r C LOFTY SENTIMENT Everything U High plane as f famed animal trainer Clyde Beatty hejps !r-yer-old Billy Knv. i lish stretch out the hand of friendship to tfgirafffeaVIfetroit,; Mlch.,The animal-is part of Beatty' circus. '.-.' A '. in.-ir.5sr flf Ssvcrs far- f flnftfttriiv flm-W-V fvPvAn.J.i 4 Sumter of ' savers' in the r United States has increased by .millions a year over ihe last jdecade, outstripping the popula . f';tion in rote of growth and bring- ting the distribution, in owner- vship of savings and .family pro- I ,'4-. - . ... . . 1 VteoUon iwgrams to the hUjhest;ter w aat defi. 'level on record.'. "J- The thrift" pacemakefhas beert "Jife insurance, With 115 million i jwlicyholders t in - legai reserve xompames, up close to 4 thira iyOver 1950' and now representing pracucaiiy ; two out; 01 every ' ulation, life insurance is far out . . in front no l.ho nstinnV- lAnrtino - ' median of , individual' thrift and .J personal and family, protection. - J' A Voluntary Accompllahment !,Big numerical and proportioh al gains have likewise been shown in the-ownership of other forms' of saving. ' Particularly -'noteworthy-from.. .the long view has been the rapid growth in the number of persons, enrolled- un- . der private pension and retire- , nenf prograrfts, inswed and non: ,Viese plans now wver about half, of all civilian nonfarm workers ,jas against a proportion bf about third a decade aeo. ' - . ,' Basic in this 'mass .thrift pic ture is that the majority of 'American families have more 4han one, form of savings:, Mil- lipng, . too,, have oUierv Jarge fi ' iuuicial resources suclias increas ing equities in homes and owner . ship of corporate' and -other se curities. .Thus the recOfd;rowth .in the number of .savers and in ''vestors, as well as jp, their: ac eumulftted.' backlogs'.. in'j recent years, is a uiouie - xvr ine in grained thrift habit of the Amer ican people nd to their efforts to provide for ;lhemse5s' and s their depeftderiU 0R their Wn." i Here" are some of the high lights of the people's, thrift record- as' sow by figorei com piled from Government and pri vate sources; r '' '1 Li ; ailc iiuiuucr . ui . pvutyxiumciai r . i j 'U ut icgu reset ve me 'uisuimux Companies 'increased by 27 mil- ion in the Fifties, adding up to hii million or 65 per cntof the ' Compared with 88" million or 5rf(W pUriteot, in tobacco; accord- per cent of. the population iir.mg to- topacco disease specialist 1950. The comparabfe tlgute' in' - 1940 was 68 million policyhold ers or 61 per -ceht 'bf She popu lation. -Savings accUlriulated by' policyholders, behind- their., life insuranoe policies , came, to $91 . biUions at the end of 1959 as compared' with $53.6 billions at the begmning of the' Fifties ahd with Only $24.7 Billion5.1n'-I940 ; The number of time expositors in mutual'' savir.'andmmei lal banks aggregate! 83V4? nn jion, or ,47 pep cent of the entire 'population,,, at, the, end ,pf 1959 t' k jpompared with ,bout ;fi5. mil- i jnior 43 per cent f .the. popi Ji tion iA 19S3. - The 194.) figure ,as jusrtdey'S2,ir--rar 35 t cenf'tf the popultrtion. 'Com t'ined.',"''"s in, .e, hvrtitu-U)W-.w,.e, -i.fl,.f" , et't. hd-of lr t yer v as $-5.2r bU Tons "in" l-.J and" C LIiotts n i9ia: " '.V-,' The nunJoer of TiAr 'utis or in vestors in fivi. 3 a..i Iop siciations, more than -dotAIed in !.e h3t decade, ri to 23.4 , 1 st the end tf 1"3 from 10.3 n..l'.n in IZZX .vinrrs in 'ere i;ons c''ed to :i5 ' t ' " r."l At Rrccrtf i::-rl. futions increasing rron) i$?0(T mil lions to ' $4 1 billkHts at " tfat same time. ' , ' J - Other Thrift Areas . Ownership of U.' S. Savings Bonds, the spectacular thrift per- ade. Redemption value of Sav - ings - Bonds owned by individ uals came to $45.8 billions at the end of 1059 as against $49.6 bil lions in 1950r with substantial gains- in ' the" ownership of . the E and H bonds being more fthar offset by -. liquidation' of other series. There are no recent fig ures1 for the number of Savings Bonds owners 'beyond the-40 mil lion . estimate some years . age Postal Savings continued its long-term -downtrend in .- bojjp ownership and savings totals. In the area 01 pension and re tirement funds, the number off workers covered ' inder private insured, and noninsured plans combined was estimated at 20 million in 1959. as against -9.8 mimon i 1950 and only 4.1 mil- flMIIIIVII. behind noninsured olans oh I : . these dates were an; estimated $26.8 billionse" versus' $6.1 bil lions ahd $1.4f billions - (figures for insured plans are included In life insurance reserves.) - . The number of workers cove ed- 'under Government-sponsored retirement .programs other than OASDI Railrbad( Federal Civil ian,' and State and . Local Em ployees added up to an estimat ed 7Ms million- at the- end ol 1959 as against 6 million irt ,195C and 3.3 million in 1940. Com- jnjdamiaJhjridJesa jOaos were placed at over $30 billions in 1959 versus ' $lp billions in 1950 and $2.3 billions in; 1940. ' Brings Good Return ' Raleigh; One hundred dol lar for one hour's workl Thafs the return you maV .realize' from - . . , o- - nawinnM nv Hi c Ad c ivintrAl erua- , . . cialts'ts" af .N.'C.' State' College. ' K'r. a-- r lonfrange Vrogram planned according W the severity W the nematode vroblerrf iiv tfah e urney Toaa. r Main ingredient Of' the"-new i program is "reading the roots" or measuring the) degree of nem atode infestation. Then, through the use of a "root-knot- index" .the long range program is de veloped. 1 1 - ' ' But to be effective the pro gran ; must be put into effect within a few days after the final tobacco leaves ar removed from the stalks Todd emphasizes; v The specialist says abouf on man hour of labor & required fo reading" - tne roots on each acre' A sample system" Is used whJreBy about., one of each 200( root is ii-pecied. .'''ir n ft Research hat shown that tor severe - infestation a good con1 trdl" prciratf c:nS ina " ri- turns by as', much as $.0 per acre.1 "ir ii.e- iv..esiauon is .r ;nr ariJ Ce so:i is fumigated whe it is not nt.Jocf, tlie grower can as-jdecreJje his.net returns' by . s much as $50 to $100 an. acre. Thus, the conservative figure of $100 per acre for the investment of one hour's time". . i ''About the pmwera am I " Tc ' ' --, : CUNDAV CiHOCL. ft.aaAiaJAfrw Ac belief- in divine providence is supported by knowledge that nd ifiaftt o, natiorn am- -oppose Getf with impunity, Eithe may strut for a time; and flourish mightily, as :- the jlitlers I and Mussolinis Of the- World.; ..But before long they and all their works' are" brought to ;naught Theyi-do ?npt. breaK thraaw!; i oft rJk.Ui t.uiii'. ii.MLJuti J u,aihtA theiiii?;1': jiwir jGfejf; to disobVv --but -r ;utl; disobedience tnav of, a" gooa: paTen u ' TcP ibbkc pS3B otff. grToWQl1 mm-JMf turltytt; He s:nok4't "required to'- iermiV jrWedomHift which; we may stumble- and harm ourselves, ana others1. But wHeii ::vr,'rflust? suffejf,'- He'N is present1 lit our" need, sharing aiir paia'i and1 helping Vu r tor bring good out of evil, if " s yesiS belief 'ln 'divine- provi dence brings many benefits; it gives tenacity of -pui'pose.in .the service' ofr spiritual .values, , re gardless of the v opposition . of error -and -evil. It makes us qUiett and free. " Belief in di vine providence" gives perspec tive that delivers us from ten sion -and panic under the pres sures of. the" ffiflment. And. it makes for. courage in the midstt of adversity and disaster. We could jn.pt survive without iti (thm comments, art Based oh. outHns of lhf . ftternattonal Sunday School Lessons, copy dghfed bf the InMrnationil Council. , of Aeliolous .Education l." UMa t permission.) i card of ffiAmea We wish to take this - oppor tunity to express our . sincere appreciation for the flowprs, cards; . visits, food ' and all other acts of kindness after' the death of Edward Walter-White; ' THE FAMILY. . CARD OF, THANKS 'M would'like to thank every one for the lovely, flowers and cards and the many visits I re fiv. Ju-ing my hut-in days l,0l,awinf , ""t. : Ewere all deeply appreciated. IMKS. E. D. MATHEWS ' CARD; OF THAUKS I wish to fake' this opportunity l;to express my pincere apprecia tion for tne lovely flowers, cards, gifts, visits and many oth er acts of kindness whil I was a patient at the' hospital and since1 my return home. . ... i , . FREELAND4 ELLIOTT. ' WANTED- YOUTH FOR PART : time work. Apply S and M .PhArmacy, Hertford, N. C. ; WANTED JS-'LADY FOR '. SUR: ,. vey work in Perquimans and ' adjoining -area, - $1.50 per hdur. Must have car. T Reply , to Box "I," care this news ' papef. " sept 2,9 WANTED MAN OR WOMAN for route work in Hertford. : Permaneht position .for right jersons ' i Starting salary, $50 - weekly. -' Apply ' to Box 91, ' ilftabetB Cify, N.'C.- ' , ' ' Sept 2,9 FOR SALE FIVE ROOM house with; bath; running wa- ter;- ' two ! screened porches. Located on , yeopim Road. See Jamie Thatch, Route 1, Hertford. aug29sept2 VJidi Pcinily r - - p f P" T'J Th Ovarian Scitnc Monitor On Norway St., loiton 11, Mom. ' Stnd your nowipopor for th tlmt chckd. fKloil find my truck r mny rdr. I year 20 monthi.SlO O. nwntn 15 o SitPO SALB-18'fOiv awi!SOTIC OF. 1 AIunSTRATlON1 with grain bo.t'j"' .1 ftp W ttf B..nHw tut- I i g26Sept2 -; V xieruura, r ; aui maim. spartment; bath. Unfurnished, Rot and cold water, central, heat 'tastS occupancy, nihef: years See W. M. Morgan rt. the furnitur store m Herf- persons indebted to said estate foi'd:. s i ! "Aug2,Se6t2,9,lff.will please make immediate pay-: INO Cr it :l3TRATIOWf !- haviAg'. 4vaiu.': as Eeeutor of . the ;esf? f Wortley PmlliM1 Grift fe. dfee?(ii late of Perquimans Countv.ior Caro- j BhaVlftg; dHiins' agaiiwf ;the estate jot said aeceasecp to ejxhibit tftem rto the-undersigned a, Oorants Weeki N C- on or before4 the 25th Ma of July,. 1961. Oi this; notice Kvill b' pleads M r bafNof thei trecoverV; Ai: pTerrfons -. indebted' to said esfate" will' piease make immediate' payftienti:: : HENKY J. tffift PHILLIPS . . Executor of Mrs. "Wortley Phil lips WDt ; v July29Au:iar,19;26Sept2 (KOTICC OF ADMIHIfiTRATION Having qualified as Adminis trator of the estate of Julie Anne Lane, deceased, late of Perquim ans County,: North Carolina, this is to notify alt persons . having claims -against the estate., of said deceased to exhibit .them to the undersigned at 225. .Woodland Circle: Hertford. N. C. on or be fore the 23rd day of July, 1961, nr this notice-will he' nlendpri in bar of their, recovery. Alt per sons indebted , to said estate -will nlaota vrialra ImmorlfcrtA natrmdnt This 23rd day of July, i960. J. ,T. LANK, J., Administrator' of Julie . Anne Lane. - ,- v July29Aug5,12,19,26Sept2 V; S in liH . ' .'.' i "(., . i t .. l s V . w ew w i u coln Godfrey, deceased, late of Perquimans County. North Car - blina, this is to notify all per- flora jiavm? claims . aeainst uie hibjt them to the undersigned' at Corapeake, N. C, on or be-i fore the 25th day of July. 1961. 1J2?wJ1ad memV This VSmi day of July" 1960. i v HEltCULES BYRUM. t Executor of Abraham Lincoln Godfrey. ; aug5,12,19,26,sept2,9 North Carolina) In The Perq. County ..i, guterior Court' NOTICE, SICltVtNG PROCESS BY PUBLICATION Hattie P. Johes, -. . . Plaintiff,' ' vs.. t w"V- " "-.tV Octaves JorteS, Defendant. ' ' To Octaves Jones: . Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against vou has been filed in- the above entitled action. : The nature of the relief be ing sought is as follows: Abso lute divorce based upon con tinuous separation between the parties for more than two years immediately preceding the in stitution of this action. You are required to make de fense to such- pleading not later than September 2. 1960. and upon your failure to do so the "i30" vour. .fa,J Party seeking service aeainst you will apply to the court for the relief sought. This 4th day of August, 1960. W. H. PITT. Clerk Superior Court augl2,19.26.sept2 TRY A WEEKLr CLASSIFIED mmE wR Mil ES. Migsl The new interest rate makes it more worth while than ever to bay Bonds and hold on to them MMions of Ameri cans now own U.S. Savings Bonds worth more than 42.5 billion dollars. And every minute of the day, these Bonds earn $2,083 ' in interest. With as little as 63 6 ya day you, too, can start savine this bro- Dtableway. Because 63 p a day will buy a $25 t Savings Bond every month. If you buy one a montn tor tne next 4U montns, you ii own a stack of Bonds worth $1,000 at maturity. And that $1,000 will have cost you only $750 in easy installments. Remember under the new 3J ,interest rate, Savings Bonds turn $18.75 into $25 fourteen months faster than ever before. " SOME ADVANTAGES YOU MIGHT THINK ABOUT 'Ton can sre automatically with the Pay roll Savings Plan. Veil your company how much to' set aside from your pay for Bonds This way you won't forget to save and your savings will add up automatically. You now get 3 interest, at maturity. This new rate, which went into effect June 1, 1959, makes your Bond money grow faster. Series E Bonds now mature 14 months earlier than before in just 7 years, 9 months. Bonds bought before June 1. 1959, earn more,' too an extra H from then to maturity. You aavo moro than monoy vsith Buy thorn where you vrorlz or bank NOTICE 0? ADMINISTRA'TraN' jWHSKSFaL L .WTte STSuaiii ui uw waw ui ivira. vioia Nachman. deceased, late of Per- l quimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hav- lilt: claims anainsT t np mtdm nr said deceased to exhibit them to.0'0000? the undersigned at First & Mir. chants National Bank, Rich mond, Va., on or before the 27th day of August, 1961. or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment This 27th day of August. 1960. HENRY DUDLEY - NACHMAN. Executor of . Viola Davis 1 Nachman. Sept2.9,16.23,30,Oct7 , North Carolina, ' Perquimans County .NOTICE OF SALE Walter. Ci. V.impn r-.. . -e Margaret S. Hathaway. Peti - tioner, vs. Dorothy R; Morrisette and Fred erick W. S. Ritter, Defendants. Under and by virtue of an or der, of- the Superior Court of Perquimans County, made in the SDecial proceedings , entitled as above,, the undersigned com missioner will on the 23rd day of September, 1960, at twelve o'clock, noon, at the Court House door in Hertford, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that cer tain house and lot of land lvine i and being in the Town of Hert- tord, Perquimans County, North Carolina, aescriDea as toiiows: Beginning on the northeast side of Dobb Street at Roxanna C. Jackson line and running thence along said street north westwardly to Dr. C. A. Daven port's line; thence along his line northeastwardly to Matthew B. and Ira Mae Dail line; thence along- said Dail line to the said rtoxanna jacKson line; tnence If ytw want i5? 5?"lf WM hne,,113 -r-"T"---" r.-'r reqmred to deposit with the un- gff81!?!'1 commissioner 10 of u? and including f-- - -avo Dated and posted this 24th day of August, 1960. . WALTER G. EDWARDS, Commissioner. Aug26Sept2.9.16 . ; NOTICE Or RE-SALE Whereas tne undersigned, act ing as Trustee, in a certain deed of trust, executed by Robert E. Lee and wife, Gertrude W. Lee, and recorded in M. D. Book 33, page 114, in the -office of the Register of Deeds of Perquim ans County, foreclosed and of fered for sale the land herein after described; and whereas within the time allowed by law an advanced bid was' filed with ' SS -rf5L S.S-VfS." and an order issued directing the Trustee to re-sell said land up on an opening bid of. $5,300.00 Vr nlK ola - Tt Now,: therefore, under and by, virtue of said order of the Clerk of - the Superior Court of Per quimans County, -and the 'power of sale contained in said deed of trust, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale upon said opening bid at public auction to the . highest bidder for cash at the door of the County Court House in Hertford, North Caro lina at 11:30 A. M., on the 10th day of September. 1960, the fol lowing described property locat ed in Mew nope Township, fer- quimanS County, North Carolina i i'lKSST TRACT: Being a 35 acre tract of land and being de scribed as - lot No. 3' on plat re corded in deed book 16, page 170, Public 'Registry of Perquim ans County, said plat by refer ence is made a part of this de scription, the same as it em bodied herein. For chain of title see deed book 16, pages lfMf-l JU, Public Registry of Per am ends. You can get your money, with interest, any time you want ii Bonds are a ready reserve that you can cash any time at any bank. But it pays to keep them. Your money is guaranteed by the US. Gov ernment. Bonds are an absolutely riskless investment. The Government promises you that the cash Value of your Bond will not drop it can only grow. Your money can't be lost or stolen. The Treasury will replace your lVmds, free, if anything happens to them. You save more than money. Ymi help save the peace with every Bond you buy. Peace costs' money money for science, education, military strength. And the money you save helps keep our nation's economy strong. Here's how you can reach you? savings goal with U.S. Savings Bomh in ' just 7 years, 9 months about $2,500 I $5,000 MdlWNkUVI I $5.45 $10.85 $21.70 ffV - V quimarwwntyr - 5, TUf.iirn k - A Bcnbed M,Jot, o.l. on jkm corfed in; deed bdok 1, r e 170, Public Regtetty oq J. ; ., , rj erence is made a part of this description, the same as" 42 em bodied herein. For ehin if title see deed book 16, pag,3S, Public Registry of Perqiumatu County. N. C. '' ;, 'this 25th day of Aurus."960, Sept2.9 ' - Trustee. ('HAS H .IflHMMlV North Carolina In Thtf Perq. County Superior Court Y. L. Brown,. Petitioner Hertford Construction Co tntX vs. et ate. 'and Dr. T, P. Brinn et als ' vs. ' tY.O Y. L. Brown et als. ' - Notice is hereby made 'to; W r persons. tirms. Or corDotifti rMiohf having ; any interest in nolairiii aeainst Hertford Construction Co., Inc.. or Coastal Equipment i ,B J"In3Zr;-LS Receiver has filed his filed his report showing the. . status of claims aeainst the said corporations in the office of the Clerk of Su perior Court of Perquimans County, N. C. And yoiAn.will further take notice that the said Receiver will on the 17th ' dav' 'of September, 1960. at 10:30 AY M., in the Court room in Hertfoed, N. C. apply to the Court fofsan order of distribution and .dis charge. ' '' ' Any exceptions which.TanV claimant against the said,. cor porations may wish to "file should be filed in writing' With the said Receiver on or -before the 15th dav of September.; J9601. This 28th day of August. ,19601 W. H. OAKEY. JRl; ' Receiver Hertford" v,',,'i Construction Co., Hie, and Coastal Equipment Company, Inc. Sept2,9 i o - . . Ip.I ,t '1 ' '.': : : Ill i: 1 lV. tlVt ,' VI . .1 Mi''? Ml,.. i ii;t. ; iiiH'. 1.1,1, i $10,000 4 ttiiirt THEEKdUIIMltLY C io$ aof py foe j j' vtiting. Tht Tnatury D- f4 -f v ."3". ''j'.' 2 TTD fv v n t i"