J .J L.J t 1 h L. Layden, owner and p of a 259 acre farm in . aikville ' secttion of Per ns County, uses conserva "ractices offered through gncultural Conservation ,m . to conserve and . im . his land. Y';W ' : .,. tayden- cultivates M59 ' with j. US 'acres in pasture. ACP cost-sharing, I have ; ' ished a winter cover crop j wheat and oats on ap- o:,imately SQtacres' each year ! ice' 1956,". he said. The 15 i res In Dasture is also the re- jllUof cost-sharing . under the '4 irlcUltural Conservation rro j am.. Assistance was received t IJme, mixed fertilizer, Ladino jpvw and Fescue Grass as a j aciage practice in ; establishing e vegetable cover. ' 'Mj;.,JLayden said that he had t 'ssed very few years in par ( gating in the ACP since the fogun was made available to i j ";iough i CulTjl OUt i;ri.,l ') potect -Jseil watot "on! (hiy farm,"' he added. He has filed a request or cost-sharing and received ap proval to cut an open perma nent drainage ditch on nis raim this fall Mr. Layden says that he is an f r1- CcI::ct; J,; "Funeral services for Edward Walter White, 88, who . died Wednesday afternoon at the home of his daughter," Mrs. Bill Fowler, ! were conducted Friday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock in the - Mr. Layaen says uu we i . , ... . advocate of sowing winter fSJTS .improving ana con- rroDS for servine the soil and urges farm ers in Paikville community to visit their ASC office in Hert ford: nd, take . advantage of Jbe obportuniues oiierea unaer m ACP. l M deorge: Bellmdn, Perquimans County, : 5C office manager. said that now is the time u me a' request for assistance in carry ing out : Approved conservation practice under, the 1960 ACP. The sign-up period ends Sep tember 1, I960. , . However, tne ASC County Committee will consider requests filed after the sign-up period if funds r are available. Chapanoke News F-l-ll-A-L CLEAIiANCE all remaining: Spring and Summer DRESSES .NOW ONLY ; $5.00 All Remaining Sportswear HlbU iAND BELOW j$kap and Save At oodland VA PHOXE 2831 Rev, Norman Harris, pastor of the Hertford ; Baptist Church. .. Orean ' music ' Was quietly '-played .during the sevice s by Mrs. J. Ellie White, xne cas ket pall was 1 made ; of red and white carnations f 'and white mams. ' ' ' Pallbearers were. Ward - Hunt er; ! Tom ' MadM,,': Will Madre,r B. S. Hoskins, Clarence Dail and ThomaS Dail. , ' "Burial was made in Beaver Hill: Cemetery in Edenton. Belvidere News Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hodgin, Marilyn and Barbara spent last Friday at Kitty Hawk with Mr. and Mrs. Claud Winslow. Lela Sills Garner of Goldsboro is oreachine for the revival at Pinev Woods Friends Church this week. She is house guest of Mr ; and Mrs. Mark Hodgm. John Lamb who has spent the summer with his sister, Mrs.. U T. 'Rogerson, Sr., has returned to his home in Delaware. Mr and Mrs. C. T. Rogerson, - Jr. Cnrolvn Fave and Carter accom panied: him home 'and will spend a week visiting there ' Mr. and Mrs. Vivian Dale and two children .have returned home after touring Florida for a week. TV Flnvd Moore, his wife and children from Guilford Mr. and Mrs. Cary P. Quincy and children. Perry and Ava, wrA hpre Saturday afternoon Melvin Bright went to Duke Hospital, Durham, last weeK lor treatment. Mr; und Mrs. . Hubert Ownley spent last Sunday in Norfolk, Va. ; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Isaacs and children ,'of Cincinnati, Ohio, are visiting this - week at the home of Mr. and ' Mrs. H. E. Ownley. ' : Mr. and Mrs. Kobert Brewer nnrt children left Monday for ' Tallahassee. Fla..i ifh i ihree alter- spenuing su: ioit the her na rents. Mr and Mrs. C r.V.u"eBB, uiit,iv.v,; . Ouinv ' iLouis Winslow family Thursday. Miss Betty Ruth Smith spent Mr. .and Mrs. Mac White' and several days at Nags Head last children, Carol, Ricky and Don weet , spent the ; week-end at Nags Mrs. Roy Pierce went to Dur- Head lese, No.' , '" Fred S. us aC wr Hospital, Lntn, . fr treat- mnt. . . . Mr. and Mrs. l.'ai-vin D. White and family and Snooks While are spending this week at Nags Head. ' , , f " i,J .k. Carl Barber-, of - Virtrinit. SDent the. week-end with his parents, BARREL OK FUN? It's o " being a fU guy as this OTliceman leams in Nuernberg, Qerrpany. He ii competing la a Darrei race a w iiw"" r .v: Reef Producers To Meet Thursday ' Perquimans County farmers interested in the production of beef -cattle are invited to Attend a meeting at ; the Albemarle Chemical Company on Thursday nightv ,pf next week at 7 :30 o'clock, at wluch time: beef pro duction will be discussed. t A renresentative of the Pur ina Company will Conduct the meeting, outlining a program be followed, by those farmers In terested. Jn increasing beef pro duction; in 'this -area.- i . ham Sunday to visit her brother who is in Duke Hospital. Brad Vaughan of Portsmouth, Va., is visiting his grandmoth er, Mrs. Irma Dorsey this weeK. New Hone News Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Raper, Monte Raner and Mrs. Zelma Hornbeck of Covington, Ken tucky, returned home Friday af ter a week's . visit with Mrs Fannie Hurdle. - - Mr. and Mrs. Rob Raper and daughter. Rebecca, also of Cov inutnn Kv.. left Saturday for their home after visiting Mrs. Fannie Hurdle and Mrs. Ervin urnefc i . -i Amoftg'ireeitiefi 'there' cahVe no successful appeal from the ballot to the bullet Abraham Lincoln. Mr nnif Mrs. Louis Winslow and Lois Violet srjent Sunday at Woodland and attended services at the Friends Church there. Thev visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jenkins. MrA and Mrs. Harry Williford and Richard and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jenkins. Connie and Arthur in the afternoon. rcienn White, who is working at the Carolina at Nags Head SDent Tuesday and Tuesday , night with his parents, Mr. and Mrs! Edwin White. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Spivey have as their, guest, Mrs. Spi vev s mother from 'White Hat. Mr., and Mrs. Linwood Chap- tw.1i vUsited his sister. Mrs. Mary- Monds, . recently in Eliza- tieth Jity. ' ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Nercus Chap pell spent Friday and Saturday at Hatteras. Winf all News Mri. Reginald Jones and chil dren,; Dwight, David, Reginald i r'r.nA nt- Pennsvlvania. CII1U , v " 1 spent two weeks with Mr.' and' Mrs. R. D. Jones. Mrs. Sadie Gregory was tak en very ili with a hemorrhage Tuesday afternoon and was rushed to Chowan Hospital at Edenton;' her condition 'is Stui critical. I Mrs. Ruth Perry was on the' sick list Tuesday and Wednes day. Mrs j. W. Byrum and daugh ter, Karen of Raleigh, spent-sev eral days last week with her Sister, Mrs. W. G, .Hollowell. Mrs. E.. L. Bailey ""of Elizabeth Citv and' Mrs. W. J. P. Earn hardt of Edenton spent Wednes day with Mrs.. W. G. Hollowell - Mr. and Mrs. ' J. . V. L Stallings of Portsmouth, Va., spent: the week-end' wSth her mother, Mrs. J. H. Baker. J. Horace Balcer returned home after spending last wpek-'in Portsmouth with pitj.StalUWgs amuyj -4 v ' JKirs.'1. G.iSfaAiiynfiand' Mrs N. J.' Smith visitedV friends and relatives in Kill Devil Hills and Manteo Sunday afternoon. nr, and Mrs. J. T. Hollowell, Sr., visited Mrs. Clara Whitley i Tkrf.mmini Krinav aiiemoun. IU U fcO"M. 1 Mr. and Mrs. E. B. wouoweu, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hollowell, Sr., visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Temnle of Newland Sunday. I ,. Mn sheiton Morean UW1. Of " land bovsspent seTeral days last uroolr of Nan Head. Mr and Mrs. J. W. Lane nave. r r 'Skip"- Matthews, former Per-' quimans County - H1J1. Genoa!, standout, was r nong the 75 canV didates who . imported - to Nortn Carolina State Coll eire- football coach, Earje v Edwards,, Monday morning as the Wolpack squad began practice for the I960 loot- ball season. The 6-1.' 205-round soDhomortt will be a candidate for a guard position on .this year's 'squad. : Edwards has .setj Mp, a training schedule that Includes .tivo--day nracLiirts sessiuiis... iur xwuvweeiuh The drills will taper off as the opening game with Virginia Tech on Sentember ' 17. in Rid- dick Stadium, draws near. -. One practice each day-will be. held the week before the Tech game. c: . - 2 V- C7c "c up !.''rA. Pencils (pksr.oMO) 29c value 22c HATE , cwmoruNEWu. Word .was received "her Sat- urdav of the' death" Vrf Nate tti ing of Hampton, Va,'. husband nf Mrs. . Tallulah .Laneston Go-: ing, former resident Hr ford. The ' funeral, was helflS,, Monday at 3 Pf M4 at the, ChestJ nut Avenye Methodist Church at Newport News, Va. .' . ; v : NYLON HOSR f 51-15 First Quality ' 79cvifiluc 37c Gregory's oivlj: Sept. 1 to C.m . 3 ',lfe:try'Tw ' Feeders ' Plastic Covers . ' exists - Autoatic, y. ; V Watering ... Equipment ' ? . AND -Peltry Sanitation: IS Products . ;;:bemarle ! Qmical Co. -i ,v PHONE 5151 : ' ,-rfwlNFALL. C n n n n - n n- 1 t.'w - , . ' " - ' a mtdictlly dtveloptd pads hlp WIPE OUT PIMPLES k, j 1 WITHOUT EMBARRASSMENTI ,. , ( , " wipMMdlaolmWblfl ,:, Hri ttop M plmpltt htm lwNil " . Litvt M Mltllf Mriu! . 98 ( STRI-DEX MEDICATED PADS . S and M Pharmacy ITIEE DELIVERY .'At We Have A Complete SUMMER STOCK -of- Toys and Hotbies Stop in and See Us! LANDING Supply Co. Toy-Hobby Dept. SPECIAL NOTICE! f k PTPM PATirV AtTiA niir ronf oretMt TllPPtin With reference to delinquent Fuel Oil and Kerosene accounts is as follows: , - f If your account is delinquent, your name has been ex tilangred with other dealers for information of like nature. A : (2) As mutual protection to members of this association, we have agreed not to make deliveries EITHER on CASH or OHEDIT basis to any person owing another dealer. (3) Those whose accounts are in arrears who give orders for any delivery on a cash basis, will be1 required to make some curtailment on account in addition to amount of each delivery, theref ore wheir calling in your order PLEASE STATE WHAT AMOUNT YOU WILL ADD FOR CREDIT TO YOUR AC COUNT EACH TIME, or we will be unable to make delivery We have no desire to work a hardship on any one, put we :hst have cooperation from you to enable us to fill your or ders promptly. WHY NOT BEGIN PAYING NOW? As it will eliminate -barrassment for all concerned when cold weather arrives. Dealers in other, towns will be advised of this policy for :ir credit convenience. - WE FINANCE NEW GARS 5 Percent Jiitercsl No Extra Charges 1 No Waiting Ir the Mone SEE US WHEN YOU BUY A NEW CAR WE WILL SAVE YOU. MONEY I Peoples Bank & Trust Co. Hertford, N. C. ' MEMBER F.D.I.C. Towe - Webb pifcrs Better . - '.;, - BEAUTIFY your FLOORS with MOORE'S Tile-Like FLOOR tENAMEU. , . . i ' . "1 we also have ' . ... 1 Paint Brushes ' Paint Thinner Step Ladders1 fc Harris Plur.b:r3& BuiIdinsfci:!yCo. " PHOKS 81 - Hertford. N. C 1957 FORD Ranch Wacn I cy-Iindmt FordamaUe tao and heater. - 1957 PLYMOUTH Savcy 2-door H.T. V-t; Pushbutton Traatmiuloaj radio and heater 1956 PLYMOUTH Savoy 4-door V4; Standard Tvanunisilon; radio and heater 1956 DeSOTO Fireflite 4-door ' Radio, heater, automatic iranamiufion 1956 DODGE Custom Royal 4-door . V-8; PowerFlitei radio and healer. 1955 CHRYSLER Windsor 4-door Fully equipped, . -f- - . . . 1955 PLYMOUTH Belvedere 4-door -V-fc extra clean! ... , v 1955 CItEVROLET V.Z I-dcbr 195 FOTIAC 195a aiHYSLL : 1951 air.Y. 1955 TCDHTc-U 1954 FOHD H To 1 "WE BUY lZD C - 1 ' 4 t I. r 1959 FORD 4-floor Custom; ( - ,ri958 am'VSLlER Wlor Hardtop !: 1957 FORD Fairlane 4door 1956 RAMBLER Station Wagon 1956 FORD Victoria 4-door. 1956 FORD Mainline:door 1950 CHEVROLET 4-door ; 1951 PLYMOUTti 2-door. 951FORP , : ; 1951 DQPQE 4-door t ,l t ;r' , 1950 OLDSOBILE 4-doof . 957 FOIID Pickup : - -i . . 1955 DODGE iTon Pickup ' l$Z5 FOBD Pickup ! y ; , -.'V , .' O; . , v KSHTFORD mi IB M a.. 4.vl : : 1 f f 4 1 1 ' 1 trt 1 v 1 nirr'n ( ' ' " - 1 .,(..,..11,, 'fl f- s. f. " . Ccr.;:crfCiVf.-::;6 1 I " 's'trBd'htaler 3; rt -jlo. beaier. I : 1 : , , ,1. 1,1 . .3 c maoic. Mixta uNii...cfiy mw M . M mat, mmiiint no mmIi, oo .toet, no 4or hMt ' outrun. " uinaci 'ivfif" aiowii . .. , 1 Wonk.l your ftoori wHh e qiH of w lr.l' VIN MIAT...CircMat:c l,y Wm drcoiolM air ftroufllioirt youf.ontlro hon. .. - W:::-TVM Hlt tXCHAK-:(...SpctaMNio' fn twaMng chambor off.rl MkIM rilHW vrfaH!-H (vol cotii dra I-,,. AUTOMATIC tlMFHAT. ... O, towdi of yir bb I . , ,' tawfcWef . fcJor rt ('JMwMoiwbly t - !l oM In o '.O -Ji' if U it -.lit YOfl1 . you a 4 THE AC20OATED OIL DEALERS it t r r:

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