THT PERQUIMAKS n:STrcr.3t rTCSTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY-JANUARY' 2,1 IMS PERQUIMANS WEEKLY , Published Every Friday At Hertford, North Carolina MAX CAMPBELL......Editor Entered as leron cIiim mutter November 15. 1934. t Post Office at Hertford, North Carolina under. Act ot March. 1879. , SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ONE YEAR $2 00 In Perqulmnna Chowsn, Pas quotank and Gates Counties. Elsewhere , S250 SIX MONTHS $1.50 Advertising Rates Furnished -v -. By Request FRIDAY. JANUARY 2. 1959. Vehicle Inspection The need for a careful in spection of the condition of auto mobiles that use our highways at high speed is apparent. We are glad that practically all of our states require by law motor . vehicles be carefully inspected at regular intervals. 'The safety of those who use the highways, whether in auto mobiles, trucks or walking along the roads, is in danger every time a -defective motor vehicle operates on the roads. Defec tive lights and brakes that will not stop a car promptly are probably the most common de fects.;;:;;;.,: j' . There are enough risks on the highways of the nation with out deliberately permitting the use of vehicles that are mere contraptions even ' when , care fully operated, Something' must be done to cut down the fatali ties on our highways, and it might be a good idea for all of the stales of the Union to insist upon regular inspections for the purpose of eliminating jalopies, rattle-traps and even better cars which have serious defects. Making A Success Of Life Practically every person in Perquimans County, whether man or woman, boy or girl, re gardless of age and circum a. stances, hopes and intends to make a success of life. Stated in general terms, this ambition is common to all of us. It is only when we attempt to define the meaning of "success" that differences . of opinion de velop. Subsequently, it might be a good idea for ' the indivi dual to Stop long enough to ponder the question and answer it. The individual, in his or her zeal to b successful, often ac cepts a popular definition of the term and thereby loses sight of the real goal. One's success is not to be measured by the wealth accumulated, the worldly honors received, or the fickle acclamation of so-called public opinion. ; So, , today, when there are so many ideas about success, we suggest that the individual reader analyze his or her con ception. It should be obvious, ; .we . think; -that one can be suc cessful only when: life is in harmony with our inner con victions. Yet, if our principles are wrorig, life will be imper- v; feet. r-:;-,-, To those who read this article and, particularly, to the young people, we suggest the effort to outline definite principles which v are considered acceptable guides. As a start, one might try to discover a definite principle up on which to base one's daily activity and to which one is willing to be loyal under all ; circumstances. This mieht sound easy, but test it for yourself. Historical Days ; ; As the month of January ap ' pears, it is appropriate to look back over its historical signif ic- nnA tn tT S histnrv it is nn especially memorable month. , New Year's Day, of course, .fstarts.;. the month, but back in 1 805 Abraham Lincoln issued the .emancipation proclamation on i January 1st. Interestingly, this idid not free all the slaves just i '-. - ...t-!l- 1 ine ones-in . areas wmca wure fighting the, Washington govem j meht.;-'In the forty-eight coun ties nt West ' '' Vireinia. for ex ample, the proclamation read that this area is "left precisely as if the proclamation had not been issued." On January 2nd, General Longstreet died, in 1904, and on that day General James Wolfe "was born, in 1727. In that day in 1778 General Washington ran up the first colonial flag at his iarmy headquarters t- with thir- f ;,teen re4 and white stripes for 'the original states, and the crosses, of St, -George and St. - In . the . space now, i fcy th forty-nlnl rtates. I" The" Battle' of Princeton" was fought January 3rd." 177Ti whteh saved New Jersey from1 imme diate British occupation 'at that time. Tom Thumb Was born January : 4th - (Charles S. Strat ton) in 1838. The scion Vander i bilt died on January 4th in 1 1877 and the day is the birth day Of St. Titus, in the calen dar of the Roman Catholic Church. . ' On January 5th, 1636, Rhode Island was settled and this day is also Epiphany Eve. The legend is that the Three Wise Men ' from the" East were on their. way to Bethlehem from Jerusalem when they passed an old woman cleaning her house. She asked where they were go ing .; and they told her. She asked,: them to wait until she finished her work and she would go, too, but they could not wait and told her she could fol low them later. When she finished her work she started out but could not find them. Ever since, she has been wandering about the world seeking the child Jesus. In I Italy she is called Befana and in Italy and Russia she is sup posed to go down .the' chimney and leave presents for children. The relics of the bones of fie ; Three Wise Men, incidentally, rest at Cologne having been taken to Constantinople to Mi lan, where Barbarossa capteured them and took them to tde ca thedral at Cologne. January 6th is Epiphany from the Greek word meaning "manifestation." It is observed throughout the Christian Church but in different ways and with different meanings in various countries. It was thought to be the birthday anniversary of Jesus until the Fourth Century. It is the twelfth . day after Christ mas. President Roosevelt, in 1941, proclaimed the four freebms not yet realized, on January 6th. Januarys 7th' Is thie birth" anniM versary of .Millard Fillmore, thirteenth President, who Was; born at Locke, N. Y., in 1800. The first passage through the Panama Canal came on January 7th, , 1914, by the self-propelled crane boat; Alex La Valley though it wasn't until August ' : the first ocean steamer made the passage from ocean to ocean. Remember? , , CIRCLE MEETS The Mary Long Circle of Bethel Baptist Church held its morithly meeting at the Com munity. House on Monday night, December 21, with. Mrs. Edgar Long as hostess. . Mrs. Dewey Perry, Jr., presi dent, called the meeting to or der with the hymn "Silent Night." .Mrs. Long gave the devotional entitled "Recipe (For a Happy Christmas," followed with . several members taking part on a very interesting Christmas program. . "O Little Town of Bethlehem" was the closing hymn, after which Mrs, Bryan Holloman gave the closing prayer. A contest wasr enjoyed with Mrs. Perry winning the prize, after which gifts -were ex changed. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess to the fol lowing members present: Mes dames ' Charles Ward, Alfred Jones, Thomas Fleetwood, Whi chard Davis, Emmett . Long, El ton Harrell, Wallace Hobbs, John Corprew, Bryan Holloman, Dewey Perry, Miss Ruth Mans field and two guests, Misses Margie Corprew and Joanne Holloman. ; Too Much Johnson: "What gives Parker that strained look business worries?" Jones: "No, ha picked it up trying to listen to his wife and the radio at the same tiime." . !l Rfe Fanner i WE "ARE NOW STOCKING COTTON SEED MEAL AND HULLS ; ;. wwe"have" One Lot Roofing Paint Certified Seed Beans (ALL KINDS) Book Your Order Now and Save Money We Are Ready To Clean Seed Beans We Are Now Booking PFISTER'S HYBRID CORN For Spring Delivery J. F. Hollowell and Son PHONE 2841 -:- . WINFALL, N. C. Hre fetf mho t 1L i - fl Sinclair Heating Oil with RD-119 So Different... It's Patented Only New Sinclair Heating Oil contains RD-119, a special ingredient that provides your oil burner with top protection. This new, improved fuel helps assure trouble-free burner , operation. It burns spotlessly-clean, safer. Gives 5 more heat per dollar. For prompt delivery, call us now. I Sunday S6liool Lesson JESUS -CALLS FORTH FAtTH - Internationa) Sunday School ' Lesson for January 4. 1959.. Memory Selection: 'All things are possible to him who believes." v (Mark 9:23). j Lesson Tt-xit Mark 9:2-29. r-1 y'i V (HERTFORD, ' NORTH-CAROLINA - ! 1 I Today's lesson is the first in a series on Christian Faith and Re sponsibility. Its aim is to help adults strengthen their faith in God and accept their responsibili ties as Christians. ' Today's lesson should help answer thit question: . "Why is Taith important?" - Taking up out Bibles and Aim ing to our lesson text for today (the. Book of Mark) we read an accounting of how Jesus took three of his dlsciRles Peter, James and John up onto a high, mountain. And there they wit nessed the transfiguration of Je sus' and there' appeared before them Moses and Elias; and out of a great cloud came a 'thundering charge: "This is my beloved Son . . . hear him!" And when they returned to the rest of the disci ples and the multitude, Jesus having charged them to tell rio man of what they had witnessed, they found the congregation gath ered aijound a boy who, from the description and the march of medical science 'through the ages to the Rresent day must surely have been art epileptic. We read how the disciples had tried to heal him, without success. - And we read further of the father's impassioned plea to J -ss to have mercy on his afflicted one a man who was reaching toward Jesus with all the trembling faith that he had. Perhaps this father did not believe fully, but he dared ,to act upon the belief he had. When he said to Jesus: "If you can do anything," he expressed the strug gle that was going on in his tor mented soul. He showed that he had many benumbing doubts, but that he still wanted to believe. And Jesus heard his plea, and, " before the great multitude, cast .out the evil spirit and raised the I boy up, whole in spirit and mind 'or the first time since he was a baby. '.'v; ,-'.'.;''. ' In the picture' painted for us in this sci'ipture, Jesus performed two healings that day; the heal ing of the sickly son, and the healing of the father's trembling faith. Jesus, Once again, empha sized the great role played in his healings. Jesus' faith was far reaching. H,e believed enough to take the boy by the hand and raise him up. The others were afraid to touch him. Faith works because it builds into our hearts an ultimate concern that leads ti to do something! How do we get faith? Not by a study of a system luld out irt theology. That comes later,, and it has its own importance. We get faith by hearing a message that will deliver us from sin, fear, guilt and ' obsessions. In our search for faith we should re member Jesus" words: "Go A". and -make disciples of all nations . . and lo, I am with you always . . , " (Matthew 28:19-20). It ig striking to notice all through the Scriptures that Jesus always told people to do some thing when he healed them.f dr otherwise served them. Jesus knew, deed down, that fhe sureit way to lose faith is to &6 nothing about it. r In Hie Letter of Jamea we, have a flat, unvarnished dec laration, of what happens to faith when it "sits on its hands." "So faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead." (James 2:17) And, we wonder, before it finally dies, for how many long years has it been sick from lack of work? Christ commands us to live for the healing of the nations; i.e., for the sanctif ication of ljfe and so liety. When we have a task be. tore us of such immensity, almqst . my little thing we can do win I lelp. "While we have a task tit mormous as this one that we, (is Christians, have assumed, we; are far from useless."-?.' We can't? 1l-' ways be responsible for what' the governments of nations do in this world of ours today, but we scan be responsible for our own 'de cisions about how, we Investjout lives. . We live by .faith.. We turn to ward the future With our, Chris tian hope to sustain us. Wheth er we live tr die we take the pos ture of faith. yThJs: is the thinR that makes ug. Christians. We have faith in. Goi who manifests himself as Jesus Christ' and the living Church, - Then we use our faith,' and act accordingly. t .The future twaits, anxiously for our 'acts 'Of rfaitfi.' Million t?S .1 II .1 1 If, , I I -hi 5, 4 " t What will you be doing when the clock strikes twelve on New Year's Eve? Celebrating? Celebrating what? The death of the ld year and the birth of the new? - r v-.V " -, ... tij-i k. ii... 4Mknf m.aiiv' nn ttf vtmip expectations? Are you giaa w De m-in what, makes you think next year is going to be any better? Only you can lay the foundation for a better future ith God's help! If you are to be better person, if next year is to be a better year, you must include God in your planning. ' , ' . Here is the opportunity of a. New Year! Let vis go to the House of the Lord! Let us give thanks to Him for what has been and ask His blessing upon what is to be. t . . ,. , . .'-. What more perfect beginning could there be to , any yean? --. - . Ctfirighl ItS$XeUHr Ait. Sltvict. Slraihiry, f. y tht chubch ran all ..... ALt'FOH TH? CHURCH ' T)it Ckuitk i. At rell fwtor tuih for UilJim ot ditTKfer Mil jood ciliiraihip. Il llortiioiiM ol ' pintail vtti. Wfioal t Mron Omdi. neither oVmocroc tor ciili"lio iurvioe. There an four aninet ruwm why every penoa ihoald allenoieraicn refalarlr aad iapporl aSe Church. Ther are: (I) Far hit awa wlie. (2) Far hn children1! taka. (J) For the le ef hn coaimuailr aad a.lion. (4) For tak ef th Church itself, which aeecU hn aior.l and ai.kri.l wppoil. Pla o to to church reuUrtjr aad read your Bible daily. ' ' Day Bonk Cfaptft Term SwMlay M . i J? Moaday M . Toerfay ' Hebrew JJ, l-'J Wednrtday Hebrewa 11 17-49 Thuraday Pnlma W Friday . ) ' PavlM l . Saturday SccleaiMtM , I .. HI if ii i THIS PAGE MADE POSSIBLE BY THE FOLLOWING FIRMS: Chappeli Brothers GENERAL CONTIt ACT )ES Phone Elisabeth City 66S7 Hertford Banking Company tiettlMt FJ)XC Milton DaV & Son FERTILIZER FARMt PTtOMTOB Dav Phone 1468. Nttrbt Phones 0il-45t. W. M. Morgan Furniture Co. Home Furnishings . . . Hot Point Appliance Cannon Cleaners ; , PHONE 1511. . . Dependable Srrie' Winslcw-Blanchard Motor Ca TOUR FORD DEALER 1 Reed Oil Company t$SO PRODUCTS V 7 : h 'f 1 - torVe-VVebbiMotor Compaiiy CHRYSLER-PL YJiOUTH , . Sales & Servfce Lynch Funeral Home PHONE nil . - ' HERTFORD, N C. J. C Blanehard & Co.. Inc. Bake 'OUCbffl'tfrtitf Sinclair preducta - Gaodyear Tlret 2 i'i" ' V nertfpMiJtesterit & , PHONl'lSOt ; HERTFORD, H. C. ' 1 CILfe JORDAN, PiipL " tkHford Building & Loan ,; Afcoclatloa. .) . Ja Tour fhrtt Hc)ihe ' ThrooRh Building: and LenirT , . THtlf.rJFuncrdl:: K Cra m ESRTFOSD, , c, , 'I ul,. fofcliLd. HERTFORD BAP1T3T t -. : Jamea O. Mattox, Pt. .-. i - y Sunday School, 9:45 A. 1 1. Morning Worship, 11:00 ft'cl. Evening Worship, 8 oV , Mm-week ' Services, . V. tvXe . evening at 8 o'clock. . , - BETHLEHEM CHCRCH OF CHRIST f Joe BrickhouM Pastor Sunday School 29.00 A. M. First Sunday 1 ; 11 A. M., and 8 P. M. v-' t '0 "- 'r , v BURGESS BAPTtSt CHURCH ' A. J. McClellan, Pailor : Sunday benool each Sunday at 10:00 A. M, Morning worship at 1 o'clock, 2nd and 4th Sunday moknings. PERQUIMAKS CHARGE - CHURCHES 1 Rev. Albert Gore. Jr., Pastor Cedar Grove Church: ,11st Sun day 10 A. 2nd Sunday, 11 A M.: 3rd Sunday 7:30 P. M. . : Epworth Church: ; 1 st . Sunday, 11 A. M.; 2nd Sunday, 7.30 P. M.; 3rd Sunday, 10 A. M.: 4th bun dav. 7:30 P. M. k " " Oak Grove Church r 1st Sun day, 7:30 P. M.5 8f4 Sunday, 11 A. M.j 4th Sunday. II A. M. new Hope-woool AMD : - W.E. Pickett Pastor - Worshio services 1st and 3rd Sundays 11 A. M, at New Hope, 7:30 P. M., at Woodland. Second and 4th Sundays 11 A. M., Woodland. 7:30 P. M.i New Hope. Sunday School been un day at 10 A. M. . . .'v, i o ::'-: ANDERSON'S METBODIST CHLRCH Church School., 10:0b A. Iff. Morning WorsW". 11:00 A Iff., second and rourtn Sundays. WOODVULE BAPTIST CHLRCH Lowe A. Jorman, raatot Church Services on acoid audi fourth Sundays at 11 A. M. . - First and third Sundaya at 7:15 P. M. Sunday School at :45 A. M. . UP RIVER FRIENDS CHURCH . Orval Dillon, Paster , , Riinrlrtv 0:45 A. M. Church services, 11 A. M. n 8 P M - ' ' " I y'outii Fellowship, 7 P. M. " Prayer service, Wednesday, I P.M. ;,..,' ,'X .-, -- - ' ' ' 4-ai'i""- '' BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH" Bryan Holloman, Pastor - ,v . Sunday School. 10:00 A. M. a Morning Worship 11:00 A. M. Evening Worhin. 7:30 P. M. PINET WOODS FRIErTDS s CHURCH . Earl ReddlBB, Pastor. , Churcl Scnool 1U A. M. ; Morning worship 11 A. M- ur Toung Paonle'a meeting If a. WHTTEVTLLE Gkuvl! BAPTIST CHURCH .. -i, Rer. J. Panl Holoman, Putat . - Sunday School 10:v A. M eyery Sunday. - . ,' . ' . Churci services ttrzt utf vv Sundaya at 11:00 A. M, HERTFORD W!THODlS . CHURCH J. A. Auriian, Paster . ' Chnrcf Sc'jiool 9:45 A. M. ' Morning orhi 11-00 e'dot. Yonth FcUowahip, :tf T. V .. E-Mninsr worshin. 7:80 P. M. . . Mid-week Fellowship, WdOKeso at 7:30 r. n : BAOLEY SW-AMP PTLGRIBl , M. M. Holmes. Pastor i 'Sunday School, 10:00 A. f. . Moraine Vonhin 11 o'clock.' - Young People's meeting at 6:30 Evening worship, 7:80 o'clock. " Mid-week Services Wednesday it 730 P, M. v - . ' MOLT TRINITY ' ' EPISCOPAL CBtURCa , Church School weekly at ft:4D A. M. ' , - Morning Worship weekly at 1:00 A. M- . . . . , Holy Comaramof vtf Z&wt it 11 A.M. Fifth Sunday Servicei and E.. Days aa announced.., . BEREA iStUKCH CF t3r Na! Pnckett, JKJnl 'T Bible hool Sunday 10 oVUsk. 1 Churj' Services. Fi(Bt an1 Tliirc Sufida, morning at , o'clock, tyening' servfees, first 1 ''.' Sundays at 7. o'clock. .' Coramunioh ft irervf 1 f ' i LordV bay morning, v v Fey. J. Paul Hole, V -i ftundiy tycnool every, r J0:00 A. Mf.' ' , ; Worship service eve" r hd fourth Sunday at 1 , ETU every Sunday at 7 j J i I I ABSSM2LY C7 r 1 Rev, L; J. 1-3", Sunday School 10 . Ship at 11 A. M.; Evar tioe 7:30; Prayer Me night at 8 o'clock, a Vices Friday night at . mt, e:saiT- , tey. H. t: ,r 1.'. . Church School we' ' Church services f " feundjy" mo:, : t -iii""" v -