PEMU IH1 W EEKLY 11 n 3 llil 7XXV. Number 1. Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, January 3, 1958 y 5 Cents Per Copy. Construction Firm Preparing To Start ase WorkAfMaWB 4v it? i t - THE OLD WALL CAME Eton England' famed public-school, .for the annual -wall g.-mie," played on &t. Andrews Day. Their opponent; are called the Oppidans. No goal was scored and this was in keeping with tradition becaJse there hfesn't been a goal since 1909. Object of the game is to work a ball along a wall in the campus into one of two goals, which are known as "good calx" and "bad ialx.'V- No one knows why they arc called this, but then the wall same is a mystifying affair.. Pircpsrty TbB e Listed During Jam ' Tax 'listers for r Perquimans this week, the county property County start task 'of listin for 1958 nounced taxfation, it was ' an- today . by : Julian C. ' Powell, j County Tax Supervise County tax listers for the va rious townships ..are Julian' Long. Bethel; Pcy Rogerson, Hertford; ilrs. Belle Proctor, - Parkvijffe; Mrs. T. C Perry, Bel videre; and( Carson Spivey, ftew '-Hope ' i ' ; ihe"taxi listers win -carry out the duties of their office under instructions issued them by the L Board oil County Commissioners (in Decelnber 16. , p . . i The tax lister's ' job will run through' the month of January tnd f all property . owners must list their property by January 31, otherwise there is a penalty 41, uiuciwiae iiiuic j a jjcnaitjr of one dollar for the late listing. Schedules for tax listers are being ' published - this week and property owners are urged to l(st early In order to .avoid the usual last minute rush. . : ! j There are few changes in the listing regulations and the tax rate for the property listed this month will be set by the Board Si its meeting in July. ; In addition to taking the property list, the workers will also take a farm census. Farm ers are urged to prepare lists in advance - and to assist list tak er; irt the taking' of. the census. LIBRARY NEWS . jThe ' Perquimans County Li brary has tedded a number of new i books during the , past week. Many of these are al ready on the ' "best seller" list . and, others will be "equally pop- to'.nlnr with readers.' L T.bnrlinff thp . non-firtinn list ' are:'' Peter Freuchen's Book , of .- the iSeven Seas; Catherine' Mar X shales personal story, "To Live M Again"; . "A . Rare Pattern" by Lucy .Phillips Russell, a North ; Carolinian; Alarms and Diver sions a ; collection of Thurber's best writings, and ' Robert Smiths "Where Did You Go?" .NeUr.".' fiction includes: ; The Sound! of Thunder by Taylor ' Caldwell; The Scent of Cloves by Lofts; Old Pines and other stories ty James Boyd; Mrs. Daffodil by Taber; v. The Map " maker' by. Slaughter; The Gra cious' Lily Affair by Van Wyck, Mason J . The ' World ' of Suzie' Wong by Richard Mason; A Death Un the family by Agee; The Doctor's Husband by Sei fert and three ;,new mysteries ty John Dickson Carr and Bret . ' .y.'-.v.i.' r books for young people ' "iren are: The' BlaCk i Mystery,' The Bound ty's gpace snip and; "y Satellite. -QUXCEMEKT " ;. Charles Dickey, , 2 S Hyde Park, an- .a i i ?! i" i' j-iiter, I ' y, Ce- " e C! . Hos- - v' i- v m V i, Im HI "ii t - ii mii ii riin ii iiniri-n rmfirnw mmmm Ttftmr itm Striped and ready Ipr battle, the Collegers stride onto, the field at Required ary For Taxes T HEADLINES . President Eisenhower ' is . ex pected to present a record peace time budget :. for the . coming fiscal year ' to the Congress wihich convenes next week.' A Washington report said' while the proposed spending will reach a new high, the off icials claim the budget will be in balance. Mitajy prepiSiradnesjifvJire,, quire greater expenditures dur ing' the year than the present rate of outlay. Among proposals expected to Ya ' nrBontpil tn Ctn rrrfwie fnt f - v" J adoption will be an, "aid to edu - cation" plan calling for some . 10,000 scholarships to be granted students of the 48 states. ' .This plan will be aimed at increas ing the- U. S. pool of scientists. Costs of the . program, it was reported, will run about one bil lion dollars annually. , ..The African-Asian conference being held in Cairo toned down its attacks on the United States after two nations voiced objec tions to the conference naming the U. S. in resolutions pn world conditions. India's- representa tive, Dr. Singh, noted the. con ference had been called anti West and Communist inspired. NATO's plan for negotiation's with the Russians will be press ed during the coming months of 1958, reports from ' Washington point out. However, the success of the efforts will depend on the attitude assumed by Russia, now pictured holding the top hand on the diplomatic front. ' Former .'Secretary of Defense Charles Wilson : this week said the American people got what they paid - for in the way of missiles during 1957. and blamed the people as much as Congress for the budget cuts which he said chopped off money from the Defense Department , plans for operation. MRS. DOBIE P. TICKEL . -Funeral services for Mrs. Do bie Pt TiCkeL 69, mother of Mrs. Berryman Coleman, of Hertford, were conducted Sunday afternoon in the First Christian Church at Roanoke Rapids by the Rev. L.'H ' ETickef m tn?dlughtertba"uteam!' w P6n Hawley Pope and widow of Henry M. ' Tickel. Surviving besides Mrs, Coleman, are three daugh ters,' Mrs." Bob Billups, Mrs. J. R. Adams and Mrs. ; Elizabeth, Davis of Roanoke Rapids; one son, Lew is Tickel; one brother, W. H. Pope of Maitjand,- Fla. Also 14 grand children and four, great-grandchildren. ( ' , , Interment was in ft Roanoke Rapids cemetery.'.' ... . r .;.' . ml Peanut Growers Given Advice On By the time this article is read by the peanut growers, the iPpannf Pnnnprntiuft iMnrVptino JlClClVlllg XUlllLa Will UdVC 1 c- opened and the problems of wet and damaged peanuts will be very evident to all of those whe are trying to sell their crop. Sine the closing of the mar kets much thought and effort has been given to the problerr of wet and damaged peanuts as td how best the problem shoulc be handled. Many ideas have been advanced but the best, cheapest and most practical, ac cording to experiments, is the separating of the peanuts at the picker. Once the damaged pea nuts , have been mixed with the operation, it is ; impossible to separate the good from the bad at ,a later date; therefore, it if most important that any. separa tion 'contemplated be done be- forp nirkintf " Thp fnllnuino i r - 1 procedure is recommended and experiments prove its worth. When the stack is hauled to the picker, '.remove. .'the pole, fork off and place in a separate pile the top 6-inch to 12-inch of the stack generally . referred to as the "cap." ' Observe the bottom of the stack and if mold appears fork bff a thin layer and place with the cap " which has been remov ed. Then; the stack has been cleaned up and can be picked. This procedure should be fol lowed . without interruption, picking the good portion of the crop', f until i ', the caps and ;" the skirts which have been for&ed off accumulate a pile big enough to begin interfering with the picker operation. When this condition occurs,1 allow the:pick er to , clean itself of the good peanuts and then begin picking the cap and skirt pile. The pea nut bags ' from this operation should be marked and kept sep arate so that they can be graded and handled separately from the good peanuts. 7 v . i ? - v There are two important rea sons for following this proced ure: (1) the seed supply should come from the area within the' stack which has not been sub jected r to the freeze, as peanuts from the straight run picking of the stack indicated that they are" only., about 60 value for seed, whereas the peanuts pick ed from the center pf the capped stack .indicate ' that ' they . are Continued en Page I . 111 ' . 11 ' Indians And Squaws ToPlayWilliamston Perquimans High School bas- Harvesting Crop day night of this week when the' local teams will meet the teams, from Williamston . High School on the Hertford couri :-' tGame time, for the ghls' con test will be 7 o'cloqk with the boys', game to. follow. ' Next Tuesday . night the In dians and Squaws will travel , to Tarboro- and on January 10 will play the Ahoskie eager; in Hert ford. ' . r , . ,'.' - ..',..'-..-' t ' ? '" , .- f tr An economic shot-in-the-arm for Hertford and the surround ing area appeared a certainty jfor the start of the new year, it was learned by your home: a warned as work progresses newspaper Wednesday, when E. iduring the coming spring and L. Rose, superintendent for the summer. More than $8,000,000 Diamond Construction Company nas DCcn allocated for the base, advised this reporter his firm which when completed will be will start moving material -ant: iuscd as n statln for the Martin eaoinment onto tho tl:irvov Seamaster planes now under Point Nawv io novt ,i, start the first phase toward ! reconstruction of the base. j Mr. T?ORP Will hu Ht (iiirinvin- ! tendent for seming the tne project, reprt Diamond Construe- tion Company of Savannah, Ga., which will install a bulkhead along the site facing the Per quimans River and install some drainage projects on the base. The superintendent told this reporter representatives of the company will arrive in Hert ford eaMy next week to start preliminary work in connection with the engineering plans for the program and additional men, material and equipment will be moved in during the coming two weeks. Mr. Rose conferred here Thursday with the Navy Public Works officials for Har vey Point, mapping plans for the activity at the site. The contract, awarded the u-amona nrm late last Septenw ber.with the stipulation that work would not start prior to January 1, 1958, calls for an'office and the agent will sue the i outlay of cash amounting tn , test is run. 52,185,000. Under the terms of the con - tract, it is understood, the com - jany' will have 300 davs in vhich to complete the first phase IN' 1958 Auto TagsrMbw Oh Sale Cost Additional $ 1 ' Penalty Onyxes Go Into Effect Saturday, Feb. 1st Sheriff J. K. White and Town Clerk R. C. Elliott remind Hert ford andv Perquimans County taxpayers that the tax books for 1957 taxes are in . their hands tor collection of the taxes. ' Attention is called toxthe fact(each vehicle, that until February 1 taxes must be paid at face value. After February t a penalty' of one per cent' will be added. Beginning March 1 another one , per cent will be added. On and after April 2, in addition to the. said 2 per cent, one-half of 1 per cent per month will be added until the taxes are paid. Both tax collectors urge tax payers to pay their taxes before the penalty goes into effect. Game Supervisor Transferred Wed. Hugh Robertson of . Winfall, supervisor for District 1 of the North Carolina Wildlife Re sources .Commission, has been transferred, to District 9, effefc tive January 1. it was announc ed today by, Clyde Patton, exe cutive director of the commis sion. ( ;, Howard Wooten of Canton,- ,15 miles wet' of Asheville in "Hay wood CouWty," will succeed' Rob ertson'' as supervisor , of District ii He currently is holding the position to which Robertson ' will soon move, a BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT v Mr. and Mrs. Grayson Inman of Norfolk, Va., announce the birth of a fourth son born Sunday, De cember 29, 6t Leigh Memorial Hospital in Norfolk. Mrs. Inman is the former Miss Lila Budd Ste phens. , I. . ; flf lhe reconstruction of Harvey ?oint. Additional contracts for Hie 'base, it is expected, will be ' construction. Tests On Peanuts Offered Through Farmers saving peanuts for seed for 1958 planting should have these peanuts germinated to be sure they are worth planting, this was the advice given out Wednesday by R. M. Thompson, County Farm Agent. To make quick checks on ger mination, the N. C. Department of Aericulture in eooneratinn I with the Extension Service will run free tests of these prospec- tive seed. Mr. Thompson slated farmers ; desiring' to secure this free gcr- minanon check on peanuts . should bring one pint of the I shelled peanuts to the agent's Local Agent Office to.test is run. J i Peanuts should be in the I 'hands of the farm agent by 1 January 10, since these tests will be run only for a period of ; about eight days. Automobile license plates for 1958 went on sale Tuesday morn ing of this week at the Caro lina Motor Club office located at 102 East Water Street in Edenton and at some 80 other offices of the Carolina Motor Club throughout the State, as well as at the Department of Motor Vehicles in Raleigh. Application cards have been mailed to all owners and must be presented on applying for the new license tags. Only one li cense plate will be sold in 1958 to be attached to the 'rear-of No special num- i bers may be reserved for any one, according to the ruling of the . Department . of -Motor Ve hicles. A couple of new regulations , are in effect this year affect- ing owners of motor vehicles and these must be observed be fore tags will be issued. Annltnantc tnf Qutri rtlntoe License will nav an additional St'no tnrry 7, it was reported here to- year, money going to establish ex tended driver education courses for public high school students. This fee was approved by the General Assembly and applies to all tags costing $10 or more. .,. Individuals applying for 1958 car tags must also present their FS-1' certificate showing that they carry liability insurance on the motor vehicle' and that the insurance is in force. 'This law was adopted during the past ses sion of the Legislature ' and is now in effect. ATTENDS CONFERENCE ; Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Hollowell of Micro visited their parents here during the holidays prior to leaving ' for Lafayette,' Indiana, Where Mr. Hollowell represent ed his church, which is in the Goldsboro District,- at a Christ mas meeting conducted -at Pur due University. . ' ' ' ' , , r BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT , Mr. and Mr Calvin Banks of Chen v Point announce the 'birth of a daughter. Susan Rebecca.. born ; December 13, at Cherry Point hospital.' C - - . ' thpii tnefs this vpar with thpiy .jr ;A-'-i !;VSc .... A '.. : 1 u ,jL -' i "I'LL TAKE THAT ONE!" Four-year-old J;!uiiiit Hose tells I.t. Knlph Hlaiuhani th;it he wants to buy one of the four surplus Mars" flying bonis that the Navy is trying to sell at Alameda, Calif. Originally costing about two million dollars each, the Navy feels it will be lucky to .get 7 to 10 per cent back. Want to buy one'.' Bids rue still open. Building And Loan Continues Growth During Past Year Despite increased for savings and a competition tight morl- Sage money market, HerU'ord Building and Loan Association enjoyed one of its bust years rlnrine lf)57 and had substantial " f, . 7 , ' -V ed by A. W. Hefren, president of the association. Among the highlights, ot the Her'1o, d Buildin alld Loan As" i 1U11UW"'- Net savings increased - by $10.- 930 in 1957, bringing total sav ings to a new high of $163,564.00. The number of shareholders holding serial shares and full paid stock increased during the past year. i- The association's shareholders j received a total of S5,2b.)2 in dividends during the year and the association during Novemhe' raised dividend rates on full paid stock to 3'- per cent an nually. During the year a total ol $50,300.00 in home mortgage loans were added to the associa-; tion's loan portfolio, bringing j outstanding loans at the close ! of the year to a total of $175,- 332.23. j Reserves Were increased tolAtchcson of Alexandria, Va.: $14,000.00 for contingencies and j two sons, Capt. Paul Clarke of to $5,687.07 for reserve' for ma-; California, and Randolph Clarke turity of serial shares in the as-I of Roanoke, Va.: two sisters. sociation. Masons To Install New Officers At Meeting Tuesday Off icers . elected last month to head the Perquimans Lodge No. 106, A. F. & A. M., will be in ' stalled at services in the lodge 'rooms on Tuesday night. Janu- Elective officers to be in stalled 'are Russell C. Baker, master; Cecil E. Winslow, senior warden; Jack Symons, junior warden; James S. McNider, Jr., secretary, and John Decker, treasurer. Appointive officers named by the incoming master will be Jarvis Ward, senior deacon; Charles Brewer, junior deacon; Hazel Jackson and R. C. Holt, stewards; Charles F. Murray, chaplain, - and David Trueblood, tyler. , , , , ... ,' All' members of the lodge- are urged to attend the installation services and visiting Masons-are invited to attend. Commissioners To Meet Next Monday The Board of Commissioners for Perquimans County will hold its January meeting next Monday in the Court House, be ginning at 10 A. M.' Persons de- siring to confer with the Bpard are requested to note time .and flace of the meeting. t - Recorder's Court Docket Listed 21 Cases On Tuesday Funeral Services Conducted For Mrs. Celeste W. Clarke Funeral services for Mrs. Ce este Wilkerson Clarke. (16. x former resident of Hertford, wlie. died Tuesday. December 24, in i nursing home in Alexandria Va.. following a lingering ill ness, were held Thursday after noon at 2 o'clock in the Hert ford Methodist Church by the Rev., James, A. Aumun. .pastor.. The church choir sang "How Kirm a Foundation" and "Abide With Me," accompanied by Mis Kate Blanchard, organist. The casket was covered with pall of pink carnations and ,'ei n. She was the widow of the Rev. Randolph Thornton Clarke. She is survived bv four daughters Mrs. Mary C. Wins Florida: Mrs. Rose of Portsmouth. Va.; low of Crawford Mrs. Bess Morhess of Washing-'hfcks. Ion, D. C, and Mrs. Virginia! Hun Mrs. Jean Stevens of Newport News, ,Va and Mrs. Anne Gray of Richmond, Va.: one brother. Hoge Wilkerson of Newport News, Va.: 15 grandchildren and everal great-grandchildren. Pallbearers were Dr. C. A. ; Davenport, R. M. Riddick. Ein mett Winslow, Julian Winslow, Clarke Stokes, Henry Stokes, Jr. Burial was in Ce'darwood i Cemetery. Slight Damages In Three-Car Crash Unidentified drivers of a pickup truck and a tractor trail- sentence. er truck escaped with slight j Costs of court were taxed injuries at 11:30 A. M. Tuesday - against John Rolfe, who sub one mile south of here when mined to charges of failing to the pickup attempted to make a ' pay a' board and room bill, turn as the larger vehicle was. Leon Etheridge, Negro, paid attempting to pass. ! the costs of court on a charge The large truck was 'carry-Jot improper parking. He plead ing a 15-ton load, according to1 cd guilty to the charge. reports," when it attempted to! pass the pickup at a point im mediately north of Glenn's Place. As the pickup started to make a left turn, the tractor trailer took to the. left through a large paved area in front of Glenn's and struck both the pickup and a 1954 Chevrolet owned by G. R. Matthews. Highway Patrolman David ,0. Williams of Edenton arrived at the scene shortly before noon to begin investigation. Damage to all three vehicles was described as "considerably small." SCHOOLS RE-OPENED Perquimans County schools resumed regular class schedules on Thursday morning following a 10-day Christmas holiday, it was reported today by J. T. Big gers, school superintendent. : Otis Williams, Negro, pleaded ;;uiity in Perquimans Recorder's Court to a charge of improper passing on December 16, when i 'mail truck he was operating :-U uck a car driven by S. 1). Banks and then swerved into lhe Griffin store at Woodville, causing between 5 and 6 thous and dollars in damages. Wil liams was ordered to pay a fine of 850 and costs. Other eases listed on the docket of 1he court for this week included those of Weslev Uiydeii and Einmett Elmore, ach of whom paid the court osts utter submitting to charges of speeding. Costs' nl 'court were taxed against James Moore. Jr., Ne gro, Hun n King, Negro, and Paul niiUi, each of whom entered a plea ol guilty to failure of ob serving a stop sign. Manuel Fenner submitted to a charge of driving on the lefl. ... .. i.:.., , , ., V . ( e ii i n w hy r n n; fi me . .1 , costs M. pay of court. L. Gibson was orden the court costs on charge of issuing worlhleO.l'? fr-V'i Rval N. io. paiu a fine of $25 and costs ifier'i pleading guilty to a charge r driving without a license. Prayer for judgment was con tinued in tin' case in which Ce- fcu Miner enterec a pica ot guil ty to a charge of f 'ing to dim Mights on his ear. I David Dfinpsey, Negro, was 'ordered to pay a fine of $100 , and. costs after pleading guilty to a charge of driving drunk. He was also found guiltv on chaiges of assault with a dead- Weapon and - carrying a con- (eealeri weapon. The court or ) clered Dempsey to pay a fine of S75 Mid costs on these charges and to remain out of Hertford for 12 months, from 5 o'clock Saturdays until fi o'clock Mon- days, or serve a (i0 day road Jatha Lilly was taxed with the court -costs on a charge of being drunk. D. M. Trueblood paid the court costs on a charge of improper, passing. Court costs were taxed against James Jordan, Negro, who sub mitted to a charge' of failing to give a proper turn signal. 1 George Lovett entered a plea of guilty to a charge of reck less driving. He was ordered to pay a fine of $25 and costs. Court costs were taxed -against Betty Shannon, prosecuting wit ness in the case in which How ard Jones, Negro, was , charged with assault. Eugene Hassell. Negro, was ordered to pay a fine of $10 and costs ' after being found guilty on a -charge of destroying prop erty. ' ' 3 4 4 1 ( if d t('tSJ4 twr' r-r 5 s 'X

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