-J , 1 clume XXV. Number 3. ' ii own Board Votes To:: Install: System Gi" Communication V In anticipation of future expan- sion of the Town of Hertford, es pecially with the reactivation of Harvey Point, members of the Town Board, in regular meeting on Monday voted approval for the purchase of a communication sys tem to be installed for use by law enforcement officers, fire de- partment, utility department and the local civil defense organiza- tion.: ''''- v :''. ' Mayor V, N. Darden pointed out to the commissioners total costs of the system will be about $4, 000 and that one half of the costs will be provided by the State Civil Defense authorities. ' The unit, when installed, will broadcast on the same frequency as the State Highway Patrol and will be used for all types of emer gencies. It is anticipated the equipment cannot be secured and installed for at least four or five months. Bids on the equipment , have been secured from three suppliers.. .''."':. ' ''V." , The,: Board voted to pay the Farmers' ' Mart a sum pf $25 per month, an amount set by a board of arbitration, for rental of prop erty used by the town, since the purchase of the property by Jes sie Lee Harris last year. After, some discussion over criticism : voiced concerning the bath house located on the town pier at the foot of Grubb Street, 1 the Board voted to have town employees tear down this house and also repair the pftr. Approval was also voted re questing the Perquimans Recrea tional Committee to make final settlement for the' purchase of the,' old Hertford Grammar School site in order that the town may give title to this property to the committee. ' ' ' County T Currituck Court CcL'nty Sanitery stings Listed By f bdlh Officer . Panitary 'ratings-fan the vari T , i ou foedhandllne establishments. dgohg'pjaeev etc.in Peijjquirn-,.! - ans county Dasea on tne last :. periodic inspections made in 1957 by the , Pasquotank-Perquimans-Camden-Chowan District Health , : Department were released by . . D. G. Brown, District Sanitation, v this week, , , The ratings . were based on a system of grading with those es tablishments receiving a rating of at least 90 per cent or more be ing awarded a Grade "A"; those receiving a rating of 80 per cent and less than 90 per cent rated Grade "B and those receiving a rating of at least 70 per cent but less than 80 per cent were class ed Grade "C". No establishment having a rating less than 70 per cent or Grade "C" is permitted to . operate in accordance with State Continued on Pag Six Fire Department Gets Water Tanker - ' An 'auxiliary .Water tanker, with a capacity of 2,000 gallons, has been secured for use by the Hertford Fire f Department and the- county' Civil , Defense or ' gsfiiizatioh, 1 it i was " announced here Wednesday by Charles . M. HarreR;; chairman ' of the ,, Civil Defense Committee. The local departments were 'u'ied the equipment, reported excellent condition, can be i tip at Norfolk, Va.f on and brought to Hertford Ijcal use. . i "hased through the , co n of Perquimans County, o-Car tanker is expected i f vast value to the Fire nt, In toting .jruwJ County Board To , Meet Friday P. M, A special meeting of the Board of County Commissioners has' been called for Friday af ternoon at 2 o'clock, it was an nounced by A.' T. Lane, chair man of the board.- The meeting was called for the purpose of conferring with officials of the State Highway Department over road plans in this county. it The supervisors of the Albe marle Soil Conservation District met in Hertford Thursday night of last week and elected officers for the coming year. L. C. Bunch of Chowan County was named chair man; H. A. Leary of Camden, vice chairman, and Ralph Powers of Currituck, secretary. The state convention meeting, held in Winston-Salem this week, was discussed and a number of the supervisors expressed plans to attend, including George G. Winslow and Joseph Nowell from Perquimans. L It was voted the group will continue sponsorship of its poster contest among the schools of the district, during the month of March with the winning entries i to be displayed in, Elizabeth City during the month of April. The Perquimans County super visors had as their eruests at the meeting here J.,T. Bigger super intendent of schools, R. M. Thompson, county agent, and Joe Tunnell, vocational teacher at the Perquimans High School. o Serve In Acting under orders issued. by Judge Chester Morris, the Coun- ty Commissioners last Saturday selected a special jury of 25 Perquimans County residents to serve in Currituck County court at a term starting January 21. "Selected for this special jury service were E. Earl Winslow, Norman Elliott, jClyde White, Elwood, White, J. Clifton Mor gar$ Robfcjrt thf HelloweU, Estes Col)eland,HaiielVckson-, ,W. W. Riddick, Thomas Lane, Edwin S. White, C. T. Ghappell, Robert Lee Casper,. Marvin Hunter, Ju lian Rrough ton, William , Leroy Lamb, Carson Spivey, Mary Et ta Walters, Alphonso Dail,' Wood row B. Stallings, W.. A. Elliott, John ..Simpson, Charlie Wilder, R. E. Mathews and W. S. Ben ton.' ; The ; jury was . ordered sum moned from Perquimans Coun ty following a hearing conduct ed last week in which a plaintiff in a civil action in the Currituck court sought a change of venue from that court on grounds that the defendants, law enforcement off iccrs, ' were too well known to possible Currituck jurors. ; .Judge Morris rilled, following the i hearing, ; the ':, defendants Were well known and a special venire should be selected from Perquimans County' to, ; hear thel case, ' - ' I'-,- , ' , ' The case involves a Pasquo tank Negro girl who, through her next friend, her mother,' is' seeking damages against Sheriff L. L. Dossier and Deputy Sheriff Dowdy as a result of an; alleged shooting in' a potato , field' ' near Harbinger 'Mveral months ago.' ; A criminal charge brought against Dowdy has been heard and Dowdy was acquitted of the charge. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. John Martin of Raleigh announce the birth of a son," John Tucker Martin, born Sunday, January 12, in Raleigh. Mrs, .Martin., is th,$ .former Mis Ruth Tucker, Soil Supervisors In Meeting Here Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, January 17, 1958 r m j. i lULiub' Meeting in Hertford Thursday n oht. offi-ers for the Albemarl Soil were elected for the year 1958. w wuriiiucK wouniy. secreiary; n. a. Leary ot Camden County, vice chairman, and Lloyd C. Bunch of Chowan Counlv. chairman. It is the tenth mnnini;,,. m. n..u u i . i serve bb cnanman 01 THIS WEEK'S HEADLINES xX"XX"x"X"X:"X"X"X" Washington reaction, it is re ported, is favorable toward the 74-plus billion dollars requested by President Eisenhower for op eration of the government the next fiscal year. Biggest portion of the budget will go for defense and it has been indicated addi - tional funds may be requested be - fore the year ends. There is no hint that cuts will be made in operations of domestic programs. , Administration officials report, despite increajstKWspending, the fiscal budget will; b ia balance; finwnvpi . - the, Pnricrri5B' .Watt . rA- quesiea inis wees 10 increase ine ceiling for government debt 'by a tofel of--five billion dollars. "This request is also expected to receive approval by Congress. . Higher rates for postal services it is anticipated, will be enacted this year, according to' Washing ton reports. The Administration has requested letter rates be in creased to five cents and other classes of mail get higher rates. A previous request for a four cent letter rate, during the last session of Congress, got no where but it is predicted the rate boost will be voted this session. . The.U. S. and some Allies haye - advised. Russia its request for a summit conference to work out peace programs meet with ap proval but before such a confer ence is. called all nations must agree, pn an agenda that will be carefully , prepared and shows good hope of promoting . world peace, v A proposal, made by Walter Reuther, head of the Auto Work ers Union, that car manufacturers share profits, has been rejected by heads of the three major man ufacturers. Reuther made the proposal as a preliminary measure to bargaining over labor contracts to be drawn this year. i. Formal opening of the ' Hert ford Banking Company's new $130,000' building 'was observed here ' Wednesday night, ' when some 400 persons, including visi tors from a number of towns in Nprth Carolina Virginia and New" vYdrk ; attended the open house Sponsored by the banks ; J From the opening hour of 7 o'clock until . 9:30 a constant stream 0f persons gathered to inspect the new building and its furnishings,' termed one of the most modern banking houses in the state. Much favorable com ment on the, building was heard from the visitors. ; Refreshments and fav.ors were Bank Open House DrawsLargeCrowd available to the . guests attend-'the ing the event. ',"'"'' District Soil Conservation Officers The officers, pictured above,! - ine group. Hertford Pastor Is Named By Jaycees "Man Of The Year" The Rev. James A. Auman, ' pastor of the Hertford Methodist Church, was paid high tribute this week in being named by the 1 Hertford Junior Chamber of Commerce as the community's joutstaiding "Young Man of the . Year." Mr. Auman was pre sented the Jaycee Distinguished Service Award at the organiza tion's, annual banquet held WdlrK nesday night ' in . the cafeteria of the Hertford r Gramma1! School. Special guests - at the .-."'meeting included the wjves, of the Jay cees : and . ladies who . assisted the unit in the community birthday calendar, project ; sponsored by the Chamber, and Jafnes Price. 10th District ' Vice' President' , from Ahoskie and Mrs.Price. Charles Skinner, Jr., president of the Jaycees, presided over the dinner meeting and William R. Henderson was the guest speaker for the occasion. He was intro duced by Henry C. Stokes, Jr., past Jaycee president. Presenta tion of the award was made by Mr. Henderson, who is past state president of the Jaycees and now director of state purchases iand contracts. The Jaycees' Young . Man of the Year award is an annual event, the selection being' made by a group of judges over the age of 35 years from a list of nominees submitted by various organizations of the county. fl jUon whjte was chairman of the 1958 DSA Committee Com mittee. The award is given to the young man under the age of 35 the judges find through a point system, has contributed most to the advancement of the com munity during the past 12 months. The selection of Mr. Auman for the honor this year was based upon his participation and activities in community,"' civic and church projects. Some of the activities of Mr. Auman were: Committee mem bership for establishment of a mental health clinic; leader ,in youth activity in the county; cooperation given youth pro grams such as Boy Scouts. During the year, he served as district director of youth work, district director of Christian vo- cations; worked on establishing- two new colleges, .Active m the ation center and the PTA. He. has won . recognition, for reorganization of youth programs in the churches of this area, and has-been selected to lead a Methodist Youth Caravan to Eu rope next summer. He has shown a willingness to work for the promotion of all civic projects and has given gen erously of time and money1 to advance these programs within community. Jaycee Certificates of Appre are, left to right, Ralph Powers MftCll uaa ucvo ciation were presented to Henry C. Sullivan and Tim Matthews by the Jaycee president, Charles Skinner, Jr., for services rend ered in connection with the Jay cee projects. Sanford Funeral Conducted Sunday Funeral services for William Ht St-nford, 89, who died Friday, were conducted Sunday ' after noon at 2 o'clock in the Lynch Funeral Home by the Rev. J. A. Auman, pastor-of the Hert ford Methodist Church. The church choir sang "My ' Faith Looks Up To Thee" and "Abide "With Me." The casket was covered with a pall of white chrysanthemums, white gladoli and red carnations. Pallbearers were J. H. Towe, W. B. Jordan, Bill Cox, V. N. Darden, Charles F. Sumner and J. W. Dillon. Burial was in Cedarwood Cemetery. He was the son of the late George Edward and Mary Louise Sanford, husband of Dor cas Ballance Sanford, a native and lifelong resident of Per quimans County. Surviving are three sons, John of Baltimore, Edward R. of Pine Bluff and Charles S. Sanford of the U. S. Army at Columbus, Ga.; two daughters, ' Mrs. Dan wmiam Crummey Ede tw0 brothers Girt , Sanford of t South Norfolk and John T. San ford of Windsor; one sister, Mrs. Sadie Jones of South Norfolk; 14 . grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. MASONS TO MEET The Perquimans Masonic Lodge No. 106 A. F. & A. M., will meet Tuesday night at 8 o'clock! Rusr seli Baker, master, urges all mem bers, to attend and at the . same j time extends a cordial invitation lu visuinjj masons to aiieno. ,x--- Town And County Sponsors Groundbreaking Ceremony; Harvey Point Seaplane Base Funeral Services Held Monday For Robbins Blanchard Funeral services for William Robbins' Blanchard, age 65. who died Saturday night at 9:55 in the Albemarle Hospital following an illness of seven months, were held Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in Twiford'.s Funeral Home Chap el by the Rev. J. A. Auman, pas tor of the First. Methodist Church. Soft music was played during the service by Mis. J. Ellie White, organist. The casket was c-over-d with a pall of red catnations, white pom poms and white snapdragons. Pallbearers were L. C. Winslow, D;'. T. P. Brinn, Elton Hurdle, Ralph Jordan, Joe Towe and G. A. White. Interment was made in Cedar wood Cemcteiy. Mr. Blanchard was a native and life-lone resident of Ferauimans County having lived with his sis-' ter, Mrs. J. Moody Matthews of Route 1. He was the son of the) late Lucius and Charlotte Brinn Blanchard, a mrmber of the First Methodist Church in Hertford and was retired from J. C. Blanchard & Company where he was em ployed for over 30 years. Besides Mrs. Matthews, he is survived by three other sisters. Mrs. Em Parker of Charleston, S. C, Mrs. Tom White of Route 1. and Miss Annie Blanchard of Richmond, Va. Christian Workers Hertford Jan. 26-28 . . H is an expensive disease. The Methodist Churches in Chow-an average -cost '-for each, case is and Perquimans Counties will S14000 to $15,000 in taxpayer's hold a Christian Workers' School money, and this does not in at the Methodist Church in Hert- elude the loss of the patient's ford on January 26, 27 and 28. productive capacity and his fu- lhe sessions will begin each even-iture ing at 7:30 and end at 9:30. The Rev. J. A. Auman, minister of the church, and dean of the school, stated that the course was an ac credited one, being held in coop-1 eration with the North Carolina ! Conference Board of Education of the Methodist Church. "This area is fortunate in hav ing some outstanding leaders to conduct the sessions," stated Mr. Auman. It is urged that any per son interested in the work of the church, enroll in the school. Six hours are available in the cours es with five completed hours ne cessary for credit. Courses being taught include "Understanding The Bible" by Mrs. R. E. Brown of Raleigh, "Adult Work in the Church" by the Rev. J. L. Joyce, Havelock, "Understanding Youth" by Mrs. H. R. Odum of Gibson and "Home and Church Cooperating in Chil dren's Work" by Mrs. V. E. Queen of Durham. The course on "Understanding Youth" is a valuable one for both workers with youth in the church and parents of youth. Mrs. Odum"s textbook is "Youth and Continued on Page Six Colon Jackson, Jr. To Receive Degree Colon: S. . Jackson will be awarded the bachelor of divinity degree from Southeastern Bap tist Theological Seminary , at the mid-year commencement . exer cises January 17. The son of Mr, and Mrs. Colon Jackson of Hertford, he is a graduate of Perquimans High School, Chowan ,Juniot College and Wake Forest , College. He was licensed to preach by Hert- l ford Baptist Church in 1949 and received his ordination ' from Burgess Baptist Church in 1951. Jackson now is pastor of , Sa maria Baptist Church, 1 Middle sex. :.-. Jackson's wife is the former Doris Faye Allen "of Durham. Education Mission Scheduled Feb. 9th An Educational Mission will be conducted at the Holy Trin ity F.piseopa) Church in Hert ford beginning Sunday. Febru ary 9, and continuing through ThursJay, February 13, it was announced today by the Rev. Paul Shultz, rector of the church, church. . The Hev. John Prior of Wind sor wjll be the special leader of the guthcrinss t" he held each night, at i! o'clock. Mr. Shultz issues an invitation to the public to attend the ser vices an '.I take part in the pro gram, which eenteis around the subject "What the Church Ee lieves and Teaches." He also urges Heit lord members ami friends to adjust their schedules that I hey may plan to attend all the s-ervices. Final Appeal Made For TB Seal Funds Reminders have been sent ci tizens in Perquimans County for the benefit of those who have overlooked, or lost their Chr ist - I mas Seal envelopes, said Mrs. C. P. Morris, chairman of Perquim ans County. Over $250 is still I nruJiJ wi-ii4 i-r riimtn for" lVw u "' tv "'" "' Unristmas seals. Mrs. Morris said 486 chest X rays had been made in Per quimans Health Department, and all films and solutions are paid for by Christmas Seal dollars j 63 X-rays were from colored I pre-natal clinic. Of 1,850 TB cases in North Carolina for 195 , Perquimans had its share five cases reported. The Christmas Seal Sale each vear tries to raise enough money to finance the battle against TB. earning power. Bonds Ordered For Defendants Not fe Court Lai Two defendants who failed to appear in t'erquimans nmiraerbi Court last Tuesday to answer charges against them were or dered apprehended and placed in jail unless they furnish cash bonds for appearance at the next session of the court. Fol den Whidboe, Negro, charged with driving without a license and with improper lights was ordered held for $100 bond while David Jones, Negro, charged with driving a truck with ex ceeding height limits, was or dered held for a $50 bond. James Elliott entered pleas .of; guilty to three counts during the term presided over by Judge) Chas. E. Johnson. He was giv en a 60-day sentence on a charge of larceny and two 30-day sen tences for failing to observe a stop sign and reckless driving. The sentences were ordered sus pended upon payment of fines totaling $150 and costs of court. Clinton Riddick, Negro, was found guilty on a charge of as sault and he, was ordered to pay the costs of court. James Leigh and Oliver Moots, . charged with following too closely, submitted to the charges and each paid the court costs. Raymond Hasselt, Negro, paid a fine of $25 and costs of court after pleading guilty to a charge of allowing his car to be oper ated by an unlicensed driver. ' Vivian Gallop was fined $25 and costs on a charge of driv ing without a license. Willie Boles, Negro, charged 5 Cents Per Copy. Officials of Hertford and Per-, quimans County, in cooperation with the Fifth Naval District, are planning a groundbreaking cere mony at the Navy's multi-million dollar seaplane base site, Harvey Point, Hertford, it was announced here Wednesday following forma tion of a committee to arrange the program. . Tentative date s t for the 1 event is Monday, January 27, 1958 jut. 11 o'clock in the morning. Representatives of the town and county governments met on Tuesday night and named Mayor V. N. Darden and A. T. Lane, Chairman Board County Commis- ! sioners, as co-chairmen of the I committee with Robert L. Hollo I veil, program chairman and Max Campbell, publicity chairman. Special invitations to the event ! will be issued to some 50 public and Navy officials and newspaper I representatives from Raleigh, ! Norfolk, Washington, D. C, and Baltimore, Mrl. Public officials receiving invitations will be Gov ernor Luther Hodges, Congress-. I man Herbert C. Bonner, Senator I Sam Ei win, Senator W. Kerr . Scott, Mayors Levin Culpepper and Ernest Keliayes, Commission ers Paul Penny and W. W. By i rum. State Senators Elton Ayd- lett and William Copeland and State Representatives Carrol. Holmes and Albert G. Byrum. The groundbreaking event will be staged at. the Naval Seaplane Facility at Harvey Point, and the committee is hopeful permission will be granted by the Navy De partment permitting the public tc join in the ceremony. The program will mark the opening operations toward icac-, tivating the Harvey Point. Naval j Base, which is scheduled to be I come the home port for the Mar- tin SeaMastef plie now in pro ; duction. , I Employees of the Diamond Con I struction Company are, now lo- 1 eated at the base beginning woik on the initial contract of install ing a seawali rlene the Perquim ans River, and installing some drainage systems on the-pite. In addition to this $2.1P.4,000'contract other contracts are expected to be awarded for the base during the next six months. . with escaping from a prison hearing in - , , s Court and his case was moved up to the docket of Superior Court. .'.'... , Walter Lilly, Negro, was found guilty on a charge of be ing drunk and disorderly. He was given a 30-day road sentence to be suspended upon payment of a fine of $25 and costs of court.. Mrs. Harris Named Dimes Chairman Mrs. Edison. Harris will direct the 1958 March of Dimes cam paign in Perquimuns County ac cording to an announcement made this week by the headquar ters for the program in Chapef - Mill. . Preparations are noW being completed for the annual . cam paign here and the public is urg ed to respond generously with contributions to the fund. , , Officials of the county polio chapter point out contributions to the March of Dimes is still very important, despite the discovery of the Salk vaccine, since vast sums of money are needed to car ry on the rehabilitation work of the thousands of victims stricken with polio. stTuesday RUSSELL BELLEZZA Word was received here Tues- day of the death of Russell Bel lezza, former Hertford resident,, at his home in Washington. Funeral services were conduct i r at a Washington funeral hoi: . Wednesday. - . j ... 1 , '

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