THE Pga&OTMAKS WEEKLY, KEfiTFCMJ. UOXTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. JUNE 12. 1959. PAGE THT.EE ,.-,... 4 ( . ; Mrf ancl , Mrs. iL' i."Rbersoh lend son . of .Norfolk, 'Va.,' spent Sunday 1 with her, parents, Mr. and Mrs. J'. W, Lane. Mrs. J.. W.! NoweU. Sr., spent Uuil Up ii .1 ii'! Circulation, from Vie , Per qmmn county i.jDrary is in- her daughter, Miss Hat(ie "No. ci easing steadily as -"4ujer well L rraaina Is xA demand. , In -e- ' Mr: J- W, .i w i : l "Mr. ,.LesIif t P. Qregory ; hqs returned . ;; home from Norfolk, Vs., where she underwent treat ment and is doing 'fine. . The Rev. and Mrs. A. N. Gore. last week in Norfolk, Va.; with! Jr- ?nd n spent last week in w'ty niS, ' numerous'1 bocks NoweU, Jr., and nl'.ilrirpn k fir a cnpnHincr vthpv rn. cation at their:cntta?f nt White n.. j j . i ... i.nac, At.. ... . Jtuatihg i the'Ilirti of. new books Mr. andviMrs, A 'inuirweeK are oi uon, i.aiiaeroa'e. ia.. soem in' th lity threat colo. jgraphic J&wibat mi ' v 1S onai Li Ancient Times; AA Portfolio of National CphifcjtSsfpsjMfaid The Book !bJ!Do;hfWirVAp- f ' . Civil War books are - always in dejnaau,fnu jUardnp ?5nu , tcjjjfthhic s Sketch Beck of tu Civil W .-iwUlltnuJ 'dojJV) t'Opjllar. ' thk filctioV list, includes two Mr.iarid Mrsit'J'.J F. ollell m itrs.'.W Cyt. JJoJlpwell , last , w$ k - Mri ,Thirtl''M.I, 1 poUowkll! Postmasters'1 ! State in New Bern this week. .' J MrS.W- Ri Wilslb,w. SB J spends ing; histweek at her cottage at Kill ' Devil : Hills. She has as her guests Mrs. Bill Cox and daughters Susan and Pam and t'atf&nd,ng,;the iter Ctinventfoft bapks .with a North Carolina her sister, Mrs. J. H. Baker,' Mr. :t setting: k Prelude -10 Fortv;eif; b f arwh, is a story- bas:d on W t' ;''HaUeras, v and Moccosii ; Tracks vis the story of. a Chero kec Indian bov bv Street. Tidings , by Wejcheij, a nov ; (fcanslated fron -the ' Gsrmar has,1 been praised by many cri ucs. ' New mysteries !by tole: nd"t)jsney complete, the nev adult list," ' HiMv.hrep new .books fc Children -and young people iri elude biographies, science booki and V historical fictwn froro, fthe American Heritage 'series as wel1 as esy books f6r yon'iigei children, a . 't t , and Mrs. J. Vick StaHings of Portsmouth, Va.,' Bill Cox- and A. R. Winslow spent the week end. . ss E'izabeth Alton of New burgh, N. Y.; Frank" A. Brad - . huookh-n. W. V.; have returned to tbftr homes afte spending a week with Mr. and. Mrs. E. ' E. Jones. They were accompanied home by Mrs. A. E. Bradley ' of i,Newburgh,r' N.- Y who had spenf'two months with' the'" Jones'. -( ' i-i 1 f Mrs.. : C. . C. .Ray !6f Chiha Mississippi with relatives. J.- Harry .Barber is very sick this week. . ' ,; Miss Frank ie Barber is visit ing Mrs. J. E. Perry. ; . Mrs. Timothy Perry; of Belvi dore Spent iiii several;,' days with Mr. aiwUMrs. Harry Barber; tbi past week. :' , , , , Mrs. Gladys R. White hps re turned to her, home ih 'Windsor nfter concluding her duties as teacher at 'Central Grammar Efcaool at Winfalli -. be, ljeld .Friday night at. eight otlock. The public is invite to attend. ' . ." :";:.. MRS. FRANK FAWCETT Word was received here this week by Mrs. L. B. Sitterson of the death of Mrs. Frank Fawcett, formerly Alethia..., Pjitchett of Hertford, at her Ihome in New castle, Wyo., on June 4, Mr.f and ' Mrs." J S. Da'venport and " William ' Davenport of F5thel spent Sunday with Lt. and Mrs. James Knox. ' i Charles Elliott and Preston Elliott are spending two weeks at Fort Bragg. (ap College Veelc July 6-10 Plans are nearjng completion for a Chowan Baptist Associa tion Intermediate Girls' Auxili ary camp at Chowan College during the week of July 6-10. The camp director, the Rev." A. J. Eure, Jr.; announces that most of the counselors and all faculty have been Mr. and Mrs. Cary Quincyof the and family and Mr, and Mis. e-ired. Judd Allen of Norfolk, Va, Dr0Bram rnnsists ot wor. spent Sunday afternoon with in the mnrnirio anA .woni Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Quincy. pAMa cj ji-' Mr. and .Mrs.. M. C. Boyce, .,ion of soin, sitliatinna and son of Portsmouth tinntina tha airo . . Ka Tn. ay . "n 1'-t on Thursday evening with M,rs. M C. Boyce, Sr. . ithe G A Queens dfegge(i in ..Miss; Susan Knox spent Mon- ,,.hit. 1 i ; , ..-Kv. -'$? i. .... " hi A v t(riV)W "TitlWlMIWtt i i i Mure car than this Imputa "Sport Coupe is hard to find at any price. A feature of the week will be a missionary family from Thair land, the Rev. and Mrs. P. A. CJine, Jr. Speakers from out- day with Miss Hazel Elliott. Miss Laura Ellen Elliott has returned from Jacksonville, Ar- Crove snent last .week with hpr kansas. sister, Mrs. J, R. Ball. ' ' i Joe Ferrell celebrated his 87th 'side the Chowan Baptist-Asso s,Mr; 'and Mrs.!. Joe White, of wraway on ine om or June wim ciation wil inchlde John Gm San Antonio,, Texas, . have re-imen- . public relations director of Cho- i - BURGESS NEWS wao .College; Mrs. Gordon Mad- 1 Mr. , and Mrs. H. E. Austin drey of Ahoskie, Mrs.- Julian mnt the week-end at Nags."-""- wmu-oiucw una Hca(j ur. cruce wnuaKer. president oi L. C. Proctor of .Washington D. C, -spent the week-end with hi? parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis !;lNfW IMPROVED! ji ' -sw? if m i orii 'XtHfliD A.: high protein high ' . vitamlri, and high-antibi- tiofeed mde sngcifkally i help prevent and treat puoies ox puiiets, layers. M the"? IKST SIGKJ of trouble ... 1 " start feedinff !)QV BOOSTER immediately, accord i ;j ' inj; to instructions on the bag. Ai.R FREVENTiVE of frouble for pullets,' layers, brolleri, ' . :, - ?' .- feed 3 consecutive days per nionth' as' birds 'total feed if using AH-Masb or if dn JMash-Craiu, ' uniu i-iD. pui iscalqn. : . Hertford Livestock. & Supply Company PHONE 2501 HERTFORD Proctor. Mrs. J. M. Sawver of Balti more, Mr., Miss Carolyn Anne Arnold, Ira Arnold and Miss Aide Davenport of Creswell visited Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Bas- night Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Olden Russell of Brides spent Wednesday Chowan College. The Rev. Gil bert Mister of the Salem Bap list Church will serve as camp pastor. Others who will be as sisting are: Miss Owen Mad. drey as assistant director; Mrs. Walter A. Ward as camp nurse; Mrs. Ned Nikon as director of recreation; Miss Alice Flora as director of ; handcraft: Mrs St. Frank Barnes as director of and! family altars, and Mrs. D.-M. Thursday with her sister, Mrs. Louis Proctor. .Mrs.: . Josiah Proctor spent Thursday and Friday as the guest of Mrs.' Floyd Jones in Wilmington, N. C. Mrs.. Walton Lane visited her brother, Johnnie Hollowell, Sun day afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Proc tor, Mrs. Luna Hobbs and Mr and Mrs. Emmett ; Lane were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Proctor Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Winston Lane, i 01., una nun ouuuie yia.wcu Itives in Rocky Hock Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Louis Proctor and daugh ter Joan attended graduating ex ercises at Great Bridge mgn School Tuesday night compli-1 mentary to Miss Janice Lane of the 1959 graduating class. Jackson as director of the honor campers, program. clings to curves like a cat on a carpet! the travel-lovin9 Chevrolet Nothing else but a dved-ia-ihe-' wool sports car like the Corvette can take a turn with such solid assurance! It's easy to see where Chevrolet gets its road sense. With big coil springs at every wheel, a firm, wider stance and all of its pounds dis tributed with painstaking care, Chevy's born with it. The only thintr that may be hard to understand is how it can offer the ride it does, along with so manv other luxury-car virtues, and still compete in the low-price field. We use the word compete only in the sense of price. For with a ride as special as Chevy's, real com petitors are hard to come by. There's a world of difference be tween Chevrolet's coil springs at all four wheels and the leaf springs that most other cars still use. Take a Chevy down a snaky back road and you'll feel the difference in the sure way it holds through curves and shoots over rough spots with hardly a ripple. This one's really made to travel and loves every minute of it. CUE f ROUT j StyjLMal authorized Chevrolet dealer's and sample Chevy's road sense! Mfg. License No. 110 Hollowell Clheyrolet Company, Inc. Phone 4231 LICENSE NO. 1875 Hertford, N, C. Perq mmans Proposed FUND udget for Fiscal Year 59-60 By Board Of County Commissioners GpuntyB Appropriated For Requirements .$ 34,615.00 Anticipated From Sources Other Than Ad Valorem Taxation Amount Levied GENERAL FUND Extension Service, Library, Fire Dept., Veterans Adm. Conservation. FHA, Tax Assessing 39,379.00 Public Health, Hospitalization, Blind. . -. 17,445.00 $ 18,615.00a $ 16,000.00 179.00a 645.00a 39,200.00 16,800.00 Rale $ .20 .49 .21 POOR FUND 2,452.00 852.00b 1,600.00 .02 PATIENTS NIGHT AT BURGESS CHURCH - Parents Night of the V. B, C DEBT SERVICE - ...J................. 49,463.00 1,463.00c 48,000.00 .60 GENERAL: SCHOOL FUND ..... .... . ...... 85,380.00 SCHOOL SUPPLEMENT FUND . . . . .... ... ....... , 8,400.00 55,780.00d 400.00e 29,600.00 8,000.00 .37 .10 A- BUYMU &R? . . A , " . " ' .... i . I j" ' !OLD AGE ASSISTANCE! 90,300.00 AID DEPENDENT CHILDREN 45,900.00 A.P.T.D 37,440.00 WELFARE ADMINISTRATION 13,365.00 82.300.00f 44.300.00g 32,640.00h 6.965.00i 8,000.00 1,600.00 4,800.00 6,400.00 .10 .02 .06 .08 TOTAL ... .$424,139.00 $244,139.00 $180,000.00 $2.25 MAI .wJ! fe g "( Lowcost finanowg an ?L a "f r ' r v: Nationwide Insurance representative in your i i. , , community can. show' you. how to obtain a. ,k .!Ntf jv you can save substantially while, ,gettfig, .topa; " s 4 " '1OauraI1(?e protection i and- top. service. f,r .v-. y0Ur rjtrby Nationwide agent nowl - ... . ;.IlEVSrUE'ESmATED FROM SOIRCES (a). Genpral Fund: " Reqorder's Tax . . -. 1 . . k $ 4,500.00 Intangible. Taxes 1,620.00 State Beer Tax 6,000.00 County Beer Taxes . - - . . 250.00 1 Marriage Licenses - -, 1,000.00 , -Veterans Administration Refund 600.00 Liprary: Refund ' 4,100.00 . Delinquent Taxes, 1,369.00 OTHER THAN AD VALOREM TAXATION: (d) General School Fund: Vocational Teachers' Refund.. . ..... . .$12,000.00 Poll Taxes 2,800.00 Dog Taxes . 450.00 Fines and Forfeitures . . . . 6,000.00 Intangible Taxes - ... 1,300.00 Driver's Training Program 3,200.00 Vet Training Program . ... 12,000.00 Lunchroom Refund 12,000.00 Federal Funds ...... .... 5,000.00 Surplus..:'. . 1,030.00 TcW$ 1. $19,439.00 ad-1. . ( Jrcent 'iirplus - 520.00 332.00 Total L$55,780.00 (e) School Supplement Fund: g. . Intangible, Taxe,s ...$ 30Q.(X) - Delinquent. Itaxes ... 100.00 . ' Total ., $ 852.00, (c) Debt Service: Intangible Taxes : ...J $ 1,463.00 pkared y--'max r. Campbell, Total $ 400.00 (f) . State Federal Aj& Surplus, $82,300.00 (g) State & Federal Aid, Surplus 44,300.0() (h) State & Federal Aid, Surplus 32,640.0C' 69G5.0T. (i) State & Federal Aid, Surplus. Hi Estimated Propei'v Valuation . i. $8,000,00 3 lfiTmii-