i . .A f .:V f r ? u i 5 WEEKLY' . 1 r 51. j:,HcrticM;Percu:an'3 C6unty Korth Carolina;id3y,.,Dember 23, 1960. Cents Per Coyssl f."-JJI" j jJ.:n-(P) 1 t , J I c t 1' r - t ' , v r - J i " VrA'n'U nij W.- Chappell, charged , i : '.untary manslaughter n- with Ibe death of Layden ' of Belvidere," i over lor action by the '. y at the 'Apnl term of -r Court7 following a pre "y hearing- held, in Per ns Recorder's Court here y morning. i Chas. E. Johnson, found .Me. pause in the 'Case, fol 1 testimony introduced by ate. . The defense .offered ;hmony. at tiiis hearing. 'sit was found daad in a :.)chi had overturned off i causeway; near) Hertford on timing of December 8. 'Ai i for a , non-suit,; made by "jnse, was ' disallowed i i. .ije Johnson ruled in nary . hearing evidence credited in.. '- tight most jle to the St&ta 1 , -( cases disposed of dur r aesdayV session . of court d those in which Craw- Cohoon submitted to the s of speeding and paid a tf $22. , , es of $2 and cosls were 1 against Grady "Whidbee CharJie-. Wilson, Negroes, in 1 v, ( fav c 'I &n4 who submitted to "charges of be ing " jnk. 1. Cats took a nol pros in cas i which. Charlie McNeil, Ne, - 4 , JTred .Thpmas were chr .ih rpeMing, . .,' J ,'Oiive1 paida fin-ol 1 casta of court after he i lUy to " charges of '-. driving .without A 4 -J lisinS aiflrther "pp r's, lictnse. , t , t V, "wd Sutton was ordered to tty a $15 fine and costs pf court "'er being found guilty oa a Te of passing a school bus He the bus was loading child . t ' , . 1 ' e'.xi' Bunch paid the cosls of t on a charge of failing to a tight of way.' , ie of $2S. and costo were ? fegainst : William Johnson diarge of 'reckless driving, s Laughinghouse paid the costs after submitting to a ' of . using an expired r's license. C t costs were t Robert Hill, Negro, 1 With driving on Che left a street, pliver Rld ro, paid the costs after to a charge of iollowr week, when two air- to Jied cauairj the death of ' forsons and then Mon ,lcs e swept 41 .e U. S. Air Cpmer C. "atlon ' in ore t' : i 3 lost their ive; ?j .aons are being A ii Loth incidents but s ,u' 5 of the accidents -nrt!d. '. I -cJy, officially, i X 1 . . v J..nt of the s in tan;' i t y whe r C. u f ' 1 -3 i re- V w ,ri0! i , -K''t! W 'Um DiirisifiiPcrty . . The members of the Hertford business and Professional Wo men's Club entertained , then husbands and guests at their an nual -Christmas' dinner : held re cefntly in the social hall of the Fu'st Methodist Church. Mrs. Sallie M:. Lane, social chairman of the club, gave 'the welcome and introduced all members and guests, present,, following the playing of several games .'under the direction . of Mrs. . Margaret Maston,- Miss Thelma JEHiott read ari" appro priate Christmas : story. During the program,' Mrs.' Mary S. Lane sang 'There s A Song In The Air'' and Miss Ann Elliott sang The Holy City." Mrs. Dora . T. Riddick was pianist and led the group in the singing of Christ mas carols. As a benediction, the group sang "God Be With You." ' , 1 Those enjoying the buffet sup per were Miss Hulda Wood, Miss Thqlma Elliott, Mrs. Elton Wins law Mr. and Mrs. 'Archie Lane, Sr., Mr. and Urs. Jack Burbage, Mr anil Mm iArnhip T Tjinp. Jr., Mr. a-ndflrS It' M.Riddltk.j , Kev. LKf. Mrs. n, aqse-t ley, the' Rev. and Mrs. Norman Harris, Mr. nd Mrs; Harry Hoi.; lowelt ' ' Mr., und; Mrs. .Tommy; Maston,'." Mr and M. Melvin. . Owens, Mr. -and Mrs. Jack Ka- noy Mrs. Alice Kanoy, - Mrs. Hattie Spivey, Mrs. Marie Elliott Mrs. Carolyn Barker, ..Mrs. Earl Perry, Mrs. Betty . Swindell,. Miss Ann Elliott, Dillwyn ; Young and Leslie Perry. - s : Perquimans - County cotton farmers approved . marketing quotas for the 1981 crop of up land cotton with 126 votes cast in favor and 8 a cams t quotas, it was announced by the. County ASC uffice today. . . The , preliminary returns . from the December 13 th ijrowers ref erendum, show favorable votes by 98. of Tar Heel cotton, grow prft votint". - At lfRk two-thirds I of the growers voting must.ap-i ..,.'nM,. it fv, J w' ' -t. . .' 7 ' . - .' i . cdme '.'effective. -Approval f or,"1 '."J"11-- wyvm ,iw .jwyi the - quotas . by; growers neans 1. Quotas ; with penalties on ef- "excess" cotton . will be feet for the 1961 crop.' in 2. Price . support to grdwers who - comply with their farm allotments will be at the-full level available under the -law,. . 3. Allotments will continue in effect for the 1961 crop of cot ton. i ' V Last P :y i i i t'TT t qy, yrps Santa. Claus . t j. ! a, .a t..e f vim " !"o:,-: v. -laV x 1 1 t'.ie'Keruaid ner' I h c tv..at.oi wifi.the : I I'i.e Department and -V C -v & 1 se number 3 Z :,d oil. . r 1 P. M., the chil- ... . rj. e tf l 1 t 1 1 7i. for the ftick, who t 2 o'clock, f oi a f ine to t r y c'l , , ! , r f 1 : tfs th day f of ctirtdVeW when . ' ! all their dreams come truex- . . . when their laughter rings throughout the house It's, the day for adults, toe; the. day when man's faith in mankind is renewed. It's the day when each of us should reverently acknowledge His presence and to be grateful for Him whose birthday we observe at Chrlstmastime. It's Christmas . . . a wonder f ul day i . . a glorious day for an; . iviay w uuiy wo :vmovi- real happiness for you, our IlLigStrdPTA For Lz."tliijn!2til The King '&nWt " Schoof JTA held its,; meeting !Monday night at 8 O'clock i .the" school 'ao- tivlry room 'ipehuvg son& "Si Jent Night," followed by prayer led, 'by MriJ. E. S. Perry. Mrs. Estelle Felton. . th rarv read the previous minutes which were adopted. Mrs- Hurdle, .delegate t the ParentTeacher meeting. irave 1 t. --; u t " Mrs. . . Mary Holley,,' treasurer, gave a' financial report, and told of a' disbursement to -the local J Boy Scout orgariiiation. - ! ' J. Collins, stressed the - need for greater participation and a larger 11 membership for the , or ganization, , - r ' ; The matterof; securing jglasses for the' persons who need them was discussed, at someMength. It was decided W work 'toward this effort in every (nvay possi-. ble. ' r','--' . Pewey jlNewfc introduced two student teachers" from' Elizabeth City . State Teachers ..College. His.-,remarks were mdst Informa tive, i He encouraged ' parents - to tkeep ..their j children in, school as days absent rob the . ch)4 jof what.Js'xightfuUyj bis-' .T.ji'V, : The mtin g. . .was ..-adjourned, then Mr. Newby invited toroup to. 'the luAchraciA 'forflelKious,, refreshments of cocoa end cook, ies. - ' i ' " ' ' i The : Christmas ";progrhm was held Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. A pl-'y eni.'Jed ('"CJirl.' nas Conae3 To Ci-Enilpa,"-was teau- -"y r - i ty t: e stu-,: 9 1 character was! 1 .V , I ( , .i7 A-V . Tqvii; Of Hertford FreeiQf Liafeilitji In Accident Case t officiai'notW'ot action taken last, week, fte "thp . North. Caro- hna Supreme fcoi relieving the "lownjof Hertford from , any ha bility in the accidental death of Wayland Hollowell,; has been received by the town,' according to Mayor V.' N. Darden. f ' The case,' in. which.; Ann Hollo- w&U Taylor sought damages up to $250,000 from , the Town of Hertford as result of the death of her husband, was before the Supreme Court : on an appeal from a ruling by Judge W. H. S. Burgwyn who granted a motion for non-suit when the case was tried in Perquimans Superior Court last February. ' Chie Justice Winbome of the Supreme Court handed down the ruling which aff firmed the deci sion, of the Superior Court in permitting the non-suit based upon a motion presented by de fense' attorneys John. Hall and Chad. E.i Johnson, in Which the Town of Hertford claimed it had no, responsibility, in the circuim stances:WhicbarDSc'4Ulng' the death of Mr.; Hollo welU, Jioiiowen was.Kijiea wnen a gust t wina mew a tree onto ,a vrum noiioweu ; w unvmg on , " .r ' . I I piajmui,, in w suit, contenoeti(jervi ich b at mo iiabilitji. ' fyir1 ; the '.jclicumstances rested with. 4he..Towiti of Hert ford.' " ' " k ' , i ' ( Justice, Winborne jin his opin ion, cited . several general sta-. "r " " . T Christmas Day. This will, be; a the time, gave - State Highway lce,ebration ot the . Holy Com Commission full authority over(muh,on wJthwrt muSic. At 4 tights i of way on highways passr.p M on ChrUrtmas , Day there irg through cities, aU of which I m be , short Evenin8 Prayer TNT DO lBnilliH IJ rf.- urninn ' &T h rw" Vl ar case. ill tm I fl .Children Present Procram Fof PTA' r&rlu r ? f 1 A The Central Grammar School held its JJecember PTA . meet ing Monday night in the school auditorium. . THe' meeting was turned over to the- children ' of the school' who; under, the dl rection of Miss Carolina Wright, presented a beautiful Christmas program entitled "Christmas Around the World." ' The children entered the au ditorium singing "Angels From the Realms"" and CalViA Winslow gave the welcome and led the Christmas Story with the audi ence ' responding. The Rev. Barefoot then gave the evening prayer; Carols of different coun tries were sung by groups from each .grade. The benediction was given by the Rev. White, fol lowed by the recessional with the children and seventh grade choir singing "O Cothe All Ye Faithful." " ' CHRISTMAS SERVICES AT HOLY TRINITY There will be three-Christ j. .-Wr.' t Wni Trinitv 'EpisC0pai Church. " The" irst wlU be the traditional" midnight o'clock . Christmas Eve. 'Th'is will be Choral Eucharist, a sung communion", "service, . including Christmas hymns. -The. second service will fee at 11 'As M. tin . j . . Wlth Christmas carols, tn".TH Ai:::ouscnisNT i rtr. and I'rs, Jaftr y Moore " - I Y if a i.urh- ' r 10, ; Li EiitenVinsT Front Perquimans Edenton High basketball teams swept a double bill from the Perquimans Indians ana Squaws Thursday night of last week when the Acelets scored a 65-32 victory over the Squaws and the Aces romped home 57 41 over the Indians. In the preliminary game Bev erly , Morgan and Sara Relfe total of 45 points while Pete Smith paced 1he Acelets with a Cook and Mary Phthisic were . high scorers tf' for Perquimans. JCook collected ', 15 points and Phthisic scored 11. Franklin McGoogan for Per quimans and ' Jerry Tolley for Edenton battled for scoring hon- " ors in the boys' game with Tol . ley ; finally edging McGoogan 20 to 19 points. 1 Tolley, Stokley and Goodwin ' all hit in double figures for Eden-! ton, enabling the Aces to main tain a comfortable lead over Perquimans throughout the con- ;test. Edenton led at half time 24-17, , . (During thesecond nail t-den- Ion pulled away from Perquim- '; .. .1. ... mlt.i i . l 1 J ans, wncn luney, who was uciu to one field goal during the first half, hit a hot streak and pump ed in 18 points during the sec- :ond half. Bocrd Draws 38 For Jury Service vSemmissioners . for Perquim- hav Ootmtyv ,..in special: .session lie last ' Monday? y drew the j names 'of 38 county residents for jury' duty at the January term of Superior' Court, which convene January 30 -for onel week's civil court. vi ; - .. Drawn for jury service were: Seymc-ur ChappelL J. P. Dan chis, 'Fleetwood HarTell,' Willie F. Hollowell, W, R. Prfvott, Edr win S. White, ' Chester Butt, Thomas Fleetwood, Nathan Ma thews,. Eugene S. Byrum, G. A. Umphlctt, Linwood L. Chappell, Marion Simpson, ' Watson.. D.. Small, Robert R: Keaton, Walton Lane, Wilton Lee, Allah Lowe.' James F. Perry Ralph R. Har-' rell,' Audrey S. Sims, James E. White, Donald Outland, Lee Stallings, ,N. W. Chappell, Char lie Stallings, Jr., W. ti. Batche lor, Robert P. HolloweH; Joseph Rofferson. Norman, Warden, C. Alphonso Chappell, John S, Stallings, Harold, JVeeks, Erwin M. Tfueblood,"' Avery Trueblood, Willard Stallings. George W. James, Jr., Clarence S. Chap pell.' " ' ' ' Hendricks Rites Conducted Sunday James Eliab v Hendricks, 72, ' died Thursday night at 8 o'clock in the Veterans Hospital, at Ke-, coughtan, Va., following a long illness. A native of Perquimans County, he lived at 106 West Grubb Street was the son of the late James and Mrs. SaUie' Mitchell Hendricks, a member of the Yeopim Baptist . Church and a veteran' of World War I. v He1 is survived ' toy .' several nie6es -and - nephews. ' I The remains were taken from; thd Swindell Fuiieral Home, to.1 Cedarwood Cemetery SuHday af-' ternoort : at 2 'o'clock . for graved side services conducted by the Rev."'iNorman. Jttarrls, pastoi:: of the Hertford Baptist Church ,and the' Rev. J, "A. Aumari; pastor of th First Methodist Church. The casket was draped with an American , Flag. " The pall was1 made tf red roses, white mums, white glads and fern. . : Pallbearers were Martin' Towe, Julian Matthews, . Hazel -Matthews,: ' Craf ton Matthews,. .Torn White and Nathan Matthews. ' BIRTH ANNOUNCEMSNT Mr. and' Mrs: Jerry Colvin; of i Weedsport, IT, Y., announce the birrh-ofa i Mur, Twi'Jj; b; - Tui " ' ITov " -t T7, Go mm Special Meet With List Takers Post Office To Close 5 P. M Sat. The Hertford Post Offiv. . which has been observing extra; hours during the past 10 days in handling the rush of holiday mail will close at five o'clock on Saturday, December 24, i was announced today by Postmaster W. W. White, Mr. White stated the peak of the rush was readhed at' the lo-' aal post office earlier this week,!from the board, all dealers iw ana ne aiso expressed tne ap preciation for the postal em ployees for the' cooperation giv en them by the post, office pa trons. ' ; ' . Tirtlle-Thiiljlooil i. VmvsSpotenln New Hope Church The marriage of ; Miss Betty the Board of Education, explain Lou Trueblood and Terry Ray ing all outlay of funds will be Tuttle was solemnized Sunday reimbursed from state funds, afternoon at 3 o'clock in a This request was approved by lovely ceremony at the "New the Commissioners. 1 Hope Methodist Church. .' Mr, Biggers. also advised the The biide is the daulitcr of Commissioners .the Board of Mrs. Lucille H. Trueblood of Education is continuing a study Durants Neck and ' the bride- oc acquiring .land for an addi groom is the son of Mr. . and Mrs. jtion to . the Perquimans Union Harold A.-1uttte of Akron, O. . School, and results jf this study ' The Rev.,, Dan vMeadwi;:jer,.vwm''pe'mdekvUble. to the formed the cerentony .jn. ai set Board ai 4atfr daWL - t ting of red Poinset- BoaseTthe date'for " tias palms and candle , ght jamm, meeting to be held on Mrs. Harvey. Butt, Jr., played .n.Mja Taa, ' ;a the willlpanied Bobby Jpnes, "I Love You t- t ' sang the -Wedding Prayer" as a benediction. The bride .was gven innjar- riage by her unclei E. A. Turn - er. She wote a wedding go vn was nam4d ; investigate a re of quaker lac.e. ove satin, yled ubjnJtti;.t y;f the Park-, , " , , j'"' Tu oyal .neckline, ; softened . with pearl appliques. The long lace sieeves ended in points over the ' hands. The bouffant..: skirt (ace. feU,-.softly ;into a. hapel length train. illusion was Her Veil of bridal ,(o fee the road, attached to a hat' t . 1K- t fonedof:s.to lves center- ed with rhmestones. .She car- .ned a white prayer book cov-r ered with white carnations, cen- tered with a white orchid and u i .... XZ A yut a c ' Mrs. J. C. " Monds, Sr., of IH'incess Anne, Va.; was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss, Janice Monds' and Mrs. J. C. Monds, Jr., of Princess Anne, Va., and Miss Sally Ruth Hurdle and Miss ' Marybeth Hurdle of Durants Neck. C. C. Richards of Plymouth was best . man. Ushers were Frank Johnson, Frank Richards, Leroy Lamb and Matthew True- blood. ;Mrs. King George Byrum of Tyner was mistess of the cere mony. , ' For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Trueblood wore a blue taf- aften with mateh; iug uiLnsuiKs aim a tureugc w. white carnations. ' ..' ' .' :. A reception was held at the hpme, ; of j tlfe: bririe'9 aunt,' Mrs. t i,r - Turner, immediately ' tow lowing the ceremony, , .-, Hertford jStores ' To Close Monday ' Hertford -stores and . business) houses. have adopted a schedule for, holiday closings according to 4 Allan W- Mills- .nianager t of Perquimans County Chamber of L Commerce.. 1 . ' Stores Will be closed on Mon day, December 16, to . give em-l pioyees ana owners a . noiiday. for ' Christmas, ; and Mr. ; Mills stated most store will :nlso be closed. Monday, January 2, for New Years. ' ' . ' Peoples Bank 4e ; Trust Com pany will- be - closed both i Sat tirday," December " 24, and ' Mon day; December 11, bit will J-e-' tnz'J." open r '' f L-. thie ci . r 3, In . Perquimans -County Commist, sioners met here last Monday in special session and conferred i ... . ........ .. w,m we tax list Ulcers on Uie Procedure for - listing property for . 1961 taes- ; Instructions and supplies were1 issued the , list takers who will start their, duties on! January 3J Included in instructions Lssued' the . list . takers were a few chan8es froni methods used in' P'ev"us years, ' On Instruction' motor vehicles will be required to list their stock of cars and trucks on 'an itemized list show- ing make gad, model of each car on hand January 1. Irt listing ; personal property, no listmg of i less than $25' will be acceptea for'( refrigerators, $50 for home f reej-;, crs, and $100 for. tractors. , ' During this special meeting, J. T. Biggers appeared before the, board:, and requested the school supplement fund .budget bev amended by $400 to provide for, setting up an industrial training class , under the . supervision of the- fitaf tnnAtxir .Tannnitf O The ho 4lso authorized the be Jred b fmlng in a nurtt. jbr of holes, which nave de. V:eloped lrt -ihe-driyeWay. ; conuni-riojL. 1 rkomas Nixon ville ; CoQiminity r-Development , Committ tzMion oa !fiarbaee uMti on' countv Drdo- , a. " 1' . i,1ti;il,n-,f4.-1fi .ti: wh,.v !jJ the next meetin of th boardf. J Commisiioner Savage Jolllff eported stream learance . , imo..pt.A 'u ,u.-t.-' v'l completed. and accepted by the nJT r ' , Corps of Engineers, - HcJfivay Of Quota Anarew j. isauey, presment oi tlie 3 -county TB Association, urged citizens from Pasquotank-Perquimans-Camden counties :, to send in1 their contributions for the Christmas Seals. Bailey said, with the rush of getting .mall and packages off, not to over look the colorful, seals and to use them on their mail Dol lars contributed for seals go to support health education, chest X-sr&ys, research and services to the patients in the three coun ties. .'...-. i . So far Pasquotank County re ports $2,940.75' of their $5500 goal;': Tomrhy Maston, chairman for." Perquimans; reports $758.15 of, this $1400 goal, and Mrs. Mack Morrisette Jrv says' Camden has raised v $415. . of their quota. A total of $7900 is' heeded if the programs .are to continue in the control and' prevention of tuber culosis" for 'our people. Christmas . Day services "' at County Sea Sales rirst . Metnooist cnurcn, Hert-" ford.: . will follow the regular schedule. -Church - School con venes at. 9:45 A. : M.j and the morning worship service begins at 11 -o'clock.. The Rev. Ja-.s A,. Auman, minister, will use hi? sermon s " J-t "Fmrna-- ' God V T" ''. ' i-' ' T :