11 WEE KLY 'f Volume XXVII. Number 507 ii cal Community :ogress ADDlroximatelv 37S dmidIs weif on hand 'Thursday night to wit- ness tne( first presentation of community development awards for t Perquitnans v County; when New Hope won ;f irst place. iri . George" Bellmon, A3C rep - ZTE ZirZxt wee!0' the Program. The; piay. en fcmtatvo ' ' ! Vtuittxi one aay early next wm,(iiw .,T. ,- . - sentatve, was master of cere- . monies for tde event. ;' The Eev, M." D. Hodgin, pas tor of the Up River" Friends Church, gave k the devotional which .was fallowed by group singing led Ly Mrs. frcd Mat-; ; thews. .'Bellmon dccognized special eiiests. Bob Long, representa tive of State Community De velopment Department; John Pilan, district farm agent; R M. Riddick, Jr., executive vice president of Peoples Bank and Trust Company; Allen Mills, Perquimans Chan.ter of Com merce manager; Charles Hairell, president of Perquimans Cham ber: of Commerce; Mayor V. N. Uarden i and Representative Ar chie T. Lane. Musical 'entertainment was presented by the Anderson Methodist Church chorus and the Up River 1 i lends Chui ch quartet: . A summary and evaluation of the community development pro gram was given by Mrs. Fannie Hurdle, who stressed the purpose of the program is 'to enric'.i and develop the community. Joel Hollowell, Jr., in giving ideas for the future community development projects, said there was no end to what could be done in the county, but it must have the 100 per cent participa tion to achieve success. ' , Doqr prizes, donated by the Albemarle , Electric Membership Corporation, were presented by Jean Simmons to the following: Miss Helene Nixon electric Joseph Laydcn, lurtric clock; electric clock; ,Mi. billy Wins ... . r low,, hot dog grill; Mrs. Thomas I Nixon, electric clucft, and Claude ? White; popcorn popper, ... George Lewir, agriculture' adr 'visor from Peoples .Bank and Trust Company, presented the ' attendance twards to Winfall for J for second jaee. ' v : After congratulating the vari ous groups on completing a very successful program. R. L. Stev enson, ' vice , president of ( the bank, presented the awards to the community1 leaders as fol lows: il Mis. Billy Winslow, Whites ton, white v ribbon, $48; Preston Nixon," Beech Springs, white ribbon,. $48; Mac White, " BelvMeVe, ;wb!teribboH"; 4SA Hollowell, Jr., Parkville, red ribbon, $72.05; Thomas Proctor, 'Bethel, red ribbon, $72.05 and Ben Chambers, New Hope,. .b,Ue ribbon, $96. At the conclusion of the pro 'gram a social hour was held in the school 'cafeteria. ..L JC3 f!uVc!l flX2tI So:l Supervisor ; f December 5-10 was soil con servation district election' week n " Perquimans V County. ' The voters in the county have chosen Joseph Nowell Jr., for a three year term to. begin January 1, 1961. The: .response, v from the eligible voters in the county was quite gratifying to the supervis ors, and they i wish to express appreciation ' to nil who partici-. patod. ' - ' i Soil Conservation ' District- sup ervisors -' occupy f : position t of public office and public trust. As" a member of the local board, Mr. Ndwell. will assist .in "pro gram "planning; policy, making and the'-carrying 6ut 'of ' a ' Soil 'and- water'Cdnservation program for .'Perquimans' County fcndiiheitt-0-! -ClyisUjias star fu-st ,shone Albemarle . Soil Conservation District Members of the coun ty ' and district boards will meet regularly - with ' agricultural ag pney representatives' and others interested in this important pro gruiri. .. District supervisors are non -salaried officials, serving our d ri :t, state and nation in, this important role largely at their mvn expense and without com 1 In the f onii 'pf -sahtrV-. . ' ervi.ofs inr Ferqutm s ,Zj..n 'y r " ' - 'aw, '' i ? Awards lfc3W;IUIUyi: " ' I 1 bU III 11VAV II VUll t 1 K- -l: l Th DmW M in order , fo give iha priniers of w.i,i . A . j day for Chrulmab.i Press 'day T7 . . t .. ,... v .....l, ;i, v. w..Mj,l'Helen Overton,. Joe Towe Whitei next week will be Wednesday instead of Thursday, therefore, nows contributors and advertis ers are requested to have all copy 'in The Weeklv office not later than 3 P. VLi next Tues- day. School Honor Roll Forty students at Perquimans High School were listed on the school's honor roil for the sec- ond grading period which closed last week, it was announced by E. C. Woodard. principal. Honor students for this period included: ' Eighth Grade: Judy Long, Beth Auman, Phyllis Nixon, Margaret Ainsley, Russell Sawyer. Ninth Grade: John Stallings, Price Monds, Reggie Baker, Wayne Chappell, Perry Monds, Jimmy , Perry, lima:' Bundy, Gloria Miller. Tenth Grade: Richard Auman, Judy Baker, Verna Ann Perry, Betsy Barbee, Becky Ftlton, Harry Winslow, Billy Window, Susan Broughton. : . : Eleventh Grade: Frank Ains ley, Alton Daniels, Sidney Long, Linda Chappell, Sandra Hudson, Rronil!) Kav Smith Brenda Kay Smith. Twelfth Grade; Carson Spivey,' Ann Benton. Dianne HollowellJ Hubert Burden, Carlyle Wood-1 aVd, 4Mary Frances Baker, Lin-' da Bass. Connie Bovce. Phvllis Hendrwv Carroll McDonnell and Betty York. - Forty Students On Perquimans High Pastor Reflects On Summer Visit To The Holy Land y By James-A,' Auman fc'"'A4 JLflom Jt-l: f. J 'i Just over the Jerusalem hills adown, : Past lovely , Rachel's i ' domed tomb white- I Sweet r shrine of motherhood's in : 1 i by Madeline Mine.-) When I was a bov I weU e. iSZ IT,.? I CiAn a nnnm hi part of", Christmas program;!""; ArXX. Z S Little didT I thinks then, - that & basemnt or sub some day I would travel to that of the church. In reality, Bethlehem town,. , and see for u ,g ft naturai cave in the stone myself , the sacred shrines of wjth , fhe- church buiu over it Christianity. But,, the tour of ,n, ,he. d s of; Mary and Joseph the Holy Land was a fitting cli-1 (CoMtillu.a on 4o TBreal max 10 my summer travels wiin the Christian World .-Seminar, r It brought into focus the Holy . Scriptures, the Historical Jesus, I and made the understanding of the Scriptures so much clearer. How ar is it to Bethlehem town . Our study group trav eled by, . touring car from Jeru- of about eieht miles (12 in this i l ase,' because , of .. .the present Jewish-AbDiiiiputeS)5MtOver rnifMlnillikWs.-riutir! iivi Mw 1- --- --. -w-r-ri- f t ' r T I r ITT an occasional olive tree, the nar- row ,road.,.made jts wjnding: .way intu.BeJhlebem, the place where The- rugged Palestinian? country side - between Jerusalem and Bethlehem has changed little in twenty -centuries, although : the city ;? itself now has a popula tion of around ten' thousand. -. About one mile east of Beth lehem we stopped1 'at the 'Fields of the Shepherds,", where the angel of .. the Lord came upon the shepherds as they sat watch ing ' tbeir -Jlbcks ,.iby,i oJghtiand Ijreuslit 0ie h tidings ,.f Jesu Chri-t's bii'lll. i A' ' ehunch 1 iias bepi built h"-4,-,t'r,rov,i'contri- Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, JViday, December 161960. Hertford PTAIIas i - HprtfnrH - flranrvmnr Snhnnl Parent-Tea1 cher Association held its December meeting Thursday lugm . ui luai ween wita ivirs R: L. Hollowell, president, pre- 'siding over the business session. Tk' A..nn4L - i ; ; L.J intuitu a rurtm -& . .Christmas' was centered around s nd Charlie Umphlett read Scripture passages and the class sang several Christmas carols. Mrs- Jce Haskett read the lnmutes r lhe last meeting and Mrs. Freeman Long, treasurer. leported the PTA has a balance c.f $811. Mrs. Charles White re ported the PTA had again had a successful drive securing sub scriptions to the Perquimans Weekly. ' It was also announced by Mrs. Jessie Lee Harris a study course will be conducted during the lat ter part of February, and it was i.lso reported the PTA's of Hertford and Central Grammar Schools will play a basketball game next month. The seventh (.rade won the attendance prize and the meeting closed with a boeial hour. Bank To Open Extra Hours December 23rd R. M. Riddick, Executive Vice President of Peoples Bank & Trust Company, Hertford, an nounced today the Hertford bank will be open three additional hours on Friday, December 23, to coHtptttsatc for the holiday clos ing, 'which has been declared by Governor Luther Hodges for De cember 24 and December 26. The local bank will be open, in addition to regular hours on December tS, "from -four-to seven o'clock in the evening. " CHRISTMAS PROGRAM : ' ' . A Christmas program win De presented at the Piney Woods Friends Church , Sunday, night, December 18, j beginning at 7 o'clock. The public, is invited to auena. butions from Roman Catholics in Canada. And theni we ,.SSft L 4 &ipnf Vitv n:trldeioe-oKtlfe ridges, giving the appearance of a "city set upon a hill." At the Church of the Nativity jM TrUloViTvi .' wo cnuir thp slur x markg he site of Christs ;Diruvana wnicii euc. mu.. , . -. il:iu-m I season is visited by mdre than n20,00ff;Ctoist ar:.who, make,an w...., --- , o-- ' . 1 'Manie Committees; PlanJanuciydleet "nireetoru for . the 'Petouimari County chamber a Commer Pmtntv . Chamber of Commerce niet last Friday night and namea chairmen and vice cnairmen the : various 1 committees will formulate the Chamber gram' of- work for f the coming yea?;'--'.' s'4v:i'; ;,;. iv''ni' v'-l;. Names of these chairmen and vice chairmen -will be announced after each has been consulted and the appointments confirmed. Allan W. Mills, Chamber man ager, also announced a commit tee composed of CaoC N, S.. Ful ford, R. L. Hollowell, Joel Hol lowell, Jr., Broughton,,Dail and Claude Brinn had been named to arrange a program, fop a din nerU'nfcetint fortheitCfiamber of Commerce - to b held the lat ter part jof January.,' Christmas Play f i i:-V':.: ' f , Iff - Tl : v m 1 "Ik U'' ' Iff ' ' AKU AKU-CHOO Artist BeHil Johansson hopes he won't tickle a sneeze from this giant statue at Halmstad, Sweden. He's putting finishing touches to concrete replica oi the famous Aku Aku statue on Easter Island. Christmas Ideas Open House By Christmas Ideas that will be long remembered were -Play ed at the Agriculture Building., The Home Demonst. ation Clubs, of Perquimans County held an Open House on Wednesday, De- nnm Ki : 7- (Vupr 41111 npnnlP witnessed the various Christmas decorations which v ere exhibit ed by the woman Arts and crafts leaders from each club served with the club; presidents to maKe up a steer- :A. . L. t I mg commmee ior uic .cvan. Mrs. E. J. Proctor, Sr., s the tlus townsh'ips of the counlv and County Arts and Crafts leader. . ,)e Hertford and Mrs. J.. E. Wood, Jr. County. f n Af,m.rfin ln ... r WU4 ;.'aer, s whs - Tropwn:u" for the, punch to be served.. , ,1e town of Hertford, con-1 , St,U 0,her Christmas activi Door decorations were display- ... . . . ties announced L,v the local ed by the Snow Hill-White Hat Club. On tlie front door was a lighted, star coated by Ann Ben- ton, a .Senicr ,4-H Club mem- ber. , .'A blue door showed a scene "cut. from styraphone to display ,"0 ' Holy Night." A. tin can urcuaiiuu muiuuhucu , uj. greenery' was displayed on a door covered with silver paper. Mrs. Vernon Hai rell, Mrs. wiut Cartwright and Mrs. Melvin Eure were!' responsible for the door decorations. ; . ) Mantel 'decorations were ex hibited by ; the Helen Gaither Club. Mantels were constructed from cardboard bixes to display! the''. ideas.'; Mr?. Warner Madre was' respolisibk for this group, ing from winter's first severe Mrs. Mark ' Gregory displayed storm. Gale winds, sleet and candles, angels "and other dec-snow swept out of the south Orations to: reflect in a mirror west across the nation to the over i - the mantel. . ' Mrs. Fred Mathews displayed candles with a' Madonna in white and gold.! Mrs. Ann Berry exhibited can - ' .... j i 1 rllpc s MaHnnna surrnunded bv ,,"v" " and gold. Santa and hj8. cut 'from plywood with lothjng p( JeU.wool and cottl)n W:yl iiianiei Willi siucjviuks iiuuk u.v the sides were exhibited by Mrs. of men who will serve as sec Gill Underwood. Iretaries of state, treasury, de- TheBelvidereClub exhibited a variety of table 'decorations. As novelty, was a gold, painted hub cop displayed with an ai- rnngement i of - gold sprayed ai- proceed with caution in adjust ticles and .green candles. A five ig to national conditions rath pointed pine cone in the shape e. than Use radical methods as of a star caused many comments. sometimes pledicted during the roinsetuas, nony, canaies, trays ana ot;ier articles maae some very colorful and attractive dis .., .. Continued on Page Three Town Of Hertford Wins Damage Suit natnedl The, SUe Supreme Court,, this , 1 nen for week,, handed .down a decision! "nmeni, tiwhich 'favorable to the Town' of -fieri-11?18!;?' ptd-Jfprd. in the 250,000 damage SUit' brought a?iins!t the town by,"" Mrs, Ann Hollowell as k result of the death of her husband some two years a no. The trial in the suit ' was heard by Judge W. H. S. Burg wyn in Perquimans Superior Courts 'and following introduc tion ; of some testimony Judge Burgwyh dismissed the action on a motion by the Town that it was not liable for the condition j. which existed at the time of the Accident " The .- Supreme Court- PMirnwd r-thisi action '-by ' thi.half 'weeksrr with' classes aresuoi judge. .' . j ' ' ing on Monday, January 8, ' t l" if ' " ' Feature Of Club Women Filial Population Count For County J I(M.quimans County pickwl up ,3 P P on . ' i..n. i. i u. vLiwua tut tin; 19(10 accounting conducted earlier this According to the fig ures the population for Perquim- ... The release gave a break-down for the population of the var Mri ti.tr,.j t...i.v i.,ij. j H pZ,uv,n ltr-l tnr 1u,'i. 1 ' ZlwZ .Xvjd'l 402 Bethel 898- -,', ' ..' , .... V...J Hertford Township, 3.111; Town of Hertford 2068- New' Hope 1.720; Parkville, 2,047; Town of Whlfall 269. ri' This Weeks Headlines . More than 200 persons died this week from situations aris- Atlantic. Temperatures skidded to new low marks while heavy snow, tied up communications' and in some cities halted daily v Tm,;t v,,.a snn .... 'IK. White, captured a huge hucinncc mtiiMlv ..... President-elect John F. Ken nedy is rapidly filling out the vaeilnt in is 'cabinet M nnnniinmH thic wpplr tiia nnmpe ftulse and iftlerior. Reports from Washington predict the Kennedy administration, when it takes office january 20, will recent campaign. Bioting broke out again this week : in Algiers as' Trench President' Charles DeGaulle yisf ited J the i capjtiii (d aeflnot tomproruis H wAt)emnt ; fofthe. pi-oblems , resuiting : from , Alj- gerian demands. lor ..local gov- DeGoulle returned to cutting short his Algerian ? . "4 VJ""" ' r School Holidays To Start Wednesday, Perquimans County schools will start their annual Christ mas vacation with the close of classes on Wednesday 1 of next week, it was announced by J. T. Biggers, superintendent : of schools, who said this . year s holiday -wdl run. for one! and a Christmas Week Programs Set At l Methodist Church VWhite' Christmas'' at the niornint' '-(lurch school and wor lup hours, and an evening pro gram oi special music win lea - ture this week's Christmas ob- servance in First Methodist I Church, Hertford. AduJts and vouth of the church school will brina their "White Christmas" gifts to the altar of the church, while the tions and suPP's 13 the county children will take theirs to their tux listers, who will bejin list vari(,us departmc-nts. The church' inS P'operty for 1961 taxes on i ommittee on Social Welfare will. Janui,rv 3- distribute the itd.'s to needy! Linulies. Tnn committee is composed of Mrs. D. F. Reed, Sr.,' Mrs. Bunii -e chairman, Mrs. Inscoe, acting Keith Haskett. Mi.-. L. C. Winslow, Mrs. Eliza- lii th Skipsey, Mrs. J. E. Newby iijio .vis n. i. wnite. At 7:30 o'clock, the choirs and congregation will join in a spe cial program of carolling, usin,? :is their theme "Everywhere It's' Christmas." The customs of oth-l er lands, which are familiar to; our own country, will be illu-j strated and music represenlatiie1 oi these various countries will cation were entertained with a lie -sung. The adult choir will .Christmas dinner on Wednesday present "Christ The Lord Is night by Superintendent of Born" (Mexican carol) and with Schools and Mrs. John T. Big the Juniors will siwj '.On Christ-, gers, prior to the board's De mas Night." from England. The cember business meeting. , s I :;eis. i ne oum, representative ,)i r.ngtisn carouer.s will sing HI?L. i -1t -1 1 r mi .... wnai Luna is inis; and the Juniors will aiso sing "The Rock- ing Carol." Conjirei'ati'inal car-1 -;n ,,.ij,. n 't ;.n.. 'v I R h - : : vz ! Mw.L.'l 1.1V A r. . -r mi aigiu , jLiwres oong in ine Air" and "Joy To The World". Mrs. Donald Norman will sing "He Shair Feed His Flock." and Mr, Charles Skinner. Jr., "Come Unto Him." both numbers from Handel's 'Messiah". An instrumental presentation of, lavor ite carols will begin at 7: " ' f:. 2 " Sunday night, with Miss Carolina Wright, min- ,s' " music, ai me organ. :-l ..t : - -. a i . Methodist Church today includes wscs General meeting Monday, t-8:00 A. M.; "a Primary DePa''t"ient Christmas Party on Tuesday, D cember 20: i Junior Depart ;neht Carolling on 1 Wednesday; December 21, and Youth Fellowship annual car- I ollirii; to shut-ins of the com- imunity on Thursday, December 22nd. ' Officers Capture Huge Still; Two Uerenda . . ATIT officers from Elizabeth gallon capacity still in the Bul- gess , section- of Perquimans County, Thursday night, of last week and look into custody three men found in the vicinity. In Recorder's Court here on Tuesday Kenneth Gordon and Cornelius Sharp, 'Negroes, en of guilty to charges of manufacturing non-tax-paid liquor at the still. Each was ordered to pay a fine of $100 and costs or serve 60 days in jail. Linwood Proctor, charged with possession of materials de signed to manufacture liquor, was found not guilty by the eotrrV when ' -evidence appeared Uf show Proctor was at the scene stiH Vri ' ipf ration; 1 1 V i i ; '5 i I Other i cases heard by the court ,thte week included those in., which Charlie Whidbee, Ne gro, , was found guilty ; of pass ing:, a , schoql , bus engaged in leading children. He was fined $15 and costs., , . ,' ri; Jamei Harris,; Negro,, charged with" driving a Car with view ob structed, - failed to appear in court to answer to the charges. He was apprehended and held for a bond of $50. Allen Hunter submitted to a charge of failing to observe a stop sign and he paid the court OOstS. ' .'''''-.. . . ' ,:i A $400 bond, posted by' Jessie Volvia, was i ordered forfeited' courtesies, reported 16 lights out whenj Yolyia Jailed, to appear An and found two bicycles which courtiito uftnswar i7harges f' still remain unclaimed.:; The. i driving iwithout a iicense. driving lice cur frpveied 3 H rafles us drunk and 'using another' ii! tag 230 gallons ot gat. ? j;' ' Town Board Votes Pisplato Commissioners In ' o i j. PCCiai iVieeting ' Commissioners for Perquimans County will hold a special meet- oa Monday. December 19, for the PurPse of issuing instruc The board is also expected to confer with representatives of the Board of Education con - cerning the construction of, school buildings, provided forj under the bond election held No , vember S. Board Of Education Member:; of the Hoard of Kdu- at the dinner besides the board members wej-e Miss Thelma Elliott Tommy Mas ton. e C bell, Woodard and Mex Camp fining me lurmess .session During the l-u.Wness -er by d n i........ :.. ... . ibsence of the uunlu chaiiman, C. C. ChaD- pell. Sr.. reports were given on " v,,- A V M S r """ ' W- - 1 the meeting of the State School ided by Matii ews and Mr. Bisscrs. Plans were discussed and ap proved for the board commit tee to proceed with efforts to secure additional land next to the Perquimans Union .School for the expansion -f'''' school. Mr, Mathews also reported on improvements to Memorial Field snd stated the committee hopes to have this athletic field disked and leveled, Charles M. Han-ell also report- ed to the board on the progress of establishing an industrial training class in sowing and stat1 ed applications for admission to the class are how beine acceot- ed. nts cense. . . . taxed aeainst R. A. I.assiter who !, f i. submitted to a charge of reck less driving. Carlton Perry, Negro, submit ted to a charge of driving with out a license. He paid a $io fine and costs of court. I Charlie Midgett, Negro, was taxed with the court costs on a change of driving with an ex pired license. . Cursie Alexander, Negro, paid the costs of court on a charge of improper parking. Edward Towns, Negro, sub mitted to charges of driving with an expired chauffeur's li cense. He paid the court costs. Leslie Jackson, charged with using an expired license, sub mitted and paid the court costs. Police Report Is Given For November Hertford Police made a total 6f; 23 arrests during November, according to a report given the Town Board Monday by Police Captain B. L. Gibbs. Heading the : charges, were 10 cases of persons being drunk; 5 miscel laneous traffic arrests .were three speeders caught and two arrests made on charges of dis orderly conduct. :: The depart ment answered 74 calls., invest i- gated six accidents, extended Jl Met On Wednesday Fined 5 Cents Per Copy, A new ordinance, regulating the purchase and display of town licenses for automobiles, was adopted 'by the Hertford Town Board during its regular meet ing held here last Monday. The ordinance, which is published elsewhere in this edition of your Hometown paper, requires every automobile owner residing with in the town limits to purchase ind display on his car a license issued by the Town of Hertford. i The license must be displayed ! an or before fohmarv H f .:ich year.. Failure to comply with the ordinanp,, mnc u sibte fine up to $2o and 30 davs n jail, or both. The new ordi nance becomes effective Janu ary 1. 1961. Other actions taken bv th 6ard during the meeting includ ed voting Christmas gifts to em iloyees of the Town. The gill', ire to be the same as last y.'ir, qual to about one clay's pay for ,'ach employee. ' Fire Chief' 11. 'C. Elliott report d to the Commissioners the .Mremen of Hertford will hold' i barbecue chicken dinner 6:i Hiursday night at 1 hi' Hertford ' irammar School, f nd he also nvited niemi ers el the be'ird o attend. Wivss of the iiie nen will be guests for the sup--er. Due to a conflict, the Boar-'l .oled to void .a contract award ed an auditing firm to conduct .lie annual audit ot the hooks or the Town of Hertford and icawardeil the conliuct to U. E.. Aiken. Jr., wno had reported lo the board he will start work on ne audit iJecoinlier IJ. Mayor V. N. Darden gave . rogress rept-rt: fo the Comiui ions on the ixaovation of the .own's water lilter plant, mid itaied progress has been slow ed somewhat but be anticipates this'!he tork -T. ho complettd about '.January' It Meanwhile, town employees continue to flush vvater maiiis to reduce foreign' ubstances th the water supply vhich Mayor Darden pointed out . vil! be cleared completely when .he filter plant is placed in op- eration. It was also announced the Board will make a study of the ;own's raW tor. electric power, io determine., a possible reduc-'; tion. of thes jiates following' completion , of tlje: annual audit of the towfi's .fiscal'. books. On Sunday morning, Decem ber 18. at It o'clock the 'com bined choirs, of the Hertford baptist Church will present their urogram cf special Christmas nusic. The program will in clude: ''Christmas Means Think ing of Jesus" by Geoffrey O'Hara lrid Warren Angell, Bobby Over tonv soloist; "Angels We Have Heard on High" Traditional, Trio Mrs. George Baker. Mrs. Charles Johnson and Ann Elliott. 'Sweet Little Jesus Boy" by Robert MacGimsey, Bobby Over 'on, soloist; "Lullaby to the Christ Child" . Polish Carol; "The 'Wondrous Story" by H. R. Palmer, Mrs. Reginald Tucker, soloist; "Go Tell It on the Moun tain" Traditional American Spiritual, Mrs. Hintcn Roundtrecv soloist, and "Silent Night" by Franz Gruber, Ann Elliott, so 'oist . ; : On Sunday evening,- December 18, at 7:30 o'clock, the yoitn,? people of the Hertford Baptist Church will present the Christ mas pageant "Unto Us," under the direction of. Mrs. Dan Berry. Those' participating in the pro gram are Carlyle Woodard, Don, aid Chesson, Guy McCracken, Donald Madre, Charles Fowler, Mrs. Gill Underwood and Ike Perry. The Hertford Baptist Church extends a cordial invitation to all for both, services. ' i-' BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT j Mr. 1 and Mrs. James Arthur Terrell of Scottsdale, Arizona, announce the birth of a third child, second deughter, Eliza beth, Dawn, born .Thursday, De cember. 8. ',, Mrs. Terrell, is the former lUm ,.. Katherina . Alien Nixon, Christmas Service At Baptist Church