)VoIumeXXVIIl. NumEcrfco. Hertford, Perquimans County; Nor in Carolina, Friday, , September 1, 1961. 6 Cents Per Copj Tarred IDadietvCK Fifteen cases were disposed of during Tuesday's session of Per quimans Recurder'e, Court pre- ' sidei overi by Judge ChaS E. Johnson. One defendant, Rob i ert illiford, was ordered held , for as bond of $100 when he fail fed to appear to . answer to - charges of reckless driving. " The court ordered a nol pros in ith cases in which B. D. Pierce'was charged with cutting f nmoen and damaging umber T..i Tk. ..rt in n. ing its .decision, pointed out. the matter belonged ' in civil court nation in addition to new wheat ' and, not irf the Recorder's Court, f legislation this year . provides v.: tuel Boone, v.JNegro, wasjfor a wheat program similar' to given a 80 day: road sentence this year's feed grain program, after hVr pleaded . guilty to ajln Perquimans ,v County there -charge of driving without r li-'are 262 farmers who either have ceate.' ' ' . I wheat allotments or planted his- Afine of $100 and costs were in one of the last ihree levied against Millard Ivey who pleaded! guilty , to a charge of driving drunk. Sentences . of 30 days each, suspended upon payment of a fine of $25 and costs each, were handed ; out to Link O'Neal and Clyde Nixon, Negroes, after each was found guilty on charg es of assault with a deadly weapon. . ' Submission? accepted by the court during the session includ ed: ' v 'Robert , Zuppe speeding, $25; Russell Hambleton speed" ing, $29; William Skinner, Ne- growiving on reii sine oi roaa, within their X 1962 allotment, costs; Raymond Jackson, Negro Wneat producers who plant expired' license,' .eoi5.-5'Waiiam.ithta'i. exemption will not A. Chappell improper lights, $10 De eligible. ,1" ana a cuts; - xvay vouumswgriur v- driving on left side of road,' i costs; Sylvester Williams,- Negro fail-' to grant right away, costs; ucuigc -wyiier utuiin, . wiu costs; Melvln; Combs, Negro: ira . proper, brakes; -costs; -(esse jJenJ kins,1 Negro drunk, $Z and costs. This Week's "' Headlines : Foreign .ministers from the United States, "Britain, France and West Germany have agreed v to: meet tentatively prior to the - opening session of 'the United -'. Nations to plan strategy in re gards to dealing with Russia over, the Berlin problem. . Ber lin remains quiet despite mili tary build up by both East and 'West, but Western powers are .. expected to, call on Ruifsia for a oonf etenq4 jregarding Germs!ny; kleanwhile the U. S. Defense Department - has , ordered some 76J900 reservlsta'lo active" Tduty4 about .October 1. ' Most of the reserves . are listed . assigned to - air squadrons.. This action, it " 1 was f reported, will add to the U. ( military strength 'along withlincfeased induction of men into ithe- armed jforcef through Selective Service. Congress, , hoping tq adjourn its. present session in about two weeks,1 has postponed further ac-' v tion tfn several Important pro i gramsibacked-by. President Ken nedy. i sir. s r: xri1 dition of imort--woooo!87 vmu uf wood wv. ... p--- I tal -Irate,''.' medical aid .for;. the wed, ome. tax changes and a i.Tii . xa.aU.t i-.nr. nnint n twwiff. resistance by Congress for some ' comparable , manner in , various the blcodmobile ; . unit , visited of the President's progrrams. way. so as to enable the com- Hertford on Monday, it was re- - . " - pany to reach its more, isolated ported by ' Talmage Rose," co- - OoVernor Sanford this'-' weePrPsed subscribers. . . -'Idhairmah of the county com--namea ' Lt. Victor Aldridge. of, the service for Manteo, Hat- mittee.' ; the Highway Patrol to succeed the late W. S. Hunt as chairman of the State ABC Board. The o'fice was: left vacant by the death of Mr. Hunt earlier this week. The appointment of Mr. AldJidge was effective Wednes day. .! ' - - 1 f . km ' ' p n ' i ''Him ii. . ::::::;yO,i. 1.7 i A mt ' nd ' b. Cc. i- r . ii c' f t ,1 Wf rf Hertford stores 1 ,'i!"--s will ' be T ' vAer : . Lt!or it v AV i i rted "T' l3, 'TV Gases; In Goto FluilsAniod ri" : Of the 101 wheat producers eligible to vote in the . wheat marketing quota referendum held on Aueust 24. .A?. vntpri in ;favor while one voted against. ixT....... ... . , ned by 80. This favorable vote by wheat fanners of ' the years. These farmers will be permitted to divert part of tHeir wheat acreage for conservation Payment. Individual farm pay ments will beestablished and mailed to farmers within the next ; 10 days. Farmers have been mailed their "notice of al lotment Or exemption (permitted acreage) for the 1962 crop year. To be eligible to plant wheat for harvest in 1962 a farm must have ' planted wheat for harvest in at least one of the last three years. To be eligible for price- sup port, wheat producers must plant one Expand A huge 1.4 million dollar ex pansion program to improve service - facilities to its entire area has been announced by the Norfolk & Carolina Telephone & Telegraph Company,' it was1 re ported by L. S. . Blades, Jr., president of the firm. , v Mr. Blades stated the program is to get underway immediately and be completed in 18 months to two years time.-'- The project calls for extensive expansion of services to the area of the Dare beaches and the Outer Banks. , Plans for .increased services for Hertford and Perquimans County were outlined as follows by Mr. Blades: , "Hertford and ita outlying ru7:- ral communities, for which, we are now holding too many orders rn comp I u i . . 1 cable from the bridge across Perquimans River at Hertford running north on U. S. Highway 17: so that areas to the north of the , Perquimans River in all di rections may be adequately and reasonably served. Other areas in Perquimans Cpunty will also have our attention." vAt Edenton local service will rf nari a h &nt An tn nv etintf fa. ciiities , , t. ' " Itl u ' ' il T- other exchanges in the territory will be' expanded in a rteraS v-umtuck and ; fiiizabetn uny ana onoiK wnicn -snail De directly affected by microwave Z T- k W1".:mvc r lly, onstration, Clarence C. Chap attention by adding additional . ... . a- . ,DIntntinna circuits between these points and"All things considered," Mr. the "automatic exchange at,: Man- Rose said, ! "we ; are pleased at teo are scheduled to be romplet-lthe support given the program ed by July 1,' 1962. The Hert- jford - and ; Perquimans County loroject is for early' construction. The entire - Program is expected to be completed in 18 months to two years from date and i presently estimated to cost in ex cess of $1,400,000. , , ' auxiliary;to meet " The American Legion Auxili ary of WUliam Paul Stallings Post No. 123 will meet Thursday ;ht. fr;' b.r , at the home .J f'-s. " -r'ree. All - i 1 ' . - I. .' DotrdfEL'Lp!:;n ActsCnr,:;:3sts A! Scfel fating Meeting here In special ses sion - last ' Monday night, the Perquimans Board of Education acted upon a number of matters pertaining to the opening of the new school term today, ; A committee representing Per quimans Union School appeared befdre the Board seeking infori m.a,tioni and advice concerning installation of a lighted football field at the school. . A request by the committee for .the school to use Memorial Field at Per quimans High School for the 1961 football season was taken under advisement by. the Board, which informed the committee the Board will make a study of the situation and report to them at a iater date. A , request for a salary raise, submitted by the librarian at Perquimans Central ';. (Grammar School, was denied since the budget had been adopted with no surplus funds for contingen cies during the year. ' The list of school bus drivers as submitted by the Superin tendent was approved by the Board, which also approved the election as teachers at Perquim ans Union School, Shirley Ann Patterson, Home Economics; Thomas . Bolden, 7th grade and Alyce Smith, English. Mrs. Becky White was named as . treasurer i for the county white schools and Mrs., Pearl Knight appointed to the same position for Negro schools. ' J. T. Biggers, superintendent, advised the Board members all school buildings are in good con dition for the ; opening ' of the new school term. .': '' any i o Facilities Planned For Sept 6 Another farm tdur including a number of demonstrations, has been organized 'by kjcal agricul tural officers for Wednesday, September 6. The tour will leave from the Ag Building at 9:30 A. M., and follow this schedule: : i : ., Fence post demonstration, REA building, fescue and clover sod, Ainsley farm; corn and peanut demonstration, . Dr. T, P. Brinn's farm; soybean' demonstration, Joe Rogerson's; soybean mulch Bundy,s. tree oW highway; ' cattle feeding, Wal lace Cartwright's; ditching dem- pell's; grass sod demonstrations, i " "V """v v Otters ' inviting all county farmers to a"end this tour have oeen mauea ouj py me iairra service .leaders and a full at tendance is urged to see dem onstrations . carried out in the county "over the past years. I y a -'u 4- Perquimans Cfoiinty missed its August quota for the Red Cross blood program by 25 pints when I mr. nose announced me unit wuwwi t miai vi oi puns ui blood toward the 112 pint quota. at this visit of the unit." Rose, along with John Beers, also co-chairman, expressed their appreciation to all those indivi- 'duals who turned -up as blood donors, as well as to the volun- teer workers ,Who ' assisted - the bloodmobile'crew while the unit was irl operation here. MASONS TO MEET u , Perquimans Lodge No. 106,1 A, F. & A. MN will meet Tues day night ,"at 8 o'clock. All members are urged to attend and visiting ItL; s invited. - Another Fam Tour I"-. m9 THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY An antlered tourist identi fied only as "Jim," shows photographers how the reindeer "who got away" looked. He was in Rovaniomi, Finland. Indians- Depends Develop There is a definite jieed for game," Perry said, "we will improvement 1 in team spirit "if come "P with a bettor team Perquimans High School is to tha" we h 'ast season." field a better football team than Some 45 uniforms have been it had, last year, , issued to candidates for the This was the blunt statement team but' the coach reported of head coach Ike Perry who only about 20 boys have been reported the Indians have pos- reporting for pre-school prac sibili ties for an improved sea-; tlce sessions. , son for 1961 if the players will The Indians play their first turn out for, practice regularly game of the season Friday night and develop a spirit of team of next week when they travel play for succetss. - J to Elizabeth City -to meet the Faced with the need to fill Yellow Jackets. They will need six holes left vacant by gradu-1 plenty of spirit for this contest ation in the varsity ranks of . because, no doubt, Coach Honey 1960, Coach Perry said the ' Johnson's, boys : will be out to bright spot in the picture is the worx neing done Dy a group oi sophomore backfield men. ;';. i Leftover from the previous year's, ;yarsity, .are. vRqed Ma.VfMeil FaC6 Hearing' mews, DacK; iranKiin lvicvxoog an, W. Winslow, Lilly and Wil liams in the line. Showing up well -in the line as newcomers are JJouglas Sawyer, guard; EdMKathews, tackle; and Rober- Son, end. The sophomores look ing good in the backfield- in- i elude Freddie and Francis Combs, Gene- Nixon, Hunter, Byrum and Overton. Coach Perrv said the 1961 edi - tion of the Perquimans Indians will be smaller than last year's team but show signs it will! have more speed than in the past. f I "If we can get the boys to turn out for practice and show f a real interest in playing the Albemarle Area Development Association Kick-off Meeting In Elizabeth City On Sept. 8tb viAL sJ.mi ft made by Mr. Gilmore in order J . .'. at o:ju wiu De me ; kick-wi meeting for Albemarle. Area Development Association at the hSTtmtS-M Meeting are available from John Cos- ton, Allan Mills, Eldon Winslow, Henry Stokes, who have served on the planning committee rep - resentmg Perquimans County during settmg-up process of Z-'. ... V - T V' " which will promote industry, ag- iwuiiutc ..u '-"-"bj ana community aeveiopmem m Tr?,k v r lows: Monday, Tuesday, Wed urgent to get these tickets early a 4atwday. , Vn Tu , iC ! only .50. tickets. Perquimans County will have representation, from all the civic organizations, me unamwr , or commerce, ru- ml ministers, radio and oressJ ZZ Z i i-. i AgricdIturaV Workers' Counci ,( ixmeT w include: How to Read Bet community. organizations, Peo-j . n Faster, by Lewis; A pie i anK . iTust pany, "I r"","", . , uus """f f : ,s : ::; Voit Gilmore - of v., Southern r-mes, recently appointed airec- tor of U.' S. l ravel iervice wiu be the leatuxea speaxer. e, is' past president Of Sand Hills Area ; Development ' Association,! as well as past president of the North Carolina Travel Council.: Mr. uumore is a weii-quamrea speaker for the occasion and the planning committee was delight- ed to obtain him as guest speak. er, as a change in schedule for a trip to South - America was rr ,,rtKISWf(tffr'WW fffiy' f : $r.- : Succe s s On Spirit edBvTeam .avenge the defeat suffered at the hands of Perquimans last year. Charged With Rape Lemuel Boone and Delroy Riddick, both Negroes of Bel- vjdere Township,;. are-lodged in the Perquimans jail awaiting a preliminary 'hearing on a charge of rape. 1 Hearing for the two men has bee set for Tuesday, September 5 - before Judge "Chas. E. John- son in Perquimans Recorder's Court. The warrant charging the men with the crime was drawn by Geraldine Perry, Negro, on Aug ust 19, and served on them shortly thereafter. Bond for the two has been set at $5,000 each. to attend the initial meeting of tne Aibemarle Area Develop- ment Association. . SCflGClUlB Of HAIr Jlf I UfftrU - lJUld Ml LiUI ill V ' , fi imans County Li. br re ; , kr Mi . and winter schedule on Lafeor Dgy (it wir closed, Labor Day). The schedule then wiu be as fol. we library will be open from 1ft A M. ,,., -A .... ''. n hllrB1,BW H fee .' but'Will be en ugua, ? p.'jf ' to . - . . ,r, m., Tttursaay evening. New books in the Horary this Lifctta.;' Reading 'Plan, by Clif. I ton , Fadiman; The Making of the" President 1960, by . White; House at 0ld Vine, by Norah rfts; The Most of P. G, Wodenhouse; Life Magazine's Book of the and the feri can Heritage for August. ; n.w T :f.-arv nuild ue ,,;, fnp vmme nmip n Sa(Jdles fot Breakfast and Lions . Xjtrirp ' - , ROTARY TO MEET Hertford Rotary Club will' ; meet Tuesday evening at , 6:15 oclock t Elliotts Cafe.- ' No Objections To Bombing Range In Albemarle Sound No objections have been raised concerning the request of the Fifth Naval District, Nor folk, Virginia, for establishment of a bombing range in Albemarle Sound, opposite the Harvey Point Naval Station, according to word received by Congress man. Herbert C. Bonner from R. P. Davidson, Colonel, Corps of this week selling tne 50.star session on Friday. Engineers in Wilmington. United States flags. Their aim School buses were assigned to In a letter to this newspaper is ,to get all businesses and as drivers last Wednesday and all Congressman Bonner pointed out many individuals as possible to preparations are complete for he had raised a question of a purchase the flags and display tne opening of the new school public hearing on the matter in them at appropriate times as a te,m. Teachers' meetings have the event citizens of Hertford sign of national patriotism. been concluded and policy deci and Perquimans County desired The official 50-star kit is ap- si-s made for each of the five to protest the issuance of a per- propriate for display from win- county schools, mit for this project. dow or porch and is an excel- During the half day session The Corps of Engineer advised I lent fla? set for homes. Each Friday students will be enrolled Mr. Bonner copies of the public outfit consists of a fast-color 3 and assigned class schedules for notice announcing the proposed ; ft. by 5 ft. flag, jointed wooden the term and will receive sup work were furnished a number j pole, ball top, halyard and metal plies and books for the year, of officials here, including the bracket and is priced most rea- Students are requested to bring Mayor and chairman of the sonably. funds for their various fees on Board of County Commission- The flag most popular with the opening day of school, ers, and thus far no objections merchants and business houses These entering school for the had been received concerning th? is complete with a 12 foot, two- first time must also present proposal. piece pole and metal curb sock- birth certificates to their, teach- The final date for listing oh-1 et for sinking into sidewalk for ers. jeotmns, according to CoIoopI ! curb display. Other types of Schools will begin full sched Davidson, will be September 18. ! flags are also available. lule of classes on Tuesday, Sep- According to M.iyor V. N. The Jaycees feel that now as tember 5, following the Labor Darden, the Navy is proposing never before, Americans should Day holiday on Monday, to re-establish a bombing range j renew their faith in their coun- Teachers' meetings were con in the Sound, replacing one de-1 try and show to the world that Hncted on Wednesday Hm inu siroyeci iasi year Dy. a storm, and the Mayor stated it is his :: .l . -, i , i i . . opinion the project will not con stitute a nuisance. However, citizens residing near the area should protest if they so desire. It is . anticipated no public hearing will be conducted re garding the activity unless a substantial number of protests are filed with the Corps of En gineers at Wilmington. Highway Patrol Seeks Public Cooperation For Safe Holiday Clerks And Site Hertford's ABC Board, meet ng here Tuesday night, appoint ?d , James Divers as manager of the new ABC store and Lester Simpson as clerk in the ' store. Dr. A. B. Banner, chairman of the Board, also announced the Board will locate the store n a new building being con structed by J. H. Conger on his lot adjacent to the Texaco Ser ice Station on Dobb Street, The building, now under con struction, is expected to be com ilete in time for the Board to open its store on October 2. Bonner stated the ABC Board spent considerable time in se lecting a site for the store and is of the opinion the site chos en is a desirable location. Large Crowd At 4-HClub Picnic Perquimans County 4-H'ets assembled at the Elizabeth City swimming pool on Friday, Au gust 25, for their annual picnic. Approximately 200 4-JH'ers and idult leaders were in attend ance. -'-,-. : j After swimming from 5:00 to' 7:00 P. M., everyone went over to the picnic area lor tne nam- burger fry. Adult leaders and tome of the county council members ' served the food. Off to the amusements park ; went about half of the 4-H'ers after their hamburgers had been di gested. A slight rain broke up the event. 4-H'ers left in cars and trucks singing and talking of the fun they had had, most of th.em looking forward to the picnic again next year. ';. Commissioners To Meet Next Tuesday Commissioners for Perquimans County will hold their Septem- ebr meeting next Tuesday, Sep tember 5, instead of : the usual first Monday, since county of fices will be closed Monday in obseravnee bt the Labor Day holiday. ' " The t Board , meeting will be held in the Court House be ginning at 10 A. M. and indivi duals desiring to. confer with the Board- are asked to note the change in .the date for this meet ring. ; " T , , """ Schools Plan For Opening On Friday Full Schedule Tues. Hertford Jaycees Holding Rag Sale j we are sun iwm Americans ana i proud of it. They feel that a l : . j: 1 . c . , T T c innor A : 1 prominent display of the U. S. flag on national holidafs will make everyone in Hertford feel a deeper sense of loyalty. I Anyone interested in purchas-, iiW a kit may call Marion Swindell, project chairman at Hertford 5111. Proceeds will go towards the many Jaycee pro- ? ! ( Operation Headlights has been I adoDted bv the North Carolina, . v - i Highway Patrol as a program' in nrpupnt nppiHpnts HnrinP thp1 f - o Labor Day week-end which starts Friday at 6 P. M. The plan, according to Pa trolman B. R. Inscoe, is to have all motorists to drive with lights on as a symbol of their pledge for safety in recognition of their awareness of the traf fic accident problem. Lights on, Inscoe said, will indicate to other highway users that the driver is conscientious ly observing all safety rules in a cooperative effort to keep thel holiday accident experience as low as possible. Motorists are urged to drive with their lights burning from 6 P. M Friday through 12 mid night, September 4. Pointing out the need for co operation from all motorists, Mr. Inscoe said Perquimans County had three fatal accidents during 1960, and thus far this year the number of fatalities' is four. Five of these fatalities he said were teenagers, and all fatal ac cidents occurred between mid night and 6 A. M. Parents, ithe patrolman said, are urged to exercise some con-ollowell, co-chairmen of the' trol of teenagers and urge them Executive Committee, have is to be home at a reasonable j sued an invitation to all civic time. - . iclub presidents, churches and The idea for the headlight pan was developed by the Truckers Association, and the public is urged to join in thej movement to help make the, coming Labor Day week-end free from as many accidents as humanly possible. Fire Chief Gives Rotary Program . Elliott, Hertford fire chief, presented a program on fire fighting at a meeting of the Rotary - Club Tuesday evening. Prior to showing a film on a disastrous fire which,' struck in Kansas City in 1959, ' the fire chief pointed cut fires cause a huge loss in lives every year and cautioned the Rotarians , to be fully aware to . dangerous 'fire conditions. He reported rec ords 'reveal there is a fire call every two minutes somewhere ( in the nation. . Guests of , the;, club meeting this week - were Bill Twiford,' new associate with Swindell Funeral Home, Mr. Ruskin and Charlie Schneer of Don Juan j .Summer vacation comes to an . end for some 2,300 Perquimans j County school children today, . according to J. T. biggers, sup erintendent of schools, who an- I nounced the new 1961-62 term ' n . ... .... officially opens with a half dav " ' which policies for the year, with emphasis on oualitv education were stressed and the suneiin- tendent discussed five steps to improving educational facilities in 'the county schoolsl. Jn additjon tQ maintaini the best e educational stand. ard Mr , asQ 6inted Qut to the teachers a need for increased blic relMons. nnd said: "We must interpret our schools to the parents and the general public not by sidewalk gossip but by a planned public said by some of our most ardent and intelligent school patrons ' tu nf tkn imuti. tiiai. UIIC JL Hit UIWOV 11 ipiv W I V .. ways we could improve "our, i t u u st iiluis wuui u uc i. uc criiii ii'iia- !tion of confidential information spreaa Dy loose win jii me beauty parlors, filling stations, drug stores, bridge parties and sidewalk stands. Confidential information given to the wrong person may seriously injure the effectiveness of teacher-pupil re lationship, thus injuring the quality of instruction." 1 I I 411 i 1U Meeting Called To Determine Future Of Rec Center A meeting to determine the future use of the Perquimans County recreation lot bas been called by the - Executive Com mittee of the recreational or ganization to be held Thursday night, September 7, at 7:30 o'clock in the. Agriculture Build ing in Hertford. Mrs. T. P. Brinn and Robert 'other organizations throughout ( the county urging them to attend this important meeting. John Beers, president of the Hertford Jaycees, also points out I his organization needs assistance if the recreational program is to survive locally. He urges a full attendance at the meeting to de termine public interest in the (maintenance of this proect. I Recently the recreational cen- tm kne kanN i lion Anltr trr fn iriiviHnl nartips thP remilarlw sponsored ; programs conducted for the youth of the county by the recreational committee was suspended for,, the., summer months. ,i . I , - -o C. C. Ranks Opens New Retail Firm C. C. Banks, formerly associ ated with Milton Dail & Son, has announced the . opening .of Hertford Farmers Exchange here handling the sale of fertilizer, feed and "seed. " He will also buv seed cotton, and peanuts. The new firm will be located in the Reed Oil Company ware-

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