-lb.bag Velvetta , 2-lb.pkg. FLOUR $1.69 CHEESE ..89c Cap ' 12-oz.can Home Grown ' 4 lbs. CORNED BEEF 43c CABBAGE ..19c Blue Plate . . at. size Extra Large- 8 f or MAYONNAISE 75c GRAPEFRUIT 25c Pet and Carnation (large size) ' 8 for New Florida 51bs. MILK T-43c POTATOES ..1 23c Admiral Scans Golden Ripe 2 lbs. SARDINES : 29c BANANAS : 25c SHOP AND SAVE. AT HARRY'S SUPER MARKET Hails War ' iiSllll Greats . .A long delayed tribute will be paid to .fifty of America's ' top retired World War II Admirals, Marine Generals and its most decorated Naval and Marine enlisted personnel oh May : 1st, 2nd and 3rd by the Navy League of the United States in celebration and gatherings to be held in both Annapolis and, New York City, reports the New York Convention and Visi tors Bureau. . . ' , ' , f In a series of events, dinners and parades, that has been aptly titled "Operation Remember," these former Naval-an4 Marine "greats" will receive the homage and honor they so richly deserve and is far overdue.. ' I Starting with a regimental revlewoi CJadets at' AnnapOlis the entourage will fly to New Yprk as guesls ;of the JIavjr 5' League and NewYorkiCity where they wilj. be greeted by( Mayor Robert F. Wagner, tfpllowing the traditional; parade-'? up the canyons of lower Broadway. rv-Lt,,' 'v.-.t Also honoring the distirlrfshedlvlsitors during, their KelW York sojourn will be elements of the ' Fleet aiia'Al'Aitrtt t, include the' famed ".Nautilus " the Regulus I! guided missile, and the A4D, Navy's, fastest jet combat plane, vJhich .will all i be open for visiting by-thef general pubJip.';'tV';:.'''i v ri .Topping the honor list "Operation.'SewlberV.i'Hl.bet such noted wartime figuresJas. Admirals' William D.r.Leahy;! Chester W. Nimitz; William F. "Bull" Halsey ; Raymond A;.. Spruance; Thomas C. Kincaidl'and Marine GenenaJs Alexanderi A';Vandergrift; Clifton B. Cates. and Lei4Mal,0 Shepard-ii; daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Rob erson in Arizona Village, Va.v : 1 Preston Morgan has returned to his home from Chowan . Hospital and is doing fine. Preston was in-, jured as a result of a plane ex plosion at Perquimans School ir February. , . Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Whitley;of Portsmouth, VaM spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hollowell, Sr. Mrs. Pearl Chalk is spending sev eral days with her son, D. M. Chalk at Moyock. - ;"- :" : Mrs. Lou Anna Cartwright of near Elizabeth City spent Thurs day with Mrs. J. E: Hollowell. Mrs. F. W. Humphlett and Mrs. W. : L. Lane have- been . very sick at their home this week.' ft Mrs. W. G. Hollowell spent last Saturday in Williamston at a Post masters' District meeting and the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J.-1. Boyce in Tyner. ' v, , Miss Nancy., Henderson, spent last week With her parents in Hubert. Thurman Whedbee is able to' be hack to school again- after being very sick at his home with a virus infection. 'v'. -, ,3 - Shelton White of Raleigh .'visit ed relatives here Saturday. Mr.- and, Mrs. R. E." Hobbs of Norfolk, Va.,'and Mr. and Mrs; Ed gar Lane visited -Mrs. W. L." Lane on Mother's Day. ' Mr. and Mrs, Bryant M. Miller and Jfamily spent Sunday with rela tives m South Norfolk, Va. Mr. and Mrs. George T.; Roach and son spent Sunday in Norfolk with Miss.'Beulah Roach..- , Mr. and: Mrs. . E. B. . Hollowejl spent .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tommy .Temple. in. Newland com munity. . ; , v , Mrs. W. G, Hollowell spent Sun day afternoon in Elizabeth . City with Mrv and Mrs. E, L. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Jackson and children, of Raeford spent-.' the week-end with her parents, the Rev. and Mrs. E. R. Meekins. Mrs. Ruth Jennings, -Mr.' and Mrs. George Chappell and family of Elizabeth City and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hill and son of New Rem visit ed. Mr. and, Mrs. B.r H. Ward dur ing the week-end.'. , Bar r VSf t LANE A fi - S. CEDAR , hX V HOPE CHEST J . .f t .. w' . l . . ; ' - . BRIDAL SHOWER i ' , - Miss Jo Anne Matthews, who will be married June 2 to Clifton Hol lowell, was feted Friday night at a floating miscellaneous show from 7 to 9 o'clock at 'the home of Mrs. Winston Lane; Sr.; by Mrs.' Walter Lane,, Mrs." J. B. Basnight, Miss Nancy Lane, Clarence Chap pell, Jri, and Mrs. Winston Lane, Sr. l ' ', ! ' ' ' -; The- entire lower foor of the home ; was decorate with arrange ments of spring flowers. 'Upon ar rival the guest of honor was pre sented a corsage.," The; gpegts wre greeted at the door by Mrs. Win ston Lane, Sr., and Mrs,' Howard Matthews. : Gifts were received by Miss I; Nancy Lane and Mrs. Gar ence Chappell, Jr. presided in the gift room. Each guest was regis tered by Mrs. Walton Lane in a book of wedding bells. Mrs. Lan.i directed the guests to the dining room' where they were greeted Jby Mrs. J. B. Basnight .' The dining table was covered With an imported white silk doth. The centerpiece was an arrange ment df five white cathedral can dles decorated, daintily with fern and lilies of the valley tied with white satin ribbon. The base of the candles, sood in a bed of ivy and fern in which nested orange blossoms, lilies of the valley, wed iding'bellMwedding tirigty and pais of love birds. Mrs. Winston Lane, Jr., 1 presided at; tlje punch bowl. Ribbon sandwiches, open-fhee hea1 and bell sandwiches, nuts, cheese twistsj J and -mhure,' wedding, cakes were served. . , , About fifty guests brought or sent gifts. ' - ' m ' i v . TRY A WFEKLT CLASSIFlBO ,N' LIRARX NEWS " The Perquimans County Library this . week lists a number of new. books. ' Non-fiction heads the flat with the following; Thurber's Far- their Fables of Our Times; The Or ganization Man, by Whyte; Books of the Old Testament, by Pfeiffer; The Road To Miltown, by Perls man. ' Three biographies are: : Dif. Livingston, I Presume, the biogra-, phy of Stanley; Too Much, Too Soon, by Diana Barrymore, , anl .Much Ade About Me, by Fred At i len. - '.' ' ;. ; 'Several light romances,', several iviesterns and two Jiew .mysteries ' are also' new in the library this ; wek, and, a iew book by Elsyth ;' Thane.' '.''-. i. , For young people, there are the following: ; Complete, Book of , Horses, Seven Saphires; Gypsy Se- ' crctj Orchids For, April, and Sec- , ond Year Nurse. ' . ' For Your Lawn and Garden Choose the proper garden tools and I: accessories to, make your garden! : -Shop with us today for your needs... we suggest ' ' Push and Potv-er Lawn Mowers y Revolving and Rotary Types , PUSH,; MOWERS t:- up POWER MOWERS k $89.95 up To Keep Your Lawn Beautiful Be Sure To Get .. . LAWN HOSE SPRINKLERS ' r NOZZLES RAKES GRASS and HEDGE SHEARS ' HOES VIGORO We have everything you N2ED for LAWN and GARDEN . . . Come in a'nd let us supply YOUR NEEDS TODAY! ' Hertford Hiurdwara Supply Co. , ..y.,rvu....;:, tiemorajiTi. in Phone 3461 f-fj s EPAIR ARE YOU PLANNING TO . ..." BUILD or R: You can Save Real Dollars by Figuring with us on your, needs in building Materials and Plumbing Supplies of all types . . . . QUALITY MERCHANDISE NAILS OF ALL KINDS 5 GALVANIZED 5V ROOFING ,5; Treasures kept in cedar .fragrance safe fran Moths' dust and dampness. MoJem deiijs IB Blond ' Oak r Ametiaa Wl- 1 mu". '- ." ,, . - -- ; mi ii. ' jr. r. -. M . ' L .1 tan Ceoar llllWM )4.T iv. n. .:o:gmi fl::::tl:i c:::?;:;v 1914': 1957 , TO 2G21 V . x-'1 - :i:fc,II.C JOHNS-MANVHJROOFING GALVANIZED - ROLL ROOFING , " V- ?AST IR9N PnE! ANti FITTING -" BARCLAY TILE BOARD AND TRIM i "AM GRADE WINDOWS AND DOORS C f CONCRETE BLOCKS --IN ALL SIZES ' i SANFORD BRICKS CRUSHED ROCK k r JOHNS-MANVILLE ASBESTOS SIDING V FARM DRAIN TILE TERRA COTTA PHE t LONP STAR CEMENT .AND BRICK MORTAR .. . GOLD1 BOND SHEBTROCK AND ROCK LATHS ' AMEItlCAN STANDARD PLUMBING; HXTXTRES . GALVANIZED PIPE & ALL-TYPES OF FITTINGS Let Us Quote You Our Pripcs and Show Yoiuthe Material YOUR PATRONAGE IS ALWAYS APPRECIATED! n i T T 1 '