IT '.s St V ikr'- I, t .t",'l'l t r . j , it several with Mrs. Betty i. i r . v , and Jentoi I. A, . ,2 GaUipg', 3 Cof ield tof .nt ;ti4ay k with la nale$t' ', Mrs. J. E. Morris is visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Morgan iii n9 1 4vj:4!,i r. and ' Mis. Edward' Barber it Sunday; with relatives in :olk, Va... mouth ( ' ... jCeorge Fields, .ng her son-in-law -liter, Mr. $nd Mrs. .Vincent 1 atiPoptsniouth, Va. Raleigh. la Charlorta tMrs.- V., N.'' Harden Jeft' Tues day and i visiting her ,'son-in. law and daughter, : and AIr.: U, R. Christensen in, Qharlptt, it' Darden Returned Horn . Mr. and Mrsi V.- N, visited Mr. and Mrs.. Herman Jenkins in Norfolk, .-, Va., end were .accompanied there by Mrs. D. S. Darden, who had been visiting them. Mrs. Darden will Sr., is' spent a few days with Mr. and and, Mrs. Jenkins before returning to her home in Florida on Wednesday. "ling Balativoa - r Us. W. H. Barber left Tues- ta visit relatives at fct. .des, i Va., and attended the' week visiting her leral' of her brother. Cecil! daughter-in-law, Mr. venporton Wednesday. j leaded Funeral i' Mr. and M. Edward Barber, Visiting Spa . . Mrs: C. R. Holmes is spending several days in Charlotte this son and and Mrs. John Holmes. We.k-orul Hat Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Chappell s. William JLeicester nd Mrs. from Roanoke Rapids spent the . .'r. f . . lirAAlr-Avt Minfk HjTw. D..IU ck uooertsoa ' awenoeo vae ,-'. vuui -iap- leral of Cecil Davenport on " ' jdnesday at St Brides, Va. ' , i la Charlotte ok-end la Norfolk " j Mrs. W. H. Pitt left Tuesday T Irs. E. A Byrum spent the tor Charlotte where she is spend- ek-nd at Norfolk,. Va., with m& several days with her son "aUVes. iek-nd In Edeaton ' Mrs. Olivia' Hobbs spent the week-end with Mrs. C. N. Grif- In Edenton, , . and daughter-in-law. Mrs. Howard Pitt. ' t 'it nie',"wiw Mrs. ,JaKe White, who was a patient at the Albemarle Hospi tal several weeks ago, returned to the hospital Saturday for ob servation and treatment. . , , Sunday At FarattevUl Mr. end Mrs. Dick Brewer spent Sunday in (Fayetteville with friends and relatives., Fioib Duk Vnlnnflr v , Ij Miss Patricia 'Bigger 4 from uke University, 'Durtiam, Spent the week-end with her parents, Mr- and Mrs. J. T. Biggers. From Chap JHin li Miss Joann P. Williford, student . ait the University of North Carolina, t Oiapel Hill, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. end Mrs. C. . M. WiUiXord. ; , v -Visited Har ' Mr. and Mrs. Earl Young from Philadelphia, Va., visited Mrs, J. H. Bagley a short while Wed nesday enroute .from Florida to their home. . . .. j Operated Upon , Mrs. Minnie Perry underwent a major operation on Saturday at the Albemarle Hospital and is getting along , fairly well, In Graeavill Mrs. Wilson Reed-' and Miss Mildred Reed re visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jolly in Green ville. . , - AWARDED PKIzis'' Mr. and Weak-end Here Miss Betsy Orr from East Car olina College at Greenville, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lane. turned To Washington Leigh Winslow, Jr., and Miss .rginia Harris of Washington,1 In Charlotte i." C, have returned to Wash-1 -Mrs. H. C. Sullivan is spend gton after visiting E. Leigh ing several days this week in , ins low. Charlotte visiting Dr, nd Mrs A. D. Taylor. ueedar In Elisabeth CUr Mrs. Beatrice Garrett spent! Fwm Richmond Mr. and Mrs. William Hoffler of Richmond, Va., spent Friday and Saturday with relatives here. uesday in Elizabeth City with er daughter,' Miss Iris Garrett turned Home Harry Winslow has returned t Attended WMTI Meeting ma from (Norfolk General. Mrs. J.-W. Zachery and Mrs. spital in Norfolk, Va., where L A. Ward spent several days trus week in Winston-Salem i . went for observartion and eatment. turned Home Mrs. Robert Atwater of Char- tte spent the week-end with tr parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. 1 wards. , ram Roper Mr. and Mrs. C. T. White of loper .visited Mrs,. J. E. Everett unday. A Sick List Dan Reed, who has been con- ined to his home because of ickness, is improved. ,'eek-end la Raleigh Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Reed, Sr., ent the week-end in Raleigh xth Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Reed. nday In Richmond Mrs. William Tucker end Paul acker spent Sunday in Rich ond, Va., with Mr. end Mrs. hn Martin. where they attended the WMU meeting. Visiting Relatives Mrs. Helen Chappell is visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Broughton at Wilmington, DeL Week-end Here Vickie Johnson from Meredith College in Raleigh and Charlie Johnson f rom Wake Forest Col lege at Winston-Salem, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Johnson. Week-end Quests Sgt. and Mrs. Marion Riddkk and two sons,. Wayne end Rufus from Langley Field, Va., Robert Riddick from Norfolk, Va., Mrs. John Lewis Perry and daugh ter, Joan of , Windsor, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Riddick. Sunday In Tyrboro Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Towe visit-1 ed Mr. and Mrs. John Young blood in Tarboro Sunday. Week-end Guest Miss Julia Anne Stokes of Garner, Miss Clay Stokes from Peace College in Raleigh, Miss Ganelle Hargrode, also a student at Peace, Miss Virginia Sikes of Burlington, Miss Joyce Thornton, Miss Mareline W instead and Miss Verna Reynolds of Durham were 'the week-end guests of Mr. end Mrs. H. C. Stokes and Miss Jo Pat Stokes. From State College Willis Williams Preston Nix on and John Broughton, students ait State College in Raleigh, spent the -week-end with-4heir, respec tive parents. ; Week-end Here Miss Mabel Frances Keel from Radford College, Mr. end' Mrs. Don Lee of HopewelL Va., and Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Sadler of Suffolk, Va., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Keel, . Mrs. T. P. Brinn attended the Art Show last Wednesday, held at the Woman's- Club, in Eliza beth Cityv : Mrs. Brinn entered several of her watcreolor pic tures and was awarded second and third prizes in that division. ROOK CLUB MEETS , Mrs. J. HTowe entertained hc Rook Club FriHay 'high? t her'! home'" on' ChUrcJif Street Those -playing we're MesdameS E. Morris,' G. RTuckeTj' Anse White. Charles Whedbee;' Oscar Newbold, 'W. J.1'-Davis, C. T. Skinner, D. F. Reed, Sr.; Harry Hollowell, ' Carlton Cannon, Miss Mary. Sumner' and Miss 'Ruby White." The" nigh 'score' ' prizt went to Miss Sumner end low was awarded : Mrs. Reed. - Re freshments , were Served by the hostess. ENTERTAINED BRIDGE CLUB ' Miss . Thelma Elliott entertain ed her Bridge Club Tuesday night at her home. ' Those play. ing were . Mesdames Charles Whedbee, T. B. Sumner, Nathan Relfe, B. G.-" Koonce, W. G. Wright,' Donald ' Norman, Miss Kate Blanchard and the hostess. The;, high score, prize .went to Mrs.' Whedbee.. -, A sweet course was served. :., ' ' ' '.J i ' .'KC.roiCD At PARTY ' . Miss Jo Pat Stokes, whose marriage to Victor Huggins will take place April 2: in Germany, was. honored Saturday afternoon at a party given by Mrs., J T. Biggers, Mrs. C, MLWilliford and Mrs. G. R. Tucker at the Biggers home, on Market Street. .. - Arrangements of mixed spring flowers were used to decorate the; t party rooms. The'' dining, table was covered , with . a cut work linen cloth,' centered with a silver' bowl filled wl'.h:J white camellias. '- :' , The 30 guests present were served diced drinks, hami rolls, cookies,; cheese straws, - nuts and' mints. . 1 , , . "The guest of honor was pre sented a , gift of china by the hostesses.. . - . HOSTESS TO BRIDG5I CLUB Mrs. H. C. Stokes was hostess to , her Bridge Club ' Tuesday night i at here home ! on ' ; Front - m.m.m. m. ,-l-t)-iu--j--j-xoj-1j I N Make Appointment JNow : s For Yoiir ; , EASTER PERMANENT OR HAIR-DO PHONE 6787 LOOK YOUR BEST FOR EASTER WITH 'THAT NEW HAIR-DO FROM ) FAYE'S BEAUTY SHOP MRS. LANIER WHITE, Owner C5reet.!i Those r dames J. T. E : -gers, C. M.'Wil Word, C. E. Johnson, W. G. Bar bee. J. J). Cos ton. , Miss Marv Sumner, Miss Ruby ..White, andj Miss Louise Chalk. The hfgh score prize? went to Miss Chalk. A sweet course was seryed by the hostess. K::' " THY A WSEXLir CLASSIFC! I wish to lA ess my sincere thanks to my many friends, and. relatives for ..the; lovely cards, t :autiful flowers, : visits made ' and prayers Offered . while I was a patient in ' the hospital and since ray rjtum home. They will long be remembered. ' May God bless each one of you. i , X i ": DENNIS CAF.TWKIGST. ,"fr I mmmmm 'p:..yi M.v:; v::--.,-....i.. FRIDAY-SATURDAY SHOWS- FRIDAY KKW0 V. VS. - , SHOWS SATURDAY: 3:15-S;10-7:0S-9:0O, P. M. s t. . t w : Jeff ChanrIer and John Saxon .' , -m "HI PCTiRS" -. SUNDAY-MONDAY i SHOWS SUNDAY 8:15-45-3:1$ P. M. SHOWS MONDAY: 7:00 AND9;00 P. M. Marilyn Monroe arid Yves Montand , ' ;.-'. :rrm lET'S f,lilltE LOVF ; Admission: Adults 50c Children 25c ,1 Mwlt ' ;''-' it 3 11 ' ,.r.hkii' . .( - ij.-'i'wA ! I t i in-4 V( -.'': Week-end Here J. E. Winslow, Jr., spent the week-end with his father, J. E. Winslow and Mrs. Winslow. LADIES INITIAL BLOUSO Sizt 32 to 33 Mochin Woshoblt No Stored HcMory it Do Not Wring or Twfrt From Raleigh Jake Myers spent several days at his home here last week. In Kiaston Mrs. L. D. Myers, Mrs. William Ray Miller and Mr. and Mrs, Earlie Goodwin attended the funeral of Mary W. Dail in Kin- ston Tuesday; their sister-in-law and aunt. In Raleigh Mrs. Preston Nixon, who grad uated Friday night as a prac tical nurse, has moved to Ra leigh where she has accepted a position at Wake Memorial Hospital. From Norfolk Mrs. Tommy Thompson of Norfolk, Va., spent the week-end with her father, A. R. Stallings Returned Home Mrs. J. C. Martin of Tarboro has returned to her home after visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Weeks and family. From Graham Mr. and Mrs., Jerry Clayton and daughter, Kejly of Graham will - spend the week-end with Dr. and Mrs. T. P. Brinn. Sr.ztfcl $100 B tg. $1.93 Vatut Insurance Casnalty Accident & Health Hospitatotion ; Henry CSuUivcn -1 '; . Nationwide )nmruice ; :;'zi: . .I ; ' i' -i - i , , , , r ,-,- ' : - - A ' U V . VW. ... .'I , t , . .'"AU'U'. J 4Qi0 )fw mhT.i 0. S. CHOICE -Ov..?J -X lllUW;;W:t"f'VT 4, " COQED NX rtl7 VEAL STEAIt -99" choice) -i )a 7 Ji"""" . . . - NAfUI-TCNOfR il S. CHOICf 7""tx ) ( ,,1 ENTER'CUT "x ' ?n rrnr r 191 pXnnr? t:t " w il v Lj I cS81 '59n i-u-te-.ij j 1 t d-7. L A J:r--l '1 lS M G WHITINO '. p 1 -15c RIB Oft LOIN END X II' I I rib f l lT7?Qi. CXAKSE J:CE . 2 IS 47 xk IVl.- Um. I I " LOIN " ; ruAn'i ' I I I Jt?VW kamo noun won ' XI V ' - jr - - 1 I CPI JLi I I 'K tli M PCTATCES .... 2 45' K SiS , , i I U ol Ikt ) 1 I vliJ CHEESE . . 2'd5', SS -r' J ,i yyLl jB ii 5 PURCHASE OR MOREVNk i'. V S M Mam (Hon sum Fluffy Rice . HI W OU W-HNI HVM Cat Food , . 3 " At ev Pineapple a 2 (UXKO MUCI04M Afst. Cookies lew tm OUT M NIMIIM Wafer 8ars 3 13( WITH Uip MAW D1H MOT ' Turkey Slices fO IMA DaSSINV-fOAWDAN ; WIITfl W I .- HANOT I9 DHHWAMINO . W ' Nylonge Sponge ' KIMM9UIOWIOWC.9A1W : . M&MCana 313 Chip Twirls - STALEY'S WAFFLE SYRUP 19 35 7 C!3 TI.V.E DOG FOOD i; . . 3 - 59' FOTCII'5 .'.USTASID . i )!' 15 35' freuch d:ess!::s is? . . . . . .v- 3ic riZZA FIE tvJX . . . .'39' f::ai k::s cc:;yerted rice , . . 2T CASY-0H $TARaiJV"oTr . 49" 791 i CAIUTIA .IAD C1SCCITS ; . 6 ft 49 -NESCAFE i:i$TAHT COFFEE . . . w 87' HOT CROSS -CEiS--. . V . .1 37 rLUV I' -LUSCJOUS" FRESH L. A) o- ,! ii 'A Jjr 'PINT'-!, rV- ! St' ' s r - .- - J I I I, t .-iL , i ' I , ci."j:::( ti.'ia M cent cw on leenu ,: i:j$ta:jttea t cam oft on iwMai TEA CACS ITS Ntwm n TODAY . .1 YL":A!J COFFEE . . 79 Mi MHOMAtK HAflMI i FLUFFY "Alt" . . 37 iOW IIA1IN Oil ClOTHII CUAM cc;:::::xnwAUL; 7? MAMS CUANINO IMT -J ; UT .-..'.. 'j... i!Ar:pYj:3Y li. w IVm AU DAY PIOtKBON '"-.', .' UFEZC'JY SOAP . 2 .33' M au nm fAMtct ' ' ' ' LUX FLAI'ES . .ft 35 WW WNtU COMMIWON SOAT ' " ' ' ) ' life:c"jy soap i&ty OOTHtl OM 10MOH WIAI DIM , luxii:; i H . 35 (OAT Of MAUIUm WOMW .l' LUXSCA? . . 43? om aoTMt meHm hum Mm :::::o cut v . . . - S31 Htw un mau. w oto fok , ' . . L'JXSOAP . ,22? 'If R::r4r.i:n?s ; ' BJAII;SI' 'mads mow ioo aoMt em. I eta ' lit aioocmi aii rww otwraM sror housimho oooa wim A::;;;ictt Ml UK CUKNI I . . " w CONTAIMI VLTIA If OUf HHITINM A V59, ClIAN WMOOWS OWCK WON SMA CUD DU5S POTA702J . c::i-".i:, RVt UHIt Off ON MW I JUtl MAI. feWI AN. IAIAN CAM "1 ..', I f r 1 1 T$-? 2-siG otAND roi umcmt ''). " sv;:T3r:::) , :-4? 3' tMl f ' , OVIM Mlf MIAtl OMU't ' . s:ivn cusT I IWltNT HOUSiMOt. CUANW -, . f " i V." V. "..3 . 73 f; ?;124V POt AMTOMA Iff S'f !" " . - v . ' -V.! ',4' awm i .! i, - ' ? '. On "?. W fhtaM 4 MMimS A - Kft ROYAL C-IATL'I ooocVi eoicwit ili CING OOtS AONO SlAH 1- L'.W.A It. (Ml . ..'. H ,1 ! CCigC" 13 stamps r WtA Htti COufKHt erW Wr P.irh-M d lb. Plf. ; ,'"'. ". 45CV-, m frtOMil Siotf ! Ctvn - i:;J( -V - -? t T ... , '! SA CKA. WAT t.. k- '.'.rtl , -jj w SflWW 11

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