V 7112 FCinCJUIMANS Published Every Friday At Hertford, North Carolina ' - I'KX CAMPBELL.....Editot Entered as second class matter Novemuer 1. 1934. at Post Office ,4 at Hertford. North Carolina tin der Act of March, 1879. Second class postage paid at Hartford, North Carolina. ... , WEEKLY improve. .vuts, hs besn study-and the l,..e. : mg ways and means to take of- : Those of us who like to think 'r ficial action toward property of the United States' as the most highly civilized nation, find it difficult to reconcile . this slaugh ter on the public roads with the i theory that we are m nation of I civilized people. In no other i j.mendatioris made to the Cham .country in the world'.ls. such a ber can be accomplished to the death toll counted on the. public 1 1 benefit of the entire community j roads. (owners who fail to maintain houses. and. 'buildings ii proper , condition, thus creating health and fire hazards. We feel some of therecom X ' SUBSCRIPTION BATES; ONE TEAR . ...2.00 in Perquimans. Chowan, Paa- .. r suntanK ana uaies uoumiei. . ibuwwwr. . 8PC MOTfTHS Advertising Rates Furnished . , By Eecuest FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1961. , Clean Up Projects ! It appears recommendations : &tad to the - Perquimans Cham ker of Commerce by a repre . fentativ q.the C & D Depart- ment assisting the' Chamber in : 'i$s search tfx industry, concern - ing a clean-up campaign for ths ': community is being miscon- m the way of a general clean up campaign but as to increased facilities recommended, that is another matter which may or ! may not be - worked out Death Take3 'The . Holiday 4 1 Instead of "'DeatA taking a holiday" over' the recent July 4th . week-end, Death took over the ' holiday,, taking a record number of victims-as the holi days came to an end. . ... 1 ; According to- unofficial , tabu lations, the long holiday week end recorded 519 traffic deaths. There were additional miscel laneous .- accidents, making a grand total of 900 violent deaths. This 1961 Fourth of July week-end traffic toll broke the all time high record set 11 years ago. The traffic death toll. rec ord for that Fourth of July week-end in 1950 was 491. The over-all toll of victims was 793. So much is written on traffic safety, highway safety, careful driving and the like that it is nard to figure out a new ap proach to bring, up the subject V siruea , 4 i The ' representative, in J Our of safe ; driving. - The recent pinion,', in recommending . the carnage on the highways on the community improve its gener'qli Fourth of July week-end, how- appeaance, as viewed by a ever, gives us a perfect open Stranger, ' had no intention .of ing. downgrading any established business but merely was point ing out avenues by which' .the town and county can proceed to r Enhance the beauty of the area: Whether or , not such pro jects ; will increase oppcctuni : ties to secure additional indos try we are not personally in position to say, but evidently the C & D Department, which studies, all angles to the. indus- 'More than five hundred Am ericans, w, ere smashed to death in automobile crashes. That was a new record. Such careless destruction of life is the reason foreigners gasp when , told the annual toll on American higb ways If .. that sounds impressive, consider the far greater number of victims who survive minus an eye, or both eyes, or minus legs ? try hunting program, must haVe.or arms or mobility, etc. . For ; excellent reasons for such pro-! every one of the hundreds a day ; .posals. -::. -v.r- . . killed, several hundred; suffer .' Hertford's Town Board, rec- broken backs, lifetime scars, ; j. ogiuzing a need for appearance broken necks, limb anputa$dns Imaeine the wives who 'waited in vain for husbands tp return from fishmg trips husbands j wno never came oacK.. imagine the ' children who were , left without fathers and mothers, as a result " pf the careless deaths. Afld how many young couples were killed or one of them killed on holiday trips? - " 1 - It is hard to believe it hap pens all over again, ''every year every , week-end,, in fact. if all drivers would think about these facts . : as .. outlined above and " consider present conditions on the highways, and the death rate, it would have a sobering effect. I 1 The entire object of true edu cation is - to make people net merely do the right thing, but enjoy the right things. ' John Buskin. RICKS Laundry & Cleaners OF EDKJNTON Phone 2148 are Offering to you better than ever . SANITONE DRY CLEANING , With this amazing sys tem you see, you feel and fou smell the difference. All work guaranteed ' to your satisfaction. - AH this, plus a one year, guaranteed moth proofing, ar v until cleaned again. COMPLETE LAUNDRY SERVICE Announcing Srcl'H I U U ttnA iW la. ' 1 f ; p j-v 'i - . iV mm i b, fA it. i (i - it tftly' 'f hi AT REGULAR PRICE l. m h 0 !! h r t " Hi I; gascli;:es i;ucjtcf5cs mmmt 1 ' : 2d Elssisd with Special MH-tMAGE Ingredhr.ts Fcr Greater Eczzszy Here's important news about a great new name in gasoline. It's Sinclair DINO Gasoline -the regular priced gasoline that performs like premium gasoline in 3 out of 5 cars on the road. If you want the most for your gasoline dollar, try1 Sinclair DINO Gasoline in your car today. With DINO , Gasoline, you can $ave when you buy. Better still, you' ap savepf you drive because Sinclair DINO is blended with special high-mileage ingredients to give you many' money-saving mixes per gauon. You save with Sinclair. Drive in todayf "SVPFLIER OF , SINCLAIR PRODUCTS" i:atwY a : d i International EunJjy - 1 - Lesson for July 3, lSl; Memory Selection: . "(I."'" ';a) said to him, 'Yes, Lord; I fce-f tt - iL.i : . ai. -ti ! ! neve mm yuu ute uib . the Son of God, he who isi coming' into the- world'." ' v -1 Lesson Text: Luke 10:38-42; I, John U:l-44; 12:1-8. . Continuing in our tparch for some of tie qualities tnat are necessa,ry for1 those among us who would live 'as true followers of.. Chirst," th qestoa "toj.be considered today,, is: What can friendship with Christ mean : to a Christian in his relationship with God arid with "others? -S ::C In the story- of Martha and Mary and Lazarus, we can find; illumination. . . Lazarus, ' beloved ' of Jesus, died, and was raised j from the dead. Martha,, busy ministering to the Xord's needs ihf nraitilmil , thmtfl rMAnta Mary's listening to Jesus' teach ings, rather than, helping fn the kitchen. And, Jesus, when-called upon by Martha to intervene in her behalf, instead rebuked Martha, albeit very gently, for! being ; concerned over-: "many:' things," - pointing out," equally jently, . that ' Mary ' had chosen 'the good por.tion'Wtha fruits of the :spirit.s Jesus, thereby, pUt his finger on the fundamentals ' oi the spirit,-' rather" than the trappings of physical,,. comfort. And in this stpry, , how many of us can find a parallel In oir own lives todavT , Let us take a look at these people from Bethany, who were: r . j XT t. . jesus . trieuus. - wi accuiai I to have been famous, influential, lor rich. They bad faults, their troubles ; and their - handicaps. Yet they, with other who .were but average individuals, became I architects of a new world-order. I Martha and Mary were as dif ferent as day and nlaht: yet Jpsus nw nprsonalitv traits in I. both, which could "be especially valuable for work. In - the -. King dom.' TDifferehi", too" were thte was tempestuous, and volatile I Andrew quiet end dependable, unassuming; John was war4)-i hearted and affectionate, James diffident and shy; and Martha, as we have remarked, was bust-. ling and matter-of-iact, watle ii. Mary was - demure, retowtVi thoughtful. God ' likes varidty. Jesus allowed each of his friedsi to retain and express his indi-l viduabty. He knew, that 'each could be a power for righteous ness in .his .owny Way. 'the miracles !begdA'' vlien zck j of these persons ; gave -Jesus Christ a chance 'Arttn'-Vhat Tie was. And so we naturally ccine to the question: How do 'we give Christ a chance with us? First, we -must rise and follow. Andrew, Peter, James and John , " -1 i- J S. Tt iQt f"-' v r " ool, 8:45 A. M. , l V.'oruiiip,-ll:t)( o'clock' : I ve'iing 1 orship, S o'clock. ' L"J-wei ..Services, Wadce? J e.cj at S c'dof It. - " . -i . "! H- y At ! Whrfs ftis little fellow up to? Where hi going? Why? f -.'; He knows. Maybe he eouldn't-nt jt ,to ooj, but ;c' st fl ni' W -l 41V M. UIKItIK .1. UUU 9 HUliV nilll Nil KM mUVUIN HUWI . ' wwn. A(, - - ' that tree and how Cod made it strong against the storm. . J " ' ' 'Those clouds? He biows Cod fainted them in the sty oi fcim to . enjoy. , , . " :.. , - He knows that more of God's wonders ire tjght up aheac-fod thaf ' : . ; where he's going. Just walkinE sooong Godl , ' ' " In tke truest sense of the words, our young friend dossal bavt to v - : - FIND Got he is WITH God. V We are older. A lot of things clutter up r lives. We sr Jiusj , : 1 - - i losing God. When we dp search foe Htm we scanxly khpw, where turn. . , It would-be nice to om this young feHaw-t-to share it thoughtt . bis hopes, his dreams, his Cod.' : 1 . We can't do that We don't have a chikft faith. But kvt m ; CLOSER to God and ease pur restless, heart. , We can go to our church Ud temple, put puce or wpnn.uj. -.. God will be there. ,, i " THi chuicm oj au. . . . au sot tw eifwai fs ' ' ' i Tta Ckufdi b tt must benr n for tta . T ' C. muf . . iianhom tt tpmtuat nlwK Wiiho.1 IMf . Sd.T Mttlif , ! .. , . Cteirdi. Miliar demoennr aor dvdlulMM eta n u Hif MattlMW If SSSY : houUf lieoi union muUrly mi juwyrt ik '777... w " 1 ' ' tii killrai't Hkb (3) Far tM nki of kli aa- Tunilf Jka - H ' t-t - itxllt wkick cb ku ami and aml a.if.it. .. . '. ' -.3 1 rl - . .:; . Pla ta tvodunk tataiailr aMl narrow a !, t : ; H - I. aVltr..- f .,...i. . ..,,1 V..-'..1, i ... ' ;- CovnVfct 9f , Keisirt Adv. Service, Itie., Stmsburf, . Jl t Ir r 1 v , left Jh,efrJ nets. an4 fishing boats and bi j'setjjrity : of ' their i old. ftPi? 9 lfll i"h. ' In their' CitoPpeH Brothers:. PNECAL C0NTSACO3S Thou KHMbeth Cltj fW Peoples Ban!; & Tru$t Co. KEHTFORI?.. r:0?TH CAROLINA yiown separate. and distinct ways, Mary, Martha and Lazarus rose and followed him. -'. ' Not so some others Jesus in vited , to follow him; the rich young ruler, with all his poten tials, for service in Cfcrist, N mo dem us, ruler of the Jews, v and I Arimathea -these men sensed! Jesus' claim on them, knew they were . sorely needed, and v yet they . could . not bring themselves to "rise and" follow". To give Christ a chance to re lease us, we must - bring our selyes tp do something about- It. We must rise anrj fojlgw. t s not enough to marvel at His greatness, listen to his wisdom, view his goal of new men and a new world, and thrill at the J challenge h offers ..us. If we would f ive through his redeem ing friendship, we must be will ing to rise above fa,ihire, above reouKe, aoove sname, even as His friends It is not fail ure that defeats us, so much as it is the refusal to try again. What is wisdom, except' the har vest of failure? It is failure that makes us pause,, and Con sider;, it prompts us ttf reflect and search for solution. And even if we have failed to fol io wing Jesus Sufit, be waits wwnt .mercy and parflon. He viilt to eljf xa, nJte'fjgain. And each time we rise to try agfn, more of his greatness is released in us.- ThLi is the mira,cle of his friendship . miracltl fliat waits on our doorstep, as it waited for bis many friends so long ago, and In iynoge diversiij fied cualities he saw so much! opportunity for f 'j-'1 -i-j fc goai tne redemption of man kind. ' . Milton Vail & Son kTEBTlLIZKR 1- FARM PRCIHC v wUN. "ur1. i .. i tite-. ' Ccnhcn Clear.sr9v , PtlONl 151,1 ; , DeaessdaUe penrfaa ..Ta.-tfaxmi iitiii.l; T 1f .:('-!'' W. IVL vprgin riirnitur? Co. Hest Fare' gi j , . Bot Pe4nt Aianeae Recc CU Ccr-r.y ; T Winsfcw-Blanchard Motor Co. fQCB FORD DKALE3 J. C. Dlachard & Co.. Inc. LANVTIARD'8, eiaM w jpbf 11 1 ii .j!a'..n.iiii'..'Ui- "J.'.'i1." -UJ . - , tcu-r.c;i ' Jof Frickhouse, Pasior Bible School,- 10:00 A.' Worship Service. 11:00 A. M.. ist and, 3rd Sundays, i jCornmumot. BURGSS 3KTIST CHURCH A. J. McClallap, Pasios Sunday, jacnool each. SundeJ at 10:00 U. ' fl r - Morninc; worship' at 11 o'clock, 2nd and 4th Sunday momlnas. -T :v "f" rr-.. ' '., '. PERQUIMANS CHARGE r . CHURCHES !...;- j-' i ", 'q iii v. yv-,1' y 1 Rev.' Lester Halt Faslor 1 : ' Cedar Grove Church.:- Ist Sat. day It A. M-; 2nd Sunday, IV.AJ ta.: ara aunaay :au r. Jtt. . . v -i ' Epworth Church: 1st Sunday. 11 A. M. 2nd Sunday, f. 30 P. M. : 3rd Sunday," 10 A. M-i 4th Sun day, 7:30 P.M. - . Oak Grove CKrch: 1st Sun day, 7:31) P. . M.;, -3rd Sunday, 11 A. M.; 4th Sunday, ll A. M. NEW HOPE - WOODLAND . " Dan E. Meadows. Paste ?ew Hope: Church School. 10 A M.; worship services, , l A.' Mi 1st and 3rd Sundays; 7:30 T. M., 4nd and 4th Suhdayg. " ' . Woodland: Church SchooLrlo A. M.; worship service. 2nd and 4th Sundays 11 A. M.; 1st and 8rd Sunday,' 7:30 P. M. , ';. ANDERSON'S METHODIST I - "CHURCH Rav, ,p. T. Wilaon. Pastor i Church School, 10:0b a. M. koming Worship 11:00 A iM second Mid fourth Sundays, v ; . i WOQDVILLE BAPTIST. , , . CHURCH . . William S. Brown, Pastor : Sunday J School, 8:43 A ft Mwning Worship. 11 A.i' M,t - Training Union. 1:30 P. M.j Even in Service,-'7:30 P. M. ; 4 . , yP RTVER FPIPNDS CHURCH .. Htrshel HilL pastor t ,; Sunday School, -10 A. M.; Wor ship Service. 11 A. M.. and 7:30 P. M.; Youth ' Fellowshhv 6:30 P. M.; ' Praver ' Service, Wednes day, at 8 P. M. , . 1 1( i ' ETHrX ,BJkTISHURClJ '' -' ' A. B. Hammett Pastor 'Sunday School. 10:00 A. M. ' t Morning' WonhitJ" 11:00 A'. SI' Evening Worship, 8:00 P. ML s : l ' T V t FXKEY WOCns FIUM(C -l. CKLCH - Mark Hoopla. Paste rburcl- Scnooi 10 A. M. "i Morninsr worshfo 11 A. IL tomuf FeoDle'o nuanu IftL -, ,n :wtiftqp& ' . - - Walter HilL Pastor Sunday Sehooj: Q;0f6. U, fl Suiiaay Uurcftsrvireevflr Mrf IUkJ Bandars at 11:00 Jk. U. .'-'- ';."-...a r-rii ".'v HERTFORD METHODIST lS.W..FrittI'i'Paftor ' phaaor etotool 9:46 A. H. Morning Hoishiy 11:00 o'doelf, Vout fcUowshii., 1:4 P. . fvenlng worshipi V 30 P. M. BAGI.ET SWaMF HTIGREI - A. E. Barefoot, Pastor , . . f -iday School, 10:00 A. st.' Vonantr Vorsair)! o'ciock. Yourg People's' meeting at 8:li ' Even!, .worship, 7:00 o'clock. holy kimiTY episcopal; ' 1 - T i CHURCH 4 ' ' f . ' . . " - -".3. ' Eer; E. F. Moseley, Rector Holy Communion. 8:00 A. M.; Morning prayer : and- sermon, l(i;00 A. M.-: Towe-Web Ucm Corjprry CftYELEJt-PLrMCVTH . , . Ealep fk t. W1 C;!ie?CCpf-rjr nertjfcraLaTtriin : 'CUNR,K1 -. ,. .. r;TTZZ3, c. V EEREA CHURCH OF CHRIST - Charles Presley. Pastor . ' lible School each Sunday at 1ft n'.lru.lr ITrtlw fvmnflliniAIl each Sunday; Worship Services, u ipgs at 11 o'clock; Evening Wor- f ship Service at 7:30 o'clock. I Aduft- Study Oasses and Youth I Meetings first and third Sunday f evening at 1 o'clock, ; I-1 ; CHAFFELL lLL BAPTCT . "3 A. I "mdi every Sunday at I "a every icrJ I 7 atH:C3A.rT. , yat7.C3r.I ; ' r? r '3 . O. V.. r ! 10 A. M.: ' i1- 1' C.V o'l.. .CP' 1 ff ' 1 t t" a a.v . Ji