?AQE FIVE 6ECTIOK 0172 r :.THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, HERTFORD; HORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1960. Rational Guard Wins Hisrh Camn Honors w a- . . Continued from Pag 1, Section 1 per, First Lieutenants William C, Bunch, Jr., Johnny L. Halsey, Dallas L. Jethro, Jr., Joseph, M. Parker, John E.,R. .Perry, Harold L.v Stephenson, Joseph K.' Scan ner, Bernard H. Taylor, JH and Charles J. Williford; Chief War: rant Officer John H. Asbeu, Jr.; Master , Sergeants Thomas ; J. Hoskins, Jr., end John L. Spruill; Sergeants First . Class Jack H. Banrow, Alton M. Harrell and Walter E. Mills; Staff Sergeants Albert E. Lassiter, Jr., and Wil liam A. White; Sergeants; James R. Briley, Robert L. Bunch, Er- win C. Griffin, Leslie Y. Kirby, William E. Lassitef , Henry O. Peeples. Henry A. Powell, Henry T. J Rogerson, Clarence Shackel- feverfew, daisies, gladioli and Queen Anne's lace. . ' '' Mr. and Mrs Maston and s J. W. Ward greeted the guests on the front porch. Mrs. Ward' in troduced the guest to the re ceiving line, composed of Mrs Harry Barber Brown - of Eliza beth City,, Mi1, and Mrs. Julian A White, Cr., Miss Ellen Brownj the bride-elect, and; Julian A. White, JrV the bridegroom-to-be. Mrs.Tucker invited the guests into the dining room, where Mrs. Eldon Winslow presided at ' the nunch bowL and Mrs.; Carlton Cannon and Miss Thelma Elliott served dainty open-face sand wiches, bridal cookies, nuts and mints. " tyy ::'Xz'--i''-i"V.:' .' V Goodbyes were said to Miss Mildred Reed. . Approximately J 125 guests votional. - She read the Psalm and led in prayer. ,' Mirs. Dan Berry, vice-president, presided over' the meeting, Mrs. Maude Jones acted as secretary, by "reading .the mintites of the last meeting which were approv ed and by calling the roll with 12 members present. , v A 4-H team, Jan White, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs.. iRay White and Amy Nixon, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. ' Preston Nixon, pre sented their 4-H Dairy Foods Demonstration ; to ; the . group CARD OF THANKS .debted to said, estate will please I wish to thank my friends for nifikp immpHiatp navment. the many cards and flowers sent to me and visits made while I was a patient in the hospital. May God bless you all. Mrs. Claude Simpson. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my friends for the flowers, cards arid all other acts of kindness shown me while I was a patient in the hospital and. since my return Many milk (acts , were given and home-, Your . kind thoughtfulness the girls encouraged the use of This 7th dav of June. 1S60. JOHN BROUGHTON, JR., Administrator of John Brough ton, Sr. JunelO,17,24Jlyl,8.15 ford. Wilburn C. Smith: Special ists Kader C. Gardner, Wilford P. Goodwin, ' Joseph L. Hening er, George P. Holland, Carroll W, Jones, Robert P. Lane, Al- Gerald E. Brabble, Linwood E. Britton, Harold L. Bunch, Doug las W- Cale, James A. Edwards, William B. Gardner, Melvin W. ENTERTAIN. MISS STAtLlNGS : Miss !GlorjaM'Stailirigs,v whose marriage .to L16ydf Ray .Morgan will take place ; at the, Her,tfora Baptist ;CHurch 'on Saturday, June 25KwttshbjMr guest; at a miscellaneous shower onv Thurs day night, - when r the following, ladies entertained at the Teenlgie Center: Mesdamesl Bryant MHr win. Edward Jordan, Sheiton L. Jordan, Elmer L. Overton, James O. Perry, Jr., Elbridge B. Smith, John E. Speight, Charles D.: Spruill, Edgar M. Spruill, Maurice A. Waff, Oscar E. White and John E. Whitson; Privates First Class Willard D. Allen, - Jr., Melvin E, . Baker, David E. By rum, Larry M. Chesson, ' Joseph T. Copeland, Robert R. Griffin, Thomas E. Haste, Jr., Stephen F. Hicks, Jr., Arthur W. Jordan, Jr., Richard W. Lowe, George C. Peele, Carlton N. Perry, Thomas T. Spivey, Charles B. Ward. and Joe J. White. , ENTERTAIN AT OPEN HOUSE Mr. and MrsTYw. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Maston, Mr. "and Mrs. G. R. Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. , Eldon Winslow, Mrs. Carlton Cannon, Miss Thelma Elliott and Miss Mildred Reed entertained jointly at open i house at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Ward on Thursday night from 8 to 10 o'clock, honoring Miss Ellen Brown of Elizabeth City and Julian A. White, Jr., of Hertford, whose ' marriage will take place at ChristvEpisco pal Church in Elizabeth City on : Saturday. i ' Pink flowers of variotfs Vari ties in tasteful arrangepeht TjJec orated the living room' which was softly lighted by tall pink candles in silver candlesticks,: . In the dining room, where all !; white was used, ' silver candela bra held tall White candles. The dining table centerpiece, arrang ed in a large silver bowl, was of Morgan, -Wallace "Morgan, ay Haskett arid G. A. White. .:; Tasteful arrangements of mul ti-colored summer flowers were used as. decoration . of the. hall, which was : softly ' lightedby candles in silver candelabra. " Punch and, individual wedding cakes were served with nuts and mints. , ; ' s.rc ;,. ,;;.; About 70 guests called. ' Many lovely gifts .. were 'presented to Kp hride-elet.f '!" "'" . HONORED' AT SHOWER Miss Shirley.-' Ann,v Tarkington, Miss Diane Divers,'. and. Mrs., F. E. McCloskey werr hostesses at a kitchen shower V Saturday 'af ternoon from- 5 ' to ; 6 -o'clock at the home of Miss: Divers honor: ing Miss Gloria Stallfngs.e whose marriage: will take'place.Suhday afternoon. ' Those present '.beside the honoree, were Mfesdames. Jimmy Stallings, - R. B. Thah, Louis Tarkington,- Haywood Dly- era, Misses , Leuua mcuooami. Katherine Bonner, j Sally Skin ner, Joanne White,' Carolyn Mil ler, Vickie Johnson . and Gloria Miller." Iced "drinks," cheese straws, nuts, . mints and open faced sandwiches, were served, v r-:', ,: " 1 - CLUB MEETS The Helen -Gaith ; Home Dem onstration Club met at the Agri cultural Building , last Thursday night for the regular , monthly meeting. Mrs. Colon Jackson and Mrs. Ed Harrell were co-hostess- moie milk and milk products in the diet during "June (Dairy Month" and throughout the year. Following : the Dairy Foods Demonstration,, Mrs.. Underwood, .disoisedi-weighV control; slides were, shown,- illustrating tne sey en most common reasonspeop 'dverweiifht: in' addition,' the slidfes showed why people," ; do seduce .a'ndjstressed that exercise and VTesistance would help most. 1 ! In icQhclUsioni the Home4 Agent encduraSed members o iea'tn the tofjitie- f arid nutritive value r of foods. She stated, "Get the facts about overweight and iJien act! The meeting was turned over to the- president after the dis cussibri which' followed the slides, 'The. Club Collect was repeated after which' the hostess served pie; ice cream and drinks. CLUB MEETS ,The . Busy iBee 4-H Community Club' held its June meeting on Monday night with 10 members present and i two adult leaders. The , meeting, was called to oraer by :the president, Billy Winslow The, Pledges of allegiance were repeated by : the club members, TOe;;miniites . of tne last .meeting were : read f ana approved. . nu ioined together in singing On waf'd Christian Soldiers" and an investing. devotion, "Known By Our' Fruits,"- taken from wiai hew 7:19-20, 'was given by Garblvn .Faye Rogerson. During the Business session u was decided thdt the club would have its i bake sale later on, Also' the 'club would not have another meeting during the sum mer, but would have a picnic at Sanrtv Point Beach with the Hub members and their fam ilies.. i The1 club, did not have a dem onstration for the June meeting, Recreation was the. topic for the nieht. Games and fun conduct ed by Carolyn Taye Rogerson wetv enioved byU. r 1 Refreshments were served by Mr. and -Mrs. C. T. Rogerson, Jr. will always ; be remembered. Herbert N. Nixon, Sr. FOR RENT BEACH COTTAGE. Nags Heaj Front of Recrea tion Center.- 2 ' bedrooms, screened porch, . also 2 bedT room cabiri in back 'Edwin S. White. Beividere, N.-.C. Phone 4989. ' W , JunelO,17,24Jlyl es. Mrs. jacKson. gave uic p ; The lawyer is . a ' gentleman who rescues your estate from your enemies, arid keeps it to himself. Lord Boughman, M;r&: forty million f iff LoF shares. : irll 4criordejttoyeaA?Trt2 Classified -Legals NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as adminis trator of the estate of Timothy Clay Trueblood, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Route 2, Hertford, N. C, on or before the 4th day of June, 1961, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estatei will please make immediate payment. This 4th day of June, 1960. G. W. TRUEBLOOD, Administrator of Timothy Clay Trueblood. ' June 10,lf, 24Jlyl,8,15 make immediate payment. This 21st dav of June. 1960. DAVIS O. CART WRIGHT, Administrator of W. H. Cartwright, Sr. June 24,July 1.8.15,22,30 FOR SALE' 'PORTO RICO sweet potato '. plants, now in time to tvtrm your snap beans and other yearly crop acreage into a profitable crop by set ting out sweet potatoes. We buy and store potatoes. Co lonial Potato Company, West Carteret Street. Phone 2204, Edenton. V expjune30 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Havinif qualified as . Admini stratrix of the estate of Charles Edward Chappell, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Ellie H. Simons, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Star Route, Win fall, N. C, on or before the 18th dav of June. 1961, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 18th day of June. 1060. MRS. MAE EMMA SIMONS. Executrix of Ellie H. Simons. June 24.Julyl,8,15,22,30 thereof, the undersigned Carl L. Uailey, commissioner appointed by the court, will offer for sale to the highest bidder at public jucuon tor cash, at the Court House door of Perquimans County in the Town of Hertford, January, 1960 and the death of John Broughton, Sr., on the 3rd day of June, 1960. Notice is also given that all persons having claims against the rwartnArshin whirh Were in exist ence at the 'time of the death at 12 o'clock noon on Friday, J of the deceased partners are re- tne undersigned on or before July 22, I960, a certain lot or parcel of land lying and being in New Hope Township, Per- j quimans County, North Carolina, I being described as follows: I . Bounded on the North by j Durante Neck Road, on the South and East by the lands of W. K. Barclitt, on the West by the lands of J. B. Baker and i , :i r the New Hope Church lot, con- f0R ATHLETE S fOOT . taining Vk acres more or less, USE KERATOLYTIC ACTION and being the same land which bkcai sk it kIohcI.s off the infrrtrd I . A 1 ' was conveyeu iu c. n. uuuuinun the 16th day of June. 1961. This 9th day of June. 1960. JOHN BROUGHTON. JR., HOWARD C. BROUGHTON, Co-Trustees and Receivers. Junel7,24,Julyl,8 Perquimans County, North Caro the lina, this is to notify all persons estate of said deceased to exhibit having claims against 'the estate them to the undersigned at Koute ot said deceased to exhibit tnem bv Minnie C. White, a widow by deed dated January 1, 1929, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Per quimans County, North Caro lina, in Book 19,. Page 79, which Ideed, with the- references there- 1 ill cumaiiicu, ' IO IIIBMV. U NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION hereot for - the purpose of de Having qualified as Admini-1 scription; , The said . land was stratrix of the estate of James ' the ' homeplace of the late E. A. Kobert White, deceased,, late of (Goodman. 3. Hertford, N. C, on or before the 18th day of June, 1961, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 18th dav of June. 1960. MRS. LUCILLE H. CHAPPELL. Administratrix of Charles Edward Chappell June 24,Julyl,8.15.22,30 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having Qualified as arlminis trator of the estate of John Broughton,. Sr., deceased, late of f erquimans County, North Uaro una, tnis is to, notify all per sons having-; claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before the 7th day of J June, 1961, or this notice will Be pleaded in bar of tneir recovery.- All persons in NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Admini strator of the estate of W. H. Cartwright. Sr., deceased, late of to the undersigned at Hertford N. C, on or before the 18th day of June. 1961. or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of thir recovery . All persons in debted to said estate will please m,-)i'o immediate nai'mant. This 16th dav of June. 1960. MRS. ELEANOR H WHITE. .Administratrix "p James Rnhort White. ,iune24,iuly 1,8. 15,22.29 The sale will be made sub ject to confirmation by tne Court. . The successful bidder will be required to deposit not less than 10 of the first $1,000.00 of the amount of the hid and 5 of the excess there of, the same to be forfeited should the bid be approved and the sale confirmed, and the Did der fail to comply with the same. . . This the loth day ot June, 196'- CARL L. BAILEY, ' Commissioner. June24Julyl.8,15 North Carolina, Perquimans County. IN SUPERIOR COURT Before the Clerk Under and by virtue of the having claims against the estate power and authority vested in of said deceased to exhibit Ihemlthe undersigned by a judgment o the undersigned at Route 3. of the Clerk of the Superior Hertford, N. C, on or before the I Court of Perquimans County en 21st day of June, 1961 or thistered in a special proceeding en notice will be pleaded in bar of titled E. A. Goodman, Jr., et als their recovery. All persons in-1 versus Edna G. Saunders, et als. debted to said estate will please and in obedience to the terms ikin. Then wutch fresh, healthy kia replace It. Get instant-drying T-4-I, liquid, a keratolytir, at any drug If nut delighted in 3 DAYS, soar 4 ft bark. I'se T-4-1. FOOT POWUKB to Riven antiseptic, soothing protection. NOW at S & M PHARMACY VMWWMwOwWWWVWWArWiMrWrMlMrW IN JUST 15 MINUTES IF YOU HAVE TO v SCRATCH YOUR ITCH Your 48e back nt any drag store. Apply IT( ll-MK-NOT. Itrh and burn ing disappear! lr8e -.instant-drying- I i t It-M r.-iMM nay or .nigni ir rv- zemii. ringworm, insect hites, font 1KB, other surface rashes. TODAY at S & M PHARMACY North Carolina, Perquimans County. NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF J. BROUGHTON AND BROTHER. Dissolved Notice is hereby given that the partnership formerly existing between John Broughton, br.,' and Harry T. Broughton under the firm name of J. Broughton and Brother, has been dissolved by the death of Harry T.j Broughton on the 27th day of I WAKE UP RARIN' TO GO Without Naggintr Backache How ! You can set the fast relief you need from nagging backache, headache and muscular aches and pains that often cause rent less nights and miserable tired out feeling. When these discomfort come on with over-exertion or stress and strain you want relief want it fast I Another disturbance may be mild bladder irritation following wrong food and drink often setting up a restless un comfortable feeling. Doan's Pills work fast in 3 bp pa rat ways: 1. by speedy pain-relieving action to ease torment of nagging backache keudaches, muscular aches mid paint. 2. by soothing effect on bladder irrita tion. 3. by mild diuretic action tending to increase output of the 15 miles of kidney tubes. . Enjoy a good night's sleep and th tame happy relief millions have for over CO years. New, large size saves money. Get Doan's Pills today t Doau s Pills otty mmioa Amoicins ttt proving every oj tout sawn wj w their own family security and to help build their country' strength u die tame time it through the purchase of United States Series Savings Bonds. Savings Bonds are one of the safest investments you can make. Bonds art guaranteed safe by Our Government backed by the strength of 170 millioa ' Aod Boodt are absohitelj kdestn Ib1&Iflost,s ury will replace them without dutff Bonds are safer than eash. They pay good interest, soft when held td maturity maws k calf -8 years and 1 1 months. No wonder so saaaf AaaerkasB sM tttymg these Simti h Ammk iealir Why not join theao? Stan buying Bonds) today thtovgh the Payrtil $wiag Flati at work or sytMOica wbece yaa baa 1 Pert ti every Aiftsrlccn'! tovlngi belcnga in U. S. Savings Dsndt r i 3 The Pcrquimdpu Wcoldy, wmn - wtete 'rf 1 .m:sm fifes:': iJifV fl ACCELS5Ri- 4fjMg:7-1 it . m:iVh N ' MILEAGE. --m Xrz . Itllfil Ifciiiplpf BIlllllillK t-X , ;. :;:;. X:::XXX'' . - T 111 Al J 1 mm asolines hold ieoi irecoEite 1 for performs PURE gasolines have sparked 38 different makes and models of cars to over , 240 certified performance records. Records for acceleration, power. ' mileage and economy. And how Pure-Premium has been boosted in octane ... boosted into the mper-premium class. It delivers more anti-knock power than ever before. . So drive into any Pure Oil station and get Pure-Premium. It's tuner Quality ... ready to give record road performance in your car. Ctrtifitd by NASCAR (National Auociotion for Stock Cora) i . m ME-reEEflDURfl .7. it's super premium now WINSLOW OIL COMPANY PHONE 3336 , ' u...L .. , ' HERTFOIU) V moralhontvev BE SUM WITH PUStl j'' it-"''

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