ry IiiJay At orth Carolina X "TJL TJitoi i ' s p "-and c-ss matter r 1 1 - -1. at I-.ist Oillce c. Ninth Carutina un- i( March. 1819. second i paid at Hertford, liuuna. S 1' -"IXRIPTION RATES: ' y-M. - .-2 eo ji Wrqulmana. Chowan. Pa i -ntana, and Gates Countkw. . ...aewhar -. .-JB-M, .....ill LIX MONTH3 . Advertising Rates Furnished By Reauest FRIDAY. JUNE 21 1961. It is olten a surn :e to peo ple to learn that a. famous in tellectual is stimulated by a simple occurrence, such withe strange way . a plant grows : or the odd ' color of a flower. If that person, . so taken by an ap parent triviality,, is a great sci- years which young nations eas- ily forget. And the United States is a young nation. We are young and brash in, many ways. Our appreciation of the arts is not yet what it is in Europe, Our philosophy of i 1 A .. A. X i. living is gooa, duv noi pei-iecm- entist or scholar, the tendency and , we caw learn much from, , of many is to dismiss him or her as an eccentric or a nut." But this is to miss the point. I The intelligent person is euri 'ous about all the mysteries which surround him. : He won ders why an engineer built a bridge this or that way, he won : ders how a spider can spin such I a marvelous web, he wonders other peoples . " in this regard. And obviously the millions in Europe over the centuries have learned how to do many things welL " One of those things is to live a charming life, orderly, pleas ant and dignified without two oars and material wealth. Hap piness in so many countries in how wild birds or fish know toiEurope is . not measured by travel thousands of miles back tojmoney and there are millions their natural breeding ground '.there who ar supremely happy ju.2 Drowning Season v '' " '-" ;'-;k"'v:'(i.- 11 "a .Tht approach of swimming weather, brings to mind the fact tl.at, each year some thousands of persons drown because . sen sible precautions were not fol lowed by the victims. The following rules are . good ones to observer iu tnn gu. swimming iuu early. ' ' . . 2. Use supervised pools. , ; 3. Stay ashore in weather. ' . , 4. Keep children out of boats not equipped with life preserv ers or without swimmers aboard. ; 5. Teach children to swim early. To-this we would acV: 1. Wait an hour after eating before swimming. alone, never having been there. Because man wondered , about the flight of birds, he learned to fly. Because he wondered about the atom and the power within, he learned to split it. In a sense, then, curiosity is the basis and motivation of much of our knowledge. Why Go To Europe? When the question of a Eu ropean vacation arises in many American families, the discour aging reply , often ; encountered is: Why should I go to Europe when I haven't seen all there is heavy to see in this country yet?" Where to go on your vaca tion is ah interesting problem to solve and it should be- fun.. No one can tell another or anoth er's family- where they should go to spend this year's vacation or any other. The choice must be made by those paying the with so very little. This is per haps the greatest lesson to be learned in Europe in addition to the historical 'and -cultural ex periences .one can gain. ,,V ; 'm I ,m County Tax Sales Coming Up July 3 Sheriff J. K. White, Perquim ans County Tax Collector, today reminded property : owners who have not yet paid taxes for 1960 that tax liens on ' the property will be sold Monday, July 3.- Of the approximately $179,00C tax levy for this year, $163,022. has been collected by the Sheriff to date, leaving outstanding about ?i6,uuo. anerni wnne j urges those . who . have not yet paid their taxes to make imme diate settlement. CIRCLE MEETS j iw - ir r . . ' ; - y r i .- THE FRUITS OF FAITH International Sunday School Lesson for June 23, 1961. Memory Selection: ' All flesh Is like grass, and all its. glory like the flower of grass! , The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord abides for ever. . That word is the good news which was preached to you." I Peter 1:24-25). , , Lesson Text: latians 5:22-25. James 2:5; CJa- 2. Use excessive caution when hill and on th basis of what fishing from a boat after dark, wouid be enjoyed and restful and rest is supposed to be part especially -if in strange waters. . 3. Always carry extra life preservers; in boats. v.- 4. If you are deathly afraid of water, stay away from it. One other word of caution is the suggestion that you try one of ', several floating . techniques when next in the water. Many people can float , indefinitely without any effort if they will hold their head back so tl jt only the nose is above water. The feet may extend downward vertically from the ; surface to keep his head far back, he -will of a vacation. v . Europe enters the picture in creasingly each year and more and more of us go there. Some leel they are barred from va- The Mary Long Circle of Bethel Baptist Church met Mon day night, June 19, at the Com munity Building with Mrs. El ton Harrell as hostess. There were 10 members and one visitor present . The meeting was opened with the hymn "The Kingdom Is cationing in Europe, because of jtonun- the expense r it would involve. Mrs. Charles Ward then gave ITL a; . . - :.tH.A.:M MMMnnn. "!. in is is aomeumes correct, espe- a vciy niicicamie p"-&'" cially for a head of a house with a large family, but not al ways. If one does have the means to visit Europe or another con tinent and he prefers to see . . ... . . find that he can float for hours "c,."""8 ln mun"? "- ii is - ma urivucge,, nuwever, in this position without physical effect. If you try it or sorrc other floating technique, it may save your life this summer. Curiosity And , Learning carrying that policy, a bit fur ther, that same person shouldn't bother to visit other states un til he has seen everything in his native state, principle. The reason more and more pecole visit Europe each year is because it is becoming so ac cessible. It is no' longer an or deal to fly to Europe. A six hour flight will do it today, and the flight will be smooth and quiet. . There are other reasons. Eu- "Our Task Has Just Begun," with several members taking ' part. Mrs. Stanley Blanchard closed the program with prayer. Roll was called and minutes read and - approved. Reports were given and new and old business discussed. Mrs. Wade Jordan closed the meeting with prayer. A contest was then given with Mrs. Wade Jordan winning the It's the same prize. - 1 The hostess then served lem onade and cookies, which were njoyed by alL One of the keys to knowledge is curiosity and this trait is of ten discouraged by some of us. The curious ; child is the one who will learn. The curious adult is, likewise, the one who continues td im- prove his mind and expand his roPe 58 where most of our an knowledge as i the years go by. cestor com from. Naturally, Without curiosity the urce to we are interested in that angle. know why there is littla in-. Also thie cultures of Europe, centive-fr investigate, study arid P14 Sttted offer us of jhe various old countries have learned ; much over- the solve the mvstenea of lift .ty i.' i . . t. ;i - - Taylcr U EDENTON, N. C. Thursday and Friday, June 22-23 Stuart Whitman and Juliet Prowte in "THE rilJRCEST HEART" v Clana8eope aad Color , Saturday. Juno 24 . DOl'HLK FKATl'RE Jim Davis in "GAMBLER WORE A GUN" "CONQUEST OF SPACE" ; Trbnirolor Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Juno 25-26-27 David Ladd and Arthur O'Connell in "MISTY" s CinemaScapc aad Color Wednesday, June 28 Shows Contlaaoai from 8:30 KEBCHANTS FBEE MOVIE DAT ' ' ' Shirley Jones and Max Bygrave in , - "BOBBIKINS" "Sal Your Tt Movi Tickets By TradiA9 With Tho ; Followinff Merchants: . . PhihMe'i Sapor Market, Inc. Qalaa Faraituro Compaay, lac, Belk-Tyler Compsnjr ' Edeatoa Fanltara Compaajr Tha Edentoa Bestanrant Bill Ferry's iTezaea Beniee ' HollowoITa BeaaH Bra( Store , ? a-CaH Beaotjr Shop v org Cbevrolet Coiapsay, Ibo, : Lunndry BT Cleaaera f S Etspbt' Market ;.v-j:1''; i FB:,far'-i;:;.;-;' "V- j County Sales Show Economic Increase I A brighter retail picture in Perquimans County was report ed by the N. C. Retail Merchants Association whicli stated sales increased locally during March as compared to February. Sales tax collections were .up; several hundred dollars 4owr February, while retail grosiijaaleijjulventsd from $487,347 in March of 1960 to $823,674 for March 1961. tafWaaiPafaWMM m. Notice of Sale of Real Property For Non-Payment 1960 Taxes The undersigned. Sheriff of Perauirrrans County, will offer for tale at public bidding to the highest bidder on Monday, July 3, 1961. at 12 o clock, noon, at the Court House door in Perquimans County, the following property for non-payment of 1960 taxes. .The amount represents the amount of taxes due, plus costs. J. K. WHITE Sheriff Perquimans County HERTFORD TOWNSHIP NO. 1 Marshall Owens and Ester Albertson. lot Woodland Are.... $ 23.43 Joseph I. Barclift, 1 lot, Penn. Ava. 42.33 Leonard B. Cobb. Jr., 1 lot. E. Academy St ;........... 46.83 F. M. Copeland. 7 acres Milt Pond Tract ..... . 2.11 i Thomas Cox, 1 lot. Grubb St................. 35.46 tarlie. Jr.. and Margaret M. G:o-!wm. No. 12 HLLand Park.... 56.31 Elisha Goodwin Est.. 23 acres Gcodwin Swamp 2.95 ! Sidney Goodwin Est. 10 acres J. S Goodwin and buildings..., 13.87 Kermit Lane, 1 lot Eden ton Road St... . 24.65 IMurrill O. Layton, 1 house aad lot.. .... 70.81 W. Samuel Long. Cox Land buildin? and shoo ... 30.11 I Mrs. Naomi Miller Est. 25 acres Wesley White Tract..-,.. 4.71 I John E. Moore. 28 acres. Home Tract............. 6.91 iThomas Shelton Nixon Est.. 35 acres Sumner Tract............. 54.75 Annie Bell Cox Nye. 1 County lot 6.33 'Ben Owens, house and lot - 54.49 (Aubrey N.. and Joyce O. Sims, lot and house. J. E. Hunter.... 38.11 U. W. Smith Est. 34 acres Home Tract...., 32.39 R. A. Willis. Lot No. 9. HiLand Park; Lot No. 10, HiLand Park;-Lot No. 11. 25 ft. x 103 ft..........: CZ.21 Howard W. Winslow, 22 acres Home. Winslow..-. ; 44.09 John L. Winslow, 4 aorm Winslow Tract... ' 21.47 John Newby Winslow. 20 acres Smith Tract; 2 acres Elliott Tract: new house.-..- 69.59 Thomas R.. and Betty Brunson Wolfe and Edward T. and Charlotte W. Brunson, , lot and building (warehouse); lot. Grubb St.. . C, W. Wood Heirs. (1956 141 acres Pocossin woodland.. ..... C. W. Wood Heirs. (1957) 141 acres Pocossin woodland...;..... C. W. Wood Heirs. (1658) 141 acres Pocossin woofttanL..- C. W. Wood Heirs, (1959), 141 acres Pocossin woodland..".. , 42.75 w w. wood Heirs. (ieo) 141 acres Pocossin woodland 24.39 HERTFORD TOWNSHIP NO. 2 , Elsie Mae Baker, lot Grubb St. : $ 14.51 Melvin E, and Claudia W. Barrington. 12.6 acres Emma Car ter; house, acre and home ;-.......... 63.53 Lubertha Blanchard, lot and house. Dobb St..,.-............ 22.71 Moses- Blanchard, S. S. ReetT lot and house. ' 16.09 C. R.. Elmer Ray, S. Williamv Elsberry. Sr.. and Elsberry. 1 ' Jr., Boone, 1 acre Home Tract; 2.1 acre Ester Boone Tract ....; ; Rachel Brickhouse, lot White St. 59.40 31.73 38.16 38.16 Alethia Broady Heirs, 30 acres. Lot No; 1, J. Nixon Heirs-.-. jUeoree w. Cooper, lot and house. Dobb St: lot and house, (r . King St -".-,.-."..-..rt---.wi....--,..."--...-.ir..-.......... Grant Cooper, lot E. Railroad Aw...::... .. . -.jj, , Theodore and Narvello Cox. lot Covent Garden-:-.....,-.. Elbert Dart, lot, Covent Garden............. f , ,-L ; ,,, y, P iward Eavis, house 1", Gum St 6.62 8.21 13.21 50.?? 15.lt 13 ( . 2' ' The purpose of our study to day is to show how Christian in terpretations of certain Old Tes tament writings revealed truth that bad eluded earlier under; standing. Christians today, motivated by the fact that the old Testament Reaches God is a God of Venge- lance, whereas the New Testa ment pictures Him as a God of; Mercy, tend to discount the Oldl Testament Apart from a very kew familiar and well-lovftd pas sages, such, as the Ten Com mandments,' a few of the Psalms, land selections from the prophet ic writings, many Christiana have little interest in studying the Old Testament We will there-1 fore endeavor to show, in this I 1 AABlTk 4V vi Ul 1GMUU Mrav W im"H Mm w- ww- tament any effort to gain per spective would be difficult, if not impossible. . . 1 . - J ai. ... . . turn, siuuiea uic iubbuuu mi life's - deepest meaning for . the Christian; we have contrasted two views of life that of hu man reason and that of faith in the Christian revelation; and we have dealt, very practically, with the wise use of the tongue. In each case we saw the ful fillment of Old Testament wia dom in New Testament faith. Human existence, old . age, and Ithe power of speech were each seen to have a fuller meaning and a greater usefulness in the faith described in the New Tes tament. , '-i But this) does nor mean ' w should abolish the Ok), Testat Invent The Old Testament! wrift, ers had a high regard for the 'wisdom that had accumulated from the long experience of men and had been passed down from generation to generation. Much of this wisdom was good, and should live. Tha .New Testa ment, however, makes clear that words of wisdom are inadequate without the spirit of love. James 2: 8-17 illustrates this thought beautifully. ' What is the path of wisdom? It leads to faith in Christ as Savior : and the presence of th Spirit! in j one's life.-: jW shall know" -the Spirit by vita - fruit., Note how Paul uses the singular (Galatians 5:22-23). The first Fruit of the Spirit is love esteem, devotion, directed both toward God and man. The second is Joy the , capacity to (rejoice in the midst of all cir-: cumstances, our gladness based on the assurance of God's love. The third is Peace not sheer in-: activity nor passivity, but a peace of mind derived from our knowledge of having been recon ciled with God. Patience is the fourth Fruit of the Spirit a bearing with men's weaknesses without an exhibition of anger. Fifth comes Kindness a kind ness growing from the goodness of God in. sending Jesus- to lift the awful bondage of sin from mankind. Goodness not just good, but good FOR something, reflects our calling as Christians, and is sixth in our list of the Fruits of the Spirit Seventh comes Faithfulness a complete trusting in God and a dedi cation of our lives to him. Gen tleness, - an innate modesty, wherein one counts others bet ter than -himself, and Self-controlthe mastery of . self ' that holds in check all impulses, all desires must also be included in our list of the fruits of the Spirit. These qualities of the Chris tian reflect the glory of the Spirit of Christ which is within. iThey summarize well the. New Testament's . fulfillment of the wisdom about the good and righteous life in the Old Testament. . The fruits of faith are the highest type of wisdom the way of understanding love .that is basic to all true communica tion. . 4 . . j ; 0 LiiLLiU DOT: v THSj CHURCH ton ALL . . . ALL PON THE CHURCH ' 7W CliiMch i A Miml hem M wk far riw aaildrai ( AbkW iW foot cilmuliip. Il M a MordMiiK of pirikwl valun. Wilhoaf itroat OiurcKf : anlhar dtnifaty Ht civiliutwa u nob.' Tk fap mini rcuaai , why W4 ! imi Hinei Mntat nailwly ) ) a Church. Ther Mi (I) Fat kit wk (2) Far hU caitoW'a ikka, W Far raka af hit iimaity awf atuoa, (4) For ata uka I w CVarck itaatr, which areaa h man! 4 aalanal upiwm PUa to a la ofcardk rfikrri aad awl 7u Bibla aWI Jaa- Suaih TufallMf . Thumlaa ' I Prtav fmUy . IPetar 1 Bapttr Tem pioi Nairn iatwoay U It 7 17 1 1 MS 0-18 18-21) 34-40 ' 1S-21 10-U This s lifef Oa top of the world . a then lost in the, depths. ' ' 1 For a chflrt it can be exeitinf sport -Tor a r ttrownup it is bitter reality. 'No other resource in life Is better geared to thl' frightenlnfir swiHir than religion. For centuries It has provided purpose for our summits, and courage, for our valleys, , . , Don't let some imagined sense of die Inevitable chain you to the pendulum of fate. The Church, its. : message, rooted in the life of Jesus Christ, offers all men a- Faith for climax . . . and for crisis. : Attend church next Sunday. Let the love of God ' invade your defeats . . . add owortunity to your victories, ' i . ' - " CopTrigait 196! reUU A. StfHiM. fn fltvMtarf, - j XiriS PAGE MADE POSSIBLE BY THE FOUiQWJNG WE 'Ta I.urman 1. ..s, 1 Jr? ' f-nd. y iool, 9:45 A. It. t 1 .ormii Worwhip, ll:tJ o'cloti. 1 railing VM-bhip, 8 o'clock. Hid-week - Services, Vf4r.Jft vening at 8 o'clock. -, -. ,i - '. o i J- ':''.' BETHliEFVM CIT-ISTIAIf . . Jo Brickhouse, Paslos i Bible Schook : 10:00 A. IU Worship Service, 11:00 A. M.. 1st and 3rd Sundays. . Commuruun every Sunday. BUROSS SrT13T tHURCa . A. J, McClellan, Pir . Sunday scnool . each.. Sunaaj at 1D:00 A. M.. ; - - . ; Morning worship at 11 o'clock, tad and 4th Sunday morniags. PERQUIMANS CHARGE, . , CkctrcHls , ; ;; ; . . i 1 0 '. "' "' "''.'!".,' Rav, XJbtrf Oore,. Ji Pastor Cedar Grove Church: 1st Sun day 10 A. M.i 2nd- Sunday, 11 A M.: 3rd Sunday 7:30 P. M, t f - ' Erworth Church: 1st Sunday. 11 A. M:; -2nd Sunday, 7.80 P. M.; 3rd Sunday, 10 A. M.; 4th Sunt day, 7:30 P. M. Oak Grove Ch"..rch: 1st Sun day 7:30 P. M.-3rd. Sunday,, 11 A. M.j 4th Sunday, 11 A. M.; N NEW HOPE . -WOODLAND j, Dan E. Meadows, Pastor New Hope: Church School. 10 A. M.; worship services, 11 A. M., 1st and 3rd Sundays; 7:30 T. M., 2nd and 4th Sundaj's. . Woodland: Church School. 10 A. M.; worship service. 2nd and 4th Sunday, 11 A. M.; 1st and 3rd Sunday, 7:30 P. M. ANDERSON'S MKlfiOOTST . CHTjRCH Church School, 10:06 n. M. v doming Worshi". 11:00 A M4 second ind fourth Sundays.: ;;A ' '( Chappell Brothers GENERAL CONTRACTORS Phone Elisabeth City 6MT Peoples Bank & Trust Co. HERTFORD, NORTH CAROLINA I MemlMt FJ3J.C. WOODVILLE BAPTIST CHTJRCH . - Will'am S. Brown. Pastor Sunday School, 9:45 A M.; Morning Worsh'o.v 11 A.- M.: Training Union. 6:30 P. M.; Even ing Service, 7:30 P. M. UP RIVER PWTRNTR CHURCB Orval Dltlon. Panter Snnday School, 9:45 A. M. ) rw, aerviees, 11 A. M. tA 9 P M. Voajth PeUoWslrtp, T P. M .. Prayef service, Wsdnesdx 1 1 r. m. " - s ' BETHEL BAPTIS CHrjRCA : A. B. Hammett, Pastor : Sunday School, 10:00 A! M. ' Morning Worr.it 11:00 A.' It',' ' Evening Worship, 8:00 P. M. ; Milton DaV & Son fERTILIZER FARM PRODVCB Itajr VlMa 148.6. Nisfct PhoMa MUSfa Csnncn Cleaners PHONl tSll . . . Dmim1sU grtM W. M. Morgan Furniture Co, Pmm FvrmbKlngt . Hot Plat ApptUBCs Reed Oil Company Y - VInslew-Blanchard Meter Co. ' TOiJR FORD DIALER J. C Hhnchard & Co., Inc. - -ELANcaAR!),s,, E:-i m:i Tot7eWebb Motor Company CrXYSLER-rLYKOUTH ft Emln talaaiaaBl1aaMBaTaaaiBt ' C:.:rCCcny ' tsi!J'Fr.:.it C.5Vs,tcj ( ! 1' 1 Hertford LlTcct::!: G 1 ' PINET WOC15S FI3UC? ' CKUZCa , Mark Hoocia. Pester ., Cburcr Scnool 10 A. H. Morning worship 31 A. ll - Toung Peonle'a meetinii IP B. WHITEVnl'uof E BAFTC7 CHURCH . Walter HilL Pastot Snnday School 10:00 A. U. Sunday. Churcn aervleea tint tot HvW Snodaya at U:00 A, M. , ? HKRTFORT) METHODIST ' CHURCH . 1 " J. A. Auman, Pasior Chore- School 9:45 A. M. ' Morning orahip 1100 o'dodt, Youtb Fdlowshij,, :4I P. Y fvening worship, 7 :80 P. M. ' BA.G1.EY SW-mrp rtLGRM " A. E. Barefoot, Pastor . Sunday School, 10:00 A.'af, . Mornine: V'orshir'l 1 o'cioclf. Young People's meeting at 6:13 P. M. , Evening worship, 7 :00 o'clock. HOLY' TRIOTTY EPISCOPAL ; -. - CHURCH . Rot. E. F. Moseley, Rector Holy Communion .8- A. M.; Churcn School 9:45 A.- M.; Morn ing Prayer 11 A. M.; Holy Com munion on first - Sunday at 11 A M. ' ' BEREA CHURCH Ot CHRIST Charles Presley. Pashw v . : Bible School each Sunday at 10- o'clock; Holy Communion each Sunday; Worship Services, first and - third v Sunday morn ings at 11 o'clock; E vening Wor hip Service at 7:3s) o'clock. Adu't Study Classes and Youth Meetings first and third Sunday eyening at V o'clock. , tKiyrriL i -l rAPmT C 2 Suny ?nofM every Sunday rt 10:CD A. : : T.'o an 1 f ) evcry.se ' tt 11:00 A. I 7t7.:jp.L r- - -7 r "3 ' ; . t. r n A. T": "1" .fit t i ii (, , : c (Thos comments ouvh of tve I- ' 7 T l - x r 01 I

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