I, 1 jocal Mews i : 1 I i A. Nm HMd - RittinHom - -, ' Ti'om B.ihosda ' i. ; In Chap.l Kill ; . j Saturday At Eng.lW. , - , I "a " ' 'm AtMWMd " ... ..j.'m-:" ...wLtH. ... ., n s V.- r I . Mr .and Mrs. Charles Wil'-iford1 AsU, 'leetwood was admitted sons Price and Perry are spend- J. K Towe spent last weefc at the da, Md , returned home Sunday and Ben Koonce, Jr., are spend- and Miss Joanna WilUard tend-j '" ""v . in 'two weeks vacation at the. Towe cottage at Nags -Head, atter spending a week here. 1 this week with Mr. Koonce's ed the wedding of Miss WiMCord's J n iat ... .n.,.nH Th rPtiirnod Sundav . ' . . .. - 1 ' . sister. Mrs. Stacv, at' Chaoel Hill. , college roommate at Engelhard on ' nwuuct..w - - --r ',"'''... ' " ic..,.o . . Froih V. i. and Mrs; L. D. Chappell an- '"'Roland Barrett of Raleigh spent' faewSi Sr. ice the marriage ' of their the week-end with Aubrey Davis. I - hter,,M;ss Marv Dow Chap- From Richmond ;., Miss Annie Blanchard of Rich mond. Va.. soent the week-en. J with, he sister,. MnMOfiti. M8.- i ia r.wirn(. S Morgan, son of From. ChrisheiO- .... anil Mra Kvaii M ASnfffart. 1 iiMr.' Lnd MrriB.JD Price .1 nii'nWi.',iaiiir'fh ldi-en ofOiilsfleld. Md.' . . .. . .. ... I - j t w urm-4 v. Julv 12. at tne uraaaocxi vismug an. wu u. w. . ihnrflst Church. Craddock. Va. in tiosouai. Miss Juanita Divers underwent Moved To Dobb Street - ; . Lj 'i "UOf JMfAiyj 7utr 'Tl.Tfl .- UC W JlUtlia- WB mm , Attended Reunion Mr. Mr and Mrs. J. H. Towe. Sr.; and suend this week with Dr. y and til. Mai-IIt naHcrol ffrtcnitnl fnr Mr. and Mrs. Edgar M.1 Dobb"of -Mrs.- Andy Tavlor in Charlottes :tseiva.tion,naAd' an' bperation. viwu:au.i v. - -. ..-.. r - jflrs, fitt is in iNunuiK wnere sue Harris of San Antonio, Texas, t- Drew Taylor, who has been visit.. cart Vjt her Husband' ita tne'hos- ; .om Grtensborp ' : '-v'i. ' Miss Anne Burke Chappell, who r as been attending summer school 't WCUNC in Greensboro is s pending her vacation with her srents, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Chap- i?1L v V.'eeic-end At Winston-Salem ' Mrs. I. A. Ward spent the week, end with Mr. and Mrs. W. B Yearns ' and family at' Winston falem. 1 J"an w U17? Z Z I ted to the Albemarle Hospital last an appendectomy at Chowan Hos- Nervation and a dos- pital on Sunday. , From Hartford Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Kiveminski and daughter, Diane of Hartford, fnnn enffnt thp wepk-end with wu...m, . Mr. and Mrs. .Corbin Dozier, ir. , a. oyi um. Thav lpft Mnndav to visit their I son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and " Returned Home rrom Winiton-Salem . 1 - Mr. and Mrs. F. Murray White of Wiriston-Salem arrived Tues day and are spending this week yith Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Wins low and Mr. and Mrs, Edwin S White at Belvidere. - , At Summer School , Jimmy Batts is attending sum mer school at State College in Ra leigh, , Visiting Here 11 ,',"', . Admiral and Mrs. J. B. Lyon and Misses Susan and Kathy Hardcastle of Arlington, Va., ar rived Friday of this week and arc visitinfl Mrs. W. H. Hardcastle Susan and Kathy Hardcastle will remain for several weeks with their grandmother. In Hospital Mrs. Oscar Newbold was admit week for observation and a pos sible operation. From Ralelah 1 Westley Byrum of Raleigh is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. & Mrs Corbin Dozier, Jr., on Ra- leieh this week and Diane re mained to visit Cookie Dozier. - From Virginia Beach V ' Miss Pat Ball of Virginia Beach S visiting ;Mi$s Kay Matthews his week. "r- Mrs. E. A. Byrum returned to her home Saturday after spending several days With relatives in Norfolk, Va., and Virginia Beach Va. . I'M JV.'V": ' ': . -' . - v ; . ....... ( From Norfolk . Mr. and, Mrs. .Charles Campen of Norfolk,', Va spent several days last week with Mrs. ueorge am era Sanatorium at JVUv ek for treatment .: ; Un Charlotte t , i wura nded Reunion .VMrs, 'H.X.' Sullivan' and sons,fn.topj , " 1 1 pBlu -. and Mrs.'C. E. Pritchard,' Jlimmyand Jerry left Sunday to. - w H;m Sr; a ;t.ent at md Mrs. J. H. Towe br and spend this weeic i ur.; ana the Norfolk General Hospital for tn hnW Thnr,dll from lHe '- Chowan' UorM' Jl' 'hiTSl Miss Returned From Hospital1 .' ' ; Uton is i u. m. nouoweu reiumea Mrs. . 'ii Aston . " , ,y Drake : of William- ? .ing her, grahdm6ther,' ChappelU ,N - - Mr. and, Mrs. Clinton fEeyflnd,) is. spending some .time at Virginia son rd. spflndUig'Ww,eek..n jBeach Yihe alint, Mrs. v J. H. nti-j 'uitfi"rlinHft K ' .RainV Enp'n thf week-end at her UWUAWAV., . U., 1... - . .wu.w , HJ. - - - ' T i ihome. ..She was accompanied Sunday Guests 1 to the beach Sunday by Mt. Mr. and Mrs. . Willie Atkinson -. charies Willif ord, . who and children of Williamsburg, Va. . d md Mrs. C. J. Atkinson or but-. , , .. , Williford, who Al Kal.Haw,Vi"i A Mrs,-fl.. Jonnson, flpa aamyi-ters- tare spending this .week ' at their cottage at .ivitty, 4iawK.(, ,j( !olk, Va., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Eley From Norfolk Miss Helen Grey of Norfolk, ! prom Goldsboro In Charlotte . ' , Miss Louise Chalk is visiting friends in Charlotte this week. ,, Va is visiting Mrs. E. A. Byrum this week. From South Carolina ' ; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Augustine of Walterbpro, S- spent 'one day last Week; wit Mr. and ktrs. Joe 'Caravelloi. . ' From Carv Mrs. R. C. Glover and children er t if rrv nre sDendine this week . with Mrs. Anse White and Billy VUild paughtr ' '. rvri.A. .atAMA nMvimngniMl . . . 4 lnpt viuie... iiicj. , jirs. W. (. oianiou lerebv Fred . Murray who has k with her,i son-in-lay 'f and been visitingrrin .Raleigh, Visiting Grandparents Larry Swindell is visiting his Tandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thigpen in Windsor. Week-end Al Maos Head Mr. and Mrs. Silas Whedbee Miss Mable Martin Whedbee and Charles spent the week-end at the Whedbee cottage at Nags Head. In Newport News ... ni J Mrs. uiauae oniin nu uau6n- . . . .. t, j ji .. Nags Head rers, xjtss uiiu viouuio r . c ?ral days th;s week with relatives in Newport News, Va. Ld'aughter, Mr. ahd Mr, Tom flat; reU In Edenton!1' " . 1 At Nags Head f Mrs. Riddick Chappell, Miss El ln ThaDDell and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Chappell of Charlotte are spending a two weeks vacation at A4 Nn Mi1 Bebie TUckef left Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chalk and daughter, Joan of Goldsboro spent the week-end with Mrv Annie Chalk and Miss Hulda Wood. Returned Home " Mr. and Mrs. Francis NiJcon and daughter, Susan and their house guests, Mr. . and Mrs. George fierce of Maiden, Mass., returned . ... ,. .... .. , . ,. -i - - - oi.inis. weeK.ro spena.n wee l.ceral days at Nags Head. . 'i Nags Head with Mr. and Mrs. R. .... , t u ; S. Monds. ' .! Returned Home - Mr, and Mrs. Wayne Beale have f returned' to their home in Bur- l;,Mish &iirf;Jessup of RoxbofOilington after spending, last week " jsriitingflW and MrsXH&j tyUht MnJi'Ha" Mrs. Carroll -uwuni-r j- nr, ! GET OUR PRICES .:-'on-- BRICKS blocks : SAND ROCK ,V; .... :,:CEME3NT , : ; ; 3I0RTAR !' AND OTHER TYPES OF 1 ! BUILDING MATERIALS : Harris Plumbing & building: Supply Co. HERTFORD, TSS. C. Din : Tf-tr f 1Z ti -ii 4 FRIDAY . SATURDAY' Stywi Fridsr 7-9 P. M. u Show Starts Saturday li?P , D KTKOCOL0t( -lotntr , .jut Taylor London JOHNCASSAVtTES J ' SUNDAY j'ti'.'M'ri.iH'ji; " ShowlS-4:15-9:l5 P. M. - ' . CARY GRANT JA.YNE MANSFIELD 1 KlssemForMe" MONDAY . TUESDAY v. Shows 7F.M,,VC .I ;.1p t--iJ mm - 1 ' .IMWWMW, I TECHNICOLOR 1 WEDNESDAY : THURSDAY" ,; shows 7-9 P. mV Returned Home '., , Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Morgan re turned to their home at Hatboro, Pa., Tuesday after spending sev eral days with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ward. . On Vacation - "Mr. and Mrs. Edgar White and Mrs. Shelton left last week for ' a two-week vacation in Florida and Cuba. . From New Jersey Mr. and Mrs. SaKIatesta ana daughter of East Orane:e,j N,' J., are visiting Mr. and Mrs.yG. R. Tucker. - I ' Visiting Grandmother Miss Judy Reed is spending this i. hfar arandmother. Mrs. wcci. wiM.. m , . . . l w.. DtjIHai. at I ft C. E tuaaer ana mi. Winston-Salem. At Nags Head . . ' f' Mr. and Mrs, Jarvis- Ward and children. Mr." and Mrs. Z. A. Har-. ris nd Miss Mary Anne ' Harrisj are spending this weex at uieir cottage at Nags Head. . .': ; 17 7 II. '.I SnHirnad Home v Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Davis re- Returned Home Returned Home , Miap Mnrv Bess and Anne El liott have returned to their home in Williamston after , spending several days with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. FutrelL, II . - . ... . as sspf a ttllsVl. , . f spent, e week-end wJhMl ' LouUlrfachman.;,. .. H V.MfliTirnr' t O n O26-0Z.fin$ s. Carroll ; k ... u vi v Ciw .rwui ( ts 00 mm Its .. .. ' rf Jk ':; '. Ifi , iiiiOMi.eirt-vi'JlH. M.19S8 ijffl) !: li I I L" J - 1 i " COOOWIHtOll5tUTOU 6, :gK ; (J I . , If HI '( hr V - lM-.y,.h.,.V..l-.V.....it.k.. ,:U '.I 'ilMJK.Mrl -:: ,...', ' i!L v-fc.M....-...t.-JIJj ib. 1 ..5..M.oLov,i,ArW BAOl J I H Knr7rMrro 9He, SK M' ... o COLONIAL SJOReTI wiiitnm vai admitted . 1 . ' . . 0.. hi c AWE at rn OMIALI NATUll-TENDER BOlNtLcbb Sunday tor observation .ana , w , w w v , --T-" " f ! .f operation. " 1 5 V 4AMSON PRESERVES . m" .... , G4 in M Sft In Lcl Aim 4 "N- . vonrum iwy jo. wjt S W IIOIIM TMI V COUPON AT COIONIAL 4TOIII 101 1 M TMIf COUPON AT COLONIAL STOIII' ' turned to. their home in Court land, Va., Sunday after spending several days with Mrs. Anse White. Sunday At Nags Head i: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murray and children spent Sunday with Mrs. T. S. White at Nags Head.; ' Week-end At Nags Head i Miss Margaret Anne Banks iipent the week-end at Nags Head with Miss Mary Anne Harris. From. Fort Bragg j tt and Mrs.. Richard Hbskins, , Jr.; and children of Fort Bragg are spending two weeks leave with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wins- Mrs. C. R. Hogee and daughter, Miss Kathie Hogge have returned to their home in Baltimore, Md., after visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Britt. '-l?; From Norfolk Mr., and Mrs. Edward Byrum of Norfolk, Va., spent Sunday with. Mrs. E. A. Byrum. Visited Hert s N. E. Mohn of New Bern and Mr." and M,rs. R. F. Dubs of Jim Thyrpe, Pa., spent last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. E. C.-Woodard, Returned Home ' I5ean Britt returned to his home last week after spending several low and Mr. and. Mrs. Richard . weeks with relatives in Baltimore Hoskins in Edenton. Md. .... ' 'jS n rift n r. rxttft njart-O n n f i- J- yiAji-tnirUM ijrM-'' Final Clearance if SPRING and SUMMER DRESSES r7 DRESS SALE';. ,v . 7 wo it ',,;: W Hit M 1 Best Solution to your laundry, problems is to turn everything over to uS . , . cost is small, satis faction is great! U J nA us vour Dry Clean in . ! our Sanitone method is truly fine . . . you'H see the results RICKS Laundry Cleaners PHONE Jl Edenton, N. C. w :-. rf. ) ., 1 -1, I l Tif- at rAi AMI Al I ici a vnDPili DA V C Ml ..VyLyillMW jl faf-wwaw I r nn rvr H i n :; ii ii Lii RRrasY. ib. - ' - v -J W .. m wm . :. . ..." I LOW PRICE! NATURE-TENDER BONcLtSS UUfAK pr UUUL3VULJ:ll. LOW BUY ONE AT REGUliAR PRICfi...'' GET ANOTHER OF SAME or Only Lents SAVE ON THESE ALL BEA'CHWEAR 1 STTMMER BAGS - ' V3 . SUMMER SKIRTS 7 . 4 SUMMER BLOUSES 7 UT " C0TT0KT DUSTERS if ;fysiiMP5rri:nrqrRita, n a t: "(or 1 'A 7"""' "T GENUINE : mm LOW PRICE! fANCY HOME GROWN RED I LOW PRiCEi tiRGE FANCY HOME GROV- - chd;.t: ?m tdh , J.'- - l. -' w p liJJ .V : ruc:f .Mexican cx pimento grown :.'f '. I - r: UUii U 1 W, W r- I LOW PRICE! i:OME GROWN I I With FedenO, iUtend ;; llWs...I)luti'' kaadiedt , of bidden twiM psy. i '.th"' ; t i aMtsfe Amarisaa Cun . fly ptys sbott$I.M0 for sue. Yet tht suns . family p(U on SUM year for doctor and . . ywiption Mis. , Sandtl . ..':' r ' t t s - . ! LO I LC xn spf . . PACKED IN ; w price! r";7V faq o,:iu,. 1 S L , .4 ' r . ' ' I?1-';. :.. , . .. -,r. ...4 ,.'1 $ . - J ,. 4 ' 1 I 'j . ,f .. .... j NO ) .'ir , 1

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