- a L .ord. Pcrquiir.arn Coun ,fcrth Carolina, Ifriday, ,TJovciTibePz5ri960. j5 Cents Per Ccpj Teachers Outline lutein Rcccrdrr's Court r .ire r 1 ... ' . IT -J ' 1 1 1 1 fflTlA! 'if t "It JA" "J,' ,Yog forcejj v's.v '' v.i he it I J in Caa-o, : 1 A several .. , throes before, iu:.- ' v .;. inqn ovetf 1 ' pjubic. Sj . .i came' .the welcome! amicuncnVent in, three . tfnguage "Fasten your Wfeat belts as we shall be landing in Cairo, ' Egypt, in five .minutes. , K - - Once cn th.- ground, we pass ed through customs with little 4,' dttloy and were on our way to . the hotel where we checked in and put our bags dOwA before a full day of. sight-seeing. ? ' -"U Egypt still the IhTiS of eam els.' and donkeys? you ask. .And - . Bd .Egyptians stiHi dress in ". tht luht'fidwin .robe and turban had-dress?t My answer1 would 4 Wyes- then evenmore! "f found, the .toads . a story-book 1 . picture .Of ; Wieflt cWe nd . ha'd'to iremind myself. that fyere iri th,S0th Century'and $9t ttaftidpuiAg, in .ah ancient pit grjmaget,; :Fpjf' Egypt antiquity Ha -beei, preserved, and today's ' ' . tt4rj$ -is.spellbounA oy Vhe fcQOO years .old. records that Show ' the Egyptian 'way, of life and rwhat they inew pf goverhhtent,'. so-" nce nd(artt' ' , , 'First' on 'our fist W ancfcnt mipSas'u Visit to Wrn Egyptian luseuin,; where, the ,: fabulous . JeWei coUectiohs, anidhg ' other Measures; from IKIhg" , . TPuVs .onib ' can he viewed: "the : tpnb; itself along wfth ancient ' wooden" boats, and a ,sui.g6d ... c&a stand out 1 my ineiraory'.of , o"i .hufi'ed vis'.V' V.'e crossed i t 'river Kle- nvuir tiie place ' v here Jochebed hi J I.Io a in the t Miiishe't and ; jcrcye4 eight ' i..;oj't'out to 'the Pyrrttilds of -1 jplich,', A', camel IcarkVan ,was rraoged fpr, seipL.ar group . and we climbed aboard a' eamel I i-,dh and rode "cantd-back" up 'i : . : i' t sharp' Incline td l!Ve:Pyta "y i '1 and theft ' dowfl' ait equally v . l !'.l to he E.Mnx ,The , e, wereinot accustrmilsd" "Ui He : eteri hea.w soaft hftij to. ex- ' aange- php,..amel fob 4 -ibua ; which took us oack x the fa (nous Pyramid, 450 feet high, 4 wiich is .one of the teven won JleiOf. the world. - These pyra , - tnids are at tall as a forty'rstory skscraper, built, 'of Ww two , ' itjilUen ' blocks retch ' Weighing cjre than .two and H.h'alf tons, id it is estimated that it ' took QiQQ .men. twenty years to utld this huge tomb which js . tufving placb 'ol Am ancient V Twntty ' tnijes , from Cairo : In. the middle, 0f w dbsert, a iihff excavatioh which 'had un' :tovered . ' twenty-foUl? marble stombs -where cows (worsnipeiTby ih ancient ' Egyptians)1 . were buried" This" shrine" is "another;; evidence of Egyptian life many ((Continued oa Fi weal y, JK mm n " t , '.'Election 'ot. .inembeo the Perquimans . Cpunty Soil 'Conser vation Supervisors. Committee of the1 AJbemarie District will be . held December 5-1 ft, tS'Sfcx'.fV The term of Joseph Vv Nowcll Jr; expires this year In Accord ance with the ruft for staggered tna...bn-ship on - 'f.t ttiree-man commiitee. The terms of John A.' Bray and George G. Nyinslow! Sn'1 expire-in l.A and 1952 rtspectively. , , . . v Two irn have been tominated for the po8kion . Joseph Wv !" ve"l, ; Jr., 'and Yi'lafd-'.M. Petition lo nominate' ,t' e S -rrviso)rs I tyttwcfity i , i. .T..1 k at ctt at 2 0; - Hertford,, Police ( Department f made total of .36! arrests, dur-S big f the morith of October. ae-J 'COrdmg to a report filed by Po-( lice uaptatn U. U uidds. jn me defendants " arrested, 35 were convicted in court and one de fohdant was found not guilty. -' Arrested were 11 drunks, five speeders six persons ' charged with -assault and eight miscel laneous traffic violations The tMflioe nhswered 73 calls.- extend ed1, 70 courtesies, had 240-radkn calls. The police car traveled a total of 2,312 miles. Gtid Etos Jo ?, Perquimans T ' County -' growers f will receive 1 official notice of their 4961 1 farm acreage .allot ments for cotton' well before the referendum i date -on December 13, 196fr. J According to CooJ-ge B e 1 1 m o n, Perruimans County ASC Office, Manager, thi ! no tices will be mailed on or be fore December 6, I960, by the county ASC office. " ; Cotton acreage allotments .for all farms,, in the county Shave been determined by the ASC committee in - accordance- with the law- and the regulations is sued .by ,the Secretary of . Agri culture. : They are . based - upon the . national .total ,of 48,458,424 acrna and the State allotment of 508,610 acres available for es tablishing eotton Jam allotments for'neei, '-"vi f; , i The national , total "is Ibat p- f ..tnmrt 'imAliJrStatPr anthfi State allotments among-counties. The ountv allotments vare. then distributed , among r firms on which cotton , was planted, on Regarded as planted, In any One qf the past 3 years, with a small acreage .esfcrved-. for ' specified f '?rfVr(SsielirSlt faVm- Jrs vho receive a, 1961 cotton allolfment .tiotice 1 orr a farm they, do not intend to operate immedi ately return 6ie dffioiarnotice to the County ASC Office so that It can be sent to the person wjio will operate the farm next year. Cotton-, allotments are establish ed- for specific farms and may not v be, transferred, by the opi erator ' or other producer tromi one farm to another." ' ;'Any changes ia the, land; t M included in the farm for" whieh the adptment is mad(.shouJ4 be feported. to .the county ASC Of fice. Farm operators, likewise are asked to check . with the county ASG office .regarding any j other .question about the ' farm oh which the .allotment .is es-i tablished. ) , ,; , ,, v . Fcrl'rs. Procter : J Mrs. . Bessie Lee Proctor, 78, died Friday at 11:30 P. M., at her home here after a long ill ness. - 1 ' She was a daughter Of Ander son and Mrs.' Lydia Elliott, ! and widow of George Proctor. , She was a lifelone resident of Per quintans? County. ' Surviving areiPwe;nta "re mvited; to visit the VIM,- ' UaUgtltm . v. Owens, two grandchildren 1 d one great-grahdehilq. ' . -rjthe; section oiXyri. . ,'al !, Hprne, ; Sunday HXetA i, at (the ,Am?-an.AIethodist ..h at.,a oy. ineiicet. t ro'rtescue, ptM, ande' . ..,, mes,,A-,-Aumfln,1Ko(' .""""-jr.fyt fP.ilT ' "T ,1 was. htheMAydefc ncss liWirflJf.idil" ' J..,u.ry: Pal-bearers velrV tmtyto'Mw. Ti. -n Nixon, Hayward Whlte.l0 we !tores which hv?Nbeen James Hunter,- Joseph' Rogerson. - clo8ln . Wednesday . afternoons Harris and 'Wayland:111 discontinue . this practice 1 - -: . -j now until : Christmas, remaining '' -ir 1 1 1 1 1 . ... 1 open all day -Wednesdays for the 1 1: -i r x r.v. D. . tf r II ZZ-TT ' ' rd Dchertyl C, announce i -..-r 13, .1 . in-"- f- y 1 ' J"- - ' -" .' : v - : . Locd Officials ;; M -twniMnhtnan .f.tat,tttem area. .i4rg WiSJZJ?l?7 .'r7." teeslators, ftfrm arel invited Iclti aperl. Bill to mt:crtnyJ?t ffeip dedicafB'tKgttcieph Palmer eluded; Chowan, , Camden; JCoastaivPDistrwt.vesfs Khapiild4rfhPSfifn,'ihe'In- 9UimanSl Currituck, Pasqiwlatik, recognizedAy Mr, Edwards. itffiS 'tJveSr-tM P'1- reene. fidgombe, Mar-apeakw the program JtatapC.Uoyrrnnei,-. to th -Beaufort Tvirell Hvde re S"-6 R. Younts, adminir service 'of officials . throughout "r ii- . V? 7l,lZl K s Wive officer and R. M Dai iw' .oa : " i-i Washington; Gates,- Northampton, slrauve. onicer, ana n m. uai k l' Hertford and Bertie:. ' eyv.etate-Meti. Dedication exercises will, begun f . - ,i.i,.v-.. .y . i '.r- . ... . . .. i.:L - u T tute of uovernment irom. 930 Sunday "afteriiooni y. per ru8,,i that evening nd next mornmg .Officials fro thia Opunty join with officials; from' other U1 V' ' throughout. 'tbis Congressional! a. ' an -i- - j i.. 3.l District m TT "-'uT.j"f 7 praised the Work. and interest in dedication exercises iVctude., . :K,. , ., ; Congressman Herbert C, Bonner, uniiea ovaies oenavois otuu j. Ervin," Jr., apd B. : Everett Jor dan ''Governor IMher-IfT Holdg es - and t.Govcn.5r-Elect . Terry Sanford.-- Lieutenant ; Governor Luther Barnhardt . and ' Lieutfen ant 1 GovernOr-Elect Hi '--Floyd PiiHpott. ' .""!'r Scout Troopllas New1 Assistant . 4'!' v Hertford. Boy Scout Troop No. 155 ' has "a 'new assistant Scout. master, It was announced .today, He is Quentin ' Krausft who .has had - much Scouting experience and served with the Marine Corps. , V 0 Krause announced the - troop will hold an overnight camp trip this Saturday, and there will be a religious ' service conducted at the camp site Sunday morning. Scouts making this trip will be supervised by Mr- ' Krause and Scoutmaster J Marvin, , Simpson. 1 - ' - JUa. Hertford Stores' , y Observe Hc!iday h weruorOMosioresrwanaiv ousmess houses were closed' ThutMday'in, - 0 the Thanksgiving ) remainder of the year. . ' The Hert C -'-r of the Nearly 500 Attd fciiig Of Soil ConervattQn Supervisors .Nearly 500 people atheted inltio th.e amV ' . the - Edenton armory , Thursday J2' Edws,; chairman of night to . attend-the fifth- an- Ae Coastal ;PI4ut Soil Conser nma 'meeting of toil. cofttW Vaton-J-M'toasfc t , '. ... i were presenu inom io counwes, -r--rv; -. t : 4"..uo "uuvvv i ncluded' amohg-tliose pres- ipr0minent-- state and mttid J . 5.0 offi. j A:.s.urfiriSe,;vB,tor was Congressman Herbtrt Bonner, . "J ' . .. ' . fc. Mr. Bonner highly and water : conservation , ; , in ..area, .and emphasized the dinner wasissryea. bviladies' ui importance of the work. - Iraarle Hospital .following an ill--,Th pufncipal speaker for the! nesa' of 12 days. A .native and occasion-was. Congressman L. B.lnfc-long resident of Perquimans y I Fountain', the Second District, County, he was the son of the said each TB case costs apprpxi- widow of Allen Aerry ; and a,' wZtow- to Mw rJ who pinch-hitted. for Governor- Jessle'S. -and- frs. -SaraW mately $15,0Q0 in tax funds. 'member of Hertford Baptist c,? iMuler" .J elect Terry Sanford, -who was e Winslow, and, widower. of i There were 1,446 new TB cases Church." ' : , SiSSiSS. forced gageroent MS kmall to cancel the speaking en-irs- mumie omiui i"ini. , iciv w "wv vmv.ii f'"t r m,u,s , : .y hijiiiU..muj Fountain1 stated that the'oer oi me ..isagiey; Bwamp-. rn-wumes. : 'Aift jormarcn, aucm -hjs ua. uiw j tlf waterahpd nrom-am is the grim Holiness Uhurcn, where he iou, i,Ba persons, were -unaer. "n 01 iNonois,. n, ana ivirs. l'linpin1! M""WTI finest thing of its kind ever de-jwas a trustee of the. church, and Vised by Congress iftnd offered a '''former'.' member .of. its official some -suesestkms designed -tolboard- " '''-''', .speed iip needed. improvements.) Surviving are four daughters, He said the watershed program Mrs. Ruth ' Rountree ! and Mrs. is 'sound in that' it is a local Virginia Whiter both of - Route program" initiated by local peo-j L Belvidert, Miss Clar B. Wins pie and carried cut with the'Jow and Miss Minnie -Lee Wins assistance; of the 'federal gov- low, both of Route-2, Hertford; ernment.' ' - i . j three sons, Joseph ' Allen "Wins- It is based on scientific prin-.' low land Dennis P. Winsldw1, "both ciples, M said, -which combine,? Route 2, .Hertford,, and the soil and water conservation' ReV, Clarence - E, Winsldw ' of treatment of farm - and landi Manchester, Conn.;, eight grand- based on land capability and provides for multiple purpose ob jectives i which - include flood prevention measures, Agricultural water management and Jion-ag- t Jcultural v ; t water iv managementi measures such- as fish and wild-4 Ue-,deveofinmit, i municipal and industrial watet supply, recrek-i tion, j-pollutionL(abatement con- tfol,y .ttreamrflowreKutation'otfuBang'Jesus1:' .anialineter-hitrilSlc! i'com-f ,bafc ,M1 ,n -U hiit.. -vh'O 1 xcons,efYaV0 -prognessi nigh ln praise in the 'northeastern 'area arid presented . atatistics to .empha size the fact that the area leads the rest" of the state 4n the soil conservation program," Ha call- ed for istronger atewardship and. ,Fquntam reviewed the-Boili nome H nerwereacTOmpiHu . HigllsOCnOOl A program -.Hd ;m -- .Mp.tln. nfikr'1 ! i it- haa madeA nti-mat"? k, . ,rr r -.tr of the WOMt done esu wwauui ux nunwu v - . - t , v-"-t in order that future generaUonsji Burial- followed iutvtoefainilr will look with oride uoon th wmetery heaKthe,' hbme, i- vr t-oat feom.- Mr4.'.TT";"' Funeral Services Held Saturday For Allen JayViiislow ' Allen Jay Winslow, 90, of Rt 2, Hertford,', died Tllursday af- - ternoon at 12:55 in ' the Albe Children and three great-grand children. "' :-X' . : Funeral services were conduct ed. Saturday , afternoon ; at 2:00 O'clock in. -the; Bagley Swamp Pilgrim Holiness -Church by the Rev. A. E. Barefoot, pastor' And the Rev. Coy Sftunderti' former pastor, ft me chUttm.-w u 'f. t. .The:,ReVa!ii'Omr bil- jworia ao-me na ntv. w. i b;-cruise sang "My Home sweet dan-and Leslie-Winslow..w- : The casket paU, was made Of white rmmis, ied carnatk)n& 'and fern. '' Pallbearers were Roy, Jatr ten 4slie, and Art., Winslow, Edwards Jordian Jand ; Btberry -.A hght dockets consisting of nine. Cases-( was disposed of dum ingt ii Tuesday's session of Per quimans ,! Recorder's Court pre sided -i over i by Judge Chas. E. Johnson. . i Queenie Webb WUliams, Ne gro, pleaded guilty to a charge of possessing non-tax paid liquor. She was gi anted a motion for dismissal on a charge of pos- ftpssin? thp llfiiinr fnr nmnnto of sale. "She was nrHprpH n. nnv u line of $100 and costs or serve six-months i.n woman's camp. Fines of $2 and Costs were vprt inct rwiip wm:,mc. taxed against Charlie Williams t6n and Jackson Costen, Ne groes, after -each had submitted to charges of being drunk. "C R. barker "submitted to a charge of 'speedihg and volun tarily " surrendered driving li censes tof -30 days; ' Johnnie ' Whitehurst and For rest Anderson, charged with speeding, failed to appear in court to answer to the charges aiid'" . each -Mftks ordered appre hended and held for $100 bonds. "Waltfer Matthpws. Jr.. nnirt thp costs-of coiirt after submitting to. a charge of 'unlawful park-?he "ow or Kold Irom tms oun ing' " V f try. President Eisenhower has . .Roy Forbes paid the costs of'ssuet1 fe tut. . back pay- courf on a charge of having im - proper registration. Paul-Colson, Jr. submitted to a . charge of using improper turn Signal and paid the court costs. ; 'James Wilson, Negro, paid the Court costs on a charge of hav ing . no reflectois oh his truck, v;. James Baker submitted to a charge of having improper lights on his motor vehicles. He was fined, $10 and costs. Directors Of TB County Reports m, v ., jtwnt may have to withdraw 'its The, board of directors of the'fnrr frrtm lh. xriM " Pasquotank . Perquimans - Cam den TB Association held its an nual fall meeting Thursday,- No vember 17, at; 8 P. M- m the Ag riculture Building, Elizabeth City; Approximately 40 people weie present.' 6 ! The , program was ' centered around, an interview with an e'x TB patient and a public health nurse, stressing the importance of all agencies working together When tuberculosis strikes in a family, and -in this particular case, ; three in the family were hospitalized ' at the. .same time. Andrew ' J foiw !A,t " r V treatmeAt ol;i'tuberriiWsis I in North Carolina sanatorium. ? i Va. ".'.... v . &If? : : Mr. Baiey feWted. tW SeallW Sale quota forVthit year f asea' Suniay niOon at 2 o'clock , luuiB iw, , tins year ; as $7,900. ; Pasquotank, $5,500; Per-, quimans, ; ana. iamaen, . . , . ' . ' , - A. Mnm s 3 r-l j $1,000.; 94 ; of each dollar, raised 'through Christmas Seals will remain in the county and state, for health education, case : finding, research, patient and family scrivces. 3j k ' Reports were given by Dr. Al lan Bonner,' ' Perquimans, - and Mrs. M. B., Taylor, Mrs. Mack Morrisette; jr., and E. W. Spence from Camden, - and Mrs. Sadie Griffin, -Pasquotank, f All r re ported volunteer!, would malte work teil thUtitts UfaoaF of their ' respective Counties needed for. year round ' programr4h tu-1 berculosis- control, 'vw'twi Us .. The -Parent,,, Teacher Associa- ,tion of Perquimans High School will meet on Thursday, 'Oecem per. IV at S o'clocli. -; Speakers for ie meeting wl be Senator El ton Aydlett' and Charles Gor don, both of Elizabeth: City, who Will talk- osi he; advantages: of community college. x i'r AO:" parents t- fen4)f HijCbja tneetmi'.at'e . Wyeste.. to J(brinjt I This Week's! Headlines . I 1 aeoa; Governor-elect Terry Sanford 'Monday announced he Will pro- pose to the next General As- I spmhlv a Rtatp hnnH ln( fnr thp nurnose nf rnnstrurttn srhhol . buildings within the state. Point - Mng out he had chosen quality ' education as a chief program for his administration. Sanford stated, he will propose a state bond issue as part of that pro gram.' i- Washington, D: C.; is engaged in a guessing game - trying to pre-deteimine the make-up of Pi psident-e'er-t ' KennpHv'a rah. ir.Pt Mr KPnnpriv ha ti Announcements but reports state (Governor Luther Hodges, is def initely s'ted to be Secretary of Commerce. The United States, facing a ?ollar problem, is acting to stem i - T ln TT- 1 areas, ' and is also engaged m talks with western allies pro- posing these allies shoulder more) of the costs for foreign aid. No quick solution to the problem is foreseen, and it can be expected this problem will be inherited by Mr. Kennedy. 1 NATO nations meeting in Paris for talks aimed at strength ening the defensive- powers ofj the organization Will also dis-. cuss the financial . set up of NATO, with - tRs S. pushing for equalization of support from1 all the , memoers, - ' . - ; ; UN efforfe to' seeore"'eatcet '.wttl solution to troubles; 4nsde V,i"iu are meeting "wiu) siigni success. UN spokesmen have announced the financial drain on the. UN is such-the United Na- Mrs. Mary ., Frances (Molly) Layden Perry, 73; died Friday afternoon at 1.16 irf a Raleigli Perry Rites m Last Sunday iiusunai luuuwine u long uuk. i- 1, . j i. 1 A native of Chowan County she 'l ,Mstol Panted glfts to had lived in Hertford for W e ' ,Uowm chlWre,v for seI1 past 40 years. She was the :m e most cr'ptions to daughter , of the late ! Lafavette The 'Perquimans Weekly news- UnH iw m, ri..n .r ,,n- . , , ? .. . . . . Timothy - . - lnc, - . " , t j I Lman Hume tvaca nf HomnM 1 UIIKI H - X1UU C 13 V UIC Xl-tTV. 1 Ul - V A,. t - . : 'The Old Rugged Cross" and "Abide With Me" were sung by members: of the- Hertford Bap tist Church Choir, accompanied nusseii vi atiuiehhi;' iiuii uiiuiui by Mrs. J. Ellie White," organist, 1 EJizabeth City, about 27 yeai. The casket pall Was made of .She was the - daughter of the white and .pink carnations and! late. Mr. and, Mrs. Calvin Wins fern. ; " j low, widow of Addison E. WinsT Pallbearers were Roulae Webbllow and a member of the Up josiah i Elliott, Marshall dwehsj Melyin Owens, Jessie Lee Hai ris 'andl Billittoyce. j. ..hfrvft HIGHWAY PAtROtTtrleES Highway fcPaWlmen ibr. this areai f e reqdesrlnf ' motorists 'id hWpi "keep down- hiehway acci- dents - ihtrtng ' me''Thahksgivig holiday by flrivrhf careflilly , and with ! due; ' regard . for the'' otheS- drivers, r; v.-';- y : - Patrolman B. t. Inscoe stated the patrol will" be working , fujl tr1fk ian1 tr"'U 'A mttin. in fX ZZ iZ:AY 'JZLhZ I v. fTl i tscnodt, RGUDAY Perquimans County i . school; will be in recess Thursday, and Friday of .this week whUo fib wvinif -the. Thanksgivm vaca tiori.tHSxrpe'rihtmaeht t" BlfiM gefl staged ''schools ''will' 'rebpep The Central Grammar School ing Monday night in the school auditorium. The president Mrs. I Harold White, called the meet I ing to order and asked the as sembly to stand and sing the opening song, "America The Beautiful." The program was under the direction of the school Iacultv With Mrs. Thomas Mas !on " motor. Mrs. Maston i ln ce Mrs. Myrtle Wood j - f"" . j i10,?a m . keeping with . the menuoiung the many spiritual and material f ; mmgs we Jiave to be thankful v for in America. . ' Mrs. Maston introduced : the teachers who , spoke on Uie subS-: j 1 jects covered in their, respective ,1 grades and . how i these .subjects (banned : in - 'nrpspntatinri ' si a . ."' cuangea i.n presentation as child advanced. The followirig'J; ! teacners were on tne.panel: Mrs,. Atha Tunnell, first grade; Mrsij Lessie White, second grade; Mr3: Ruth Burden, third srade: Mik. Bertha Lane," fourth grade; Mrs. Mary Morris, fifth grade; Mrs, f Myrtle Wood,, sirth grade; Miss ! Johnnie White and Mrs. Ann Nowell, seventh grade; Mrs. Myrtle Williams, Library and Mrs. Essie Turner, lunchroom. Tommy, Mastoh spoke briefly on the duties . of a principal and : went on tQ stress the' need for, replacing- worn-out lunchroom equipment.. Mrs. Maston thank ed the teachers for presenting the interesting program and told of her duties as a county super Visor. '. ;-- -v ;;V The. secretary, . Mrs. Tildon Whitehursti read the minutes of the last meeting and Ernest Sut toh; Ireasurer, reported a bal ance on hand, of $1,013.10, ., Mrs. White appointed a com liiiftee to nominate two people .for the ' Jaycees t Distinguished Service Award. - 'Mrs. ' Ned Nixon, Hospitality Chairman; reported 199 members in attendance. The attendance plaques were awarded to Mrs, Mary White's first grade for first place! Mrs. Atha funnell's, first grade for second place and Mrs. Ann Nowell'S seventh grade for ' third place,. . The PTA presented Mrs. Wil liam Rowland a gift for having the most children enrolled in the school. - ' .' ' The -, December meeting will" not be changed this year and. will . be held on . Monday night, December 19 at 8 o'clock naPer: First,.-Nancy -Jtiddick; danrwA TTAiMtvip rhnnnoll 4Uir4 ' l' ia NllllnltV UIIUUUluU .OllllUdf " Mr? 5 Ethel Mae Winslow, 75, died at the - residence on Route 3,, Elizabeth City, suddenly Fri day morning. She was a native of Belvidere but had been' living on Route" 3 River Friends- Church at Belvi dere. .". i 4, , 'l : ' ' She is survived by three sonsv William Louis and Gerald S.' Winslow- Of Elizabeth City, Route . . " .k ters, Mrs, J. O'Raby of Hopo tweelp . Vs.', '-and ' MrsT-- Walter Umphlett -of WmfalJ; five liroth ers, Ernest Winslow, Chuckatuc,k, Va.; Sammy , Winslow, Elteebeth City,- Dempsy Winslow,? Belvi dere, v Henry Winslow- of liamston and Erwin Winsldw- of Mount: one sister Mr- B-ldick of Belvidere; 10 grandchildrea , . v Funeral, services were, conductr ed Sunday . afternoon at 2 33 Mock In ,the Up fciVef Frie- ' Church' by the Rev.:,Orvrl I Ion, pidtor; assisted 'ty t' 1 Tfmothy T iley, f- --r' ' on nonr normai-jcnsiua, -ne t v sh. 1 f 1 t