,1;- i j- "'TC&rERcv&usrs weekly. Hertford, ncsth Carolina, Friday, march k ism. 1 .777 'T;t: ill Ihiul2-l0rllr'Si; B LINDA BASS and KATKRYN BONNER i;, ) j -. 1 . ) : v The Junior and Senior Classes a( Fcrquimans High School have thof n their flower and colors f.,r t.e" year. " v The. Senior Class for the first time1 in five years has chosen a Ilower other than the carnation. - The 'Avhole class showed -much interest in the selection of the , flower andi -tried, to choose. jne ' which' would he 1 pretty and; at the Same time'1 w6uld hold up 4 "well.! After much discussion, the final decision was the orchid ' chrysanthemum. The "y colors . chosen to ' go with the flower , wereorchid and white, 'H ? J IV fe necessary that the f)over ' .and Colors be chosen at this time as thy will be, used in the deco ratoins at graduation, and will lso be a part' of the decorations at the Junior-Senior Prom along ! Wwith cjthe Junior flower and col : ors. The Junior Class has chos i en the peppermint carnation;. as its' flower and red and white as i its colors." w While the biology lab isn't ex ftctly,4 home economics fclass, Coach Perry has had his pupils preparing frogs' legs for his sup per for the last few days. The SPEClAiii Cash & Gut? Cement Pipe 6-in. Joint. 125 8-in. Joint... $. 3.$0 10-in; Joint!, $j:00 t2-iniJoiml$lKk) linij Joint. $7.00 18-in; Joint. ..$10.00 24-inj Joint.. i See usfor your needs, ' for all types pf building ' 'materials.' 'c.-''f':''f'?ri ', Ti Harris Plumbing & Building: SuppI6o. students ar using their new laboratory equipment for the dis secting of frogs and expect to conduct further experiments as time goes on.. . The Seniors have .. been re minded that this is 'the last full week in which they have to or der1 their commencement invita tions. Witk March, 27 bein the lasv,day, in rhicli tcj prder Wood win ,bf taking; ail ordVs. Faye Wood, Senior Class Treasurer, , reported Monday at the weekly class meeting that the' Senior play, netted a , profit of $144.21 .after all expenses were-paid,1 'jWe are very proud of this 'record by the 1961 class for last year's Seniors made a profit of $144.25, only four cents more than this year. The money made by the class will be used to help with commencement ex penses, which are not too far in the future. . v Again may we thank Mrs. Elizabeth . Skipsey, director, . for without her efforts it would have been impossible. For the next three months the students 1 who have included in their year's studies shorthand and Typing II will be using the dictaphone. The machine . is rented through the school ;for! tHe.1 purpose of increasing' . the stu dent's knowledge in, the commerr cial field. - : j !;, Also, this week shorthand stu dents were required to take ' a letter, in shorthand dictation and transcribe. . , .their notes on the typewriter to be mailed home to their parents in letter form. En-Closed- in the letter will be the shorthand notes ' actually ' taken and the transcription, which will act as report to the parents on the progress being made in com mercial studies. ' " ' . 'REMEMBER WHEN ... Re member wheA . students1 strolled ihe halls, arm-in-arm, during re cess and lunch period? Now students are required to be in their rooms studying, in the auditorium-or out of the building, bujf definitely not strolling the halls! . .r , 5 '' ClubWomenAttentf Music Workshop MEMORIAL FROM TURKEY A memorial 'white marble iombstone has been erected in Cedarwood Cemetery.. 'Sons of Mrs. Tnlivem ArideKson ' shiooed ' t ,T: i the Rtnne fiYim -nirKev Y,u Mr; PHONE 5401 Jv...; 1 1 Anderson And Mr. and Mrs Sam :;? 4Iertfordi N. if! r-Hbtmwu2lS'-as ?1nemorial to t uieir mouier, -.' ' , ; . . ,, ;, - , IT . ,i Miss Ethel Theresa Sutton 1 the daughter of Mr. and Mrs . ' Robert E. Sutton of Hertford, who announce her engaqemant to Cpl. William Wray Chappell, USMC, Twentynlne Palm. California, son of Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Chappell of Hertford. . The wedding will take place April 16 at Berea Church of Christ at 4:00 P. M. Friends and relatives are invited. partment in Raleigh, Mrs. Fred " Matthews of Route 1, Hertford, . the State Music Chairman, traveled to Washing ton County and Gates County to lead music workshops for the two districts. Mrs. Matthews led the planning and assisted' Miss Pritchard in conducting ' the workshops. - Perquimans music leaders, Mrs. Jack Benton, Route 3, .Hertford, Mrs. Melvin ,Eure, Route 3, Hertford, ' Mrs. : Elmer Banks, Durants ' Neck and the home agent, Ila Grey Mcllwean, attended the meeting in Gates County at Sunbury. ' I The leaders came home with a greater appreciation .of music. ll "Music appreciation is under standing and enjoying music". Music is in two categories mu sic in workshop :and music in recreation. ' The two types should not compete with each other. There is a time and place for all types. of music" ( i These were comments started by Miss Bobbie Pritchard at the 25th District :;Home Demonstra tion. Music Workshop in Gates County. Miss Pritchard5 is member of the N.' d Music D9 " MILLER i2ND tDAIL GENERAL SHOPWORK Located across the street from Harris Building & Supply Company SEE US FOR Welding of all types Log Trailers and Carls Farm Machinery Repairs Drain Plows Phone 5266 Hertford zi r.;tr.:i;r:::.'E3 r2cni3"EJ '';. J: .... . ilW&k tl'riTiSKS PRS'.M FERTiU2Eu3 are ths -r ;s "J" c;:r;?r7; 1v'.ztn thct for 53 Jf"' I - M'.. t:.:5-!vV$ 'ter'and over a;ain.:'A.: t(' 1L r A f:rt::; ara cani:ia:$ forha t ; - ' : V : ti ?. cScr'-liSber Ml yca'u i.j ' ;r." ii cur r.lCJ.3 nama. CsU ycur Rc.srtsoia. .1 fc f,4K. if ftp f ffuttmx .j L::;::J it to North Carolina . . ;a glass of beer mieans many things To our state economy a class of beer means i v nuvo than 8 Million Dollar in State Tanes and 4. - sevml million more inages, property , , jn investments and the products and services of ": 'other industries. 1 hose progressiva uounties ana Municipalities.wherein the "legal sale" of ale and beet is permitted benefit most. And-to all Tar Heels a glass of beer means a better economy . . . better living.. . . and tht ' symbol of a lighter, brighter refreshment to be enjoyed by law-abiding citizens. i ' ' f ' -'ji-il''"' North Carolina! Divisioa .. . . ' UNITED STATES BREWERS TOUNDATIOK, INC. - . ' ' :'v' 1 i '-'.'-V"-:' :'- "' ' ',:, "'' ' . ' . ''.vwv.i i.-tiyr-i ' v ' ' " ... , '"i'nnl,n--r ' ' -- - -. J According to the . home agent,' the objective of the Home Demon-, stration music program is to en courage music appreciation through a music education pro gram with adults and youth. . 'Mrs. Matthews encouraged the leaders to attend the State Mu sic Workshop at Brevard College Tune 12-15. 4-H boys and girls and adults have-received great , benefits from the school. .Ap plications : for scholarships are available at ' the home agent's office. ,.-, v.: j LIBRARY NEWS j Most of the new books receiv ed in the Perquimans County Library in the past , two weeks are non-fiction and cover a wide range of subjects. Two are very beautiful memorial books. Great Paintings from the. Metropolitan Museum of Art is in memory of Mrs. Ellen Winslow MeCallum, and Flowers, in Color, is in mem ory of Joseph Carroll Blanchard Other . non-fiction titles' ara: Translating the Bible, by Grant: ! Tavlor Thnstrp ! Antique,-,; itptj .jColfeeilng; ' ' 1 iiid.ie usual several new niys-L Frith.' AoDraJsin .! and ! Selling 1 teriesi; light .romances, and wfesUl Old Coins' by iSterimg;: The rif-':"5 ! ' .;'.t! Al J j' Sielr al QUARTERLY CONFERENCE y Bardolph; the 1961 World I , The Rev- R- L- Jerome, super manac, and Sports Illustrated intendent of the Elizabeth City Books on Baseball, Small Boat District of the Methodist Church, be at First Methodist iliiH'iiii.in n ing iiie past year; also, nqmi- Sailinor:' Dnir' TraininrT anA Fnnt ! ... - . will Daa- "''.. ' , I Church, 'Hertford, Monday night, Also new in the library are: March 27, at 7:30 o'clock to con Complete - Humorous Sketches duct the Fourth Quarterly Con ani Tales of Mark Twain; a new ference. edition of Ben Hur; . Rizpah, by Agenda for the Conference will Charles Israel .which is a novel, include a summary of the 'reports with a Biblical setting; The Dog ; 'of the various Commissions and Who Came-to Stay, by Borland; Committees and their work du.- ialsjto ieye'foif.ttie'tyew cnurch! year beginning July 1. ; i , All members of the Quarterly Conference are expected . to ; tend, but the conleience is also open to all other ..interested church members: ' ' i ' Long Time : a will be made fori ;offi- Doclor "I dvise you to take u ihii uuiii utiure reiiring. Patient "Before retiring? But I won't be retiring for' another len years." i , "DRIVE THE GRAY AND SAVE THE GREEN!" THE NEWVAIIANT EDENTOK. N '. I 1 Thursday, March 23 j Dean Stockwell and Wendy Hiller in "SONS AND LOVERS" Friday and Saturday, March 24-23 DOltBLK FKATIKK Bill Travers In "GORGO" -HUd Jeff Richards in "THE SECRET OF THE PURPLE REEF" . Both In Color 1861 to 1961 Sunday. Monday and Tuesday,! March 26-27-28 Jimmie Rogers. ' Luana Patten 1 i and Chill WilU in i "THE LITTLE SHEPHERD ! j OF KINGDOM COME" j i Cinemascope and Color : Wednesday,, March 29 DOI'BLK: FKATIBK June Wilkenon in "CAREER GIRL" ADULT KNBETAINMENT In Color '-.. Stuart Whitman in "MURDER. INC."V Sfc-4""T """y? lS .i.rfaw...)...'.aM f;fiS uj SOU) ONLY IB THE SOUTH IIMIIED mmm AVAILABLE We created this special moM Valiant for this year's Centennial and we named it the "Dixi Special." It costs no more than Yankee models and it gives you a beautiful Confederate Gray color and a deluxe interior that's how you save the green stuff. Be the first to drive this car styled for the South come see it today! Valiant! Lwi;sMiilCi4 tiiairifiTiiiliif,1Tiii.iirtnl-T,-iiii-Tii,rrl-ir-iriii Rich-looking pleated up holstery and trim in hardy, long-wearing vinyl ere ted for "Dixie Special" Here's the special insignia on the side of the door that tells the world that you're driving a "Dixie Special" """' -YyYYTIIHlHH l 2 License Xo. 1090 If you can't find just what you want right around home and you're going "out-of-town" to do your shopping for Easter, read why Norfolk is the best place to go! ...... There' a wider selection in Norfolk's attractive stores. There are more than 200 apparel stores - 2000 retail establishments all offering a variety that will enable you to find exactly what you want. Prices in Norfolk stores are down-to-earth! Larger volume and quick turnover mean less overhead and lower prices. The value you receive is high the price you pay, economical and sensible. t;" .''-.'' .' :i ''..''. ; '..''.,, .-' !:''-'.',; . '. :'.'."'" '. .. All over town you'U discover the latest in Spring fashions. Remember, quality merchandise and fair price ' . : ; ; pnw;i feal pleasure to shop in Norfolk. : , ' ; ';;. ; ".''" ": '! ; ': j , number Of convenient parking places increases every year. Traffic is lighter on Tuesdays and Wfldna eUys and even more parking spaces are available. v Regularly Kheduled Trailways buses make it possible for you to leave for Norfolk in the morning, do fVm hopping ind return home in the afternoon. - V ,(.u. v sC 1 v