tzz crs-SECTioir on TOE mOtnMAy WEEELT. TOTTOTA KC3ITH CAROLETA. ttTDKT. TORE 24, 1988. PERQUIMANS NFA QUABTET ( DECLARED STATE WINNER s . According to W. T. Johnson, .District Supervisor Vocational Agriculture and Executive Sec retary, NFA, Perfuimans NFA quartet has betn declared State ,winner and will represent the State on June 20, at theWash -4 bigton j Sectional meeting that .' will be held at ; South Carolina State College, Orangeburg, S. C. '? The members of the quartet are: Alvin Newby, Charles Wills, Douglas Whidbee and Leroy White. ble to make the trip to Atlanta night here at their old borne and BPW CLUB HOLDS next September to attend the 'attended a meeting on Sunday at National Convention. Whiteston News Burton Myers and Mrs. Bill Emm art of Wilmington spent the week-end with Mrs. John T. Lane and Elsberry. Mrs. Myers and 1 son, Gary spent last week and returned home with Mr. Myers on Sunday. Mrs. Emmart and Mrs.. Myers are daughters of Mrs. John T. Lane. The . Merrill Winslow family The boys will be eligi- of Williamston spent Saturday Up River. Mrs. Lynwood Winslow spent COVERED DISH SUPPER The Hertford Business and Sunday with her brother, Vivian I Professional Women's Club met Towc-Webb Offers Better 1959 PLYMOUTH Savoy 4-door V-8; PowerFlile; power brakes. 1957 FORD Ranch Wagon 8 cylinder; Fordomatic; radio and healer. 1957 PLYMOUTH (8) Suburban 4-door PowerFlile transmission; radio and heater. 1956 DODGE Custom Royal 4-door V-8; PowerFlile; radio and heaier. 1956 PLYMOUTH 4-door Savoy 8 cylinder; radio and healer. .1955 BUICK Riviera DynaFlow; radio and heater 1955 CHRYSLER Windsor 4-door PowerFlile. Radio and heater. Extra clean! 1955 PLYMOUTH 6-passenger Suburban 1954 PLYMOUTH 4-door radio and heater; white-walla, cleanl 1954 PONTIAC 4-door 8 cylinder; Hydramatic. Radio and heater. 1953 PLYMOUTH 4-door sedan 1953 FORD 4-door Station Wagon 8 cylinder; standard transmission; radio and heater 1952 PLYMOUTH Club Sedan One owner 1 Extra cleanl 1952 DODGE 4-door Sedan 1952 CHRYSLER Windsor Newport 6 cylinder: automatic transmission; radio, heater. i 1954 FORD H Ton Pickup - "WE BUY USED CARS AND WRECKS" White and family at Fayette- vuie. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Benton of White Hat spent Father's Day with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lenier White. Mrs. Asa Winslow and son, Donald of Norfolk, Va., visited Bcnnie and Mary Winslow on Sunday. Mrs. Eugene White of Northwest, Va., spent Friday with the Winslow?. Mrs. Rov Winslow came home ' from Albemarle Hospital on Sat urday A. M., and ds improving after surgery. " ' : Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Winslow and daughter, Lelia Lee, wju teaches in Florida and is al home on vacation, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ai'ba Wins low and Mr, and Mrs. Lucious Winslow. ; Friends of Ernest White, will oe giaa 10 Know xnai ne is au ing fine at his home after, a serious illness. Jowe Webb, Motor Co. iPIIONE 2461 License 1690 HERTFORD ft recently at the home of Mrs Alice Towe Owens for its month' ly covered dish supper and pro- gram meeting. Miss Hulda Wood, president, presided and appointed Mrs. Mane S. Elliott to make plans for a pancake supper to be held in the early fall. . During the program, ' reports of the State Convention held last week in Blowing Rock were given ; by the delegates, Mrs-. Dora T. Hiddick, Mrs. Roxanna Jackson, Mrs. Owens and Miss Wood. ' They, announced that Mrs. Owens had been elected as State Recording Secretary. ' The president also, announced that during July and August the business and program meet ings' would be combined ' into one. Mrs. Betty T. Swindell will be hostess to the July meet ing on the 21st TRY A WEEKLY CLASSIFIED 1957 FORD Custom 300 2-door 1957 CHEVROLET Station Wagon 1954 CHEVROLET Belair 2-door 1953 FORD 4-door '. ';' 1956 MERCURY Convertible 1954 MERCURY 4-door 1954 PLYMOUTH 4-door 1954 FORD 4-door 1953 PONTIAC 2-door 1953 CHEVROLET 2-door 1953 FORD 4-door 1957 FORD Pickup ' 1956 FORD Pickup $ , 1955 DODGE H-Ton Pickup ' 1950 CHEVROLET Pickup WINSLOW WHARD MOTOR CO. PHONE 9531 DEALEB'S' Va 1741 HERTFORD . .." '."',r".' ' ..'.'.t..!!., ....... y" ' V. k. ... ' . . v for Sunnmeh Meals v WE DELIVER PHONE 2371 or 2271 LOIN END PORK ROAST First Cut PORK CHOPS lb. 49c Fresh Pork Liver, lb. , ... 29c Gwaltney's Cypress Brand Bacon, lb . . 39c Cucumbers, each . Yellow Squash, lb. . New White Potatoes, lb. Minute Sliced Potatoes, pkg. Minute Mashed Potatoes, pkg. . 3c . 5 c . 5 c 33c 25c White House Apple Sause . . 2 cans 29c April Showers May Peas . . . 2 cans 43c Blue Plate Mayonnaise, pint jar . 35c Household Supplies REGULAR SIZE Blue Cheer . ... 35c MEDIUM SIZE Ivory Soap . . . . . 4 bars 41c FOR DISHES 2 CONTAINERS Liquid Trend Detergent . . 59c LARGE SIZE HOT SHOT Insect Killer, only . . . $1.19 Hot Shot Fly Bait, can . . . 39c Hot Shot Bug Killer, bottle 69c Old Mansion TEA -Ib, pkg. . 37 c Made Fresh Orange or Grape DRINK . Vz-gallon 39c Caiminioini's Qmcety MARKET STREET Hertford, N.C. I;' ulUuvJ. V 4 UVA Before You Cast Your Ballot For Governor On Saturday- IF YOU ARE AGAINST m THE PROGRAM OF THE NAACP which includes inte gration of our schools, barber shops, beauty shqps, lunch rooms, parks and batliing beaches. VOTE FOR LAKE IF YOU ARE AGAINST A CANDIDATE WHO HAS THE BLESSINGS OF LA BOR UNION BOSSES? VOTE FOR LAKE IF YOU ARE AGAINST A CANDIDATE WHO PROPOSES 'A PROGRAM THAT CAN ONLY MEAN HIGHER, HIGHER AND, HIGHER TAXES FOR EVERY CITIZEN OF NORTH CAROLINA? VOTE FOR LAKE IF YOU ARE AGAINST The present State Highway set-up and want to go bk tb the old system of local commissioners . . . ; VOTE FOR LAKE STAItD UP WITH THE fULTltUD3E OF CIUZBIS Wild OPPOSE PLANS OF THE NAACP . . . VOTE FO.l LAKE FOR GOVEOIl Oil SACDAY! Does The IIMCP Favor A Pcrticulcr Candidate? Three Raleigh Precincts Sanford . Seawell Precinct No. 20 .11.'....:... l....:.......,...,..,..:.,,..,.,.;;.:.......,... .,: 944 Precinct No. 25...;...;.........,..........;. .... . 1......... 272 1 Precinct No. 26...- : ., ....! ...1.' .'. 993 , Totals : 32 10 21 ...2209 : .v 63 These Are The Undisputed Facts! Larkint 22 ''. 7 IS k 44 .'" Ltke " S V 20 - " : , I ., L " t , In Winston-Salem-Sanford got- 4,209 votes in 7 all-negro priscincts,' while John Larkins gat i03. l Malcolm Seawell 93, and Dr, I. 'Beverly Lake only 31;' , - , s-r s . , ' -. At Greensboro in three predoniiriantly-negro precincts the vote was Sanford 2,352, Sealviil'lSa Lake . ' 74 and Larkins 66. " - --.' . . .m. . . . For Tine 01 3 EL ...'. . , . :. i; V7) ' Ti ' 1 1 This Adr Sponsors i ty Ferqulmene County Lake Cup;