TKB mttTCM&NS WEEKLY. HERTFORD, KC3TH CAROLINA, fKISAY, MAY 3ft, 19S8. v:EKiTYr;,-:;r::'- si Every Friday Ait ; jrd. North Carolina CAMPBELL........Editor d as accond 'lass mutter 'f 15. 1934, at Post Office ifiird. North Carolina under if March. 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ,f YEAR ...J.'.' i...'..2.fJ0 In Perquimans. Chowan, Pas quotank. ; and' Gates Counties. eac MONTHS -V sewhera . .. tt.50 Advertising Rates Furnished By Kecuest , FRIDAY. MAY, 29. 1959. Key To Prosperity The business men of Hertiord hould never forget that the largest market for the products of American J industry is to be IcunA on the farms of the Unit ed States. Ifivery farmer is a potential buyer of the products of indus tty.'v There are a lot of them in this country, and if they get their share of the national in come, the effect of their spend ing : is : felt in every phase of business. t Therefore, a prosperous agri. Culture means a. prosperous eco nomic structure for the nation a a whole. What Explains Success? .. An idea seems to be spread ing throughout the land that , men and women achieve sue-1 ? cess through the operation of government rather than by their own patient persistence in hon est endeavor. The readers of the Weekly, especially young men and wo men, should not be misled in this respect. They should rea lize that worthwhile success in life is achieved almost exclu- sively through personal en deavor. After- all is said and done, the ; vast majority of business suc cesses owe their growth to one or more rare individuals who give to the enterprise a contri bution that includes, not only , physical effort, but superior in telligence and the wisdom that . arises from the intangible I tiling that we call "character." ' Days To Remember The last week in May eon ta.', - among other interesting Cays, Memorial Day, which falls ,on May 30. But this is not the only be remembered. :"Back-'in ;T89? 7 the ;j"Pr6Sident caned ,' lor: ,'&01O0Cj Volunteers , f or tiie! 'Spanish-American War, the war;,' which resulted in bur de feat of Spain and acquisition of Lit? Philippines, Guam' and oth er possessions and Cuba's inde pendence. That war was not popular, especially in some of the more northern sections of the coun try, but was supported to a great degree in the southern portions of the United States those nearer Cuba, where a tyrannical government was op f-r"cing the people a repulsive degree.- ;.; :(. ; " ;'; on the 26th the North Am erican ' Pank 1 was ' established, back in 1781, and on the 27th, : in the dark days of the mid thnties, the Supreme Court de clared the NRA unconstitu tional. It was after this Su- pieme Court action that Presi dent Roosevelt threatened to "park" the highest court. That fight lasted ior the bet t( r part of a year, and by a narrow margin, President Roose vt It's plan to add additional n. embers to the Supreme Court was defeated. It is interesting to note that dissatisfaction to day with the highest court has resurrected some of the schemes proposed in tW 1930's by New Dcil officii''-- On the 29th, .. Wisconsin - be came one of the states of the Union, buck in 1848, and this rlay is observed in Wisconsin. The next day, the 30th, is memorial Day, which is de- Craned' ns a "remembrance of those who died ' i in, so many U. S. wars. h ., '. I It is interacting to speculate i on '. future Memorial Days, for a war in this nuclear age would undoubtedly cause more casual ties,, perhaps in a few days, man we have sutlered in all the I wars to date. Let us hope, then, that, Memorial Day in the I years' ahead will not be ne-f glided. .'- -. ' .; :. The 31st is remembered as the dpy of tha Johnstown flood, which occurred in .1889, and wa's one of the worst floods in the history of the United States. And for those who want to remember May. 30 for something in addition to Mem-, crial Day, they can remember tiiRt on this day Voltaire died in. 1778. - .- CLUB TO MEET Mrs. Mary Dale S. Lane will be hostess to the Perquimans Busi ness and Professional Women's Club at her home on Front Street Thursday, June 4, when it meets for its business meeting. DUKE GRADUATE W. Alfred Williams, Jr., will graduate from Duke University, Durham, N. C, on June 8. He will then be employed by the Hera!d-Sun papers of Durham. He is the grandson of Mrs. Simon Hutenburg and Mrs. Isa Tucker. ' TRY A WEEKLY CLASSIFIED Be sure your fire insurance is really up-to-date Rising MP values property mean higher replacement costs in case of fire. It pays to check your insur ance tu make sure you're adequately cohered. Come in any time and talk it over. We're Always Glad to Answer Your Question i on Insurance of Any Kind, Without Obligatioul Brinn's Insurance Agency ?HOXE 5601 -:- HERTFORD, N. C. Sunday School .:-: if ''i Vtt' n. In;i 'i I' , Lesson WE ARE NOT. ALONE International Sunday School Lesson for May 31. 1959. Memory Selection: "Tha Laad-is tha stronghold of my Ufa; of whom shall I ba afraid?" (Psalms 27:1). Lesson Text: I Kings 16:29 , through 19;18. , ,, li -I i OVER 100 U.S. RAILROADS USE SINCLAIR OIL Today, the same Sinclair Research that develops top-quality lubricants for the railroads brings you a great new motor oil for your car . . . an oil so good it protects your engine for all-weather driving. Ask for Sinclair Triple X Multi-grade Motor Oil. Remember -there's not a car caro with Sinclair. We recommend you change your oil regularly every 1,000 miles. See us today. pr Your Car... Do As Tho Railroads Do... Use Sinclair Oil Baiter jQil .Company l -si' ' i -u I -sif V 1 L3I This lesson purports to show that in spite of our discourage ment God never forsakes us; it also points out the strength .that comes from fellowshipv with other faithful Christians. ' ' . " . Why are Christians never alone in fighting evil forces? In study ing our Scriptures today, and reading ,' of Elijah's experience, maybe we can find an' answer to this question. Elijah's cry that he alone was left of the prophets of the Lord sounds like, the cry of a discour aged man, and that is exactly wnat it was. Elijah found him self the only active leader in the struggle against Baalism. Elijah had fled, discouraged and deject ed, to Mount Hoeb, and as he hid in the cave he became conscious of the presence of God, and was moved to explain his presence there. In effect, what Elijan was saying was "Lord, I am very frightened." He is not the first individual who has been frightened because he felt that he was the lone de fender of the right. But God did not coddle. Elijah in his. mood of despondency. Instead, he re sponded with a summons V. 'ac tion. Action lifted Elijah out of his mood of despondency. How many times has God done the same thing for us? Everything may be going beautifully in our lives; then a sudden calamity overtakes us and upsets the or dered pattern of our days. Our first reaction is often one of self pity. What have we ever done to deserve such a thing as this thing that has happened ;to ,us? But gradually we recover from the blow. . We begin casting arpund In our minds for ways in which we can overcome this ter rible thing that has befallen us. And in decisive action, 'we find comfort. When it is all over, we tend to congratulate ourselveS. If we would only pause a moment and look deeper into our solution to so many of our troubles, we might often be surprised to f hd the fine hand of God behind it all. "Not a sparrow falleth , . . " is a very comforting thought isn't it? " ' Life, especially the spiritual life, does not proceed on an even keel. There will be times when we experience mounting excite ment. It may be followed by a sense of despair When we feel that we are in the lowest depths. If in those moments we can turn to the source of power as Elijah did, then we shall find succour md comfort. " There are times when we be lieve that we are indeed the onlv oeople who care very much about f iphtinff for what is right and de cent. We need in those moments to draw upon divine strength, but we also need to take careful stock of the situation, and ponder on what can be done about it. Just as Elijah became aware .that there were seven thousand others who had not submitted to Baat 'sm, so we may find others who think and believe as we do. God has put help at our hands in many wayS. There will b many times that we will become discouraged as we live out cur lives on this earth. We will of ten feel that we need to talt things over with someone. It may be the pastor, the chairman of our group, or a fellow member, To know that there are others with the same troubles and ideals that we ourselves 'have, and to discover that there are others who recopnize their own weak nesses, will help us In evaluating our own situation. When -cwa;,ar djscouraeed we, look on 'the trnos olejijl aspect' of the .."pfictarrf. , Sometimes ilia hole of despair in which we find ourselves ls: stMdeepand dark that we can see no glimmer of light. It is then that a friend can assist us, in making a more ob jective evaluation of our particu lar situation than we can alone. And .finally., we. -cab sustain each other through mutual con cern and prayer, Prayer is our means of communication with God, and from the sens of close ness with him that prsvr trive us, we can draw comfort anJ strength to face whatever is be fore us. ' w Hit) ::-! ;xi, ;;K''iii'.'".;.;.'l il V, THE CHUKCH PON ALL ALL FOR THE CHURCH TK Cliaick ii iK. KtNl Ikm o Milk fm iK buiUmj of cKwKitr mi ftei tiliiraikip. Il it ttonlwiM el ipiiiiMl valu. Wiikont Mtoa Chuck. Milkn dnnocrac Mf civiliulis aivivr. Tktrt art lwi mind aky mi) piriol ihoukl allmd tfnim niultily inJ lupparl Ihl Ckuiok. Tk. ire (!) Far kit Ha. (J) Fm kit ckiloWi nil. (3) Far tfu wka f kit camnuiaiijr and Mtioa. (4) Far alia tak t ika Ckuick ihalf, whick iwaaV kU not.l .nil m.itriil luppotl. Pl.n lo jo la churck icguliiljr and Kad youi Bible daily. Day Book Chpur Vara Sunday I King! Monday Revelation Tuesday Revelation Wednesday 1 Kings Thursday 1 Kinjt Friday 1 Kings Saturday 1 Kuiga 12 16- 33 1-19 t-W s 1 17 la 17- 31 So 'A VV Jasi "Whan dou Mt itorl to Ihlnkt Nobody kMWt, axactly. But thoughts do com by aatociattoa. Baby tagarly mponds to the sight of a bottU baH axparUivta hat proven that th bottla vffr fcata atUfatioa ami aomfort. Bocauat Vaby d(X Wara by association, it ii impor Unt that aaraata tak ar to enlarge their children' horizons as they (row. A very small child will mponrl to a simple prayer. And a child of thre will nod great enjoyment in attending Church School g a r d for youngsters of that age. Religious instruction and guidance Is not for tha mature onlyit is needed regularly ay everyone. Tha spiritual lif of your child seeds constant Cultivation, just ai tha mind need day by day dsvelopmant and th physical body need exercise and training. - Co,rriiir'aOMraVaJi ? Chappeli Brothers GENERAL CONTRACT ")RH Phon Elirabeth City 6667 Hertford Banking Company llmbar FJAC Milton DaF & Son FERTILIZER FARM PttOfc'UCK -Day Phona I486. Niaht Phone 10il.43r. 1 W. M. Morgan Furniture Co. Boat FurBaibinv 2 . . Hot Point Appliance Cannon Cleaners PHONE 3511 . . . DBndabl Santt Wlnslcw-Blanchar"d Motor Co. TOJJR FORD DEALER Reed OH Company iSSO PRODUCTS Towe-Webb Motor Dmpaiiy CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH . . . Salts Saivk Lynch Funeral Home phone am HERTFORD, If. C. J. C. Blanchard & Co.. Inc. VblANCHARII'S- Sine 1131 Baker OU Company Slnclau Product Goodyear Tinw JU.."-'rj- ,r'-. . .if , i ( ... iV 'ii.lHU' Hertford Livestock & . ' '' : " .... :fx v Supply Company ; PHONE 2501 HERTFORD. N. C, m -Jordan's Barber 3hov , , BILL JORDAN, Prap. -,( , V l.JlilA; i. , ...,r. .-A' li4v,;V V' Hertford Building: & Loan j Association . Owa Yaur Own Horn n ; ThranKk Building aal Laaa'1 - Twiford Funeral Home phonb 6111 Hertford) n. d. Churclf Services HERTFORD BAPTIST CHURCH Jmen 0.: Mattox, PiRtor JhmrtaT School, 9:45 A. M. Morning Worship, H :00 o'clock Eveninn Worship. 8 o'clock. Mid-waek Services, Wednesday eventnsr at 8 o'clock. BETHLEHEM TTURCH OF CHRIST in Brtcahousa PaRtor . Sunday School 1 00 A. M. Fif t 8mdnv II A. W, and 8 P. M- biirc.fis wttst rmmcH A. J. McClellan; Pasfnr Sunday .cnool -. each Sunday at m:nn A. M. Morninc wohio at 11 o'clock. 2nd and 4th Sunday morning PEROttTwravq CHARGE CHURCHES Far. Albort OoTe. Jr., Ptr Cedr Orove Church: 1st Sun- dnv 10 A. Ml 2nd Si'ndav, 11 A, M Srd Siifidnv 7:30 P. M. Enwnrth Church: 1t. Riindv. 11 A. M.: 2nd Riindsv. 7.30 P M.; srd snnrtnv. tq A. M.; 4th Sun dP 7-an p. m. Onk Rmw Ph'''",h' 1"t Run. dav. 7:30 P. M.t tfd Sunday. 11 A. M.: h Sunday, 11 A. M. NFw wriDK.wnonT.AND ' W. E. pirVetL Paste Wor.hin sorv'r'pR 1 nn' Srd 3mtk4wo; 1 1 A V . nt Wavv Hnpe( 7-30 P M . ait Woorllanrl 1 ' - ' QpfnTirl m4 '4H:Qimdn'." ITA' M. Woolnd. P. M. W Won. 'Tdw School each Sun day at 10 A. M THIS PAGE MADE POSSIBLE BY THE FOLLOWING FIRMS: ANTiFRSrtXT". WTBOWST CRT PCTT rv,iiT"i lcool lo-M. . V ' MnianW Woi..W 11-00 A M erond and fimrth ftinifava. o ' ; If WOOmTT .T V W PT19T CTfliRCH Lowe A. Norman, Pastor Chnri fortic. on awTid and nnh Riind"". 11 A M. Frnt and TMH Snndav at 7f P. M. Sunday Rchw1 at f:45 A. M. TTP RTVER PWTKNn! CfTURCH Orn1 TMlloh, Pantar SnMny School. .R A M . .cfcwh oervlcpi, t1 A. M. aa a) p Vuth Fn1?ftwntB. 7 P W. Pmver nervlce. Wednesday, I BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH Bryan HoUoman, Paitor . Sunday School. 10:00 A. M. . Morninc Wor'h 11-00 A 1. ' Evening Worship, 8:00 P. M. pincy woons rnrEinsf ' , church ' Earl RtvMhM. PaM ChwrcV School 10 A H. Mornin1 worahli 11 A. M. -Yonng People' meetmt ' WHTTKVlIJ E r.rtE BAFTIP CHTRCH Rtw. J. Pan! Horoman. Paattv Sunday School 19M A . SundaT. - . Ctiurc tprHiu ftret V tW Sunday at IJrOO A. M. HERTFOPO mTHODBJ fHURCn J, A. Anman. Paator Chnre Voo1 MB A.M. . Morntn- ITttrahl" 11-00 o'rfw. Jouth Ff!!lnwihh,. 4.4X P, Y yening f orahlp. 7:80 P. M. ' . o " BAOLKY RWuMP PIT j RIM M. M. Holme, Paiw -Sunday School. 10:00 A. at. ; Mornlna- Vorship 11 o'clock, m Young People' meeting at 8iin P M ' Ewring wotbWp, 7:80 o'clock, : HOLY TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH Ray. E F. Moseley, Rorfc Holv Communion, 8 A. M.; Church School. 9:45 A. M.: rnorn in nrayer and sermon.' 11 A. M. Holv Communion 1st Sunday. 11 A, M ; Holv Communion every Thuraday. 10 AM- BERRA rHITRCH OF fHRISr Neat Pnckett, MlnWfr TOM School Sunday 10 a'clock. ' Church S?rvlcM Pirst and ThM Sunday mornings t 11 o'clock; evening aervlcM. first and third Sundays at 7 Vf lncV. Communion 1a served each Lord' Day morning. CHAPPELL HILL BAPTIST CHURCH . ' B, JL PiuJ Holoman, Ftoy Sunday sonooi every Sunday at 10:00 A. M. i r -, . . "Worship service avery second and fourth Siirulay, at H:00 A. M. BTXJ awrery Sunday at 7:30 jP. M. ASSEMBLY OF OXD - x Howl 4 ow. raaror ; SundaV School 10 A. M.', Wor ship at 11 A.' M.: Evanneustie &er vice 7:30: Praver Meeting Tuesday night at 8 o'clock, and CA Ser vices Friday night at 8 o'clock. . MT. SINAI BAPTIST CHURCH . Raw. f mr Whaatlau. PaitOf Sunday School each Sunday inominff at 10 o'clock. . - Worship services. l.t and 3rd Sundxw evening at 8 o'clock; 2nd and 4th Sunday mornings at 11 'clOCk. . - . EETHANV MTTHODISV . , :Ct-.-7.CH Frank fortescua. Pastor Sunday School, 1st" nd ' 3rd C. .sv t 1 A.' M. " In the conflict between the 9 3461 Hertford, N.G