- r : At tor t rt "ind n"'tr li, lv.f4, at Hwt Oirlce 'North Carolina n of March, lhii. feocond i "t paid at Hertford, .ii curuAiita. . . . v ' - : . w j I.H I. - 1 t Uie & (.".. is .a ioi ier j issian, going under the! name 'of Vassilivich. ; , I H Be that as it may, the , Rus-t I sians elaim that the spy they 1 captured, V, ? M. . Slavnov, was parachuted into ' the Soviet years. Make tftis noiiaay one 01 recent , . frAnvtafl Arivinar avnd- fJSSCRIPtlON RATES: ens yea .1 Perquiraana. Chowan. Paa lotank and Gaa Countlej. ' :t kwtewhera V 2.50 '.yoyTHa ti. '' 'iverttein? Rates Furnished : -Si'jm-u. By Bequest ; !?ijrq jfjUPAX SEPT. J. MBO. V "" .4 Ho, Hum? !-6.I(iMt week- Governor Hodges' Hand-picked Highway r Commis Mprf'snnOUHCed it had completed ' $ vast study an come up with ' 1 Ku'lyear program on the eve of tf.eVommission's departure torn active service., h V :,.V; v . HToiiour way of thinking this 'tflstorlo ' document is about as .gjessive.as the commissions. ; t arge sums 0f money for - uiiiAn AiM-taat nnst three ! . ... r.,: . a wfmv". o lesoionase activities, in xne nasi . - '-Cw't:vn i cf, ';t!;ej rf,'"iotvi cf working people and no better holiday observance could be im agined. Yet four or' five hund red people miriit lose their lives in the coming holiday period", i Remember, then, , when you I make your plans- for the holiday that it would be good to ob- Union by an American spy plane.. serv0 Day i96l and, t0 be some time ago.. He was arrest-;-rouni for the even in future ed m June. r In Washington, ', in months, many revelations about jnaste. Soviet spying aave . ; Deen maae, and Russians have1 been deported and spying activities: have been revealed. . . , Our editorial reflection on this situation is one of gratification. 'The reader may not be aware of it, but the U. S. Secret Ser vice system Was almost non existent, and certainly poor, prior to World, War H The encouraging .thing about Russian- irritation s . and resent jment oyer U. S. ' spying is that this is ah, indication -that we are achieving results. It may mean hat the U. S. intelligence sys tem is maturing and becoming as efficient and famous, as the British, .Russian, German or Hungarian systems have long been,''-:J ' Vi -.r'.s Certainly this should 'j be the case, for the United States has ytferS, which to ask any farmer r 1 Wyini pri an unimproved road, is ' tt-actfcally nil. "'..' ? ' MHe know Highway Chairman fiMughton and his boys of the Oblong table realized they were sitting in their chairs for a mere " tour years, : come who may as ' Governor, therefore we'see this effort to prescribe the , state's - highway program for a period o 15 years as so much wasted money. 1 " As usual, the boys in Raleigh forgot, in proposing this, over all program, all about the for gotten Albemarle section of the state, at least until sometime be tween 197a and J975. : ". It goes : without ; saying the Highway Commission in! outlin ing this road program fot future consideration used poof judg ' ntent especially . in consideration , of Improvement of U. S. 17, ' Which prior to the present ad-1 ministration was widely known' ai the maini route from Maine td Florida. t-:- ' t '.'- '.)' 4We cannot believe the mem .' bers of the Highway ; Commis- , lion are so little informed they, Were unable to foresee that Vir ginia intended to construct a multi-million dollar bridge-tunnel connecting the Eastern Shore '-.j ol Virginia and Maryland to the mainland leading ' into North Carolina, and therefore we con- s tend this highway commission . should have taken into imme diate consideration the improve- s ments of North Carolina high Ways connecting this huge pro- . t with roads leading into our state.. '.v;i, .y-.. 4 1070, Mr. Broughton, will be titif .late ' for North Carolina to . Cme 'up wi A plans for joining 1 Jrjriiiiiai in : 6ie development of . Northeastern North Carolina, , sol please give some thought for im . tnediate action for the highways ill the Albemarle instead of aiting another 10 years. l ; iThe Spying Game .i? Although governments never talk about it, nor ' government . officials, the spying game is an all-out one these days. The re . cent nervousness and resentment of Soviet Russia, to U. S. spy ing activities, is the best ex ample. . 'A few weeks ago the Russians announced . that they : had cap tured another 4 U. S. spy, and claimed that he was trained by the master spy-trainer, Billy decade, and it is, vitally import ant to this nation's securty that our intelligence system function efficiently inside Russia today. ! Labor Day, 1960 i The last summer, holiday Week-end' of the" year; Labor Day, is always a major killer on the highways of the country. Falling on Monday each year one of the few holidays which does -it; of f ers everyone- a long 'week-end. ' . . ' . ' '' , Because the weather there after turns cool . for swimming and boating, and because mil lions of young people must re turn to school or college short ly thereafter, Labor Day is ob served with unusual gusto. i v The idea of Labor Day is rec- TcyTcr Tli3tre EDENTON, N. C. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, September 1-2-3 WALT DISMXT'8 i WtSSSt MOTION PICTCBK '. TOLXYANHA" With Jane Wyman and KayWr MU1 ? . Tccknlulor Sunday Monday and Tuesday, September 4-S-l i Stuart WUtma and . . ' - PegBT Wood, in- . ; : THE STORY Cf ROTH-1" i . ' . CleaSt' aad Cabr 3mlng Wednesday, Thursday " i FiULy, SeptambM T--9 .' Cr' ? n wad - DRY CLEANING AT ITS FINEST! SHIRTS THE WAY ' YOU LIKE THEM! Complete Laundry and . Dry Cleaning Service RICKS Laundry & Cleaners . PHONE 2141 ; Edenlon, R, C Vo-Ag Teachers Meet September1 7 1 . The Bias Group, made up of Vocational 'Agriculture' Teachers of eight counties of the Albe marle area, will hold its first meeting, of the 1960-fll schoor year "in the Vo-Ag Department of the . Perquimans Union School, September 7, at 2:30 P. M., with King A.' Williams as host to the group. " . r . ' '. : The purpose of this meeting is. to provide opportunity to bring before the group materials and information which will help the individual teacher to pre sent a more effective teaching program. Speakers that- will appear on the program are J. T. Biggers Superintendent; ' J. A. Dempsey, Principal; J. W., Warren, Jr. District c Supervisor- Vocational Agriculture. ' Happiness is a perishable fruit; which must be used each day, for it will not keep. -E. L. Benedict. The chains, of habit are gen erally 'too small to be felt till they are top strong to be brok en. -' Samuel Johnson. AringlngWhonW with a handy extenatoa ; telephone) oloee-by If you are constantly : running to answer a ringing telephone you need the help of an extension telephone. It's quick, easy and inexpensive to get. Call our business office : today for information oay -this colorful, low-coat convenience. .. 1 t . IHE NORFOUC ak CAROLINA TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH COMPANY -njiruiririri r - licvinTr t bating Oil is . . . . 1 -' PfcrrJunnC- ' Regular Pncej, , t:m-Cr3jMi SiiidaJr Heating OSJ) ' 'clveimore comfort, more heat per dollar. ThatY Jjecause it' Fremfaim Quality at regular price ' St contain! la exdusive ingredient tiat h Ipeep your burner in top operating conation., : Our gervice is dependatlej tooO&u cattUf3'j fcalvwUpwmisei, Memory Selection: "The Lord lof hosts has purposed, and who ,'rwiU annul it? ' His .hand stretched out, and who-will turn it back " . (Isaiah 14:27). GOD'S HAND IN HISTORY International Sunday School Lesson for September 4, 1BC9 Lesson- Text:' Isaiah 10:3-34; 14:24-27. J - ' does God 1 i, x Today we cohtunw with our series on "God's Way i his tory." And .n today Christians mav promaniy examine ; tne question of: How work' in history? ' Beginning with verse , five of chapter1 10 in the Book of Isaiah, we find a section on the judg- Pmen , (of Go against Assyria, which country the Lord had cho- ken to defeat all those nations which had put their trust In false gods. Assyria,, however,, had become somewhat s intoxicated with her own success, thinking it was in large measure due to her wisdom, and that the subju gation of the Israelites proved that God had - now. power; As syyia. therefore, entertained dreams of world domination, and it was therefore necessary that the Lord denfonstrate to" them his power. - . - In the somewliat chaotic times in which we live, many are per plexed by the questions; does our life on this planet have; mean ine and purpose: is there any rhyme or reason to things? , The Christian answer is a, resound ing and vigorous "y' " That answer is deeply rooted inv the convictions of the Hebrew . pro phets; who, living in times no less chaotic than outs, never theless viewed, all thing -as working together in conformity to the grand design! of one su preme God. They steadfastly be- lieved that such a God was, ac tively present in every event in the history, of man.. Caxv.we, as Christians, accept "any lesser belief? ' -:', & Studviiia recent history,' we( are comrontea . wiin wppureu contradictions and chaos, ' the meaninglessness. of world events. Less than twenty years ago, uer many was our mortal enemy, a foe whom we must destroy at all costs.' - Once Germany was crushed under overwhelming de feat, everyone agreed that she must never again be permitted tobecome an industrial giant or a military power. And during those years, Russia was our friend and ally, tor. whom we poured ' out billions in money and material, and for whom many, a snip anq crew wrai down in-, the icy grey waters oi the North Atlantic, i -Today, con- Isider how tne roles are eversid! How on earth can we reconcile the apparent )contradctk)n; . an,l meMnglesrf'cdfrfusion bf events' in our own generation alone, with a belief in God's ever-pres ent care and wisdom? There are no easy . and trite answers trt these oroblems. But such answers as we can bring, support "uie mind with reason and the heart with hope, swa before we- consider finding .m reasonable.' and acceptable an swer a lost cause, we should pause long enough, to consider the alternative to belief in di vine orovidence. If there Is no rational ' purpose ' for v our exist ence,"1 no redemptive pattern 'In history, no Sovereign God, th the impersonal forces of nature will have the last word with us. Yes, if at times we find it diffi cult to believe in duvine provi dence, we should look squarely at what remains if we abandon it " . ' It is reasonable to assume that eras of chaos and contradiction are only provisional! , It Is rea sonable, also, to assume that of ten what appears to be' utter ly meaningless may be attri'-ut ed to our , lack of pespect. For a casual visitor, unacqua. ed' with1'modenr building- teti niques,1 ihe activity on a budd ing site-, would .seem quite, yr.a out purpose; a jumble of d V es, holes, cables, pipes, ' stai -s of materials, and a host of workmen busy at , what are parefttly unrelated tasks. E-t the layman had . the perspe'" of the superintendent of . struction, he would see t' everything fits into a .i hit plan, and will finally ccutri' to the construction of a L some and . functional build So, even what appears to- us meaningless or pc.ha;s j verse, in contemporary e lence, may, in reality, ha a t .nory rn:rt 0f wlTiZt in t' I1 . ';";- . s.J .1.1! if t, J is r Still k l BRIGIflviL t K j.iiia l.r.-i, I 1 - j 1 or ' 11. J 1- '.r- ,8e''' i. i. 8o'. I TMe cmurc(h W V Lli: rott 1 ; - . Hut wherever it shines . there are ghadotrs.;-iV . Wherever there are golden opportunities tner, ; are also ; sombre: titagedies; , Soma- fait, to graap'-v their blessings. k Ours is'a nation which guarantees to every t ehild the opportunity for religious training. Yet ours is" a nation which smarts unde the scourge ; of.a morah disease juvenile 'delinquency. v In blessing you with, a- son or daughter, God" ' n haa entrusted to you- a precious tout, YoJare ' required by law to give your child a secular.edu- , eation.vBut, despite the scourge of delinquency, a free nation must leave to your conscience the question of your child's moral and religious edu cation. ' i ; s God has blessed America. . With a nearby : Church ready and eager to provide Christian -training for your child, and religious foundation for your family's life - the Sun shines bright. But there are shadows. , You must decide . '. ..... . . 'ii'-.1 CMrlr JM, JMiwr Air. tfrrlrr, iltilmrt, Vt. ; ' 1 ' ; E CMURCH 10 ALL ; L Ii r O St fffl CMU rtt I TIm Cli.rA h (nhrtl tuHi m$t (or. ikvtdnf of ckitttt urf HmiMl nhm. ViiKmi ihtOit(; ulw, -Tlint (rt four lomi iuwn wh'tniy ptna tlwald tttni mitcm nitiUrlr ni aipert dM (Jhareh. They '..(!) F N ,wi ut.. (2) Fo. h childrik'i wV.k3) For t ul. l hit V'CMtMMtlfkatHttitth. .() Far-die Hkr f Ctarck; MhII. wtiH mkJt Mi tJ huleritl wpperl. if ( Da-, Bmk Ckapto VnM JuaiUr ' IccImIwM I Mdr ' aiCoriatbiaM 11 Tudy YEcnlaiiutw r WedBMdir fHebrem - . . U ThimUir Til CariBthius - I Fridiy Fulim 1M Sumdtt ' 11 CoriatUtH t ... "- 11-17 M-M '--It 17 -II ' ll-ft 1 nnS PAGE MADS POSSIBLE BY THE FOIXOWTNG FIRMS: Chappell Brothers CENESAL CONTBACT)BS ; : , PheM Elisabeth City 6MT Pertpfesf Bank & Trust C!b. HERTFORD, NORTH CAROLINA ' Manwas FJ5.I.C. Ulilton Da7 & Sen ' FESTH4ZER TAHM TVXfffvCK -ttf Pk M. Nieat Phones 1811.457; -h- r i . . ,-l . .' Cannon Cleaners PUONK SU f' t . DesWahU SturvlM 4 ftfi , W;&t Morgan Furniture Co. . ' ; Emm Farabfclags ." , . Hot Paint Appliances Reed Oil Company V ILZZTSZttZCti' - 7tolcw-Bfanchard Uzizr Co. , TOtTR FORD DEALO Lync Funeral Hens PH0K2KU ' i;Tromn.& Towc-Wcbb Motor Ccr.py CEXTSLKR-PLTMOOTH . . . Bales O Servtea J. G Ebnchsrd h Cb.,Inc. ; Cz!;cr Oil Ccmpany Ci 'iv Pr: :t - CeedyMr Tim i r n I ti'a.jf I i''.' J a a. -'JRjnHMaMMI4 - 1 ,f v t , : Sunday L.ool 1:C0 A. H ''! . 7-;--t Sunday w ,:) It A. ii- and 8 P. IL ... V. Eunari eaptst uirrsci A.- J. X rsC'wllan. Past . Sunday snooi eacn Sundj a 10:00 -A".. 1J. ' .. Morning worship at 11 o'clofi, 2nd and i.!t Sunday. mwniaKft, . .' PET.w -r AC'IASCa. ; v i CWdifavCA4aWi Rev; AlberrGorV, Jt, Pittof v Cedar Grove Chureh; 1st 8un- f day 1 A. M.; 2nd. Sunday IJi A. m;: 3rd Sunday. 7:30 r. m. . , ; Ep worth Church: 1st Sunday; llTA..M.i 2nd Sunday,,7.30 P. M.r 3rd Sunday, 10 A. M.; 4th Sunt dbyi 7:3(1 P: M V?; f- 1 Oak Gtove; Church: 1st Sun day, .7:30 P. M.;,.3fd Sunday, 11 A. M.; 4tlv Sunday. It A. il , ' vew hoP i oovtjfjrn San E Meadewa,-Pataur ' New Hope: Church School, 10 At- M.; worship services, .11 A. Mi, 1st andv 3rd Sundays; 7:30 Pi Wt., 2nd and 4th Sundays. iWoodlandr Church, School, itO A. M.f worship service. 2nd and 4th Sunday. 11 AV M.; 1st and 3rd Sunday, 7:30 P. M. ANDERSON'S MKTOOBEST CHTJRCH Chnrch School, 10:0ft k. VL Doming Worshi. 11:00 A- If, tdsond and fonrth AnviayK ' WOODVILLE BAPTIST - . ' CHURCH ! William S. Brown, Pastor ' Sunday School, 9:45 A. M.: Morning - Worshio, 11 A.: M.; Training Untom :30 P. M.; Even ing Servloe,-7:30 P. M. VP RIVER FTTfENDS C'RURCtl Orvsl DHkW, Paster SmulMlSMuaM tl-iK S IT." - : ft v t a a . w . f uiana pervica, ate JOa aawr I P It ; ' ' Tth FeHowshift J P T. ' 1 P ML ' " - ' . i 1 1 1 I, , - EETKEIr BAPTIST CHCSXSt i Bryan HoUomanr Patio 1 Sunday School, IQM A, U,. Morning Wonhit 11KK) A. U Evening Wor hlp, A0 P. IX piKZT woers nsrtsy t 4 Mark Hodsla. Pastor Chnrch Seaoot 10 A.M. Hombis worsbia 11 A, KJ. . Totuig Psoola'b aieetlTUt TP D. ,, i I, W1UTEV1LLE t?ur? BAPTZ7 - . CCCSC3 ' Sanav School 10:69 A. EL tfKl Sanday. ''. Orareh serrfce tf aas C Bundays at u:w A. u. , . 5 V, : ajawaataa..'. .'; , - aKHiTFc" "err? ..' -: I, A. Anman, r . ' ttwaBvVolft.S A. n ; Mornini Vorah!? 1WJ oVpii Touth Fdlowshli4iP, If k Evening worship, I'M P. &L r BAG1.ET SaMP VTLCBCI A. E. Bareioot Pastor . Sunday S-hotil, 10:CO A. at. BlorninsV'orship'll o'clock, Toung People'! meeting at t'Ja P. II,'. -i i'-. '' Evening worship, 7:80 'clock, HOLY TRINITY EPISCOPAL - CHURCH Rev. E. F. Motelev. Rector . Holy Communion, 8 A. M. Morning Prayer and Sermoni 10 A. M. Holy Communion on -First Sunday, 10 A. M. ," ' BERCA CHUT.CH OF CKSIST Charles Presley. Pastor. . Bible School each Sunday 1 at 10 otloclc: Holy Communion- each Sunday; Worship Services, first and-,; third -Sunday morn ings at It o'clock.; Evening Wor ship Service at 7:30 of AduH Study Classes and ouut Meetings first and third Sundry evening at 7 o'clock. ., . . i - ii n m n i hi ii - -" y ' i CHAPPSLL IZZX, EAPT Z7 Itev. J, Paul ISsIasuai,' ITti ; Sunday scnooi every Z jt ':7 1 ' 10:C0A.IL' " '.. ' - : 17orshf service every' i. and fourth Sunday at 11:C3 A. I '. ' ETTeVy C-.. ' 7tM.:n : r . r n ! J ah'pM-.. ; vi 7.. i r: t t Vil a I. : ': c i. . . TCI'

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