I 1 1 IN n 7.4. - MAMS WEEKLY UK . Vclume XXVIII. Number 37. Hertford ..Board onto lousing Plan I Hertford's Town:, Board voted i Monday: pight ' to participate "in ! .the federal housing nroeram fori ; uiu wuun unity, . now uvaiiauie I ...through a federal program, as " ; outlined to the Board last month at a meeting at Which1 time George Javo, y representing an . engineering firrh in Atlanta, Ga.,1 f "explained the action needed to r 'e taken by the' Town Board: ' 'Apr : participation in the slum-j , . Rearing . program. . j 1 The plans were adopted to vwceea ana nave Deen sen; iof tht ; State applying for a Char- for the Housinff Authority. he' Board appointed a 5-man 'Hartford Housing Authority and deignated Henry C. Stokes, Jr., ; to 1 five-year term as chairman. krving with him will be, John ye .ttlholas J, Pappai; chief en- ginek i representing George N.' nil Itnir nun a 'A I na r.D a fir that has done many pro jects an the Southeast was on hand to .'- discuss the : matter. FoBovSing ' the; adopting of the project Mr. Pappas held an im mediate session to' 'begin their first : steps of ' organization. A. iTurnage, Jr., District' Sanitation Engineer rwith the VWummob kmqw r ive . Some: half-million Amegjcuuis trs staff of both Distcict?, Each Bonds&ught between JuiefUKJf their District Night 'Rally by and Ja jiuaiV " 1957 are ;rh , for- a their respective, cou'njBes, cetfrd mce surprise one that: willing to' Raymond Collier of Al- bring; xtrai money into thejr pocketsf ? . HX R. H. ", C Riddick, . volunteer savingsfbonda chairman for Per- quimanf County, calls, attention to a recent change, in treasury regulations, permitting owners of tnese maturing H "ponds to Wft-' Troop 155, ? sponsored ' by " the tinue holding them for an- ad-' Hertford Lions Club with Mar ditionalf 10 years .' at a higheri vin '.Simpson Scoutmaster; Pack rate or imeresi a siraigni a i per cent annually. , ' Mr. Riddick points out tlat At. . T V i 1 .- : 11 .. c ; issued to Pay on average of 3 k per cent annually for the nine . !-' year. , eight-month lrfe of the bond. '' -In 1959, this rate was increased so as to bring the final yields - to maturity up to a range1 of 3.12 per' cent to 3.36 per "cent.1 ' Under new: -regula-tions, these .particular bonds, the - first of which matures in' Feb ruary 1962, will return in semi ... . annual interest "checks a straight 3 per cent interest 'dilring the extension period. 1- Holders' 'of these. Series H Savings Bonds will be notified l by the Treasury of the extension Continued o& Pajfe Thi . i ' ASC Community Committee Elected.In Perquimans County jResults. of the ,electjon of ASC 'community ' committeemen for Perquimans. ;' Cpunty were re " leased today by L. L. Lane, chairman of the County Agri cujtural $abilizaatipnt and Con servation Committee. ' feirmers elected to ' the com miCee include: ' i r- E-:lvidere community, , chair main ? Estes ' Cppelalnd; ..vice chairman, C. T. Rogerson, Jr.; reg'ldr, imember. Emerson R. Asbell; first "alternate, Willard Copland and second alternate, Rud'lph Perry.. . Ecthel community, chairman, V.'ili;ssn Stallmgs; vice chair ran, John .Corprew; regular meirjber, J. B. Perry; first alter nates Dan Eerry and: second al ternr';, Xd-r Long. rd cci.imunity, chair man, Jack r,-i. n; ve c V-irmnn r , mem-f-st al- ; f: cond r Lr Public .x j ZZ Guest Preacher . Flexon .will- be the guest eywgelist at . series .of S ur kSS 1 ' yw.v.. Roundup Program Started By Scouts Scouts, Cubs and Explorers of Perquimans : County in the Al bemarle and Coastal Districts of the Tidewater 7. Council," Boy Scouts oft America can qualify for a three-colored - patch for I roundup of 'one new boy. Each member of the Pack, Troop and Post by recruiting one addition al: new boy before November 30, I will receive this ; award from ' his Cubmaster or, Scoutmaster. ., - The " Roundup1 y Awards 'Svare presen ted 1 by the ;,Commissi"oh- .Toemarle ' ; District " and - Joseph Davis of Coastal. : .. I lieaders of the Boy . Scouts in Perquimans; County are Pack . 155; sponsored by the Hertford Grammar School PTA PTA ; wifh Dur. wood Bjeect -:Jr.r r' Cubmaster; 141 and Troop 141, sponsored by the King Street '. Elementary School PTA with G.. Wilson Fel- ton 4 Cubmaster : and Purcell Skinner Scoutmaster; Pack 510, sponsored by '. the Perquimans County Central Grammar School PTA and Post 155 will be re organized, according 'to ' Gene Trautwein, District Scout Execu live of Perquimans County. The program of v Boy Scouts of jAmenca 1 is divided into three phases,, Cubs, ages. 8-10; ; Scouts, ags 11-13, and -EvXplorers, ages 14 and in the 9th grade to 18. MASONS r6 . MEET, r ' ., Perquimans Lodge No. 106, A. A. & A. M., .will "meet Tuesday night at 8 o'clock,.- " ' man, Selden , Rountree; vice chairman, Quincy Riddick.) regu lar, members, Elisha S. Winslow; first alternate, Joseph H. Stal Iings, Jr., : and second alternate, Johnnie Stallings. ' . Parkville community;', chair man, RaymoncU Stanton;.., vice chairman, Claud Williams; 4 regu lar members, J. A. Bray; first alternate, Wallace H. , Morgan and second alternate, George W. Baker. , ! TlJe ASC community .commit tee chairman and vice chairman automatically become the dele gate and alternate delegate, re spectively, . to . the county con vention wnere the county ASC committee will be elected. The county convention will be held at the Agricultural Building in Hertford on September 21, 1961. .The county and : community ASC farmer-committees are in charge of local administration of such national farm programs as the Agricultural ConprvEtion . .v--ram, the Feed Grain Fro- i:yn, the Coiu'ji v!.;,n 1-.i-ve -in, t' s r ''opal T.'ool " r r-. - ti, 1 ? i Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, JYiday, September 15, 1961. InDistfcrtbOf Allocation of $7,356,135.97 in Powell Bill funds to 415 partici pating municipalities was . " nounced Friday by the State Highway Department - The funu. are - distributed ; annually : s to qiialilfied cities : and-' towns ; for use " in ' non-highway ;p system street ;work within their corpor ate limits. Checks will be mail ed from Raleigh the atter part of this month in brdei that they will Teach municipalities by Oe tober 1. . ' The total allocation this year represents an increase over 106& of;: $337,234.25, , but in the case of : approximately 60 of the participating municipalities, this year's allocation - will be less than the 1960 allocation. . l This is brought about by the fact that a ; new, ; municipality population base is ? being used lot the first time.?- The Powell Bill -statute calls - for the use of the latest certified , federal de cennial census figure.' -The 1960 census k figures were -certified during last winter and were used in- figuring this year's alloca tion. Previously, from the be ginning, of the; Powell Bill in 1951 through last year, Ahe 1950 census figures were used, The i0year population growth of V participating municipalities has averaged 25.3. Where a municipality's : growth has not equaled ; 25.3, : the - population factor may very well cause a decrease , in Powell Bill alloca tion. Some (Of the larger - mu nicipalities i have ' Z experienced population increases greater than 25.3 ,f , consequently i received more money this year. ! ' 5 ; The Highway Department : last year x notified municipal oni cials that ;they inight " experience " Continued en Page Six llsnicasuj lansd in Commander .W.' H, Hardcastle, J., U. S. Navy, son of Mrs; Wf H. Hardcastle and the late Mr. Hardcastle, has- - been ; selected as Captain In the U. S. Navy, i Captain Hardcastle graduated from Perquimans County High School - in 1 1937. " He attended Severn School, and N. .C. State College. He graduated from the U. S. Naval Academy in 1942. Captain Hardcastle served dur ing World j War H and in ' the Korean Conflict, i In 1953 he graduated from Harvard . Busi ness School with .-a Master's Degren. in Business Administra tion. , ; t 1 ' 1 1 , He has f commanded three ships, USS Tanager, USS Ely son and USS R. L,' Wilson. He served as executive assistant to I the chief of staff, commander in chief Pacific's Joint Staff (1954 1957) and . is presently assigned to the Bureau of Naval Person nel, Washington, D. C. OoErdOfEi-cation lnSpcidf.!:3ting . The Perquimans County Board of Education met ' ih a special session last Wednesday for the purpose of informing the com missioners concerning future plans for lights -at the Negro Perquimans union Schooly ath letic field at Winfall. A (ntion' was made and pass ed granting permission to the Perquimans -Union School to use the Perquimans High School athletic field for its home games during the 1961 football season. Rules ' and regulations - concern ing, the use 'of the field' to be explained by Superintendent J. T. Biggers. , ' . ' X The . Board - reaffirmed its policy that no scheduled i ajh-; Ietic game shall be played on a night preceding a school day.' - Superintendent Elg-ers , . re viewed the audit ' report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1961 and a copy of the report was presented to the chairman. - , : The . .Board - approved a 're quest) from the Hertford Rotary Cl-b to install r t rooms at the f ' ' ' . ' " f-TP'T ' a ! Cants Navy NO BASE-BURNER THIS N. Whitney Mathews, left, and Paul Butler look at a model of the far-ranging Explorer XII. The 83-pound, spacecraft has sent back more infor mation about radiation hazards in space than any other . satellite. They "explored" (he Explorer in Washington, D.C. Probable Found On Charge Breaking - Entering Probable cause was found at preliminary hearing . in Per quimans Recorder's Court Tues day in the ! case of Leon Arm strong, , Negro, age 19, charged with breaking' and entering and with . larceny; ' Armstrong was, ordered bound over; for action by the Grand ( Jury and bond was fixed at $1,000 by Judge Charles E. Johnson t . Arming , pled iitytWLS the, charge" of 'entering: the "home of Ralph , Layden, Route 3, Hertford, on a Sunday morning and taking about $2.00 in money and also admitted entering the farmyard and;.taking gasoline from, a farm tank on the Lay den farm. .Sheriff, J, : Kelly.Sghite- alVest-- ed Armstrong on the -Charges on Tuesday, September 9. No probable cause was found in the cases charging :: Lemuel Boone and Delroy Riddick, both Negroes' of Belvidere Township with rape. The warrant charging the men' with the crime was drawn by Geraldine Perry, Negro, on August 10. Ponce DeLeon Allen, ' charged with driving on the left side of the street, was taxed with court costs. . r . .; " Joseph Morgan Winters, who was charged with speeding, was fined $10.25 and court, costs. V Charles Nickels Mohorn and Francis Patrick McDonald, both charged with speeding, wer? each fined $9,25 and taxed with' court costs. Kenneth Ray Layden, charg ed with speeding, was . fined $20.25 and. court costs. ' Richard pudley Newman, Jr., charged with speeiinp twas fined $10.25 and court costs. Louise ! Frances Spradlin, charged with operating an auto mobile without; operator's u (Continued on Page Four) ; . , J :' '"" ParkvilW Plans i'Meet The Doctor'1 .i Parkville Community and 'the town- of Winfall are having a "Meet Te Doctor" at , the Com munity. House , in Winfall on Monday night, September" 18 from 7:00 to .7:00 P. M. , Dr. Robert L. Poston and. his family have "moved to Winfall and will 6pen his practice with in the next few days' Many of his neighbors believe that this would be . wonderful oppor tunity' to welcome the Poston family Into i our community, as wfe all know how. much young people; especially doctors, mean to a . community. Perquimans County and - especialy -the; town of ; Winf all feels very - fortunate in having the doctor set up practice in the town. ' Refreshments sponsored by lo cal citizens and served by J the Home Demonstration Club Winfall will be served through out the two hours: . It Is hop ed that everyone hi Perquimans C.-"-'y vCl muUe an e'5ort to, 1 t' 1 i 1 Cause Is Nixon Finishes , Apprentice School Roger Martin Nixon, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Malcolm Nixon of Star Route, Winf all, , has recent ly completed Apprentice School training at the Apprentice School Newport News- Ship building & Dry Dock Company. a Mold Lofsman, on September 8, 1961. 'He entered the train ing on September 5, 1957. While . training as a Mold Lofsman ' at the school, Nixon served on the- Student Board of 'Directors for the" year 1959-60. Mrs. Myrle . Swicegood, . Dis trict Home Economics Agent, spoke at the Home Demonstra tion County Council meeting on September 6, at the Agricultural Building. ' She commended ,the Perquimans County women on the fine leadership they had contributed to the County, Dis trict,', and ', State. She pointed out how. important it is for ev ery individual to do his part "Once we learn something, it is our job to teach others," she said. She concluded her talk by " saying "We are Americans- The word American ends in two words 'I Can'." The meeting was opened by Mns. Warner' Madre, County Council President, "Onward, Ever .Onward," the Home Dem onstration : Song was led by Mrs. Fred Mathews, County Mu sic Deader. Mrs. Joseph Lay den from the Beech Springs Club jjaye.the devotional. ; Mrs. Madre urged all clubs to select outstanding leaders and that applications most be in- by October -1. ? ' "; Mrs. Vernon Harrell, co-chairman with Mrs. Jack Benton on the Farm Festival Committee, reported' on the plans f or ", the Farm Festival October 6. She asked, to Jhe cooperation of the clubs ' and "members in this event. . .. All club booth titles most be turned in by Septem ber 15 to her or Mrs. Benton. Booths will be located in the old Post Office and individual exhibits , In , Broughton's Build ing. 'She announced-that check ing fi time for individual ex hibits' isi 3:00-5:00 P. M., .Thurs day, .October 5 and checking bu time 9:00-11:00 A., M., October 7 : at the ! Broughton Store. K . - Thet 1961 Fall Achievement Day . was set - for November 1J Miss Virginia Wilson . will be asked to give a demonstration on Teas and. Receptions at this time. . Hostesn clubs are' Balla hack," chairman," Beech Springs, Bethel, Helen Gaither and Bur- gesj, The . planning ' meeting will, be r-otember 14. HD County Council f- lcr-iEj Central Grammar School Selected Library Program Perquimans County Central Grammar. School -has been chos en as one of the 800 elementary schools throughout the United States to participate in ' the Traveling Elementary School Li brary Science Program during the year 1961-62. This program is sponsored by the American Association for Advancement of Science. This program is designed for the academically talented and gifted students in the school." At the same time it will be an in valuable source of information for all- elementary children who are scientifically minded. Preference was given to those schools who have their own cen tral libraries in charge of a full time librarian, and those schools that are offering special in struction for academically tal ented students. Perquimans County Central Grammar School students and teachers are indeed fortunate to be chosen to participate in this important -and timely pro gram. The Morgan-Winslow Mem (orial Library of the Perquim ans County Central Grammar School was .dedicated to two of odr - most devoted teachers and community leaders. New books have been added to the memorial- shelf in the library in memory of Miss Margaret White, John Symons, Miss Rachel Spi vey, Miss Mildred Reed and Will Dail. The library is one of the most used and enjoyed depart ments of the school. During the school year 1960-61 the library consisted of 1,621 books, of which 237 new books were add ed. The total Circulation of books for the year was 21,747. Evfcny.withthislargai (Circulation cnty' w,q books were lost and three discarded during the en tire year, which is an outstand ing rcioz,d for elementary child ren. T AH new books are processed by the school librarian who also sees minor mending and repair ing. Book like friends, should be few and well chosen. Like friends, too, we should return to them again and again for, like' true friends, they will never fail us and never cease to in struct. Next to ' acquiring . good friends, the best acquisition is that of good books. Matthews Funeral Conducted Sunday Mrs. Amanda Hobbs Matthews; 80,' died Friday afternoon at 4:55 while enroute to the Chowan Hospital after having suffered a heart attack earlier. A native of Gates County, she had lived in Hertford for 65 years. She was the Widow of Simon Peter Matthews, the daughter of the late Billy and Mrs. Sally Hobbs and a member of the -Hertford Baptist Church. Surviving are four sons, Alton Matthews of Norfolk, Wendell Matthews of Elizabeth City, Fred T. Matthews and Glenn R. Mat thews, both of Hertford; eight grandchildren and 13 great, grandchildren. A funeral service was held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 in the chapel of the Swindell Funeral Home by the Rev. Norman' Har ris, pastor, of ,the Hertford Bap tist Church." ' i The : Men's - Chorus of the church sang "In '. the Garden" and R. S." Mohds sang "Prayer Perfect." They were accom panied by Mrs. J. Ellie White, organist. ; ; . . The casket was covered with a pall of orchid mums and Eas ter lilief ' ...... Pallbearers, . grandsons of Mrs, Matthews,; were Paul Mat thews, Bobby- Matthews, Tommy Matthews,' Pete j Matthews, Wen dy Matthews and Donald , Mat thews. ' " Interment . was in Cedarwood Cemetery, v ... . BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Reed. of Raleigh announce the birth of a second son, Garland Gray, born Friday, September 8, " in Raleigh. ' . Indians Drop First Game To Jackets Play Central Next New Hope Store Robbed Sunday ' , I day night with the Elizabeth Rob Turner's store on the city Yellow Jackets winning New Hope Road, some six miles ,c R lVs , t u . j . , . 25-6 m the season opener for from Hertford, was entered and , , robbed Sunday night. Missing both teams' were eight cartons of cigarettes,1 Elizabeth City's Yeilow Jack-' a box of N cigars and some $25 ets used explosive runs to whip in silver, taken from the cash Perquimans Indians. Thex In citer Pennies were found dians were -btanked until the scattered about on the floor of , , , the store. j final period when Frank Mc- According to information, en-'Goean scored from the six, cli try was gained bv unscrpwine maxinS a 42-yard drive that bolts and prying iron bars out of the northwest window of the store. Revival Service Starts Thursday At Bagley Swamp Dr. R. G. Flexon will begin, a special series of meetings at the; Bagley Swamp Pilgrim Church 1 September 21 at 7.30 P. M. The Hon, . milieu WIIIMOW, Oiaie ! Senator of the First District, will be present to welcome him j to Eastern North Carolina and 'to wish him a successful cam jpaign while here. I Dr. Flexon is the general sup- erintendent of the Pilgrim Church throughout the world its headquarters being in Indiana I polls, Indiana. The Pilgrim j Church has many congregations uirougnoui me united states ana in 24 different foreign countries of the wdrld. His messages each .night will be Scriptural an3 from experi ence which has been well tested and tried. His life's ministry has been pastoral Work, college president .and instructor, district superintendent, secretary of for eign missions, counselor and now the head of . the Pilgrim Church which is known for up holding the Wesleyan doctrines. His ministry has been through out the world to the thousands in conferences and conventions and to the few in native kraals of the remote areas of Africa and other mission fields of the world including the jungles of South America. He has been known wherever his ministry has taken him .as a man that deeply loves the souls of men and is inter ested in helping one and all in these troubulous times to know Jesus Christ, the only One that can bring rest and peace to the hearts of men. The services which will be held for 11 nights, will also be blessed with the Gospel singing proposal to change the designa of the Unroe Sisters Trio of) tion of U. S. 17 to U. S. 5 move Irongate, Virginia. To hear ) ment in all states to have the these Gospel workers , in song route number changed to U. S. and in message will cause you to j 5. The proposed change would want -to attend every service, be effective from Canada to The public is cordially invited. : Florida. Coston Elected Vice President Area Development Association John D. Coston of Hertford, manager of Albemarle Electric Membership Corporation here, was elected first vice president of the Albemarle Area Develop ment Association at the kick off meeting held in Elizabeth City last Friday night at which time nine counties of Northeast ern North Carolina organized, in to the Albemarle Area Develop ment Association. : The purpose of the organization is to -inaugurate the promdtion of indus try, agriculture, travel and rec reation and community develop ment in nine northeastern coun ties. "The counties are Perquim ans, Pasquotank, Currituck, Cam den,, Dare, Tyrrel Washington, Hyde and Chowan. - ". William C; GlidewelV Jr., vice president of Wachovia Bank in Elizabeth ' City was ' elected president. , Elected to . serve) With Glidewell, chairman of the planning committee, were J. D. Coston of Perquimans, first vice president; - E. E. - Harwell of Washington, second vice presi dent, and H. R. Linkous of Pas' quotank, secretary-treasurer. ' Chosen, chairmen of the asso ciation's four divisions were In dustry, A. W. Mills of Perquim 5 Cents Per CopyJ I The Perquimans Indians open ed the 1961 gridiron season Fri- Pened with an intercepted PasS- Shortest scoring play for the Yellow Jackets was a 14-yard run by Quarterback Jim Epley for his second TD of the night. He scored earlier in the third quarter on a 78-yard punt re turn. Halfback Ronnie Dail got the Jackets' offense rolling with a 91-yard sprint around his own right end in the second period. He dashed 25 on the same nlav for the first TD in the second half. Elizabeth cily . 0 6 13 625 Perquimans ,0 p 0 6- 6 Tho TnHiamT nlav I from home in this when they meet Central, Hertford Scouts To Conduct Sale pitizens of Hertford will have a convenient opportunity to shop right at their own door and also to encourage the Boy Scouts of Troop 155, according to an an- . nouncement by Scoutmaster j Marvin Simpson. As a project , for the Scouts' financial cam paign, the boys will visit homes in Hertford to offer for sale such paper products as Kleenex, bath room tissue and paper towels between the hours of 9 and 12 noon on Saturday, September 1G. The local Boy Scouts have already gained experience as. salesmen several months ago when the troop sold and deliv ered barbecue plates in many of the homes of Hertford. On be half of the troop, Mr. Simpson expressed his appreciation for I this support in the previous fi- jUHinCIctt lclllljcllgll, clliu Ulgcu 111c people of Hertford to cooperate in the coming project. Hertford Board Backs Change For U. S. 17 The Hertford Town Board passed a resolution favoring a ans; Agriculture, B. L. Gibbs of Hyde; Travel and Recreation, . Mrs. Lucille Winslow of Per quimans and Dare, and Com munity Development, George Lewis of Chowan.' , Voit Gilmore, director of the United States Travel Service , from Southern Pines, a past president of the Sand Hills Area Development Association, and the North Carolina Travel Coun cil, was the guest speaker for the meeting. Organization of the Albemarle Area Development Association is the tenth such area group or- . ganized in -the 'State, With 79Q of the 100 counties now involv ed. Plans toward forming the Albemarle Area Development Association Were begun at a meeting of 100 . delegates last May. . Ten, Counties were rep- resented on the ; planning com mittee, Gates County being one of the ten. V However , Gates withdrew but can join later if it desires. - ' ,. The association will be char tered as ' non-profit organi zation with membership avail able to alt . persons , residing m the ' counties comprising the : Conilni cilo) ft"

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