y.iz rUIMANS WZCKLY Published Every Friday At ' henford, North Carolina X CAMBLL......Editor EnSrfed"ai iceond clnss matter govern iter 11 1934, at Port Office ti Herrtonl, North Carolina under ft. i .. . . 1 .......... ) SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ONB YEAS .... 12.00 ' . In Perquimans Chowan, Pag. ' qUotank and Gates Counties. Elsewhere $2.50 SIX MONTHS $1.50 Advertising Rates Furnished r ; . . Bv Recueit FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 5, 1960 , J 'If you're one of those wdi viduals . who can't tell one ship fr9tn another, all you have to ' do is learn the Navy's pattern j for naming snips. , Because in the Navy, there is something in a name! , . . . ' : Wonder Drugs ! It is probably correct to say( that medical science has made greater strides, in the develop-1 ment of new drugs in the , past two decacros man in the 1 entire history of medicine. New -wonder drugs are now used not only to relieve pain and dis-j I tress, but also to .jijve the, causes of disease. 1 The history of the wonder drugs 'began back: in 1932 with the discovery of the sulpha j drugs. Now the list includes ir addition to the sulphas, peni- icillin, streptomycin, aureomycin.j ph nrnmvpphn Tprrarnvrin ria- "ground Hog Prophecy ; citracm, neomycin, atabri.ie, v fpentaquin, chlorqum, paludrin, v The American Association for. and the hormone cortisone 'lttye Observance of "Ground Hog HVv' might as well begin lining 1 uo its legion because the ad vent of February 2nd reminds us ''that the traditional occasion when the little animal comes One out of everv four persons stricken with pneumonia died 30 years ago, but today most vic tims are healed with penicillin in three or four days. With the development of insonicotinic acid, ' out of. his winter burrow fqr ahydrazide, some tuberculosis yic-j lmilt ahnnt In spo if it is time . tims have literally been pulled ;.tq resume normal activities is back from the brink of the Unost upon us. I brink of the grave. t Tho crrmmrlhns u nr.hana nnr' But even considering the great most famous weather prophet, ' advances that medical science tilt, unfortunately, not the most hEs made in the past few years, l(f urate- to be found. The the challenge of finding drugs fieory is that if the groundhog an serums that will combat lees its shadow, it retires for other majr diseases, such as another six weeks of sleep, but, cancer- which kllls about 200 according to the legend, if the thousand people each year, still ' sky is cloudy, it remains out- fas those who are writing .sde. with 'the assurance that an medical history. Wonder drugs iirv SnriV."t. ,mj th M for the treatment of the common 4 Vi ' r" i i ( ' 1 l f '"jfjrT : ct1' hl2'h -Wood pressure, hard- ; ening oi me arteries, anu puieis, are . still needed. Negro HD Council : What's ?n A Name? Naming United States Navy 'rShips has followed a definite pattern through the years, uat- pa . j tleships, for example, ave named 1 If TlPPrC rlPPTPfl 'after , states, w.hUe cruisers get j M U Mv Will their names from la;ge cities. New officers for The Perquim Destroyers are named after in- ans Negro Home Demonstration prviduals, like war heroes, fed- County Council were elected at eral government notables, and 'inventors. Submarines are nam fed, ffer fish and marine crea tures.. Aircraft carriers are giv- ta the names' of historical naval , essels or battles- As a matter of fact, there is a plan for naming ocean-going tugs, harbor tugs, small seaplane tenders, larger seaplane tenders, . restroyer tenders, repair ships, submarine tenders, gunboats and ttftack. transports. i q moolincT Vinlrl Thurcrlnv nf Inst ' week at the office of the Agri- i cultural Extension Agent. A dis I cussion on "What every club I woman should know" was led by Mrs. M. D. Taylor, Negro Home Agent. Officers elected for the year were: President, Mrs. A. M. Hurdle; vice president, Mrs. Annie Jones, secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Clarice ( Newby; assistant secretary, Mrs. 1 Hazel Smith; y chaplain, "' Mrs. Mary B, Skinner, " j . T(ie program committee ifl cludes: . Mrs. E. V. Billups, chairman, Mrs. Mary Skinner, Mrs. Cora Carter, Mrs. Theressa ' Ebron, Mrs. Helen Banks, and Mrs. Daisy Perkins. r The county project ieadc-3 se-, lected were as tollows: Foods and nutrition, Mrs. Marion Fn- erson; home gardens, Mrs. Ma nolia Parker; home poultry, Mrs. Emma Blanchard; home dairy, Mrs. Minnie Gregory; food conservation, Mrs. : Annie Jones; home furnishings, Mrs. Ernestine Fellon; home manage ment, Mrs. Emily Williamston; family life, Mrs. E. V. Billups; home beautif ication, Mrs. Clar iie Newby clothing, Mrs. Leha White and Mrs. Sarah Lee. Twe county committee chair men selected were as follows: Community service, Miss Mary E. Sumner; health, Mrs. Anna Holley; education, Mrs. Theressa Ebron; citizenship, Mrs. Elmirai Smith; recreation, Mrs. Evelyn Modlin; music, Mrs. Cora Carter; loan fund, Mrs. Daisy Perkins; markets, Mi'S- Hazel Smith and Mrs. Matilda Skinner; 4-H Club leaders, Mrs. Minnie A. Johnson and Mrs. Minnie Gregory The following activities were approved by the members: The installation service for club of ficers and County Council of ficers, Sunday, February 7, at St. Paul A. M. E. Zion Church, Hertford; State Council meeting. March 23, Raleigh; Home Dem onstration Union) service, May 1; Home .Demonstration Week, May 1-7; Farmers and Homemakers Conference, June 14-17; county wide garden tour, June 30; camp week-end for home demonstra tion members and families, Aug ust 1 3-1 4 ; home demonstration county-wide picnic, August 26; pantry tour, September 16; home demonstration achievement day, October 8; and the Northeastern District Council meeting, No vember 3. A home demonstration execu tive committee was appointed to work out a plan for the County Council to use for awards and scholarships to worthy. 4-H Club members in project activities this year. The County Council presi dent, Mrs. A, M. Hurdle, led the group in closing with the use of the club motto. From Slate College Edward Lee Madre, Edgar Fields, Jim Batts, Aubrey Davis, Hazel Mathews, Jack Broughton, Ttnnol4 Rnlrpr Phil in PhilliDS. David Burton, all students at j State College, are spending -this week at their homes. 'WpW-'liyiiiJi!! 1 "" Ilsil mm .. .-, 1 t lllllillpllllilli liiliiill CZ7 pJtrap nircrnft oiX by Sinclair. There is no better proof of reliability. , Foryourcor... Do as the pirlines do...use Sinclair Bii Baker Oil Go mp an y SUPPLIER OF SINCLAIR PRODUCTS Sunday ochooJl PERSISTENT EVANGELISM International Sunday School Lesson for February 7, 19$ Memory Selection: , i "Be stead fast, immovable, always abound ing in the work of the . Lord knowing thai in the Lord; your labor ia not in TnVr , Coruian :58) Lesson TJfs A?l I Corinthians VH H Ths purpose of this lesson Js to show how a church can make a complete and' persistent wit ness to its community. It Will point out the value of a total witness through preaching, teaching, and social action. In our Bibie study for today, we read further of Paul's mini' strations. "After this he Heft Athens and went to Corinth" (Acts 18:1). With these words we are introduced to the fruit ful ministry of ?aul in Corinth Many of the recorded visits' of Paul to the cities of Asia Minor and Greece were of short dura tion, but here we find him stay ing to preach the word of God to the people of Corinth lor a year and six months . . . a lengthy time for him. We need to read of, these experiences of Paul at Corinth to impress u that the witness for Christ of ten calls for sustained and lengthy effort. In latei days and, times,, missionaries have some times had to wort for months, ana even ror years, without gaining a single convert to Christ. Adoniram Judicri labor ed patiently with the people of Burma for six years without finding even one person to pro fess faith in Christ. Nor is the need for sustained effort limit ed to the mission field. A cer tain layman was expressing joy to a friend that a. neighbor of his had committed his life to Christ when he had called at his home. Upon the friend to whom he' was speaking remark ing that it must be a source of satisfaction to have such results) from the visit, the layman re plied: "Yes . . . even more so because this was my seventeenth (call at his home on the same mission." Persistence is neces sary if we are to take the Chris tian faith to those who need to commit themselves to Christ, and we will do well to bear this fact in mind when we labor in His behalf, , The eighteenth chapter of Acts suggests several principles which are involved in the persistent and continued witness of the church. Of first importance is an awareness of the people who ought to be reached for Christ. Paul's experience in Corinth points to the wide difference in social and cultural background of those with whom he shared the message of faith. He found a' Jew from Rome who was a stranger in Corinth. In the. synagogue he. endeavored to reach both the 'born Jews and the' proselyte Jews. Later he announced that from that time on he would go to the Gen tiles (Acts 18:6). V v'v Local churches in the twen tieth century , often limit their outreach to people of similar backgrounds. We are inclined to assume that those of a lower level of economic or social life will be served ty the sect groups if they are to be served at all. In many churches we cater to what we call the middle class, or to those we feel are the business and professional leaders of the community. It is well, therefore, to ask ourselves whether we want those who are "different" in our church or class. The example of Paul leaves no room for a placid ac ceptance of a Christian fellow ship that includes only those who are like us. It reminds us of our obligation to reach every person for Christ wherever he is or whoever he happens to be. Indeed. Paul gives us an ex ample in Corinth of the breadth, and of our obligation to seek out and find people. No church in- our day confronts as different a group of men and women as those who were the object of Paul's concern. In his witness wj . eat th sumrnonf to everywhere to find those who ought to be enlisted in the great and glorious fellowship of be lievers, Paul's witness, in short, was a testimony. So, too, Is arl etfectfve witnessing. , Otw words are faltering: and feeble when we enfleavor ' to teu . wnat we have discovered about God; they become persuasive and appealing ':7'f ,' . :.r, " , 1 it tH. CHURCH fOn ALL . . ALL rOR THE CHURCH Tltt Church it iht grealetl factor oa tarft for iht building of chancier and food citizenship. It it ft tlorchoute of pirifual value. Without ttrong Church, neither democracy nor civilization can 'urvivt. There art four sound reaton why every penoa ahould attend tervke regularly and wpport the Church. They arc: 0) for hit own take. ,(2) For hit children! take. (3) For the take of hit community and nation. (4) For the take of the Church ilielf, which necdt hit Jheral and material support. Plan to go to church regularly and read your Bible daily, Book Clupter Venn Sumby Hoha Mondqr IJobd Tonday Ronul . Wedoadljf Proverb. Thunday -' ICoruthiiM Fridfty John aiturdir fulm. t-1! 20-21 9-10 17 13-14 9-10 13-14 VA man's got to look after his brother.-That's .what Timmy said the other day, as he stood beside ovr baby. And I told him he was right.' "You are so much stronger than this tiny, little creature,v I said, "trom now on, you've got real relponsibilityl" ' A man doe$ have to look after his brother , , . especially when that brother is weak. But there are mama nts, too, when even the strongest man may neecl a brother! In the eyta of the Church, all men are brothers, just ',as all men are equally beloved. As long as theie is a church near you, you are not alone. You tave only to open the door and walk in and you. will be at one with your fellow man . . , and atihome with your brothers, Coh'lkt im, Ktliln Ah. Smln; lmfort, Vi. TRI PAGE MADE POSSIBLE BY THE F(XLLO WINQ FIRMS: ChappelJ Brothers GENERAL CONTRACTUS Phone Elisateth City ?6G7 Hertford Banking Company sieiiber VJIXC, r'Mil,tpn Dsl9 & Soi fEBTmZE? FARM PBOOTCE Pay plKe M66. Nieht Phenes J0U-45T. Cannon Oeaners PHONE 2511 . Dependable Serrlee W. M. Morgan Furniture Co. Heae Furnishings . . . Rot Point Appliances Reed OH Company: ESSO PRODUCTS , inslcw-Blanchard Motor Ca YOpR FORD DEALER ;' - Lynch Funeral Home ' ' '. ..-. f .... " .V.. PHOWE Mil HERTTOHD, Tg. C Tpwe:ebb Motor Company CHYSLER -PLYMOUTH i . . Sales & Service J. C. Blanchard & Co.. Inc. ' -BLANCARDTS- Since 1833 - Baker Oil Company s- Sind Products; Goodyear Tires Ilf rf ord livestock & " Supply Company PHONE 2581 , ' HERTFORD, N. C Jordan's Barber Shop BILL JORDAN, Prep. Iff rtf ord Building: & Loan Association i ' "Owa Tear Own Come ' Throach EailJing and Loan" . J Swindell Funeral Home PHONE 6111 . ESTFQRD, Ij. 41, I ' . Si p n , "'M PERTPORD BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday School, 9:45 A. M. . , Morning Worship, 11:00 o'clock. Evening Worship, 8 o'clock. " Mid-week Services, Wednesda evening at o'clock. . ethleherjotpp - Joe Brickhousa Pastor Sunday School iv.00 A'.TL. " 1 First Sunday ' " '. - 11 A. M and 8 P. M ' Sunday stnooi each Sunday at 10:00 A. M., . - - Morning worship at II o'clock, 2nd and 4th Sunday mornings : PERQUIMANS CHARGE v i CHURCHES A, J. McCIelhtn,. Pastor '',-..)'" ' e i i .: ,! BURGESS B4PTIST CHURCH Rev. Albert Oore,: St, Pastor Cedar Grove Church: 1st Sun day 10 A. M.; 2nd Sunday, 11 A. M.; 3rd Sunday 7:30 P. M. -" Epworth, Church: 1st Sunday, 11 A, M.; 2nd Sunday, 7;30 P. M.; 3rd Sundav. 10 A. M.: 4th' Sun day, 7:30 P.M. - Oak Grove Church: . 1st Sun day, 7:30 P. M.; 3fd Sunday, 11 A. M.; 4th Sunday.' 11 A. M. NEW HOPE V -WOODLAND s Dan E. Meadows. Pastor New Hope: Church School, 10 a. m.j worship services, 11 A. M., 1st and 3rd Sundays; 7:30 P. M., 2nd and 4th Sundays. -Woodland: Church School, 10 a. jw.; worsnip service zna and 4th Sunday, 11 A. M.; 1st and 3rd Sunday, 7:30 p. M. -. ., o . X.C-:,.'". ANDERSON'S MiilTflODIST - CHURCH Church' School. 10:06 n. M. ' Morning Worship 11:00 A M, second and fourth Sundays WOODVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH William S. Brown, Pantor Sunday School, , 9:45 "A. ' M.; Morning - Worsh'D. 11 A. M.; Training Union. 6:30 P. M.; Even ing Service, 7:30 P. M. UP RIVER FRIENDS CHURCH Oiral Ditton, Paster Sunday School, 9:45 "A. M. Chnr services, li A. X. an 8 PM. Vwitij FeHowaMp, 7 P. K. f Uyei ,ervlee '"8 , ? BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH . Bryan Holloman. Pastor . Sundav School. 10:00 A. M. Morning Worsnin 11:00 A. U Evening Worship, 8:00 P. 1 ' ' PINEY WOODS FRIENSi '" CHURCH - 1 " Mark Hodgln, Pastor Church Scnool 10 A. M. ' Mofning worship 11 A. M. ' Young Peoole'a meeting 7 P.. XL WH1TEV1LLE GftuVrt BAIJST'7 ' CHURCH 1 v Rev. J. Paul Hoioman, Pastes;, T Sunday School HOiOft 4 tj, f xT? Sunday, Church servfces first &i Smaays at 31:00 A, M.. If. 7 ' HBBTFORD TtlHTBODIST T CHURCH J, A. Anman, Pastoe Srareh Scfeoof :4S A;M. orning Wonhif 11:00 o'doclx - ' IOULD JTfiliOWBniD. M. II ': Sveninf worship, 7:80 P. M7 II BAGLEY, SAMP VttGR? II Sunday- School, 10:00 A. t. I MnrriinffWnTHhir.il o'clock. :. I Young People's meeting a 6:80 'Evintoff worship, 7:80. o'clock. HOLY TRINITY EPlSCpRAI CHURCH" Rev. E. Ti Moseley, Rector Holy Communion, 8:0Q A. M.; Churoh School 9:45 A. M.; Morn ing Prayer and Sermon- (Holy Communion, first . Sunday), at 11:00 A. M. BEREA IcHURCH OF CHRIST Charles Presley, Pastor ' Bible School each Sunday at 10 o'clook - Holy Communion each Sundayi' Worship Services, first and third Sunday morn ings at 11 o'ejock; Evening Wor ship Service; at 7:30 o'clock. Adult Study, 'Classes .and Youth Meetings first and third Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. .Av... :,(!.. i. i..l',0 . i.'y:-"::iy : CHAPPELL HILL BAPTIST , ',. 't. CHURCH ' . Bet. J. Paul Hoioman, Pastor " Sunday scnoo every Sunday at 10:00 A. 21 Pl 1 " Worship service every second and fourth Sunday, at 11:00 A. M. BTU every Sunday at 7:30 P. 21 ASSrrLYCF.C'JD Rev.L. J. Howe, Pf'jr . ' Sunday School 10 A M.; Wor ship at 11' A. M.; Evaneeli-'ic t vice 7:30: Prayer Meeting Tuesdf night at 8 o'clock, and CA Ser vices Friday. ni?ht at 8 o'clock. mt. siai r." -t"t rrrr.TA Rev. Le - '-i, 1 T Sunday i iLtxA each t-JnJ:7 moming at 10 o'clock. 'Worship services, 1st and T " Sunday evening at 8 o'clock; 2 and 4th Sunday morning at ,11 o'clock.' . , y - when, we declare what God has Hertford, N.C , PoniimiM en f?? Five i I-