I w I 1 I ' I utr '. l. t-.7H"ll 4 at peiUord, "V LJ-.n-riON RATES: , i i and GaUd UUIItTH'S. ax MONTHS ' Advertising Rates Furnished By Reauest FRIDAY, MAJICH mi. . . -its :.s . : MiUice;.t . victims, . f U.I. s. . . x The ' answer is not to give management more power, nor tQ' ! give unions greater power. The i answer, is1 to work out a, sen sible arbitration system . which can be made compulsory on the order of the President or a spe cial impartial court to be used in strikes where the public in terest is dually involved. , ' Labor and management would be i-emiiredi to accent the deci sion of the arbitration ordered, just as every other citken must accept" tfce decisions f -courts; In this way the public would be protected and in our' modern so cietv it no Ionizer is.ieasible' or justifiable to .let the public' hv terest be ignored"; wnue a. par ticular union and -business;, cot-:' poration ' fight' out their-differences in a strike. v 'rlf's : But where a wUdcat ; : strike suddenly stopped trains on air lines from operating,, where a strike held up work on vital de fense projects, where a strike presented " thousands and thous ands of people irom perngspie to report for work," etc., in these rasps the ' disnute would be re- March, 1961 "The first days of March have differing significances for dif ferent parts of the -country. There are famous anniversaries ana events to remember, which well read citizens should recall. Tnw kvwnnla " Mnroh : 1st is 11 ...-...j.-, v ----- vqaca ww , wof . . w Nebraska- State Day, Nebraska' ferred to the special group for having , been : admitted to the impartial settlement and both Union on March 1st, 1867. March union members and management 2nd is Texas Independence Day would be bound to abide by1 the in onmmamnrQtlnn nf thA Dpcla- 4ASieinn'nf Mlhllf"JI trihtm&L : -.' ration of .i IndeDendence from Mexico This declaration came on March 2nd, 1836, while San ta ' Anna was besieging the Alamo. - The Missouri Compromise Act was also passed on March 2nd in 1820. War with Algiers be gad back in 1813 on March 3rd. March 3rd is also the birthday anniversary of Alexander Gra ham Bell. March 4th is Vermont Day, Vermont having been admitted to the Union on March 4th, 1791. The United States Con stitution went into effect oft March 4th in 1789, and Penn sylvania was granted to Wil liam Perm on March 4th, 1781. The Boston Massacre occurred on March 5th, 1770, and Elisa beth V. Browning was born o March 5th in 1806. March 6th is another historical day, for it . is the anniversary of the fall of the Alamo, which ocourred on March 6th, 1836.. (Davy Crocket was among mose wno perisnea in thitf Aaftmt On this rtnv in 1831, General Philip Sheridan was born andN on .March 7th, 1849, Luther Burbank was born at Lancaster, Massachusetts. Cii that day also, in 1876, Bell got a :., patent for his telephone. Perhaps one day you Will be remembered for something you did, and history books will re- : cord a special day as a memor able date for your deed or your birthday rnniversary. Great ness is not impossible for us, if we, set our hearts and minds to y the task.'' , ' ' E;StrikesAndThi4v . . ' ' Public Interest In a modern society such as the United States major strikes of key union personnel often in convenience millions of innocent victims. Sometimes the strikes deprive these innocent victims of holidays or the opportunity to work, even of ' food, clothes or money. Of course, because this has happened and does happen in . our society, it does not mean that the answer is to forbid all strikes. The rights of the union Modern Version The third grade was learning the letters of the alphabet. "What comes after the T? the teacher asked. Ella quickly replied "V." . ?.Irs, . A. Aumri, C.Li.. 1' Life Chairman. -wresoiyU. i some thoughts about ''The Aiventurej of Prayer"1 at 7:45 o'clock Feb-1 maty 2ft at the church. Immedi-I atelv following at S P. ML 33 1 members of the Hertiird sleth-l odist WSCS - held " general monthly meeting. Mrs.- R. S.' Monds Rave ttia devotional, as sisted by Miss Kate bianchard at the piano. Mist Bianchard al so gave history of the WSCS in Hertford. ;, During the business session of the meeting, .Mrs. Monds, presi dent, presiding, Hie secretary read recommendation of the executive committee and a thank ypir note from .Mf.sNicks of the ChUdren's ' Heme? : for;''.: coupons sent.;! 'Miss Qate:?BKnchard,- who ttianked- forle;;oueihg and r&ehdms of the coupons.; secre- tarim of ' lines Tlrf . work Tenoned as. did the iocal' and conference treasurers; VViyj ' , Mrs. Monds ' announced : the nominating committee ' will sub mit a report" in 'Miiirclt Also in March' the -WSCS " Will vote on the- mixing' of circle ..members. Mrs. , Monds ; called for a report from circle leaders ; of . their members' feelings about the mix ing op drawing. After some dis cuss ion each member was asked to consider the matter and at tend the March - meeting. ' A committee was appointed to work out . some ' details, ,-ftfter adjournment a social period was enjoyed.- - Unruly children make their sire stoop. Shakespeare. A TEST OF,DISOPLESHIP International Sunday School Lessoq for March 5, 1961. (Memory jSelection: A - new commandment I give to you, that vou love one another: even las I have' loved you, ' that' you also iove (fc anouier.- J - T !' ,1)11 .1 Lesson Text: John 13:1-5, -'i - J2-17, 34-35. ."l j-i'i 3 CJcSu: m m if flawHwnetra et Cat Cladair Hm!& twdtuM it' Prelum QuslSy rtyiar price . , , . (It contain to xduivt fcrt tit help '?y: your buraar ia tc? ejemtinf condition -. waiver U pz . CALL ' . Baker OUCompany "SUPPLIER OF SINCLAIR PRODUCTS" Phone 3641 -: " Herctokd Special Notice Of Thanlcs TO THE FARMERS OF THIS COMMUNITY who have been so kind as to allow us to serve them during the past farm season and have paid or properly arranged lor tiionbc ThSa rnnnoratinn nn vnur nart is creatlv annreciatcd es pecially in view of the very close margin of profit in gasoline and oils. wi hate tn mention but the hierher cost of operation the close marginal profit and the ever existing interest rates require us to make the following statements wnicn we musi carry oui; I TTn1ea vnnr anttmnia am nnlrl nr nmnerlv arranffed for, we will not be able to make furtherileliveries. ' 2. We ask you not to place your orders until you have handled your account to the satisfaction of those icon- ; cerned. , 3. On February 1st, we will exchange with each other , those names whose farm accounts are past due and have not been paid or satisfactorily arranged, in order V that the members of 'The Associated Oil Dealers may be 1 protected; also to those dealers in nearby towns. ship and patronage, but we cannot operate and give you service without receiving pay i or ine pruuuuu wuiui we sen. . THE ASSOCIATED OIL DEALERS Today: uv order .to help adults realize that .' love is ;Che most imDortent Quality f the Chrta Itinn hfp. ' and . that real love al ways, finds expression in humble and unseinsn service, we reau of the Last Supper, , In itoday's Scripture we find one of the Bftle'l best iUustra- tions of ttie A meaning of true discipleship. Herein we lind emphasis on . the two mam at tributes of Christian discipleahip. They are, respectively, lowly service and holy ; love. corn are worthy of our careful, and undivided attention. , ' Let us discuss, first, he mean J, ine of lowly service. ; our les soft implies that , there are cer- tain standards by which we can iudge 'Christians. : And in order to determine our own sincerity of Duroose we must ask our selves; ; Do we care for people? How much do we caret Is it enough to stoop gladly to hum ble services wherever and when ever the need may appear? The answers to rose questions pro vide our best test of real and true discipleship. In his account of the wonder ful, selfless act of Jesus the washing ot the diseiDles' feet- John is encouraging, us to act, to do something helpful for the lowly and the needy. The meal of which the disciples partook with their Lord, as we ordinari ly observe it, is a memorial to Jesus' surreme sacrifice on.. the cross. And what could be more meaningless than for us to re member Christ's 'death without) putting into practice the prin ciple of love illustrated, by his humble ministrations to his followers. When, we ask how much: a believer should care, we mun jentMvr juao jlhii e care enough to sejrve, even as a slave? , Service to others is the truest of . all sacraments, A Christian never rises above another. We are aU qf ne i;laes the' slave class and there is always-room at the bottom. There the true disciple finds his level, and there he stays. . Another requirement of dis cipleship emphasized in today's Scripture is the command that we love one another. The obli gation to love u as old as hu man, life, but here it receives a new .. emphasis because Jesus aives holy lave a new motive He does this by relating his love to 'his death.. 5jis sacrificial dy ing aives both '5 measure : and meanine ta Christian love. He loved hisvdisciple not .only with his ie,, out so wwn ihis oeain To love more is utterly impossi ble. His love cost Jum his me, The test of our d&cipleshio ii that we love as Christ loves This love of; one Christian for anouier is Bomexning-;very spe iciaL- It goes,, beyond benevo lence, and it exceeds generosity. It is love that has become con cern. Hence the ' two tests of discinleshiD merge together in one test caring or acting love. True, holy love involves incred ible suffering; ' as he story of the cross reveals.' But love can win Its way only by suffering lit has no other authority, no other weapon. It succeeds or fails only as it expresses itself in concern. We do not identify Christian - by outward trap- Dines. . We recognise him by his serving love-rlove that is char acterized and clarified by the practical good it does. In the end the world will not be .won by campaigns, visita tions or revival meetings, al though each one of these has its place. The world will be won. lour Scripture savs. when Chris tiara .come together in the warm fellowship of holy love express ed in caring sacrifice. , ..' When ' will . the world be brought to Christ? Only when it sees this test of discipleship in living reality. 4 ' (These comments are fcsijsd or euCass f , & 1-rnaltonE' Sunday ' School Lessons, cr-7-rlihled fcs lai" r 'Tfcii et r:- : " t i wm J I j x " ). .H.1. it - V," .'''ll' '-I.'- J''1 ., .,, :. f " , . ffl r ,11 1.:: , . g - 'i. . ':... ) v'' MM I.Wy,v-j; THf ewuweH van aiv ALV, fOH TH? CMgUCH : TIm CKuicIi h Ait tcul tutor m : ni fK Ac hiMiac f ckct W oa ciliMMkip. Ii ttentMW Sl.'V yititul whn. ViiM aUMCbw(h, ; tilhtf itmoax m f'mluilw ' wnin, TlKrt faw lu4 riih, .- why rarjp p ihMltl Mttad "mt Htalutf iaM wptwl t OmmIi. Tky ' Rt (I) Far lw W. 2) ft" tkM' . M) Fv U 'I coamuailr 4 ! () far aiU -I Ik Ovaidi iwlf. Aidi tb. k' mil ad auMtial lappa Pl la fa , a dm rUi( 4aU au BM Buoaar Moaday . Taadar ' Wedneaitf ' Tbunday Fridait . Bstwor .Book MattbfS un aiab Pulna Join CUjiaj VHI T Ml U SMS W SIN - mi M 1-11 : Vita fin,, ,.,1 1 '' Evwyoni knows tht$ uecesi comes. not tp those whe merely desir it, but to thosa who achieve it through Sonfc-, hard work." , It Is odd theft, that in the spiritual of r ife some people Bhould' expect WesttfuSfa tot cwtjorthtatking. . r '." - - Those ' who .reajly; ttnderstarid GRAYER ' know that it' more thab mere tisking, It Is $9tW9A ia the hungry search for truth and moral enUghtenrnent . , . digging for spiritual .,' gold ty the hills of life. ',.'. . -But PEAVEB Is methiny mow even . . than seeking", 1 isnoemff . . , meeting life'i ; obstacles hravely . . . ,-waiting with patient determination until closed doors open a a a en ?,: tering portals.that the ; mere timid pas by. i, 1 - . 1 " .. i f . wouldn't really need churches' if spir-; "itual growth came for the asking. But we do peed churches te help us seek the treasures of God. And through our churches, with the United itrength -of millions of Christians, we knock on the portals of . the more abundant Ufa and there find It. ' 3 THiS PAGE) MADE POSSICtE Ht TPJFOlZOWGFIRMai; ( . porr-"! I . wis, Psstor Funday ioot, :4S A. M. ' ' I smug Wor lip, 11:C3 e'eloe; . I wnirT Wo 8 o'clock. luid-weck Services, Wemjei aveaing at I e'tlocic . . :.' :"' ' e - , , .. BETHLEXFTf CrZZZJtXg , c:.ur.ca. , . , Joe Briclfhouse. Pasf ' Bible School, 10:00 A." M-l Worship Service. 11:00 A. M..' 1st and 3rd Sundays' Communion everv. Sunday. ? . , ; . . BUBGKSS B'.I'TIST CfltTRC3 A. J. McClellan. Pastor ' Sundav - scneoi each Sundi at 10:00 A. M. ! ; , ; . Mnrninir worahiil at 11 'o'clock 8n4 and fth Sunday morqlag , i ' i .'- j "ft "- ' - . - A PERQUIMANS CHARGE . . CHU3CHE3 . , v , J t, . ' 1 0"'!"f' '.';' ' Rev. Albeit O'ore, Jr' Pastor PnHar Rrnve Church:. 1st Sun day 10 A M.; 2nd Sunday, 11 A u. 3rd sunaay t:so r. m t - I - vChappell Brothers GENERAL OOimACnSS v Phone Esabctk CSry U6T Peoples Batik & Trust Co. HEBTTORD, NORTH CAROLINA 4f " VJ - Milton Da? & Son ; FERTILIZER FARM PECSaTCst -Day Phesw Mi. Meet Pfceees Mll-45Ti ;1, Cannon Cleaners PHONB W . . Dsf swlsls Bertles W. M, MortWl Furniture Co, J;:';' 'tf.':,';''4'" 'ilVti' liSW'1' i''W' Hesse Faralshtncs . . Bet Petnt AppUsiiess rTleedOUCoKny;1 . ;4 ESi3FKODUCT3 WinsIow:Blanchard Mctpr Co. ' TOPB FORD DEALE3 'U- ; fi" Lynch Funeral Hone PHOKltSll HZRTTCS.X n. c. Towe-Webb Mctqr Ccsipany CKSTSLER-PLTHOVTB . . Sates ft Ssfftes J. C. Bianchard & Co., Inc. ''fcrNCAAE3'S'kLieatr!l . f . mil -fry: i DiccOaCcrijanj:, Kaelsir Prej4s - CoscVtw Tin 1 1 f.'H T ncrtfcrdtlrei'G e"Sf,sl'",lW"'w ejv f ' . 4sl, viMaf f4e V PHONE U81 A O-'-'.'l If -1 i . Enworth Church: 1st Sunday, A. M.: 2nd Si 3rd Sunday. 10 2nd Sunday, 7:30 P. M.; A. M.: 4in Sun day, 7:30 P. M.. Oak Grove Church: -- 1st bun day, 7:30 P. M.;,-3?d Sunday, 11 A. M.t 4th Sunday. 11 A.M. ; HEW HOPE w WOODLAND Dan E, Meadows, Pastor , New Hope: Church SchooO.. IB A. M.; worship services, 11 A. M., 1st and 3rd Sundays; 7:30 P. M., 2nd and 4h Sundays. - Woodland: Church School, 10 A. M.; worship service. 2nd and 4th Sunday, 11 A. M.; 1st and 3rd Sunday, 7:30 P. M. ANDERSON'S ME1WTOIST ; CHURCH., Qinrch School, 10:0b A. M. Morning Worship. 11:00 A. H. second tnd fourth Sundays. WOODVTLLE BAPTIST . - v CHURCH William S. Brown, Pastor Sundav School, 9:45 A. M.t Morning Worship,1 11 A. M.; Training Union. :30 P.M4 Even ing Service, 7:30 P. M. 4 , UP RIVER FRTENDS CHURCH Orval INlkm, Paster - Sunday Bcheel, 9:45 A. If. Churci services, 11 A. JL m$ I P. M. ;,..-,,,.-!,.... -r ,( Teeth FeRowsWp, 7 P. M. 4 r .PTrtt rr Wednesday, J BETHEL VAPTIsVcHTTflCB A. B. Hsmmerl, Pastor ' Sunday School. 10;00 A. It.. Morning noraui ix.uy n, ;.. Evening Worthift 810 P. Ii J !:..;, ?,..,.. .Xj, w' , .r R la pnrcr.wocOT PEiMcrj ! WksSSiTpastor'r ' Church School M A Ii. r - . Hornuix Worship u A. B. Totmg PeoBle's ssaetinK 7 P C r-TTr. ': m ' WHTTEVILtE CtOYE EAFll '"'ji i -;' ,; - Waltet Hill Paslorf ) 1 Sunday Scbeot 10:08 A. 1L, erSif Sasday. - Church servtres flrst snff fUM Boadays at 11:00 A. M. - HERTFORD METHODE CHURCH , J. A. Anman, Pastor . , Orareh ScUool :46 A. M. . ' Morning rshif Youth Fellowship, 4:4 P. M " Evening worship, 7d50 P. H. BAGLI SWAMP nEGRIM . ;Tjl E lretaot. 'Pastor Sunday Hool, 10:C3 Ai A - Mornins orshiF'H o'clock. Young- People's meeting at 6:15 p. M. Evening worship, 7:00 o'clock. HOLY TRINITY EPISCOPAL i . CHURCH A Rsr. E. F. Moseley. Rector - Holy Communion 8 A M.; Church School 9:41 Ay M i Morn ing Prayer At A. M.? Holy Com munion ojr first Sunday :at 11 am. - BERE A CHURCH OP CHRIST. Charles Presley. Pastor Bible Schobl' each Sunday at 10 o'clock; Holy Communion each Sunday; Worship Services, first and third Sunday morn ings at Ik e'clockr Evening Wor ship , Service- at -7:30, o'clock. AduH Study Classes and Youth Meetings first and third Sunday evening a7 O'clock. r '- . , CHAPPELL KILL BAPTCT " Sunday scnooi every Sunday at .40:00 A. tLrJ -vf t, - i Wnr ' "'-"Vl 1 i Vef ?or.J and fourlh funlay at 11:0) A. 11 ETUev 'Si 1 ;i ,i sh r? ii v j7.; I V. i i. w "37 at 71 P, 11 t C Elder -. t r A.r t s 'or';, a"! CA . . -t at 8 o'cio. - t:r. r "i r n t c:rr J" j LAYTC.r. Paf f hooi each 5. ir'-ir-? at 10 o'clcx t.or.i.ip STvices, 1st tr r even.-at 8 o'cloi 1 Ca .y mornir

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