THE PERQUIMANS -WEEKLY. -HERTFORD. NO JlTH CAROLINA,: FRIDAY MARCH H, 1358. $ it , - - .- 1 Mews- From High Point V Corbin Cherry and his rodm mate, Albert Trevarthen, from High Point College, , spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cherry. ; ' f-I i' rru From Texas tr1,. r"' 1 .ntdHomwi is. Charles Smith ahd daugh i , Martha Scott, of tOrange, Ya nt1 this week with M$. and 1 & J. Cv Feltph. Mrs. niith ' 9 accompanied here by Mrs. C . rjoward, who has been visiting r 1 4 i ', ?k-md la LouUburg 1 1 Miss Kate Blanchard and Mrs. J ice Baum spent the week-end Ith 'Mrs.-O. Y, Yarborough at I tmisburg.' MrsBaum left from t ere for her home at Bloomf ield, I . J after spending several jeks with Miss Blanchard. ! ;.om Camp Lejeune .lb. T. B. Sumner, Jr., from Camp Lejeune spent the week- ,d' with his parents, Mr. and I.irs, T. B. Sumner. , , 1 I tent Visitors i Mr. find Mrs. J. T. Robbing of fTiithfieldj Va .were the recejit i jests of Mrs. Elizabeth Haskett fcpd Mr. arjd Mrs. J. R. Webb. ' JC Sick list'. , . ' - " ' " f'Mrs. Z.)A.v. Harris suffered a leg' injury' last week when she fell at her home. . She is con fined to her home this week. Attended Funeral Mr. and Mrs.. Alec Farmer of fjoj'folk, Va.,. attended Shelton Long's funeral on Sunday. ' Fiom Norfolk IV 1 r. nd?Mrs. RanBarror oly orioiK, va., spent tee wtew-ena with Mr. and Mrsf 4 N. paden. ? - 1 From Raleigh v ." ' Mrs. George Lattimore of Ra leigh is the guest 'of her mother, Mrs. R. T. White. Week-end In Burlington Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Felton spent the week-end in Burlington with relatives and friends. Week-end With Parents Mrs. J. D. Cos ton spent the ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Campen from Texas areisiting a Met Campen's mother, JMrs. . George Butler. After a short leave :Mf- Campen will (.be . stationed, at I Portsmouth, v w,ith the Coast Guard. i r '1,'' 3 ,t -? jWeek-end Here ''' i Kenneth Newbold of Bloom field, NVJ., Mrand Mrs. Jerry Newbold of, Wilmington, Mr. and Mrs. Shelton Newbold of Rocky Mount spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Newbold. Week-end Guests ' Mr. and Mrs. Claude Withrow of Arlington, Va., Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wright and daughter, Miss Caroline Wright of Jarvisburg spent the week-end with Mr! and week-end in MaysviUe with h"r parents, M. Jfrjd Mrs'i Matrikks from Raleigh,.,'' V jj ? Mr. and-Mrs. CorSin iStozi, ir., of Raleigh ' spent fhe ' wfiek?eni Corbin Dozier.' Attending WMTJ Meeting j" Attending the State Woman's Missionary Union at New Bern Ihisj week are the following from fhe Hertford Baptist Church: Mrs. 4, T; Biggers, Mrs. V. N. Darden, Xm.X A. Ward, Mrs. G, R. Tuck er and Mrs. Warner Madre, T?ora Suffolk C. J. Atkinson of Suffolk, f a., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clin ton Eley. , ' ' ; ' r v-t -Sunday Guests ,p: " , i' Mr. and' Mrs. Edward Byrum fk Norfolk, VaM,' visited Mrs. ;E. Ai Byrum Sunday. From Chapel Hill E. Winslow, Jr., a student at , Jte University of North Carolina jit Chapel Hill spent the weeK rid with his father, J. E. Wins loW and Mrs. Winslow. t'tam Norfolk 'ijMr. and Mrs. Irvin Stubbs of .Norfolk, Va., visited Mr. and Mrs. jrj. Y. Berry Friday, ' ; lrom Raeford Ifj Mr. and Mrs. Dave Barrington bf Raeford and Mr. and Mrs. -tyayne Lambdin and family of liouisburg spent the week-end With Mrs. Raymond Skinner and 'family. . ? - - . !From Portsmouth IS Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Hill and family of Portsmouth, Va., spent Sunday vyth Mrs. George Fields ?und Mrs. Cook Winslow.' 1 ' " ; k ,';v.'v- jSetuxday Guesf ' J," " 7 Andrew Toxey from NeV York City spent Saturday with his un tie and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Trim Wilson. - T ' ' ' C J' ::-:':l:it 4W?t. Sunday Here i ' & yThe Revj Charles Wulf and'his father from Washington - spent Sunday in Hertford" with friends. Item Edenton ' HI Mrs. Adrian Wynns of Eden ton spent several days last week ktith Mrs. Paul Perkins at her apartment at the Hotel Hertford. with Mr. and Mrs. Sunday Guests I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis of Elikabeth City spent Sunday 'with' MF. and Mrs ,Ab OTliams. , Returned Home Mrs. T. E. Raper has returned to her home after spending sev eral weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Do zier Sutton at Warwick, Va. From Florida D. S. Darden and R. C Murray of Dunedin, Fla spent several days this week with friends and relatives. Mrs. Darden, who has been visiting, Mr. -anMr.:J. t. George in Raleigh, is expected the latter partT Cla wtek td spend a tew Jy before return-j Weed:end Guests. , mg noma. ,y j " a j Mt.P Rarfdoloh- c 1 P Si rvis. ! . It eekend At PikevUle ; Mr.Jand Mrs.tJe Tunnell and uuiuicu spent ineswcen-eiiu wiui rekti-vfes jat Pikevllle, ' li v k v lJI i Sunday in; Nortolk j Mr. 'and Mrs, Clinton Eley and family and Mr. Walter Eley visited relatives in-Norfolk, Va., f Sunday and Mrs. Walter Eley re- Week-end Guests ' Mr. and Mrs. -.Frank Ryan of Leesburg, Va spent the week end with Mrs. Ryan's parents, the Rev. and Mrs. Paul Shultz. r ".'" ' v I ' ' ?::-:.l -.: . ,-r.;-x?-v- V:.:;- r t"- . .11111 III pSiiiiilliii INSPECTOR This big-eyeu, young lady inspects, the latest, electronic marvel to rival. the transistor. As big as a peanut,-' it's called the Eilcon-conU-olleJ rectifier. Manufactured it tho General Electric slant In Clyde, trol the flow pt electric rren: : I Mrs. J. M. Eason and Mrs. Wil liam Dough trey of Hampttn, Va., spent several days last wek with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Edwards. . and Mra;lke; Perry; BIRTHDAY PARTY j Mankind will bo God-govern-Margo Perry was entertained in ed jn proportion as GodY gov honor of her fourth birthday at eminent becomes apparent, the the t irst tsaptist aunaay acnooi; on Saturday afternoon, March 8. The party was given by her Bar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Perry. ' A'. ga,y,. pink and, red colpr chemeu was jcarried ithroughout with crepe paper and balloons, i -' Numerous-games were played, itollSwett by'IavbrS' beihg 'Chdsert frpm a line.pjj eac)i of .the small guests. r . ' I -Those attending included Mar go and Robin. Perry, Ben Berry, pianne White, John' Symons, Di anne Winslow, Cathy and Teresa K e e 1,' ' Debbie Kenton, Larry Chappell, Pattie Harris, Brough ton and Donna Dail, Marsha Wil liams, Philip Mattox, Mike Bark 14y, Glenn Stallings,' Henry Stokes III, Jeff Haskett, Frances White, Brad Fields, Floyd Con nell, LuAnn Stallings, Johnetta Ward, Mrs. Seymour Chappell, Mrs. Chester Winslow,. Mrs, Cal Ffitchard, Mrs. Isaac Perry, Sr., Mrs. Eddiej prWej-, Mri.r , Hilton White, Mrs. X O. Mattox, Mrs, Edison Harris, ,Mrs. Brougbton jtlail, Mrs.' John "Ward, 'Mrs. Geo. Fields, Mrs.;, Charles ,WhUe, .Mrs. Al Kenton," Mrs.' Ray Haskett, Mrs. Ab Williams, Mrs, .Lewis tailings, Mrs. Dan, Berry and Mr. Golden . Rule utilized, and the rights of man and the liberty (bf conscience held sacred. ' - ,N .fe i 1 ' yt?4d tan A than to b9,orrfl INSURE AdAlNST. IQSS 'AND BE SURE YOU'RE-SECURE t ii'.', i yi or fli Protet your . farm property and profits with adcquuWn gurance coverage. It i sts you little . , . and may sava you a lotl " .For a yej p a'rwf insurance voverage ' ' see us! ' , -X'--- 'lu'in.y:- - ' JOT BnciN's i;isy.wcE aget:cy PHONE 5601 - . ' . HERTFORD 0 V SI f 1 -y wjio SOJ e'jt. IOW From Hospital ii, i: ivii-s. laimage oiauings return ed home Sunday fram Chowan Hospital after having undergone an operation. 'Slf'i'li Bt"r4 Vw'A In Portsmouth , . Mrs. W. J. Stanton is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Garland Stanton in Portsmouth, Va. Week-end With Parents Bobby Mathews from UNC at Chapel Hill spent the week-end with his parents, Mr and Mrs. Fred Mathews. M U! t W. Moore of iss i Bessie JCjiifes $ Qhp0ownity were week ena guests oi Mr. and Mrs, F. ;Edwards. , , , ' L ,Mrs. Thomas -Nixon returned tp,(ner,,norAe &si ,weeK irom wasningioiT where she visited her daughter, iWhb g confined to her home because df illness. " ; THE Revisep Standard Version . . ran mw nwHunoN , i ,uMeu 01 Milommnem j I Ul&TORlziti Bl NATIONAL COUNCIL Of CHURCHES OF CHRIST IN THE US.A. i i i f t - . : : ; , - SAVE AT COLONIAL! MQTHER'S t BH1NGS THE SCSWV$ TO UFC tvrrH ioovs nw miMma i ' Jm u i ! wm'"" I Twenty-five years ago, medicines for pneumo- , nia cost only a dollar or . two.But one out of three - patients died. . 1 , 'Today,- pneumonia . patients are normally ! tip and around in a week . i' ; . few die. Indeed, to day's medicines an . bargains. SandM - "ON TIIEjCORNm'i ' ' M .f Health h Priceless, ' 5 'i:.' ,! ; " YetCmtsUssTlianEter 't "fl v ' '' " i him to .11 uw it Ji; i j. . ' "x. Jill' ' NEVER BEFORE -. AT THIS PRCe N 98 MHUONSSOtDAr.' ) 15.00 AND MOM COLONlAl STORE? FRIDAY-SATURDAY: Shows Friday 7-9 P. M. PALE ROBERTSON ' "Hell Canyon Outlalfti CONGO BILL NO. 3 i m l Groceiy yigkfcf&qtfj trow Kctih s Grocery SUNDAY: ' Shows 2:15-4:15-9:15 P. M. 4 M FATS DOMINO COUNT BASIE 1 T "Jainboree" NEWS - ACT MONDAY-TUESbAY-"! ti POWER GARDNER FERRER-FLYNN Tf, r --ii WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY- Shows 7-9 P. M. JANE, POWELL, "The Girl Most Likely". SPECIAL LOW BSQUIG - PpibErfASY BISCUIT sMIX 1 . 1 ,-co-oz. K - 4 ? y SAVE AT COLONIAL! GffcEN GLO SlKKtiiP EASTS SPECIAL LOW PRTCE1 GOIjD METAt ' FLOURW: . F 5 V PKG. - U U ,1 ",". "( r 4l 1 'wiwMtaw" , CAMS 25 BAG 49 -l i j'-' -1-7 , rxrt l rfll I, rid ii nt Mm eVeV' "in NOTICE TO MOTORISTS ' SinSe- adoption of its lurking Meter Ordinance the ' Town of Hertford has endeavored to give motorists; who vioiate.the law; a break. bxeim2dmM&.. "wUK-.... ",avrtimeparkv. TESY CARD' requestingaentfpr, am During recent weeks many motwist feave'.bfien ignor- v 3 1 ihg these 1C01TRTESY CARDaM'failingYo observe the Town, Parking Ordm c!f1 m I This is to notify all mtbriU, eF btlveUirill 1958., fi 1.1. rn -i tt s in i. . ? t. i s l i i i .'-; ..a uie luwn oi nerLioru win oegin penalizing xnose wno violate the time parking ordinance, and then proceed to ignore the "COURTESY CARD". . - .. Beginning April 1,1958, and thesreafter; a fine of $1 will be charged Motorists who disregard the Police Tick et placed on cars for overtime parking. . ; . . ; . - Your cooperation in helping ihe Town to retain this UOurtesy system will be appreciated. Lenten Seafood-Suggestions i- j BAILAHO'S BREAKER ' ' '' 0 PAN TROUT.. 1:: - Vz 294 SCALLOPS: i' o CRAn AWS. Ji. :. ,r;,'. : 1-., : f S-'' f VHlTi: V-lsa-W lb. 694 lb.v694' 134 IS ("1 !"r 694 -:3 : Id. SAVE AT COLC J RED RIND budcit, e::f u. COMMl. or eETTER fully TRIMMED CLUB ORr , , T:E30;i 'STEAKS . . . . . BUDGET BEEF U, S. COMMl. CR BETTER FULLY TRjMMED ' . . . y'l RO ST ...... BUDGET EZEF U, S. COMM'U CR BETTER BONELESS RUMP OR CGU' TIP;' ROASTS LB. .' ' .' LB SHARP GHEESE.,.394 CS BRAND FROZEN j FRENCH IFRtSS 2!r29 makes 1tc;:derful MEAT pies BONELESS LB. STE17 OEE'i t KOT OR REGULAR LUTEKS ; ' ; ; ' ' raC-,;SAlKSE-- 5 69! $BONE-JN jQ'4 a L3. CS BRAND FROZEN !' JlrV"IMFB"n 1 ' . i . READY-TO-SERVE UUfct 0 tA5 . . 2C i CHEF'S PRIDE SALADS ALL PRICES GOOD THRU SAT., MARCH 15 IN LOCAL AREA OF THIS NEWSPAPER ONLY-. . . WE RESERVE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES, JUICY TREE RIPENED 1 1 POTATO." 294 CHICKEN T394 r ' r ' 1 .t; c- 'v '" " . FRESH PRODUCE DAILYI FIRM C , SAVS AT CriCNIALI FAN"" head Lvneh fcv:.ta.::4 lsush 3 DISCOUNT mei UC--Y CART ' f riASTIC ' C " 3 HOS2 . '-Uw". ' " . i : r:c!.i tr rr.:cE!iKfr Wilh (hit CM wW Ih. hnh W S5 00 r Mw. r- ' COOOONI-.COlONIAl StOKtS V LU 1 A- til -"- ' - - ; Youn fcr the Vif ; Shoppmt Cuifk at Nincy Ctrlcr i thing from r quj s ptCtttt: TJi ; i- iijl, 16-page Cotf r " ,1 Siorc. dammed w:i - outdoor chef . . 10 0up (tmi a is a: ')t1: :uop Silt ',13V Ji I3 AMU 'li.i-. 1 nil tiu, A 'Uli;