ta tr?.irrA3 wetlt; -KSHTroarx rc-rat Carolina. rrrjAY jxrt.Y 4. lisV pace PERSONAL ITEMS Holiday. Guest' ; Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Holmes are entertaining a number of Jiouse t uests over the holiday week-end. Those arriving Thursday for the week-end are Mr. ancTMrCFred Mclntyre of Charlotte, Mr., and Mrs. Ralph Scott, Mr. and Mrs. James McLennon of Burlington, Mr. and Mrs. John Umstead of Chapel Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Whitley, of Smithfield, Mr. and Mrs. J. Benton Thomas of Rae ford, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bason of Yanceyville. . j , 1 1 ; Week-end Guests' ' - ." ,'! The Rev. and Mrs. S. Collins Xllburn, pastor of the Westmore land Church in Washington, D. C, r spent the week-end with the Rev. and Mrs. Clark Reed. r ... Returned Home ' ; . . ;. . Jerry and Jimmy Sullivan and Drew Taylor of Charlotte have returned home after visiting their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, Sam Sullivan at Harrisburg, Pa. ' They jrere accompanied home by Mr. : and Mrs. H. C. Sullivan who .pent several days this week in Harrisburg. , From Washington '; Mrs., Elizabeth Parrish of Washington, D. C, is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Jo siah Proctor. From Hoxboro , . ; Jerry Clayton of Roxboro, arr rived today i and will spend the holiday week-end with Dr. and Mrs. T. P. Brinn and family at their Nags Head cottage. : V IN MEMORIAM ' In loving memory of Alexander J, ParrislL', who passed away five years ago, Juy 9, 1953: Sometimes) it's hard to under . stand'-' - . . ... v . The reason in God's ways; I wonder if His will Is right When sadness fills my days. I "try to take little comfort . " In believing He knows best! ; : That beyond the gates of Heaven There is ,sweet . content land rest. It's hard but I must remember. For from all cares and stress, My loved one has found A life of eternal happiness. , Devoted Wife, Elizabeth. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks to my many friends for the lovely cards, flowers, fruit, visits made1 and all other acts of kindness shown me " while was a patient at Chowan Hospi tal and since my return home. Mrs. William J. Leicester. Sis their recover!?! AD persons aeoiea to sata esiaie win plea make : immediate payment This 16th day oi June, 1958. RALPH F. HARRELL and MRS. JENNIE H. HARrti.LL, Administrators of Jesse harrell, June20,27July 4,11,18,25 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Executor ol the estate of George Mc. Armstrong, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex. hibit them to the undersigned I at Route 3, Hertford, N. CL on or before the 13th day of June, 1969, ; or this notice will .be pleaded in bar of their recovery Ail persons indebted to said es it&te will please make immediate payment. , This 13th day of June, 1958. GEORGE ARMSTRONG. JR. Executor of George Mc. Arm . strong. June20,27July41ll,18,25 " Mr. and Mrs. Curvin C. Mansfield announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Ophelia, to George Anderson Meads, son of Mrs. Carrie Cartwright of Elisabeth City and the late George A. Meads. The wedding will take place aepiemoer hu me rirsi Baptist Church, Elizabeth City. Free For Asking "Pare Down" Kitchen Work with this wonderful attStmentlfor'' - . .1 ij ' tj i'i-5i.t . . ! -la ' i'. -at-. '. -. V yvuv Kiiue. it win save uraetnumDS' and vegetables . . . easyjto u'se! '.! fc PEELING if TH1M SLICING- PLACE KNIFE IN FIRST COIL SANE AS FEEIINGPQS fctROOT VEGETABLE1 -THICX SUC1MG ROOT T t, ) , KCDX9LUL FOR PEEIING in AY FSCM YOl Te law tern Jf t& If seat M SJ toll Far left f : liandce , reverie 4irctiMis.'Ue SHARP JkNIr Et . C'V.P. ' Mowdtlt Mfi. C. Owiw. tllp GET YOURS TODAY AT Harrell Gas and Coal Co. ill- THE HOUSE OF ' BRAND NAME PRODUCTS , in blinder and bulk : t i ;-;r- Supnlor BOltlED GAS Serrfce ' l- swashers " - ranges Ranges . N -i - ? 'n n v ' f a water jieaters n - j Li u Jieatirig equipment $ f ; FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES t 1 . , . 1... .1 Iftli Ulrill.U IyUiriUXiriN 1 M,' V." n ZzzKte Vinyl Pfastif or. portable silos VbQueen Film permanent water , CCLEMAN HEATING EQUIPMENT . ' EERWIND BRIQUETS COAL . and rrcisture barrier CARD OF THANKS Thank you so much for the lovely flowers, cards, letters, gifts and visits while I was in the hos pital. MRS. LILLIAN ELLIOTT. Legal Notice NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administra tor ef the estate of Helen N. Trueblood, 'deceased, late of Per quimans County, North Carolina, this is; to notify all betsons hav ing claims -against the estate of said 'deceased to exhibit them to the ' undersigned 1 at CoraDeake. N; C, on or before the 27th day of June, 1959, or this notice will be pleaded m bar of then recoV' ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immedi ate payment. This 27th day of June. 1958. RAY BARNES, Administrator of Helen N. Trueblood Jy4,ll,18,25,Aul,8 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified - as : Adminis trators of, -.the estate of. Jesse Harrell. deceased, late1 of Per quimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned, at .Route- 3, Hertford, N. C, on or before the 16th day of June, 1959, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of NOTICE OF LEVY AND EXECUTION SALE Under and ay virtue of the au thority vested in the, undersigned by Warrant For Collection of Tax es or Penalties, issued to the said undersigned by the Department of Motor Vehicles of N. C, and against Mr. William David White, 608 Arbor Road. South Norfolk, Virginia, in the sum of $101.50 for penalty due for operating a 1956 Ford Truck, motor no. F50V6N 18414, operating without proper license plates, the said above de scribed property having been lev ied upon, the undersigned will on the 19th day of July, 1958. at 12:00 noon, at the State Highway Shop, the same located on High way 17. 1 approximately 2 miles north of Hertford, N. C. offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property One 1956 Ford Truck motor no. F50V6N-18414. Dated and posted this 26th day of June, 1958. ' J. K. WHITE. Sheriff of Perquimans Co. Hertford, North Carolina. Ju27,Jy5 NOTICE OF SALE Under and bv virtue of the au thority vested in the undersigned It Start A Savings Account Today Ji ::. 'Great people grow from little children and ;' great fortunes grow from first dollars saved." DEPOSITS RECEIVED FROM JULY 1, THROUGH JULY 10, 1958 will bear interest from July 1 in December 1958 Interest Compounded Semi-Annually Hertford Banking Co. SERVING PERQUIMANS COUNTY SINCE 1901 Member Federal Deposit Insurance 'Corporation FLOOR and DECK ENAMEL K thai laiiii . . iLii Athey's For b.aoty plus yean and fan of Drofatfton 9 dovi many wavt. to Mil on ATHfysjpioor bni pack Enoml ;y t: . h . -.r 1 r. AM 'I f-e!;:K?nfarturd,y ECU ATHEY PAINT (0 fuiltllsi ' iuHuUji iylAJ.n.UiJ. 'ilinder the Will of the late" itusseU UifBenezza1. and by Power of Attorney-date June 9th, 1958, exe cuted by Maryland Trust Com pany, Trustee in said Will which is recorded in Will Book K. Pace 85-89 in the office of the Clerk of & C. feerry and jronnirig thence along Church Street North to the corner of C. A. Davenport; thence Westerly along the Davenport line to Perquimans River;' thence Southerly along Perquimans Riv er to. the line of B. C. Berrv: Superior Court in Perauimans! thencp Easterlv nlnne th IWrv County, I will offer for sale for ! line to Church Street, the place cash at public auction on the 5th day of July, 1958, at 11:30 A. M., at the Court House door in Hert ford, North Carolina, the follow ing described property: 1. Lying and being in the Town of Hertford, Perquimans County, N. C, situated on Pennsylvania Avenue commencing at a point on said Avenue .130 feet from Rail road Street and running thence North 53 West along Pennsyl vania Avenue 42 feet; thence North 31 Bast 150 feet; thence South 53 East 42 feet; thence South 31 West 150 feet to Penn sylvania Avenue, the place of be ginning. 2. Lying .and being in the Town of Hertford, Perquimans -Countyt N. C. on the West side of Church Street, and beginning at the Northeast corner of the lot of GOT A SUMMER GOLD TAKE ' Dated and- posted rthV .lltft tfajr , oi June, i58. . 'r: W. H. GAKEY. JR.. 'If' ,- -'Adm. C.TA., of " I R. G. Bellezza. Jul3.20,27,Jy4 666 for ( symptomatic RELIEF of beginning. oam , tracts being co deed from Lydia G. Whedbee to Russell G. Belleiza dated April 15, 1942. and recorded in Book 27, Page 128, Perquimans County Registry. , A cash deposit of ten percent of the high bid will , be reauired at the time of sale. The right to ! accept or reject all bids is here by reserved. Nagging Backache f Sleepless Nights Nagglngbackache,headsch,ormiucular aches and pains may come on with over-exertion, emotional upsets or day to day stress and strain. And folks who eat and drink un wisely sometimes suffer mild bladder irri tation .. . with that restless, uncomfortable feeling. If youaremlserable and worn out because of these discomforts, Doan's Pills often help by their pain relieving action, by their soothing effect to ease bladder irritation, and by their mild diuretic action through the kidneys-tending to increase the-output of the 15 miles of kidney tubes. So If nagging backache makes you feel draeged-out, miserable . . . with rtlm sleepless nights ... don't wait ... try Doan's I ruig...gei me same nappy relief millions have enjoyed for over 60 years. Get Doan's Pills today I Doan's Pills STOP THAT ITCHI IN JUST 15 MINUTES, ' Your itch Ml ST stop or your 4ge bark at any drug store. Apply ITCH-MK-NOT to deaden itch, burning in minnle. speed healing. For externally earned Itch, get ITCH-MK-NOT today at H and M Pharmacy. adr. CtsA' anv cm VOU LIKE THEM! DRV C LEA XING AT ITS FINEST! SHIRTS THE WAY Complete Laundry and Dry Cleaning Service RICKS Laundry & Cleaners PHONE 2148 Edenton, N. C. ... ... ., n " ''' r"'Vi-"VVsi. ' i eri anni jirirsTuaMsaiijijTj TAYLOR THEATRE EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, July 2-3-4- THE Ml FYCITINfi SINGIIIfi STAR flF nilH DAY m 9wm iaw w mmww 99mm VIIIVIIIV W inil VI WWII Vfll IN A POWERFUL DRAMATIC PERFORMANCE! PARAMOUNT PRESENTS (FltN HALWALLIS M tM Wf 4 V .: J I Have You 1 i' ' ' U Oon't Ask He Why I , 1 WOaSl' !,!T:" I Herd Heeded Woman 1 I j Il iv'fi I J M' "" V II ,; 7 Si I wwOfleens-Young Dreams I V i jfcr I I liiii(li I V CAROLYIt WALTER 00WRES 0EA) ' VIC ' .,,,,11,r.l,ulul,,1l'''l'Wfl WEEK-DAY SHOWS START 3:30 FEATURES 4:10-6:45 AND 9:10 P. M. SATURDAY SHOWS START 3:00 FEATURES 3:40-6:30 AND 9:20 P. M. i NO ADVANCE IN PRICES! wiyitjr-f-f-ftA Beginninff Saturday, July 5th and Every Saturday at 1:15 P. M. AULLT AND KIDDIE SHOW Admission 25c To All Saturday, July 5th at 1:15 First Chapter "Zorro's Black Whip" Feature "JESSE JAMES OUTLAW TREASURE ' Sunday and Monday, July 6-7 James Stewart and Kim Novak m Alfred Hitchcock's "VERTIGO" - TECHNICOLOR . SUNDAY SHOWS 2:00 AND 4:15 MONDAY SHOWS START 3:30 FEATURES 4:00 - 6:45 AND 9:20 P. M. Double Feature TiiAsrlav nnrl Wprlnpr1av Jiilv S.Q i f Woiis LaRosa in f LET'S ROCK" p ! AnitaiEckberg in SGREAMING MI ni . w ay 1 f SJLnve in i neajtrejl , EDENTONHERTFORD ROAD WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY. JULY 2-3- Debbie Reynolds in "Tammy & the Bachelor'' ' CIWEMASCOPE AND COLOR . ' FRIDAY-SATURDAY, 1? James Garner (Maverick) in "Darby's Rangers" : ; SUNDAY. JULY 8 ; , ? , f - ..Joan Woodward, in' tY MONDAY-TUESDAY. JULY 7-8 John Wayne - Janet Leigh in "Jet Pilot" TECHNICOLOR WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY. JULY 9-10 Clint (Cheyenne) Walker in "FortDobbs" Harrell Gas end Coal Co. . GET ' MORE . OUT OF 'ItS VV "No DowniPaymnt.' 1 . GO OUT TO A MOVIE' , . 1 fJsr-HP5-' : j