thz rzrauiMANS , WEEKLY Published Every Friday At : ; Hertford, North Carolina : I MAX CAMPBELL Editor - . . ' ) , ' 11 i i Entered as second class matter k November 18. 1934. at Post QM at Hertford, North Carolina under Act of March, 1879. ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: - ONE YEAR - -r S2.00 ... In Perquimans Chowan. Pas ,..(, quotuii and Gates Counties. !' u Elsewhere ;...jii.2.50 StiCMONTHsj. ..... ,.,.1.-11.50 Advertising Rates sFugnished : ;. By Request , FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1958. Mother's Day, 1958 . Mother's Day, , observed this year in the United States on -: May 11th, is an. American holi day, originating in th.s country and having spread to all of tht - other continents. It dates fron May, . 1907, and the lady given credit for originating it is Miss " Anna M. Jarvis of Philadelphia. 1 Miss i Jarvis 4 idea ?raa that sons and daughters should pay tribute to their, mothers on at fic aids and comforts, than any other in the world.' Neverthe less, ' her job is often a tiring one. . . For the job ftt raisins a lam Hy. . and makina a home, and being a mother, and a wife and provider, . is certainly the great est job of all the jobs performed on earth. To our mind, the greatest calling, and, the noblest pursuit, is- that , of being a good .mother. The fine, unselfish instincts de manded, end the long hours, pf, care, worry and work, are ne cessary , in great measure. This year, o Mother's Day, remem ber your mother and honor her with your thoughts, your atten tion and your. deeds. , :v; : j.." . .' ' ',. i' The Power Of The Weather ' Those who think that man's latest scientific inventions, in cluding the most powerful nu clear bombs now existant, have nade a mockery of Nature's power, would be impressed with a recent group of statistics pub lished by ' a weather expert. The statistics show that the oower needed to lift the water which falls in a normal sum mer thunderstorm over an; area, of only a fewj miles, is of stag gering proportions. , , Likewise, the force often ex- 'least 'one . 'Sunday ' of the year. ; hibited by the wind in various 1, ' Tbii process' continues, luntil' a . L huge cloud is x bunt up, with f! millions of gallons of water j contained therein, which it un-1 leashes , at the appropriate mo ment. Such an explosion, as one might call it, is far more im pressive and far more" powerful, in ,a' sense, than an 'atomic bomb.' Were this power directed toward other purposes, it would be far more devastating than the effects of an atoms bomb. ; ." "Ail of-which should prove to us .that our Creator .has, wisely; provided that the , tremendous power , of nature and of the I If w . vvcauKi iu uic at mosphere -be . directed toward good and not evil.. There is a lesson , . for , . mankind .... in . this thought and we hope that the comparative puny forces of man, including v the hydrogen . bomb, are put to constructive, and not destructive uses. .. She arranged for a special Moth ; ers service in a Philadelphia church, and . -asked ' that white ; carnations ' be worn by those at tending : the service. ' This was the origin of the white and red 'flowers, which will be worn by millions of ' Americans on May 11th. Since that time, the second Sunday in May has been the accepted Sunday to observe Mother's Day and the date varies with the calendar, so that it may range anywhere be tween May 8th and May 14th. As is usually the case, with spe ' cial days in the United States, the custom of giving presents on this special day has arisen. V One thing every member of; the human race has in common is the fact that he had a m6ther. And, in the United States, we are proud to say that the average mother has more help, scienti- juxmirtr Jinrinrn i ti storms compares quite over whelmingly -with i the force , un leashed by , an , atomic explo sion. I . -, t Watchijngy ai cumulus cloud build up into fa ' 'cumulonimbus, j. e., a thunderhead, in the 'sum mer, bne cannot help but be im-, pressed bythe magnificent force involved in this display of aerial power. The power de rives directly from the heat of the sun. . The sun's rays fall upon the earth - and beat the land. , Be cause hot air rises, the warmed earth sends a thermal aloft, and as this warm ; air rises it is cooled. Every cloud is the re sult of some cooling, As the warm air rises if is cooled and forms a cloud at the exac mo ment when the moisture 1 con tained in the air turns from in Visiblev particles to Visible par ticles condensation, 1. 4 iVWtMWWMWWWMWWWMMMMrVWMMAA Armed Forces Day ProgoAtEfcnton - ColoneJA, RStacy, Command ing ,ff ioerviarine 4 A f r c r a f t Group4. and Colonel F. :H Col-1 Uns,i Colhtnandulg, Officer, Naval Auxiliary 'Air ., Station,' Edenton, extent ;anvinvitatiantOiall citi zens to visit the Edenton-base on Armed Forces- Day, Saturday, Ma'yilTa - Ojbiuff'day the Armed Forces of thi .United. ' States, : throughout the coiintrV and overseas.- will be .hosts terjtheir American arid inter national neighbors. The program at Edenton will consist of a static display of air craft and equipment, ; crash fire and rescue demonstration, arrest ed landimrs using the Marine Corps latest mobile arresting equipment. Demonstrations will commence at 10 A. M and be re peated again at 2 P. M. Visitors will be welcome to come board the station between the hours of 9 A. M., and 3 P. M., (Eastern Standard Time). . The ablest men in all the walks of life are men of faith Bruce Barto., X Announcing 2 New Gasolines.. .No Price Penalty J r jtffcr ' ' The drummer is a young friend ? J " -' , of Will Crayton, one of 25,000 1 1 ,a4 ? , ' Sinclair Dealers in 36 states, ' A f jSpllill jglliig : i , 1513 I ft T .1 '':''"s ; ytywyy. & ,' ''iiiwiii j;i;,T: ' v t:l S$ nnccE ifcliiiliir iipiiiiiiii, -wmm- 0 FIND A DGWGQ aTSlSuu Dj7! NEW a.-l W,m 0CTANE BOOSTER (XCHEMICAU WORKS tIKE A'tiU ENGINE YW - V COMPRESSION fiASOUNE m,WESTOUAUTt-R.f-c. orp'nrSLiA I"' ..WMhi iu. tu, NEW HIGHER OCTANE... ANTI.STALL...ANTI-lCINa...Arfn-r,J7r ... . ftfap ftNfc ttttf - Sunday School Lesson4 rIEN Qpb'S PEOPLE v . WORSHIP Jntwnationa Sunday School Lmsod for Mar U 958. Memory Selection! , , "scribe to the Lord the glory due, h name; bring; an offering, and come into his courts!''. Psalms 86 8, Lesion Texts Exodus 33 lhm K materials for were DMA, th SlMlf PjNQtfVt SUPPLIER OP SINCLn VPOPVCTS Today's . lesson should j - help- adults understand. better the deeper meaning' of trite worship, and what each person can con tribute to it. v ' In studying our . lesson text (Exodus 35 through 40) we see, grieving over the . sight of his people worshipping the gold- en calf made by Aaron turn to God and pray for help, and guid ance from him. And we see how God answered his prayers, in structing Moses to seek offerings 'from his people,, to glorify the 'true God, the one and, only God. We see, further, how Moses stir red "the hearts of his peoplerwith la desire to have a. symbol of the presence ; of God. The symbol was to take th form of a Taber-'nacle,- or large tent, in which 1 men could find God. . So an of- ( f ering was lifted up to, God by 'every one whose heart ." stirred 1 Him" Exodus 35:21). When , the children of Israel heft Egypt for the promised land they "had asked of the Egyptians jewelry of silver ana of gold, and Iclothine" (Exodus 12:35). And - so, at the time building ' the Tabernacle asked for, the ' Israelites ' had much finery from which to. draw. But at this stage a point is made telear as, indeed, it has been made, again and again, through out the Bible. This very telling point is the fact that God. .can use all sorts of things, it. ,'given humbly and with true, feeling, in his service. In the building of the Tabernacle, all y those.who had gold and silver and jewels, and fine linen, gave these beau tiful things to their God.' Those who were not so fortunate , as to possess such things, 'gave their oesv'. wo even . 11 ,-. , qif aiu coarse goat's MaiA 'i Thls Js a parable of giving. Ii is 'no, the value of the gm,, nut : toe. , jmu- ingness to share what one has, that delights the heart of , God And even the humble offering of goat's hair had in itself a 1 purpose; it protected the more )i .delicate and richly wrought cur tains that formed the inside .walls of the place of worship. So we see how any gift we can bring to God, no matter how humble it may seem in our eyes, can be glorified : by hira 'and used to good burppse in His name. ' The minimum essential of true worship is the right spirit One must come into , the experience of worship willingly. Sxodus 35:20-26, tells us what the peo ple of Israel contributed to their worship. , The contributions men tioned are in terms of personal' possessions and personal services. The -possessions . were brought with "a willing heart" andhe personal services were rendered by those "whsa hearts were moved with ability." These words, these terms, suggest that the mo tivation to give and to 1 serve came . from: t within. In other words, the determining factor' . is the motivation that prompts the action and the "attitude ; with which it is performed. 'v , We, ourselves, are only human beings, with a human's frailties and weaknesses, joys and sor rows, loves and hatreds,1 aspira tions and hopes. If we come to the House of God in a true spirit of worship, we come presenting ourselves to him just as we are, communing with him, seeking forgiveness for our sins, asking strength to overcome our weak nesses, and cbnsolation for' bur sorrows, " encouragement in 'r hopes. A truly worshipping 1 A commits himself wholeheartedly', td every 'phase Of the worship j servicethe hymns, the prayers, the readings, the auiet nvsie end the senr'.'i;Ana,'ilJavilji.'' t muned with God, we go away with a renewed feeling of ,vell being, spiritmJjyfJ;;; j and a comlortmg assuraie we are never alone, that God is with us. always. . True worship, a vital exr?n ence of God, always resul's in a conscious attempt U n..- r living. It transforms .our complete within itself. It 'iJs its fulfillment In God-in.,. red lving. . It transforms our att itudes, 1 eur moral condu t, t . J lour day-to-day dealinf" ' '1 otheVfttedple.1 Wthewpr'f t't and well-1 - v v prv; " V LjU4L TfS chu Uzk fpi, it ip , f 1 ' tirr.'-iyy i . . ,au. foh the cmmcH-iii V, i ,t. 1 11 1 . - i V II- y i -.r.'i V .1 wire insft Mmtw- ' , ns, ;iiu KT wXl run abb . . . All joH th$ cmmcH; .Th Ch ich th. tao. tor on h lor th. building oi charact.r and good elllwnihip, II It b tlorc Sxuu ol tpttilual volutt. ; Without ja wrong Church. n.llh.r can ' - tuilv Thr. or. lour ttjtnd .r.aiorijwhy .vtry p.non thauld at(n4 t.ryic.t ngularly and tup. port , Church. Ih.y nr.: (1) ,or yliit own tak., (2) For hit chirn' tak. (3) For th. ink. ' el kit community and nation. (4) ' Tvf th. tak. of th. Church Itt.ll, vrkich n.fdt hit! moral 'and ma- tyrial tupport. -Plan to go to Mhurch r.aularly and read your otsit aauy t,;:.;.; -s.-v... - Vwk " Chptr VtriM iiundty PnvrtH 7- 31 10-21 J1(M.!W .' '.Pwytrhf 91 2-31 J unity Eudui : 20 12 M'tdnmdty Uk 1 21,10-33 fcturiaur .Lukt 'f llY, 46-39 rUdiw John a is i.urdty I Timothy 5 1-4 .1 I TfflS PAGE MAPE POSSIBLE BY TH(E FOLLOWING FIRMS: Chappeli Brothers GENERAL CONTBAC? 'RS ,j . Pbone Elisabeth City 6667 " , Hertford Bdiking Company . ' ' ':':''."?' ' ' ,v' .!'.: . Milton Dail & Son - FERTILIZER FARM PROptTCB : Day Phone 4466. Nieht Fames J011-45I1 I ' , j J W. M.'Morgan Furniture CqV Hone Furjisblngs . d 1 tCotj Fefnt Appliance Cannon Cleaners PHONE 2511 . . . DepeadabU gerriee ' . ' v VbsIBlanchard Motor Co. . YOCR FORD DEALER , - Reed Oil Company ; ;, . rsso products ... Towe-Webb Motqr Company CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH . . . Saleg & Servlea Lynph Funeral Home PHONE 2811 ; ,"l HERTFORD. K. C HERTFORD BAPTIST CHURCH , James O. Mattox, Pnntof ,i Sunday School, 9:45 A. M. t Moming Worship, 11:00 o'clock. ' Eyning Worship, 8 o'clock. lL.d-week" Services, Wednesdai eveming' at 8 o'clock. ' -o 1 - ESTHLEHEM CHURCH OF ' . i , CHRIST j u Joe rickhoose, Pastor , Sunday School 10:00 A. M " - First Sunday . BURGESS BAPTIST CHURCH ? 5C 7. McClellan. Pastor Sfunday School each Sunday at 10:00 A. M. : . Morning worship at 11 o'clock, 2nd and 4th Sunday mornings. , . .' 0 .-' i. '. t -s ' PERQUIMANS CHARGE ' ' CHUBCHE9 . M. W. Dulin. Pastor Cedar Grove Church: 1st Sun rlnv 10 A. M 2nd Sundav. 11 A.I Mi 3rd Sunday 7:80,P. M. .. Epworth Church: 1st Sundays 11 A. M.; 2nd Sunday 7.30 P. M.H 3rd Sunday, 1Q A- M,; 4th SunJ k dav, 7:30 P.M. ' day-'7:3i) P. M. 3rd Snday 11 A . .it- n . a r . a. tin oununy, iji a. m, ; i NEW HOPE-WOjOlOLAND. W. E. Pickett. Pastor 1 Worship services 1st and 3rdi Sundays 11 A. M, at New Hope, 7:30 P. M., at woodland., . Second and 4th Sundavs 11 A M Woodland,"7:30 P.-M.. New Hape. Sundav School each Sun day at 10, A, II. mtj.i . ANDERSON'S METHOpJST CHLBCH , " Church School. 10:0b n. M. ' lforninir Worshl" 11:00 A H. woond and fourth Sundaya. ; v ' - ft : ; , '.mi. o WOODVILLB BAPTIST CHIiRCH! . Lwe a. nonui, ranor Church Services on Rrad and fourth Sundava at 11 A. H. First. and Third, Sundays at 7:45 r. in. , Sunday School at 9:45 A. M. ' UP RIVER FRIENDS CHURCH ,, Ortal Dillon. Paster . Sunday. School, 8:45 A. M. . ' Chbrch services, ' It 'A. M. and frath rVnowahlp, 7 P. M. . . . Prayeir ervice, , Wednesday, I ETnL ErtTTIST t'HURCU 1 1 Rev. Philip QnWley. Pattr Sunday School 10 A. M. -k , liorainir worship 1 1 iA. Id ' Evening aenrtce 8 P, lLr..i ;; . ? , ... . a i -.. i PINEY WOODS FRIENDS t .V';::'jJ CHURCM 1 -t: -, , Earl Redding. Pastor . 1 Churck, School 10 A.M. , ' Morning womhir It A. M. ' A Xoung People'a meeting 7 P jjL WHITEVILLE GROiVE BAPTIST .';v ;-; , CHURCH , . t Rev. Ji Paul Horomanj Pactef Sunday School 1000 A, MH evart Sunday ,,...': r Churci servTeeg first nl thW Snadaya at U;00 A, M. .HERTFORD METHODK7 ; CHURCH ' t , 3. A. Anman, Paster nhrrrrh SW1 9-45 A.M. Morning Worahlp 11-00 e'elor;k , Youth Frflowshio. 6:48 P. M. ; " FMnlne- worshln. 7:30 P. M. M Irl.xnwV Fnllnwnhln. Wttrlnnnrlav u :ao r, w. . , . H , ' BAGLET SWAMP PTLGREf M. M. Holme, Pastor r Sunday School, 10:00 A. A Morning VorshiD 11 o'clock. - . Young People's meeting at 6:8C f. M. Evwilnr woTshin. 7:80 o'clock ' Mid-week Services Wednesday at 730 P. M. ' . HOLY TRINITY .. EPISCOPAL CHURCH . . v - Rev. Paul E. Shults, Pastor Church School, weekly at 9:4' Morning .Worship weekly at! 11:00 A. M. - Holy Communion first Sunday at 11 A. If. . . . irtn sunaay services ana noij Days as announced. .1 T, C KUnchsrd & Co.. Inc. - BLANCHARD'S" Since 1833 UK Baker OU Company Sinclair -Prod nets Goodyaar Una Supply Ccr;pr.y? ?TLZX l'-n, ; ; , - . EII3TFCSD, N. C BEREA CHURCH OF CHRI3T Neal Pnckett, Minister ) Bible School Sunday 10 o'clock. Church Services First and Third i Sunday mornings at 11 o'clock,! evening services,; first snd thlw', Sundays at 7 o'cock i, ', Coramunios Is served each LorJV Day morning. '.1,.' Q u . chappell rrTTj EArr::? -rr. j. Paul i i r ' r Jc t ! .5 4. !.PrcA t. i bun i ITT1 'pi j (, i , '"-"T. arri)d i r t i . iu. .' vif't every second l (t 3:00 P.M. J Frr LY OF GOD . ' Tnce, Pastor , ' 1 9:45 A. M.; t . CA, 7:30 P. j Service 8 P. 1!. ' I tAPTIST C rarllaT' Z " hool we- Ij ' . rvi-s f . '