TS frt-HQuZriAKS Vn-EKLY. KZaTFCSD. KCI.TII CAROLINA. fRISAt. JAS'JARY 17, 1958.: tana; a Portsmouth "r. and Mrs. Garland Stanton . 1 daughter of Portsmouth, Va., : re spending this week with Mrs. Carlton Cannon and other rela t.ves. - ' dT(A-iypOT ;; Mi , . ,. 1 Irs. Melvin Wright, Mrs. J. E. EVrett and Mrs,iW. f. KanOy,, Jr. vi&Xed Mr. and Mrs. C. T. White at JStoper Sunday. From Littleton Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thrower of Littleton visited Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Vlck Sunday. . Returned Horn , ' - ml -t """T." ' ' ' :, ' w...wW,. i .,,e. a. Goodman returned home ; ChristiahiWorkersi School 'Teachers ' J pital and is getting along nicely, 2 J : Mr. li?Mts. Riilpri 8assef nd children of Kenansville spent the week-end with' Mr. and Mrs. Pres tori Nixon. In Chowan Hospital Cecil White was admitted to the.'' Chowan Hospital last week for observation and treatment. Returned Homt . . 'Mrs. Carrie Harnlin has return ed, to her home at Beaufort after visiting Mrs. I. A. White, From Falls Church Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Cowan . and daughter, Debbie of Falls Church, Va., spenf ,fhe week-end '- with Mrs. 1. A. White.,' la -Florida Ji , ,!i?he Rev. and Mrs. Paul Shultz letf Wednesday. for a .two-week vacation in Florida. Returned Horn ': Mrs. Frank Jessup is expected . to.-return home the latter part of tj)is week after visiting relatives in'Farmville. In Hospital ' C. G. Stephens was admitted to 'the Albemarle Hospital on Fri day for observation and treat ment. ; Returned Horn George Clark of Pulaski, Va., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Morris and was accom panied home Sunday by his wife and sons who have . spent several weeks here. ' ' , ' , Returned To California ' Miss Virginia Tucker has re turned to her home in Santa Monica, Calif., after spending sev eral weeks with her mother Mfg. Isa Tucker. Returned Home Mrs. Beverly Tucker returned to her home Sunday from Twin Falls, Idaho where she spent sev eral weeks with her son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. W. H. . Woodson. From Norfolk Mr. and Mrs. Grayson Inman :' and family of Norfolk, Va., spent the week-end with. Mrs. Tom -Skipsey'and visited ' G. Ste - Jhens ,a$ the Albemafje Hospital while here. Returned Home . ; J. R. Futrell returned home Wedne?duy frorti the UTorflH GeW-jl eral Hospital where he spent sev-eraljdayB-i J ,t, j . . Returned. Home Mrs. R..L. Krto;les;h$s Jeturnf ed 'home after) ! spending several weeks' with' "her s6f5-in-law and daughter, Mr. .and Mrs. Sh;lton White 'in R'alelgV" " ' Week-end Guests Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Mattocks of Rocky Mount and Gregory Wal cott from Hollywood, Calif., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. James Mattocks. To Visit Daughter Mrs. J. S. Vick will leave Sat urday to spend several weeks in Jacksonville, Fla., with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mi s. Bill Miller. BRIDGE CLUB MEETS Mrs. ' J. O Felton entertained her bridge club Tuesday night at her home. Those playing were Mesdames V. N. Darden, T. B. Sumner, B. G. Koonce, W. G. Wright, Charles? Whedbee, ' Miss Kate Blanchard and Miss Thelma Elliott. The high score prize went to Mrs. Sumner. A sweet course was served. ' 11 .i. ' '.I," I i I. : ... HOSTESS TO BRIDGE pLUB Miss Mary Sumner was hostess t;hr bridge cub Tuesday night at her, home son Church Street. muse placing were iviHsuains M. Willifor'd,- T. L. Jessup, C. E Johnson,; J, D. Coston, J. T. Big- gers, H. C. Stokes, C. R. Holmes and Miss Ruby White. The high score prize went to Mrs. Holmes. A sweet course was served. If ROOK CLUB MEETS Mrs. Julian White entertained her Rook Club Friday night at her home on Market Street. Those Dlaying were Mesdames C. T. Skinner, J. H. Towe, Harrv Hol- lowell, Archie Lane, Sr., Oscar Newbold, D. F. Reed, Sr., G. R. Tucker, Carlton Cannon, Anse Whitev Miss Thelma Elliott, Miss Returned Home ' ' ' 1 Ruby White and Miss Mary :aum- Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Fitch, ac- nor. The hieh score prize went companied. by Mr. and Mrs. B. Powell and family of Norfolk, Va.', have returned home, after, a 10 day visit in Florida. to Mrs. White and low was awarded Mrs. Hollowell. Refresh ments were, served by the hos tess.' ' ' ' ' - FRIDAY-SATURDAY: Shows Friday 7-9 P. M. Show Starts Saturday 1:30 set1 i'iHH! BARBARA HALE jiuiu mctan na J.i OVERLAND TRAIL' NO., 11 SUNDAY: Shows 2:15-4:15-9:15 P. M. wauwiiieMaMMMi''. ,'it,' ''.I'' n MONDAY AND TUESDAY? ' 'Shows 7 and 9 P. M, 'First' Feature HUNTZ HALL r-1 and th I m BOWERY BOYO-jJ ito Attn STANLEY CLEMENTS JANE NICM ' Second Feature : JIM DAVIS , "Badge of Marshal Brennan" WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY: Shows 7-9 P. M. mm: nnnrnT Tivi nn nuDtn i ihi Lun teach the course. She was train ed i or: ithip. study; tfthe- North Carolina Conference- School.,. Missions at Duke University in August. , 1 " The other Woman Societies and Guilds in the Perquimans-Chowan Sub-district have been invited to share this study. Anyone else in terested in the study is invited to attend. l K 4. ' Jo A. t "J Above is pictured two of 'the teachers who will participate in the Christian Workers School for Methodists in. Chowan and Perquimans Counties. The school will be. held in ihe Hertford Methodist Church January 26. 27 and 28. The above teachers are, left, Mrs. V. E. Queen and right, Mrs. H. R. Odum. TO STUDY JAPAN The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service of the Hertford Methodist Church will begin its study of Japan on Sunday night, January 19th at 7:30 o'clock, with the showing of a film strip "From the Church at Nishio." -VThe sec ond session of this study will be held Monday night,; Jandiary- 20, l at 8 o'clock. At this time the dates for the other two sessions will be announced. Plans for the final session include a supper of Japanese foods and a play entitled "Between Yesterday and Tomor row." This play, which tells of a Christian family in Japan, will be put on by the Methodist Youth Fellowship of the Hertford Mrs. J. L. Harris will BRIDGE CLUB MEETS Mrs. J. H.i Newbold was hosr tess to her' bridge club Friday night at her' ; home on . ,Frpnt Street. Those playing were Mes dames H. A. Whitley, Trim Wil son, J. R. .Futrell, C. A, Daven port, S. P. Jessup, C. R. Holmes, Clyde McCallum and Miss Ruth Schroeder. The high score prize went to ' Mrs. -Wilson: Refresh ments were served by the hostess. Central PTA Will Meet Next Monday The PTA of Central Grammar School will meet "next Monday night, January 20, ' at 7:30 o'clock in the auditorium of the school. Mrs. Thelma Rogerson of Belvidere community will be in charge of the program, the subject of which will be "For the Future We Build."- The pub lic is invited to attend. Willi FURTHER REDUCTIONS SKIRTS, BLOUSES . SWEATERS (one group) l ' ' v DRESSES HANDBAGS RAINCOATS . ROBES . i , SLIPS, GOWNS Discontinued Styles 1 I 73 OFF 1 Rack of DRESSES Remaining Stock COATS NOW ZPnictr Shop Today For Best Buys at These NEW LOW PRICES! WHITE'S DRESS SHOPPE FHONE s2oi : : 6 -n 'aoiumn It V v. i TRY A WEEKLY CLASSIFIED AD IS) BE0E-.:A II II Ul "J P ( .A ttllllUUL WKWui NATUR-TENDER U.S. CHOICE FULL CUT BONELESS -NO FINER BEEF ANYWHERE! II v NATUR-TENDER U.S. CHOICE FUlLw Tl SIRLOIN STEAK.. TRIMMED ROBERT TAYLOR fcrA 1 W : DOROTHY MALONE I x Tn AAAtiUCT ' " AnMrico i loughit two biaflr krakn and imw V-B't up Is in . w. . r ' - 1 t I J inn i trrr n , , ' mmm "' TO SUPER MARKET"" jj l ' " ' Jl 00001 STYIK,DE RBO0Y Hfrm,, vtf"1 'Bt&'w one of nin modern oil- ) "NHimmwW1 Jp O'ound form truckifivt Vmmmmft mb hc ya ton clou otonal 0 BUDGET BIEf U.S. COMM'l FULLY TRIMMED CLUB OR IjU&i!, in. L r iii 1 1 f I ii ii ii 1 j - i II fill I II I.. I ill f ,. r I I I A A I inn a n n r a Ii VI im , : Te(sae?72l'.'.,. 5 ( 1 1 is M v m kj I , -7 ; yM- at j ii.uoi..ei.,.v j.iejj958 ". I s. 1 IX I lit I , ' ', I ' COOS OM.V IN COLONIAL 1TOKIS 1tS! i. ' Ib Jg9f- bone-in !mmm r If" """v 491 SALEI MAINE . . . V" - . I II , JO m .. Vl'-i 4 A . 'T -Vv' I Jl 1 . W, AKUIIN---0 "cXk? IV . A 494 SALEI UKELELESUCBS" ! " ? y y' . jl; " V g PINEAPPLE:.. No. 2Can 49c '. Wm 494 SALE) CS BRAND .. i-w.-- '''' .sifv-iV; - ORANGE JUICE 2494 I i f. . .1 ! a Tfr , 494 SALEI REDOATI , ' - ' V-iA'::'-- rUMA;BEN NATUR-TENDER U.S. CHOICE FULLY TRIMMED CLUB OR T-BONE STEAKS -ib. 994 mmm Mmmmillrwnr tmfmry BUDGET BEEF U.S. COMM'L OR BETTER FULL CUT BONELESS. NO BETTER BUY ANYWHERE! PAfinnn BUDGET BEEF-U S. COMM'L OR BETTER FULLY TRIMMED u SIRLOIN STEAK.. - -ib. 634 T-BONE STEAKS-. ib. 734 BUDGET BEEF U.S. COMM'l. 7-INCH : ' ' RIB ROAST ib. 554 BUDGET BEEF U.S. COMM'l. SQUARE CUT CHUCK ROAST - ---- ib. 374 FRESH, LEAN GROUND BEEF .ib. 351 fk 494 SALH "piUSBUrVpIjMN I .. V. f , FLOUR-- ---5 ..494' 494 SALEI MOTHER'S cosibss LESS TO OWN ... LESS TO RUN . . . LAST LONGER, TOO I ' They gist you so much more, - too. In hadspaee, for example, . the Styleside pickup has 23 more capacity than any other half-ton pickup. (You pay noth : . ing extra for this modern, extra wide body.) In power Ford - offers the only light-duty trucks : With Short Stroke power in the Six as well as the V-8 ! And Ford's new carburetor advances recently incorporated in the Six engine are designed to give you maximum gas mileage. In ride Ford ridtss smoothest of any pickup Impact-O-Graph tests prove it! And that's only the beginning. See for yourself. ' t i 1 1 s i.J i i i t v, v - r.o.A.r. Mayonnaise. - QUART 494 BUDGET BEEF U.S. COMM'L BONE-IN 'M. 494 SAlEf SUNNY TENNESSEE FROZEN BAYER ASPIRIN 154 "i 234 It COUNT tonu t COUNT ALKA SELTZER 294 eouw 544 LISTERINE--.i---r 334 ANACIN . COUNT 534 TRUSHAY lotion-, 204 JERGEN'S lotion 44. 334 BUFFERIN. 1-1 534 SHOULDER ROAST. . ib. 474 1 str'berrieS 3 494 ; Ml p, U.O.IIVIINCVVY n II C I FRESH PRODUCE DAILYI FANCY GREEN PASCAL CELERY:-.---2 "'T'S-.i;j SAVE AT COLONIAL! FANCY OREGON ' :D'AMJU pears LB. .1 cc I