Volume XXVII. Number 20. Hertford Final Meeting; Had Succes s f u 1 Year Qsi . Thursday night, May 14, - the Hertford Grammar School PTA met in the auditorium of the school for their final sched uled meeting of the school year. Mrs. Robert Hollowell, president, called the meeting to order and recognized Mis, ;. Talmage Rose, program chairman. Mrs. Rose presented the Rev. E. F. Mose ley, rector of the Holy Trinity . Episcopal Church, who used the parable of the soil. St. Matthew 13th chapter, as a basis for his meditation. An interesting film, "Rescue Breathing," was shown on the importance of the mouth to mouth method of artificial res piration. It was pointed out that so many people could be saved by this immediate method with rules easy enough for children to carry out. Mrs. Hollowell presided at the business meeting and dispensed with the secretary's report of the previous meeting. The treas urer, Mrs. Freeman Long, re- immirv ."' Mrs ; pi-,. R,i danc rital rhairmn thai,J ' nil fhB mm.t, ,,' with her in hP rP, ini anH r. nri .. Mrs. Broughton Dail announced that a profit of $48.32 was rea- lizcd from the Jaycee supper. The president expressed appre - elation to Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Elev for their donation of a hand drawn mower which will be used to cut grass around the shrub- bery. According to Mrs. R.S. Monds, the Teen Code has been written following several committee meeting. The PTA agreed to wy one-third of the printing ' expenses of the code. Mrs. Hol i : kiwclf Igave art interesting report , fc, on me iaie ,k.Kp ... vcY.enyng, She said the highlight of the meeting was the dedication of , the headquarters building. She urged all members when in Raleigh to go by and see the building, since PTA members contributed money for its) con struction. Mrs. Hollowell stated that the PTA had a successful year and expressed gratitude to -. Continued on Page Three Patrolmen Assist Garner Ball Team On Hertford Visit Gainer High School's baseball team ran into some difficulty coming to Hertford last Monday afternoon for the first game of the 2-A title series but with as sistance from the State Highway Patrol the team arrived on time for the contest. Leaving Garner about 1 P. M., in a bus, the team was delayed ebout one hour in Wilson due to bus trouble. Coming on toward Hertford, the bus finally quit at Windsor and with time growing short, a Garner follower sug gested nine of the players be carried the remainder of the way, Powell, S. M. Whedbee, J. E, in one car. . ; v jWinslow, Charlie Umphlett, W. Boys being boys, when the car H. Pitt, W. Ray White and W. left the scene 12 players were F. Ainsley. i aboard, this being strictly con. For Parkville Township G. W. irary 10 ine. law. a snort ais- ' tance down the road they came upon a highway patrolman, J. W. Dickens, who investigated .. the overloaded vehicle, Inquir ing if they had come nil the way from Raleigh with so many pas- 6cngers. --; . : . Upon being . advised of the circumstance, Patrolman Dickens - had some of. the players get in the patrol car and ride with him , lha WorniiiTYtana I minrv lino where they were niet by Patrol man O. O. Williams, who brought ' the team on to Hertford in good ; - time for the ball game. '; The Garner players and fans expressed high praise to the pa 3v tiolmeh for the assistance rend- ored in getting them to the ball game on tune. , ALUMNI DIRECTORS- MEET ' East Carolina College Director of Alumni Affairs' 'Allan Nelms, i was mere inursuay in uerem.-e - with Mrsi Julian C. Powell, Dis; trict Director for two years and ' 1 with tihe incoming new 'District! r Director,-Mrs. Andrew W. Wins-. . Jrv rf r;,.':"!h City. ; PTA In, ( Award Tonight ; W. Dabney White, former prin cipal at Hertford Grammar School, will make a presentation of his Blue Shield Award, to some former . student of the school at ceremonies to be con ducted Friday night at the school. The public is invited to attend the award ceremony, which will start at 8 o'clock. According t; reports a large number of form er pupils at the school are plan ning to attend. A number of members of the class of 1927 will hold a reunion supper prior to the meeting al the school. . Andrew Baily, newly-eleeted President of the Pasquotank- I Perquimans-Camden TB Associ I ation for 1960-61, announced thr following committees for the conilng year: Health Education Mrs. Fret? Haney, chairman of judges foi 1 """n programs m rasquoianK Mrs. E. O. Baum, chairman of sponsors for health programs. ! Pasquotank ,1 Mrs. D. M. Jackson, chairmar j cf judges and sponsors in Per- j quimans and Mrs. Cecil Foster, ' ?ha,rman of judges and sponsor in Camden Rehabilitation -Francis Griffin and Mrs. Mclvin Wright, Pasquo tank. Mrs. Russell Baker and Mrs. John Hurdle, Perquimans, and.' Mrs. B. C. Cuthrell,. Cam den County, ' Colored Committee on Reha- ouira uonMrs. , uiara Bowman, 'f presenting -lfte TiJ communi-l Re-elect The Perquimans County Dem- j ocratic Convention was held C. 1 j , . I odiuiaay anernoon at the Court House; W. F. Ainsley was re-elected as chairman of the Executive Committee for the county, with Mrs. Irene Towe as vice chair man and Max Campbell was re elected as secretary. For Bethel Precinct, Charles E. White was named chairman. County De Fo Next Two Yea with Mrs. Winstead Lane vice-j Miss Bonnie Rae Dail, daugh chairman and Howard Matthews i ter of Mr. and Mrs. Renriie Ed committeeman. r,:. t...... , ...., For Hertford Township J. H. Towe was named chairman, with Mrs. Jack Brinn as vice chair man. Other members are A. W. Hefren, Matf Campbell, Julian Jackson was elected chairman. with Mrs. Hattie Symons as vice chairman and J. F. Hollo well. ; ' ''- : - :vi:-' ' ,. W. E. Dail was named chair man for New i Hope with P, H. Ownley, Jr., as vice chairman and S; D. Banks, member. C, C. Chappell 'was elected chairman for. Belvidere Precinct, with Ellis Winslow as vice chair man, and L. .L. Chappell, mem ber. .. v; In Nicanor Precinct R,'; M. Kaker. was named chairman, Mrs. R R. White as vice chair man and T. M. Twine, member. All Democrats in good Stand ing in the county were named as delegates to the State Con vention to be held in Raleigh. The County Convention also went' oh record endorsing Allan Powell of Hertford County as a delegate to the National Demo cratic Convention in Las An- geies. ........ .i (, .. . ... , , m MASONS TO MEET - Perquiman , Masonic Lodge No, 108, A. F. & A. M., will meet 'Tuesd.-y rtcht t 8 o'clock. Hertford. Perquimans County. North Carolina, Friday, May 20, 1960. "STICK 'EM OP" Six Santa Rosa Junior College "bandits" are caught by a hidden camera at the moment of a mock holdup in Santa Rosa, Calif. They covered 15 persons with toy weapons, presented the teller with a note attao.uu to a dollar bill which read: "This is a stickuo. Give us change. At Union School Are Announced the following schedule of commencement activities was an nounced this week by J. A. Dempsey,, principal of Perquim ans County Union School: Class night, Friday, May 27, 3:00 P. M. Baccalaureate sermon, Sunday, May 22, 4:00 P. M. Eighth grade promotion exer cise, Monday, May 30, 1:30 P. M. Graduation exercises, Tuesday, May 31, 8:00 P. . M. The senior class will be in charge of the commencement program. The speaker for (he Bacca laureate service will be. the Rev. W. F. Elliott, pastor of Olive Branch Baptist Church, Eliza beth City, The theme for class night will be "A Feather Of Gold". The valedictorian of the senior class is Saundra Newby with a fou year average of 92.5. The salutatorian is George Johnson, la veteran, with. a four year aver age of 91.3. mocrats Officers rs Dail -White Vows Spoken In Great In a setting of palms,, gladi oli, mums and cathedral candles, became the bride of Clyde Mel ton White, Jr., son of Mr. and Mre. Clyde Melton White, Sr., of Route 2, Hertford, on Friday, May 6, at 7 P. M. at the Great Hope Baptist Church. .Given in marriage by her brother, Glenwood Lee Dail, the bride wore a ballerina length gown ' of white lace and tulle over i taffeta, styled with high neckline and fitted bodice with long lace sleeves and a very' full gathered skirt , Her fingertip veil fell from a small headband covered with white satin rose buds. She carried a prayer book with a white orchid and cascad ed with lily of the valley. Mrs.' Daniel Simpson was mat ron of honor, , Miss Hulda Dail, cousin of the bride, was maid of honor. They wore -similar sky blue gowns of lace and' taffeta. styled sleeveless with round neckline and a very full gath ered skirt accented by: a waisl cummerbund. They carried a cascade of pink carnations and-j pom-poms. Ernest Stallings was best man. Ushers were Frank Mansfield and Lyonel Byrum, ' Mrs," C. T. Mansfield played the, wedding music and accom panied Bobby Overton who sang "Because" and . "The Wedding Prayer" as a benediction, v Mrs. Pailen Lane was mistress of ceremony. '' ' The mother of the bride wore (Continued on Pagt Thr) , Closing Exercises Hope Church May 6 They ended up in ' " Perquimans Wins From Garner 4 To 1 In Series Opener This Week's Headlines Increased world tensions art anticipated due to the blow up of the Paris summit meeting, I which the Soviets refused to at tend unless tendered an apology by the United States for the spy plane incident. The Russian po sition, according to European I reports, aroused the Western Allies to realize they need now to reappraise defenses and hold firm against any Soviet pres sures. The summit meeting broke up Tuesday after President EisJI. hower. President DeGualle and Prime Minister Marmillan - wait ed for hours for Khrushchev to accept their invitations to medi ate the problems for which the meeting was originally called. Khrushchev refused to show up and the West then issued a statement terminating the con ference. It became apparent Monday the summit meeting was doomer' to fail when Khrushchev, on thr opening day of the event, de nounced President Eisenhowei and the United States, the- withdrew the Russian invitation for President Eisenhower to visit Russia. It has been an nounced the President will en large his Asian tour to include several visits to countries not previously included in the tour. The events in Paris are exoect ed to have definite baaring on the upcoming political campaign in the United States. What ap parently was to be a presiden tial campaign without issues is now expected to develop into one in which foreign policy will be a main point of discussion. Sen. John Kennedy (D-Mass) won another presidential prim ary this week! and is now con cluded to have about 35 per cent of the national delegates pledg- J ed to him as he seeks the Democratic nomination. Ken nedy won an easy victory this week in Maryland over Senator Wayne Morse (D-Ore.) Appeal Made For Red Cross Funds Claude Williams, Chairman of the Perquimans County Red Cross Chapter today issued a fi nal apDeal for contributions to the Red Cross fund campaign. Mr. Williams announced the county still needs , between $200 and $300 to achieve its iw fund quota. ' . .. He - urged individuals who have not been solicited and who w)sh to contribute to Hhe Red Cross; to get in touch with either he tor - Marion . Swindell nd ar rangements will be made to have a solicitor to pick wp the dona tiom ..:..;,.V -,..; '" BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr, and Mrs. Buddy Tilley an nounce the birth of a son, Scott Grayson, born. Saturday, May 14, at -the Chowan Hospital., Mrs. Tilley fa the former Mias Betty Smi'tat of Edentan. ' , I The Indians of Perquimans High School advanced one step nearer the State 2-A baseball ;.U ihev ripfPatpH Carner High School 4-1 in lhe opener i of a two best cut of three; & ! series. Tho first mmp was;"1 luuu- LUBl0' """' "'. '"t- xluvoH in Hfilfni4 MnnHav niyht u ---o--- before a large number of local fan.5. Coach Ike Perry started his Albemarle Champs with Pete Hunter on the mound. Hunter performed with his usual excel lent ability, striking out 13 Gar ner batsmen while walking two and giving up one run. fcach tearo collected three nits but Perquimans took advantage cf cppoitunities and scored four runs. Garner's lojne run came in the fourth inning. Pipkin bounced to Colson at first who threw w,l I to Hunter covenn? vhe bag. Pipkin racing to second from where he scored on a single by Pleasants. reiquiniHiis wun me name m 'he first, Johnny Winslow was ?nfrt rn nn orrir T-luntor walkerl "'r " " nnd both men advanced on wnu p'licii. ouiy .on louuieu me luniiers nume. Ulie Indians added two insur - nee runs in une mira. junnnytne company had employed Mrs. Winslow opened wi'h a single Vera B. Batten as manager for ind Watkins proceeded to walk (ine theatre, 'our straight men, following it - vit.h a wild nitrh. Johnny Winslow's two singles! lhe Heittord Chapter cf ine , v md Nixcn's double accounted for! Order of lhe Eastern Star will j -A place and time for the 4-H Ul of Perquimans' runs. hold its monthly meeting Mon- county picnic was discussed. Garner evened up -lhe series! day night at 8 o'clock. All mem- Sandy Point Beach, the Eliza -rj.,.j.. :u. uj; .t- hAN'am nrsivl to bp nresent. Continued on. fag u t.cuncsua if infill iidiiuiiig uic Indians a 3-2 defeat in a game olayed on the Garner diamond.,! Pete Hunter struck, out 13 Gar-i ier battei-s but 'the Indians com mitted errors which permitted' Garner to score two runs. The deciding game of the ser-i ies will be played Friday night j and Coach Perry announced I Thursday morning he is await-j ng definite word as to the lo cation, however, he thinks the game will be set for Greenville. Teen Code Pamphlet Being Distributed A Teen Code, written and published by members of the three Parent.-Teacher Associa tions in Perquimans County in cooperation witn tne student government of the schools, is now being distributed to the school pupils. One thousand copies 6f the pamphlets have been printed a,nd it is the desire, of the PTAs mai eacn iamny in me county . win nave a copy, wnien is en-1 titled ''We Understand," j The ' pamphlet sets forth the ideas of the parents and children , concerning ethics to be observed ! at home, school, in public .and at Landing Named Hewlett Manager i Emmett Landing, well "' known Hertford businessman, ' has beein named to manage Addison Hew lett's campaign for the U. S. Senate in Perquimans County, according to an announcement by; Hewlett headquarters last Saturday. ' ROTARY MEETS TUESDAY Hertford's Rotary Club will meet Tuesday night at 6:15 o'clock at. Elliott's Restaurant. . Court Defendants Submit To Charges During Recess Perquimans Recorder's Court remained 'in leeess this week due to illness of Judge Chas. E. Johnson, who is recuperating from injuries received in an au tomobile accident two weeks ago. However, to expedite proceed mgs and limit the build-up of County, holding an informal ; g: . the government re- - the docket of the court 26 pleas meeting here last Monday night, ,!'ininS and placing to some of guilty to charges were accept- discussed a request submitted e"d ust lhe facility at the Har ed by the court during the past by the Don Juan Manufacturing voy Poit,t Naval Base. , week- Company for assistance to the In a letter to Congressman ' The following defendants sub- firm in installing air condition- Bonner, written this week, Mr. mitted to charges of speeding ing in the building occupied by , Vinson said: and paid fines and or costs as the company. "I would like to refer to the indicated: Leif Berquist $25.1 Circumstances surrounding the matter of the Naval Air Facil Hezzie Forehand $29, Albert request were presented to both '' Harvey Point, which was Faulk $35. Arrone Jones. Negro boards by Mayor V. N. Darden, never brought into the active in-" $25, Lundy Gillikin $20, David who advised the commissioners ventory of the Department of Hyman $45, Robert King, Jr. such practices were being ear- lh-' Navy because of the lack of :$25, Emma Seymore $31. Glenn ricd out in manv communities success of the PGM airplane. cuii.umu uiiiiam tQR 1Vn T l!'tlC iouw ueoigi; ivrmn.. t.. cor ' ' ' Other defendants submitting ;to charges were: James White, Negro, exceeding safe speed. ;costs; Delia voiman. stop sign. costs; waiter i,iner. Negro, no waiter L.iner, Negro. ; license, $25 and costs: Melvin happen ana toward Morehouse, I drivinS n left of road. cosls- James anarpc, iNegro, ioi it., t,0!,e,- COMS" u,us,; BllIuPs- NeZ- dr,vl"K lefl ! i .1 i.. 6ro' no license, $25 and costs: Paul Hughes, exceeding width limit, costs; William Upton, no chauffeur's license, $10 and costs; William Modlin. Negro, no muf fler, costs; Fred Forehand. Ne gro, no license, $25 and co1s; Sherwood Edwards, expired cense plate, costs. li- Theatre To Open x. -ri -j ftr.T 07 I vii ri luaj1, maj Officials of the Carolina Amusement Company, owners of the State Theatre, were in Hertford this week and an- nouhced ' dans now call for the , m0vie house to resume operation , Friday of next week on May 27. The theatre is now undergoing extensive renovations in prp - a,.atiorl for tS re-opening but Holland Webster, president cf .i : j j.l .......1. ,lne company, saia me ajshould be completed to permit operations to resume by t'hs end j 0f next week. ' ; Mr. Webster also announced ! EA5TEHB 5TAH MLtUfH. " - - o Central PTA Holds Installation For New Of f icers Mon. The PTA of Perquimans Cen-I tral Grammar School held its! last meeting of the year Mon-1 chairman, reported tna. lbJ ptr- : tne new conference year and to day night, May 16, with the1 sons registered. Mrs. Janet secure from them their finan president, Mrs. Harold White, Weathersbee's second grade won cj;,i commitment for the sunnort nresidins. lhe meeting was opened with the singing of "America", accom- panicd by Mrs. Pauline Wabb. Mrs. White welcomed the par- ents and teachers and recogniz- ed Mrs. Elwood Nowell who pre sented an inspiring devotional. During the business session, the minutes were read and ap proved. The treasurer, Billy Winslow, reported a balance on t hand Of $4U7.4B. Mrs. White thanked the Ways Means Committee for its excellent work during the year, Mrs. Tilden Whftehurst was nominated as a delegate to the PTA Institute which will be held in Raleigh June 27-30. Mrs. Harold White was named as al ternate. ; Mrs. Ernest Sutton, historian, gave an interesting and infor mative resume of the year's work. .. . v.- It was voted that the PTA have seven meetings instead of nine, next year with September and January being the months in which jneetings will not be held. . 1 - , V... Vv ' j Mrs. .White displayed a certifi- cate the PTA received for w.10 i increase, one for a Standard As- spciation and the-' seal:; tu be Vinson Restates His Position On Harvey ? No Decision Commissioners for the Town of Hertford and Perauimans to maintain and increase indus- .... trial development. ! Following a lengthv discussion 0f lne ,-equest no decision was , eached on the matter. the"coun- ' ty board pointing out such ac- ' tin ,-ould bo taken onlv durine an officia meeting and thus the nlaUoi was tabled until .his board meets on June 6. I 4-H County Council In Final Meeting The Perquimans 4-H County Council met for the last meet ing of the year on May 12. Vernon Winslow called 1he meeting to order with the 4-H Pledge and Pledge of Allegiance. Joe Haskell, Hertford 5th Grade 4-H member, gave the devo tional. The 8th Grade Club won the 'ltendam... banner wilh the mos membe,,s p,.esent. A committee was appointed to decide on Per ciuimans votes for the district tt: t..w u..... i. Ed Njxo and Di;mna McDo. , ,,, ....., elected u, cnn.y tlle vu!e , ,Djs. . ,,., fii,i,.;.. rv w,.k' ington. Announcements were made 'concerning summer events. 4-H Club " ..j8 be ilt Swan. ;nanoa June T July 2. District Day is to bu June 22. 4-H Club i Week wili be jujv 25-31 The " test is to bci June 10. The dress revue is scheduled for June 9 rru :J... a a ..' 1 lie piesiueiiv eiicuui ayeu t-n tis I. ,. . ... placed on the charter, Mrs. Doris Nixon, hospitality the first-Dlace Dlaaue: Mrs. Au-' drey Roach s third grade won Members of the visiting com t'he second-place plaque, and ' mjttee will meet for the supper - Mrs. Mary White's first grade and Mrs. Ruth Burden's third grade tied for the third-place , plaque. The following officers were installed for the school year' 1960-61: President. Mi's. Harold j Ray Haskett, Jarvis Henry. El White; vice president. George, ton Hurdle, Lloyd Lane, J. T. Baker; secretary. Mrs. Tilden I Whttehurst: treasurer, Erne.stjA. McGoogan, Charles -Skinner; Sutton. Mi's. Ernest Long was; Jr., H. C. Stokes, R. M. Thomp the installing officer. ' son, J. L. - Tunnel), Emory White, At the conclusion of the busi-ildon Winslow. Billy White, ness meeting, Mrs. Elwocd Now ell invited the parents to visit the classrooms, library and re ception room where refresh ments were served. Furniture Store To Honor Grads As has been its custom for a number of years, the W. M. Mor gan Furniture -Company ;will again honor - girl graduates in Perquimans schools by present ing each with a miniature Lane cedar chest The girls are re quested to call, for their minia ture chest after graduation cere- monies. .- - . . 5 Cents Per Copj. Point Site Congressman Carl Vinson (D Ga) chairman of the Armed Forces Committee, this week .advised Congressman Herbert C. 1 Bonnc'r there had been no ' cn;mSe in his position in re- "As vou know ' I have been activelv attempting to find -wine military use for the large investment which the govern- ent has in this facility, and it my intention to continue my effort in this respect. I feel very strongly that this nmnertv should not he riisnnsorl of through the General Service Administration but should con tinue to be held by the govern ment to the end that so:ik pro fitable use can be found for the nearly completed facility. '"1 know that with your co operation I will be able to hold this property in the manner and for the reason which I have de scribed." Methodist Church ToObserve Loyalty r Day Next Sunday First Methodist Church, Hert ford, will 'observe Loyaltv Day Sunday. May 22. as thev join with the more' than 800 Metho dist churches in the North Carolina Conference in climax ing the conference-wide Every Member Cariva-s. This year's canvass program has been a lav-men-planncd and laymen-li'd pmgiam which was introduced at the giant district lay rally ; held in Februarv at the Per- tli..1, 1 torium. in ine men hurch Jarvis , Hemy and C miles Harrell havi; I been general chairmen and they ' have worked with various com mittees to lay the groundwork ; for Sunday's Loyalty Day ob j servance. At the 1 1 o'clock worship hour, the minister, the Rev. James A. Auman, will cen ter his message around the theme o.' this year's canvass "His Love Our Response." At the close of the service the thirty ; men who compose the visiting 1 teams will meet at the altar for ; a brief service of dedication. iOn Sunday afternoon, beginning at 1:30 these visiting team? will visit personally in the homes of every resident church member to acquaint them with the pro posed program of the church for nt thie immn, alld uaining Thursday night, Mav 19, at 6 o'clock. Thev wc George : Bellmon. Edward Bark Pr, John Beer, Claude Brinn, Fonton ' Britt. J. W. Dillon, George Fields, Charles Harrell. Lane, Moody Matthews, Jr., Y. John Decker, Emmett Landing, J. R. White, Joe Nowell, Jr.. Charles Murray, Keith Haskelt, Max Campbell. Other 'members -of the official board will assist in various ways to complete the details of Loyalty Day and have been asked to sit together lit Sunday morning's worship ser vice.. . . Commenting on the Every Member Canvass, the ministers of this area have observed that . this is the most dynamic effort which Methodist laymen have made toward the financial sup port of -their church, and every where these efforts have beori met with enthusiasm and in terest.'" -