73 CAEOUSAJ FRIDAT JUNE 2S. I9BI.. a: e tv. . i - In contrast , ; to the several programs operated by ASC in ' North Carolina .which i serve 4o- reduce ... production of ; certain commodities, ASC o. --ateS j a program ' which ' "was 5 signed specifically: to increase .e pro? duction of wool: ' i A. P. HasseiL Jr. . Administra tive Officer for the Agricultural - Stabilization ; and C nservation State , Committee, e- ' ,d that wool is an essential 1 . , strate gic commodity ' which f is v not . produced in sufficient quantity in the United States. "For this reasonf he said, "Congress passed 'the . ' Wool Act of 1954 which directed the Secretary of Agriculture to provide , an in centive program which would encourage an annual production of 300 million pounds of shorn wool." ; . - r ',; -For the last few years the incentive price under the wool program has been set at 62 cents per pound for shorn ' wool. The : program provides that farmers market "their wool through the 1 norma V channels , obtaining the best possible price tot their pro duction; -At; the- end of . the marketing year the' Department of Agriculture ' determines the average national" price "obtained by all wool growers., for their , wool The percentage , required to bring this national price up. to the 62 cent incentive' level is J determined and all farmers who market wool receive this per-1 centage increase , in their. in come ; from -wool sold. ;tf According" , to Hassell, every year this program has .been in effect it has served its purpose by increasing the national pro duction of wool, v Should 'the national average price received by wool ; producers Ijhrpughout the nation during 1961 reach the 62c -level ' then payments will no longeT be necessary, BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Creg Lane an nounce the birth of their third daughter, Kimberly Nixon, Fri day; June 0, vat the Albemarle Hospital in Elizabeth. City. . K DRY CLEANING AT ITS FINEST! , SHIRTS THE WAY YOU LIKE THEM f Complete Launtfry and Dry Cleaning Service . RICKS Laundry & C'caners - PHONE 2143 ; ' Edenton, N. C. . . -- . HMtll kevex r::::s pa:: 2 t:;;.:$ aj t: AS All' cuaxa:;:" f -.. Truly tl awning! rode, c they're Syphon" up to 12 . to your tc '."a most rf5f V Won't TV rr,f ,1 or r ; ', ni 1 1 D'V. . r 1 " """" J I'liiiii "'ihi f r iiii-'i "ini iiimri'i-r1 r::tor: a response , of our appeal for the promotion of the sale of tree seedlings from pur nurs eries during last spring was out standing ' and no small part of the success was due to your Support, ;:;'.: i-iease accept the . thanks of the State of North Carolina and particularly th ,lJrCarollna Forest Service for your, public iryice in an outsajvfiiif ;effort to promote reforestation in the state..' :"'"': 8,',' r'::; V.Yry. truly yours; CLARIJX CLARIPGE,- State Forester. OAK GROVE SOCIETY ' HOLDS REGULAR MEETING ,. ; The , Woman's " Society of Christian Service of Oak Grove Methodist Church held its regu lar monthly meeting - Tuesday night, June 13, at the church. Mrs. Maggie Bright, president, presided and opened the meet ing' with the members repeating the Purpose in unison, followed by a .hymn. ';.': v Mrs. Evelyn Elliott then show ed a copy of the new program book for -1H61-62, "Household of God," and discussed it briefly. The meeting ' was then turned over to Mrs. Lillie Jackson..' "O Zioh HasteXwas sung, followed by. prayer. ' The program topic was "Home For the Homeless." 'It was brought out, that. there are 45 million homeless people, the members were asked to' feel compassion for these persons and to ask what they could do for them. Various ways in which the church helps refugees were then ;' presented by several members. - ' Along with the pro gram 2 supplementary materials were vised, . maps, posters, etc., which were"?very . informative. The worship center i was very thought provoking, on a table was. placed a small bowl of rice, a , knapsack with a few posses sions tied in it and a Bible. A "Prayer Litany for Refugees" closed this part of the program. . The' -business t part of the meeting followed. The roll was called and the minutes of the previous meeting read and ' ap proved. The group voted to ac cept our supply askings. Mrs. Gorrie Stallings, C chairman of Christian Social Relations, ' ap- Ipftinted a committee ofjjft&to work with her, Mrs. Esther El liott and Mrs. Doris Kemp. An executive meeting was also planned.' Following the benediction, re freshments were served by Mrs. Evelyn Elliott. ' . BETHEL CLUB MEETS Y The Bethel Home Demonstra tion Club held its regular meet ing on Friday with Mrs. E. L. Goodwin and Miss Blanche Goodwin as hostesses. - ' "Sweet and Low": was sung, followed by Mrs. Charles Ward reading Psalm I and Mrs. M. T. Griffin leading in prayer. Mrs. Griffin gave a book re port and Mrs. J. C. Hobbs gave a leadership report. - Miss Sandra Jennings, a 4-H student, gave ' a very helpful demonstration on .''Strawberry Shortcuts." She prepared sev eral tasty dishes and gave many ideas on serving strawberries and the.' important part they play in one's diet. Mrs. Ward won the door prize. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostesses. The July meeting will be held July 14 with Mrs. Edgar Long and Mrs. Emmett Long as hos tesses. PALYT UP YOURHOME 1 See Us For 1 " tl V 1 'I GcIIc;i C5.SQ First Quc''ty Moore's . 3 J . J , r f August-December farm turkey prices are expected to average zQ-'Zl vcents, compared with 25.3 cents for the same period of 1960, v'predictsr Dr. 7 William R. Henry of North Carolina State College..-;. v.;.''iV'v :-. ' Dr,enry is one of four top college poultry' economists who mak up the , National Poultry Sury r jCiWnUte.'Work of fiiV comn ..ipet is sponsored by' K Arnei, : ) Feed. Manufacture i Assocjition,; ',PovHffand Ejgg Board Federat the firstljt .-'JteiiwWd- 15 cents -or Tiigher; : if placements continue no. more than1 per cent above ; year-earlier levels, says Dr. Henry. . ; , ."But ; unsatisfactory industry returns can be expected if place-' ments return to levels well aboVe this 4-6 per cent rate of increase," he warns. V if. S. farm egg prices are ex pected to , average 32-33 cents during the first half of 1962, 2-3 cents below the same pe-1' riod of 1961. The number of I layers on farms January 1, 1962,' is expected to be about 2 per cent above year-earlier levels.'' N. C. Peach Crop : Largest Since 1957 ' The 1961 peach production for North Carolina is estimated at 1,450,000 bushels and is the lar gest crop since 1957 when 1, 500,000 bushels were produced,' according to the N. C. Crop Re porting Service. l In the com mercial counties of the Sandhill area ..the crop is in 'good to ' excellent condition. Harvest of, the early maturing varieties has I been under way since the first .week of June. :::;x;i,. PERQUIMANS CROPS SHOW MUCH IMPROVEMENT Continued from Page I A plaster as should be done. Prop er application of ; this material should be a 5 main item with farmers producing peanuts," as landplaster is ohe of the essen tial ingredients for ? producing peanuts. If , the , weather con tinues to be as favorable for the farmers at it has been for the last 8 or. 10 days prospects for this fall are good. It will prob-1 ably be one of the costliest crops j we have produced in many a year, but no. ohe has control of. the. weather, and this has been a big drawback for most of the farmers in Perquimans County. Habitual orderliness of ideas is your sole road to' happiness, and to reach it, orderliness in all else, even the most casual things, is needed. Eugene Delacroix. Classified - Legals LOST LADIES' LEATHER billfold, containing identifica tions. Finder return to Mrs. Thad C. Chappell, Hertford, N. C. Reward. . June 23 M. G. BROWN COMPANY NOW buying 1 logs and tracts of timber. Highest market prices paid. Phone 3610, Edenton. Apr21,tfc , FOR SALE WATERFRONT lot, 100 feet, on Albemarle Sound, 215 feet' deep. Faces southwest. Wanted; . Small farm 100 acres or less. Out of town buyers. Winslow Realty. Phone 2041, Box 91, Hertford, N. C. . Junel6,23,30July7 JELE;PH-OjlE A bedroom telephone at your finger tips certainly . spells cortvenienve. Color-; ful, too! Choosa froma wide range of attractive " ' colors. Let us give your - home the colorful conven ience of bedroom tele phone today. - ?atf . the Natibnai Turk, U. . & farm; broiler. jbrices Sn 1 ...;-.w.. w J I 1 I I FOH FALE CAR TRAILER iSee 'Keith . Hasketf,' 51 days, 2831 nights. Ju9,16,23 HOUSE FOR SALE AT 209 Woodland Circle. Phone 4171, Edward Barber. Ju9,16,23 FOR SALE CHEAP. -ACRE ' lot and ' house! hi Chapahoke. One . 38 HP M.M. gasoline power unit and grist mill.' G. A. White, - phone 2551, Hert 'ford, N.ttfii r;jiune9,i623l30 tKr'44i&$.$j probably jjJVt. (fidiilluiihais rRiyeruheaiSikxf fibne family $i nam'gpsfii Artlmxious ;to :P- locate, irpossiyj .' gavnesites ;of uiesew .any omer muraaugn. , .Jf ;you have information please , write M E. ; Murdaugh, P. O. Box 1023, Durham, N. C. I Junel6,23,30,July7,14 .' ....'';.'; .r; ' HELP WANTED AT ONCE Rawleigh Dealer in Perquim ans .County. Write Rawleigh, Dept. NCF-720r3, Richmond, Va. ) Ju2,9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF ADmYnI3TRATICIH Having qualified as Executor of the estate of William C. Chap pell, deceased, late of Perquim ans County, North Carolina), this is to notify all persons , having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to . the undersigned at Belvidere.N. ' C, on or before, the 12th dav of June, 1962, or this .notice will be VAA r- w-r. v"f ,.'':Ji, 1 '- -j pleaded in bar of their -recovery. persons v indebted .tor said es tate will please make immediate payment. . - , I This 12th day of June, 1961. I Clarence Caleb Chappell, Kxecut f W'1'iin O, Chappell. Junel6,23,30July7,14,21 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION . Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Mary J. Hoflar, deceased, ' late of Perquimans County, . North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Route 1;. Box 87, Hertfordy; Ni Cv on or before.' the 29th day.ipf''May. 1962,- or ithis notice(;w(ll. be' pleaded ih bar 'pf their ; recovery. All persons 1ft-, debted1 to' said estate will please malte .-immediate payment. 'vr& This. 29th day of May, 196l-.r IREDELL HOFLER..K: Executor Of Mary J. Hofler. June2,9,i6,23,30July7 'j ' iix:. NOTICE COADMINISTRATION I ( Having qualitied as Adminis , ti-atrix of the estate of L. L. I Hha.nnpll HpffasftH. 1al. nf Ppr- quimans County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex- hibit them to the undersigned at Belvidere, N. C, on or before the 24th day of May, 1962, or 'this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate, will please make immediate pa.v ment. This 24th day of May, 1961. Mrs. Henrietta L. Chappell, Administratrix of L. L. Chap pell. .';, June2,9,16,23,30July7 NOTICE OF RE-SALE Under - and by virtue of an order of re-sale - UDon an ad vance bid made by the Superior i?f:?;.V...X5 ! G6 lb HOUS WSEREST . ; ;i'Tf!Li: H& Mpi j;, kVm mit ' isiW' -hKi-w . YOUR, PLYMOUTH-VALIANT DEALER Court of Perquimans Countv in vshe 'special proceedings' entitled I :n part, C. Edgar White. Admini strator of Claude 'Clfement ChaD cell. Petitioner, vs. Henrietta Lane Parks et als. the undersign ed Commissioner will on the 6th day of July. 1961, at 11:30 A. M. a i ' the Court House door in Hertford, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash upon an opening bid of $550.00, that certain tract or par cel ot land lying and being in Belvidere TownshiD. Perauimans .County, North Carolina, describ ed as ioiiows: . A tract of land situate in Bel videre Township, Perquimans County, adjoining the-lands of Isaac Chappell, Charlie R. Lane, Wm. T. Smith, and others, and being the ttacj pf land where on James ,Wj Chappell lived at the time of his death. Con taining 12 acres. ; " j , : A 10 deposit of his bid ud to and including $1,000.00' plus 07c oi any excess over $l,uuu.UU will be required of the success ful bidder. - Dated and posted this 21st dav of June 1961. WALTER G. EDWARDS, Commissioner. June23.30 Town of Hertford No'th Carolina NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION No'ice is herebv eiven that a SPECIAL ELECTION will be held in the Town of Hertford. i North Carolina, on August 8th, ! 1961, for the purpose of submit ting to the qualified voters of said town, for their approval or disapproval, the following pro position: PROPOSITION NO. 1 . Shall the qualified voters of the Town of Hertford, N. C, ap prove Alcoholic Beverage Con w.i noi4T vlmms v . .. trol Stores to :be -operated! m ithe Town of, Hertford .N. Q,;. In said election a ballot shall be used upon which shall -bie" printed up on separate lines for each pro position, "For Town Alcoholic Beverage Control Stores," "Against Town Alcoholic Bever age Control Stores." Those fav oring setting up and operating Alcoholic Beverage Control Stores in the Town of Hertford shall mark in the voting square to the left of the words "For Town Alcoholic Beverage Con trol Stores" printed on the bal lot; and those opposed to Town Alcoholic Beverage Control Stores' shall mark in the1 voting square to the; left of the words, "Against Town , Alcoholic. Bev erage Control Stores." ... The polls lqr the election will be open at - the ' hour of 6:30 o'clock A. M., and will close at the hour of 6:30 o'clock P. M Eastern Standard Time . The election will be held at the' same polling place at which' the last election" was held in the, Town of Hertford for the Town Board of Commissioners of the Town of Hertford The registration books shall be opened for the registration of voters at 9:00 o'clock A. M. on Saturday, July 22nd, 1961, and shall be closed at 9:00 o'clock P. M. on Saturday. July 29th, 1961. On each day (Sun days excepted) during such period, the Registrar for the Town of Hertford will keep his book open between the hours of 9:00 o'clock A. M. and 5:00 o'clock P. M. for the registration of voters in the Town of Hert ford. On each Saturday durin? such period said Registrar will keep his book open between the houres of 9:00 o'clock A. M. and 9:00 o'clock P. M. for the regis tration of voters in the Town of Hertford. (CM v Here's your chance to commit legal larceny and get yourself a brand-new, Valiant. Slip down to our showroom. When the salesman's back is turned, sneak a look at the price tags. Why, it's like stealing! All you gotta do is leave your old car.arid a few tlollars a month" beMhtt-about .will ' be enough. Better" hurry,. thougM . Based on Manufactures Sufrgesttfl Iiitail. Price for Valiant Model V-100,2-dopr Sedan and average local: carrying charges' for 86 nionths, after M down. Trans portation and taxes (local and state) eftra. Terras may vary slightly with individual dealer's pricing policies. Dated June 14th, 1961. ., R. C.' ELLIOTT, Clerk of the Town of Hertford, .' ' North Carolina. ' " n n . n rJ"'?en16'?-3;3-0-J-'-14 ' ATHLETE'S FOOT GERM HOW TO KILL IT. IN 3 DAYS, If not plpased with .gtroaff. Instead drying j-4-L, your 48c back at y drnK "tore. Watch infected kia luuKh off. Watrh hmilthy ikla re place it. Itch and burning are goaa. . TODAY at S & M PHARMACY. ITCHX SKIN:;-...;- v, - "yml'V HOW TO CHECK IT. .. ... ,1)rl IN JUST 15 MINUTES. r . . After uslnit 1TCH-MK-NOT. get yaar IBc back nt nnv drug, (tore if the-itch MKKDH SCRATCHINC. Apply initaat drvint; IT ll-MK-NOT day algHt for. eczema, inaect . bites, ringworm, ' toe Itch, other surface rashes. MOW l U K PHARMACY. . . WAKE UP HARM' TO GO 'Without Nagging Backache Now I Yon can get the fast relief yon need from nagging backache, headache and muscular aches and pains that often cause restlesi nights and miserable tired out feelings. , When these discomforts come on with over-exertion or stress and Btrain you want relief want it fast I Another disturbance may be mild bladder irritation following, wrong food and drink often setting up a restless un comfortable feeling. Doan's Pills work fast in 8 separata ways: 1, by speedy pain-relieving action to ease torment of nagging backache, headaches, muscular aches and pains. 2. by soothing effect on bladder irrita tion. 3. by mild diuretic action tendinsT to increase output of the 16 miles of kidney tubes. Enjoy a sood night's sleep and th same happy relief millions have for over 60 years. New, large size .saves money. Get Doan's Pills today 1 Ooan's Pills J.:.v'j-. '.i.V-. me J Sif OWE MOiX)R COmPA i t IS.". . ..: ' . j ,. ,. .' .. . V' i . , . ti 1 k ' , I 'I'm . fi'ru .r ;,jf ; Licens No. mo ,