vT "-y At , '.L....J:ditot i i t f clasi matter r i. 4. at Post Office iipl. North Carolina un , i f ViHrrh. 1879. Second paja at Hertford, ' CJSSCRIPTION RATKSr ONE YEAR .v. . In Perqulmant Chowan. Pa ''v .'intank aud cSatM Countlea. -J1.50 :,: luaewher v? SIX MONTHS A4ver,fUing Fates Furnished .By Reauest , FRIDAY. FEB. 17, 1961. ; Your Heart ..... ".. -.-.J ..d j .'.j tnan oiner, conns of printed ad ertismg as a gioup. Thirdly, newspaper advertising is the most effective of all the forms . of advertising; : It is quick t6 put into - permanent form,- it is available at any time of the day, it goes only to those who buy s the , newspaper, and cannot build resentment as some thing rammed down the throat. That is why, year after year, peopld spend more -and more on newspaper advertising. A, It is the best, most dependable available. And , everyone knows m,any ,a good advertiser j has. made . his fortune by knowing how and, what to advertise in the news paper. 1 1 11 The Groundhog's Shadow .' The nation has generally ac cepted the fact that the ground hog saw his shadow on Febru ary i 2nd. And' that-, means so we've all been "told' many times that cold weather will be with and scientists . most of the country until mid toughness and I March. " . ' And if the rest of this winter is anything , JiKe tne nrst pan, - . This is the- time of year when the annual heart drive reminds us hat heart disease is the big gest killer stalking us today. The experts marvel at the stamina of the heart but in the! United' States we have found a good way to break down even the iqro-61 winter season will so a . tough organ such as the down the record books as one heart of the ''old-time" winters that ; In. the race-for the dollar, and came back to pay a belated call. t iJosh. .... i. (.IJ, -i.i-w. cLjr imi", proving vtop 'prospects' for the V harvest this year. ' '-' :-' The theory of relativity as it piays -ori me i.uman mira inusi ( (dso be. cunfidered. i Wheu we, experience o really rugged , win- ' ter, it makes us appreciate j spring' and summer more.; So! the cold weather is not without i its benefits. And when we are perhaps in convenienced by the weather, we should keep in mind that one of nature's greatest spectacles and gifts to ' all of us is the con stant 'changing of' weather and the evolution of the four sea sons. ' Each 'has;' its' beautiful characteristics and the .changes are always interesting and often welcome. - i . - , t And each plays ib 'role in cre ating life and growth, in, the won derful order of things which we have, on' this planet and' beyond, a miracle-' ; we too often accept without appreciation; or inward satisfaction and curiosity. . , The- greatest - provocations ot lust are from our; apparel. Robert Burton. CHRIST GIVES ETERNAL LIFE ' International Sunday School Lesson For February 19 ,( Memory Selection: "I am the resurrection .and the life; he who believes in, me,' though t. he die, yet ''shall v he live,-, and . whoever, lives .and believes .in, me shall never die.'V-Jobn 11:25-28. . nd 'ill' Lesson TejfU John 10 an. in the Speed of .life, as we- have developed the " modern j' patterri, the heart often succrmbs to ex cessive; v strain. The United States, as a wuhty-has the dis- v minion ox navin aeveiupea jrje ( highest incidence; of heart; at tack and heart failure of any na tion f, . , - , . I . " 'This is a reflection of the pore ; of, American life. It should serve to alter and modify that pace but it doesn't seem to. The pace, in fact, seems to ;'rt faster and tougher, year after year. .'-.Therefore, if you can give to aity cause that is 1 dedicated to the alleviation aid prevention of heart ailments, it is a. blow i: . behalf of the biggest physical disease battle we find ourselvc; engagen in. . Local organization i ' should get first preference, of course, and united funds, com rhunity ; chests, etc are of great aid and should be utilized. t ":. ,The most effective thing you can probably do if you ire a business man particularly is to slow down and give your own heart a trer.k. Slower living, less tension and better eatng habits might save your life and it .should be worth saving, especially to you. ' r ' v Newspaper ; , Advertising In spite of all the new forms of advertising, various firms and individuals spent more than $96,000,000 advertising in the New York Times in. 1960. Thi;; S& more than has ever ben Spent in any newspaper, for adyprti-, uigJ In 4 one' year, wo are m fbrmed. ; - NewspaDer ' advertising h:is many advantages over every other form. .; First, as between air-wave media and newspapers, the latter is a permanent rec ord, something that can be saved and which can be effective over a ull day twenty-four hours' or longer. Secondly, as between news papers and other published ma terials, the1 newspaper has prov en to be the best regulated ad vertising 'medium among the But the extremely cold weath er has its good side. The heat ing and fuel industry makes a little money, which members of the industry can find a place for. The frozen ground kills many Our St!2 Is On Transistor Radios as low as $12.95 Other items too numerou to mention at low prices W. M. Divers & Son ' JEWELERS Qtajr Warm and Srwg- You can rtly on our AwtomaHe' Kotp'FISI Mfw4 OelivorySoryico,.., ' No matter tow cold it gett, you can count on a full np ply of heating oil when you take advantage of our Keep Fill Metered Delivery Service! At no extra coat to you,' we keep daily temperature; records that tell us how much oil you have used. When vou need a freih supply, we aen4 a truck to your home, automatically. You need never OaEt Ask us today for full details about this cottvenientMrvio4 :."-;';.'- ' - ',-:'-7'- 't .'v-i3 45. :.' j i '.-'"- V.' ' r with RD-119 So Different it's Patents; - Baker Oil Company -"SUPPLIER OF SIXCLA IfoPRODUCTS'! , Phone MAI . " Hertford ' Special Notice Of Thanks TO THE FARMERS OF THIS COMMUNITY who have beea so kind as to allow us to serve them during the past farm season and have paid or properly arranged for their accounts, our thanks. This cooperation on your part is greatly appreciated es pecially In view of the very close margin of profit in gasoline and oils.,. v. Now we must stress another point which we hate to mention but the higher cost of operation, the close marginal profit and the ever existing interest rates require usto make, the following statements which we must carry' outi . " ' 1. Unless your accounts are paid or properly arranged for, we will not be able to make further deliveries. . - 2. We ask you not to place your' orders until you have : 3 handled your account to the satisfaction of those ton ' , cerned. - f f ' 1 ' -1 4' 'v ,r -x - ' 3. On February 1st, we will excharlffe with each olherH those names whose farm acc6unt& are past diie and w have not been paid or satisfactorily arranged, in order , that the members of The Associated Oil Dealers may be protected; also to those dealers in nearby towns. Pledse remember that we are anxious to serve you and greatly value your iriend ship and patronage, but we cannot operate and give you service without receiving pay for the products which we sell. " ' " ' THE ASSOCIATED! Q1L: DEALERS 1 The, purpose of our JeSson for today s to he)p adulta under stand more fully the. meaning of 'eternal life and its relatipnship to their Christian faith and ex perience. , The Scripture we are Studying today is very straightforward, and therefore easily understood. Among other things, it. deals with the resurrection of the dead and, in particular, the restora tion to life of Lazarus,' brother to Martha and Mary. . , v It deals, also, with Martha's faith. The deeper 1 meaning of j this story lies not, however, in Lazarus' physical healing. . It. is a fact that he would eventually face death a second time. - John is therefore not particularly con cerned about the restoration -te life of Lazarus' body. , John, rather, uses Lazarus as a sign. He is the symbol of all who are spiritually dead but, who, by the living Christ, may be brought to life. 1 . - !' To be dead, in the physical sense in which we use the, word, means to have lost; the power of physical ; response. To . John, death also was a concern of the soul. Neither preaching, persua sion, concern,'-" prayer, . events, conscience nor any other appeal stirs a reply from the soul that is spiritually dead. Its life is1 absorbed in the earthly, the sel fish, the pleasures of the day.. To all the world ot the spirit it gives ,no heed, ho care. And. how do we restore the dead? . we? cannot restore to, the dead bodyj the power of response as Jesus did. ,But the emphasis here isi thing of, temporary being. But to .give the. dead soul power to respond to the life of God this is wonderful. i ' The stupendAusness of this is borne inoqTuTcwliBn we Consider that most' of $it converts (church membership additions) are not persons dead through trespasses and sins. ;They are people alive with sonierporerf of response. We aptieal to ;thn by personal visitation or by Asking them to a church meeting; then, since they are already somewhat re ligious, they respond. It, is when we go out into the highways and byways of life where men have no concern and no care, for the things if the spirit, that we -very often get - no response. vThis- is the, problem of missionaries, We have need' of learning how to break through 'to the living-dead people-.who have lost all power of .' response, and make them alive" to Cod." '(Romans 6:11). This is What John is proclaim ing, In the beginning and in the end indeed, all-the wy through Christ is life. " John, -when he talks about eternal life" plainly is not talk ing- about physical testoratiton. John,, in his storv -about Lazarus, is not concerned that we will all die physically.. He u concentrat ing on: spiritual, - : eternal iiie. Now, along with other words we have studied "darkness" and "born anew" John has a double meaning for the word "eternal." Notice how John - always speaks of this life in the present tense. It is something Jesus of fered Nicodemu 'NOW, ; the Samaritan ' Woman ' NOW, his disciples NOW, and here to all believers NOW. For John, eter nal life is both a present pos session, as well as a blessing we can. expect in the future. This lite is not reserrved for t some time in the future after' one's physical death. Eternal life be gihs here ahd now today! And being a 'jgift Bf God, it .reaches beyond physical functions. Bod dy, fieaUf cannot . affect it, and since jtjfe from God, it endures lorever. , , In Bhart, we are already living in eternity. We already know what heaven is like, for we now have heaven In.jus Therefore, physical death only opens the door to eternni, spiritual life for the Christina ieliever. . ' Thus, in yet stilt another way, 1 1 a. -- . .. 1 John states his urgent plea that 1 we may believe on Jesus as the V Lord of life and that, believing, we may indeed "have life in His 1 name.': , ' . I v Where eka, in all the wide, j wide' world, will we flr.l such a ' "-ioius, Wh a bounUlw-S cpor- L2) ljJ 'i 1 he Saxons'.had a word for Spring It was ILencten; 6hortenea; ln time," to Lent , 5 iv- So, the. name, -Lent was. given to that sprtnjr "time period of 40 fast days from Wednesday until Easter. - v .. ; . ' ' Lent came to mean a time1 of penitence; And it is. But it is also a, time of preparation, and of -promise. JFot because Lent means : Spring it heralds good things to come. It forecasts the glori ous message of Easter. It is the dawn of the most beautiful season' of the year. - , The bare branches of these trees will burst into bud and leaf with the touch of Spring. Our. thoughts during Lent, our personal preparations, also will reach fruition when the 40 days are' through. , . . Lent Is the time for prayer and seltexamina' tion. Make this Lenten season really mean some thing by seeking help and guidance at your church services." ' v ' " ' CMt IK, tihttf Air. tmkt, brwh. Vfc " . -' ' ! 'Abb f0 A -Me'tSHuftcH '' CWc N 4. Wlw aA MftiprclltaulhllaiflfciiMMaKiMi (Ml ckiioUM k t WoMadWt M , iptiMl Him. .' VMmi i-miih Cnaft,BiidMtaWacnKVof cMttaa ifcci tarrty.. TUt aat toA'.muti ' ttafcH va 4 ..11 ImiMnI thflald fta ..- - - . .. 4-. .- a. RIW IKVm. RaHWIT MM HPpBffl dak.TataMi (H FttrkMmnrMka.' 0 fat alt cktMaw'. k. O) Fat a takt of hla caHaaal w4 fcntofe. (fl Fat lb uU of ikt Oiittek Ktftf. idi aoidt him rneitl ad tuuM taaaotl. flaa daMl Mfftlw mi tH4 Ba Mt T Mk , I . t tMl I mm i aa ll-u I II 1M I l M I V TlfiS PAGE MADE POSSIBLE BY TttEFOlXmiti FOlItlSi ';;.VnV-'L -Vv-r:-r4J'J...;'.::; .--sA -- .fc'.'.yv-S'-t '5-i-U Jf i 3.'''fdrii:?peH Brothers1 K SENEftAL CONTRAcnaS V -k ,'Phdit Elfsabetk Ctty 87 Peoples ttziik & trust Co. HERTFORD, NORTH CAROLINA -- t Mambar FJJ.LC. Milton DaV & Son FfiftTrLKEB FARM PRQiHTCTl Day Phoa lUit Kiat Phwwa Ill.4in Canr.cn QtzzzTa fHOHE SSilV. Depmi.'.ia iEaniea .:'i:K:'-r-1'- f. W. M. Morgan Furniture Co. Beaie flratshlnfa . Hot Pafat Applianeaa f i ". Reed Oil Ccpsny. , ' tZZS PRCSCCtt ' " -j Winslow-Blanchard jlfotor Co. V, 1 PHONE ttll T oweWebb Motor Company CHRf SLER.PLTtfOUTH . . . Sale 8enfc J. C Blanchard & Co.. Inc. BcrCJ Ccrir Elala Prt C47aT TJraa j nertforUTectlrt St PEOSS XS91 CwtTFCItS Ufa Ca : A' Ei.:Tr: 3rtrn:Tcr. Korr "3 i. .Is, rr-f:r fW-y E 1, V.5 A. II. J irnii o ' '-1, 11:01 Ov. L I vmt t Wtr ...,, 8 o'i ' k. 4 L 1-weck Services, ,t - 3 vttuihi at a'tlotk.,. ;:i-.;':..'; -H .- D ., i .y'y-; '!s feu I DLEIT7 Iff t" iCU CJ1-- - Jim Crickhouaa faiJar . Sunday School 1.C0 A. XL 1 First Sunday ' " 1 " . ' II A. M- and 8 P, IL K f BURGjcsa SAPTisT cHunca , ' 1 A. 4, McClaUan. Pastor , Sunday, acnooi each SunaaJ at 10:00 A. M.' ... Morning -worshW at 11 O'clock, 2nd and 4th Sunday mornlSRs. ; ,. PERQUIMAK3 CHAA6S,. -CHXrfiCKZ.J ' .-';:;"i -v""'"i ' y V,f i if o - "-"rt 1 ;-'"';' '.v'-'i-'-1' - rty. Albtrt Oora, 3t PWbr' Cedar Grove Church: 1st Sun day 10 A. ,M.; 2nd Sunday 11 A. M.I Sri 8un(ay 7:39 p. M. . , - Epworth Church: 1st Sunflpy, 11 A. M.j 2nd Sunday. 7.30 P. M.; 8rd Sunday, 10 A. M.J 4th Sun day, 7:30 P.M. - w Oak Grove Chtittht :1st Bun day, 7:30 P. M.;, 3rd Sunday, 11 A. M.j 4th Suhday. It A. M, . NEW HOPS -W06tLAKS Dan E. Maadawa. Pastof ; New Hope; Church Schotf!, 10 A. . M.; "worship' Services, 11 A. M., 1st and 3rd Sundays', 7:30 P. M.. 2nd ahd 4th Sunday Woodland: .- Church School, .10 A, JM.; worship servide. 2nd and 4th Sunday, 11 A. M.j 1st ind 3rd Sunday,-7:30 P. M. ANDERSONT! MKTWMJIST f -CHtRCH , . i; Church School, 10:0 a. h. V -' - Morning Worshl. 11:00 A. If aecotid lira fourth flondaya. . . VoODVlLtE BAPTIST , CHURCH William 8. Brown. Pator Sunday School, 9:45 A. M.; Morning Worship, 11 A. M. Training Union. :30 Pi M.; Even ing Service, 7:30 P. M. DP RIVER FRIENDS CHURCH r Orval Dillon, Pastor .- 8onday School, 9:48 A. If. " Chuwi terricea, 11 A. If. an P.M. - . Toath Fellowship, 7 P. M. ; ; ' Prayet aerriee, Wednesday. I BETHEL BAJPTlS-s CKORd , A. B, Hammatt. Paste . Sunday School, 10:00 A. ML. ' Morning Worihii 11:00 A." IX. : v Evening Workhip, B.-OO-Pi 12. pnrrr wocsa ntnajry, ' CHCSCl Mark Hodgin. Paaior Churca Scnooi io A, '. , - Morning worship U A. H. Tonng Fecnle'a aaaatintf 7 F Eb WK1TKV1LLE GTOJYK BAPTO rcKt..ca - Walter HilL Pastoc Sunday School 19:09 A. tl Sunday.- 1 - " d Qiurcn a"" ftrtt. aa IhM SotKiays at U:t0 A. U. . .-ft;'-,;';I.Mi. a i i. ' HEiTPcn fflrrnosMS? .i.-. CHURCH 1. A. Aurasn, Paatar Chnre I Sooi 9:45 A. M. ; Mornii eilu U:W tfdpi. Youth lowahip, 4: ?. Cvening worship, 7:30 P. M. BAG! r SW-AMP KTLGREt A. L, - Paato - - Sunday School, 10:00 A. A 1 . MorninnV'orshlp'llVciock, Young :Peqple's meeting, at o:lo P. M. ' Evening worship,( 7:00 .'.clock. :.:';' ' 'if ,;; i"1'"11 '"" .'''T'r'' :r HOlV TBnaTY EPISCOPAL ; CHURCH . . fief. E. F. Mostley, Kectce . Holy -Communion- 8 A. M.; Church School 9:45 A. M.; Morm ing -Prayer 11 A. -M.; Holy Com munion oft firs" Sunday t 11 A. M. t- ) , ' V-i'i ii' -0 i i hi it EEREA CHURCH Or CKFJT . Charles Presley. Pastor ; Bible t School each Sunday at 10 o'clock; - Holy Communion each Sunday; Worship , Str ii.es, first and' third Sunday fin ings 'at 11 o'clock; Evening vor khip Service at v 7:SJ o'clock Adu't Study Classes and .Youiii Meetmgs first and third Eund. y evening at 7 o'clock. , T . CHAFPELL 1HLL EArTCT - Sunday ticnboi every r-i2ay it io-r A.'C"- 1 s e:- t -Xi r - y at 11:C3A. ! : r't7)r.:' i: ":( yc:.i ' ., iu;, .. r 13 A. I'..: ' . i ,j-3r"el'' i , 1. ft . . ... . et 1j c ;u if llL 1, 1,1 ! at 8 '

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