.. .. ' " - " ii ii ii i I' -i ' i i ' i i I. i i Hertford, Perquimans County, J6rth Carolina, Friday, December 2, 1960. SCentsPerCopj. SOS flr Cnmmiiniil-ioRi'Ruritan GSlub Leaders County Officer Comparing For GD To Assume Duties Here'Etiteday X I ' ' 4 it "- C:::.LG OUT MAIL Strtngc letter carriers, these "dishes" are parabolic antennas set atop Washington, D.C., ' post office. One antenna sends taall by electric impulses, 'ia0ker rCCe'Ve,-"- ni-uTA.-u. ' 1 iwinnr r u-xJu uV ' . rn i t n i LiiamDer ivianae Ar rives: ;peniMextiMl , , ALLAN W.MILLS . - Perquimans f County Chamber of Commerce 'manager, Allan W. Jklills, arrived, here last "Monday Jn assume the duties ot. ditect-, ing.the operations of the Cham t n;r, CUt-jif annokwecs oficefor the Chamber wilibe opened in. the Municipal Build . big next piyeek."' -a , ;, a- Tins Week's ! Headlines t ,; Russia ha ' calle4 uport .. the ' United Nations to terminate its program in the Congo after hav ing announced it will not parti cipate in financing the UN troops "stationed ' there ' to .maintain peace. Western" power are picking up the tab for the UN expanses for this year but it is i estimated 68 millions of dollars will be needed to keep UN forces in. the Congo during 1961. . With the fommunist, nations; rettising , to j share this lexpense, there ! soma doubt as to future UN ac tion. ,y is ".s 'COVi efforts to upset the No vember 8 election of Jiihn F, ; Kennedjf i as n President is wgiven no chanre o success. vKennedy has 300 electoral votes arid even With possible loss of - Illinois, where a recount is under way, he wit have more vthan enough . votes to be, declared' the winner' by the Electoral College. President-elect Kennedy is ex pected tp start ' naming 'chief , sides and members of his cab inet : early : this ( month, after which these rhen will begia con- ferences .with the present ad- i This course will be designed ministration aimed at the change ,for ypung boys who are begin over in government oh ' January niftg to hunt. ' They will learn f"). From all reports, Governor how to hunt safely. Every year er KoageS is a sttfebet; toifciore and more Tiuhters enter ,the r iiiea as secretary or om ee in the . new cabinet, ; ' ' . i ""oral ''appeals-' -court' this ef'the prisoh'-ifehtencester. af etyi'hi .'some ? stated t to some 20 delegates , nerson must - Bass- this course be- ''I i r. a ' ':d 'by, law .enforce- as . tney , attended co'nventton,'oi under'' -tors' in. "ew -Yoi'k.'Jis v strictly ' .voluntary.' i The. in l:i,s court ruled the gov- atructors for the course, which l ad no grounds for the will., be . sponsored by the Per t the men d?' ? 'e pos- jquimans County v Wildlife Club, :ch haJ v . .. voriiL-:e I p lloraceCahoon, Poger Bill and !. . -,: f I. tchaid Bryant.' ... Interest in this ' ' I t:.e IJ t s;eveia i t was hit i of the j I i: IIP ,;l Of fice ' Perquimans County Chamber of Commerce became operational tbia week , when Allan -W, Mills, newly appointed manager, arriVT ed in Hertford ; to assume- his duties of directing the . organic presented by the Peoples Bank, zation. ' i George , Bellmon, ASC of fice Charles ' M: HarreU, president manager and " president of trie of the Chamber, stated offices Agricultural Workers Council,, will be' opened, " probably next wU1 act ai master of ceremonies. Monday; ui the Municipal BuilcV, There will be singing from, the ing on Grubb : Street. The 'Anderson Methodist Church choir Town of Hertford is cooperating I aid the Friends choir. Mrs. Fan with the organization and has. nie' Hurdle and Joel HoUowell, agreed to provide facilities for the ' Chamber for 1 at least the first year. , ., ; ? Mr." Mills, a retired Lieuten ant 'Commander in the U.' S. Navy, arrived . Monday and. im mediately ' began getting ac quainted' With the members of the Chamber of Commerce and) other business and civic" people t . A,.' permanent , organizational meeting 'of the Chamber w. hgcalle' ify about two weeks, according . tox Mr. Harrell, "art which time committees will be named to carry out the program of work which has been adopted for the organization. Mr. Mills said he hopes each and' every mtnr.Ser will make plans to at tend this very important meet ing. ., - Meanwhile, Mr. Mills and offi cers of the Chamber of Com merce have been in several meetings' discussing the program of work, as. well as 'proceeding with' an industrial development SHrvey ,the Chamber. of Com merce is compiling tor the N. C. Department of Conservation and Development. The officers are expected to travel to Raleigh sometime this week to confer with officials of thct depart ment ta gather additional in formation aimed at Joeal Indus, trial development. ' ' develop The officers for the Chamber of Commerce,.,, are Charles M. HarreU,. president; Claude Br inn, vice president; Erie Haste, Jr., treasurer; and directors are War ner, -Madre; R, L. Hollow.ell, El wood , Nowell,, Floyd Mathews, Carsoa Spivey and Capt. N. S. Fulford. , , ; ., .: '.l'ivb'-: 'li I''-i '''.''''r Classes Start Sat. For Young Hunters ' ' The' first class of the Hunter Safety Course will be rield Sat urday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Agricultural Building in Hertford fields, dnd woodland, to find, rec reation in .hunting. j- With more hunters' In1 th Xi-Hnbre'; em 'bhasis need--' to be placed on hitn- for they are issued hunting license. ' 1 - 1 Participation' in this program program 4tas been hinh and en rollmrnt will be high. At pre; . fit timeonly t vc y will be ' i y - What wih bo the, results ot the Community , Development , Pro- gTamf ' The awards night for the Perquimans County Community Development . : Program 1 will be on (December 8 at 8 P. M. at the high ; school auditorium. The i Peoples Bank & Trust Company is "sponsoring', the program and has provided , $750 for prize money for the programs in Per quimans County. : ,At the . awards . program the prize money will be presented to tne six communities, Belvidere, f."j'eecn ; springs aetnei, xsew OJL I Hope, , Whitcston and Winfall. I These communities 'organized last March -and carried on the community development pro gram during , the year, i They were judged on November 16 on the amount of progress that has been made in the community in the areas : of increased income, youth, home . improvements and conveniences and community projects. . . ' --. At the awards night the deci sion of the judges will be an- nounced and the prize money Jr., will evaluate the program. Door prizes, will be given and an attendance prize offered to the community with the greatest number preseiX ,' , . , - Refreshments will -be served in the lunch room folic wing" the awards program.,. Everyone in Perquimans County is invited to ittend this.awards night on De, icemDer o. Coy Sccuts !fc!d Cemping Trip And First Aid Class Troop 155 f held a week-end camping trip November 26 and 27 on. the Robert Elliott farm south of Hertford. The Scouts met at 8 o'clock Saturday morn ing at the -Scout hut with Scout master Marvin Simpson and As sistant Scoutmaster ' Quentin Krause" and hiked to the camp site. ' ' ' Upon arriving . at , the, camp site, all Scouts participated in cleaning , and clearing the area. Tents were - pitched and Scout tivi les started. The boys, un. aer lne Pv . leaders, performed such duties as cooKing,. vracRing, compass nau"i ing, fire safety, and wild life. field sanitation Saturday evening , the.camp site was visited, by several par ents of the Scouts and some of the CoUiicil members,4 fv" s ' Ou Sunday morning Sunday School was held by Mr. Krause, after which camp, was broken and the Scouts hiked back to the Scout hut . in Hertford, where they were dismissed, .1 1 i On November 29 at the regu lar .' meeting of the Hertford Troop 155 a first aid program was presented. Subjects cover ed were:: Care of snake and dog bites, artificial respiration, treat ment of shock, cuts and broken bones. : Joe Haskett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Haskett,. was promoted to Second . Class Scout , , La vern Jordan,; son . of Mr. and .'Mrs. Clement Jordan, was ' appointed to .Junior Assistant Scoutmaster,- Demonstration On t 1 Cocldr Scheduled.1 ' , - i.'i'"'t "Christmas Cooktry"' Will be' the' topic of a special Interest meeting of the Home Demonstra tion" tubs. Miss Helen Marsh bilrn, home economist, will give the demonstration on December 7 at 3:30 P, M. . in the Perquim- thejans High School home economics 'department J I"i,s Karshbvn will demon- S, ? ? rhs f"r "-'"Jay cooking I ' i s ( i CJ ..istmas TopiclfiPrqiirdi At Rotary tiling School Superintendent J, ' T. Biggors was guest speaker at this week's meeting of? the Hertford Rotary Club, held Tuesday night at the Elliott Cafe. Mr. Biggers, pointing out. some of the projects on the agenda of a school administrator, said, -comparison is made between achieve ments of yesterday and today in "preparation for beter schools of tomorrow. ' . He reported school, population is on the increase in North Caro lina, thus cited a need for addi tional teachers. , .". Pointing with - pride r to? the teacher. "Staff in Perquimans County, he told the Rotarians most teachers have Hgher ceiti ficateVatings than ' required by state standards. - He also stated the extended term v of employ ment, voted by the last Legisla ture, has been a benefit both of the employment . system ' and teacher preparation for -class-loom work. : . i Mr. Biggers also pcintett out how th National Defense Edu-r-atinn Art 'is hpihff n.serl in hical L nhnnlt ,1PP-hv MMri ' fim.ls combined with local money, is uacd to better equipment Schools or advancement in the teaching of math,-scienc and foreign I languages ' i -r'j- During the business meeting of the club, it was voted so hold the -club's ladies' nieht toartv on December 13 at the Shrine Club in Elizabeth City. Guest of the club Tuesday night jwaa Allan W, Mills manager of the, Chan ber 'of- Commerce. '"' Phillips Funeral Conducted Sunday ' Johnnie Josiah Phillips, 59, died Friday morning at 9:30 in the Chowan Hospital following an ; illness of a day. A native and ' lifelong resident of Per quitnans County, he lived on Route 1. He was the son of the late 'John Thomas Phillips and Mrs. Nora Fleetwood and hus band o( Mrs. Elaine Holleman Phillips, a member of the Beth el Baptist Church and la former president of the Bethel Ruritan c,ub A ; retired V farmer, he! , 1 j a ;u:- . I owned camp at Phillips' Landing at the mm upciaieu a iimuii time ' of his death. Surviving .- besides 1 his wife are one ' -daughter, Mrs. Pattie Nora BennetK of .... Gainesville, Georgia; two sons, Staff Sgt. John Charles '. Phillips of Mo Guire Air Force Base,. N. J., and Phillips H. Phillips of Route 1; two eisters, Mrs. Jessie Curtis iand Mrs- Ernest Goodwin, both of Hertford Route 1; two broth ers, Cary Phillips Of Cary, N. C, and Tnnis' Phillips" of Route 1, Hertford, and four grandchildren. The body was taken from the Swindell Funeral . Home to the family cemetery near the home for graveside services Sunday afternoon at v 2 o'clock. The Rev, E. G. Willis, former pastor of the Bethel Baptist Church, of ficiated. Members of the Bethel Baptist Church choir, sang "When They Ring Those 1 Golden Belts" and "Sweet By and By.' - The cas ket1 pall -was made of'.red roses, -white mums and fern.. i. ; r fl- Pallbearers' were Thomas Htuv! his, John Broughton'! Jr.J Traf tofi Phillips, . Robert Farless, Q, C.'Long and -Blake Weston. i M: i Town Installing Holiday Lights Street decorations for the holi day season were- being installed here this week by town em-; ployees, and Mayor V. N. Par den stated the lights will be turned-on just as soon as in stallation is completed. , The d:? s are feeing placed ' : ' " 'r cfta- bri " i ' I f. - f Mm ' 3. ' Pi V-rV' rf 1 r ' Ruritan National To Hold District Convention Today Glee Club Concert Scheduled Dec. 11th The' Perquimans High School Glee - Cliib, under the direction of Miss.; .Caroline Wright, will present' a Christmas concert' on Sunday afternoon, December 11, at 4 o'clock in the Hertford Baptist hurch. Planned for the enjoyment of the people of Perauimans Coun ty, the concert will feature sev eral selections from " . Handel's Messiah, as well as carols from many countries., In Meeti The November meeting of the King Wreet Elementary bcnopi ! PTA was held Monday night, November 21, in the school li brary. - The 'president, Mrs. Paisy Perkins,, presided. Open ihg song' v'lesdf'iAssurance, followed by the , Lord's Prayer. After the secretary read the pre vious minutes they were proper ly approved, , Profit cleared from the Halloween carnival was then announced.. , . , . The-Rev. Mr. Andrews gave a report of the recent meeting of parents and teachers held in Harrellsville. His report was very, interesting and most in- formative. A project for the year was discussed. It was decided that the PTA would take care of the expense of taking sick pupils home. Membership fees, were then collected. After benedic tion, the meeting was -adjourned. , The group then anoyed to the auditorium for the Thanksgiving program. Devotion was con- ducted by John Thatch, the an- . . . , . . .nouncer. ' An interesting playlet entitled "The First Thanksgiving" was presented ' by members of the student body. Mrs. H. Riddick and Mrs. E. S. Perry were co sponsors of the program. During- intermission Mr. An drews sang "Biess This House." At the close of the program a turkey raffle was held. Lin wood Welch was the lucky win ner of the turkey. Merchants Set Up New Store Hours . ' Hertford : merchants, in coop eration with the ; Perquimans County Chamber of Commerce, are working ' out a schedule of store hours ' for the holiday shopping season now coming up, it was announced today by -Allan W. Mills, manager: ot,. the Cham ber of Commerce.. ; ', -y?s Most stores will be open all day . Wednesdays during J5ecem ber and will remain open, nights until 9 P, M.egiiwug Dpdem-' ber 19 ' and continuing , through Saturday December i 24; 'lyh.y.. King Street PTA its Monday Present.;.-, plans v caU for,;, the!calvifltHudsort twd, Mrs. jBilly Decembeij i6j Enabling storey em- i piuyeeS) 10 nave a , iwo-aay ChristrtflS 'holiday; iljr ii);U;2 ft HEHTFORdIpTA TP MEET THURSDAY, DECEMBER tth - The PTA of' Hertford Gram mar School will hold its i)e cember meeting Thursday night of next week at the school. The seventh J grade 'will present "'a Christmas program; , this . will be followed, by a oiiee JioiflVj AU membvl $' fHl-V&i ! to ,0; iMTMnvlOi A, ; ,PM , & : A. ;,M will ' meet Vtilton Stokes The Albemarle District of j Ruritan National will hold a District Convention at the Hert-i ford Grammar School Friday, December. 2. ,The afternoon ses- ision will' start at 2:30 o'clock! with the 15 clubs of the dis-l trict making reports of their ao-; tivity during the past year. Oth- er reports will be from the Lt- Tuesday's session of Perquimans purpose pf . cpncludipg , all old Governors, Treasurer, and Dis-' Recorder's Court. busipess before the hoard. As trict Governor. The report fromj p,.aver for judgment was con-!usual the incoming Board will the Nominating Committee an4jtnuej in tJf. case in which'be -.expected ... to - hojd, its first the election of a new District! Johnnie whitehurst, Jr., Negro', meeting, during the-'afternoon Governor .will end the afternoon was cha d ,with non.support. session. . . session at 4 o clock. , ,, A . , ... - A school for the new club of ficers will start at 4:00 P. M with Ernest Slack, national di rector of Pinetown and S. L. T . .1 :j , school, " 'clcr'UM of Ruritan National Fulton Stokes, will be held from 4:30 unti 6:00 P, M., at the Teenage Center. The "evening banquet will, be held at 6:30 o'clock in the .cafeteria of the Hertford. Grammar School. .Highlights-, of thtf'Wenirig will- -be- the presen tat ion of awards for the club with the mxjSt outstanding com munity service report and the club with the best attendance from Ruritan National by Ful Wit ton Stokes, national president, R. L. Spivey, national direc tor, will present the incoming district governor during the evening session. : " ' Clubs in the Albemarle ' Dis trict are: Wanchese, Poplar Branch, Sha wboro, M o y o c k, South Mills, Camden, Pasquotank, Newland - Providence, Durants Neck, Parkville, Bethel, Chowan, Gates, Gatesville, Hobbsville, Sunbury and : the newest club of the district, Currituck. The three Ruritan tflubs . of Perquimans bounty will be hosts for this convention, with J. T. Biggers as chairman on arrange ments. '' " .; ';(.;.: ' Rites Held Monday ForZ.A.Cartvvright Zeadrick Addison Cartwright, 76. died Saturday night at 7:45 o'clock in the Albemarle Hospi tal after a six weeks illness. He was the son of the ,: la te Davis 1 and Frances Chappell Cartwright, a native of Perquim ans County, and a member of the Men's Bible Class of Bcrca Baptist Church. Surviving is one brother, War ren Cartwright, of Route 2, Eliz abeth City. Funeral services were conduct ed Mondav afternoon at 2:30 o'clock'- at Berea Baptist Church by" the Rev. Timothy Bailey, pas tor; assisted by Dr. R. W. Kick- lighter, pastor ,pf, Bla'ckwell.M?- morial BaptiSt Church. ."Face Tp Face" and . 'No Night There' were'iiun'by Mrs. "j The ;casket pall was made of yellow mums and Easter lilies. Pallbearers were Odel .Cart wright, .Davis Cartwright, Wil liam 'Cartwright, Wallace Cart wright, Norman Layden and El ton Layden. ' Burial. . ,was in West Lawn Cemetery.. , ' ' MASONS TO MEET Perquimans . Masonic.Lpdge No. iTucrday nisht at 9 p'clocK, , "l Ku n-V i charges of speeding and were of Elizabeth City, conducting hejfined indicated: DaUas Bunch Santa's Visit Is Set For Dec, 17th Jaycees ford will and firemen of Hert- sponsor their annual tnciT nf vnnio flatiat fr Kali December 17, it was reported by Broughton Dail of the Jaycees The theater oartv will oDen the event at 10 A. M. with an corder's Judge; P. F, Reed, Jr hour long show of cartoons at County Treasurer. . , State Theater to be followed with The Board of County Commisi the visit of Santa Claus, who sioners will have thise new.; wit! arrive in Hertford at about, members, W. W. Bundy, Thomas' 2 P. M. j Nixon and Savage Jolliff,' along All the kiddies of Perquimans ; with two incumbents, R. L. Spi County are invited to join in' this j vey and Harry W. Winslow. . holiday event sponsored by. the , ' Archie T. Lane, Sr;, will Jaycees and firemen, and pres- j sworn in as County, Represents- ents will be given out on the tive and J. Errimett Winslow ar arrival of St. Nick. Varied Docket In A varied docket" consisting 0f rases wa8 disoosed of durins pay tha costs of court and the sum of $10 per week for the use of his two children. Six defendants submitted to ) Williu Hnhhe Ot ttnn'nio 'Jordan. Negro, $35. Matthew; Blanchard, Negro, costs, Johnnie Whitehurst, Jr.. Negro, costs, JasT per Dornath $30. Costs of court were taxed I against Lonnie Jefferys, who ..... . hD(M! j, rf , i ; . pha,lffe!v ,-lcSP. - without a -chauffer's" license. Clarence Andrews paid the court costs on a charge of fol lowing too closely. Gaorge Butler was given a 30- I w a charge of being drunk. Gladys Webb and Tlla Wilson, I Negroes, were taxed With the court costs after pleading guilty to a charge of affray. Willie Webb, Negro, submitted to a charge of being drunk and paid a fine of $2 and costs. Mrs. A. R. Stallings Died Wednesday Mrs. Sallie Dail Stallings, 72. di:d, . Wednesday, morning at 11:50 in DePaul Hospital in Nor tolk following an illness of two months. A native and lifelong resident of Perquimans County, she lived in Hertford. Daugh ter of the late Fletcher and Mrs. Lydia Ann Mansfield Dail and wife of Archie R. Stallings, she was formerly employed by Don Juan Manufacturing Co., and the local school lunch rooms. She was ; a member of the Great Hope Baptist Church, Besides her husband, surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Madge Rogerson of Rt. 1, Hertford, and Mrs. Peannie Thompson of Nor folk; one son, Archie Willard Stallings of Hertford; one sis ter, Mrs. Lenora Spivey of Eden ton; two brothers, Miles E. Dail and Matthew Dail, both of Hert ford; two grandchildren. Funeral services will be con ducted Friday afternoon ; at 3 o'clock at the Swindell Funeral Chapel by the Rev. Henry Na pier, pastor of Great Hope Bap tist Church., Burial will be in Cedarwood Cemetery. " f, DIST. SWT. TO VISIT j BAGLEY SWAMP CHURCH ; The Rev. W. E. Page, district superintendent : of the Pilgrim Church, will be guest speaker at the Bagley Swamp Church in its regular 11 o'clock Sunday morn ing service. Mr. .Page is Making his annual visit to the church. . CLUB TO MEET The Perquimans County Wild life Club will meet Monday night, December 5, at 7:30 P, M. in the Agricultural Building in Hertford, Any and all interest ed sportsmen are InvlteqV tq at At Term Tuesday Perquimans County officials", . elected to office by the1 voters in the General Election on Novem ber 8, will be swprn in and as- 11 duties ' here next Re-elected to new terms were ' Julian C. Powell, Register of X)eeds; Chas. E. .Johnson, Ke- Srrate' Senator' for the First Dis trict. ' . -J'..- Members of the Board of Edu cation, who. will be appointed by the next Legislature, "will be Mrs. Mary R.i Brinn, i .George . ! Caddy, Clarence . C. , Chappell iSr.,-Dl'. H. Euro and; Howard ' Matthews ' . ' j , Th(. current Board of Com missioners!. will hold, its final 'meeting 'Monday--, morning be- 'Binning, at iu o ciock lor xne County HP Clubs To Hold Christmas .7 "Christmas Ideas" galore! The Perquimans County Home Demonstration Clubs will iidve a , Christmas, open house on De eember 7, fwm 7: 30 to 9:30.f. M. at the Agricultural Building in . Hertford. All of" the Home Demonstra tion Clubs" in the pounty will dis play .ldeas for Christmas decora tions. Individual exhibits isfrill also be displayed. , The arts ; and crafts leaders from the . clubs - make up the county committee for the open house. Mrs.- E. J. Proctor, Sr., is - county arts and .crafts leader. The Belvidere Club., will, feature-" table decorations;. Winfall, "Ideas With. Cookies"; Helen Gaither, mantel decorations; Bethel,, pi ano decorations; Burgess, "Christ mas Packages"; Durants Neck, small table decorations; Whitas- ton, "Set a , Christmas Table"; Chapanoke, decorations suitable for a church; Snow Hill-White Hat, door door decorations, and Beech Springs, Christmas trees. Anyone who' has a decoration they would like to share with others is urged to display it at the open house. - According to Ha Grey Mcll- wean, county home economics , agent, the exhibit will be open to the public on the afternoon of December 7 and the open house , will be .in the evehing. Everyone is invited ' to "drop . by" and sea the display. Junior Class To Present Contest The Junior Class of Perquim ans High School have selected their theme ; "Perquimans, Land of Beautiful Women" for their annual beauty contest which will be held December 6 in the school auditorium at 7:30. A special feature of the n'ieht will .be Ann -Herring; "Misss, North,' Carolina" of 1060-61. Miss -Herring will act- as mis-- u caa vx wciciiKjiiica aiiu. aiau perform during intermissidn. After het performance there Will ,be door prizes .given- away, , which have been" donated by the various merchants. ; Those participating,,, for - the . Miss P.C.H.S. title are: Silsan' Nixon," Nancy Bateman. Dirna , McDonell, "" Janice Ray,. Stanton, Betsy Barbeel Verna Ann perfv Sandra '; Hudson x'Tete" - Cook, Brenda Kay Smith, Linda Bass, Mary Phthisic, " Carroll Mcttoit nea' :X-!a. . ' Hertford's Rotary, meet Tues'iv. ciub'wn "T atrC:lJ Open House Dec