V THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY. HERTFORD, NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY. JUNE 24. 1980. PAGE THREE SECTION ONf KNOW YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY John T. Groomi.-" representaty th Social Securi Acunittraiion. is in Hertioid th tacond Wtdnaiday each month at the Perquimans County Court Houia, f J 'Are all fanners required to " ile tax returns and pay the fcelf -employment tax?" . .We in the Social Security Ofijce hear this question often, and Ve an swer is simple. ; i I If a farmer or any other self (pmployed person' has' Hi. t earn ings of $400.00 or more in a Jrear, the law states th:.t; he must . Ifile tax returns. : He - has no choice as to whether to file or I "What are net carninies?" An other question you may be ask- ng. Simply , take all of, your lies sups lor sale of farm pro ducts and get your total in ipome from sale of peanuts soy beans, corn, etc. ; Now add all of your expenses together in a separate column. Subtract your expenses from your income. This pay the self-employment tax so that you can count this work for Social Security purposes. If you had net earnings of less than f 400.00 in any of the past three years you may still file on the optional method. This may be very important to you if you be come disabled or when you reach retirement age. It could very well be - of the utmost import ance to your family in the event of your death. If you 'have any question re garding self-employment, contact your local Social Security Dis trict Office, located at 220 W. Brambleton Ave., Norfolk, Va. PERSONAL ITEMS From Richmond Mrs. John Martin and children ;i . . - HUM VVUU Kill CM1U til ; fhows your net profit or net loss. of Richmondi Vai are spending X( "What if my net prof is less th. ,. ,,, your gross income was $600.00 -br more you may file tax returns pn the "optional method": and GOD - .... ! KILL FLIES LIKE week-end Sunday. and returned home In Newport Nw Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nixon, Jr., and son 6t Newport-News, Va., spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Herbert Nixon. They were accompanied home by Miss Nita Nixon, who is spending this week there. mints - were served to the fol lowing: Miss Mary Ann Harris, bride-elect, Mrs. Z. A. Harris, Mrs. Jarvis Ward, Mrs. Frances Nixon, Mrs. 7 W. E. Harrison, Lane and Mrs. Walton soms, bride's roses, wedding bells Anne Lane. Mrs. Clarence Chappcll, Jr., re-, with Mrs. James Jordan and and lily of the valley, topped a miniature bride and ceived the eifts and registered ! eroom. Thi cake was flanked Mrs. W. J. Kanoy, Mrs. Lloyd l.u. .. i . I .ul.. .u. ...j j ii wii' wm? t,ura. ii s. iiuwoiu mm- ui ciuiur slue wiun iigniea gau- thews directed the guests to thejuated cathedral cc-dles decorated dining room where they were with fern tied with white satin ': HEAD HUNTER Grim evidence of modern-day cannibalism, '. this , crudely decorated skull is displayed in Stockholm by, Swedish explorer Dr. Sten Bergman. He came by the trophy in New Guinea. In Greenville , ROOK CLUB MEETS j Walter Edwards, Jr., is visiting i Mrs. G. R. Tucker was hostess his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. to her Rook Club Tuesday night Jack Edwards at Greenville and at 'her home on Grubb Street. Atlantic Beach. I Those playing besides the hos- ii - 'Ipse wpr Mpsrlampo Ansp Whitp From Greenville I Oscar Newbold, D. F. (Reed, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Stokes Carlton Cannon, Z. A. Harris, and two children of Greenville! C. T. Skinner, Harry Hollowell spent Sunday with Mrs. Wilson Reed and Miss Mildred Reed. MAGIC j with 2. ' PURirJA f FLY BAIT Available in dry, liquid, and I sugar-base form. ; ' CbooM the best kind for your needs now . Albemarle Chemical Co. ,. PHONE 5151 linWl. N. O. f m m u u a i' KFFPmOT. COMFORTABLE WITH AFTER BATH Refresher By YARDLEY Only S1.85 PLUS TAX S andM PHARMACY Ji'QN THWGORNER Free Delivery! v Visiting Mother : Mrs. -Dorothy Hervey left this week to : visit- !her- mother in South Carolina. Visiting Here Mrs, 'James Winterririger . and four children from Fort- Worth, j Texas," arrived ' Tuesday to spend two weeks with Mrs. Winter- ringer's" mother, Mrs. . William,! Tucker. . -. J. E. Morris, W. J. Kanoy, Miss Mary Sumner and Miss Ruby White. The high score prize and floating prize went to Mrs. Ka noy . and the second high was awarded Mrs. Reed. Refresh ments were served by the hos tess. HONORING BRIDE-ELECT Week-end Guests Mr.' and Mrs. James Carmine of Onaeoek, Va., Mrs. , Howard Metcalf and Miss Josie Metcalf of Mappsyille, Va., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Tucker. I HONORED AT PARTY Miss Ellen Brown of Eliza beth City and Julian A. White, Jr.,. whose marriage will take place on Saturday were enter tained on Friday night at a cookout supper at 7 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Jackson with Mr. and , Mrs. Ed gar Lane as joint hosts. A table covered with a yellow cloth with a basket of daisies, ivy and drift wood," centered the table. The supper was enjoyed by , about" 50 guests. The "honored ed cut guests were presented a beau- party rooms tiful table lamp' by the hosts. Miss Becky Gregory, bride- elect, was honored at a miscel laneous shower .'given in the hall of the Agriculture Building on Tuesday night, when the fol lowing ladies entertained: Mes dames Tom Cox, Beecher Stal lings, Ben Thach, W. F. Ains ley, Vera Batton, Tom Perry, T. P. Byrum and Seymour Chappell. The hall was decorated witn numerous arrangements of mix ed summer flowers in various colors. Dainty refreshments were served. Many lovely gifts were re ceived by the honoree. HONORED AT PARTY Mrs. G. R. Tucker and Miss Mildred Reed entertained at a party Tuesday morning at the home of Mrs. Tucker honoring Miss Mary Ann Harris, bride elect.,. -' Various arrangements of mix- Lane, Mrs. Howard Williams, Jr., Mrs. Murriel Lay ton, Mrs. John Martin, Mrs. Dorothy Her- vey, Mrs. Carlton Cannon and Miss Suzanne Towe. BRIDAL SHOWER Mrs. Winston Lane, Sr., Mrs. Howard Mathews, Mrs. J. B. Bas night and Mrs. Irwin Long were joint hostesses at a floating-miscellaneous shower Friday night, June 17, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Winston Lane Sr. The af fair was complimentary to Miss' Ann Lane whose marriage 'will take place July 3 at Burgess Baptist Church, to Wilbur Ray Bass of Rocky Hock: The bride-elect was presented a corsage of gardenias upon her arrival. The lower floor of the home was artistically decorated witn arrangements of summer flowers, fern and Queen Anne's lace. The receiving line consisted of Mrs. Winston Lane, Sr., Miss KEEP YOUR HOME UP TO mum greeted by Mrs. J. B. Basnight. The serving table was covered with a white linen cloth and bows. Mrs. Winston Lane,! Jr., poured the punch, Mrs. Irwin Long cut centered with a five-tier wedding 'and served the wedding cake. cake decorated with orange bios- Mrs. Mark Bunch and Miss Fay Long assisted in serving nuts and mitns. Goodbyes were said by- Mrs. Winston Lane, Sr., and the bride elect. - Home is the dearest spot on earth, and it should be the center, though not the bound ary, of the affections. ' -'X Mary Baker Eddy. ' TRY A WEEKLY CLASSIFIED m SEE WHAT YOUR DOLLAR ... WILL BUY AT BLANCHAHD'S! Oil wnings QUALITY ALUMINUM or : RIGID VINYL Summer sun on unshaded windows can increase room temperatures by as much as 12 degrees inside your home. With NAVACO Ventilated Awnings, you not only enjoy a cooler home, but also a more beau tiful home. And they're built to last!. flowers decorated" the Iced drinks, dain- I ty sandwiches, snacks, nuts and A tiyle for every hftto slid window Ventilated to elmimtn hot air pocketi vet ' a ford maximum thdde LANDING Supply" Company MRS. FILBERT'S 3-LB. BAG SOAP POWDERS Mayonnaise Franks Large Fab 2 qts. $1.00 $1.00 3 boxes $1.00 CHARMIN SIGNAL ALL PORK PERSONAL SIZE Napkins Sausage Meat Ivory Soap 7 boxes $1.00 3 lbs. $1.00 16 cakes $1.QQ 8-OZ. PKG. FRENCH'S FRESH Vesper Tea Mustard Neck Bones 2 for $1.00 8 jars $1.00 5 lbs. $1.00 WHITE HOUSE SELF-RISING SIGNAL Apple Sauce Famo Flour Smoked Sausage 6 cans $1.00 "- $1.0o 3 lbs. $1.00 RIVER Herring 6 cans $1.00 39c PKGS. BRACH'S CHOCOLATE Candy 3pkgs.$1.00 J. C. BLMCHflKD a CO, Inc. " BLANCH ARD'S" SINCE 1832 WE DELIVER CALL 2321 Vly j Consider. The Issues Consider all the issues and you'll take Lake for Gov ernor. In politics, as in any field, there is a leader and there are those who follow. If you really know Dr. Lake you'll vote for him be cause he is your one opportunity to get everything worthwhile , his opponent offers plus a .champion of a balanced budget, a defender of school segregation, State's Rights, and Property Rights. : Dr. Lake is the outstanding candidate because his education, his character, and his experience have en abled him to present a program for sober, thinking, level headed people of the state who are not, misled by vague commitments and wild promises. Dr. Lake has stated that two of the key issues in this campaign are One: The right of all children in North Carolina to a real and not just a superficial education, and two: : The threat to this right by the NAACP. Dr. Lake has successfully thwarted the NAACPbe- , fore and he will continue to fight them as Governor of ' North Carolina. LADIES ANI GENTI4EMEN, LISTEN TO THE ' J SOUND OF THE LIBERTY BELL! i Whether we like it or not the racial problems thrust on us by the NAACP and other outsiders are an issue in this campaign and will be a problem which must be faced many times by your next Governor. It is an issue and a problem which we must face with dignity, cour age and intelligence. The alternative is surrender to -forces which would destroy our social order, Beverly Lake's opponent does not consider it an issue. He t sdems to think , that if he ignores it, it .will go away. Beverly Laketof f ers North Carolina its best hope of cdijtinuiiig its. public schools and maintaining public or & der. He wrote the pupil assignment law which has kept your schools open for the past five years. He reprer, sqnted the people of this state before the United States . , Supreme Court when they needed an outstanding voice td speak for them. . He has defeated the NAACP, in . three important cases affecting the citizens of North Carolina. Beverly Lake's record merits your confidence af.d support. He is the man North Carolina NEEDS for Giverncrl ' Ask Yourself This Question- Why do we need $20-Million next year, just to keep up? THE ANSWER: Here is what Dr. Lake said: "Four years ago this state had a surplus of $53-MiIIion, in its treasury. It has been spent, not for new school build ings or highways or other capital improvements and not to reduce our bond ' ed debt. It has been spent for operating expenses. We are spending during this administration, whjfh now supports my opponent, at the rate of $20 Million a year in excess of our total tax revenues which will not be avail able after this year. This means we must find new revenues just to keep our present services where they are." FOR THE Sake of Your State Vote For L! AKE Saturday Ask Yourself This Question- Is the "Moderate" attitude toward Integration, Confined ONLY to the School Problem? THE ANSWER: Here is what Dr. Lake said: "The NAACP also wants to see a new day in North Carolina. The NAACP believes the new day it wants to bring about in your schools will extend to your eating establishments, your barber shops, your beauty parlors, your parks,, your beaches, your ballrooms and your childrens' homes. The NAACP believes this new day can.dawn in North Carolina if Mr. Sanford is your Governor. The NAACP has appraised Mr. Sanford as the one most likely to govern this state in a manner such that its program will, succeed in Ndrth, Carolina." , - " . - e:s!.':' : 7-v-7:l-r.:;r:. i. ' ' ': , ;'-.'7' :';- - ' .. ''..;, .;.. ..-'"': -. ' - -i. , t . j. , " f; . . , ' , , ThU Adv i SponioMd by Prquimani Couittr Lak Supporiari . ', LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, LISTEN TO THE SOUND OF THE LIBERTY BELL! June 25h is a day of destiny for North Carolina the day when you will decide who shall be your Governor for the next four years. In making your decision ask yourself these questions: Which candidate has not in dulged in wild promises? Which candidate has offer ed a sound, sensible financial program for this state? Which candidate has shown some understanding of the tax burden which you are already bearing? Which can didate has courageously and with dignity discussed the number one problem which today faces North Carolina and the south? That man is I. BEVERLY LAKE the best qualified candidate for Governor, the sound man in the race, the candidate with a background of out standing accomplishment for the state. Think for your self! ' Cast your vote for I. Beverly Lake, the man North Carolina needs for Governor! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, LISTEN TO THE SOUND OF THE LIBERTY BELL! As you make up your mind about YOUR choice for Governor, THINK FOR YOURSELF! Do not be mis led by the forces at work in North Carolina who Mould mislead you. They seek control of YOUR government, YOUR pocketbook and YOUR economic freedom. Do you REALLY believe their rumor that Beverly Lake would CLOSE YOUR SCHOOLS if he is elected Gov ernor? Of course you don't. Under the law no Govern or can do that,( Beverly Lake is a former teacher and the son of a teacher. He has 18 years teaching experi ence and more knowledge of and interest in education al problems than any candidate in modern times. Think for yourself and then vote for ii Beverly Lake, a man of dignity, courage and integrity The Man North Carolina Needs for Governor.

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