ilfTi'!?::..- ' Ml 3 L. v 4 i ": lixrJ, Perquinin3 Cour i forth Carolina, Ifriday, May 12, 1961. - In! T, Si '.I )' N-n.- ft!' ' ?4:.T' ". ' ITT1.1 ''"' ' ' V. ' ! (V -1 - i iii-ii ii .. ii uii uitfiiiiw .fliRjjjpw mvmijmmmm0.i.m jujijimi...w - . GbvernmeiitToUc . Hil l , I . 'W . tyh. " ,:::NG F'ects of static eri-icily are vividly felt .i Taylor at L;e Student Fair at the Chicago Museum - jnce ana industry. C:::: To .15 VWV- L t he Eagley Swamp Pilgrim fe iirch. gave a - three year pas toiitil' recall to the .Rev. A. E. Esefoot in iheir recent annual bui'mess meeting. The Rev. Mr. Ercfoot with, his wife and four V Is , completing a one iral call which they be August. They, came ... , astor after completing a -seven year missionary term in the Union of South Africa.' He was brdained August, 1948. Af ter Js ordination he accepted, a pastorate . in Columbia, S. C, vhere he served for five years before going to Africa as a mis sionary. I e received, fit .. Bach elor; bf ' Theology Prree from Eou'thern Pir' l College. He h"salso takritc. (8 work at Owos;so - C 3 in Owosso, I.I.chian. , - , ; In, his accr Ej-ecri. to the recall as p: . r, t'.e rev, Bare fooilstated, "The r t year has besSrt a time of r" ' " acquaint ed ''both for n:L, . rch and ths! people of I - 3 Coun ty. iln the year I. ti lies a c' 'lenge we acc t 1 y t' e he'p I ''race ol C '. 1 1 i a c.4. .nr ; T.i the hir.tuty tier i v I 'has man had a luoie c -' .e need of God and tl.e ch. God is stiU on ( t':e re f-i tI yield myj-'f as an t ti our f vrpon to- ..4. ,..3- t' 1 y"r. ",.L. .A ; I" 1 1 I 'I.' a. .1 1 A 1 Hertford's Town Board, "meet- ing here last Monday night, ten - tatively adopted the' same bttd - get and tax rate for the fiscal year beginning July 1 as beipg in force during this fiscal, year, The action was adopted subject iio snnai buqh. oi ine iowns" wtin ; l-t f ? . I ' -MAltrta r1aV4,-4011 rAixatlnA miil. 1 duuks iur uus year.- i ,.- J ' The, Board also discussed Stream Sanitation dommia- i" reading .classification of t: t -Perq-imani- River and au - tJ ;bed Town Attoniey Oiaa. E. : oh Or write the Coinmis- s.o.i advtfiing tt Hertford idvifiing it Hertford will pre t on a voluntary basia to- cor 'y with the i out. hoWever, ' I 1 (pointed , - 1 u for W- Board to obtain a clearer picture of the requirements the, town wUl- request the Stream I Commission to send its engineer i u ' Ut . v ' 4 ', Stahton first, Carolyn Faye Rog 'i.44. ia ,!., ti i.tsi .,;, i wtn assauii.1 .- j j o-Lj t here to discus the details with members of the Board. Mayor V. N. Darden , advised the commissioners, from1! infor mation he had received, -lie was or the opinion the State Com mission will permit the town proceed at, a -reasonably Jslow wj rare in carrying out " the com plaint order.- ,'' ' v ; '. The Mayor. also advised the vommissionera arrangements have been completed, ' In cooperation with State. Prison Commission and the Mosquito Control .Agen cy, to improve drainage of Jen ny's Gut from Route 17 to the river.' , - ' The Board was also advised plans are progressing for a num ber of street projects in Hertford this summer. Some 20 streets were damaged last winter by weather' 'conditions and these streets will be sealed in the com ing months.- Expenditures for these projects will, come from the Powell funds. -1 " Police Capt. " B. L. Gibbs in formed the Board the Police De partment is now calling store owners when the police discover unlocked doors in business - es tablishments at night. The own er is called to inspect the store a-1 to loci: the doors., v Previ-ossiily,-. tfc-. police had been lock ' T t' 3 doors f r storekeepers. , Town C r . C. Elliott told f-e T.: 1 . .1 ved f iv ort," " r.. .. i vj the new Cw.i-lfiTt- .1 . r 'rates now being c!.. j-id consumers by the 4own. f A Cop" ss 1 r. t t' e i r. t t- 1 6 - l t' 4..t t u.1 t I ty - 'c ti fi'il ;i A varied docket consisting. 14 cases was listed for Perquinv ans V Recorder s Court here Tuesday mortiing. , - . A; bond posted by Norris Mc Clinton, Negro, was ordered for feited when the defendant failed to appear jn court to answer to charges Of trespassing and dam aging of property. A companion case in which Alton Jordan, Ne gro, faced similar charges was.: continued. '. ., ; A fine of $20 was paid by 'R. ' R. Keaton, who Submitted 1 to charge of speeding. lae WU- garden scene was staged vsing liams was ; fund , guilty . on; a white lawn furniture and pines, speeding charge and he was or-1 An 80-foot runway wa extended dered to pay fine of $10 and, fi0m the stage, draped la green costs. ' land white material. Narrating Daniel Roberson pleaded guil- for the event was R. M. Thomp ty to charges of being drunk. He ' son, County 'Agricultural Agent, was fined $2 and costs. Johnnie Brothers, Negro, en- t'ored a plea ol guilty to charges being drunk and disorderly. He was ordered to pay a fine of !$10 and costs ahd he qf good be- havior for six months.;. ;- A nonsuit was granted ia the ccse in which Mathews Blanch- "d, Negro, was . charged with 1 assault with a. deadly weapon, 1 Costs Of court were paid by 'Norwood. Davis, who submitted o charges of improper passing. f Henry Meads submitted to a charge of failing to sound flora i """" r- o Meivm Chappell pleaded .gnu- VuouJr8" SJJ " rS 8" P8"1 "Quor, ; lie paid a nne. !o J? "i; costs-. - ' " ' Arthw-Tlce Pald .fine. of 25 and' 00518 efter submitting4o. a char8e' paving no valid . op- orator s license. , - - - Costs of court were paid by (!f l- Cots I of courtl Werfe fritd LatnE nalrfln Iwilns. .Ne- iha t ,nwhirh .PLV ' r- rharced Pearline Riddickr Negro, paid a fine of tX and costs after n.4w mnltv to a charee of being' drunk on highway.f -"i Lliltl V4 v,!!-!! " B::JTi::yM.l. ; Linwood L. Chappell, 63, for 18 years owner and operator of a store in Belvidere, died Tues day morning at 11 .o'clock.! He, was found dead in his car which was parked about one-half mile from the Pasquotank County line in ' the Turnpike road, j-. , , , A lifelong resident of Belvi dere, he was a ton of Jesse M. and Mrs. Alice Jo ChappelL- TIe was a member of Piney Woods, Church. - . .. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Henrietta Lane , Chappell; one son Galley Chappell of iBelvi dere; ' two sisters; Mrs. ; M-ary Monds of . Elizal sth City and Mrs. Effie Ladis of HicksvUle, N. Y.; and three grandchildren. Funeral services were conduct ed Thursday afternoon ft 2:30 at the Piney "Woods . Friends Church by the Rev. -Mark Hod gins, pastor, assisted by the; Rev. Louis Winslow. - , (Burial' followed in the Chap pe'l family cemetr-y. Fallbearers were -joland Cope and, Freeland Ccroland, Eugar ChappelL Fred ;h, Pharlie' Thomas - Rogarson, ' Jr.,' 'and Ed gar ,Charpell, i1' "i, - A i 0f1M:- - uim- f k.,...i j-V W,-J ;ssi.;,l3 The Perquimans Junior r and Senior 4-H Dress Revue ' was held- on- Wednesday night) of last week in the auditorium of the Hertford Grammar School with a approximately 200 attending. A while Miss Betsy Barbee, accom- plished pianist, rendered music throughout the. program.,; . V i The Junior 4-H - sartkipants were Miss Anna Martha Chesson, Miss Delores Faye Chappell, 'Lou. iVickers, Lela Mae Long, - Nancy Matthews, Barbara iterrison, Joyce Davenport, Carolyn" Ann White, Betsy Kit-by, Jennifer Ann chambers, Ann NowelL Nancy Elliott, Phyllis Diane Benton, Linda Ann .- HarrelL Carolyn Long, Ellen Wood, Judy lm$, Lois Owens and Carolyn Laije. jn the Dressy Dress Division, j ijviiss ueua Mae Long wa urst . 4 j tn.i piace winner, Nancy CUiott r w, T,J? I -T 1 J2P'ii to Julian. -wa8 tixt phyijjs Diane Bfehton 'second, Lou Vickers thfrd, In the Apron Division Jennifer Ann chambers was first and" Joyce Davenport second,-. i . The - senior 4-H participants Benton, Delia Rae ra jennuigs, Lyrna ttwoiac, JnnirH Rne Stanton. " I Placing first in the Senior 4-H'ers were. Miss Janice Rae ,avy ngs thUd. Honorable mention given Miss Lydia Riddick. Miss -Jan-ice- , Rae ,tetnton will represent Perquimans County t District Day on June zO at Choco wmity. - Janice Rae wore a pink perfection -wool creation. She stepped onto the runway in her winter or spring ensemble which was completely lined. -The dot-man-sleeved sheath i dress with wide self belt fastening in the back cost $8.56. s The judges were Miss Cather ine Aman, Assistant Home Eco- 4? (Continue On Pig To) ? : V JJ'.',' i; J Action Cy PL'-ts A renewal of tactics by pilots of military planes dredting the round barrier pver Hertftird dur ing the past two weeks resulted in complaints being made to Congressman Herbert , C. . Bon ner, :.:;,::::, ic : ' V ' ' Following terrific blast here Monday, Mrs. , Tom Cox called Mr. Bonner registering a com plaint and Mr. Bonner stated he would - Immediately investigate and protest this action' on the part of pilots.. In its meeting Monday night the Town Board discussed com plaints Lied in regard to these percuss "ns . and , agreed ' to re quest, ringressman . -Bonner to iuyestit,. e.the aotioa. , Eevertl.' menthse ago:;rsidoits J a wiif- erea to this sectioh:..Bf 'e state, protested, these, sound V -Aa ani 1 wtre - then advised r..:Kt. ry ruthotities were taking i to r event them. ' i qaiet..-pe-iod 'fot-j i but this was brc' -n seTf 'jics t during he W 4-l .JiuJ jk. I y ' 'e . T," li,A t! t am Tsui l-re c ' " i ft 7 ftallincs i Legion ' -n sup k it irsrt- -t v 11 , 1 . AtEXANDRIA FALLS TO INVADERS The Invaders in this case are workmen demolishing the "Alexandria" set In Pinewood Studios, England. Work was halted on the film "Cleopatra" after star Elizabeth Taylor took 111. The movio will be shot in Egypt when production resumes. Property Values For Tax Purposes Show Slight Drop Property valuation in Perquim- C. Powell, tax supervisor, who has completed a. tentative tabu lation of figures reported to tax listers during January. Property " valuation for i 1961, including real and personal prop- is tentatively estimated at as ' , compared -with a, UM . I -f".w- o.-ric, .uvoru- ing to Mr. Powell, is accredited to a drop in automobile and farm equipment sales, thus cut ting : into personal ' property list ings. .Listing for real estate for the year rose somewhat due to new' construction. V The 1961 yaluatiun figures giv en '-amount -to 413,881,000 plus some $281,000 assessed on local corporations. : . A breakdown of the valuation figures by townships was re leased by Mr. Powell as fol lows: Hertford Noi J ..j.......4..$4,057,218 Hertford No. 2 485,914 Belvidere No. 1 .............. 2,214,622 Belvidere No. 2.............. 200,762 Parkville No. 1 2,565,256 Parkville No." 2 J. 319,527 New Hope No, J ............ 2,353,164 New,4 Hope No. 2 313,026 Bethel No. 1 1,171,454 Bethel No. "2 .t...l..:...., . 260,384 Li SktD Of Officers The Perquimans Business and Professional Women's Club held its regular monthly business meeting' recently at the Munici pal Building' with the president, Miss Hulda Wood, presiding, i Miss Wood announced that the State Convention would be held In June in Durham. - Plans were made for the installation Bri quet to be neld May 18 at the Methodist Church, when Mrs. Ruby Blythe, past State Presi dent, will be the featured speak er.' Letters' of acknowledgment were read fronv Senator Emmett "Winsloflf end; Representative :,Ar e'vUne. f eoneeVaint the pro posed state sales tax increase. -i i ;The- nbnviriating committee presented the following slate of officers for the new yean which was accepte by th? member- ship;;.' fc.!?''- i. q t PresidenitMiBS? Hulda' i Wood; f -.t vice president, Mrs. jacx I rbace; second ,vice president, j. Jake Jackson; recording . 'ii-v lAita. .Thelma Elliott: It -responding- - secretary, Mrs. i orman. Elliott; ; treasurer, Mrs. I lelvin Owens. A rxrs t'.us -ms i' lonary So- --... 4 . 4.'- ..'.1 it '.'J.?f;-"y1 . cr j 1 ml 1 ' I UAKa ' Headlines i Alan ,;Shepard,; America's fu-st astrdnaut, received official-, rec- Wright is being assisted to pre ognition of his feat, in Washing-. parations for the programs by ton on Monday when President, Kennedy lauded the Command- efcfor .is part in the space pro- gram ano;. awarded nun a .meon Later Congress praised Shepf&rd with personal greetings ajid a formal resohition? . ; Two unsuccessful candidates for the office of goverhor in last year's primary, John Lar kin and Malcolm, SeawelV along with Judge J. B. Craven, have been .nominated for appointment' as federal judges. Some 73 new federal judgeships are scheduled for .the nation, and it appears North Carolina will receive three of them. Raleigh reports hint that the Legislature may reach the ad journment stage about the mid dle of June. The reports point out the appropriation , and fi nance i work may, be completed within two weeks, leaving one other important item for . settle ment, that being redistricting of congressional districts to' reduce' the state's districts from 12 to 11. Economists report the 1960-61 depression reached' bottom , dur- ing February and' indications are noW the nation, s recovering from . the effects With business expected to he onv the upswing during the remainder of this., Earlie Goodwin, Jr., was in year. i ducted into the Order of Ex- ,, v 'hausted Rooster,' signifying re- A bill calling for automobile tirement age f or . the orgaoiza- inspection in North Carolina was killed ' by a 58-55 vote in the House 1 Tuesday. The proposal, backed ' by the Department of Motor Vehicles, had passed the Senate but failed to muster suf- ficient votes in the House to be come lew. Police Report 11 -Arrests In April Hertford ..Police , Department made a total of 11 arrests dunne kthd kmontrj of April, according to Capt. B. . L, Gibbs, who stated the charges , were' drunks 3, dis orderly' conduct -1, assault 1, traffic arrests 3,v whiskey viola tions .3. - ;;:!v;.";!"'iy . 4-i'i"' ''. The : department answered 79 calls, ? investigated! three acci dents, extended 80 , 'courtesies, found 12 doors unlocked and re - nrhwi to tk- kL car - traveled 2,470 miles during the month.' - ' - - 1 ,-"v ?I FESTIVAL 1 arms, Frank was , elect 1, .OtV-r King Z. t School presents loff iters are Vice president, Ci Hs -Turing : sUval' Wednesday ly WiiHow; secretr-y Tch " n';ht, Iay 17,'f 8 o'plock m Bass; t. Asuiwr, "S " V. Kie "tlvity r Jtn,, The themfc is die, an r.aniat, 5 . ..r.. . ,"Ar- ' T. V , j.,,. i - i 1 InsU ;m . s i . "' cr" v,y i-vit- held i . set 1' T ' ';y r t :- : Dates te:ccd For May Festrds rv ' .'- "- ' ' Plans for May Day festivities at Hertford Grammar School and at Perquimans County Central Grammar School were announc ed this week by Miss Caroline .Wright, teacher. public school music Bolh of the May Day Festivals have as their theme this year "The Wedding of the Painted Doll." In Hertford, on Friday, May 12, the program will begin at 2 P. M. on the fiont lawn of the Grammar h School. Iri Winfall on . Friday, I May 19, the program will begin! at 2 P. M. on the front lawn Of the Central Grammar School Among those attending the "Wedding of the Painted Doll" will be Mother Goose characters representative of Mary and Her Little Lamb, Little Jack Horner, Farmer in the Dell, the Old Wo AtGrammerSchool man Who Lived in a Shoe, the not expand on the announce Jumping Jack, Buster Brown, ment by the Congressman, and Red Riding Hood, Oollies frcm he did not know the details of the Follies, Mistress Mary. (the plans for the base, as they The "welding" itself will be , had not as yet been disclosed. featured by Miss Gladys Felton and Mrs J. V Roach's ihirri grades. In Hertford the seventh grade : will wind the traditional Myypole and in Winfall the sixth grade will do this. All erades are oarticioatine in the afternoon festivities and Miss teachers ot the two crammar schools. ' Special -solo numbers Vill be presente by. Jan White naiPatrk:la-TLan ii HertSird ..- ... - . 4. and Ava Rae Kirby and Mark' Thompson in Winfall. . 1; j Patrons and friends of the ' schools are invited to t attend these special programs " which ! have become a delightful part of the spring .school . calendar' in Perquimans County since Miss .Wright joined the school faculty in 1958. . Instc!!; John Beers was installed as president of the Hertford Junior Chamber of Commerce at cere monies held Wednesday night in the cafeteria of the Hertford Grammar School, following a 10th anniversary dinner served by the school PTA. Robert Bryan, 10th District vice president, acted as installa- tion officer and in addition to Mr. Beers installed Robert Tay- lor as vice president; Elwood Copeland as secretary; Joe Towe as treasurer and Hillary Scaff as 5tate director. ' i - tion. '''':. ' Levin Culpepper, Mayor of Elizabeth City, and past ,10th District vice president, was guest speaker for the event He gave a brief resume of the history of! the Hatford, Jaycees and out lined the importance a civic or ganization can play within a community. ",s C , ' '.' '," " i.;-;r Student Council ' ; Elects Officers 4 On May. 4, the student body of i s Perquimans ; High ." School elected the, Student Council of ficers .for.; the 1961-62 school year, v. Due to the ctose tvote in the presidential elections, a run off between Franklin McQoogah and Pete Cook vu necessary, 1 Fwklin was electedjiresident y smiH margain. There was lso a run-off between Reed j Mathews ahd Frank Mansfield ffor the; office of tergeant-at- Jaycee Officers , Harvey v Point. Naval Base i id again scheduled to. be; site fat.,.- a government facility, according to an announcement made Tues day by Congressman Herbert C, . Bonner to Mayor- V. N. Dar- -den. . (: ;';'; ;'.: -'i'JS:i to a telephone conversation, Mr. Bonner advised Mavor Dar ' den 8 decision had been made ,bv a government agency to use the base as a training site. The nature vof the activities was not disclosed but Bonner told the Mayor some 80 men will be as- signed to the base as trainees, and possibly five civilians will be employed to work at, the base in connection wh this program. in his announcement Bonner stated, according to his infor- ma tion, .the program will be continuous and new trainees will be located at the base as older men complete their programs, A representative of the gov- crnmental agency which is to use the facility, Mr. Bonner said, will be in Hertford to confer with Mayor Darden within a very short time. Mayor Darden said he could 1 He did say he was pleased on rpcemt nf the npwa that Anllnur- J ing a survey of the facility, the present administration had de cided to make use of the site. Originally scheduled to be the home port for the SeaMastep .-v plane, which was discarded, -Harvey Point was closed dowft ' after some $11 million had bee'' , epended in construction for1 th-i plane base., Since last year' -it. has . been' on . retatrfer status 4X4. r x r . I witfif unitrof Tia.wd taJn- r ed there to-police the base anSA handle the bomft : range worV carried out in the Albemarfe. . Sound. ' (f Since that time, Congressman ' oonner nas worxed diligently i have the government use tlf site for some activity, and it cently Governor Sanford, at ri" quest of a number of his local supporters, also sought action to have, the facility placed in op- ' ecation. " : . . ' Indisis Play Aces Perquimans High School will close out. its Albemarle Confer ence baseball schedule Friday afternoon when the Eden ton' Aces come to Hertford for a make-up contest. Game time will be 2:15 o'clock. ; The Indians are battling for a berth in- the conference play, offs, having defeated Plymouth. Tuesday night by a score of 10-1 and scored ; '.a decision over Ahoskie on last Friday 3-2. Perquimans scored eight runs in the. sixth inning Tuesday night to win easily ; over Ply . mouth. Julian Nixon, -: Jerry Chappell, Jim Hunter and Don Chesson each got two hits to lead the . attack while Chappell and Hunter handled the pitch ing duties for the Indians. Perquimans ' scored two runs in the first inning and added eight in the sixth while Ply mouth was held to a lone run, scored in - the fourth. , : Hunter, pitching for Perquim ans, gave up two hits and struck out 14 Ahoskie batters. The In dians collected five hits off Ahoskie hurler Whaley. . Ahoskie opened the scoring in the game, tallying two runs in the second inning but IPerquim- 16ns came back to knot the tount in the fourth. In the last of the seventh, singles by Jirnmy Hunter ; and Jerry Chappell and an error on Nixon's' grounder .accounted for the winning run. , , '.' " . TO, CRAD9ATE , San Diego (FHTITC) John T. Lane, nl, ' apprer" pet'.y cr- f icert,,Ui:N, son of John T. 'f Jr 9j!..J." i f r. r I Friday Afternoon

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